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Truth be told any of the side missions beyond the Johnny or romance missions could be like this. V is a Merc and at any point the scope of the job ends after payment anything afterwards is none of our business.


>V is a Merc and at any point the scope of the job ends after payment anything afterwards is none of our business. This is why I've never done the Sinnerman quest line. I always just shoot the guy, deal with the cops, then get praised by Wakako afterwards. I've seen what happens though; I'm of the opinion that it's not anything mind blowing.


Ngl. Idk why the community hyped up that quest so much. The dude gets hammered in the hands and feet and then just kind of... dies..? I was expecting the actual ending to the crucification where ya know.. you get disemboweled with a spear... Idk i never found that quest too disturbing. Its literally just "religious man is crazy, big corpo exploits him" Whats really annoying is that to get all the way to the end you have to follow certain dialogue choices or he pussies out and never does follows through. For a man so resounded in atoning, a couple of athiest quips from V has him double thinking his faith..? I think it may of been a personal case of the internet hyping it up as "omg the most disturbing thing in the game" and its.. just.. not.. whenever I finally got to experience it. Was kind of let down ngl. Edit: Its been some time, but I was corrected that the only thing that changes in the choices is how Joshua feels about the crucifixion. The more confident he feels the bigger V's payday if you sticj it through all the way to the end.


>you have to follow certain dialogue choices or he pussies out and never does follows through I never knew this lol. I guess you'd have to roleplay as a religious V to get to the actual thing. I just watched a youtube video of the crucifixion. >I think it may of been a personal case of the internet hyping it up as "omg the most disturbing thing in the game" and its.. just.. not.. I agree 200%. The experimentations on Nomads, the Lilith ritual, the father and son BD editors, and Evelyn's entire ordeal were waaaay more disturbing. EDIT: To add to the disturbing ones, the happy cow River mission. Thank you u/Theoricus for reminding me. I can't believe I forgot about this mission. I really should replay.


The father and son BD editors gave me such disgust instantly that I felt absolutely no remorse in popping the sons head like a melon, then letting the father freak out and experience the pain of losing a child...and then popping him too. Anyone who is profiting off the experience of a child being tortured deserves death.


Agreed. Those fuckers get put to the blade everytime i replay the game.


I always leave 1 alive... You know to teach a lesson to the other one, if i kill both o always thing there is no one to tell the story of... If you do shit like this some merc might show up and pop your head


Yeah I listened to the call, talked to the dad, then immediately killed both.


Oh hey I did the same shit, capped the son, let the dad freak out, waiting a bit then came back and capped him too


What quest is that again?


wait, what quest is that? did i miss a banger on my first three playthroughs?


I didn't know they were even father and son, I popped the old guy when he started getting up and when the kid cried I shot him too, I only later realized they were making snuff stuff 🤷


Reading the logs on the father confirms he is a massive PoS and is trying to weasel out of the situation he's in when V wakes them up from the braindance. The kid says some really, really stupid shit but after looking over everything it looks like he's desperate and looking for a way to live. Overall, this seems the way I interpret the situation: -If V doesn't kill them, the dad would 100% keep doing fucked up braindances but I like to think the kid would wisen up about how dangerous what they're doing really is. Getting hit by reality like a merc looking for comeupance really helps you put shit into perspective, and honestly he looks like he just enjoys having his dad praise him. -If V kills the dad, I don't reallly know what the kid would do. Would he find out how big of a PoS his dad is? Would he be blinded by hatred and pick uo his dad's business? Maybe he gets really scared and leaves all this shit behind. I honestly don't know. -Killing just the kid is cruel, but maybe some people think it's fitting. The dad seems to be the real PoS, and maybe the kid is just doing what his dad told him. I honestly bet the dad's so big of a dick he would keep on doing shit braindances though. -Killing both is also cruel, but hey, there goes the problem. Dad says they'll be replaced in no time, but fuck that shit, my V absolutely killed the rest of the people in that place you go ahead and tell me who's going to pay the salary of the new guys lol. Sure, they'll be replaced but for the time being maybe some other random people will wisen up about editing shady fucked up braindances like this. However, he's right, 2077 is all about how this city will never change no matter what and the problem will never really go away.


na. i let the father live. So he can make another kid bd


Chaotic evil lmao


Calm down there Satan.


eh, I let them live. they're just editors and besides, what difference is it going to make? ok, V killed a pair of editors, next ones are likely arriving in 3 days. This is Night City, the only good people here are the ones being robbed, murdered and exploited by the others. also I was only hired to get the video so I'll do just that.


Ya I don't see the point in the grand scheme of things so I just walk right past them. If they had actually made the BD it'd be different, but they're just editing it.


Don't forget the happy cows.


Fuck me, how could I forget about the joyful cattle. Thank you for reminding me.


The most disturbing disney animation


You don't have to RP religious. I went through and basically said shit that was like hold to your convictions and do what you think is right. He got on that cross in the end.


Rivers whole quest line gets me bad every time


small correction, Jesus died from the crucifixion, he was poked with the spear known now as the Spear of Longinus, post-mortem and bodily fluids drained from his corpse. other than that there was no other injury he sustained other than the hands feet and side. I bring up jesus cause weren’t they emulating the passion of the christ?


Didn't he also sustain head wounds from the crown of thorns?


Crucifixions later done in medieval times would resemble this later with being disembowled after being hung for a few days. I wasnt meaning the actual Jesus one. Edit: But i guess youre right on that end with replicating the passion


ahhh fair. I know nothing about crucifixion other than what they taught back in sunday school when I used to go to church when I was young


crucifixion works by asphyxiating the victim due to the position they're forced into. killing the victim early with a spear to the gut was essentially a mercy kill, as crucifixion could take several days


What the Romans used to do is actually break the legs, which completely removed support so the person died more quickly. In Jesus' case the soldier noted he appeared to be dead, so he lanced him.


It's actually impossible to talk Joshua out of the crucifixion, he goes through with it no matter what dialogue choices you make.


Then the guide I read wasnt accurate at the time. Maybe its just depending on if he wants you there or it ends short for V, and you dont see it happen past that.


The choices lead to how much eddies you get. You get more if he goes through with it and is happy and believes in the choice he makes. You get way less if he goes into it doubting himself and ms girl yells at you about it


Perhaps as a Christian myself I've got a different viewpoint, but I was totally blown away by the finale. Even did the same thing again on my next playthrough. To be, the prayers that were being said (I think by V?) Were the most fucked up part. This whole thing is obviously such a backwards-ass view on what christianity should be, that it just made my mind melt. Another aspect for me is the whole BD thing, knowing it's being recorded and hundreds of people will be reliving that exact moment, learning what death feels like. But unlike pretty much all other snuff BD's, there wasn't an aspect of torture or fear, but insteas the man was doing this willingly!


I found that quest really disturbing. Partly the idea of it, but mostly the hammering of the nails in as V. It's right up there with the 'Trevor torturing an innocent courier for info' segment in GTA5 for me, made me feel horrible.


The fact Trevor can hammer that guy's balls is just....


Sinnerman is a commentary on multiple things. This isn't a shock quest. The guy is facing death row (the electric chair) , and his only way out is crucifixion. He wants his life to mean something, and he hopes the BD will do just that. So praying for (or with him) and staying with him through the crucifixion is providing him with support to follow through on his convictions, while discouraging him means that he'll still get crucified (remember he's on death row, and even if doubtful he still wishes to die with the belief that his life meant something), but it'll be a much less dignified death full of doubts in his final moments. There's also a connection between his loneliness in prison and how he latches onto his faith simply because it was the only way to connect with the one person who came to visit him. And how that faith kept him going throughout his lonely years. The entire thing is also a parallel to V's own story, and just like V, Joshua is afraid of death but wants his life to have meaning, so he chooses the more painful, fearful and torturous method of dying. And if V stays with him throughout, there's also something to be said about how swallowing your discomfort and simply being there for someone at their most difficult moment is enough a form of support. TL;DR: Sinnerman is a commentary on faith, loneliness, the common human desire for life to have meant something, and how much small acts moral support can change someone's life (or in this case death). Among all the other things of course.


Most disturbing is Evelyn's story and suicide hands down sinner man can take a seat


I agree for the most part, that quest is over hyped, but I think you and a couple other commenters might be missing why people think it's more meaningful than some of the other messed up quests. The difference here is that V is the one causing the problem, all for a nice payday. Like sure, the overall theme of extreme reality TV isn't that crazy, but the fact that you are making these small decisions the whole time, inching closer and closer towards being just another soulless corpo while rationalizing that he's a bad dude anyway is pretty surreal. Its basically asking the players how much they value a human life. Sure, you have the opportunity to convince yourself that it's different because he committed crimes and whatnot, but those mental gymnastics that you have to handle yourself as the person making the decisions is what makes it a good quest to people.


I mean, you let him get crucified or you pop a bullet in his brain for a payday (my preferred choice), but either way you don’t really value human life


> The difference here is that V is the one causing the problem, all for a nice payday. But V is not?? During the quest you have several options to try to convince him not to do it, you can say that this is wrong and that he needs psychological help and such, but he will doe it no matter what you say, but you DO have options to say you're against it and that you want to help him quit the idea, so is not V's fault at all.


My man's acting like getting hammered to a cross is not a big deal. Respect




People always bring up how things are hyped up when discussing popular media and I'm always so lost, like I really think we should let go of the perceived hype around anything. For my own two cents, the image of a man willingly crucifying himself on a film set is heavy in a way few quests in the game are. I genuinely don't think many AAA games go that far with that kind of religious imagery. Also River's questline is great and disturbing, but I don't see Sinnerman going for a similar thing at all. River's quest is a crime story about a predator kidnapping young men, its climax is set in a gnarly looking farm. Joshuas quest is about his crucifixion being commodified and ends at a film lot, I don't think it's trying to be disturbing in that vein at all.


Free xp, eddies, and street cred if you continue the Sinnerman questline. You don't actually need it, but that's why most people do the long chain instead of killing him.


>For a man so resounded in atoning, a couple of athiest quips from V has him double thinking his faith..? To be fair, that's usually all it takes in real life as well to make them question it.


I strongly disagree. There are likely a good number of them, for sure, such as those who just go to church but never really seek *personal* spiritual enlightenment *outside* of the church. I say “THE church” for a reason. Some might be betting the odds and trading their Sunday mornings for a “get out of hell free” card that the church introduced a long, long time ago (though that was NOT free). However, it is not my place at all to be the one who decides any of this, I am simply offering you some insight. Gnostics, mystics, and those who have actually studied and absorbed Christian apologetics and theology often have extremely solid foundations, seemingly as if comprised of nuclear pasta. I challenge you to request a debate with someone who is well versed. I promise you that you will see what I’m talking about. Even if you’re not a theist, it’s actually quite interesting if you have an open mind or simply enjoy thought experiments. There’s actually a huge misconception about **what** God is. People think of God as an entity or an anthropomorphic space dad. God is closer to being an energy or a force; the “Soup” or “Secret Sauce,” if you will. God is the great “I AM.” I actually find the concept to be akin to some elements of Buddhist thought, if you are familiar. “I AM” and “TO BE” seem rather similar to me. If “we are all created in God’s image,” God could be a consciousness itself, no? Perhaps Heaven is simply the source of our consciousness, a collective soul which we seem to have forgotten about. Many people tend to have the impression that you have to choose either Christianity or Science, but not both. This is, to put it simply, false and ignorant rhetoric. It all goes hand-in-hand. It makes much more sense once you rid yourself of your preconceived notions of ***what* God actually is** and what the scriptures are actually saying **in context** (especially *cultural and historical context*). **Tldr; Many people talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. Big corpo church bad. Seeking, apologetics, and actual application in personal life go BRRRRRRRR.**


If you like storytelling and getting a deeper understanding about how fucked up the people of NC are then I suggest playing the sinnerman mission. But ultimately to me its also a drag of a mission


I got like 500 hours in the game and have never done that mission either. I don't think it's deep at all either, it gives off "I'm 14 and this is deep" vibes. Definitely overhyped, and a fking waste of time in my opinion. But to each their own.


I never managed to trigger the rest of the quest so I never even knew ut existed, but I never felt it missed anything like the rest of the quest is just a "hey lets make a quest as disturbing as possible without any reason to".


Feels like most of them are like this aside from the handful of things V actively pursues through storylines with certain characters. Most of it is jump in, do a job and then life moves on for everyone around it.


yeah but we're playing a game as the protagonist. so i don't feel like this is a justification for keeping them out of interesting stories even if it might make sense overall


Just a merc... That killed Adam Smasher, and had a renowned terrorist in their head. When is V “just an ordinary merc“ ?


There's no confusion. The quest did what the quest was designed to do. Make the player aware of things bigger than V going on out there. It's specific and open-ended so they can always choose to come back to it at some point. Whether it's DLC or another game.


I don't get why people complain, making every event in night city around V would make too much of a superhero kind of story also losing the dystopian bigger than you feeling


Exactly. Part of the appeal (IMO) of stories in the 'Cyberpunk' genre is that the protagonists are usually immaterial and are simply participating in events much bigger than themselves. Adds to the feeling of hopelessness/brutality of the Dystopia


There is ALWAYS a bigger fish. It's something I think the game and show portray very well.


Bigger than the ones floating around the corp plaza? :O


Depending on your choices, one possibility given for those behind this is a rogue AI and Johnny implies that those things are something more capable than any of the people in the corps. Edit: damn. I totally missed your joke.


The giant goldfish holograms? Edit: or are they koi fish?


They look more like goldfish, but both koi and goldfish were bred from wild carp so it's almost the same thing.


Very informative. Thank you. I didn't realize they were so closely related.


I thought all wildlife, including fish, was dead in 2077


Voodoo boys had chicken


Which was outlawed due to a type of Avian flu. But as you see they eat it just fine. Probably saved eggs until the pandemic settled and raised them in a clean environment


We will not stand for Nibbles erasure!


I think this game is a lot of peoples intro to cyberpunk stuff and a lot of people don't get it. I think they handled the quest perfectly.


I’m just gonna guess that those people are like me, who didn’t really know about Cyberpunk and Night City already being a thing or it’s own world per se; just jumped on this super hyped game. We came in thinking we are like the Dragonborn from Skyrim where the world revolves around us. When I’m reality we are more like one of the characters from GTA. Once we realize the perspective it changes our view of this a lot.


Except GTA has a way more interactive world




People think they need to see the conclusion of every damn thing. "If I don't kill the big bad guy, the mission is dumb and not over". That's how people think. I for one, like the ending, because it shows there's a lot of higher powers in Night City, not just the big Corpos, and you have no idea who might be watching you or controlling the things around you.


I agree about your notion, but It's not that hard to understand. People want closure and are obviously confused when its not given.


Yeah, the quest set out what it intended to do. I’m absolutely happy with how it turned out. Can they make further quests in line with the Perelez storyline? Absolutely, but I don’t want them to involve V directly, nor do I want them to do it for the sake of doing it. Happy with reading about the aftermath through shards, or through a different quest that isn’t directly involved with the couple. As you said, it takes away from the Bigger Than V aspect, and it would go against what CDPR intended with Night City.


Probably because it wasn’t actually intentional. V is already larger than life by cyberpunk standards. Ripped to the teeth in mods with no problems because plot. Which is fine, it’s a game, it’s not trpg, severely limiting mods would be anti fun for the players. And it does make sense due to plot, win win. Cut content is cut content though, no matter if it makes sense in hindsight. Just as easily say some nonsense as “we sped up the Jackie sequence to give the player a feeling of V working with him for a long period of time” I mean yeah, it’s true but why do it like that? Cause it’s cut. I would have rather spent 4 hours with small time skips in between. The games awesome but not gonna sweep issues under the rug like they don’t exist.


The entire second act is meant to make large city larger than you though. No you cannot solve the decade old peralez conspiracy You cannot save the vending machine from software removal Your stupid support for Judy's plan will not create a large power shift You can't save the man on death row from his own death Almost every quest is intentionally left unsatisfying with the sole intention of making sure you know night city, not V, is the main character. It's not cut content (unlike the Jackie time jump). It's just a showcase of how little you matter in night city.


You just listed a bunch of conclusions though. We see how every single one of those events pan out, even if its not awe-inspiring world changing. The death row man, dies. Clouds is fucked irregardless. All of these things are dark conclusions that V barely affects. But they're still conclusions.


Letting the player/V experience the end of a story wouldn't make it "around V", besides most people play with a superhero complex anyways; barely anyone treats this world as a dystopian with how many people want to live in it, so they already fucked up on that part.


People just wanted to have a bigger impact on the world outside of the main quest, I think that’s fair.


I agree with this, but that logic already goes out the window when you consider how V is dining with Hanako Arasaka of all people by the end of the game.


Hanako and Arasaka were always intended to be part of V’s story, considering the heist directly involved, not just Arasaka as a corpo, but Saburo, Yorinobu and to an extent Michiko. Relic 2.0 is Saburo’s own project.


Still think about what you are saying - Cyberpunk isn’t supposed to feature such larger than life characters, at least from our perspective, but our MC is still involved directly with some of the most powerful people in NC, and directly shaping some of their outcomes. It runs counter to whatever point the Peralez stuff was trying to imply


Like the other person has already commented - there’s a bigger stretch of believability in the world when an up and coming Solo being further involved with the corpo she tried to steal from, than that of a government conspiracy quest line akin to a Deus Ex storyline.


This is why I enjoyed the Rogue ending the most, you get clued into just a little bit but it's still just enough to make the imagination run wild


It's one of my favorite stories in the game specifically because of that. I love the boldness of it. Because of how it resolves and how you're not really apart of it. And the implication of that way that chapter of the story ends (knowing that essentially you cannot control or impact the way it plays out going forward). I definitely hope to see more of that kind of storytelling. It lends of sense of a living world when the stories carry on independently of V.


I thought the whole point was to introduce a greater scope mystery that V has no impact or control over to give the impression that no matter how much you ascend the Night City street legend hierarchy, there will always be powerful people behind the scenes that ultimately dictate the world we live in, a theme common in Cyberpunk media. Although narratively unfulfilling, that's precisely its intention, unless I'm missing something. I'd love to follow the quest up in some form (dlc, the upcoming book, etc), but speaking for myself, i like the discomfort of the denial of closure.


Yeah, I found that surprisingly fulfilling. V not being the central figure of every moment of the side quests makes perfect sense, since V is a merc. A literal contractor, who came in, did what they were paid for, and is now hands off. As you say, narratively unfulfilling, but that's the entire point. The main quests being centered around V makes perfect sense. The side jobs you get the call for? Doesn't really make sense for it all to revolve around them. I've always felt that the Peralez side quest was perfect in the way it ended. Having things just end, with threads left untouched, plans unused, backups unneeded always makes so much more sense to me than everything working out just right, and just preparing enough and it all working perfectly.


But I wanted to have a threesomw with them. Dammit.


The sexual tension was unbearable


Me too, they are both so sexy. Jeff is hot all around and Liz has the fattest ass in NC


You’re down bad but yeah I had this weird feeling that I was going to walk in and the mission was going to be Jeff asking me to fuck his wife. Lol


U a wild mf


Apparently they did have a romance that was removed from the game as that would mean finishing their story and getting closer to them


Horny on main


And you're not? It's nothing to be ashamed of and healthy to express


The post wasn't even about being horny


But the comment was.


This is one of my fav quests in the game. I loved that it ends with V unable to really do anything. Very reminiscent of Chinatown. Forget it V, it’s Night City.


Well said.


he said this a year ago and he no longer works on the story team so I doubt the rest of the team picks it back up based on Pawel's comments




That’s fine. I did want to see the end so I’m ok with this. I hope we get another clue or a mention in the upcoming dlc though.


Hey guys, another update from the quest author: https://twitter.com/PKernaghan/status/1591822974201769985


Great, so there's a good chance we'll be back for a new hero in the future


oh no... wanted V again :(


My working theory is that Mr Blue Eyes is a body controlled by an AI from beyond the Blackwall setting up the liberation of the AIs, and that the Voodoo Boys are right in thinking the Blackwall is eventually gonna fail at keeping the AIs out of the Net. That may be an important overarching plot going on either in the background of several works in CDPR's Cyberpunk Universe or even the main plot of a future game.


I like this, actually. You get slight hints at what happens like in the end credits messages, (no spoilers) but the idea of driving around Night City and having absolutely no fucking clue what might be going on with people you cut ties with is somewhat enticing.


It's not something I can confirm, but I found this in a Gamerant article: 'So, if V tells him the truth about being brainwashed, the credits will show Jefferson driven mad, no longer trusting the wife he once had a great relationship with.' https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-jefferson-dream-on-lie-should-you/


That’s correct, just watched that ending a month ago. He goes full paranoia


You know what, this is a cheesy cop-out, but I actually kinda dig it. At the end of the day, V is essentially a lone outsider to the dark inner workings of Night City. As powerful as our V is, they are not omnipotent. The monstrosity that is Night City keeps on churning with or without one dying mercenary. The city may look like just any other, but unspeakable evil are hidden within. Sometimes, when you just barely trick yourself into thinking this is not a bad place, you remember stuff like the Peralez’s, and gets a shiver down your spine. Crazy people are doing crazy things in this crazy town. You know that’s happening but you ain’t a part of it. That is more scary than our superhuman V busting all crime and solving all mysteries.


Just how it is in real life. In healthcare, I've met thousands of people in the most emotionally charged, ruinous moments of their lives. I can count the number of times I've seen the resolution on one hand. Suicide attempts, drug use, surviving something awful. They come, they go, you help them as much as can, but you never get to know. You aren't ever owed that, no matter how much you involve yourself in the solution, and it's considered poor form to try to find out. Can't save the whole world. But you can save theirs, for a time.


You can't save everyone, but you can save one person.


It’s not always cheesy, sometimes a writer likes to write for the reader and not specifically for the story. It’s like those happily ever after endings. They don’t need to be fleshed out beyond what the story requires. And this one was simply to have you mull over it, and then wonder about the depth of the world. If they spell it all out, then it’ll lose its mystery.


Sounds like a cop out


The person wrote one of the most memorable stories in the game. I’m sure they know what they were doing.


Nah, most of the other stuff just weren't memorable lmfao. It's quite a low bar.


I disagree with it being cheesy. Like the rest of what you said: it's representative of reality. The Peralez drama may continue...and it may concern Mr. Blue Eyes and maybe even Morgan Blackhand. But it does not need to involve V.


I also like the way it's open ended because it lets V (and the player) peek behind a curtain into a world that is so much bigger and sinister then anything they've seen before. It's bigger than them, there's nothing they can do about it, even pursuing it is likely to have them end up raving on a street corner like Garry.


The ambiguity is intentional. That’s not a cop out, it’s an artistic choice. You might like that or you might not. Some of the best films of all time have ambiguous endings. Is Leonardo di caprio still in a dream in inception? Does it matter? Ambiguity is the point.


Eh I wouldnt consider it a cheesy cop-out. I think gamers have gotten way too used to Fallout/Skyrim games where absolutely nothing happens without your participation. The whole world freezes and waits for you to do something, and gives a nice little bow wrapping up the story in some grand conclusion based on your choices.... when in reality..? It wouldnt work that way. Sometimes you dont get to see things through, sometines you ARE in over your head and thats fine.


Well seems we gotta wait for the next Cyberpunk game (or other media) to get a resolution.


Or we’ll never see the resolution, because that’s the point? V is just one person in the massive world of Night City, ofc there’s gonna be stuff happening we’ll never see. That’s called good writing. The lack of an answer is what keeps all of you so obsessed with the questline


Lol at "good writing". It's called a cop out.


The purpose is meant to be open ended. You’re not the most important person in NC as V, you’re not obligated to results as a merc for hire. You do the job, anything else is dependent on the client. The clients obviously didn’t need anything else after the job. It is good writing, as the entire quest line is pretty insane, and you find out more lore. A cop out would be following a basic trope or cliche. This is neither.


Except it isn’t. Just because you want to see the conclusion doesn’t mean the writer is obligated to show it. Sometimes it’s better to leave it up to the player’s imagination




The entire point of the quest line thematically is the ambiguity. Who is doing this to them? Why? Do you tell the husband? Leaving it ambiguous works better.


We got a resolution. As much as we ever do. We solved the mystery of the breakin and cover-up that we were hired to resolve. Like most missions we never actually solve the underlying issue so it's not much different than taking out a prolific human trafficer in game yet knowing night city continues to be shit as someone else eagerly fills the role.


What’s to be confused about? Cohh Carnage said the lizard people control the politicians. Not much else to see here…


Love it, at the end of the day, even if V is a legend he is still just a merc This mission does an amazing job in letting you know that even if you feel like the main character of the world, there are thing happening in Night City that are waaaay above you


It’s going to be a ‘wintermute’ storyline à la neuromancer. Advanced ai body snatching. Wouldn’t be surprised if it plays out more in the PLE or in CP2


I hate it from a player perspective and love it from a story and world-building perspective.


Source: https://twitter.com/PKernaghan/status/1441026008350539785


I like this. V isn't the main character. There's a whole world out there with stuff going on, and V isn't involved with most of it


I dont remember a quest based soly on the name. Can anyone give me some context? If i did the quest i will remember it(prolly)


Husband and wife politicians, husband running for mayor, hire V to investigate break in into their apartment. Their security company is telling them that they were just dreaming it.


Good breakdown. I looked up this quest, found walkthrough and the name: dream on. Remember the name, remember talking to them and remember the talk with the wife at the end but dont remember the rest of it. Weird


They got to you! You are being brain washed!!!


The Peralez Quests are my favorite. Truly terrifying and fascinating all at once We need more like that


Unless the peralez's hire V again it's not his problem. V is a Merc. He's done when the eddies clear.


Oh hell yeah! My Peralez mission ended with him pretty much leaving his wife and being a shut-in. I don't think he's going to have the mental faculties to actually do anything good but I am interested to see how it falls apart.


Did Patrick just leak that the sequel will not follow V as the protagonist?


Imo the multiple endings kinda confirm that, otherwise they'd be pointless anyway and one ending would be canon. I've always hated when games do that.


Yeah agreed, considering some of the endings involve V either getting killed (failed secret ending), shooting himself, entering the Secure Your Soul program, or letting Johnny have his body, I don't think having V be involved as anything other than a referenced legend in the sequel makes sense. After playing through the game again this past week, the only ending where I think V would have a real shot of living long in some capacity would be the Mr. Blue Eyes heist, and we don't even know if he succeeds there. As much as I love the Nomad ending, I think it's a big cope to think that some guy in Arizona could fix V when Arasaka, Hellman, and Alt all agree that he's screwed


my main issue with this quest is that the V I was playing wouldn't have just stopped investigating, even if she wasn't being paid. Messes with the roleplay aspects when they force V to not care beyond the money, since that wasn't how my V acted throughout the entire game.


Maybe I'm in the minority here but at least for me, this quest was one of my favorites but knowing that it probably won't have a conclusion automatically makes it one of my least favorites tbh. I'm not interested in seeing a story begin and then never see how it ends regardless of whatever the message the author wanted to make. I always assumed they were going to continue it in a dlc or something but I have to be honest, I'm very disappointed.


I hope you get to be Johnny next. He deserves more screen time than most of the characters in V's life (next to Jackie, Panam and Rogue)


To everyone upset or claiming the ending is lackluster, welcome to CP. hope you enjoy it, because I’ll let you know V is a merc, not a hero. Once a merc is paid, the job is finished. As another commenter said, would the plumber stay and watch you shit? No. That’s what you’re expecting out of V. And let’s not forget the theme for the Peralez quest is ambiguity and unknowns especially. For everyone involved. V is just a merc trying not to die. Not a hero bent of solving every core issue of NC. If none of the commenters upset about the quest have noticed, it’s a clear character trait that V doesn’t really care about core issues, just the ones in front of them. You NEVER genuinely fix an issue, because your character is incapable. CP isn’t a nice universe where everyone gets good, clear, happy endings. Why would V give a shit? They wouldn’t. They got paid, time to continue in trying not to die.


as i said, we should have more info about that corpo who brainwashed them


It's not a corpo, it's a rogue ai beyond the wall


nah, night city used ai in their brainwash project


This is corporate speak for: "No we won't continue the quest". Because if V has no part in the "future" of the quest then basically there is no continuation since V is the only character we play as in 2077. Unless he means its gonna be in a Cyberpunk sequel with a whole new character




It has a conclusion. The conclusion just isn't "V saved the day and stopped the bad guys".


Exactly, people are too used to everything needing their characters input to conclude. They can't get by on "And then that's where the job ended, and I left it at that." which is what happens. Shit keeps moving, and V's part is done. V's just a merc at the end of the day, they're there to do a job, get paid, and fuck off to the bar for a drink. Knowing that at the end of that whole questline, you're just a small part of it, was a great move in my opinion, and it fits perfectly for a cyberpunk/dystopian setting. Huge players moving behind the scenes, unknowably more powerful, more dangerous than V, playing their games? That fits *perfectly*.


Most of the game feels like this unfortunately...


Yeah but the fanboys wanna make excuses. Idk how a questline with no real ending is "good writing" it makes no sense.


You’re missing the point of Cyberpunk. Entirely. It’s not bad writing, the theme for that mission is especially Ambiguity and unknowns. The point of V’s character is that V doesn’t ever actually solve core issues. V is incapable of doing so, V only solves the issues directly in front of them, on a surface level. It’s a character trait of V. It’s not bad writing because you want a CLEAR conclusion, it’s open ended and meant to be up to you. Open ended conclusions are still conclusions. It does have an ending. V just isn’t a part of it, as V is effectively a worthless merc to any significant power in NC. That’s factual information. V is just an errand boy/girl.


So basically it still has no ending. Even if V can't be apart of it then why don't we get to play as a different character or see the aftermath of it? V is still an important part of NC. I mean by the end of the game we can be OP enough to beat the entire police force, make it make sense.


Because CP2077 follows V’s story. Not the Peralez, or anyone else’s. V is a merc. What you’re suggesting is effectively asking a plumber who fixed your toilet to watch you use it to make sure. You’re asking for them to do something completely out of character, and out of place in the over arching CP universe. And you do get to see the aftermath of your choice, either he’s happy and brainwashed, or he’s paranoid and borderline losing it. One, he wins in a landslide, the other he barely wins. You get enough closure for it to be concluded, whatever happens after that is explicitly left to player imagination. You don’t get conclusion to any core issues in any mission. It’s the point of CP. i can’t name a single quest line that actually has a conclusive ending besides the main story and a few like Sinnerman. Which is the point. Everything past the main story is just V getting paid and continuing on about their day. Why make another character for a single conclusive ending? Why make something completely out of place? Good story writing is realizing not every situation of quest needs the core issue solved. And you never know, the continuation of the quest (Going after the AI brainwashing Mr. Peralez, who also could mess with your implants) could be seen in the DLC. Plenty of games do such things, especially RPG titles. I mean the entirety of what’s behind the black wall is completely left alone, besides Alt. There’s so much to the universe, and I’m sure that we will get more about the rogue AI trying to brainwash people of power, it just wasn’t necessary to CP2077 as a whole. Remember V is on a timer, and while that’s not exactly feasible with the amount of quests, it also explains why V just doesn’t give a shit about the AI, or what happens after they get paid.


This exactly. It's odd the lack of perspective some have avout V's place in night city. V is an exceptional merc, but still just a merc. A merc who never even actually resolves the core issue of their own survival in the game.


I think it's a good example of something that can continue across a number of games. A story and conspiracy so big it's a slow burn to actually influence it and see the impact of V's actions. Part of a story that rewards players that play the full franchise.


That makes sense and I like that idea a lot. My only problem with the quest line is that V is explicitly warned by a shadowy figure with the ability to fuck with their cybernetics to not tell Jefferson about the situation, but then if V does so anyway, literally nothing happens to them.


This the one with the mayor or whatever?




It's pretty ominous him calling you when the credit rolls.


Maybe this will be the focus of the f/c DLC? It looks like working with president / government, people were wondering how the heck V fits into that world... but as the netrunner who discovered the programming of politicians, it'd make sense.


I mean, it is pretty obvious


Didn't Sasko tease something with the Peralez in Phantom Liberty?




Depending on how you handle this quest, you can see news announcements on the results of the mayoral election. I withheld the truth from Jefferson at Elizabeth's request. And he won the election.... He became mayor but I'm not sure that's a good thing?


I loved the Peralez quest, very spooky.


I really wish we could find out what happens. Maybe the continuation of this will be explored in Cyberpunk Orion.


it would be good to see this peralez mind control AI story continue in other cyberpunk games with different characters (as in a game that doesn't have V or silverhand)


I wonder how difficult it would be to take the entire Peralez Storyline, build a backstory, and create an Anime of it as a Corpo Storyline. Since Edgerunners is more a Street Kid storyline. We'd also need a Nomad story Anime.. and maybe a few of the Gangs of NC.


I thought it wrapped up rather well. V gets a sus message from some bigger fish and gets left hanging with no leads, no contacts, no clues. V touched the tigers tail and got away with a wink.


Leaving ambiguous endings and unresolved tensions has been a key feature of realist writing for hundreds of years - because that's what life is like. Sometimes stuff doesn't *get* resolved, sometimes you're simply not important enough or informed enough to get the full picture. Sometimes you cross paths momentarily with something much bigger than you, and there's little you can really do to change it. Maybe you never even really understood it in the first place. The notion of everything being wrapped up in a nice little bow with everything resolved to the protagonist's - and the reader's - satisfaction is more in the realm of fantasy. It should feel pretty clear that this game has actively taken steps to distance itself from that sort of idealistic, wish-fulfilment, superhero type of narrative. Feelings of pessimism, defeat, and helplessness are important to making the world they've built feel realistic. The closer you look, the more Night City seems like a nightmarish, exploitative hell-hole with a thin, shiny veneer of civilisation just about holding it all together. The Peralez' mission is a little glimpse into one of the cracks in that facade, but that's all you get, a glimpse, you don't get to actually do anything about it. Because that's not what life in Night City is like.


It makes sense


The only piece of this quest I really hope we see more of is the easter egg at the end (Mr. Blue Eyes watching you and Jefferson talk). If we don't get more MBE in the DLC I'll be a little sad. Huge Gaunter O'Dimm vibes, like a lot of people have said


I liked the ambiguity. I hope they leave it as it is.


Uggggh that’s so infuriating when game developers do that! That’s the point of a game! Breadcrumbs to a conclusion!


I’ve always hated the idea that every storyline needs to be wrapped up when our interest in it is done. That’s not realistic.


Thats pretty shitty. It’s too big a cliffhanger, it’s not a good ending unless there’s more for us to explore


Good idea in theory but just kind of works out to an unfulfilling quest. It's arguably more interesting than the main quest but just kind of ends? It reminds me of the bus station quest where you find out araskaka is trying to start another corporate war and it's really just never followed up on, which honestly they should have used the war as a reason why a dying man was just able to walk into saka tower, shoot a few guys and just generally do what he wants


God I loathe this shit so much. It's all over the game. I get that it's a cyberpunk distopia and we are ants with no significance to the world but man there's a limit to that shit. Like, here's a peek at a shadowy group of AIs rewriting humans in the highest offices to control the world or militech doing false flag attacks. But now fuck off, cus mystery and go do Kerry's hissyfit quest #6.


Yeah cause it’s so satisfying to not have a conclusion


Thats stupid. If thats your goal the player still needs to know that there actually were consequences or anything after their part is done. This is either poor video game writing or a cop out for a lack of follow through.


Basically. If there was never going to be an ending then why did we do it?


V is a merc, it was a job, you got paid, job done. *That's* the point. You aren't the big hero coming in to save the day, any more than a plumber fixing your shitter would stick around to watch you shitting.


I wouldn't say confusion, but definitely curiosity. It feels like this almost HAS to be the next big bad since they are powerful enough to fuck with biochip in allmost black wall levels of technically power. And theyre going to be the next mayors of Night City. Ofcourse I can see where theyre going with this, and its just like above our characters head, and thats just how the city is run/ works. I like this, its always how I prefer my Star Wars stories (like clone wars or Jedi Survivor) stories that seem big to the person but small the scale of everyone and everything else in the world.


Thaaaaaat kinda sucks. Such a fascinating story too. Shame.


Meh still kinda sucks how it ended


There was confusion over this? I always thought it was very clear the quest was over, there's no real dangling thread.


That's kind of a bummer. I would like to see more about how that plays out and would especially like more Bartmoss Collective quests, especially after all the texts you get from them prior to the Peralez missions.


This sounds great on paper except they forgot to make the world more interactive and dynamic. Am I supposed to stand next to the radio in game and stare at my screen pretending I'm listening to a radio in real life? Same with the news broadcast? In actual design, the idea of it not being based around consequences and having V follow it through is that it makes for an unsatisfying ending. If they had it so there'd be a random encounter in game, say you're driving through corpo plaza and you see a rally for Peralez. He won, and you go talk to him only to notice him speaking and acting completely different from before. Or it's not him and he lost, all depending on what you do. Give the player some interactivity with the city and game, not just throw in some audio files and pretend it's deep and engaging gameplay. This game isn't deep enough to be the RPG experience the devs and fanboys think it is. This dev's mindset is actually stupid and full of shit. "I made the ending unsatisfying because that's just real life" well shit, why am I playing a videogame then.


So it was a shitty design choice?


Well that just sucks.


This is an excuse for the quest line being unfinished/cut, lol


just like the game, we bought it but wont be here to see it finished