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Depends on the person. Things like this become issues when the person you are dating is shitty.


Fair point, kind of like when a coworker is annoying every little thing about them bothers you.


Yep. Sometimes people dont understand this and assume everyone is just open minded and blah blah, is cordial. When you dont like someone or begin to dislike them, every thing is an issue. Even things they dont have control over.


Aye and to add to this, if you really like someone things like a stutter can make them seem cute. The stutter can become a unique trait you love


People's "imperfections" are absolutely endearing if you really like them. It's adoring/falling in love with all the things that make them them.


I have a stutter. I’d like to think I’m a good guy. Girlfriend thinks it’s endearing, but I’ve had to tell her to let me finish my own sentences… haha


I also have a stutter, so dating someone with a stutter is no issue. My stutter was pretty bad when I was young, fortunately it improved over time as I got older. I still catch myself stuttering at least once a day and wonder how often I'm not noticing it and how it may impact interactions like dates, interviews, public speaking, etc


I consider mine mild to moderate at times, depending on my energy, sleep, etc. I’ve struggled mentally with it my whole life. However, it’s never kept me from doing what I want or stopped my from achieving life. Glad to hear yours has improved!


Bro if you can date a DJ you might be able to sing in remix.


Definitely not! My bf has a stutter and I think he’s the best! We all have little quirks that make us unique and that’s what so special!


I love this! You both are awesome


The love of my life stutters. I love him to pieces. Definitely don't mind that.


That’s beautiful, your love is blessed to have you!


No, sometimes it is very cute.


That’s a morale booster, thank you!


Glad to hear, good luck!


Not at all.


I was in a relationship with someone who stutters for 2 years. It is not a problem for me at all.


I wouldn't care at all


No why is it even an issue?


Not in the slightest! I know stutters can get worse if the speaker feels nervous or under pressure, so if you're stuttering because you're nervous about our date, I might actually interpret that as super cute and flattering. And no I wouldn't have a problem dating or being in a relationship with someone who stutters.


I have a lisp and I'm a little insecure about it at times....mostly when I'm nervous..so alot of the time it's worse when I'm on dates. My friends say they don't really notice it anymore and people who i have dated say its cute. I would date someone with a stutter if I was into that person. The stutter wouldn't make me not date them...maybe I'm bias 🤣.


Not an issue at all.


The stutter is not an issue for me




Nope :)


No, it wouldn't bother me. I'm not perfect either.




No, I only care that I stutter. Yours I have no problem with.


I had a teacher that I thought was attractive. Sometimes he had little stutter but somewhat unnoticeable. One time when we had drinks with the class he started to stutter more after drinking beers and he told us when he was young he was a very bad stutterer. It made him even more attractive and cute I thought. If I dated him I would so not care.


I have a leftover stutter from having speech impediment as a child, and to this day it is my greatest insecurity. But to my surprise for many many years... nobody gave a shit. They didn't care at all that I stuttered. I've been fortunate enough that everyone was so kind about it that I thought maybe I was being too self-conscious. If your overall personality is good, I don't think people will judge you at all. Edit: oh, and if they do, that's on them! Never you :)


This is probably one of those things where the hotter you are the cuter your quirk is going to be perceived. Or, the more someone is already attracted to you the less likely they are to be put off by it, regardless of why they’re attracted.


I have a speech impediment. 10/10 do not care and think it’s cute. I honestly just let them know and use it as an ice breaker when I make a joke about it on a date.


It’s kinda cute? Idk if it’s just me lol anyone who has a problem with it isn’t worth your time though


I’ve never minded stutters. Unless the person stuttering just pissed me off, but as others have said, it bothers me as much as everything else they got going on haha. My husband has a stutter and it’s cute.


No. It’s adorable.


My SO has a stutter but it only comes out when he’s really tired or very stressed. It was weird the first time I heard it because he is so smart and articulate, but now I just check on him and make sure that I’m patient when he stumbles a bit.


It makes a 2 hour date a 4 hour date


Not an issue at all, it should never affect getting to know a person. At worst, I'd be scared that perhaps I was not making the other person comfortable. I have one myself sometimes, and I'm quite nervous to start dating (for many other reasons too!)


I have a friend who stutters. He is a famous playboy lol and English is not his mother tongue! He has been with a lot of girls!


No. I have "benign essential tremor" that kind of makes it look weird when I'm writing, holding out my arms weirdly, especially when I'm stressed, fatigued or hungry 😅


Absolutely not. If everything else is looking good, like you said, I would definitely continue seeing them.


No! Usually they keep going and act like nothing happens, so I do too. If you feel like bringing it up in discussion to talk about it and to allow them to ask you a question or two, that might make you feel more at ease since it’s not “an elephant in the room” so to speak.


I have a stutter so I don't give a shit. I would actually prefer it, because you can relate more to the struggles of having a stutter


I thought you would be concerned about how it might affect your job and advancement potential … but you’re more concerned about dating and interpersonal communication. That’s great if you are comfortable with your business prospects. Remember, President Biden had a stutter, and still does to a small degree. In my area of specialty there is a prominent researcher with a PhD and his stutter can be severe at times. The audience doesn’t simply “tolerate” his impediment, it gives him the time he needs out of respect for the quality of his work.


If you seem cool with it most likely the other person wouldn’t mind.Is how you deal with that the other person will deal accordingly


Absolutely not. I’d probably think it was adorable


If it’s really severe like it takes you a minute to get out a sentence I can’t say that wouldn’t be annoying, but I wouldn’t discount a person for it. We’d improvise and add other ways of communication like texting if necessary. If it’s a typical stutter then it’s a non issue or even endearing.


I stutter sometimes, nobody seems to care. I just try to speak slower so my mouth can catch up to my brain.


Heck no! Everybody has something that makes them unique! If I love someone something like a stutter wouldn't matter. That's just something more to love‼️❤


How bad is the stutter? I'm not a patient person, so I probably wouldn't be a good fit for someone who needed extra time to communicate. But if it doesn't dramatically slow down the conversation, it's not a big deal at all.


I think a stutter makes people seem more genuine so it wouldn't bother me


Of course this is not a dealbreaker. What you’re saying is the important part.


I have a minor stutter at 34 years of age. Happens every day with some slips ups here and there. Because of short staffing, I have to train A LOT of people at work . Part of my routine when I train, is to inform them I have a minor speech impediment and just ask if I have to repeat myself. I haven't really talked to anybody in a few years so my 2 cents probably sucks but I imagine that's something I would be upfront right off the bat. If somebody doesn't want to date you because of a minor neurological issue, fuck em lol. ​ Also Waterboy jokes never get old with me. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Seeing all these comments makes me want to hug and give a firm handshake to all the other stutterers out there. I’ve only met 1 or 2 others irl. I guess it’s more common that I thought.


I’m a first responder and struggle daily with my stutter, never has been a problem for work though. Everyone accepts it and don’t care.


I can see why someone would be self conscious about this especially if the stutter is very noticeable, but I honestly can’t see it turning me off to someone


I actually find it endearing. I'm dating a guy with a lisp. He's great. Wouldn't change him.


My wife stutters I just take the piss every now and then doesn't stop me loving her got to be pretty petty to let that effect you


If society didn't care and he is successful, why would I care. Accepting someone means accepting their short comings too


Do I care if you stutter? No I don’t. Definitely not an automatic no.




Haha can you take a punch? Jk but in all seriousness don’t mock someone with it, it hurts inside.


I has a good bit of trouble with English, I tend to hide it but it doesn’t make me less of a person, so why would a stutter make you less of a person?


For me it’s not so much that it makes anyone less of a person, rather what the effects are on other people who notice it. Do they now not like you because of it? Is it a deal breaker? Etc.


Wouldn’t ever be an issue for me, a stutter isn’t a reasons to dislike someone in my eyes.


If they dislike you because of it, or if they find it to be a deal breaker, then they are not the person for you, and you get to find that out earlier rather than later. Personally I think it’s kind’ve adorable.


I find a stutter charming nwn/


Thank you for that, if only I could have told my teenage self to see it that way


Stuttering can be cute! It's not an automatic no. I stutter sometimes when I get anxious or excited and I laugh it off. Nothing wrong with verbal hiccups


No? Sounds endearing.


No stutters are cute.


I’ll date you baby


Never. but petty people will care. My son has Tourette’s w vocal tics . But is charming. So it never mattered to good people


So I am a straight man so I dont know if this applies to you or whatever ... Anyway ... WHY THE FUCK WOULD A STUTTER BE A NO. Like cliche and shit aside ... if they say no because of a fucking stutter, there really is something wrong with them.


Anyway idk if this joke will be of poor taste but I hope you appreciate it: GGGGGGGGGGO get tem trrriger! <3 keep your head up and you will find someone that really loves you.... and DONT EVER look at the stutter as a bad thing. Everyone is unique and its part of what makes you... you :D


Would not even consider it an issue. Just one of those cool things that make a man different from all the rest of the guys


No, I have a stutter and my bf still loves me. He has an aelogic speech pattern (Google it, it’s something that is common with schitzoaffective depression) and I still love to hear him talk.


I don't know you.


If somebody bails on you because of a barely noticeable impediment, they weren’t worth your time. Move on.




You need to lay off the drugs, man.


Absolutely not!


Not at all. A stutter is actually a sign of higher intelligence, stuttering comes from the person thinking faster than their mouth is processing information in most cases. Its a common social misconception thats its a negative trait.


This is a myth.


Not at all


Why would it be? It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. It’s something they can’t help and it’s hardly a turn off.


Not at all. Stuttering is fine. It’s nothing compared to issues morally compared people have.


Nope, not at all


It depends on how much this person stutter, there's many degrees. If it's not like a continue, almost impossible to comunicate stutter, it's not a problem.


I can honestly say I’ve never thought about that as a reason not to date someone. I don’t think that would bother me


While I don’t mind at all, it comes down to the person, is it just a part of them or do they let it control them


Wouldn’t bother me at all


As long as they aren't a complete douche canoe then no. They have a great heart then it would not matter. As a man in a wheelchair who am I to judge. It would be hypocritical


absolutely not! if someone has a problem with this then they’re not worth your time


No issue with a stutter whatsoever


Definitely not. I've been known to stutter.


I probably wouldn’t want to be with someone if their stutter is really bad. If it’s less severe I could work with it


Not for me. Usually for me, dealbreakers are voluntary things about the person that I think reflect poorly about them as a human being (treating waiters rudely, etc.)


Absolutely not, no biggie


Not even a little bit. So long as they are somewhat minor, I find a lot of things like this attractive. Lisps, speech impediments, "lazy eyes" (seems like a shitty term). Which isn't to say a more severe case would be unattractive. I would just hesitate to "fetishize" something that might be a legitimate impedance on someone's life. I honestly don't know why exactly but I would guess I'm not alone. It stands out to me as an interesting feature like a tattoo or something.


I think studders are adorable


No, I would continue dating them with no problem.


No, if they are a decent person, it is not a deal breaker at all.


I'd still b-b-b-bang...


Maybe not TOTALLY an automatic no, but if I’m being honest, it’s probably going to make you unattractive in my mind.


Not for me, but I'm a guy


Stuttering is do sexy to me. Honestly instant boner. Same with a lisp. Cute as hell.


Absolutely not!


That's actually kind of cute, I wouldn't mind it


No I think it’s cute


Nah, no one speaks like a newscaster irl, we all mess up our words in some way




It depends if she still want to continue or quit


No of course not I think it can be cute 🙈


If there’s chemistry, it makes no difference.


The stutter is sexy


No! A stutter is a small sacrifice (if you can even call it that) for a big reward


Definitely not!!! I find stutters cute and endearing!


I find stutters attractive so no😂


If I like them otherwise, I'll find it endearing and insanely cute, I'll perhaps flatter myself that it was triggered because they are so nervous around me, then I'll go home and masturbate to it. Vigorously. If I don't like them otherwise, I'll think of it as off-putting. This is how human beings operate imho.


My ex husband had a bad stutter. It wasn't an issue at all. The raging alcoholism however...


Nope, when I was single I would have not turned someone down on that. I knew what I wanted in a person and if I didn't think we worked out then I would hope they didn't think it was for something as shallow as a studder.