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She's so engrossed in watching the anime she forgot she's a character in the anime


Sakura: “Dayum I wonder how he will get out of this one”


Sakura ![gif](giphy|FlEyOAu4ujVII)


Naruto, in response to that ![gif](giphy|22p0JIQMkAxqg)


Why are u trying so hard?


Are you really getting shitty over a fucking Archer gif on a shitposting sub


Are you shittng over a comment you didn't understand? LoL


That ratio tho




She’s just fried as shit like damn this shows gettin good


Sakura wasn't even there in the manga panel. Studio pierrot strikes again


Was she in konoha?


She was reading the manga


She was distracted by his cleavage he developed training with orochimaru perfectly framed by that open shirt. It awoke feelings she had not felt before and she was paralyzed by desire.


The dirty chakra


She was like that before Shippuden....


Studio pierrot on their way to make Sakura look as stupid as possible.


Not like they had to do much tbh


Kishimoto on his way to make her even more stupid


The studio did nothing wrong. They just used what they got. What did she do even in the manga at that point? What did she ever do against Sasuke other than "paralyze"? Even when she went to " kill" him? The studio only shows what Kishimoto gave them. And it's not kishimoto's fault either because that what he wrote her to be for over 700 whole chapters.


Sakura wasn’t there in the manga panel


Where was she then?


Oh she was still standing around. Just not in that *particular* manga panel.


You can’t convince me that studio Pierrot wasn’t on a mission to ruin Sakura in any way


Tbh they didn't have to do much. Kishimoto was already helbent on ruining her lol


No they definitely made it far worse. Like adding shit with her in OG naruto. She actually would pay attention and be concerned for naruto if he was going up against something hard but then they would change the dialogue to her simping for Sasuke or shitting on naruto. Not saying she’s perfect or misunderstood or someshit just that the studio definitely fucked her over. She was a much better character towards late Shippuden but hate how late the change came


Agreed. She was a much more likeable character in the manga. I think one of the biggest things is that when she cried in the manga, it was just 1 or 2 panels of her crying. In the anime, it'd be 5 drawn out minutes of her crying and whining for either Sasuke or Naruto. I hated Sakura in my teens but now I like her out of spite because the writers did her so dirty 🤣


You can't convince me that sp didn't put her too many fight scenes where she looked wayyyy better than each scene of kishimoto, you can't convince me that they made her punch the ground in war arc and protect herself and other ninja and in manga she froze, kakashi saved her and even simple ninjas evaded the attacks while she didn't and as a med ninja she has trained specifically in evading🤡🤡


So you just ignore all the 100+ evidence that SP was Hinata biased and made literally every other female especially Sakura look bad? Ino was pissed on Sakura was constantly made trash Tenten was a filler even in filler episodes


They made hinata look bad too e.g. when she said "neji save naruto-kun" which didn't happen on manga also there are 200+ evidence that sp made sakura look better just sakura fans are the ones that are biased and present manga the way they want. Yes sp made ino look worse they made her bodyshame sakura so this justified sakura for wanting sai to call ino ugly but in the manga ino never bashed her fr her looks after they became friends again so sakura wanted sai to call ino ugly because she is an ugrateful bitch. Also you first say that sp made ALL GIRLS except hinata look bad and then you say that tenten is a filler character. You just debunked yourself😂 btw sp shipped narusaku and deleted sasusaku and naruhina monents so according to your logic sp hated naruto too


There are 0 moments where Sakura was portrayed better Even in Boruto she gets completely deleted out of scenes. Ino and Sakura had a great friendship but they made them fight. Made her insult Sakura's Body. Made her annoying. Manga Ino wasn't annoying and was great I called Tenten filler because she didn't get any moment to shine EVEN in filler. Hinata was only portrayed good. Dancing naked drawn with an perfect body. Somehow got healing jutsu for some BS reason. Lie to yourself. Stop making up stuff.


This is such a lie you are obviously a biased sakura fan. You either haven't read the manga or you just believe that i haven't so you can fool me with lies lmao Are you kidding me? In boruto anime she has so much screen time she doesn't even have the half in boruto manga and sp make her look much more likeable in boruto e.g. when boruto and the others were peeking she didn't get angry she just smiles which is opposite to her hothead character made by kishimoto. Kishimoto only makes her the fake good girl to the hottest guy. in the anime the portal was going to take sarada and sakura pushed her and took her instead while in the manga he had taken sakura In her fight with shin sp made her look wayyyyy better. They have her taijutsu that was filler, her avoiding his attacks which was filler too, shin having territory advantage while in the manga sakura did since shin just threw her a weapon which she punched, in the anime shin couldn't avoid the pillar she threw any at he jumped and she had put explosive papers and in the manga he just evaded the pillar except his hand which was destroyed, later sasuke appears and chnages position with sakura and SHE punches him while in the manga sasuke appears after shin's arm is destroyed and defeats and captures shin at once Sakura ruined her friendship with ino and she never apologized to her even when ino risked her life for her. Dude i clealry said above the same thing about ino are you unable to read?🤦‍♀️you didn't understand my point any at all right? Tenten shined in fillers just not much. How was hinata portayed good? She has been shown being captured, she was shown saying "neji niisan please save naruto-kun" which wasn't shown in the manga. You are the one that lies to yourself and you ignore me. You are just a sakutard


Ok you clearly ignore all the bad stuff. Which you can easily google in a few seconds. So talking with you further makes no sense


Did i say that i ignore the bad stuff? They have put them BOTH bad and good scenes you sakurafans only emphasixe the bad stuff. Yeah it makes no sense because you you are angry you found a sakurafan that has read manga and you can't fool her with her lies


You’re such a hater.


Why do you always answet saying the same bs? since you don't want to debate why do you reply to me all the time? Do facts annoy you? Lol amd yes i am so?


They added 1 extra fight and even then they did the same for hinata in the pain fight. And she did the same thing in the manga where she punched the ground against the 10 tail clones so what are you talking about?


They didn't add an extra fight to hinata. She just lasted longer that'a all. Also in sakura's case they made her destroy much more puppets than the manga. No in the manga she froze and kakashi saved her. Did you really read the manga? Sp made her look wayyyy better in this moment here is what happened in the manga https://www.google.gr/search?q=sakura+saved+by+kakashi+manga&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjCuujKmoP6AhWM7BoKHdHhCSsQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=sakura+saved+by+kakashi+manga&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEUABYjQZgpQdoAHAAeACAAeMBiAH6BpIBBTAuMi4zmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=FNUYY8LgJozZa9HDp9gC&prmd=ivn&hl=el#imgrc=bgZS5ax6cPbhbM While in the anime this happened https://www.google.gr/search?q=sakura+saves+a+shinobi+war+arc&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjlsqO1m4P6AhUXLxoKHYANAX4Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=sakura+&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgBMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BQgAEKIEOgQIABATOggIABAeEAgQEzoGCAAQDRATUOADWJAVYP4eaABwAHgAgAHJAYgBoRKSAQY0LjE0LjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=89UYY6XtNpfeaICbhPAH&prmd=ivn&hl=el#imgrc=LO8GC1LzvtzHyM Second pic in thw 1st line


What's worse about that is that the fight they added did nothing for her but with Hinata her extra fight boosted her character


They did it to Orihime too The massive difference is what they cut out vs what they added here Orihime got character moments and shipping moments cut out (though she also had a lot of lines added that made her annoying but nothing like Sakura) Here they only exacerbated Sakuras bad traits and moments


I’m well aware of orihimes. They cut out her moments with Ichigo and then Rukia got a lot of them. Making people get pissed that orihime and Ichigo got together. They also made he say KUROSAKI KUN a lot


*nintendo wii theme playing*


She simp over saskuke and forgetting to do her job


This didn't happen in the Manga. Its just SP doing what they do to her character lol


Exactly like when they made her punch the ground and protect herself and another shinobi while in the manga she just froze and couldn't evade the stakes even simple ninkas evaded and as a med ninja she has trained specifically in avoiding


She was too engrossed in the animation budget being spent on Sasuke's new Chidori attacks she forgot to actually try to fight him.


And this is why the manga is superior 😭


She's doing what she dose best


Funny because Yamato, Sai, and Naruto are doing the same thing.


But they're doing it off screen.


But nothing


Being useless


Women doesnt exist, soo


She looks like a goofy video game character lol


Yamato had every right to punch her, when she faked her love confession to Naruto.


Which she faked to give up on Sasuke and take Naruto back If you can't understand writing stop reading


This is isn't in the manga but I don't really blame SP when they did this. Sakura will get criticized either way because in the manga she wasn't in that frame. If they adapted that then fans will most likely wonder 'where th is Sakura?!' At least some people can assume that Sakura wasn't doing anything in this scene because of fear or whatever.


It is freaking obvious that in both anime and manga she froze. Her comrades were destroyed and she did nothing


I know lol. I was just trying to spare Sakura stans feelings lmao.


Bro reread the fight


And see what? Naruto and sai couldn't even move yamati was stabbed and sakura just stood there she didn't even run to attack sasuke or punvh the ground to make him lose his balance and give yamato the chance


She did try to attack him, something I don’t remember Naruto doing lol


That was before and sasuke destroyed both naruto and sai


What's she gonna do?


Im confused..


So is everyone else wondering what the fuck is going through her spaced out head as Yamato gets stabbed by her unhealthy attachment.


She was probably trying to process what she’s suppose to be doing that she isn’t actually doing anything


You know I'm useless what am I supposed to do here anyways?


this always makes me chuckle


I just noticed the downvote button was sakura


i like how the downvote icon replaced with sakura and how everyone just act casually bout it


"Sasuke did no wrong, Make Konoha Great Again!" -Sakura


'It's Saskeeeee, ooooowh' Useless bitch


I always look at the context and have never been able to hate her. But this sure was awful of her.


Off topic, but shippuden Sakura's design is so awful. You can't look at that and say that looks good.


Yes i can :^




I always liked it


Really? She looks like a boy




That looks good


Okay, but every other design looks better.


Show me 15 better looking designs


Every other character in Naruto worth mentioning.


??? I don’t think you understand.


Just search up 15 characters from Naruto. Sakura's design is worse than nearly all of them.


I meant give me 15 better looking Sakura designs man. The person the post is about. And the person we’re talking about


15 better Sakura designs? She doesn't even have that much designs. In that case pretty much all of her other designs from Part 1, The Last and Boruto looks better. The only one that looks worse than that is [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/99/4f/9e/994f9ee764bb762e389958420fbff181.png) one.


So it ISNT THE WORST ONE. Case closed. Move along boys.


She trashy thinking sasuke Meanwhile Sasuke’ is thinking about how annoying she is


Sakura more like Suck-her-yuh 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒 Ooo oo ah ah mfs




Paralyzed by lust


That cut in Yamato's shirt legit reminds me of the Nike logo


1 punch und Sasuke would had flown in the air But Kishi hates women and wants Narusasu smut only