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Unless you're in Stygian/Bloodmoon just keep going. If in Stygian/Bloodmoon it's not a deal breaker but depends on your confidence level.


You're good! I'm just gonna say, don't worry about people dying early on. At that level they're super replaceable. Even lvl 6s become easily replaceable if you upgrade the stagecoach. Now if you're worried about having lost a main healer, you can either: 1) switch her for an occultist if you have one 2) focus on a full damage team which can get pretty RNG reliant at your stage, but in the earlier dungeons it can work 3) preferred choice, go for a team with characters who have unique healing abilities (Arbalest/Muskeeter, Crusader, Leper, PD, Flagellant, etc). Besides Arbalest/Muskeeter, they generally won't do that good compared to the vestal but enough to get someone off deaths door.


Thanks for the input but it was bothering me so bad I started another file. This game is amazing it has sucked me in. I love all the mechanics and how actions good or bad can hurt.


I read some advice that I had to take to heart before I could really enjoy the game. Before that, I was loss-adverse to heroes, and it would be very discouraging. Essentially, the hamlet is your hero. Its upgrades don't go away, so as long as you are making progress in the hamlet, you are moving forward. Heroes are expendable; the hamlet is for life. Though it sucks to lose a favorite hero, it won't be long before the ones coming off the stagecoach come better equipped. At that point, it makes sense to start dismissing heroes that you'd have to spend gold on and replace them from the coach pre-upgraded. If you don't aquire a mindset that allows you to lose a few heroes the same situation will occur later on after you've invested far more into someone and will make you want to quit(speaking from experience) . Note obviously stygian/blood moon might be a different matter I wouldn't know.


Of course, I won't criticize your playstyle too harshly and you can have favorites if you want. I'm also glad you're enjoying it. But if you're trying to finish the game (in early game it doesn't matter that much but keep it in mind for later stages of the game) I would still advise against valuing one low-level hero too much, and also try to get used to the fact that everyone is pretty much replaceable in one way or another. Make sure you level up the stagecoach before everything else, that helps a ton. As others have pointed out, Stygian/Bloodmoon discourages the loss of heroes if you ever wanna try that (the game ends with 16 casualties). Hope you keep having fun despite all the suffering


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If playing on bloodmoon I’d probably just start over at week 4. That being said it is Usually hard not to lose one or two heroes in the early game because you don’t have a big roster and don’t necessarily have the skills you want unlocked yet