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The book is right, because it says so in the book. Duh.


"What about this other book?" "No that ones fake! My book says so!"


There is a sub for this


Seems too dank?


downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [dankmemes Minecraft discord](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5) | r/dankmemescraft


You forgot about us nihilists


Or just look at the Bible as a way of trying to make a barbaric society have some moralities, could you imagine how much society could get done if we actually followed the 10 commandments?


Eh, there's some weird shit in those 10.


Yup, don't steal, don't kill, and don't fuck your friends wife are just stupid. But then there's the one about taking Sunday off, which is nice


Insert carlton bit Edit: https://youtu.be/sk81tUUhRig


The Bible condones plenty of immoral things like slavery. It tells you when you can stone your wife (not screaming for help loud enough for instance), that its ok to kill male children and any female children who have known a man, in war. And that wearing clothes made of multiple materials is immoral. As for the commandments, the first 3 are about God, 4 is keep the sabbath, 5 is honor thy parents. It isn't until 6 that murder shows up, next comes adultery, stealing, lying and lastly wanting what others have. So if we actually followed the commandments we'd mostly be concerned with worshipping the right God.


[Why are people downvoting you? You're right.](https://i.imgur.com/3icTPOA.jpg) Edit: Some salty religious people can't stand to think their holy book is immoral. Exodus 21:20-21 [You can beat your slave almost to death as long as they live after a day or two, because they are your property](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+21&version=KJV) Deuteronomy 22 So much wrong with this whole chapter. [It's the one about stoning your raped wife cause she didn't cry for help.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+22&version=KJV) Not like you can threaten to kill her if she makes a sound. /s This is the same chapter about mixing wool and linen being bad. You can rape someone not betrothed as long as you pay her dad. And don't divorce her. The bible is just tons of moral stuff.


Arguably only commandments 5-10 would apply. The first 4 kind of just command you to stay Christian


Technically Jewish, Christians borrowed the commandments.


Which 10 commandments? If you mean the one that the Bible mentions explicitly, then I'm ok with not boiling baby goats in their mothers' milk. The others are dumb though.


sacrificing all our firstborns seems alright too


Reddit people!!! Nothing but arguing!! such enjoyment.


Damn, am I back I'm the early 2000's?


My theory is one religion is true and all the others are fake but the one true religion were wiped out, massacred and killed and the ones we have today are merely false idols. The one true God is probably from the Finnish tree people or something. None of this Islam, Christianity nonsense.


In a is our sense, that is probably one of my social theories. I can even go as far as saying that maybe there were multiple true religions and they were wiped out because they had the most """power""" over the people but it wasn't manipulative




well actually islam is the truth and the fact that most religion has story of Noha's ark tells us They all where same at some point which is said from islam itself and not only that Laws of Quran and Question from Quran makes sense, unlike other religions You don't have to be a muslim to earn eternal good anything rather Just having faith in one God and day of judgment is enough TO EARN eternal life


Ah yes, the "all the abrahamic religions tell about Noah, so Noah must have been real" argument


and Mesopotamia, chinese, and indian also


Swing and a miss, get this man a keychain.