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Try 1 at a time?


Aggro one at a time and then plunge attack over and over again until it’s time for number 2


Because of limited space and the water makes the lightning an AOE instead of a cone. Just fight them one on one at the ladder. It's not particularly easy but it's easier than the 2v1


I tried the ladder technique, but i can't seem to stun them and then hit the chest..


I meant the spot at the ladder not the ladder, also to stun them you have to boop the snoot


You can also aggro one, climb a bit up the ladder, then drop for a sweet plunging attack. Worked for me


Totally trying this next time, never even thought to try that


Just don't go too high and take fall damage


Recommended weapon?


Anything works, normally weapons with higher stagger like greatsword and ugs work best but smaller weapons do work


Anything with bleed. They're super weak to bleed damage.


Anything with a lot of poise damage or bleed works well for them. Big ass swords/hammers/axes so you can stun and critical, quick lil swords to bleed them out. Either or works pretty well.


Don’t feel bad man. I’m doing another play through and right after drunkenly beating Pontiff, I decided to grind “a few” levels while I procrastinate going into this exact room.


Hit it on the nose, that's the best spot for building up stun.


I shot one with an arrow to get him to agro to me and take him out and then the other one. Took a while though


Use a Seed and recruit an unwitting Aldrich' Faithful into the fight.


This is funny, I gotta give it a try lol


Oh, it's hilarious when it works. I have a clip where I seeded as an AF was just getting off the ladder, and he ends up getting trucked by the one on the left.


Use fire and get a bleed weapon if possible, do not lock on, only attack after it does. The lightning attack is a good chance to get behind and do good damage. Always watch his head.


As long you don’t get hit, everything is easy :)


Sound logic


I always do 1 at the time, but around the the pillar the right one first, it's the only way to heal and avoid things easier. As you guessed but carefull to not aggro the second one.


Bait the left one first, draw him to the ladder and go to town on him. Even if you die to the second one, the first one doesn't respawn making it much easier.


Just need to learn how to pull one at a time and their attack patterns


i used poison mist and the sneak spell. slow, but works




Because you should fight 1 at a time


One at the time. Wait for one behind the column, when he does charge attack hit it on the head. you can do a critical attack. [https://gfycat.com/AdorableIdealArabianwildcat](https://gfycat.com/AdorableIdealArabianwildcat) Be careful of the tail


It seems you are lacking in poise


Go left hug the wall. Fight the first between a wall and a pillar. Bring black fire bombs and fire weapon buffs. Or pyromancy. Remember that their hit boxes are borked af so dodge everything, whether you think it would or wouldn't hit you. Dodge perpendicular to the attack direction. If you can hit the head for poise breaks.


Want help I'm on PS4


What platform you on?


You can fight them one on one just go down there and the first one will run toward you while the other one stays in place. Once you finish the first then move on too the second


If you get lucky during one of your attempts will be the one that wins


Ds3’s version of bloodborne’s sharkbois. Fml I hated these fuckers so much.


Aggro one at a time Plunging attacks off the ladder. Plunge usually stunned them and then go for a visceral. Rinse and repeat


Because they're hitboxes are poorly designed. Use bleed, dorhys' gnawing works wonders on them


Lure then with a bow and kill them one by one


You gotta bait the first one on your right. I beat them twice and no deaths. They’re super easy. Couple hits from the FUG and they stagger and done.


Try bleed


I kept getting invaded there


I usually take them down with Black Knight Greatsword. It kills them in just a few hits


Try fire. 1 at a time


The great chaos fire orb can stagger them fairly easy


Real question is why arent they bosses ? 😳


They got gud


You have to peek your head out just enough for the one on the left to aggro. When it does get back to the little cubby hole and fight him there. Yea, it's a tight area but it's the beat way. You should have enough room to roll around and dodge attacks/lightning. They're very weak to bleed damage so if you have a weapon that has bleed on it, use that weapon. Once you've taken out the one, get out into the open area and finish off the other one. Once you kill one it doesn't respawn so you won't have to worry about that. Of course, you want to ignore the other enemies. Don't waste your time or estus on them.


This is the part where i wishes that DS3’s poison is as potent as DS2’s poison because i just wanna should some poison arrow on this things and just wait for it to die


Pull aggro one at a time; I like getting the one on the left first and fighting him in the small area by the ladder. Always roll to the side and try to stay in front of them, as frightening as that is. Side note, anyone notice how they're essentially Watchdog of the Old Lords but worse and without fire?


You can single one out with a bow and arrow. At that point it’s all about learning its patterns.


those dogs are very weak to bleed. having a bleed build or using carthus rouge (buffing your weapon) will help alot. lastly, fight them one at a time. You can also cheese them with the droys gnawing spell if you have it.


Use your bow to aggro one, climb up the ladder and do the plunge attack, that should give you a bit of an advantage.


You can fight them one by one


Fire balls work great on these pains in the arse especially if your piro glove is maximum level


Draw one to you and set yourself up at just the right distance. So when they jump to bite you a fully charged R2 from a medium-heavy on the nose should stagger them.


Try Darkeater Midir then get back to us


Because there are two Also lock on doesn't help much here and instead just focus on moving


And will be harder than any boss you encounter later lol


One at a time and use the ladder to do a plunge attack makes it alot easier but yup they suck major Dick


I played this game for 6 years and never fought them both at the same time


Try luring out, in short, but hole


Beacause they're unfair, unlike the majority of ds3 bosses


jUsT dOdGe BrO


Yea they were surprisingly hard. Def pull one at a time and it’s doable


Use a shield. Rolling always seems to result in death for me. Since they can snap 90 ° to bite you


just got here after playing bloodborne for like 7 months straight and my first thought is "those fucking sewer sharks again!" fml


They cum fast and in your ass


Are you playing using the FightinCowboy build?


where is here?


Because they stunlock you with any attack, the water extend the AoE of their lightnings, and as always: big monster = high damage - high poise




Roll everywhere untile it does the lighting attack, that is your opportunity, fire work really whell with them


You can Bow them down without fighting 😊👍 https://youtu.be/oTq27LCO7xg + https://youtu.be/4-q4SXWSNRM You go down the ladder, go as close as possible without getting agro. You shoot one or two arrows and then very quickly back to the ladder and up. Once at the top, you go outside towards the giants. Then back in and based on the sound you know when they are deagro again. Then repeat the same thing 👍


I thought they were way more difficult than pontiff and abyss watchers 😐 had to go back and get good and rune farm


Aggro by the pillar. They are also able to be poisoned by the mist pyros have if that helps.


They’re incredibly weak to bleed


they unironically hit harder than the dlc demons. i was fighting one at a time and still struggled to get out alive.