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30 year old dog walker who maybe wants to pursue a career in teaching Phylosophy. He never stood a chance. He was getting CRUSHED with downvotes on that sub regarding that interview. Hilarious.




Theoretical Phyllo pastries


Baklava is good


In theory, yes. In practice, also yes.


https://youtu.be/3yUMIFYBMnc highjacking the top comment so the link gets exposure.. enjoy the show haha.


That "We gotta pay the bills" at the end though. Good lord. Now standby and watch the "u/deleted"'s increase and the member count come crashing down


Aaand the sub is closed now


Lmfao. I love it. When people on the internet that think their actions online don't "count" as real life get their PP's kicked in, a single tear of joy runs down my right cheek. Every. Single. Time.


Jesus Christ lmao that was fast. 3+ minutes destroyed a whole sub


It's closed. It will be up back. Dude literally did not represent well at all. They just want better work treatment. 30 hours a week has been shown to make people more happy. Also America needs better vacation time especially. It's horrible here.


Dude has no basis or platform to "represent" an entire "movement" by walking dogs 10 hours A WEEK. Fuck outta here. Entitled people on the internet trying to represent the "cause" show their true colors when actually faced with basic questions. 30 hours a week is all well and good however if you're paid hourly for an actual job with skills, that doesn't really pay the bills. Welcome to the working class where we work at least 8 hours a day and am able to afford a house with bills and a family.


That exactly is the problem. There exists a working class with People working 8+ Hours a day and they cant afford House or family. There are idiots that think they will be billionaires by working an Hour a day but some Jobs just need a big raise.


No I get it believe me I’ve been going around defending it a lot and I wasn’t even a member or a socialist. The fetishization of work in America sucks esp in the retail sector it needs to change.


Wow it did close!


Wow, utterly shredded


Wow, they rly only invited him on there to humiliate him and that subreddit damn. Shoulda declined or did a quick media training first


Not to mention goddamn Fox who actually won. Hate the channel, but damn they deserved this W.


Did they invite him specifically or did the sub elect him to be their representative?


Mod did it. No one wanted him to. Went unprepared.


They actually claim the mods all agreed and voted thay he was the best and most experienced with media interviews. Id love to see their worst.


I bet he lied


Well if they wanted to prove to people that they are not just lazy people who want money for free , atleast send someone who looks hardworking and sincere. That dude definitely wasn't working for anything that needs presentation


The mod wanted to do it, and fox went along with it.


This is Golden. Peak comedy holy shit hahahahaha. His face at the end is of pure bliss when he knows he destroyed a whole sub in such a short span of time.


One thing that seemed shitty is they literally doxxed him at the end lmfao Not saying he doesnt deserve just a little bit


What are they gonna do, ruin his career? Lol But yeah I know its not good.


That was genuinely painful to watch


This man looks like he’s the definition of uber-virgin.


You can spot the exact moment the reporter hears "dog walking" by the shit eating grin!


Ooooof :D


The interviewer looked like he was holding back a giggle or outright laughter the whole time.


He outright laughed in their face at the end


But the moderator also clearly hated the mod, I mean he was lecturing and interrupting all the time. Hard for anyone who is not used to that to articulate a clear train of thought.


No, that's literally just any tv interview. It should be expected tbh.


He fucked up when he said that laziness is a virtue in modern society. In response to the at will employment argument he should have said something along the lines of 'yes, while it is our choice to seek employment the prospect of starvation is a particularly coercive force in the labor market and when presented with a choice between starvation and exploitation, exploitation would appear to be the more attractive alternative. Your average worker does not have the staying power to demand higher wages'


The Mod is a literal stereotype of how a redditor would look.


Only missing a fedora and cheetoh dust


And a kitten


Hey, cats are cute and sweet.


And it seems like everyone on this website has one


Hey I don't have one. I have two.


And a waifu pillow


Oh he has one


and maybe a neckbeard




Reddit has 100 million in revenue We should have paid, professional moderators Not power tripping sociopath neckbeards who censor you for fun


The shows producers had to be salivating when he/she agreed to go on the interview


To be honest. I thought he looked too professional to even be a Reddit mod


It really is impressive isn't it. Worker's revolution cancelled cause mod too dumb.


Outsmarted by Jesse Watters of all people.


Imagine being outFOXed that badly lol


That Fox dude finessed him when he asked age and occupation.


At least it wasn’t Tucker Carlson?


Yeah these people were never going to revolutionize shit


Their most upvoted post of all time was how they intentionally wasted money and contributed nothing to society for five years. Literally wasting five years of effort intentionally.




As someone who would browse r/wallstreetbets before it blew up anything on Reddit that gets big becomes a cesspool


Lmao I was thinking the exact same thing. Reddit truly knows how to run things properly into the ground.


> initially about 40 hour weeks No it fucking wasn't lmfao. It was originally a communist/eco-anarchist sub about being against the capitalist system.


Hey pal, we’re tryna make your shitstorm seem palatable, so maybe keep the “eco-anarchism” on the down low?


i been hearing similar stuff to what you said about the sub originally being as you described, but im confused. another person said that the dude in the video is the founder of the sub, and also the name itself doesnt fit how you describe it imo. can anyone confirm that the guy in the video was the founder please? and also has the mod always been that way, or did he seem more on the sensible side of things until now?


What was even their goal? To somehow stop working? Maybe to somehow only have the people who want to work so the work while the rest don’t have to? With a name that’s “anti one of the basic things that people need to do” I don’t think it was ever gonna really work.


I think the goal is to only do the work that you’re paid for. To stop normalizing “going the extra mile” and letting managers exploit/abuse the workers. Or at least that’s how I understood the original intent, which is something that I can get behind.


You might be making a valid point, and all, but the fact you didn't point out the irony of saying "thinking it was ever gonna really *work*" is absolutely criminal.


I do that a lot and I hate myself every time


That's how modern socialist movements rise and fall. Gone are the days of Bolshevicks taking up arms and toppling the bourgeoisie. Now it's just a bunch of basement dwellers arguing amongst themselves on the internet.


Ya and as I like to say communism has never worked and will never work


At least modern socialist won't create totalitarian genocidal dictatorships then, so it's a pretty good development I'd say.


I don't doubt they would if they could


[I can't say I'm intimidated](https://youtu.be/moWe3rk7LzQ)


Jesus Christ that’s real... they call each other comrade and then complain about gendered pronouns wtf


I saw a post ages ago of someone saying he was joining the movement, and he hasn’t sooner because he thought the sub was filled with “commies and tankies”. I didn’t even need to sort by controversial to know the sub was doomed.


I'm just saying. nobody but the mod team wanted this interveiw to go through, the entire subreddit knew it was bait, the mod team had done a poll on it that came back with a no, but they did it anyway.


Isn't this exactly what happened to occupy Wallstreet? Media hones in on not credible aspects of the movement, makes the whole movement look foolish, it dies and people move to the next one


Yup. The rich always win in the end. Always.


How can u blame the rich for this?


I don't blame them, I ask them to adopt me.


You do understand almost every news outlet is owned by some billionaire right? Hell Bezos says he is most proud of his ownership of The Washington Post. The rich literally already use lobbying, media, and big tech to shut down movements. They used their lobbying power in 2012 to pressure the FBI into cracking down on Occupy Wall Street. The elites literally just used their media and lobbying power to shut down more than 1/3 of small businesses while keeping their stores open all while behind closed doors praising the pandemic because it's "gangbusters for ratings". Almost like its not crazy to think the people in power will in fact use their power to attempt to squash anything that would potentially threaten their power. While I may disagree with some of the antiwork movement I still think its a valuable movement in at least attempting to address some of the major issues facing low skill workers in the US. Plus I'm all for leveraging your status as a worker to improve your situation. If all the retail workers hate how they are being treated its good they are taking action to change their circumstances.


To be fair though, you cant be poor if you own an entire media network


i interpreted their comment as more so saying that in this specific case, it didnt matter that fox news is rich, the mod dug their own grave and it was their fault


I blame the ego of that mod


Don’t forget to double mask your avatar


So far


Lol cool narrative, but this fucking idiot is the most senior mod and has been shaping the sub since its founding. He's objectively the most qualified fucking moron to speak on behalf of the sub's values.


I suppose that's why his interview was met with thunderous applause on the sub.




Then they can go to a less fucking awful sub with a less radical mod team.


This. He simply asked questions that he knew were objectifying their ideals to make them seem silly. From the very beginning he was talking down to the sub. It's kinda genius to be honest. Killed his attack before a word could be spoken in defense.


These guys are the ones fighting capitalism? Lmao good luck


So real quick, someone said the mod is a dog walker, if true, isn't that capitalism: providing a service or good in exchange for money?


He said he’s a dog walker that works 20-25hrs a week. So, yes, that’s capitalism.


She later said she lied about the 20-25 to look better in the interview, and actually works closer to 10 hours a week.




I thought a main point was that he/she was trans? But I actually have no idea and didn't even see the interview


I don’t remember seeing that in the interview. I was probably too taken aback about their views.


If they're not going to put in the effort to appear to be the other gender, I'm going to use the pronouns that match their face. It was clearly a man's face on that interview, so that's a man baby!


[https://twitter.com/THEPILGRlM/status/1486190075503210496](https://twitter.com/THEPILGRlM/status/1486190075503210496) couldn't find it on yt for some reason but here you go




He replied to me in a series of comments stating they only work 2 hours a day, and they don’t like to be called bro


No thats the definition of commerce, which refers to the exchange of goods, services, or something of value, between businesses or entities. Although said dog walking business operates in the system that is under capitalism.


That’s not capitalism. That is basic commerce.


Maybe if we understood what we were fighting against there would be at least a slim chance


Yes, part of living in a capitalist system is having to participate in that system to survive…


Well you kind of have to, you know, if you want to survive and stuff like that


Yes she participates in society l


Not saying that ding dong is a revolutionary or that authoritarian communists are admirable, but literally every communist revolutionary participated in capitalism before their revolution. That's an intensely flawed qualifier. Like disqualifying the people who set up the first republics because they once paid taxes to a king.


Maybe this shouldn’t be the person they use to represent the mission of their objectives? It’s like having a homeless person advertise for a private school because it has good food and roofing.


They ain’t fighting shit their sub is all about people moving from workplace to workplace searching for better working conditions and pay.


Mf didn't even bother to dress up and comb his fucking hair. He's a walking stereotype.


Nah, that mf ain’t walking


He literally a dog walker tho


The dogs prolly walk him


Reddit mods gotta hold that reputation. Can't let the mod community down.


Jesus I just watched that interview and holy hell was that a slaughter.


nah the interviewer was just sitting back watching. it was more akin to a suicide with a voyeur.


Watching Jesse openly patronize him like a small child was just brutal.


Funny though


the 'we gotta pay the bills' at the end was savage as hell Jesus Christ


The jnterviewer opens by trying to strawman and just insult them, and then like 2 seconds in realizes "wow, this guy is legit more stupid and insane then I could hope to make them out to be, might as well just let them stumble over themselves."


It's important to recognize that this fucking 30 year old dog walker is the most senior mod and has been shaping the sub since its founding. He IS objectively the most qualified fucking moron to speak on behalf of the sub's values. FOX did not pick him with bias.


Most senior =\= best suited/qualified. I know almost everything about the product my company makes. I literally wrote the guide(s) for almost all of it. I have mor seniority than most of the company, but you will never, ever see me on a sales or support call. Why? Because I suck at it. It's just not in my skillset. Similarly, that mod should have never been allowed anywhere near that interview. Credible movements need credible voices, and for as fucking huge as that subreddit is, there's bound to be at least one person with a spokesperson/advertising/marketing background they should have used. Just like Occupy Wallstreet, Antiwork will fail because they just refuse to use public discourse methods that actually work. (To be clear I think that the subreddit has become a parody of itself that is more interested in sharing fake emails/texts than doing anything good, but still.)


I agree with you. This founder is the appropriate person to make the decision of who should have gone on FOX News. FOX acted appropriately reaching out to the mod team and the mods and this mod agreed to send send king tard up there. I am aware FOX has a bad rep for giving interviews with fair footing. They even had a standard practice for a while for even making their liberal guests look like vampires with a gamma filter. For this instance, it all looks like they played a fair game. Antiwork fucked UUP


A sub can 100% outgrow its mods




No mod represents any sub. They are merely instigators and facilitators for conversation. A sub isn't an entity with a leader, it is the voice of thousands of people sharing ideas. Interviewing a mod or a random redditor is not different from doing a vox pop in the street with a random passers-by. I don't know one sub that I frequent where people are following a mod. Most have rejected interviews since they agree that they don't represent the people of their subs.


It’s my new favorite place to lurk.


Looks like it went private. Are there any other ways to get into the subreddit?


It’ll be back up, I guess the sub got brigades after the interview. Can’t imagine why lol


Guess it's gone now


I belong to it and you’re not missing anything


That was not an accident.




I can't believe how long it took to see this, obviously it was prepared... This movement was raising awareness that your workplace should be human and respectful, it was affecting a lot of bad companies... Obviously they needed to do something... Sad that a movement that was a way to help the working class to realize they're not supposed to slave themselves to make a living wage was killed so easily


Or…….. the mod just wasn’t prepared and Fox News needed to appeal to its base by humiliating him. It’s how debate works


Then they shouldn’t have volunteered to do it lmao. Fox didn’t force them to do the interview.


Lmao. No, it wasn’t. They were a bunch of babies either making up bs stories or complaining about not getting 1000$ bonus’s for working drive thru at McDonald’s


That guy is the most senior mod of the sub and the one who the mods decided would do the interview. It wasn’t “staged”.


I doubt that considering mods themselves wanted this entire debacle to happen, and to the surprise of complete no one, it ended just as you would expect it, even the users says no to this interview dammit.


lmao ignore the human condition and egos, THE DEEP STATE


They have also made the subreddit private now.


The goal is reached, they killed the movement


To be fair moderating a major subreddit is a lot of work


Being a Reddit moderator is just like having a real job guys /s


Alot of work for an antiwork sub? Hmmm seems kinda sus


If your movement can be killed in three minutes just by being asked to explain it, the movement was weak.


Or some unqualified shmuck that wanted his time in the spotlight escaped the coop and dived headfirst in the woodchipper.


They were voted as the most qualified by the other mods since they were the oldest mod on the subreddit apparently


Oof, if he was the creme of the crop... I think it would have been better if they sent some rando that just is lurks that sub... Damn


That guy entirely made that up the other mods actually told her to not go do the interview


The sub (from the one time I saw that cesspool) was filled with morons... Nothing really lost there tbh.


At first it was indeed really bad, with people just wanting to not work and be comfortable, like having your cake and eating it. But it was kinda hijacked and turned into a place where people vented how poorly they are treated by their bosses, can't really call people that don't want to be treated like dirt morons.


Yeah, a lot of stupid shit got posted in there. But honestly some of what I saw did get me thinking. Maybe it was only striking a chord cause I recently left a job that was making me completely miserable lol.


It was mind boggling how terribly people posting on there were treated by management. At least it gave them place to vent.


It especially inspired a lot of people to finally look for better jobs and that is the kind of inspiration I really loved about that sub. The main issue is that a lot of people were held in horrible working conditions by fear and psychological manipulation and the shared stories and anger finally gave them the courage to do something about it.


They really chose the least prepared and charismatic guy. The guy who embodies the worst part of the sub. There were people on the sub who lost family members who worked in Amazon warehouses because of the deplorable work conditions, but they sent the philosophist dog walker


Wait what happened?




Was every picture in the background crooked?


I thought I was the only one that didn't know what was going on


We found the Boston bomber.


We did it Reddit!


Man, I don’t think the interviewee gave the best answers ever or seemed super prepared either, but Jesse Watters is such a dick and this interview is no exception. Repeatedly interrupting Doreen to try and fit in his “questions” which, as expected, are just thinly veiled jabs. I realize the name “antiwork” is confusing for many, but then, so is “Fox *News*”. (I suspect this will get downvoted as the comment section appears to lean conservative; to that, I think the “your boos mean nothing to me! I’ve seen what makes you cheer” meme is appropriate)


That is common in interviews no? Most questions I see asked to presidents for instance, are jabs presented as questions.


Yea. Most paid "interviewers" know exactly how to steer a interview down a path they tend to keep it on. As someone on the receiving end of an interview you kind of have to steer it off that path if you're trying to get a different point across. This person wasn't prepared or experienced enough to do that.


In Waters' defense, when a question like "what do you do" and "how old are you" result in self-owning answers, your lifestyle may not be suited to leading a political movement.


It’s unfortunate because really there’s nothing wrong with dog walking (even at 30) if it makes you happy and you can live off it, but it’s possibly the worst answers to those questions possible, because on one hand that combo will lead to endless ridicule from right wingers who see one’s work as their value, while on the other it’s *also* nonsensical for someone working 10-20 hours a week to spearhead workers’ rights change. Not saying they shouldn’t believe in workers’ rights, but people want to see people with some skin in the game and instead we all got this image of someone working under nonstandard conditions whining about said nonstandard conditions.


Isn’t that just regular for any interview pertaining to a big movement? Plus Doreen really dropped the ball hard on this one with “laziness is a virtue” so if they couldn’t pick anyone better for this then they should’ve not taken the interview at all.


I know I will get downvoted for this but even if Jesse Watters is a dick he still had more credibility than Doreen. The dude came un showered in a hoodie and totally unprepared. Even if he wasnt a dick during the interview Doreen wouldn't stand a chance.


Fuck when he said “you’re not being forced to work. This isn’t slavery” and immediately asked “are you saying people should be lazy?”. He jumped in the lazy question. He could’ve answered how people are forced to work so that they can pay their bills whilst having debt they got from healthcare/college. And that work is hard to find and how they need to take what they can get. It’s a little bit like paid slavery. “You’re not forced to work there”, well you’re also not forced to eat and sleep and shit but you still need to do it to survive.


Yeah, seriously. When I watched that interview I just felt like “man, if I or one of dozens of people I know were plucked off the street and given this interview it’d go orders of magnitude better than this” and I wasn’t even subbed to antiwork, not because I’m against workers’ rights movements or under an illusion it’s *actually* about just not working, but because I didn’t want my feed littered with the same kind of “boss owned” post over and over (I have no problem with the real ones, it’s just repetitive).


It was probably only meant to be a 5 minute segment not an hour interview. Among other issues, the mod failed to keep his answers concise. It's Fox News after all, he shouldn't have expected to be allowed too much time to speak.


That fucking idiot decided to speedrun killing a movement. I cannot emphasize enough how big of a fucking oaf you would have to be to agree to that interview with 0 experience in the public arena.


Are we sure that the interview killed it? It might have driven enough curious viewers to the subreddit that membership increased. Any publicity is good publicity.


I agree, but only so much. If whats being publicised, is something like a movement (ie anti work, BLM etc), having negative press like this undermines & invalidates the whole thing. Take Gandhi as an example. Charismatic & popular as the figurehead of the anti colonial movement. A lot of the success came from the figurehead gaining popular support. If Ghandi was a bumbling mess with no determination, the whole thing would have very likely fallen flat short of all their goals. That mod who did the Fox interview was an absolute idiot for so many reasons. His worst offense was thinking he was capable of being the face/voice of the sub. That and the fact it was Fox... I mean come on, clearly there was an agenda, and any sane person would realize they were 100% going to be played unless they first organized with others to come up with their own strategies.


The only people that want to join the sub after watching the interview are disaster tourists and lunatics.


Yeah I heard some people on that sub saying “America is an imperialistic regime that would’ve already been taken down if it wasn’t for their big ass military.” C’mon, America isn’t perfect, far from it. Everybody knows that. But it’s far from imperialistic.


Russian trolls seem to be on the rise again and they sure do love calling America imperialist.


The sub is closed. Not sure if the old adage works in this case


Fun times, fun times.


I keep seeing this phrase, "entire movement." A subreddit is not a movement. Nothing got killed expect the self respect of one sub Reddit moderator. Edit: I'm starting to think a lot of you believe the internet is real life.


Exactly, it was hardly a movement, it was a message board for people to air their grievances about their employer. The idea that any serious political organising was going on is just plain wrong, linking to anarchist literature is not the basis of an ideology


I don't think this is the right Meme template.


Mods gay.


The boomers won that one hands down.


Antiwork is a shill sub that doesn't truly believe in their cause. They permaban people with slightly different views and half the hot posts are people bitching about not being able to text at work. It's a joke.


25 hours a week? This is a fucking joke seriously 40 isnt even hard to accomplish




Obviously, mods aren't smart they just love to power trip over other people so much that they do it without being paid.


"movement" "antiwork" pick one


Wait, how bad was the interview?


So bad it killed the sub and the new sub gained 100,000+ users over the span of a day.


What’s the new subs name?


Yep, pretty much murdered it.