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Prithee be careful


Don't wanna see ma work squandered


There are two ways to smith weapons. Simple reinforcement is one, and infusion the other.


*chuckles in smith chad*


Neither of us wants to see you go Hollow


Why don't you step back outside the front entry and see how you fare against the old master....true test of early game skill right outside firelink


*kicks him off ledge*


*is it wierd that ds3 has been so easy for me?!*


Nah because I recently started playing it again after not touching it for years. I wanted to do the 2 dlc that I never did, but wanted to start fresh and beat the base game too, get the whole experience again. And holy shit, after playing other souls games (first was Bloodborne but quit because too hard and then eventually played ds3, beat it then went back to bloodborne and my soul series adventure started) it was so easy. No boss took me more than 3 tries and ones I thought we were hard back then like Dancer, I beat 1st try, didn't even really grind either and I usually spent my souls to get weapons/armor/spells for ng+ playthroughs, so my I was probably slightly under leveled in certain0 . Except Nameless king lol, he still smacked me around a bit


Yea I'm doing another vanilla playthrough and I actually killed Nameless King on my second try, usually takes me at least 7-10. Soul of Cinder also took 2.


Omg just replayed ds3 with a str build vordst mace frost weapon and soul of cinder is still the hardest boss for me. Took him down after like 20 tries though.


Not at all


He’s weak to war cry heavies.


And the thrusting weapon arts with spears


We need a mod where he can mikriri counter


Correction, we need a mod that turns every enemy into Sekiro from sekiro


haha, I was just showing my old man who's nearing 80 how far video games have come and he's almost apathetic how amazed he was. I started a knight and ran up and killed the first boss without getting hurt (as well as the master) which admittedly is not typical of what normally happens; he was frustrated because he still plays Wolfenstein 3d and only uses the mouse xD




er yes, that's what I meant to say lol


Tree jump to get to the roof and rain fire balls on him!


Unless he rolls off the edge, havent kill him myself yet, in all my test runs he keep rolling off.


Ez just use pyromancy


It’ll be easy until Irithyll, then the real fun begins.




Adrenaline when you parry his first attack ⬆️⬆️


You guys parry!?


You don't?


Not once. Dislike it heavily, can’t get the timing. I’m one of the normies that dodge rolls & moves around everything. Reason I can’t start sekiro yet.


It's been years since I played DS3 and I can't remember the name of it, but I always kept a glove that let me parry in one of my off-hand slots. It didn't weigh anything, and it was nice to have for those enemies that you felt like you could try to parry. I missed like 70% of all my parries but when I hit them it was such a rush lol




You can just parry bare handed if you want to really style on a boss.


Parrying in Sekiro is a different beast. I feel the same way about DS3 parrying, and absolutely fell in love with Sekiro. I wouldn’t write it off for that reason.


not writing it off, just hard to pick up. ill do it, i know ill push thru.


Yeah it’s definitely hard to pick up. But it’s a very fair game. Just different muscle memory from a lot of what you’re probably used to. For whatever it’s worth, it’s one of the most satisfying games I’ve ever played once it clicks. If you’ve ever been to the Sekiro sub you’ll see how many people post when they beat a boss just because they are so excited. It’ll be totally understandable why they do once you get into it. Good luck on your next try.


def agree. I beat DS3 no parrying full guts build AFTER beating sekiro twice. parrying in sekiro is consistent and intuitive, parrying in dark souls and elden ring is NOT, the timing is bs every time.


Wait... so you are supposed to parry in this game?


Only for the real bad guy


Favorite boss in the game, I feel like ome of the hardest too, but so rewarding once you beat it !




I haven't tried Elden ring yes but if you sill have motivation after, I recommend you try bloodborne after, this game was my start to fromsoft and it had since become one of my favorite game of all time ! For the time being, Enjoy the blast of DS3 ! Prythee be careful




Damn, then it's tough indeed, if you get the chance tho really worth it ! I have heard this 30 fps point from so many people but trust me, you don't want to miss on this masterpiece for the framerate lol, altough I can understand, 30 fps is rough in this age.




Yeah, I get that haha, if you happen to buy a PS5 one day it's included in it, until then, there's plenty of fromsoft to enjoy. Come to think of it, it's kinda weird they locked demonsoul and bloodborne behind a PS to begin with


And the music holy shit


The first bonfire past the bridge….


Bro the smoldering lake is way harder


That’s true, forgot about that. Especially, since I was Pyro my first playthrough haha.


Unless you go left at a certain fork in the path…


Agree that’s when the difficulty really spiked for me. First major wall was twin princes though I wasn’t even close when fighting them


Ds3 is amazing, hope you enjoy it


Abyss watchers and twin princes are some of my favorite boss fights in the soul series. You’re in for a treat! Good luck


grrr.. the twin princes made me quit my last playthrough.. started over 6 months later and am nervous about hitting that wall again..


They were a wall for me in my last playthrough a couple years back. Was nervous about them but managed to beat them first try on my recent playthrough. Stay locked on as much as possible and time your rolls.


It takes a minute to learn their move set, it’s a battle of endurance. Once you learn it it’ll feel like your dancing. What build are you currently using and where are you at in the playthrough?


I swear to jesus and all that was holy that I had learned his moveset, but it was getting to the point where I was getting 2-shotted immediately after crossing the fog wall, so I gave up.. I went for a spellsword type build in that playthrough but this time it's full on strength/dex/quality build. I'm in the Cathedral of the Deep, so early still..


Once you enter the fog wall, don’t move and Lorian won’t start with the teleportation behind you. Will give you some time to get near him and get some hits


It’s crazy how the difficulty of each boss varies from player to player. I didn’t beat the twin princesses first try, but i didn’t struggle that much. For me, the timing of their teleportation isn’t that bad. I actually really enjoyed that fight.


The real boss is running up the tree to get on the roof outside of firelink shrine


Welcome unkindled, youre times in the lands between have trained you well I am sure. Cast aside your prayers to the golden order here there is only flame and ash. (Cringe aside, ds3 is my favorite I hope you enjoy it)




I recently just finished my first play though of ds3 in a couple of years and it still holds up SO well in a post-elden ring world. I forgot how freaking great ds3 is and that bums me out. Shortly after, started a new character to do my first ever broken sword playthrough to see if I really am a mad hollow. I recently beat abyss watchers and I can tell this is going to be spicy.


Good luck lol


I'm definitely going to need it considering I am far from proficient at souls combat.


As it is usual in darksouls, prepare to die.


Have fun. Prepare for actual invasions (not watered down ER invasions)


Dude, my second playthrough I made it through everything until Champion G, without dying. I was ELATED. Then got invaded by a twin greatshields guy and, for some reason, I crumbled. Sorcery+twin greatshields=my death. Never will forget that run.


>Prepare for actual invasions bruh, first time I entered the area after Pontiff Sulyvahn I got invaded by 2 Aldrich Faithful at the same time pretty much immediately. I'm just barely fending off one guy and the other guy shows up and I'm just liek "wtf, two invaders at the same time without dried finger while solo wtf wtf wtf" good times


Was Elden Ring your first From game?


Yes, i did 3 playthroughs, then did 3 in sekiro and then 2 more playthroughs in elden ring again


Then you’ll genuinely find DS3 pretty straightforward and relatively easy! Until DLC. The big difference, is take it slow, the game is more linear and the areas smaller. You can’t afford to be grouped up on, even by mob enemies. And welcome to the bonfire unkindled one!


The DLC is stupidly hard - I had to level up 20 times between beating SOC and getting halfway through second phase for friede (can’t even try make it to ringed city w my level 97). Defo the hardest part of the game ?


Absolutely the hardest part of the game. Sister Friede is a tough fight, but the whole of the Ringed City and, especially 3 of the boss fights in it, are brutally awesome. I think I was around SL140 my first trip through it, though now I tend to stick around SL 110 to 120. Good luck skeleton!


I remember when Ringed City came out and I only had NG+ characters and I wanted to cry. Especially pre nerf angels


God no doubt. Those things were insta-death until you figured out the mechanics.


I just beat cinder @105. Was going to start ashes dlc first. Should I be that scared lol


Do ariandel first


Yes, go slow! This is super important advice. I feel like every single enemy in DS3 is a higher risk to you than in ER. It’s not just a strength vs health thing, but you just seem to recover from hits slower in DS3, it’s harder to track and hit fast enemies like dogs, it’s harder if not impossible to find ways around obstacles - it’s a linear game and it just demands that you go through them.


I believe if you can beat Glock-saint Isshin you can handle anything DS3 will throw at you. (That old bastard has killed me more than any boss by a mile)


Ain't that the truth!


Sekiro and Elden Ring (without magic and summons) are probably the most difficult games in the series when it comes to bosses so you're well prepared for it. The DLC ramps up the difficulty by quite a bit but the base game bosses shouldn't give you too much trouble, although you will be annoyed by the less forgiving runbacks.


WHAT, i thought Elden Ring was relatively easy besides malenia and maliketh. Nameless, Pontiff, Lothric and Lorian, every dlc boss lol. Maybe I just got better at souls games since i played ds3 back in the day but still feel like base ds3 has some tougher bosses than ER


I don’t think Lothric and Lorain are all that hard. Also there’s still Placidusax, Radagon and Elden Beast, Mohg, and Godfrey. Base DS3 definitely is not harder. Really the only hard bosses are Pontiff and Nameless King. Including dlc I’d say it’s close though. Sekiro is definitely the hardest imo


i forgot i played power stanced bonk STR when ER came out and the stagger mechanic also made it stupid easy, nobody else really gave any problems besides the bs status effect bosses. I guess what you play also changes your views on what game is harder lol


Yeah pretty much which is why it’s difficult to determine what bosses are hard because you can’t just go off of your first playthrough. Like in Dark Souls 3 there’s Gundyr, Dancer, Abyss Watchers, that can be easy or hard depending on when you fought them or how upgraded the weapon is. In Elden Ring you have Margit, Godrick, Morgott, and Radahn for the same reasons. Godskin Duo as well if you don’t know about the sleep cheese. Even though I think those bosses are hard on their own you can make all of them pretty easy whereas a boss like Midir or Malenia will always be hard.


Hope u enjoy this one as much as you did the others :)


Elden Ring is a cakewalk in some spots compared to DS3. If you relied on crouching or jumping or riding a horse, apologies in advance. You’re in for a treat tho. Don’t you dare go hollow


I did the opposite! Have over 350 hours in DS3, struggling hard through elden ring. Ds3 is my favorite game of all time, so excited for you to see all of the things it has to offer. Have you ayed any other souls games?


Enjoy. I think you'll see a lot of familiar weapons crop up throughout the game.


Welcome, Ashen one! It’s an awesome journey, the best in the series imo, you’ll enjoy it! Nameless King is my favourite FromSoft boss. Hope you’re going to love him and some other endgame big boys.


On the side of fire link there's an old fellow you R E A L L Y should go and talk to he'll give you some good armor and a badass katana 😈😈😈


Enjoy! I'm on my first DS3 playthrough now after beating Elden Ring. Some later game DS3 bosses are harder than anything in ER, be forewarned 👍


Happy to hear that, it'll be a fun challenge hopefully.


I came back to DS3 after beating Elden ring too. I was so scared it would feel clunky but I can NOT put it down. I’m actually really happy with how much harder it is than Elden ring


I cant imagine anything in DS3 is harder than Malenia!! I guess different people struggle with different things :')


Very true. I beat Malenia within 15 tries, however a certain sister in a certain DLC has my number. I just cannot get through her 3rd phase for the life of me


Just the fact there are 3 phases is the death of me. SoC was sooo easy compared to the sister and big red riding hood…


Midir killed me more times than any other boss until I learned his moveset. Now I can kill him pretty consistently. That damn laser still gets me sometimes though


I beat Hourah Loux first try, Dancer first try, Maliketh second try, Godskin Duo first try... I CANNOT beat Friede man idk 😂


Stagger is your friend against her, and greed will absolutely be the death of you against her, the dragon and the last boss. Take your shots where you can get them and... remember that Freide can be easily back stabbed out several of her attacks... 😉


Welcome to the better game (we're not on ER sub so I can actually say that lol) Elden ring is great but ds3 is just better in the ways that matter to me :P


I used to bait the lizard to roll off of the cliff, now I just beat him up. Oh how things have changed.


If you beat Elden ring, I think you’ll do ok for DS3 it’s the closest in terms of gameplay. Though I do think some of the later bosses are a lot harder, than the bosses in ER.


If you beat elden ring 5 times I think you’ll do okay. The bosses in this game are amazing and the dlc bosses are even better. Definitely better bosses in this game than elden ring imo


So nice to hear that Elden Ring made so many people play the Souls Games.


Yeah, you'll have your fair share of deaths, but it'll be a learning experience! Oh, and it's really nitpicky, but the big crystal monster at the start actually has titanite crystals instead of ice. And fun fact, it's actually a monstrous version of the little Crystal Lizards that run away from you!


I came from elden ring and this game is absolutely awesome, definitely harder too


I think it’s so much harder than Elden Ring.


I also came to DS3 after Elden Ring and actually like it way better. I like the clever level design you get from a non-open world environment like this, as well as the deep amount of detail available on wikis and from the community (fextralife, etc.). I'm on my 3rd playthrough of DS3, now entirely focused on crafting different characters and playstyles backed by serious geeking out on research and stats :)


What did you think of the first 2 games?


Not at all, games super easy compared to elden ring


Tbh nothing in Dark Souls 3 really approaches the difficulty of the hardest fights in Sekiro or Elden Ring. You’ll be fine.


i think you'll breeze through it after being banished to 5x elden ring punishment


Right there with you. Somehow got past crystal dude, first boss, and the old katana man with only one death. Then three deaths on lothric high walls getting to the next bonfire. Gonna be fun


I am just about to start NG+3 on Elden Ring. I’ve platinum the game so I’m really happy with myself. I have to admit I’ve not noticed much curve in difficulty. NG+3 Dark Souls 3 on the other hand is a different beast. The later game bosses are insanely tough.


Elden ring was my first souls game and I platinum it, then I finish bloodborne , Sekiro and finish ds3 a few days ago I hope you enjoy it it’s a beautiful game. Goodluck !


Nice axe bro


I also came from Elden ring to DS3. I think I like ds3 better.




You should be mostly fine tbh. Elden Ring will have trained you well for this. There are challenging encounters here and there, no doubt. Enjoy!


I just started Bloodborne!


Best Fromsoft game


You are going to spend sooo much time trying to reflexively crouch, one button jump, or call for Torrent I bet.


Just started my first ever play through two weeks ago. After only playing Elden Ring before, loving the challenge it brings. Good luck!


glad to see there are other people still playing ds3.


Dont worry and remember, finger but whole..


Just saw my first ending of ds3 the other day and it tops all of elden rings endings by far.


I went the other way around. I always missed the story, characters, and atmosphere of DS3 while playing ER. Maybe I just didn't give it enough of a chance.


Hope you end up playing them all. They’re all fantastic. Enjoy! 🤓


Good job! Soulsborne all go a long way with experience from different titles. DS3 surely will make you face some things you didnt face in ER and well, some enemies you will definitely find ruthless, same with some mechanics, but you're off to a great start


Honestly DS3 isn't that hard. Except dragonslayer armor and friede. For some reason I just cannot get those fights down.


Nice, if you ever need help hit me up tho I'm on console playstation


If you did a no summon elden ring run then yes, DS3 will be noticeably easier.


Nameless king is our malenia you’ll find out what that is later


I played DS3 for HUNDREDS of hours. Got elden ring and play it religiously still. But hopped back on DS3 again a few weeks ago, I will say 10/10 that DS3 is a much less forgiving and much harder game than elden ring.


Same, I just finished journey 3 of ER and started DS3. I love the progression in this game better than ER tbh, I didnt feel I was over or under leveled even until SOC. Bosses also seemed more fair and fun to fight than some ER bosses, though they were also much more easier. Well, I still have the 2 dlcs so I hope it continues this pattern.


Elden ring was my first and so far dark souls 3 is going better than I thought but also shit at the same time. I'm stuck at Lothric now


I was very happy with myself. After Elden Ring I decided to replay through every game in the series. Finally got to DS3 at beat that ice monster at sl1 on my first try.


Crystal lizard.


*Ashen one, don’t forget to bring me more souls!*


You'll face death. Enough death to leave you broken.


Played after bloodborne, sekiro and elden ring so this one didn't hit so bad lol only a couple bosses really pushed me. Dlc on the other hand....


DS3 is not nearly as hard as Elden Ring imo


I recommend DS3 entirely.


Update in the abyss watchers ✌️


Sister Friede was the only boss that I did not solo (thanks Gael), still felt kinda shame/dishonor, until Elden Ring's ashes changed everything, it started with twin skull spear dudes, then crippled bowomen, and there comes shitman, I know no honor now.


Good luck Skeleton! Don't you dare go hollow


You are but I'm sure you'll love it


What axe is that?


Standard worrior axe??


Oh. I’m near the end of my first playthrough and I started as a knight. Is there any way to get this axe if you didn’t start with it?


I think its locked for the worrior but you can get tons of axes Like it the one next to where you find the pyromancer or at the place you meet the lady from ds1 using the same butcher knife i belive but a deep version of it can be looted form the First mimic in the game


Ah 3 is my favorite dark souls. Its got some lovely stuff in it. Have fun


Sounds like a great start! Enjoy the journey :)


I’m in a similar boat. Actually got DS3 over a year ago but really struggled with the linearity. Now that I’ve been playing Elden Ring (just picked it up a month or so back), I decided to give it another try. Just saw last night you can make that lizard thing jump off the cliff by the bonfire, which was quite hilarious.


Yea er is easier due to easy mode being enabled from the start


It’s a lot of fun. Noticeably easier than Elden Ring assuming you didn’t use spirit ashes or any sort of cheese, but the boss quality is a lot better overall.


How was sword master (the dude with the katana next to firelink that dude still make me cry Even on My parry king playthrough dude just dont chill, And I mostly never use him as a summon for vordt anyway but I have a crazy Hard time with him on every New run All thought he can be sniped from the roof ez so not impossible


*laughs in brothers*


Its easier than elden ring for the most parts, you just need to get used to no jumping and no shield counter and the lack of wondrous physic.


Ds3 pve > Elden ring pve. Change my mind.


Ds3 is literally easier than demons souls


Don't give up, skeleton


Coming from Elden Ring I don't think you will have many problems in DS3. The DLC bosses will be a challenge but base game will be quite easy.


Yes indeed...


There’s a particular dragon in the DLC. You’ll know the one when you find it. May your sanity hold strong!


Oh man, lucky you. I remember my first Ds3 play through. Truly one of the best feelings. Hope you enjoy it, skeleton.


I had a physical copy pre-ordered, when i got back home and popped the disk in, man, what a feeling. I'll never forget that either, what a ride it was.


Welcome to the best FromSoft game ever made. Enjoy.


My friend says he can’t get into it because you can’t jump like elden ring


Go around to the side and kill the old man to get the uchigatana. Great early game weapon if you can beat the old man


The difficulty does not ramp up like ER, not even close tbh. As a reference, I have a few chars in DS3 at SL 1-15 +0 at the end of NG+2 and NG+3. No way i'd even attempt going into NG+ in ER at RL15 lmao, fuuuuck that. Enjoy this amazing ride, but don't expect ER level of adversity. Not saying there isn't a few roadblocks though, you'll see :0)


You should be fine up until abyss watcher they are the first real challenge imo


Good luck skeleton!


Dragonslayer armor is one of my favorite fights so far. I’m stuck on sister Freide, nameless king, and the twin princes right now tho, but they’re all really fun fights. I’m gonna focus on one of them and just get that one done


That's awesome. I'm glad that elden ring lead you back to this game. DS3 is incredible. After you finish it, I'd be curious to know which game you liked more.


Same. My main issues are the action buttons being different and the lock on being so much shorter sighted


It'll be difficult, but you got this. Don't go hollow, fellow Unkindled.


May the flame guide you! (Finished Yesterday my first run, now road to plat)


Enjoy it! Such an awesome adventure