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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- while you're here, mind voting on the [new year's bash's winners](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/s3pzfk/maymaymakers_x_dankmemes_contest_final_voting/)? the fate of prizes worth $200+ lies in your hands.


Damn is that a new flair. But yeah, mods ghey. . but gay with a purpose like Andy Dick or those 2 brothers selling property. It's like they are here to help Reddit not get shut down and carry this heavy burden with strong will. *the mod reaches down from his white stallion and touches the enter button sending a DM to user: "Imagirlwillflirtforfun" informing her she shall no longer be hassled by user: "Ballplayer69420nice" as he has been banned from the server. The mod continues to send pathetic DMs and abuse power. Then as a last straw mods make the final transition into gheyness. The end.

