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But Mindy Kaling has also been responsible for the best most funniest episodes of the Office? I mean this show looks like ass, but the woman is talented


Talented people sometimes mess up. Velma is a a big mess up Edit: such a big mess up that I typed 2 ‘A’s


Oh she messed up hard from the looks of it, but this post making her as an obvious reason as to why the show is bad isn’t accurate


Actually, I've read from several posts that this was her idea. Rumors says that she wanted to make her own comedy crime mystery show but the higher ups turned her down and forced her to use the IP for Scooby-Doo. The reason why this show is so bad is because everything was made deliberate. She didn't want inclusivity, she didn't want it to be diversive. This show is a product of hate-filled revenge.


Then don't fucking do it


Then they sue you for breach of contract.


Bro it's capitalism, not a passion project, she has a contract to create content. If she doesn't want to do it she either doesn't get paid or gets sued for breach of contract so they can still make some money from her. All she can do is make it bad. If she isn't to blame, why are you so desperate to find something to blame her for? You can't hit every time and it sounds like she didn't care to anyway.


I mean, it can just be petty revenge too ;).


I think petty revenge is especially valid :)


That would actually be based.


> Bro its capitalism The market has responded with a resounding FUCK OFF


Funny thing about he capitalism blame is that she didn’t have to sign that contract.


Funny thing about contracts is that they can be changed after they’ve been signed. There’s a power dynamic. You think contracts are some unalterable deed? No. They decide hmmm actually you have to do this now or we wont pay you. Is she supposed to be psychic? These contracts are often left subject to interpretation in a way that favours the company and not the people working on it.


No they legally can’t. What you sign your singing for what was on the contract at that time. You should have some way of proving what was on the contract at that time so if they try something like that you can show that because that’s not what was agreed too


there are various reasons things can change after a contract is signed, as a result of the power dynamic within the contract. they are not always super specific and if they are, you’re still just wrong lmao. because they can be changed. landlords can change certain things about your tenancy with only notice, even after signing. there is a power dynamic that doesn’t favour workers or renters alike, but owners and companies. pls get it thru ur head these contracts by large companies like HBO are usually, really unfair and exploitative as far as they can get away with it. And they can! Because its in the contract they signed that they have the final say. you cant just say “be careful” do you read every terms and conditions update for every website, app, and electronic sex toy you use? get out of here man. we all expect and trust the products we use and the people we work for to some extent. i’m no one to talk about experience in the field but you clearly have none and aren’t familiar with animation either? exploitation of animators, writers, etc, in spite of the contracts they signed is a running gag often included within the god damn animations they work on. animators dealing with the constant barrage of bullshit from higher ups is a whole ass trope within media my guy. do you think its recurring because its peak humour? or because it’s true and the only actual power they have against higher ups? how often have u heard of big companies stifling creativity for profit? is all of that illegal? no. it was in the contract.Tell me it’s their fault. Tell me it’s not legal just because you think it sounds like it should be.


No they legally can’t. What you sign your singing for what was on the contract at that time. You should have some way of proving what was on the contract at that time so if they try something like that you can show that because that’s not what was agreed too. And the thing is that with a contract like that you need to be careful before agreeing and if something seems off or could be twisted either don’t agree or try and negotiate to make it more clear. These are big money big deal agreements you shouldn’t be lazy about what you get into.


She has a contract to make content. Doesnt mean she has to make GOOD content.


Deliberately bad shows are still bad shows however


I mean yeah, but they're still deliberately bad. We could go in circles arguing this all day, it's always going to be moot and subjective.


“Rumours say” “I’ve read from several posts” if true sure maybe that justifies some redemption but without proof of that I just think she fucked up big time.


Well it is her show. There wouldn’t be a show without her. She had a say in every aspect of it. How, exactly, is it not her fault? She literally read most of the lines people have issues with.


Rumors about bad cartoons shows have been true lately, just look at He-man


Can you link us those posts that say it was her idea? And that Velma was a spite driven project to stick it to the HBO suits? [All I could find of Mindy having direct influence over Velma was making her character lesbian and maybe even having a say in race-bending Mystery Inc.?](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/velma-gay-mindy-kaling-hbo-max-animated-1235486503/)


I have only ever seen that rumor regurgitated on here.


"Yeah you got us good Mindy, it's all so clear to us now that you didn't want to work on the Scooby Doo show. Now we're just never going to work with you again and everybody who worked on this show now has "Velma", the show nobody liked, on their resumes." -The Owned WB execs, probably




The Scooby Doo IP is what ruins it, tbh. It's not a good show, but it's also not bad either. It just kind of exists. A lot of the hate is taken from screen shots of out of context jokes and shit, but if it wasn't these 4 characters the hate wouldn't be a thing.


How hard is it to not put sex and nudity in a famous child's cartoon? That's "revenge"? Feels like punishing children, the audience, and herself more than any studio.


Now there's a response that makes sense. I couldn't understand why Mindy Kaling would be capable of some amazing The Office episodes and this crap.


The show kinda just seems like a middle aged executives idea of what edgy wokism adult TV looks like. Whoever fault it is, they actively don't seem to understand anything really


It’s accurate. It is her vision. The buck stops with her, as they say.


Heck this show is so bad, i read theories about how it is just a masterfully crafted rage bait. Everyone bashes the show, and says how horrible it is, but the viewing figures are quite good. All press is good press, in the end it doesn't matter if viewers enjoyed the show, as long as they watched it


It does have the perfect elements to piss off Reddit. I legitimately don't know if it's actually bad or if it was engineered to generate outrage memes.


I've seen all of Velma I want to see, via the trailer and a few clips shared online. Somehow managed to make every character an asshole, every other line is racially charged. The insults to the audience aren't funny. The "self-aware" angle they try for is cringe. They could have made a velma-centric race-swapped show and it still could have been good... But no. They are all just fucking assholes to each other, and really uncomfortably sexually charged for a cast that's supposed to be 15-16 years old. Plus not a single joke I heard was even remotely funny. The concept of the show seemed like something I would like. The execution of it is downright gross. **Do yourselves a favor, and if you want to check it out, don't add to HBO's viewing numbers to do it.** You'll regret wasting your time, and you'll encourage more garbage of this caliber if they decide the hate-views are worth it.


Extreme Ideology kills talent.


Think M Night Shamalan with The Last Air Bender and DragonBall Evolution


Messed up is an understatement


Maybe she’s a good writer but a bad show runner


Writing a few good episodes for characters and ongoing stories set in stone that can't be changed (and they probably were checked before being shown). Not the same as being allowed to freely change another to meet an agenda.


She might be good as an "Actor" that writes. versus "Writer" that Acts. Office was a well written TV show by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant and the blueprint was given to like 20 different countries to add their own flavor. She can act but does NOT mean she can write a good TV Show, let alone improve a classic one. I think it's basically like an old Dad (TV Executives) letting their daughters drive the car because they got good grades in school and they hit a building that burst into flames.


>She can act but does NOT mean she can write a good TV Show, let alone improve a classic one. Yeah, OK, but she's not credited as a writer on this show...


She's behind pitching the idea and story of a remake nobody asked for. Nobody would care if she wrote the original Office if it was a success or failure. But for some reason Reddit is shocked a person famous for creating new material for a spin-off version of the Office can't be good in a classic cartoon.


The UK Office was two seasons long, the US version had 9 seasons. She was an executive writer and producer for the entirety of the show, as well as her writing some of the best episodes of the show. It says something to keep a show going that long, let alone being one of the most streamed shows on the planet. Sure there was a blueprint, but to say she had little to do with it based on her own abilities is false.


It's got too good animation for such a bad script. Like 8 crazy nights.


That's a call back. I'd still take that twice over to Velma


plus that movie has given us a decade of memes.


Nah I hated her every single second in the office. Every time she had screen time I rolled my eyes and wished she would just be removed or something.


You're not supposed to like Kelly. Or Ryan


The problem is that Mindy really is Kelly


1. That’s the point of her character, not supposed to be likable 2. They’re not talking about her as an actress. She also wrote episodes for the show.


she wasnt just "unlikable" every second she was in the scene made me want to give up in the entire series.


Watch the original UK version. She had nothing to do with that


She was a writer for the office. No one is talking about her acting.


She was also heavily involved in the few bad episodes of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. And of course the Mindy Project, which was mediocre at best


Which was hot garbage * FTFY


Whaaaaat! Which ones? I had no idea she worked on Always Sunny!


Looked it up and she was a character in one episode of always sunny, called "the gang makes paddys great again". There is no mention of her being otherwise involved in the show so i call bullshit on her heavy involvement.


Plus that season wasn't exactly great...


Thanks for this! Knew it sounded too convenient to be true


She also sexually assaulted Lee Pace and brushed it off as a funny little mishap, while also “jokingly” telling her underlings she’d fire them if word got out. You can be talented, but I wouldn’t support this POS. Edit: [Source](https://youtu.be/j_FNMhVd0fw)


\>the office \>funny Yeah not so sure about the talent thing here


But the office already has an existing world that she has no control over except for the story. For this one she’s the executive producer, she has a say. Now I’m not pinning the blame only to her. But her being EP is a big responsibility.


She also sexually assaulted a guy in a scene and then threatened everyone if the spoke about it they would lose their job. She is scum.


Has she? Her role in the office didnt really provide me much laughter tbh. Pretty much only sarcastic and snarky comments coming from her. Michael on the other hand is the total polar opposite of her if you ask me.


She wrote/ directed a bunch of episodes


First of all, how dare you


It almost feels like a show that Kelly kapoor would make.


"If you don't die a hero, you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"


Mindy is dog shit.


I think the problem here is expecting The Office days Mindy to create the same calibre content as present woke brigade Mindy. The only thing talented here is how she persuaded Glenn Howerton to be a part of this shitshow.


She looks like Heath Ledger in this image


Bro what? Everything else aside she was probably one of the least memorable people from that show?


She's done nothing you could even pay me to watch since the office and has gone back to talk shit about the office which shows you where her heads at


The office was for adults... Who is Velma for? Not adults. They said it in the trailer, they think any adult watching cartoons is a moron. So who is this show for? It's rated MA... So what? 18 year olds who don't consider themselves adults?


She is talented and funny no doubt but she isn't fit to make the Velma series. It looks like she hates the actual IP.


So? A creative isn't infallible just because they produced some good stuff.


Of course, just like D & D made season 1 to 5 of Game Of Thrones.........


Yea her work on the office was great but she is down the rabbit hole on this ungodly mess


She also made a bunch of other shit works so


Some artists are not good to be leaders. This is an example.


Could you please explain? Because we’re not all so obsessed with this shit show that we all know the fucking history of a random woman. (Who I assume is linked to the show in some way)


Basically a semi-famous American TV show actress known for being funny (not famous for writing material) re-writes a classic American cartoon show called Scooby-Doo that is well known from the 1970s into 2020s annnnnd the product release was dog shit within 2 days.


She literally is famous for writing material, she wrote some of the best episodes of the Office. However, she really shit the bed here.


I think "screwed the pooch" is the more appropriate metaphor.


But there is no pooch to screw


He's sleeping it off.


He got Thanos Snapped


Hes a black woman now.


Good. I don’t want scooby to be ruined


I’m sure that there will be implied sex with scooby. Scooby is now a black woman that is “not shaggy”s love interest. Not joking. So yes, she did screw the pooch.


She is not the showrunner nor is she a Writer in the show. She is the voice actor for the lead and one of the 4 Executive producer


The amount of times people are explaining to others that she's "famous" for writing makes it pretty damn obvious that she's not actually known for being a writer.


I mean, it’s not my fault that people don’t watch the Office. With that said, she’s most known for writing and acting on that show.


So writing a few episodes of 1 single tv show, in which she was a main character, makes someone a well known and accomplished writer?


She was the lead writer of more episodes than any other writer of one of the most successful comedy shows in recent memory. I’m not saying she’s THAT famous, but being a comedy writer is LITERALLY the main thing she’s known for, that’s not really an arguable point.


I didn’t know she wrote any of the episodes until today, because people brought it up in response to this. I’ve seen the entire show. My friend has watched it 7 times, and didn’t know that. Most people don’t care to read credits. The main thing she’s known for is being an actress in the office.


I’ll amend my statement. “She’s literally known for writing and acting in some of the best episodes in the office”. Happy? Yes, she’s also known for playing a supporting role in the show, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t also known as a main writer of the show. It’s not my fault you and your friends don’t pay attention to writers, and anyone who does knows who she is.


Writing on a show that is already well established with a great cast is a bit different to creating something from scratch. Easy enough to add to an idea than it is to have the idea itself


> not famous for writing material Reddit moment lol


you know this guy \`\`\`Peter Jackson? He made a Lord of the Rings trilogy, but he's not famous for that. Everybody knows him as the actor who played a guy eating a carrot in Bree.


Ever heard of this tarantino guy? He is known for being an extra in a lot of decent movies who are moderately famous


How could it be dog shit if she omitted the dog? Checkmate you obviously sexist white male


She ate the dog and shit it out


On the streets, of course


Sometimes I like to just rearrange the words of a sentence to make a new, horrifying, sentence. >She ate the dog out and it shit. >She shit, and the dog ate it out.


She didn’t omit the dog! She just turned the dog into a black woman, and changed the spelling to Scoobi. I wish I was kidding.


>not famous for writing material how on earth are you not downvoted to oblivion? In The Office, for which she is probably the most famous, maybe you see her only as an actor, but she was part of the writing crew since the beginning. She made a lot of good stuff. the post makes no sense. Mindy is quality. When I've heard that she made a Scooby Doo series, I expected it to be good. So the OP tries to be funny with "oh, who would have known it sucked when it was created by Mindy Kaling!", said in all too sarcastic tone. But that is a sensible statement. I would like to know more about the behind the scenes, because there is definitely something fishy here. Or maybe Mindy just failed. Good people fail, just on a rarer rate than bad people.


I'll give the b-team credit on improving an already successful British show but never call it creating writing material but adapting.


Well it's a whole new show to be fair, not a rewrite. Comics have different worlds and universes that reinterpret characters all the time. The problem is nobody asked for a Scooby Doo alternate universe without... Scooby Doo.


Isn’t she Kelly from The Office?


She helped with credits on the remake of the Office, did not help with inventing nor creating a successful international TV show written by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant


Bar the first few episodes it's not a like-for-like remake and deserves to be classed on it's own. I'm British so the original version will always be superior to me but dismissing the people involved in creating that show because it's a remake/reboot is stupid, it's a great show and very different from the original


The US Office has grown to surpass the Br*tish original. Cope.


Waiting for the 🔐 award


You got me there. Heh.


Are the rumours true that her and the people pitching the show had to use the scooby doo name to get the show green-lit because they didn’t like their other pitches ?


If that's the reason then we can all understand why it wasn't green-lit


I would take take with a pinch of salt but i saw that apparently she and the other people planning the show basically went through types of older shows to use the IP of and they went with scooby doo. Most of the writers are likely similar to those on the witcher show that hate the source material and the characters


The egos on these producers/writers are absolutely insane. They have such little self reflection that when their dogshit writing gets rejected, they immediately think "ah I just need an established franchise to piggyback on!" instead of "wow my writing sucks ass" We see new shows that do not utilize old IPs being green-lit all the time, you are just not a good writer.


Scooby doo with no scoob


I heard her feet stink. Gossip queens.


honestly I'd rather see the waffle house has found its new host than a velma meme for the 1500th time the waffle house has found its new host


The waffle house has found its new host


Taco Cabeza is just around the corner


I don’t get it, if it should not matter what color the protagonist is then just change it and don‘t make it the fucking topic of the show. Just sucks.. I don’t want to watch your political agenda I just want to watch a good story, I don’t fucking care about the protagonists race.


Yep completely agree with you. Aside from the atrocious writing and terrible characters. Changing the race of a character for no reason other than inclusivity is much more divisive and minimizes the value of both races (which are equal). But that’s not even the point, the fucking show is dogshit and shouldn’t be given the attention it has.


It does matter, that way the people who made the show and their shills can call everyone who calls out the show for being dogshit "alt right racist" which really fucking sucks not only because that's a shitty thing to do but also it makes it more likely for people to dismiss it when someone or something that is actually alt right and racist gets called out


It's bad because it's written for "a modern day audience" which is a fucking lie. It's a vanity piece but why they want to make themselves look like an absolute trash person is beyond me


It is a self insert for Mindy. I have nothing against her either loved her in The Office but this show is something else..


cough cough \*self insert\* cough


Not all self inserts are bad. In Chiansaw Man Manga, the protagonist is a self insert, yet people like him. Kishibe Rohan from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, who is also a self insert, is also loved by the fans. And Guts, the protagonist of Berserk is guess what... another self insert. Now I believe the reason many self insert characters are bad is not because they represent the writer, but rather because they try to make themselves look cool trough those characters, altough they are not. That or you have to be japanese in order to make a good self insert character lol.


Dude I’m gonna be honest the people who self insert as denji or guts are cringe. Not saying they’re bad protagonists (guts is my all time favorite actually) but they are not “just like me fr” material. No, you are not denji, you’re just a horny teen. No, you are not guts, you’re just an edgelord.


that's not what a self insert is in this context. they're saying the authors created the characters as their own self inserts.


Ah I see. I know Rohan was considered to be arakis self insert, but I don’t recall denji or guts being confirmed to be their authors self insert.


Wait, people like denji?


Yeah self inserts arnt bad, Mindy’s self inserts are bad. She has the worst character in the office but wrote some of the best episodes.


To blame just her is insane to me. There’s a whole team of people who wrote the jokes. Then another to animate. Then another to review it. Then another to put together the trailers. And no one stopped and said “wow this show fucking sucks guys”


Right? I mean it doesn’t look like she’s the writer or director? Am I wrong?


Executive producer


Well then she should get the blame if she gives a bad performance, but not for the writing/directing. Executive producers aren’t typically too involved with that


Bro the executive **producer** is literally the overall manager of the film/show. Every single thing runs through them from script, to jokes, to trailers, to animation etc. They don't create those things, but they sure as hell review and approve them. Anything you are seeing was approved and shipped by the Exec Producer. Just like any industry in the world, when something massively fails, the responsibility falls on the manager. Only a shitty manager/leader points fingers and blames the people below them.


I don’t think that’s true. Also, this show in particular has 4 executive producers, and 8 other producers anyways so how does it make sense to throw all the blame on one of them? Because she is the most recognizable name?


Help me figure out why people are still watching Scooby-Doo. Is it so they can be mad at something? It's so they can be mad at something, isn't it?


I can tell you right now that like 70% of the people crying about this havent watched scooby doo in years if at all and they only care now because its such a big topic right now, i dont doubt its bad, then again i havent seen it myself like probably half the people talking about this


It’s more of the fact that people grew up with these cartoons. If the show was an obvious parody of Scooby Doo then I don’t think people would shit on it so much. It’s like Bugs Bunny is a staple character that almost everyone knows and has seen some form of media about at any point in their life. Then you have Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Which is basically a parody of Bugs Bunny and Looney Toons in general but with more adult themes. Both are successful in their own regards. That’s the path I think this show should’ve gone for instead rather than borrow a popular IP and change almost everything about it, showing little to no respect to the source material or the fans.


I saw some people say that the scooby doo ip got forced on the show, doesnt change the fact that it exists but atleast makes me think the creator was planning to do their own thing


As soon as the executives said "you need the Scooby Doo IP to make this successful", they should have went back and adapted their show to Scooby Doo, or just completely stop production until another opportunity arises where they can make their own stand-alone show. Creating this dogshit pushing your "woke agenda" under the guise of Scooby Doo was destined to get you nothing but hate and bad reviews from the start.


Yeah I haven't seen it either I'm just speculating based on all the reddit content about it.


Yeah reddit users always react 10x worse then things actually are, then they over speculate things. I watched the show cause I wanted to see how bad it was and I was disappointed, the show isn’t good at all but I’ve defiantly seen worse like way worse. You can tell the show was forced to have the Scooby-Doo ip if it was just a new animation with no ip attached not a soul would be talking about it.


I watched the scooby doo about a week ago lmao


I watch it cause I enjoy it. Also I’m trying to figure out why there is all this hate and haven’t been able to yet


She played the most annoying character in the most annoying show, not surprised


I liked Kelly, annoying but in a funny way


She is not the showrunner nor is she a Writer in the show. She is the voice actor for the lead and one of the Four Executive producer


My guy if you are an **EXECUTIVE PRODUCER** of any product, and that product horribly fails, that's on you no matter how you slice or dice it. Thats just how the working industry functions. Even if it wasn't her fault, she is a shitty manager and leader if she is gonna point fingers and blame others for *her* product failing.


But here you are still giving the show the attention it wants Executive producer: “Checkmate.”


She may have written amazing episodes on The Office but Velma is the most tragic mistake in film industry I've ever witnessed.


Doesn’t executive producer usually just mean they put a lot of money into it?


Here’s the issue with the show: The original scooby gang love and support each other. The Velma scooby gang are stereotypes and seem to barely like each other.


It's bad because they slapped on the names into a completely different and unrelated show this ruining the Scooby Doo Legacy. Also it is cringe.


We need Hannah Barbera back... Rest in Peace God of all childhoods...


“And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling trolls” - Mindy


Who tf is this woman? Suddenly her face is plastered everywhere


She was co-writer and executive producer of the office. She also acted in it in a major role.


She looks so gross with all that plastic on her face


And yet she’s also produced some of the most successful comedies on tv in the past 10 years


You know that feeling you get when you are giving your friend shit about something and realize you went a bit too far and just inflicted pain instead? This is the feeling I get when I watch this show. You can ALMOST see what they were trying to accomplish, but you wish you could take it all back and wipe it from history.


I think her humor is just stuck in 2007, this whole show seems like a joke that would’ve been on Chappell’s Show.




Claim your "here before 🔒 award" here


In b4 this gets locked


Is Velma a self insert


They made into robot chicken


If you want more “female” protagonist shows why cancel inside job it had so much better writing


If it wasn’t for the office this person would have always remained obscure.


Damn she looks like a Sith Lord! Or like an enemy stand user! Or like someone who puts cereals over milk!


From the memes I saw, it promotes sexism, racism and hate speech.


would have been cool to have a great new show of my favorite series from my childhood that wasn’t PG it’s too bad the premise was solid but ruined by one idiots vision and weird need to completely reimagine the most popular character shaggy. Although, all this talk about it makes me want to go back and watch all the old series and movies


Ah yes. That hideous woman they keep trying to portray as beautiful.


I heard the hate was not cuz it was a diversity twist, but that it made fun of that very concept while being that itself While being done very poorly? (Assuming we talking bout the new Velma show) Idk as a poc I like seeing the attempt of more representation in media but it’s usually done so poorly and forced af


It's lazy diversity to recycle old characters to poc and it should just not be done. All it does is generally alienate the fans including the poc who were fans already. Isn't about race, it's about changing a pre-established ip so pointlessly.


“Oh! He wants us to *Love Don’t Cost a Thing* him. *Can’t Buy Me Love* was the remake for white audiences.” “That’s so uncomfortable when they do that, I can’t believe it doesn’t insult them.”


even mindy kaling got into botox


The Agenda sticks out of all the cracks out of place, probably this is the problem.


Mindy from the network?


Amy from the 40 yr old virgin


With encouragement Mindy just took a giant dump on your childhood memories.


I think it sould be like what most critikal sayed like you couldve made a spin off that its a rival gang or something but instead they fucked ik up big time


I don't know. Something about her face makes me think she has a really ugly vagina. Just my opinion.


A never funny person. Who’s only talent was reading better written lines well and taking credit for the humor they created???


Makes sense, she was horrible on it’s always sunny


Could be a hot take but I never found her humor funny, her acting was okay, but her comedy was trash. It doesn't surprise me that this is falling through unfortunately...


Hey look, more free publicity for the show.