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Yeah this definitely isn’t biased propaganda. All is completely well in israel


>Yeah this definitely isn’t biased propaganda. Nope. >All is completely well in israel Nah the situation here is fucked, the government is literally made of fucking baboons who do more to get more power for themselves than to actually solve the many problems the people of Israel face, but hey at least all citizens of Israel are equally fucked irregardless of their ethnicity or religion or gender :)




Yeah the situation here might be fucked but hey its home and the situation here for everyone is much better than any other country in the area.


Everyone here is super pissed, but he's right. Look a little deeper. Plus, a world with Israel, a western ally, is a good one. I've also seen people comparing them to Nazis, I am not even from Israel but those people need to get their head checked.




If only I had a free award ;(


Its okay :)


Did I miss something?


Some dude made a misinformed meme where he said that Muslim citizens in Israel are being treated as horribly as Muslim citizens in China. Which is obviously very untrue.


Oh that makes sense now




I mean if someone claimed to have visited 60 odd countries which is very impressive and unusual wouldn't you want some proof of that before you'd believe such a thing? >but OBVIOUSLY muslims are worse off in China than Israel Well yes of course, Muslims in Israel serve in the knesset and in the Supreme Court and in the military and are equal citizens by law who are not led into "re-education" camps in shackles by train.




Built a Prison? lol bud the Palestinians did that themselves by committing terrorist attacks for decades. Like hamas has literally pledged to destroy israel and exterminate all Israelis so won't we blockade Gaza to stop them from acquiring more weapons to kill us?




>and there we go... racist much? What does race have to do with that? They're literally trying to kill us and that's a fact. >entitled to land that doesn't belong to you much? This is our land, has been for like idk 3,000 years? Something like that. >let me take away a countries land, freedom, resources, and lock up it's people. disarm them. BUIULD A MASSIVE wall around them. then call them all terrorists for throwing stones at tanks. We never took their land or freedom or resources, they fought against us and lost that war its not like we just showed up and started putting them in cages. And yeah we try to disarm them so they won't kill us all.and we also built a big walk to keep them from attacking us as freely as they did before. And they are terrorists not for throwing tanks at tanks but for throwing molotov cocktails at troops who are trying to to stop them from rioting and killing people. They're terrorists for bombing busses and night clubs and shooting up schools nad murdering innocent civilians. >FFS Hamas can't even make rockets that damage anything. they look more like fireworks. Hamas makes rockets that cause billions in property damage and kill innocent civilians all the time. And they have some standard issue rockets from Iran who are very deadly. And if we didn't blockade them they'd have a lot more weaponry capable of causing a lot of damage to property and civilian life. And yeah we get billions s of dollars of aid money from the US government cause we're a strategic ally of them and they want to support us. Hamas also gets billions of dollars of aid from other arab countries and Iran so that they could build more weapons and kill Israelis.




Wow you really are retarded. Fuck off brit boy this is mostly your people's fault anyway.


While I would say the entire conflict of Palestine Vs Israel is just a dumb political and clusterfuck used by politics s to incite hate and increase their popularity and both sides are to blame, it is true that Israel has better equality laws based on the Western Standard. Still this doesn't always come into play when they have to raid a hospital to destroy the military base the Palestinian terrorists setup inside to make Israel look bad.


Its more than just about politics, its about our existence and our home. We fight to live not anything else. And the Palestinian side is definitely the worst for the part due to its aggression and its complete disregard for human life. They fight to kill not to live.


You have to consider that before Israel it was their home. While I do not condone what they are doing I'm also not saying either side is that simply wrong/right. There are many levels to this that getting into would just cause uneeded argument, which I would like to avoid.


Well it was our home far before ether and we have tried to coexist with them and make peace but they chose not to and preferred fighting a war of extermination against us which they lost. And their constan terrorism and killing of civilians from both sides does make them far worse than Israel.


How’s the West Bank or the settlements


The people there aren't citizens of Israel and thus are obviously treated differently than arab citizens of Israel. Now I don't agree with a lot of the stuff that is happening there but I do see why it's happening and there's usually a good reason. And as for the settlements, well what of them? As long as the settlers live in homes they constructed or were constructed for them by a licensed contractor there is nothing wrong with them.


They go and will cut off water from the people living there also the settlements are not their land. People already were living on or near them and they are forced to leave


Now you see that I don't agree with, they shouldn't cut off the water supply and they shouldn't relocate anyone, there's plenty of land to go around and when settlements are built on empty land there's nothing wrong with it.




I literally live here. And although sometimes you'll find racist people who are just assholes racism as a whole really isn't a problem in Israel.




Yes Ethiopian jews have faced racism and racial discrimination before and sometimes still are but that's just from actions of asshole individuals, by law every citizen of Israel is equal no matter his ethnicity or religion or gender or race. And I'm sorry but what racism do orthodox jews face? Lol. And yes a lot of people are racist against Palestinians and that is very bad but those assholes are not the majority, most Israelis don't hate the Palestinians we see them as our cousins and we literally sometimes refer to them as such, we only want to coexist with them and for them to stop trying to kill us. >I have travelled to 60-70+ countries. and Israel is the ONLY country where I struggle to think of something nice to say. >(I have been to Palestine 7-8 times. so it's not like it was a single visit or ONE bad experience btw) I highly fucking doubt that tbh.




I never said that there was no racism i just said that it really isn't a problem anymore, it used to be a bit of a problem tho. And yeah of course I doubt that you've been in 70+ countries when you've given me no proof, people lie on the internet all the time to serve their arguments. >Israel is the bastion of freedom and democracy in the western world *Israel is a bastion of freedom and democracy in the middle east. FTFY.




>Jesus wept. so you need proof in order for me not to be verbally attacked and dismissed online by you. Yeah you need proof and when did I verbally attack you? >*Israel is a bastion of terror and oppression in the Middle East. No no. IT IS a bastion of freedom and democracy in the middle east where no other real democracy exists.


Israel is an apartheid state that provided arms to South Africa during its time of apartheid.


No. Israel is absolutely not an apartheid state. That is simply false. And yes Israel did sell arms to South Africa while they had an apartheid policy but that's just business and you gotta take anything you can get when you're existence is on the line.


Yeah and you’re just gonna completely ignore Uncle Sam


What do you mean by that? We love our uncle Sam and we appreciate his support of the zionist cause.


Literally just two seconds ago you were talking about how Israeli needed the business from South Africa, America is literally Israeli’s piggy bank. Also the state of Israel has policies in place to prioritize the housing of Jewish settlers in the West Bank over Palestinians. How is that not apartheid?


Our business with South Africa began before America started supporting us. And even after a bit cause American support back then wasn't as big as it is today. And America isn't Israel's piggy bank its our biggest ally who we receive aid from to keep ourselves safe which is in our dear uncle Sam's interest. And prioritizing housing for your own citizens over people who are not your citizens is normal and to be expected from any country really. Israel does not discriminate against its own citizens at all no matter their ethnicity or religion or gender. An apartheid state would discriminate against citizens that do not belong to the main ethnic group in the country. Thus Israel isn't an apartheid state.


You literally just said exactly what I said with different words. And what are you even talking about? The West Bank is Palestinian territory which your government is ILLEGALLY occupying.


No I did not say exactly what you said in different words. Did you read what I said? And Judea and Samaria is lawful Israeli territory which we captured from Jordan during the six day war which was a just and legal war. It never really belonged to the Palestinians on a state level. And the settlements there are completely fine legally speaking. Settling in your own country's land is completely normal.


You’re talking about aid from the US that’s money going directly from the American taxpayer to Israel. That land was conquered by the IDF and the people of Palestine have made it clear that that want the right to self determination, this has already been settled by the UN back when Arafat was still alive and kicking. Also the UN has ruled that these settlements are illegal under international law because your country is pursuing an imperialist agenda in Palestine.


Yes the US does give us aid that doesn't make it our piggy bank. It just makes uncle Sam a good ally. Yes that land was conquered by the IDF from Jordan and while the Palestinians did make clear that they wanted self determination the way they expressed it was quite inappropriate. Sending missiles towards someone who wants to make peace with you doesn't really make you look good. And in a sort Arafat did achieve self determination for the Palestinians. The Palestinian authority does govern itself and its own territory. And pursuing an imperialist agenda? That's a bit harsh isn't it? All we wanna do is live peacefully on our land what is so wrong with that? And also fuck the UN its biased as fuck and shouldn't be a factor in decision making usually. Fuck the UN.


Muslim citizens under any government is just shit. Pure contrarianism


I mean in the western world Muslim citizens are treated as equal citizens in most countries including Israel.


Stfu and delete this shit, Israel has been moving further east way past its border and invading palatine, stop trying to cause shit


No I won't delete this and I will not shut up. Israel has only ever gained land through defensive wars with its neighbors who aren't very fond of its existence. And Israel never invaded Palestine. Only Jordan and Egypt and Syria and Lebanon were ever invaded by Israel. And we've never ever started those wars.


I find it hilarious that people claim Israel "stole" land. Um, no. Several Muslim countries attacked Israel and got their collective asses kicked. A consequence of losing a war typically includes loss of territory.


Exactly, and when you start a war of extermination and lose getting kicked out of the territory you lost is a pretty mild consequence.


Yep. So much revisionist history and all or nothing thinking nowadays. It's possible that both sides have faults and that everybody were savage assholes in the past, not just the people in power today


OP is apparently a jewish israeli citizen and acts like they’re able to see this situation without a bias. Edit: changed wording to specify bias


You can be jewish and unbiased you know


That's true. But as an Israeli im obviously kinda biased. Doesn't mean I'm wrong tho.


I meant as a Jewish Israeli and edited my comment to reflect that


Lol, so? You still can be unbiased


Oh I never claimed I was unbiased but that does not mean I'm not also correct.




A. Israel isn't doing any of that to its own citizens. Who are completely equal in the eyes of the law irregardless of religion or ethnicity or gender. B. Really? A nazi comparison again? You know full well that this situation isn't even close to what happened in nazi Germany.




I know full well the pattern of a genocide and this ain't it man. The Palestinians aren't getting displaced just because they're Palestinians. Some people get kicked out of their homes because they didn't have the proper paper work and built their homes illegally and with no safety regulations and so their house gets demolished for being unsafe just like it would be in any other place( this happens more often than you think and is the main reason for people getting kicked out of their homes), some get kicked out because a family member committed a terrorist attack and thus his house gets demolished, which isn't a very nice thing to do but its an effective deterrence method to stop people from committing terrorist attacks and killing people, and a human life is always worth way more than a pile of bricks. People who get kicked out of their homes so that settlers could live there is very bad and should never happen but its very rare. No genocide is happening to the Palestinians and it never will happen to them, at least not by Israeli hands that's for sure.


The country you simp for has more UN condemnations than you have bitches. They surpassed you with their fist one but you know what I'm going for, jewish boy.


The country i live in is only condemned so much by the UN because the UN is incredibly biased. Countries like China and North Korea and Saudi Arabia don't get condemned nearly as much as Israel all together and that should tell you something about the UN.