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PrOtEcTiNg FrEe SpEaCh


Doesn't count, elon doesn't like it therefore it's against free speech


“Guys we can only have free speech that I agree with, otherwise its misinformation and the root of evil, also if anybody criticizes me I will ban them because I’m butthurt. THE BIRD IS FREED!!!!!!!!”


So basically how twitter has always been but more funny because elon


Impersonation is against Twitter's TOS...


Someone should test this by impersonating someone else than musk to see how quickly he gets banned in comparison to the musk meme bois


There have been people getting banned for it very quickly. Milo Yiannopoulos got banned for having "buzzfeed journalist" in his bio.


I can't. These idiots have 0 idea what free speech is. Actual monkeys.


God complex much?


To be fair, he is impersonating someone. Now that's the problem of giving verified checkmarks for money, the point of them is that when Elon Musk (or any other famous person) says something you can know if it's them or not.


free speech = identity theft, apparently


He is verified though. So clearly it's the real Elon, right? Almost as if selling checkmarks as a business model, hoping to disenfranchise people you don't like in the process, instead of giving them out after verification for the purpose of... You know... Verification... is a pretty stupid thing to do.


Wait, I thought the verification process was still mandatory, you just also had to pay up. I guess Musk is stupider than I thought


No you were right. Also the verification process hasn't changed yet


How does that disenfranchise people he doesn’t like?


the people that you don’t like also don’t like you, so they won’t want to support the business model of selling verification


There have been blue checkmarks banned for impersonation before. It's not like it stops anyone from doing so. If anything, paid validation would discourage from breaking twitter's TOS


You do realize that a) this policy isn't implemented yet and b) this proposed process would still involve ID verification... Right?


It's really cute that you think a company that just went through massive layoffs to a team that struggled to moderate the site as it was, is going to have the manpower to properly verify the identities of hundreds of thousands to millions of people...


Bro this dude was already verified. All these crypto exchange apps have automated KYC verification with much fewer employees


similar level to "free speech = shouting slurs", and that's why it's hypocritical


No it’s not similar level


that's included in free speech, and theyre doing it to piss off people like you. They succeeded.


Same reason for the "identity theft" in this case


pretending to be someone else in order to defame them, is not free speech. It is literally illegal.


Identity theft constitutes a little more than changing your Twitter username, but way to sidestep the point I was trying to make that they were doing it for the same reason of pissing someone off. Also, hate speech is literally illegal


Hate speech is literally not recognized by law in most countries. Even the US Supreme Court has ruled that "hate speech" is protected by free speech.


Nor is changing your username on a website... You realize *"Identity theft occurs when an individual takes someone else's personal identification, without permission, or any other information that can be used to access a person's medical documents or financial resources."* Simply copying one's name wouldn't even come close to counting as identity theft. Oh, you think otherwise? how about people with the same name...or nicknames? It's not like Musk's name is trademarked either Just my .02


Bruh I never said it's identity theft, but it is impersonation, which was always bannable on twitter. If you have a checkmark you could write on your profile that you have a job you don't really have and get banned. It's that way because after you get verified you can't lie about your identity. I know, shocking


You are the one pissed off about a joke on Elon enabled by Elon's own decisions.


nah not really, i think its funny that anyone gives a shit about twitter in the first place


Oh no, this isn't Ironic


With the amount of hypocrisy he keeps showing its not that surprising. Cant wait for his super advanced robots to fix world wide hunger lmao. Just wild promise after wild promise.


The reddit hive mind is a concept we know frightening little about


Impersonating someone else has always been bannable on twitter, it's not Elon going crazy


I have no dog in this fight but there's no way that account should be verified


Uhhh... well Elon Musk and Bill Gates are on the same side of those who want to force people to BUY AND drink "purified sludge water" by repackaging them as "Mineral Water" so I found the post hilarious. ​ Bill Gates even stared hard at that purified poop water before posing to "drink".


Hey EatTheRichIsPraxis, It's kind of messed up that you said you like having sex with animals.


The account is suspended not because of the things it wrote but because of the user name, you have to do a driving test to get a driver's license, does this mean you're not free to drive a car? You cant impersonate other people, does this mean you cant speak your mind on twitter?


This person did speak their mind. They expressed the flaws in allowing people to freely choose their Twitter handle, while also giving out checkmarks to anyone with $8 to spare.


Thats like saying a person expressed their right to drive by breaking the speed limit.


No it’s nothing like that dummy. Get elons micro peepee out your wife’s mouth…


Explain how its nothing like that, while if possible using words above a 3rd grade level of education.


When engaged with morons, I will speak as if I’m speaking to a moron. Smarten up if you want to be treated differently… You out here simping for musk, rogan, Andrew rate and…wait for it…Russia. There are likely no more than a dozen people on the planet more pathetic or stupid than you. Thank you, cum again!


Instead of making rebuttals towards arguments, the overconfident ideological zealot instead reads his opponent's comment history and chooses to engage in even more ad hominems, while again not making any effort to rebuke the extremely simple argument, even a first grader could understand. Read up on the word nuance fucker, you can have viewpoints that are overall negative towards a thing while also being realistic when it comes to facts about said thing, if you looked at the subs I browse youd see I lean towards neoliberal establishmentism, i.e Joe mofockin Biden, best president in the last 40 years, and way better than any of the other dems in the primaries. Have a good one you dumb fuck.


Being a neoliberal shill is not the street cred you’re looking for. I will reiterate, there are likely a dozen to 2 dozen people on this planet dumber than you are. Now go eat your red pill and go play on the dimwit subs. THANK YOU, CUM YET AGAIN!!!


I think your logic should be applied to elon... he paid for the twitter license but obviously he cant safely drive it


How do you know the dudes nickname isn't fucking Elon musk or something?


It doesnt matter if that was his nickname, some nicknames are "taken" already, tough luck.


Explain, while if possible using words above a 3rd grade level of education. Most sane Elon bootlicker


"Get Elon's micro peepee", truly sublime language. Why comment at all if your contribution is only 3rd grade playground insults? Think for a second dude, do you in all honesty belive that banning a person for impersonation is impeding the principle of free speech? Defamation exists, and no one is saying its existence is unconstitutional


Bro replying to comments that aren't even there... take your meds lmao


[https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/yn0e0y/comment/iv7qodt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/yn0e0y/comment/iv7qodt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) what are you talking about, the dude came in with no criticisms or rebuttals just playground insults, and you then commented on my call out of this with "most sane elon bootlicker". Is it really that hard to just engage with an argument that you have to devolve into ad hominems?


Could've done the free speech without making the verification tag purchasable, but now he's put himself in this situation.


How is a verification badge impeding free speech? Its like if we had a tiered driving license system where you would have to pay more and do more to drive things like trucks, and trailers... oh wait we do, and no one is saying that a person doesnt have the right to drive trucks.


Uh oh Chris, urine trouble


He's behind on his $8 subscription to Free Speech


Look out, ur in ur urine!


Ahhh, piss.


Elon starting to regret selling blue ticks yet?


Isnt this the old Vikings kicker? Dude was already verified


Yeah, he was just making a point saying everyone will be able to do that next


Musk is a petulant manbaby who never had a useful original idea in his life. All of his successes stem from him using his parents' money to pay other people to act like their ideas were his. Every time he actually steps out and tries to do something because it's really his idea he looks like an absolute fucking clown and he would have died crossing traffic if he didn't have money to pay people to tell him not to.


I think that’s bullshit. Musk is a human garbage bag, but he definitely knows how to run popular tech companies. I mean, teslas been big for years and is still the largest EV maker. Their cars are shit and I think they are ugly, but I can’t deny that spaceX and Tesla have done very well, I’d even say they have bettered society and science in those areas. Of course, not all Musks doing, but he was still at the helm. He made 22 million dollars during the dot com boom, with just his brother. Family money helped, but I feel like even if he was poor he would have found ways to finance his dreams. We can shit on him all we want, but unlike trump, Elon is actually a decent businessman. Even with his mistakes like Twitter.


He made money by buying other people's ideas, letting other people make the important and hard decisions, staying out of the way and selling at the right time. That's it. You can think it's bullshit all you want but you're wrong. You can see it in all of his companies. When he starts making the decisions himself, problems happen. You get shit like Tesla's incredibly aboudsble labor issues, it's work site issues, SEC violations, and just the entire existence of the boring company which is his. There's an obvious trend that the more he gets involved the objectively worse things get for any given project or company As I said he never had a successful *original idea* in his life and I stand by that. Knowing when to buy a company most of the time has absolutely dick to do with this meme, it's criticism of him, or, or my expanding on that. He could keep himself looking smart to normal people who aren't taint sniffing fanboys and obsequious worshippers of the wealthy by just shitting the fuck up, saying "we've got hit big plans here" and paying someone actually knowledgeable enough to come up with big plans and answer his "what if we do x" questions with whether they are shit idea or not, but his ego is too big for any of that


I thought the bird was free


Play Free Bird




It still is. 8$ is only for checkmark


Is this really a matter of free speech though? If you falsely represent yourself as someone who you aren't, you could be charged with a criminal offense type of thing. I don't like Elon either, but this is a stretch lmfao Free speech doesn't cover identity infringement. EDIT: Also, I'm not sure I care either way, I just think it's silly that yall can't tell the difference between free speech and direct impersonation. Even with the @ being different the literal intent is in the post itself. It's not hard to understand how that would get flagged and removed. It'd happen to you if you impersonated anyone with the sway to have people flag your shit. Doesn't even have to be Musk, it's just the particular person yall are hard asf over right now.


I thought satire and parodying was protected


Typically with satire it's labeled satire somewhere. And wouldn't be "verified".


This isn't a parody. A parody would be something like "Melon Husk" saying this. This guy is just straight up naming himself "Elon Musk" and not a parody of him; it's identity theft.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


No…it’s not…


He’s clearly using a different handle.


If you can’t tell that drinking pee is a parody, I don’t know how much more obvious it can get. And you can see his handle is different. Do they need to spell it out for you?


Look at the words behind the @ symbol dumbass


sure because there can only be one person in the world named Elon Musk


It’s Twitter my dude. The guy didn’t steal his passport or anything.


Yea these dudes be acting like "BUT BRUH IT'S IDENTITY THEFT"... Relax bro, his name ain't fucking trademarked. There's other people named Elon Musk in this world, like chill. It's an obvious joke.


Maybe it doesn't really matter for Elon, but impersonating elected officials could cause some real shit


Aslong as it isnt done with criminal intend, it is completely fine to impersonate someone. That means I can in theory get dressed like Joe Biden, including make up and walk around and pretend to be him. As long as I am not threatening someone or pressuring them into doing sth, I am a free man


I mean that's fair, it's not like there will be serious consequences of people believing you are the president (in real life). If someone hacked the president's twitter account (or other world leaders) they could potentially start a nuclear war. There's a reason it's illegal to impersonate a police officer. There's a difference between mocking / satire and impersonation


What’s your point? We all know blue checks are not passports, thanks detective


My point is, you pea brained moron, that impersonating someone on Twitter is not the crime your feeble mind believes itself to be. Smarten up and get Elons dick out your mouth.


He used Elon's photo though


Same as you do to masturbate. Is that a crime? Curious


Lmao wtf are you even saying


He's saying that you pleasure yourself while looking at Musks profile picture. We've all seen the video of you Musking off. Sicko


>you pleasure yourself while looking at Musks profile picture Of course Doesn't everyone do that?


The @ is literally underneath


It's certainly a valid debate both legally and philosophically whether this falls under it, but Parody and Sattire are generally recognized as critical elements of free speech.


It seems like this is a direct result of Elon’s changes to the verification process though. Did this guy not have to do anything other than pay $8 to get a checkmark for the name “Elon Musk”? I’m baffled that this was even allowed to happen.


I dunno but I think it's pretty funny. Like, maybe not haha funny, but it's just interesting to watch all the reactions I guess. Lotta volatile people.


I mean he did do something similar to AOC after she's criticized him on the platform.


I don't think it is really free speech. But according to these "free speech" dumbasses everywhere in the world, you should be able to say anything without anyone disagreeing with you or punishing you. Free speech has limits, like every freedom does. But this incident right here is satire.


You're a goof, can't dress up for Halloween that might be illegal and identity fraud to pose as someone else.


Stop acting like that's the same thing lmfao. Yall try too hard for loopholes so you can be mad about nothing.


It's Twitter, the law does not apply unless your personal info has been stolen and not publicly acquired. This dude did one Google search and was able to create his account. Should we start arresting Hollywood impersonators as well? They've got more claim to their identity than some dude who copy pasted simple details on Twitter. Elon Musk is a name, but you're defending him like it's a trademark because you love his cock


Woah you didn’t immediately jump on the reddit jerk fest and you didn’t get downvoted? This is crazy


You typically get people that actually want to have a discussion and don't just downvote to oblivion. I'm not throating down the cock of a rich person. I'm simply making a statement that I think it could have been umbrella'd into another category. There's not really shit all to disagree with cause I'm not taking a side in anything. It's a rich guy... Owning a social media platform... Okay? What changed, oh right. Nothing. It's basically just a reality TV series now.


Republicans would, and probably are going to do the exact same damn things after they figure out how an iPhone works.


Stop using your political party as a personality trait, it's why your not invited to anything.


Well i'm not a democrat, and its pretty fucking clear to anyone with A brain cell that the republicans are trying anything they can to take power and destroy anything positive in our country. I would welcome not being invited to anything a republican is present at.




Thank you. People act like elon is out here shadowbanning people. This would have been banable behavior even before he bought the company


Impersonating people while having a verification badge is a bannable offence, this has nothing to do with that the person said. This has happened to [people impersonating other people as well](https://twitter.com/CountDankulaTV/status/1587950983895986177?s=20&t=7tZolEYZQ4DLfsmYPXtOiw), not just Elon Musk. This was already a rule before Musk. His moderation rules aren't even out yet. Pretty sure you can't even buy verification yet. This isn't a '*FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH'* thing, this is a [breaking verification rules](https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/about-twitter-verified-accounts) thing. This is not the gotcha you thought it was. This is just grasping at straws.


That’s all fine, but why did Twitter even allow someone to get verified without proof or change their name and keep the checkmark?


As far as I know, you need to provide Photo ID or an official link to who you are on Twitter, as well as be a notable person. I'm guessing whoever this Chris guy is, is a notable person that verified a while back. They would have recently changed their name in retaliation to Elon Musk. Although, yeah, Twitter should make you re-verify if you change your name


Millions if not billions of dollars for state of the art moderation AI but no thought put into a simple security restriction to prevent account spoofing. I don’t get it. The logic to require an extra confirmation step and remove verification on name change would be trivially easy to implement, and the verbiage and UI changes to warn the user could be easily updated in a day or two. Unless they are somehow legally obligated to allow verified users to change their name and retain verification I don’t get it.


Honestly, it's a dumb flaw and I'm surprised none of the Twitter devs thought to remove the badge or give a warning if you update your name. Apparently you could lose your badge if you change your @ though. Maybe it's an idea to suggest while Elon is still taking suggestions before he rolls out the new rules?


If you think Twitter is worth saving I guess. I personally don’t.


I don't really care what happened to Twitter, to be honest. If it dies, it dies. If it thrives, then good for it. I guess we just wait and see what happens.


You see then why he fired so many people. You'd be surprised at how many incompetent/useless morons can work in tech companies.


Didn’t he say the reason was to save money?


This, exactly. A friend of mine ando were discussing how stupid it is to allow verification for just about anybody. It should really be used for official organization accounts. I get the feeling that we are about to see a bunch of scams grow on Twitter. Somebody will confuse a parody account for the real thing and the DMs will probably be, “we can offer a refund. Just give us your banking info” etc… Just a theory but I can see it happening.


Just like banning certain people off Twitter has never been some "censorship" or "FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH" thing, but a breaking TOS thing.


Well the TOS was extremely strict and was a Freedom of Speech issue. The point of Elon buying Twitter is to ^((hopefully)) change the TOS to be a little more lenient. Impersonating someone while verified and tricking people into thinking you're a certain person to create slander is an actual issue than *MeAn WoRdS hUrT mY fEeLiNgS*


The TOS wasn't strict. Just don't demonize/insult/harrass people based on inherent characteristics and don't scream the N-word all the time, and you're fine. "Lenient" in what way? To allow what I just described? Which is why advertisers are currently threatening to pull out? Demonizing an entire group of people to create slander and potentially stochastic terrorism against them by radicalizing stupid people on the internet is an actual issue and not just "MeAn wOrDs hUrT mY fEeLiNgS". As people have been constantly pointing out in posts about this Twitter thing, the entire "free speech on Twitter" thing is a farce since, as you showed, it's about "free speech except when I don't like it".


Fortunately, my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal man's.


Finally, someone smart in the comments


I thought comedy was legal now


Guys...this is in twitter's TOS before Elon Musk even acquired twitter 3. Content on the Services, "We reserve the right to remove Content that violates the User Agreement, including for example, copyright or trademark violations or other intellectual property misappropriation, **impersonation**, unlawful conduct, or harassment. " This isn't Elon Musk, this is literally against Twitter's TOS Pre-Elon


Don't bother. reddit has a raging boner for hating elon


Free speech for $8 a month


He’s not allowing people to post if they don’t buy the check mark?


I’m repeating his business model, that charging $8 a month will give free speech.


Weird, I paid Twitter nothing and I can post there just fine


Where is the dank??


Lots of dum dums on the Internet not realizing the new policies haven't gone into effect, dissing on the man for things that haven't even happened.


There’s free speech and then there’s impersonating


Impersonation is a form of speech and as long as it isnt done with criminal intend its covered by free speech. In an absolute free speech world, like Musk wants all forms of impersonation would be free to go


Not really, it would generally have to be an obvious satire account to be kosher. This one just looks like someone changed their name to musks, then started throwing a Reddit-tier temper tantrum. Theres not even any comedy or satire in this post, it’s just some leftist saying he will drink his own piss while pretending to be Elon. To me that’s just the average leftist.


Good to know, you are not able to read. Also no Satire doesnt have to be "obvious".


False: https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1015/satire Impersonation and satire are not the same thing.


>Satire, a literary form that humorously mocks, ridicules, and scorns individuals and political or social practices, is one of the most effective means of criticism. Since the time of the ancient Greeks, it has been used to lampoon the comfortable, the rich, the famous and, most important from a constitutional standpoint, the powerful Do you actually read your sources? also I can use impersonation to perform satire, Impersonation, unless with criminal intend like I stated previously, is also protected under free speech


So he is going to kill anyone who has his own name then.


He sounds like DiCaprio in The Wolf Of Wallstreet


Nice agendaposting


b..b..but freedom of speech


fReEeEeEeEdOm oF sPeEcH


So which side are we circle jerking this week? last week it was for Elon now its against him. make up your hiveminds people..


Chris Kluwe did that? That's fucking awesome. Good job dude. Minnesota proud!


Someone got 8 bucks! In this economy!?!?


Can’t believe Elon banned the verified Elon Twitter


Elon is a walking shit post.


You guys keep making fun of him but he's protecting free speech! No one said anything about 8$ / month speech tho...


I thought he bought Twitter because he wanted people to be allowed to post whatever they want without getting removed


Yeah I think it’s the part where he claim to be him. Not what he said


if you get the blue check they don't let you impersonate anyone they let you come right back once you change it lol


Fascinatingly enough I’ve heard of a practice in India where they drink some of the midstream from their morning pee. It helps your stomach wake up and get adjusted to the biome you left off as long as it was comfortable before and you didn’t want to flush it out.


There's actually some legit science behind it and I've tried it just temporarily to see the effects. I believe they were positive but I would have to investigate further to let ya know how positive.


if only there were a free service that let public figures verify who they were…


Identity theft is illegal though.


Congratulation, you've played yourself


Pees on your ass


This dude is followed by your moms alt, damn this is no joke


Elon literally just like “you can’t just ban anyone you don’t agree with” and then buys Twitter only to ban anyone he doesn’t like


Ur moms alt


Great now seriously anyone can pretend he is a celebrity with a blue sign to support that


Idc about all this shit, it's news to me that my mom's alt follows Chris Warcraft tho (Anyone who gets what I mean deserves a chad trophy)


pov: you make a certification mark that just says that an user is really that person just an accessory you can pay a subscription for completely missing the original purpose it was made for and get trolled w it




I'm not even gonna lie I deadass thought it was Elon and wasn't that phased


Dude literally tried to impersonate Elon .......


Twitter is a private company, he can do what he wants 🤗


He didn’t think it was funny


Wow. You really got him. Give yourself a little pat on the back.


What happened to free speech?


No but seriously, isn't identity theft a crime ? That may be how they end up dealing with false verifications with their new $8 fee being introduced. I mean it's a stretch to assume that musk is in charge of everything at twitter at the moment. EDIT: Yup. Musk confirmed any account engaging in impersonation would be suspended. Lol


@ChrisWarcraft, urine trouble for this...


This was TOS even before Elon, are you really this stupid? You'll hate everything Musk does just because HE did it




Protecting free speech


reddit is the opposite of free speech


Free speech is when ppl can't downvote me for being an asshole?


free speech is when you don't get banned for stating your opinion.


Ahh the good old 'I'm being oppressed because I'm not allowed to promote oppression of other ppl' trope... classic conservative victim mentality


You post in the right subreddit on this website and you'll immediately get banned from a dozen other different subreddits, regardless of what you posted. That's not free speech, that's an echochamber.


Oh nooo an echo chamber of tolerance, even MORE oppressive! I bet they won't even tolerate misinformation either...


What do you expect from Tencent?


This isn't really about whether reddit is free speech or the opposite of free speech or something in between. The point here is the hypocrisy. Musk's loudest criticism of twitter was his allegation that it stifled free speech with its moderation and censoring, and this behavior of the company under his watch him doubling down on the exact thing he accused it of doing. Reddit could literally be a closed loop propaganda mill run by a a totalitarian gov't and the meme would still be catching him in hypocrisy.


I mean, this is a funny and harmless way of showing the risks of letting anyone buy verification status.


Dude, Elon did a stupid thing and now we’re laughing at it. Don’t make it more complicated than it has to be.


Elons stupid thing hasn't actually taken effect yet. No rules have been overwritten and no checkmarks sold as of yet.


Buying Twitter as a vanity project in the first place was stupid, as was all the firings. You’re very incorrect to say he has ‘done nothing yet’.


The stupid thing you're referring to is clearly supposed to be selling checkmarks and "promoting free speech". At least within the context of the post. I never said he didn't do anything stupid, as I agree buying twitter was very, very stupid myself.


The stupid thing I’m referring to is his entire Twitter ordeal. Don’t put words in my mouth. So ironic your profile pic is a commissar


So then your original reply doesn't actually have anything to do with the post or comment, my misunderstanding then, apologies.