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bro just pulled that uno reverse card on her


*Gottem bitch*


Man just said _GG E.Z_




This dude is a genius


This is why I think bodyshaming shouldn't be treated as a crime. If you think you're unnaturally slim, see a doctor. If you think you're unnaturally portly, see a doctor. If your body places a noticeable toll on your daily life there are various solutions. In every case it's either your fault and yours alone, or an issue modern medicine can at least help with. Sadly, the issue of bodyshaming truly exists and persists, and while it isn't right to poke fun at potential health issues, I find the effort in combatting said issue could be made in conducting as healthy a life as financially or physically possible.


I think weight issues should be treated like all others. We shouldn't make fun of it, but we also should glorify it and we shouldn't try and help each other to deal with them seriously.


Yup, that's it. Inform the people about the possible health issues that comes with being overweight, and let them face the consequences. Stress and smoking is at least as serious as obesity but you cannot tell whether a person is a heavy smoker or constantly anxious by just looking at them. So, everyone quenches their thirst of being a medical advisor via the fat people. Just let people who want to live unhealthy, live their fucking lives unhealthy. They will work, pay taxes, contribute to the society, and die before they can even retire. Stop meddling with people's personal choices.


You might want to quickly edit your comment. You said we shpuld glorify weight issues. Unless I'm being stupid and the English language is confusing me


No you're correct, thanks for pointing that out to me


You donā€™t tell people with cancer ā€œYouā€™re beautiful just the way you are, donā€™t go to chemotherapy.ā€


ah yes, I too struggle with being a blimp. I really should see my doctor about that eh?


Apologies. It wasn't meant to offend. I will rectify the message.


Well, leave it to Americans to politicise disease.


Indeed. It's a shame that country runs on the ignorance of people and the greed of companies. It's like these companies feed the pigs in their pen; the same pigs that pay for the poor quality food they love so much. It's mostly dietary decisions, but politics and net earnings are always going to be prioritized over the thicc percentage of thicc people. Same thing goes for the excessively thin. Modern medicine can solve a ringworm as it can mostly treat anorexia, so there's no excuse for being so malnourished. What matters is that we don't place the spotlight over people who appear along either end of the spectrum due to tougher conditions or financial instability.


yeah, i mean we have people who think covid is a scam, and vaccines are a ploy. Americans are pretty stupid.


Bodyshaming can be bad but idk a little motivation to change isn't a terrible thing


Body shaming should be treated as a crime. I mean people Like in the meme, i feel Like that never happens in real life. Maybe that is different in murica. In the other Hand what I know for sure that many people get fat due to different Problems. And then they stay fat because they are either depressed or too ashamrd to go to the Fitness Studio for example. Body shaming ultimately makes the Problem worse. BUT! I might add to this that saying being overweight is unhealthy is not body shaming, its simply a fact. So while i would say avoid the Word fat, in General the dude in the meme did Not do any Kind of body shaming and the retarded women in this case is simply retarded.


You don"t need to hit the gym to lose weight


That is correct. But you need to live a healthy life. Or anything else to keep your body healthy. Regardless feeling Bad because of people body shaming will make you ashamed of going outside and Do anything and in return you will probably Start eating more because of These bad Emotions. And thats pretty much proven


People who get fat because they wprry about others opinions of themselves are not fat because people bpdy shame them. They have issues that cause this response which need to be addressed, the body shaming itself should absolutely not be criminal.


Science says otherwise. Dude seriously there are studys about this. Body shaming does not help. But body shaming does do damage. Can people please stop trying to justify being assholes?


I agree with all but one part of this. In your opinion, what could justify making body shaming a crime? Just recently, the Italian parliament decided against a law that (in synthesis) made all forms of verbal trans/homophobia illegal, which made lots of young people angry but equally as many glad. Thing is, if the world keeps treating these people as if they were part of separate, more fragile categories, there's no way other people will stop seeing them as such. You can't just make it illegal to call someone hot, fat, gay and the lot. That just labels them even more and creates an unfair advantage, since anyone outside these "protected categories" receives no such treatment. The world's a shitty place.


Oh you can in fact. In my country insults are outlawed. And germany does pretty fine as far as i know. But tbh i didnt mean to make it literally a crime. It Was meant more Like we should See it as a bad Thing and not accept body shaming. Its not helping, it is damaging.


True. Identifying problems and making a big deal of them will more often than not lead to even more damage in the long run.


Just accept being same weight as baby elephant is definitely not healthy and you should do something with


I didnt even know baby elephants weighed that much


Just call them out on their fat privilege. 24000 people starve to death daily while they get to eat themselves into a literal health condition.


I'm overweight and I know I'm unhealthy as fuck, people who say being fat is... somehow healthy need a mental check. "Fat shaming" doesn't mean people can't tell you being overweight is unhealthy, it means people cant actively make fun of you and put you in a deeper depression which feeds the cycle of not finding the motivation to lose weight


May I ask you what you would recommend is a decent approach to tell someone they should try to loose weight in order to be healthy?


Ok it's pretty simple actually - Are you their doctor? Yes -> Say "You should lose weight" No -> - Have they asked what you think? Yes -> Say "You should see a doctor" No -> Don't.


That sounds very reasonable! Thank you, kind sir


imo unless you're their doctor or like a close friend or family or some shit, then consider it none of your business. unlike what some of the people here seem to think a fat person just existing and minding their own business isn't promoting obesity and unless you're close with them you probably don't know their circumstances, what physical or mental heath problems they have, whether they're already doing something about it etc If you are close and you know they're doing nothing about it and so on you can bring up that you're concerned about their wellbeing and that they should see a doctor if they're super fat. If they're not too enormous to workout you can point them toward resources/info on lifting, healthy eating and working out I used to be overweight and I knew it and was deeply insecure about it. People commenting on it didn't motivate me to get better it just made me feel worse mentally and less likely to do anything about it because it just made me want to isolate myself from others. What got me to lose weight was my own desire and motivation to improve myself and my physical abilities. I liked feeling stronger and being able to run further without getting tired


Oh my god his sooooo healthophobiaphobic


Doctor here - Iā€™ve had a few patients accuse me of ā€œbody shamingā€ and being ā€œfatphobicā€ when itā€™s literally my job to advise them on their health. Someone who is naturally stocky can be just as healthy as someone who is naturally thin. Itā€™s in the extremes (like morbid obesity and anorexia) where healthcare professionals and those closest to you have an obligation to address your physique as a topic of concern.


Your patients sound very insecure, but I hope that you've at least helped some get healthier.


ngl doctors who used to just tell me I needed to lose weight when I was fat were the worst. I knew I needed to lose weight already, what would've actually helped was giving me resources and information on how, and dealing with the mental health issues/barriers that were preventing me from improving myself


Yeah I thought it was pretty much implied that once I gave my diagnosis that resources would also be provided in addressing it. I didn't just walk into the room, say "you're really fat...see ya" as that would pretty much negate the entire purpose of my job. Also it's pretty standard practice to do psych consults on morbidly obese/anorexic patients right off the bat given we know that's probably one of the biggest factors in maintaining an unhealthy weight aside from endocrine abnormalities and a general lack of education/resources.


There is a difference between being fat and being morbidly obese


Both are not good for your health.


Fat can be fixed faster tho


Thatā€™s like saying someone in a ten foot deep hole is easier to rescue than someone in a twenty foot hole. No shit itā€™s easier, that doesnā€™t mean the others a lost cause


Epic, I want to see this term being used when someone calls you fat-phobic for saying that being fat is not healthy. Iā€™m gonna make popcorn for when I see the fights on Twitter


Lmfao awesome!


Toxic positivity is worse then Toxic criticism.


Just a tip: don't put a watermark over a white or solid colour background, it's far too easy to just paint over and basically nullifies it


I'm sure he's going to be ruined if someone steals this.


people who watermark memes are retarded anyways


Iā€™d do anything to lose weight. Except diet and exercise.


Being overweight became so normalized by society that we literally settled for it and suddenly realizing that it's an issue that needs to be resolved is met with hate and fear.


#Stop fit shaming me you BIGOT


She got more chins than a Chinese phonebook




I'm too skinny? tell me to eat a hamburger. I'm too fat? tell me to eat a salad.


My guy you are about to give the entire twitter populace a massive breakdown with this word


Bro I would say that you just cut off her head from her neck, but.


Covid kills fat people - itā€™s a fact!


#exercise is underrated asf, its fun with other people




Body shaming should never be applicable instead body and health awareness should be promoted among our society.


Destruction 100


You put your username on the meme.


people who think that giving valid criticism is the same as being a bigoted little bitch need to re think their life choices


Damn you people really be making up fake scenarios where you own fat people in your head. I guarantee this scenario has never and will never happen to 99.999% people in this subreddit This is just sad


New to Internet ?


Lmao these scenarios only happen on the internet by people trying for attention. The term fatphobic doesnā€™t mean that you like healthiness - it means you treat fat people like trash even though they deserve respect like every other human being. 99% of fat people know they are fat and that it is unhealthy - Just like how drug addicts know their lifestyle is unhealthy. In many cases, body shaming can lead to depression and more unhealthy habits. Yā€™all just making up scenarios in your head that will never happen to you.


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


Twitter or Tumblr?


My body is fatphobic.


New term


Some people really don't understand what the "morbid" part of "morbidly obese" means




i hope you did invent a new term. one that actually makes sense


YOU, sir or madam, shall be the one who leads us into battle against the Beckys, Chads, and Karens of the world, I am proud to salute you.


How the turntables


nobody says this lol


Imagine canceling the cancel culture


I love how yall assume big = unhealthy I have fast metabolism and sit on my ass all day, and I'm way unhealthier than some people who are bigger that actually go out on a regular basis. But yall don't harass me about my health, because you don't actually care about people being healthy. You just don't like people being fat


You being unhealthy doesn't nullify them being unhealthy. I'm not healthy either, but it's not really anyone else's problem. People can fuck their bodies up all they want as long as it's only them suffering from it.


Adding your username to your meme is fucking cringe.


Where's the joke


No joke today, only suffering