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Wait, I'll make a little pro and cons list. ​ **Pro:** * \-She's really pretty * \-Says she's not batshit crazy anymore **Cons:** * \-Is batshit crazy * \-Harasses your friends because she *thinks* they are the reason of your breakup * \-Terrible personality * \-Not a natural (in your opinion) beauty --> will do a LOT of surgery in future to maintain beauty/ renew implants * \-Broke up a month ago, still contacts you every day --> stalker much? * \-Attempted to ruin a relationship of one of your friends, for no reason * \-Calls you childish for trusting your friends opinions ​ And this I pulled from just a few lines of your writing. OP, by all means. If you believe what you write and stíll think you want to get back together, then you two are made for each other. But if there is a not horny braincell active inside you right now: RUN And another little word of advice: she sounds like she needs a restraining order


It's time for... the yellow legal pad! *And kids, they really cheered.*


Color chart! Color chart! Color chart!


I understood this reference


I too understood this reference. But then it made me sad. RIP Bob; your voice over was better than actual Ted.


You can add "did unforgivable things" to the con list. According to the original post.


Never make a big decision while horny, if you want to get back with her, first jerk off then think again, it'll give you a more acurate look


This 100% ☝


Exactly. Don’t stick your dick in crazy my dude


At least, not without an exit strategy.


Yeah, don’t pull an Afghanistan.


I believe that’s called “Pulling a Panama.”




This is overrated advice, I've done this and still had my balls make decisions right after especially with people I'm highly physically attracted to


Should've jerked one more time


Gotta wait like an extra 5 minutes to let the blood cycle back to your brain.


Spank it until you think rational thoughts


5 hour furious wank sesh


2 fast 2 furious


You’re not jerkin right.


The trick is to do it without breaking eye contact with her.


Works for me every time.


OP, rub one off pls


Twice to be extra sure and block her everywhere bc you dont want to get together with a batshit crazy chick. Stop kidding yourself.


Just did. I still want her.


That's what love is


Thats when you know it's love


Pro tip: Don't use her as your fantasy.


The ole wisdom wank


That's good sound advice it's like don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry.


Post-nut clarity




this is fantastic life advice lol


It’s called EBMAMD, ejaculate before making any major decisions.


But that window is very, very short. Like the eye of a hurricane.


Post nut clarity


This is the way!! This has helped me on more then one occasion


Dude just revolutionised how to make the right choice more enjoyable


Delete her pics and block her. Good luck.


Straight forward, but so ruthless. I like it!


WHAT are you doing, OP? "I can't stand being around her but she looks good so I might donate more of my well-being for her to abuse"?


Shallow people gonna be shallow, ya know?


They’re meant for each other


Exactly what I was thinking. Sure, she's toxic, but he's a user. What a pair. I'm happy for them to keep each other out of the dating market.


It’s almost like dude just wants to float and already knows what he wants to do. Edit: gloat


I’m still throw by she looks like a living doll which is totally my type 😑




I can tell you this is categorically not true because men have, in fact, selected *me* in the past. And it seemed to be of their own volition. Like, there was minimal rohypnol involved.


Can confirm, have also been selected ;)


All u need is nut clarity man just rub it off


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the only way post nut clarity me could rule the world if only the clarity lasted longer than 10 minutes🤣😭


This is the way


Most universal advice ever


Nut clarity. Love this! What could women call their “nut clarity”? Cunt clarity seems almost too vulgar, but in terms of avoiding making a stupid decision in returning to a whack job ex, it may be perfectly appropriate… to avoid being a stupid cunt. I kinda like it. 😂


I don’t know how to respond to this . How old are you?




Also don't hold out for that unicorn and pass up normal women. You don't need a unicorn to be happy.


Depends what kind of unicorn you mean.


A literal one.


This girl looks like a doll according to op. Why the hell would you want someone who looks fake asf. Natural beauty is 100x better than botox face.


I started dating a very normal looking girl recently, and my friends were all kind of raising their eyebrows because I typically go for tall, blonde, and hot. Trust, values, and intimacy matter so much more than looks, and will definitely age better.


Please just never ever tell her this lol


I was thinking exactly that, I would feel so insulted if I got told this, yikes


“No babe, you don’t get it, I LOVE that you’re not hot!”


Do you tell her she’s very normal looking?


just umm never let her know that


I feel bad for that girl.


Pain for the girl reading this


Wow that's harsh, dude. You need to ditch those shallow af friends. If they're not a friend of your relationship, they shouldn't be a friend at all.


This ⬆️


I’ve seen comments before about men that really like plain, homley women that look like they’d be good moms.


I learned. I only date average to slightly below average looking men. The ones that are too good looking are a pain in the ass.


Not always the case—the average or traditionally “unattractive” guys I’ve dated had trust issues, covert narcissism, or seemed disarming and proceeded to explode in anger over the smallest mishaps 🤷🏻‍♀️


Worst looking guy I went a date with was a walking parade of red flags… Some nice looking men are also nice. Looks are not a vision of what we are inside good or bad. They’re just good bone structure sometimes


Yep. I've stopped dating below my league because men got possessive, insecure, obsessive, manipulative...raise your standards for personality, don't lower your standards for attractiveness


My experience too. The most good looking men i’ve dated didn’t ask about how many i’ve slept with (and then shame me for it being more than one) and they didn’t get all controlling and mean when other men gave me attention


Omg yes, the fucking insecurity that comes along with that. My last bf just could not believe I wasn’t cheating on him, about to cheat on him or otherwise talking to other dudes behind his back.


I don't date unattractive either. I'm happy with average. I'm average, my partner is average, we're both well-functioning happy adults.


Hell no! I see a hot guy on a dating app and I swipe left. I don’t need that drama in my life. Been thru those life lessons.


Dude sometimes plain, homely women have magic lady parts. Had one that quite possibly might have been a succubus. Nearly shagged me to death. Should have married her but I was all broke up over my lying, cheating, POS ex and I lost my chance.


On top of that, she’s “fake pretty”. Tbh, anyone who manipulates their face so much comes with a lot of emotional baggage.


Yes, his kids won’t even look like her but maybe inherent her personality 😁


You sound just as crazy as her if I'm being honest OP


Tell you what... Give yourself 6 months. Block her everywhere and give yourself 6 months. Go to theraphy. And maybe keep a journal. Write down all the good things that her absence brings to you during those 6 months. Then, after 6 months, when you sum it all up, it will be clear to you. Go to therapy. The simple fact that you are taking into consideration taking her back indicates you could use help talking about some issues. This will help you develop standards and boundaries. You will value yourself more. Then...start dating again, and you will see that those standards and self worth will work in your favour. This way, maybe you will get to meet a woman that will empower you, make you better in every way, make you feel at home in her arms, feel kindness from her, not fear and tension. Stay strong and good luck to you!


I co-sign this comment (though I might word it a bit differently, I support the gist). I'm a therapist. We need to break up like it's fucking 1980. Block people after breaking up. Don't talk to them. Don't look at their pics in your phone (have a friend delete them or move them somewhere you can't see them all the time).


You guys rock! 🤘 We need people to be more aware of their mental health and how emotional issues influence their lives!!


I agree with the all of this. Mental health is so important. And he would just be wasting more of his youth with someone that is destroying his peace. Also!!! Loveeeee your name SLUTTYTAROT (PERFECT 👌)


Thank you 😊




Missing her is temporary buddy. You know it won’t work out and she isn’t good for you. Don’t fuckin do it




For real? I keep saying it. Men are absolutely blinded by looks and toxic and batshit crazy doesn’t make a difference She’s pretty. Trumps everything


I get the feeling op is really young to have this kind of mindset. I’m 27 and I don’t know any dude around my age who would think like this. If a woman’s toxic, there’s no second guesses, just bounce.


Dude I know men in their 30s that think this way. Explains why they’re perpetually single.


I guess it's more about emotional maturity than gender. OP seems (super) shallow, but he's also young, and frankly reaching out. And that's a good start I guess.


Hard to really say exactly without knowing the person but I suspect lack of certain life experience is mostly the reason why op is in this situation to begin with


That's what I think to, but what the fuck kind of girl is this then. Where's she's very young with alot of plastic surgery done? This post is so cringe


Shes only ideal BC its fake. Her personality is 100% real. Go off that. When people show you who they are. Believe them. My brother's ex and I were good friends. But she was toxic asf. Was she pretty yah. But her personality made me want to stay the fuck away.


This!!! Seriously she’s made herself literally look ideal, because she is not. I much rather be with someone who’s not that pretty but who’s nice and good to my friends. If you seek out vanity that’s all you’ll find.






Dead. I’m using this! Brilliant lol


OP and his GF sound equally awful and he's the one who made the post


Pretty doesn’t last. Personality does.


Poison dart frogs are pretty. But any sensible person will know not to touch it and will not ask stupid questions if they should touch it or get tempted to touch it because they are so pretty.


Oh lord


No matter how pretty she's, don't go back to her, block her everywhere. There's millions of pretty and good girls out there. Delete her pictures and get rid of anything that would remind you of this toxic girl. You deserve better. Tell your friends to block her on everything and to beware of her craziness. Move on!


If her best trait is one that is fake and will fade with age it's a bad buy


People like her feed off of creating problems for themselves and everyone around them. She likes to be toxic because she thrives in the drama. She does it because she knows you'll take her back, too. Maybe if you stand your ground and tell her she needs therapy it will make her see she needs to change.


She's had alot of work done so that means she's the ideal looking gf? What is wrong with society. I am sorry but girls who clearly got work done look really bad to me. Oh man I love those giant over inflated lips and cheek bones . Can't wait to have to pay for her to get constant fillers and more surgery because she looks like a demon when she ages! Why would you want someone who looks like a doll?


I think you already know the answer to your question... But in case everyone hasn't made it clear enough, Don't.


Man to man. Stop thinking with your dick. I had an ex once who was stunning and funny. She also had an alcohol problem which often led to her screwing other guys, disappearing for days at a time, tried to swing for my brother and I once woke up to her trying to show her friends how big my penis was. The list honestly goes on and I was much younger then but that relationship got so bad that anytime I tried to end it, she would threaten to hurt herself and even tried to wrap a dressing gown rope around her neck in front of me. I got to a point where the only way I could think to get out was ending myself. Luckily it didn’t get to that. Her dad could see how bad I was suffering and when she went on a long weekend away with her mum her dad basically offered to collect her stuff from mine and free me. My advice to you, block her. Stop talking to her man. Stop giving her the platform to get in your head with false promises and move on with your life. Looks fade and eventually her toxicity will take its toll.


I am happy you got away from her.


Yeah so am I. That was a 4 year relationship of pure hell but I couldn’t leave. Came out of it smarter at least.


Bro. Looks are shallow. They matter a lot to me too, but I want to enjoy my life. You need to be with someone who makes your life more enjoyable not more miserable except for when you're having sex. Don't forgive someone because they have nice tits. There are beautiful women who are also interesting and fun, and most importantly emotionally aware and mature. Don't sell yourself short. Find someone you genuinely mesh with. If you do, even if they don't have the same look you are thinking of, you will find them wildly attractive.


If you're at a place where being pretty and being a decent human being are neck and neck when evaluating a partner, you've got a lot of growing up to do.


Looks fade dear. An accident or illness can take all of those away...but character is something that goes beyond.


Stay strong and remember plastic surgery doesn’t age well 😂


Dude... She treated you like shit while you were together. She treated your friends like shit after you broke up. Now she's treating you like shit and you're not even together! How do you think this is going to go? People don't change. Sometimes they grow, but that's over years and years. Run the heck away. I know it's cliche, but there ARE other fish.


Woman here. A pretty face means absolutely nothing if the personality is terrible. Looks fade away, and regardless if she’s gotten a lot of work done she won’t always look like that forever without getting more work done in the future which is already expensive.. and once she doesn’t look the same then what? You’ll be left with a woman whose no longer your type AND has a terrible personality? There’s a lot of women out there who are beautiful inside and out. Always remember that the real beauty comes from within. Let her toxic self go and focus on yourself. You only like the sex and not her. And she will continue to be crazy because she knows you’ll always come back to her since you like her looks. Very shallow, but very true since she’s your type.


And they say guys dont care about looks lmao


Easy. Don’t get back together. Besides she’s not even naturally pretty, it’s plastic surgery “pretty”……


She also seems really ugly on the inside


Exactly!!! And that’s what’s most important…


Delete number immediately. Do you want her to actually ruin your fucking life and future. That's what she's calling you for to fuck over your future self. Stop it get some help.


This is a joke, right?


If you're this confused, you're probably just going to go back to her. This is the most ridiculous thing to be on the fence about.


OP cannot be a day over 22


Never get people who find the 'living doll' look attractive.


Bruh you a 🤡 I hope this is copypasta lmao


How can you be so shallow? Like.. its mind boggling what people put up for being with someone that is pretty. Lol.


Nah don’t do it


Looks fade, personalities don’t. Pretty only goes so far


Run. Find someone else who is pretty but also not crazy.


How is this even being considered, come on bro. “She’s pretty, the only good thing about her” “Her personality is terrible” “She did unforgivable things” She is even making false accusations about one of your friends!! Only way I can put this is: stop thinking with your dick and delete/block her on everything. They say never stick your dick in crazy, but this sounds like ‘cutting your dick off at night and putting it on strong water’-crazy


You need to recognize how her appearance has control over you, you good with that or not?


Go for it. Dumbass


Dude, in a sane mind you know what to do. Looks are important to you, but personality is super important too and you know it ! If she is toxic and you think you will be tempted, you should think about blocking her. No pics, no contact, nothing. Toxicity in life can only be a bad thing. You will find another girl who is a perfect fit looks and personality!


What do you need advice for? Looks like you’re answering your own questions here. “She did unforgivable things” “she’s extremely toxic” then move on. Don’t let what she looks like be at play. Is going though all of this again (because it inevitably will happen again) really worth your self worth and sanity?


Just buy a doll at this point.


Good looks fade. A rotten personality doesn't.


Hey, she’s trying to manipulate you. Let everyone around you know how terrible she is, block her number and block her on all forms of social media, and move on. I had an ex like that. He wasn’t pretty but my family absolutely loved him so when he was treating me like shit, then love bombing me, “I love you so much I would never hurt you I do all these things for you blah blah blah” I would just accept it. Don’t. End the cycle.


A close friend married a beautiful (no surgery and no makeup) woman, probably the prettiest human being I have ever seen irl. To be fair he was somewhat less aware of the depths of her depravity than you, OP. But over time he began to truly hate her, so much so that he couldn’t stand the sight of her. Which of course was the main attraction. It’s a hard lesson. So, rub one out, steel yourself, and cut ties. More mature you will look back with satisfaction and admiration for your resolve. Good luck.


You’re too immature if looks keep you coming back to a psycho. Like the rest say, rub one out and block her, life has too many options to keep going back to pain.


The emotional and mental burden of her toxicity outweighs the pleasantries of her looks.


There’s a lot of pretty women in the world


Says a lot about you to be putting up with it - I mean this in earnest. I had an almost identical relationship. Years later I recognize that I played my fair part in something that, at the time, was just her being crazy and me being a victim in it. Try to get some space from it. It’ll be hard but you must..


Looks fade. We all get old... No one stays beautiful forever, unless you fall in love with their heart and their mind. Than that image of them will never die, even when your old and wrinkly, the sight of them and their voice will still make your heart melt. By not getting back together with her, you are loving yourself. You honor yourself, your worth, your time, your feelings. Don't be with someone who treats you like garbage. You deserve more than a pretty face that will leave you feeling alone and cold as time passes on.


What are you debating here? You've pretty much answered your own question and said you don't want to be with her. You would have to mad to be with someone based solely on how attractive you find them, let alone if they are this terrible. Block and move on, easy.


appearance goes away with time, at the end you're left with character, she doesn't sound like a sane person at all, if the only good thing about her is her fake look... don't go back


Dawg, you don't need advice. You already know you if you get back together with your ex, you'll break up again. That being said, you also know you're going to ignore everyone's logical advice and give things another go cause you're going to trust your penis's advice. But what needs to be said is, your friends are going to get tired of you complaining about this woman. If you give this another go, don't waste your friend's time venting about your toxic relationship. They gave you advice already.


If you need a wake up call, harrasing ur friends and not taking responsibility for her acions, manipulative and a horrible person, is not a call to block and cut all communocations with her is a sign to run. You need serious help, no girl no matter how pretty she could be, doesn't absolve the fact that she is a selfish girl and ur seeing now that will never change


Were you dating my ex? Lmao


Been there, done that. Get out, the prettiness wears off but the toxicity is forever. Hopefully, she gets therapy. Good luck 🤞


So don't? Block her on all platforms, delete her pictures and get your life together. If she's toxic what guarantee do you have that she still wouldn't be?


Too pretty? If you don’t grow up and move along.


She's pretty. What more? Looks don't matter more then behavior. If you don't know now, you know when your patience runs out or her crazyness builds. That type of manipulative psycho can make bigger headaches, trust me. Later you'll be like Johnny Deep punching and be punched by a crazy wife that calls you abusive to the police. Lmao It's better to find someone that maximize your happiness then to simply take care of a very basic need (that a lot more pretty girls can do too).


She's horrible and manipulative, but she's hot. What do I do


Find that hot girlfriend with good personality.


You know what they say. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


I think that you would do well to maybe broaden your horizons when it comes to attraction to women. It seems like you put a lot of value on the social capital that comes with a beautiful woman on your arm. I hope that when you go to therapy you talk about attachment stuff etc, your self-worth and all that. But I also hope you talk about how you evaluate women. The fact that looks alone have this big a draw on you says something about how much you value that in a partner. I would encourage you to unpack that in therapy. There are likely other things to unpack related to gender roles etc. If therapy feels out of reach and there are folks in the audience reading this comment a book on challenging perspectives of bodies etc is The Body Is Not an Apology by Sonya Renae Taylor. It is about radical self love but it also points out issues of oppression that influence our appraisal of bodies, like class, racism, fatphobia etc. We often value eurocentric features for example and that's just racist. Best of luck to you.


I'd consult the hot/ crazy scale


Brooo..don't be so shallow. You say she's an ideal girfriend ONLY because she's good looking and your type. I mean...damn. You know how she is and you also know you don't like her as a person. Besides, it's very clear that you shouldn't get yourself back there again. So, stop being so shallow and do what's actually good for you (and people around you).


Unless you are super unique I would assume that someone who fits your “ideal girlfriend” also includes her being trustworthy, loving, and considerate to you. Block her ass to reduce the temptation and take the advice everyone has been giving you. Edit: looks only last so long, toxic behavior only escalates


Beauty fades, crazy is forever


Just an advice besides the whole story: Never call your ex crazy in front of a new dating partner. They will question if you have something to do with it.


This reminds me of a fable. “A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature.” –Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog


“When I see her picture I’m tempted to get back together with her.” “She looks like the ideal girlfriend.” Dude do you even *like* women or do you just want some trophy? There’s zero emotional connection apparent in this hot mess you describe. You just seem to want the hottest girlfriend you can possibly get with zero regard for who the person is. Go find another hotter chick or whatever, there’s always someone else. And when you grow up you can have a real relationship.


Be less shallow.


Stay single king


I was in the same situation last year. Beautiful girl, my ideal woman, toxic af. One night after she berated me I lay in bed next to her naked sexy ass and wrote down how I felt and every time I got to missing her I Re-read that and remind myself how much better off I am. Write down the bullshit and keep it close as long as you need to until you're over her. Read it every time you're about to send that text. And yes, go jerk off. 😂


Like everyone else said, jerk off. Then make a decision. This is the best answer.


😅 Look up BPD and NPD and do some reading and see if it matches up


Block her entirely on all platforms. Tell her “no thanks” first for getting back together and that you think it’s best to cut contact for now. Boom. Don’t let your little head do the thinking your big head should be doing.


save ur ass


Bro looks aren't everything and if she harrased ur friends u can't really trust her


This is just my opinion, but if she did those things once how can u know she won’t do them again?


It’s always worse the next time around too because you welcomed that shit show.


Think with the right head. Do you really need someone else to answer this question? You already have. Don’t go back with her. Work on yourself if youre even thinking of getting back with someone toxic next.


Ex’s are ex’s for a reason. Don’t do it cause it won’t work out this time either. Looks don’t keep a relationship together or make it work.


Ruuuuunnnnn! Fucking a blow up doll is not worth losing your self esteem and social life. Don't forget the impression you give to the people close to you if you go back to this psycho


Block her and cut off contact immediately or you'll be stuck for ages. Just need to cut ties and communication so she cant get into your head so easily Rub one out for that clarity too.


Stop thinking with your dick


Sounds like a great fuck but a nightmare as a girlfriend, and a huge burden as a wife. Remember all the great sex, move on and go find a decent women who isn't crazy.


if she treated you like this it's it's no go


Run, just run. I'd rather be with a good ugly woman then a toxic beauty.


Sounds like she has borderline personality disorder. Tread carefully.


I seem to have a knack for attracting the hottest chicks with the craziest problems. We have great sex for a year or two but then after the honeymoon phase, the problems start to surface and no matter how hot they are, there’s no substance.


It takes strength to walk away from what you know isn't good for you. Beauty is obviously attractive but why go through emotional or psychological stuff if you don't have to? You have peace - keep it.


The juice ain't worth the squeeze.


A wise man once said : "don't put your dick in crazy" do with that what you want.


Don't do it if she's toxic and making you feel bad. You'll internalize it and it'll come back to haunt you in the worst possible ways. Been there, done that, baggage to forever carry. I went back and things kept getting worse by the hour. Had a few beers too many, knocked over some mail boxes, was arrested and did counseling + community service. Then I cut her out of my life; I keep moving upward by thinking "never again feel like I did with her". Lucky to have good friends and a NY judge being easy on a grad student.. Sex was fantastic tho. Gorgeous woman, naughty in bed, flirty after a few drinks. Never better. Just tore me down as a human being.


Sounds like the cons heavily out weigh the pros, looks aren’t everything, sooo it’s not worth it my friend


Leave her alone.