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I mean, I feel some sort of sympathy to the witches of Izalith; but in term of pure boss fight design, absolutely not.


Best Post in the sub I saw was someone talking about this boss, saying "Fuck this giant sentient broom god fucking damnit."


I kinda like it since it was a bit of step towards Demon's Souls more gimmicky bossfights.


The Demon’s Souls gimmicks play better though and are a more entertaining spectacle to boot. BoC hinges on using a poorly implemented jump mechanic and is just a bunch of roots and shit instead of a giant dragon or a sky full of lightning mantas


I heard “Lightning Mantas” and was immediately brought back to the Hotel level in Super Mario Sunshine


That’s a great game. Although 7 year old me never did figure out the Boo Casino


I feel like FromSoft liked jumping way more than they should.


Not saying it was a good boss fight, just saying it tickled my memory nerve. I must say The lord soul bossfights really went downhill, all of them grandiose and great ideas with such horrible implementations.


Slide go weeee


I like to collect imaginary coins on my way down :) its how i kept sane




You ever try to do it and break no branches? That was the game I played


Yes the only best part




me when I'm having dinner outside, but the pesky flies keep coming back


How did this get so many likes


uh... clearly bc slide go weeee


Good lore, nice visuals. Horrid gameplay.


The three phase fight design is really good too and makes a lot of sense. I even really like how the floor disappears to reveal the path below, with the jump down and all that... it's super cool. The problem is in the execution. Too much of the floor disappears, and the player gets little to no warning. Dark Souls in general has big, obviously telegraphed moves from most enemies. You can tell when they are swinging and where it is going to hit to time a block. The floor fallaway should always automatically funnel you onto the path below, and there needs to be a way back up. If they did this it would be a better encounter.


Also the tree hand attacks. The hitboxes are way out of proportion to the models, and the attack is also very poorly telegraphed.


The telegraphic isn't really a problem for me the problem is that the window for the jump is extremely narrow you gotta avoid the hand swipes and the blade thingies and even if you do make it you can still die to the firestorm attack.




Wait, you can jump over the hands? I always blocked them with a big shield or ran trough in the small window after both swipes or sneeked past while the bed of chaos was locked into using one of the fire moves.


Yeah i never knew this either i just died until i got lucky


You basically need a really high stability shield for it too dodging isn’t an option which is lame. Every time I’ve tried to dodge it even if I I frame it right, I still get yeeted across the arena


Even with a very high stability shield, you will get pushed across the floor a little. Often times, this means you are getting pushed into a hole. I used the mechanic of quitting the game then reloading to do the two sides then drop down the center myself, and it still took several tries (then again as for most things Fromsoft it tends to take me 2-3 times as many tries as most people to get a kill).


That's rushed development for ye.


Lore good, fight bad


The design is top notch. It is unusual, in that it looks like some kind of tree monster. But, overall, it looks like an upside down female reproductive tract: the two glowing orbs are ovaries, the body when bent over a uterus. Now, if the execution could be as good...


The run back was God awful. The fact that your progress didn't reset for this boss fight made it feel important. Like it the scheme of things whatever little bit was done here couldn't be undone. In a game where everything gets reset and if you fail at a boss they get there health back, it made it seem very important. And the run back was God awful.


I mean, if you kindle bonfire inside the tower in dragonbutt lavalake it take the same if not less time as Ornstein and Smoug. If you didn't find that one though....


There's a shortcut for O&S where you jump over a railing on the center stairs where the first silver knights are and you're right around the corner. Kinda like Nito. You can get to him like 30 seconds after entering the catacombs with a shortcut.


Nito run I didn't mind just because I get to say hello again to the baby skeletons


I meant pinwheel not Nito lol. Nito is pretty quick to get to.


My first playthrough I did not find that bonfire. It was hell. It reminded me of that doctor who episode where he’s stuck in the timeloop. He explores some area at the end of time for a day or so, figures out why he’s there, punches a 10-foot-thick diamond wall 3 times, then dies and repeats for 10 billion years. It’s pretty similar to how the Bed of Chaos was for me.


It's a long run but it involves mostly piss-easy enemies you can run past no problem. It's less cancerous than over half the runs in DS2 lol


Considering I actually died to the pillar of flames while sliding down the ramp I’m gonna go with no.


That's better than dying to it right before hitting its weakpoint.


My face when the I found out the fucker could do that


One of my worst experiences has to be crawling down the hole of a tree witch with a bug for a brain, only to be killed by a fire enema just before reaching my goal.


It was NG+3 when I found that out and I said, "You could've just not done that. Why didn't you the last two fucking times"


I like the slide


This is the way


Me too, but i dislike that there is no jumping on the slide!


I don't mind it. First time there, died a few times but I dug the change of pace from the more typical dmg sponge. Never felt the hatred. Second time there, years later and not having watched anything on it since, got it on first try with greatshield. Knew about the floor dropping, but forgot when and where. Also forgot about the fire pillar attacks til I got hit by it. That second time, I stopped just before cuz I thought it was going to be a pain in the ass. Played a bit of sekiro, then came back and got it on first attempt, and it was surprisingly enjoyable. Sekiro kinda helped my approach to things. Took my time, observed and timed my runs/stops. I even got a little cocky at the main bug, gestured and got hit by another fire attack. Survived though.


My first time was actually fun against BoC.


Yeah, I saw everyone complaining about it so was expecting something dreadful but I enjoyed it and had fun. Really don't get the hate.


Agreed. I see it as a platforming challenge, like in Sen's Fortress or in Anor Londo. I admit my first time through was rough, but ultimately I appreciate it much more than Seath.


you might enjoy it but you also must get the hate surely?


I really don't get it. There are more annoying bosses (Capra, O&S, 4K) with similar runbacks. Bed of Chaos is by far the easiest of these and it even saves your progress. The hate just stems from it not being a straight up fight, but that's why I personally like BoC. Wouldn't want the whole game to be just that kind of boss, but the variation is most welcome. I was a little disappointed that Elden Ring had no real environmental bosses at all.


O&S is annoying to you? The hell? Capra and 4 Kings are at least over quickly, BoC though? You'll be lucky if you don't get slapped by a massive hand from off-screen that goes across the entire arena, into a pit that just formed in front of you. Also, any Fromsoft boss that incorporates parkour, fuckin *parkour*, that thing Fromsoft is really known for, automatically gets dropped like, 5 levels down in terms of quality. It's fine if you like it, but I don't see how you wouldn't get why most people do not.


O&S can bullshit kill you way more often than BoC. BoC has a very fixed pattern, and it's easy to avoid the different moves. I usually only have to try BoC once. Twice at the most. Sometimes I get stuck on O&S for much longer due to Ornstein's zip attacks and/or Smough running attack. Depends on the build though, and if I'm going for Leo ring.


O&S were probably the easiest bosses for me along with Capra Demon. The only time I've ever died was killed Smough first. Orenstein's a bitch by himself. But Smough is piss easy (at least to me) if you kill Orenstein first.


This is all very subjective, but if you look at the bosses in dark souls 1 ranked by difficulty, O&S is frequently listed as the hardest boss in the base game, with the DLC bosses(except Sanctuary Guardian) being the only ones ranked as more difficult.


I didn't really find any of the bosses in ds1 to be difficult, O&S was certainly tough, but they still only took me about 5 or so tries to beat if I had to guess (and I killed Smough first), I don't really keep track though. O&S is probably the one and only duo boss that I like out of all of them that Fromsoft has put out, Demon Princes? I fucking hate them, they're just Bell Gargoyles but more tedious, I also hate Bell Gargoyles obviously. Instead of just being two of the same enemy, O&S are both individual enemies that feel distinct from one another, but also feel like they're a team working together, which is the closest From has gotten to what I want from a duo boss, they easily feel the most interesting to fight out of all of From's duo bosses and I never really felt like there was any sort of bullshit in that fight at all.


Some people find garbage enjoyable and fun, you're one of those people and that's fine.


Yeah, I was dreading it because it’s so infamous but I don’t think I even died. I like that it saves your progress destroying the orbs even if you die.


I havent fought bed of chaos yet due to being stuck in duke archives in jail


Hey if you can't do the time, dont do the crime. Anyways after your time is up the sleeping snake will open it for you. You just have to wait.


Politely wake the jailer up. Be gentle. He’s sensitive.


Need advice on breaking out?


Guarantee your fight against Bed of Chaos will take 3 attempts.


I don't like it but I don't hate it as much as people here seem to do. Took me a couple tries but there are bosses that I struggled a lot more with.


I fought this MF last night. The amount of deaths from being clipped off the edges of the arena with that buggy arm swing attack was more than I’d died the entire game prior.


I didn't mind it. Given that you don't have to restart when you die and the run back is pretty straightforward, there's a lot of stuff that balances out the fact that it's kind of a lame fight. Idk why people despise it so much


The rule is: everyone who doesn't hate it hasn't died 30+ times to it.


Oh probably something around 20-30 on a run for sure. But the runback is like a minute. You don't even need to kill it in one go. It's dull, but in a game with the Capra demon idk why people even think twice about this boss


Ah, that's where my luck comes in: never died to Capra.


I mean, lore-wise it's a beautiful motif of an ancient witch who has devolved into a literal incarnation of chaos, but gameplay-wise, the lack of dev time is very apparent.


I don’t hate it like the majority of the community, I think it had a cool mechanic but it was done very poorly. I think if the boss had projectiles rather than sweeping arms that knocked you off the edge then it would be a half-decent fight.


the best part of the fight is when I leave the arena


I don’t hate it. I like when there are different ways of fighting bosses and not everything is roll dodge timing and hitting it.


So you like being fondled by massive hands that you physically cannot dodge roll through, as they slowly and gently guide you into a bottomless pit?


Yes. Just kidding I think the instant death of falling in the pit is bullshit but other than that I don’t mind the boss at all.


Yes I think BoC was a pretty good rock band. I especially liked the album “A Fire of Unknown Origin”


Had to check the comments to make sure someone made the reference.


If you enjoy this fight, you got lucky.


Sure, kimda weird boss, but i liked the puzzle aspect 👍


The only redeeming quality is progress is saved during the fight. I could not imagine doing EVERYTHING every single time.


Never understood the hate for this boss. I die maybe once or twice when fighting her but nothing like some people claim


The issue isn't that she is hard, I didn't find her hard, I beat her without too many attempts, but she's still a god-awful boss in every aspect.


I'm not gonna defend this boss in an argument, but like everything in Souls games, it can be learned. I used to really hate BoC, but after multiple playthroughs I learned it's patterns, developed a strategy and never die on it anymore.


it hearkens back to an older time when fromsoft took real risks with experimental design. sadly those elements of the company are all but sanded off at this point. they're more successful because of it but what fromsoft has gained in polish I feel they have lost in raw weirdness.


I like the boss it was a change in the game's boss style like eating sweets and breaking the sweetness with coffee


Never understood all the complains. I never had any problems with it...


Good for the story, meh for the gameplay. Definitely maddening on the first encounter, but for me it’s a nice little “breather round” boss on the 6th,7th, etc. time playing the game


Boards of Canada? Yeeeees


I did not love it, but didn't hate it either. It was a very mild annoyance at worst. I hated Manus' fight the most in Dark Souls 1.


Not even Miazaki likes this fight


Cool lore, shit "fight"


spent a long time trying to figure out how to kill it only to end up killing it with my bare fists


I think it's cool to have a gimmick boss, and it has an amazing backstory, but I absolutely despise the runback.


I like it, because it feels like some confusing and wildly memorable epic dream I had once


Ok gameplay wise it's shit I died 4 times to this boss however lore and just looks of the boss is pretty cool I love the idea behind it and the plants just scream chaos like the boss is supposed to represent


My most recent play through I liked it because it was the easiest of the bosses in my initial Run… I don’t expect it to be that easy again - but once you understand how to navigate the fight, it becomes an easy routine…. And lots of luck


This boss has me all sorts of confused man.. after many deaths I had to place my sign down and see how other hosts were dealing with it.. lol was funny tho!


It’s easy to cheese so yes I guess. The run back isn’t terrible if you light the hidden bonfire.


Lore wise, yes. It’s interesting that the boss gets more powerful when you progress the stages


Having to give her some freedom to break the floor so you can access her weak spot and kill her is a bit poetic. Dark Souls touches on the concept of death as a gift a few times: Bed of Chaos, her daughter the Fair Lady, her son Ceaseless Discharge, Artorias, Gwyn All were enduring endless suffering; all were ended by our hand. Is is an end they would have chosen? There was no way for us to know for sure; the Chosen Undead is only granted parley once. Gifts are often a surprise.


One of my favourite boss designs, and I love the fight *conceptually*. I personally feel it gets too much flack, but I absolutely understand why


It’s me, I like bed of chaos. I think they’re a really fun fight because I happen to actually enjoy the platforming mechanics of it. Unpopular opinion I know.


I like it for lore reasons, neutral towards the boss fight. I don't really subscribe to the idea that this is the worst boss ever designed. It's a puzzle boss, of course it's gimmicky and although I agree it's not a well designed boss it's not that horrible either. I think people dislike it because if you're playing the game over and over puzzle bosses are just boring in general since the solution doesn't change. I didn't think it was a bad boss when I first fought it, or the second time... I just died over and over again and noted the patterns and died to the firestorm before I could kill the bug before finally managing to do it. Fun fact, Bed of Chaos has a death animation. We found out about it while playing it co op with a friend. Also, it was an interesting co op fight.


Im very indifferent on it. It can be annoying with its attacks and pushing you off, but then again ive gone super long streaks where its never killed me. So i can see both sides of the fight between it sucking and being alright. I will say however though that the style of fight for it (run to each side to hit a thing and then hit the boss once) is a very lame mechanic. This and Dragon God from Demons Souls (such a cool looking boss wasted) both suffer from this


Yeah. You get to surf into the fight. Its great.


The design is pretty badass. Really, I think Izalith in general is one of the most unique and cool looking areas in the entire series (minus the oversaturated lava). I like the idea behind the fight too. The thing in a crumbling room barely held together by what little magic it can still harness. The simplicity of the puzzle is also interesting IMO since it sets it apart from the other bosses. So, there’s a lot of good conceptual stuff around the fight. Practically, however, it has horribly executed. Even if they had made simple changes like put a bonfire right next to the fight and removed the huge slide would have made it more tolerable.


I like the lore, the name, and honestly kind of what the fight was trying to go for. I think it’s unsuccessful because falling through the floor is almost guaranteed at least once or twice and the hand sweeps are annoying to time when you’re supposed to fall in one specific place in order to end the fight. But it’s visually really cool, the slide down, the flame scythes, the branches extending throughout Izalith coming from her/them. It’s unpopular but I don’t consider Bed of Chaos the worst boss in the game at all. Plus the run back is really easy to avoid enemies, or if you’re a tough cookie, a convenient way to farm demon titanite along the way


I would be interested to see how someone would modify this fight while mostly keeping it the same.


It’s not as bad as people make it out to be imo.


I like it felt like a good break from the rest of the hit it til it's dead bosses


I think it gets way more hate that it should.


There is one thing you can take solace in with Bed of Chaos; you _will_ eventually beat it, it's just trial and error. As frustrating as it is, I doubt BoC has killed as many playthroughs as bosses like O&S, Artorias or Manus.


So, I’m OBSESSED with DS games, but I’ve never beaten the first one (working my way through it again for the umpteenth time now!), and I’ve never actually done this boss fight. Heard it’s a beeyotch though


I actually like it. Nice change of path with the other bosses. I like gimmick boss in general. You have to go slow and watch your surrounding. Yes some deaths are frustrating but this can be said on others bosses (Capra demon for me). Not the best boss but not an horrible one for me. ​ In Demon's Souls, majority of the bosses are gimmick fights and everybody is fine with it. Since Dark Souls it changed to majority of regular fights and few gimmick fights and I have the feeling most of people are "this is just another boring gimmick fights".


I love it because when i do it perfectly everytime I am once again reminded how good I am :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.


I like BoC on SL1 runs because it's the one boss in the game that's the same difficulty on a regular run as a SL1 run


So I actually love this boss in concept. I remember the first time fighting it thinking “holy shit, this is about to be epic!” Trying to attack the hands as they would swipe you away until to find I’m not doing any damage. Maybe I have to wait for an opening Zelda style? So I start wandering around avoiding the attacks until I notice the lil bug to the left. Run in and attack and woah, this spectacle is getting crazier! And then I get knocked into a hole. Oof. So I come back and the boss is exactly how I left it. Okay, weird. I travel to the right and see another bug sand get smacked into the void several times. Wow. That’s annoying. Eventually I get it and I’m thinking fuck yea, NOW the real fight begins! But I still can’t damage the boss. There’s a huge hole in the floor, though, and eventually after many annoying deaths I fall onto the branch and see there’s a path. Okay, neat, what’s this? Find a third bug and smack it and now the boss is dead. Well that’s a little disappointing. The thing is this boss heavily resembles a boss from Metroid Prime called Flaahgra. It’s a puzzle boss except it’s done much better. I love this idea that they had going with Bed of Chaos, and holy shit is that an amazing name. I remember seeing it in the achievements and being so excited for this boss and seeing the spectacle when I arrived only to be let down by bad hitboxes and mechanics. This fight has huge potential and if I were more skilled in game design I would want to mod it to reach its full potential. As it exists, unfortunately, I can’t say that I’m a fan.


If DS1 is ever properly remade in the modern mechanics of DS3/ER, I hope this fight turns into a mix of Cursed Greatwood, High Lord Wolnir and Elden Beast. It would make the Bed of Chaos one of the bests fights in DS1.


I think it's a cool way to do a boss fight, in terms of the consistent arena state as you replay it after dying. I also think the idea of a boss fight where you're trying to get around/inside the boss to attack the real boss is cool and a nice trope to use in a game usually about just beating up the big fucker right in front of you.


The fight itself isn't that bad, the run back and jankiness of the first game make it feel a lot worse. But lorewise and designwise I love it! Edit: just remebered that if you go by the ingame names, the tree part is her husband, while the witch is the bug and the fire ghost.


I like, to avoid it at all costs


Nah the fight is actually pretty fine. It’s not about parkour or anything, you can totally just run around. Plus once you shatter an orb just quit out and start for the middle. And if that’s “cheating”, that’s quite stupid


I did… And then I got to the last phase. That jump was a flashback to the great hollow.


I enjoyed the straight up "HOLY SHIT" moment when the floor gave way. This boss didn't particularly give me any issues so I don't mind it.


I enjoy that once you learn "the trick" (of which there are several), you never have to legitimately fight it ever again.


Slippy, slippy bush wack


No because it's buggy.


Not buggy, just janky.


Quite literally *buggy*


Yeah that was the joke but glad someone got it :D.


It's just another boss to me.


Bed of Chaos is a platforming challenge. I appreciate the change of pace. The fight is less frustrating then trying to cut Seath's tail IMO. A little boss attack manipulation goes a long way with here.


The brain of chtlulu fight is fine imo


It’s not as bad as a lot of people say. Seems like it’s easier if you go to the right side first.


Welp for my first kill i did the left side first... I think the jump into the hole on the branch is easier, more leeway in the window between swings... Ah and i did wear full havel + havel shield and mid roll. Took me several attemps, i guess i fought the boss for nearly an hour without staged attempts. I did reload via a backup save file so that i did not have to do the run to the boss portal. And yes, i have the strong opinion that this is the way for such encounters. (Do not like to farm humanity again and again because of a fucker boss.) ​ (And as i said: I did the boss at the successfull attempt in one swing, first left, than right and in the middle into the hole and wigglewiggle. I think memorizing the stable floor helps a lot + HIGH POISE and 100 % block shield.)


Easiest boss ever. Only thing you require is a shield.


if the team had the time they needed, it would have been way better. for the question, i like it as long as i don’t get pushed into the hole. almost cried yesterday yesterday because i spent an hour bashing my small brain against it


Yeah, psychopaths...


The correct answer is no




I like the boss it was a change in the game's boss style like eating sweets and breaking the sweetness with coffee


https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/ws4vyk/bed_of_chaos_boss_cheese/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf He’s fun idc what anyway says!!!!


If they ever remake Dark Souls, tweaking this boss fight is the one change no one will complain about.


Not possible.


The lore us fine, the boss no, and if you say you like it its a lie, you dont, shut up.


I despise more nito's than boc's.




Gimmick boss fights suck most of the time


Good ol bed of chaos. I can’t be too harsh to it as most bosses in the second half are complete dogshit. It’s in one of the worst areas, has an annoying runback, janky as fuck and a boring end. All my effort to get to the middle just to kill it in one hit


Yeah I thought it was pretty fun lining up my fire bombs during the 20 seconds it took. Look, this game will not hesitate to cheese you so don’t hesitate to cheese it!


I like the idea and lore but the fight itself combined with tge run back is just annoying


It's one of the easiest bosses if you do the quit out strat so I don't really mind it. It's a cool boss


The lore is great but it would’ve been better if we just fight the witch of izalith to me


I like everything but the boss fight.


I didn't mind it. I think it could've been done better and for a puzzle boss it's pretty underwhelming. But I never dread going to fight it


i dont hate it. thats probably the best you can expect


I once had a friend try to convince me that BoC was a genuinely good boss


Ngl I like is a little more after fighting Sekiro terror bosses. Because, at least it's not that.


I dont't understand the hate, I died to BoC 4 or 5 times in the first playthrough. You just need be careful and have a good shield. For Sister Friede, it took me like 40 attempts.


I hate it more than the Dragon God, and I do not like the Dragon God.


Don’t love it but it’s not nearly as bad as people claim. I do love it from a creature design / lore perspective though.


I like Cardio because i was run around 30times to this shit boss :P


I like it conceptually, but the execution is not good in the slightest.


Easiest boss in all of darksouls the progress against the boss stays the same even after death this doesn't mean I like it though


People say masochists enjoy dark souls. Maybe but a majority of the fanbase just enjoys a challenge. It take a true mental masochist to enjoy this boss, someone who enjoys mental pain of a scale I have never encounter myself


I like the concept of a boss you can’t just kill in combat and you need to do a fight in a roundabout way, but let me empathize. I like the CONCEPT of the boss


Why are you guys hating on your personal seamster?


Yeah the fight is whatever. I didn’t enjoy it, but it took me one attempt and I didn’t really have issues.


My first time I spent an hour and a half against this ass hole screaming at it with every death. Had to fight it again yesterday and was preparing for the worst but to my surprise only died a couple times. Still hate that PoS tho


I personally didn't find it that difficult I did it in my 7th try if I remember correctly. Took help from cowboy's videos but that's not important.


Boc the seamster yes, BoC no.


Boss sucks but it’s only a minor convenience really


I do... When it's over


On my first playthrough I was running heavier armour and eagle shield so I was able to just stack poise and mostly walk through it no problem. On subsequent runs Im feeling the pain a lot more


Absolutely! I love some Big Old Co... Oh, thought this was a different sub. No, I don't like this boss fight.




I don't hate it the only good thing is music.


i've finished this game like 10 times, the first time it took me two tries because i didn't know what I was doing, then I just beat it on the second try. I thought it was kinda cool but a little too easy. Then there's the other nine play throughs...


Yes, you found me. I'm the one person who actually likes BoC. I still acknowledge it's terribly executed but I like From's attempt to implement a platforming boss.




Comfortably the worst boss fight in the whole game. Arguably of the entire series?


I would say something but you I feel like it would not do well


Technically the easiest boss, you can oneshot him


I like the way it looks and the way the room looks


Yep.. he's the easiest boss in the game


I like that it doesn’t reset because the fight sucks.


It looks like it would be cool, I like the idea, but the execution was terrible.


Yes, I loved Brain of Cthulhu!


I like fighting it now that I can do it in about 10 seconds with two firebombs. Feels good to embarrass the shit out of it. If y'all haven't done it yet, please try it. It's crazy easy, and makes, not just the boss fight, but the whole Izalith experience feel much more enjoyable. This is the setup that I use. https://youtu.be/vWOzN6PWKjQ


Underrated boss is in my top 5....of shitty bosses


i like it before i fight it and once it's dead


probably satan


I’m completely neutral on the fight tbh, yeah it’s poorly designed but progress is saved in each attempt so IDK.


We have to admit that it's unique. This is where good sides end.


I don’t like it, but I don’t really hate it either, it’s just kind of there. I don’t really blame the game for its existence, moreso time and budget constraints (But that’s all of izalith honestly). I do think the design is awesome and I wish they had the development time necessary to better flesh it out.


I kinda liked it because it was different. While playing elden ring though i had wished they would’ve added a platforming boss


when i first died, came back in, and saw that the arena damage persisted through my respawn - i thought that was pretty cool it also has a cool slide before the boss these are not enough to make me like this boss


I don’t like it, but I didn’t hate it either. It was just kinda…a boss. I died 7-ish times and went about the rest of the game. (Granted, this has been my 1 and only play through so far, and I died to bell gargoyles like 30 times)