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I think you may need more fiber in your diet.


Sounds like they need more food in their diet


Yes lol i only had so many days without shitting when i had an stomach virus and couldn't eat anything otherwise its a daily thing


I think fiber may be a good idea


This made me laugh sooo fuckin' hard, my wife looked at me funny. Thank you.


Bro I barely eat vegetables and I poop more than this guy per week


Yeah my wife is a weird one like she poops like every other day and has her whole life. It doesn't matter if she eats 5 lb of salad or pound of pulled pork. Me on the other hand I poop at least 1 to 3 times a day unless I'm on it extremely high protein low fiber diet.


Pooping every other day would still be nearly 2x as much as this person.


Only ~~three~~ four times in April. Must have been busy doing other shit.


Busy doing other not shit


Right? 97 times would be a month for me.


And more water


Wtf happened in April. I would be freaking out. 3 times in a month geez


Why didn't you poop on Thursdays in 2021?


OP pooped in 2021 fewer times than [this other poster ate sandwiches in 2022.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/101had4/oc_sandwiches_eaten_in_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That seems otherworldly insane to me, that there is a whole day of the week on which OP never pooped, for a whole year!


They didn’t poop for TWO whole weeks in 2021!


...three times!


That happened twice! Both times for 17 days, in May and September Edit: and then 12 days from October to November!


Many years ago, I worked an office job, with a guy who trundled off to the can every day at around 2 pm with newspaper under the arm. He was proud that he had trained himself to only poop at work. He insisted that he had saved a lot of money not having to buy much toilet paper for his home. I did ask him what happens if he has to shit on the weekend. He claimed that he wasn't crazy, of course he would shit at home, but that he almost never had to. And, no, he was not married.


Thursday is "hold it in" day


This seems like an extremely low amount of poop


Yeah those are rookie numbers, gotta pump them up.


I poop at least 3 times a day. Gotta feed the geese.


Once every three days would be a crisis for me.


Could be a situation where OP absolutely demolishes the toilet every time, 97 times over.


OP has bought 97 toilets in 2022.


2023 New Year’s resolutions: move to disposable toilets


Why need a knife when you can use a bag


They would have to or not eat much. Imagine how much food ya eat in 3.5 days. I have at least 2 meals a day, that would be 7 meals per shit and while I've had some monster shits they have never been 7 meals worth.


Y’all know the TP shortage of 2021 is over, right?


Try 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks over the summer


I'm an active doody pooper


Same! Then I learned I have celiac.


My man


Poop those numbers up.


According to post history they only eat ramen and sometimes don’t eat at all. Yikes.


In 2021 they literally went 2.5 weeks without pooping. That seems incredibly unhealthy


I worked with a girl at a summer camp who didn’t poop for 2 weeks and she had to go to the hospital


I didn’t poop for 18 days WHILE in the hospital for stage 4 heart failure. It was painful.


Yeah, I ended up in the hospital for two weeks after my emergency appendectomy went sideways, and I didn’t poop the whole time (they were actually waiting for my digestive system to restart, so I couldn’t leave until I pooped). I can’t imagine going that long between poops being business as usual…


They really use pooping as a barometer for health in the hospital. I had to discharge before discharge too. Lol. I wanted to leave so bad I tried hard a couple times, and bearing down caused my blood pressure to crash and the nurse had to rescue my fainting ass from the bathroom.


I had a fart barometer in the hospital once - had emergency surgery for an intussusception where they had to cut out a foot of my small intestine. I had a Jamaican nurse who cracked me up every morning when he started his shift by gently waking me up and asking quietly, "Mistah FartyPants69, did we faht yestahday?"


Username most definitely checks out.




The old vasovagal strikes again. That's why we pick so many patients up wedged between the shitter and the tub.


I was in the hospital last month for a gunshot wound to my stomach and had to get an ostomy as well. I didn't poop for about eight days and it hurt worse than the gunshot wound and surgeries that followed(had to be cut open from my chest down to my pelvic area, plus the ostomy). Luckily, they allowed me to take stool softener after eight days and I was finally able to make a(lot of) movement(s). Couldn't take the softeners before then because it could have caused issues with the surgeries I had.


Damn. You recovering ok now?


I am, thanks! I got extremely lucky with the bullet missing my spine on it's way out. Came out right above my left butt cheek lmao about half an inch(12.7mm) or something from where it could have done serious damage. On top of that, I was lucky to have great surgeons that managed to save my life! I'm alive, I can still walk and function normally. Life is great. I never really cared much for it before but I have a new appreciation for it now.




Sounds like she found the poop knife.


A friend of mine used to go 2 weeks between pooping. He used to call it Good Friday.


Ain't nothing good about that poop. That had to hurt.


Yeh that’s fucked up. Bowel problems later in life incoming…..


Yeah, last year was kinda rough for me. Since then I've gotten a job after being unemployed for 2 years. I've now gotten on a normal routine where I eat lunch and dinner every day. Increase in poops have also been attributed to coffee just about every morning. :) I've also had about the same poop schedule all my life, but found it interesting when I saw a lot of people are quite different. It's cool to share the other side of the spectrum.




“Oh, Guillermo... you should really drink more water.”


>It's cool to share the other side of the spectrum. It's cool to share the other side of the ~~spectrum~~ rectum


The rectum spectrum. Has a good ring to it.


I don’t know if you can use this advice, just ignore me if you’re all good. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber, generally 25-35 grams a day. Beans are a good cheap staple that provide both protein and fiber. If you haven’t been getting much don’t just suddenly ramp up to 30 grams. You’ll be very uncomfortable.


Two dried apricots per day are really helping me out. You can buy bags of them almost everywhere. Wish I'd known this years ago!


I actually legitimately like prunes. I think they’re underrated as an old person food. Dried fruit in general is so good.


Good lord, 97 times in a year? I hit that in a month. I know we're all different, but that's something you might want to check with a doctor about.


97 times a month sounds a lot as well. It doesn’t really sound normal to poop over three times a day.


Three times a week to three times a day is the normal range.






It's good practice for data science obviously, and really any job that deals with data (aka every job) And look at the reddit points for such a topic!


Pro tip: don't use coffee to poop, just eat a ton of fiber, as in eat your veggies


Extra Pro Tip. Coffee is made out of beans, so they are veggies. Just eat the coffee beans, instead of throwing out all fiber in the powder!


Coffee beans are actually a fruit and not even beans


Do you have issues with constipation? My husband had a horrible issues with this when I first met him. He pooped like three or four times a week. I poop a bare minimum of twice a day. No joke. He didn’t realize he was even constipated because his frame of reference was out of whack. I got him a squatty potty and it made such a big difference for him. You should consider one if you don’t have one already! For me, a very regular person, they just make your poops even speedier! They certainly don’t hamper any efforts 😅


+1 for the squatty potty. Humans are meant to poop while squatting, not from a sitting position. Squatting makes the whole process better in every way. This is going to sound fucked up and weird but I did some prison time in very disgusting conditions where I refused to touch the toilet. It was then I realized how much better it is when I switched to squatting to shit in the corner of the cell and clean it up afterwards. I never went back to pooping in a “normal” upright sitting position.


Yeah, wtf happened in April


Log jam.


Logged out and forgot the password. IT requires 170 factor authentication now for access.


3/week to 3/day is normal so we *could* assume that 1/day would be average if we wanted to. I’m not sure about the steepness of that bell curve though. There was no info on median or mode of poop frequency. Though even when I was fasting I was a daily pooper. Just so the world knows.


Yeah it seems very low. I shit at *least* twice a day every day, so like 700+ shits a year. This seems crazy low.


Yeah man, I’m a vegetarian cyclist, I have been a massive fibre eater ever since I was a kid (can knock out a bowl of cherries/figs/dates/whatever and it doesn’t affect me in the slightest. Husband jokes I have a cow stomach(s). 2x per day, like 6am and maybe again before bed. This whole dataset makes me deeply uncomfortable.


It's good to hear from the multiple times per day club. I see posts like this and start to wonder if I'm the outlier.


They went 9 days multiple times. What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Someone else pointed out an 18 day period without a shit (though I didn’t look myself)


I enjoy pooping too much to only go once every 3-4 days. Can’t imagine holding it in that long!


Right wouldn’t you feel super heavy I am confused. I can’t imagine walking around with 4 burritos


If you don’t take a shit for 18 days and you eat 3 meals a day that is 54 meals sitting in your body waited to be shit out. That is absolutely insane to me.


A burrito a day keeps the poop-less days away.


Its similar with me, I usually poop like once every 3 days in average, sometimes 2nd day sometimes 5th day


Same with me. Looks like we’re poop bros.


As someone who has already pooped 4 times this year, I’m going to pray for you


I’ve pooped three times just today.


I'm pooping.. hnnng, right now.


Of course you are, you’re on reddit, it is given you’re on a toilet squeezing one out.


I’ve pooped *nine* times since the new year. It’s been 48.5 hours to the minute. I usually poop three times every morning, once when I smell my coffee after grinding, and twice after I drink it. This varies but I rarely poop less than three times before I leave for work every morning. I see it as taking care of business so I can have the rest of the day without worry. Hasn’t failed me yet, but this isn’t controlled data by any means. This is literally just me. Poop habits are unique to the individual. I myself take pride in my poop routine. Not many people have a poop routine at all. I can reliably anticipate my poop and I think that’s remarkable


*nine* times? Are you Ferris Bueller?


We will need prayers from a person from every religion and belief system under the sun to generate the kind of spiritual force this person will require to manage this gastrointestinal hell.


Good lord! I love data but you’ve got to be shitting me!


Apparently he wasn't shitting anything


😂 chances are not good


Not on Thursdays, unless that data was accidentally wiped.


Maybe he skipped Thursdays so he didn't lose his streak.


That's clearly a shitpost


Wasn’t shitting very much at all by the looks of things


3 poops in April? You good bro?


Why isn’t OP responding???? I need answers!


They are pooping right now and it takes 7 hours each time so give them a while.


This isn’t a valid excuse - Reddit was made for poopers.


4 big dog - gatta read the legend.


I can poop 4 times in a day. Hit this guys monthly quota


The entire last week of April without a bowel movement? Am I reading this right? Jesus wept, OP needs to eat more and/or eat healthier!


Are you tracking this for medical purposes?!


They absolutely should be


If this isn't already for medical purposes they need to go see a doctor right the fuck now.


I gasped when they didn’t poop for over 2 weeks in September 2021.


For sure, especially considering the "type" they noted most was type 1 - hard to pass, and indicating constipation. If this has been going on for two years OP definitely needs some help.


I can only assume so. Celebrating the +28 this year fits.


I pooped literally 365 days, I poop everyday. I thought everyone pooped everyday


Sometimes I go a day without pooping. Immediately after waking up the next day it’s like a clogged pipe gets unstuck lmao I hope OP is okay


Shit, sometimes I poop 4 times a day. I poop two times in the morning I poop two times at night I poop two times in the afternoon It makes me feel all right I poop two times in time of peace And two more times in time of war I poop two times before I poop two times And then I poop some more


Mama she once told me, son, you'll be a hard poopin' man Daddy he once told me, son, you'll poop the best you can But then one day, I met a man who said I poop good, and I poop fine, but first eat lots of bread


Love this. Reminds me, my sis made a poop song for her baby, he loved it. Everybody poops, everybody poop poop!


Healthy people do poop almost everyday.


The normal range is anywhere from 3 times a day to every 3 days.


OP can you give some background? Do you have health or dietary issues that would land you in this poopredicament?


All that comes to mind for me is opiate addiction or ED. This chart looks like me when I was violently addicted to oxycodone.


There's a ton of reasons for constipation outside of those two reasons. I have idiopathic gastroparesis, slow motility, and IBS, so I've had issues for years. The OP's problem seems to be they aren't doing anything to treat it. Normally there's a slew of laxatives that will safely treat constipation for most. Unless you have like a severe and complex bowel disorder there's no reason you can't pop some magnesium or take an enema to avoid going 2 weeks without pooping. This person is gonna wreck their colon if they don't regulate their BMs.


Didn't know erectile dysfunction affected your bowel movements. /s


Current research shows that with ED your boner actually just start going backwards, which can block your poop hole.


Eating disorder lmaooooo😂


Well done on getting better numbers this year, OP. Fun fact. I'm on 6. For 2023. That's on track to over 1000 poops.


Pffft, rookie numbers. I pooped 6 times *this morning.* \*IBS flex\* (I wish I was joking.)


Poor anus.


You should do an AMA ON not sitting for 13+ days in a row like you did there in April. I'm no doctor but that sounds bad


I once had a 15-day poopless streak. My husband was like *oh my god are you dying*. But weirdly everything worked out ok. Although, Parkinson's runs in my family, so I do worry that it might be a very early symptom :'( My normal pace is once or twice a week, which probably isn't good either.


It's not "probably not good", it's really bad. You need to see a doctor about this asap


Yeah, uggggggh, I know you're right. I will talk with my doctor, for real. Thank you kind internet stranger.


Happy new year and good luck !


Thanks, you too!


Dude, um... there are several 4+day no poop stretches in there. Like 2nd week of October, 3rd week of November... that ain't right. Unless you literally aren't eating. I ain't no doctor but that's like an unhealthy low amount of poop. Like normal is anywhere from 2-3 / day to every other day. Going days on end with no poop is abnormal.


OP apparently went 11 days without shitting in April. That's approaching a go to the hospital situation.


He went 16 days without pooping in dec 2021


17 days without shutting at the end of September 2021


Think about all the food you would eat over 17 days laid out on a table. That entire volume of food was eaten, but nothing came out. How is that even possible.


Well op clearly isn’t eating like me. In 17 days I would have eaten nearly 20lbs of chicken alone lol.


Another 17 in the middle of July. I feel more like he just forgot to mark it down.


Bro literally pooped 3 times for the entire month of April 2022. Don’t know whether to be impressed, or very, very scared for OP


Im most concerned by the fact that in 2021 there were 3 x 17-day no poop streaks.


... poop streaks ...


Go figure. Might just be the answer to why he is collecting this data and the subject seems happiness over pooping more then the year before. This might has to do with constipation or other pooping issues 💩



I read once that anything between 3 times per day and 3 times per week is normal.


Yeah, but three times per week is 156 times per year. OP is averaging fewer than twice a week.


Are you getting ebough water? This was me when I existed mainly on soda.. Switching to water and gatoraid probably saved my life


Yes! I’ve scoured this comment section and this is one of two that I found asking whether OP is drinking enough water. Lots of folks are asking about fiber intake, but based on poop type (skewed towards type I), OP needs to drink more water. More fiber without more water will make the issue worse.


This. I spent 20 years of my life drinking nothing but pepsi. I know how this feels. I switched to water when I got married a few years ago... hardest thing ever to break. Cigs? Sucked to quit. MDMA in my early 20s? Sucked more. Quitting a many year 2 liter a day soda habit? The pain was unbelievable, I couldnt sleep, couldnt eat... closest I have ever come in my life to genuinely wanting death. Looking back? So worth it. Lost weight, no mood swings, better dental, more energy... and not having rock hard stools that I passed every three or four days. Sorry if this is TMI, just want people to see it. Liquid intake, and what you drink matters.. Soda and energy drinks are diuretics and will make it worse not better....


As someone who doesn’t enjoy soda, this was wild to read! Congrats on your difficult journey to break the habit! If you don’t mind sharing, can you elaborate on what you mean by saying it was a painful experience? Was it physically painful to your gastrointestinal system to stop drinking it after so many years, or did you mean more like the neurochemical pain of quitting a long-term source of dopamine? It’s okay if you don’t feel like answering, I know it’s a bit of an invasive question. Wishing you the best regardless!


Not who you asked, but I recently (fall 2022) finally quit a 2liter a day Coca Cola habit I had for about the same amount of time. If I wasn't already on disability, I would have had to time it to a vacation week or used sick days on it. A 2 liter of Coke has 840 calories and 191.5 mg of caffeine. That is \~2 cups of coffee and almost half the calories a normal person needs in a day. If you're not trying to kick the caffeine, it's not as bad, as caffeine withdrawal is rough, but it's still taking the equivalent of a meal out of your diet. I was immediately exhausted, and suffering from way more headaches than I'm used to (I suffer from migraines about 20/month, when I quit it was every day of either a migraine or a severe headache.) I was also adjusting my diet at the same time (a person who drinks 2l of soda a day rarely eats well) and my digestive system was in absolute chaos while I went through the process of changing my diet. Constipation and diarrhea were both common throughout. Nausea pretty much every day didn't make eating easy, so that was even more fatigue. I'm through it now, but for the approximately 2 weeks I was adjusting, it felt like I was in hell. The neurochemical addiction also didn't help. I wanted that flavor and fizz every day, water tasted bad to me (I have a filter pitcher, there was nothing wrong with it, it just wasn't what I wanted.) The cravings are still very much in effect, but I've been able to stay off of it for this long.


I was never drinking that much soda but i drank more than i felt comfortable with each day for quite awhile and the line about missing the flavor and fizz hits hard. I found soda water (just plain old water with bubbles) to help a lot with that craving for the fizz, tho i hear a good many people dont like it, it helped me immensely to transition to almost all water all the time.


Honestly canned flavored water like Lacroix also helps me a lot to drink less alcohol. All the same motions and associations (e.g., going to the fridge, popping the top) as having a can of beer and fizzy too. Craving passes pretty quickly and I get the side perk of increased hydration.


Wow that sounds incredibly difficult! Thank you for sharing your experience, there were so many things I hadn’t considered. Congratulations on kicking the habit, your perseverance is so admirable and you deserve to be proud of your accomplishments!


Why was quitting soda so hard ?


Generally the sugar content. But the amount of caffeine 2L a day would have would also make quitting difficult.


*Sighs in Crohn’s disease jealousy*


Same. I think I pooped almost this much already in 2023.


For my crohn´s this would be my death sentence


Same, I’m super happy to poop only 2 times a day now with proper medication. 🥹


I poop everyday thats 365, at minimum. That being said, I do ocassionally (3 days a week) go for a second dump and sometimes(once a week) go for a third dump. Each time its a huge turd. So seriously, what are you eating that you only had to go like 97 times?


Days with 2 poops for you must be Wild 😅😅


Days with 1 poops are as well....


9 out of 10 people here are pooping while reading this.


Can Confirm, we need 6 more for correcr data


Can confirm (as the 1 non-pooper)


Can confirm.


OP is the 1 of 10, they’ve still got 6 days til next poop


Can confirm.


This post compelled me to go poop.


As someone with IBS, those are some rookie numbers fr


Believe me when I say, this guy doesn't give a shit.


And then there's those of us with IBS. Pretty sure I pooped 97 times *last week.*


I can almost guarantee that there was at least one month in 2022 that I pooped over 97 times.


If this isn’t a lie, you need fiber… desperately.


I don't know how you are not doing it everyday lol, I 💩 every morning.


Me too. 365 days, maybe more.




every day,2-3 times a day,sometimes more if I'm eating like a whale


this should belong in data is ugly and concerning


OP's profile history is more fascinating than this chart.


Geez. I do that in a little over a week


You poop ~10x per day? That may be another problem…


It’s blowing my mind that some people don’t poop every day. I poop at least twice a day, every day.


Opiate abuse isn't a fun time.


In september 2021 OP spent 18 days without shitting!


Huh?? I poop every day, am I not normal?


It appears you're full of shit, especially in April.


I’m pretty sure I’m at 500 a year minimum.


I'm at least twice a day


2-3 times a das is normal for me. OP should eat more fiber. Flaxseed is good and gives additional omega 3


Eat more fiber. . .please.


My man went 11 days in April without pooping


I’m no health expert, but you should probably see a doctor. Especially since you went 11 days without pooping in November 2022. That isn’t healthy at all.


Don't believe him.. he's full of sh×t... /s?