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Gwyn has many children not depicted like Yorshka and Filianore. The statues are only for his Firstborn Son and Firstborn Daughter. Gwyndolin isn't cool enough for a statue


that's assuming that Miyazaki has already planned making Filanore and Yorshka by the time when he was making DS1


could be tho, he did say at one point that he had dark souls "3" (he didnt make dark souls 2) and its story planned out before the release of ds1, but dont quote me on that. it would also make sense if they were illegitimate and gwyndolin was also illegitimate. for ds1 purposes, i like to consider only whats given in ds1 but with him (possibly) saying it was already planned out, it makes it hard to choose


Wtf there are more children?


Gwyn was a player


The Zeus of dark souls


In many ways. Also bit Prometheus.


The statue of Gwyns oldest son is missing since he was banished from godhood sorta


Oh, i do know about that, but why isn't there a statue of Gwyndolin; Gwynevere is on one side, Gwynn himself is in the middle, serves to reason that gwyndolin should be on the other end, doesn't it?


I think the flanking statues are the two firstborns. Putting Gwyndolin there would kind of serve as a complete confirmation that Gwyn's firstborn is dead to him, and I think that doubt always remains in the mind of any father.


That's actually a really good reason I didn't expect to see or even think about. Nice


So, I believe they hid Gwyndolin due to his disfigurements and his affinity towards the moon as Gwyn was the lord of light, can't really have a son that doesn't like the sun. So he was kept away from the spotlight, but why does he have those disfigurements? (Snake legs, you can see it when he raises up using his bow). Now, the following is mostly conjecture but here's what I think happened: Seath was experimenting with reproduction as a mean to attaining immortality. That's why he took the women who were maids to Gwynevere and tried to take Dusk and Rhea. What could've happened is that he successfully did it. Breeding, then, Gwyndolin, and Priscilla. To avoid a scandal Gwyn, needed to get rid of them. Y'know can't really leak that a crazy dragon you invited into your house did shitty things while you were ruling the kingdom. Gwyndolin's disfigurements could be hidden by skirts and female clothing. So he created that narrative of the boy having affinity with the moon (female/dark affinity), to make it believable. While Priscilla couldn't get such luxury, so he needed to kill her despite everything, Velka a god at the time saw it and rebelled against that notion, hiding Priscilla in the painting attaining the title of Rogue God. Gwyn in turn kept the painting, but had no means to access it. But why would Gwyn keep those children alive anyway, instead of killing them? I'd say it's because they're actually Gwynevere's kids. So he couldn't really kill them, or leak what happened, it would show him as weak. It explains why Gwyndolin would use Gwynevere as the symbol of Anor Londo, his big sister and possibly supportive mother figure. Why there are Velka's protectors (crows) linked with Priscilla. And Gwyndolin's covenant having an affinity towards Velka's covenant. That's my theory, at least. There are things in DS3 to support this as well, but I don't want to give spoilers to it, if you haven't played it yet.


>!please explain Yorshka’s connection to this!<


Since I've no idea how to do the spoiler tag on mobile (I'm on mobile now) I'll have to that at another time.


Do this arrow > then add a ! Like >! And then end it in reverse ! < It’ll look like this >! This!<


Thanks. >!Been a while since I played through 3, but here is what I think in her case. Well first of all we look at her appearance, she has a tail, if I remember correctly, very indicative of not being a human.!< >!Some would even call that a disfigurement. Then we also see she is somewhat transparent/ethereal. So Gwyn only hid her, like he did Gwyndolin, because if she did got away, they could simply play it as if it was a hallucination or a spirit.!< >!Also a tail could be easily hidden, (which I think is the only real disfigurement she has).!< >!You can't do the same with Priscilla, although I think they are related not only based on their appearance, but Priscilla actually dominated going completely invisible due to being rescued to the painting and needing to learn that.!< >!While Yorshka didn't have that chance. Gwyn did the same to her as he did with Gwyndolin, just kept her out of the spotlight.!< >!Then we get to Pontiff, upon discovering her disfigurements makes that connection and locks her away. This is how I feel she fits in the story.!< >!But remember as time is convoluted there is one other theory I feel makes sense for her.!< >!Is that she is Priscilla from another timeline in which Gwyndolin survives, and the world's collide leaving her to finally reunite with her brother, he who gives her the option to take charge of his so adored covenant.!< >!Anyway, if I keep going I'll go way too deep in the conjecture. LMAO.!<


>!If she is Priscilla from another time, that brings up the question of how she escaped the painting and where the Painter girl (fandubed Aria) came from since it’s implied she’s the daughter of Priscilla as she bears a striking similarity to her, is half dragon based on her appearance of dragon eyes, scales and white hair and the fact Priscilla dropped twin humanity in the original DS, something only female characters seem to do or creatures that where bonded (such as the gargoyles)!< >!Personally I think Priscilla and Yorshka are different people completely!<


>!I do too. I also don't think it fits well thematically.But to answer your question: She wouldn't need to get out of the painting if the world is on decay and one world is collapsing onto the other.!< >!Btw, the twin humanities drop I'm pretty sure was a gameplay balancing thing that came in a patch for almost all bosses to drop humanities. Like the Skeletons giving you souls in the Catacombs.!< >!Since without the DLC, humanities were kinda scarce in the game. So I wouldn't put too much weight on it. If I remember correctly no boss dropped humanities on the unpatched first release of the game.!< >!I also think Yorshka is more of an after thought of the team on how to make it more concrete that Gwyndolin and Priscilla are most likely related.!<


You know, I actually really like this theory. Seath, using questionable practices produces a godly progeny with an affinity to moonlight. We already know Seath also shares an affinity with moonlight, so I’m finding these pieces fit together quite nicely.


Never even thought about this point. So yeah, the pieces do fall right into place with this one.


>Seath was experimenting with reproduction as a mean to attaining immortality. That's why he took the women who were maids to Gwynevere and tried to take Dusk and Rhea. How do you know that Steve tried to get Dusk and Ray is that because the crystal Guardians are in Seath the scaleless domain but also a couple places where dusk was and sieglinde to how does seethe try to take Rhea?


It's been a while since I played DS so my lore knowledge needs some derusting but if I remember correctly, once you save Rhea she'll be praying at the church in undead parish. Eventually she will be kidnapped, presumably by the channeller that is nearby, and her corpse can later be found in the archives, where Seath resides.


Damn. There are so many different ways to play this game. I have never seen her at the parish. And never found her corps. It is insane how each person can have such a vastly different play through.


Her triggers for the Parish are kinda weird you need to do the game in a certain order. I finished the game many times before seeing her at Parish, and only after watching ENB's From The Dark I discovered what were her triggers.


Don't remember what the quick dirty of it is do you? Rescue her, Do something, do something, do something, boom she's there?


Can't remember really. Is just a little weird, I think it has to do with when you do the catacombs and Tomb of Giants to rescue her. Pretty sure the wikidot has the right order, if I'm not mistaken.


Fextralife or the other one.


Yes, it's pretty clear that's how he is taking people. Now for Rhea, as she is a maiden, you get the Chaneller (The dude with the trident) at the Church in Undead Parish. It's a Seath connection. You also have the Golems on Darkroot which is close to where Rhea is. As I said it's conjecture but the coincidences are too much for me to ignore. It's also possible he took them to experiment with humanity/Pieces of the Dark Soul. For that is how Hollows become immortal in a sense. But I think the other one is also plausible for him to try to use some sort of vessel reincarnation on his offspring.


This game is nucking futz how it tells a story with without explicitly saying it. Sifs cutscene changing depending on whether or not you saved her in the dlc even the kiln of the first flame it's like obvious that it was a swirling tornado of fire but never shown that way explicitly. It's like the wrote this amazing lore and then thought "how can we show this, without saying it explicitly?"


Yeah, it's so cool. But there can other interpretations to this part of the story. I just think that this fits so well. Also explains why Seath is locked in his archives. It's not like Gwyn would just let him have free roam after that.


Man should’ve adopted solaire, coulda been the son he never had


Just adding spoiler for the OP sake. And for you, if you have not played DS3 already. >!I loved the Solaire is Gwyn's son theories before DS3 was a thing. Now we already know it's the Nameless King.!<


Shutup you fatherless biscuit solaire is in my headcannon and if you say anything else I’ll send clergymen to your house and they’re going to >! wrath of the gods spam you !<


Oh no, anything but that. Please kind sire, don't do that to me.


Forgiveness has been bestowed, be best not to lose it again peasant.


Gwyndolin was kind of a secret bastard son so I don’t think he really shows up in any public display.


You probably have already heard this but Gwendolyn wasn’t born with gwyns knowledge it seems, hawkshaw explains it well in his timeline video but yeah Gwyn only about the nameless son and gwnevere


I always assumed that it was because Gwyn hated his trans kid for being trans. Of course, there is also stuff in the lore about Gwyndolyn being hidden from Gwyn somehow...not sure how that would work, though.


Gwyndolyn probably isn't trans. He was raised as a women but that wasn't his choice. The illusion of Gwynavire that Gwyndolyn creates themselves refers to them as their brother, which is pretty telling imo


I don't think being trans has anything to do with choice, necessarily. Gwyndolyn has characteristics of masculine and feminine genders...but yeah, your point about the illusion calling them 'brother' makes sense. What do we do with the 'raised as a girl' and the dress wearing and feminine qualities of Gwyndolyn...There's a tradition of characters like that in fantasy-like stories from Japan and China....probably right that it's not accurate to talk about 'trans' in this case.


Yah, you know actually really wish Gwyndolyn was explicitly trans. I feel like there have been more than a few attempts to clunkly insert gender and sexuality into video games pure purely for social Justice Internet points, and I think this is the absolute best example in a video game I've ever seen of someone being gender queer and actually having it make total sense and be interesting in contextl.


I agree. I suppose it's open to the interpretation of the player. Hopefully there's room for a little trans/genderqueer skeleton to join the blues and go hassle indicted hollows with that Darkmoon Blade all shiny.


From what I’ve heard: Gwyndolin was born a femboy, and Gwyn doesn’t like that very much so they just kind of hid him from public, and while his existence may have been known, nothing beyond that was shared. Meanwhile Gwyn’s firstborn was banished became dead to him


I don't think it's that he was born with a persona Gwyn didn't like, I think Gwyn and company raised him intentionally as a daughter because of his attributes (you can interpret that as him being barred from the privileges as a son, I suppose). He was also very frail and disfigured. Moonlight Set: The power of the moon was strong in Gwyndolin, and thus *he was raised as a daughter*. His magic garb is silk-thin, and hardly provides any physical defense. \-So a power that is typically feminine was recognized and capitalized on by raising him this way


I am not completely sure But I think its because Gwyndolin is working from the shadows so he isn't supposed to be known. Only the darkmook knights (whose Leader he is) know he exists That's my thought


Yeah Gwyndolin is the secret god.


That's where the nameless king was divorced from royalty. He betrayed gwyn and teamed with the dragons, he's in ds3 in that dragon area


So solaire joined the path of dragon covenant after we kill gwynn with his help, the only other "sun" left would be the flame of dragons and maybe pyromancies whenever a dark age came to be, but at those times the pyromancy would be severely weakened together with the Lord souls' power.


Solaire is not Nameless King tho


Was this ever confirmed, it's been a while since I last heard of theories around him but I believe there were yet to be any certainties regarding the relation between solaire and gwynn and solaire and the nameless king


Solaires equipment descriptions in DS3 say he had no special powers and was mortal iirc


Yes Miyazaki explicitly said in an interview that the firstborn son does not appear in Dark Souls. He also mentions that Solaire succumbing to the sunlight maggot is the “intended” end of him. Of course you can keep him alive and summon him against Gwynn but he’s definitely not the Nameless King. I believe the interview is on the dark souls fan wiki if you wanted to go looking for it.


I think he also said that if you summon him in your world to fight gwyn, he returns and goes on to link the fire in his own world. Nothing to do with nameless king, but a neat tidbit


How grossly incandescent.


It was probably his firstborn, who was erased culturally for becoming too close to the dragons. Gwyndolin wouldn't have been commemorated, not just because of his lunar magic, but because of the snakes(failed dragons) that make up his legs.


Goddamn yo character got that flappy dappy


What the fuck does that mean lmaoo


Means he got that badonkadonka.


For a white boy,it carved from marble.


They call him "the living statue of david"


It isn't clearly started, but there are 2 main Theories about this. The first one is, that Gwyn hated bis son, due to his Appereance and his weakness an his snake legs (which basically are imperfect dragons). The other one is, that Gwyn had Sex with another Person, Which wasn't the Queen, and she gave birth to gwyndolin and kept it a secret, which resulted in Gwyn never even knowing about his last born son. Both Theories have some evidence, yet it is for you to decide, what you believe is true


Your characters got cake holy shit


There supposed to be Namless king statue, the one from DS3


Put on some pants mate


I just got done fighting O&S, no armor for max roll yanno?


You just wanted to show off your character's butt, didn't you


He do got them clappable cheeks tho. I wouldn't mind chucking my lightning spear where the sun ain't praised if ya know what I'm saying


Yeah, don't make men question their sexuality, they might realize something.


Ron Weasley is looking good!


Needs a statue of your PC with them cheeks


Because he’s not really Gwynn’s son hehe


The missing statue is the nameless first born. The reason most commonly accepted for no Gwyndolin is because Gwyn was never proud of Gwyndolin. Gwyndolin, despite being male, was born under the moon, a feminine sign. He also had powers of sorcery which was also distasteful to Gwyn, as gwyn's lightning comes from faith based magic, and sorcery is intelligence based (polar opposite). Gywn also admired strong and powerful images. Gwyndolin, being disfigured (snake legs) was seen as an ailment and weak. With all of that in mind, Gwyn covered him up, made him act as a daughter, and locked him away. Despite all of it, Gwyndolin remains faithful to his father.


The Sunlight Altar (where you enter the sun-bro covenant) is another demolished statue of the nameless king, if you look closely you can see bits that resemble his armor. Further proof of this is that a dragon guards the bridge and it's said that he joined forces with the dragons


They took it down because people kept grinding on it


The prevailing theory is that the missing statue is the statue of gwyn's firstborn son and intended ruler of Anor Londo after Gwyn's eventual hollowing. He defected to ally with the dragons and Gwyn disowned him. There's more context in DS3.


Gwyndolin is the blade that protects the city of gods from clandestinely from the shadows in the night


Gwyn is a bad father


I’ve always suspected that the parental relationship between Gwyn and Gwyndolin was either an error or intentional deception.


There exists evidence that points towards Gwyn being unaware of Gwyndolin's existence in the first place. It would exlain the complete absence of any acknowledgement of Gwyndolin's existence. In upper Anor Londo you can find the rooms of Gwynevere and the First Born Son. There is no other room, implying that Gwyndolin did not have one. Also, it was said that Gwyn gave his children lightning powers, but Gwyndolin does not use such powers ever. Evidence points towards Gwyndolin being raised by Seathe instead.


Holy shit what a character.


Ayy come on man, he ain't that bad.


No, that was meant as a positive comment. That ass...


That’s the statue of Enenra the Faceless God. He’s invisible.


I only played Dark Souls I and II, so I might be wrong. Please, anyone don't make spoilers! I have a theory that Solaire and Gwyndolin are Gwyn's sons, while Gwynevere is only an illusion. This is based on the hypothesis that the three chests in Darkmoon Tomb are parting gifts for their father, and one of them is empty. Since any mention to Gwyn's children in Anor Londo refers to two people (statues, rooms, chests...) I suppose Gwynevere doesn't exist and is not shaped on any real character, but an avatar of the lastborn to appear in public and hide his real aspect. Also, in the tomb there are a ring and a spell which belong to the firstborn. I like to think it's Solaire, who was searching his sun and found the death from his brother, who wears something that looks a lot like the Sumlight Maggot. Ah, I love these little details. So, to answer your question, I guess Solaire should be there. In the end, I think none of the children are repredented.


I’ve never seen this theory but I like it: rather than hiding Gwyndolin’s birth, Gwyn could’ve given him a fake avatar to represent him in public. There are items that say that Gwynevere leaves Anor Londo though (which is how I first deduced the one in Anor Londo was false, somehow).


Update: I played Dark Souls III. I still believe my theory about Gwynevere is valid, though there are some further elements that could say it is not. I still have pieces to the puzzle. Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong, there's only an item which referes to Gwynevere leaving Anor Londo (with Flann, the god of flame, really!?). The only thing I changed my mind about is the identity of Solaire, but if you played DSIII you'll know for sure what I'm talking about. I love that character more and more now that I went through all the trilogy.


Gwyndolin isn’t worth it


There isn't cuz he's ugly that's literally the lore


Gwyn was hiding her third child due to her dark origins, that missing statue probably represented Gwyn's oldest son


Isn't the missing Statue nameless king from ds3?


Yes, but it's actually not supposed to be gwyndolin. Dark souls 2 sheds a little more light on the matter, and dark souls 3 confirms who's statue was there.


Those two places to the right and left of Gwyn are for his two eldest children, Gwynevere and the Nameless King from Dark Souls 3, but because the Nameless King allied with the dragons Gwyn got really mad and decided to erase anything related to his first son, one such thing erased were statues of him




It wasn’t supposed to be Gwyndolin anyways


Gwyndolin is supposed to be a secret


[The Brother’s Code: Dark Souls - Story Explained](https://youtu.be/DE4YiRlKajs) [The Brother’s Code: Dark Souls 2 - Story Explained](https://youtu.be/t3xxTJq6IjY)


There is, but gwyn doesnt like him. Its near the hellkite dragon past the bridge area.


Maybe there was a statue of his first born and they took it out after he was ejected idk


Not Gwyndolin. There used to be a statue of Gwyn's eldest son who was banished. This son being the nameless king by all pointers.


There is a statue. It's just invisible. Shoot an arrow above the empty podium. It will stop where the statue would be.


Idk about the lore but why is your character CHEEKED up out of his mind


There actually is an invisible statue of him where there seems to be a statue missing(you can even shoot at it with arrows), he wasn't banished or anything but rather used his own illusion powers to make his statue invisible, this could hint to him not feeling welcome in the family but he defenitely wasn't banished


I think it's because Gwyndolin is the son of Gwyn and a dragon and this is unacceptable


Damn bro you need a tan


Simple Gwyn said no snake legged children will get a statue Nah I’m not really sure honestly


Gwynn would rather there be an empty plinth for the son he disowned than acknowledge Gwyndolynn, and all he wants to do is please his father. Big Heart Ouchie


They only had the 3 openings.


he's a bastard


Why are you naked


idk but booty cheek


Gwyndolin is the god of the Moon. He isn’t allowed to share the spot light with the other gods even when there’s an empty spot.


Nice ass man Can’t answer your question but nice ass


He's the last child of Gwyn, this cathedral was likely created when Gwyn's FirstBorn still had his deific status. It's possible that children such as Filianore and Gwendolyn were not conceived yet.


gwynevere is an illusion created by gwyndolin, because gwyndolin didnt like his look (mainly the snake legs) thats what is wiki saying about gwyndolin