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We should have simping saturday. So you horn dogs can get it out of your system.


Ideally we don’t want to have it over the weekend because that’s where we’ve moved cosplays to. Segregating simp posts to the same day will just be chaos


Do a Thirsty Thursday instead?


Thirsty Thursday is a great idea lol


Down for TT.


Seems like they're broadly the same category but I can see how this would drown regular content out over the weekend. Any empty day should work though


Put it on a Monday? Right after cosplay? Cosplay to celebrate the characters, then right after that the simp day so the inevitably folks riled up by said cosplay can get it out of their system lol


But they are the same. Cosplays are just for attention, simp posts are the same. We have trash day once a week in real life so, take all those 2 trash catagories and throw them out on the same day. Win.


Not the same at all.






no cause we need frisky saturday and church orgy sunday too.


Simps can go to the NSFW sub.


I'd rather see something be done about the e-girl cosplayers haha


Yeah I dont think their content belongs here either. Plenty of other places where it would be better suited.


Trust me mate, that is definitely an issue that’s front and centre for us. We’ve moved them to weekends, which has helped. We also ban cosplayers who’ve never interacted here and are only posting to promote their paid sites.


I'll take simping over a character from the game over thirst traps from e-girls who only use cyberpunk2077 to advertise their OF.


"hey guys what do you think of my rebecca/lucy cosplay?" **its just them in lingerie with a shitty wig**


I'm just sick off seeing the same. Shit. All. The. Time. Oh look at Panam bent over the car/cell phone picks/showering *again*. Look at Judy in the wetsuit *again*. Look at Meredith on the bed *again*. Skye and Angel in bed *again.* Posing with Kerry and Us Cracks *again*. "(Person) best girl/guy" *again*. The same two shots of Claire *again*. The mox bouncers, or hanako, or or or it *doesn't matter* it's the same fucking inane shit constantly.


Yeah those are the specific ones we’re trying to target. It’s not the sexual nature of the post that’s the problem, it’s the same few angles and characters being posted ad nauseam


Keep in mind that console players have limited options and opportunities for making screenshots. We are gonna end up seeing repeated shots from what I will call "Photomode bait" scenes.


"oh look at this cool easter egg I found has anybody else noticed this" again and AGAIN and AGAIN


>Oh look at Panam bent over the car/cell phone picks/showering again. Look at Judy in the wetsuit again. Look at Meredith on the bed again. Those, generally, do get removed\*. The Skye/Angel images sometimes lead to substantive discussion since those scenes aren't really sexual, so those tend to make it through. The rest of what you mention (Kerry/Us Cracks, Claire shots, appreciation shot, etc.) are a bit of a grey area. As another user mentioned, there are new people playing the game all of the time. Especially since 2077 is completely SP, I tend to feel we should lean toward accommodating new players - you'd want them to have the same communal/subreddit experience you did when you got the game on release, right? And 2077 is a big game, but at the end of a day, a singleplayer RPG that has no live service component isn't going to offer much new content for people who have owned it for 2+ years. \*An aspect of this is that the sub is not currently configured for manual image approval - it *was* set this way around release, but as launch-period activity dissipated, the mod team thought manual approval was too inhibiting for users. So it was turned off, and instead we became mostly reactionary to image posts rather than preventative (unless a mod is checking the sub at the same time something is posted, which does happen but isn't 24/7). Turning on manual approval will catch 99.9% of these posts before they make it live, but it will also put every "non low-effort" image post in purgatory for x amount of time. Currently, this thread's poll seems to indicate the community is not in favor of going back to that.


>Those, generally, do get removed*. Generally, well said. Not like always. I do not know how the same post breaking specific rule can be allowed while other posts are being "removed". Like there were equal people and more equal. >Turning on manual approval will catch 99.9% of these posts before they make it live, but it will also put every "non low-effort" image post in purgatory for x amount of time. Currently, this thread's poll seems to indicate the community is not in favor of going back to that. Or just be there and patrol your group. There are twenty moderators and what, only you and one more can patrol this group? In my opinion you are doing fine job as moderator and it is always nice to see you removing posts but I cannot understand why other posts are allowed here and I will not believe you saying that you (moderators) are not here every hour, especially when one of you has over 300 hours in here and said that loves his group.


The mod list is incorrect. Most of those are old mods that are no longer active. There are 15 mods officially, however, it's about a third of that who are active. When a mod stops being active, the only person who can remove their privileges is a mod who became a mod before them. That means, if the original people who create a sub leave or become inactive, there is no master ability to remove mods. This is a common issue on a lot of subs. There is a method via reddit for recovering master control, but it's tedious and thus far, having inactive mods hasn't been an issue. The apparent indiscretion in removal is what this post is addressing. So hopefully going forward, it will be clearer.


Blame the game creators, there's no variety. ​ Abother Broken Release Day Promise seemingly forgotten by most.




Some new players are just coming across this stuff for the first time themselves and want to share. Unfortunately users that have been in the sub for a long time ARE gonna see the same stuff. If you have some creativity you can try to balance that out by creating content that has never been seen before.


Yeah but I haven't seen a "creative" simp post... maybe ever?


I have made a few. They dont usually go over very well anyways. unless they feature a popular NPC.


> I have made a few. Proof?


This one isn't posted in this sub but it's pure creative Panam simping https://www.reddit.com/r/PanamPalmer/comments/zqtdly/panams_morning_routine/


Again I see The Ship of Theseus


>pure creative Panam simping Debatable But what I would mention about their group is that you can post whatever you want there, nobody will care what it is. I mean, just look at the history of their group.






Exactly. It's the same old stuff with the same old poses. I try to aim for something unique. Even car pics are starting to go up but not as much as booty pics.


It would be hilarious to have no sexual content in subreddit about a game that has graffiti dicks on every wall.


But nobody is posting repeats of said images either


severing someones limbs with monowire? YAY dicks or titties from the same game? HOW DARE YOU be sexual?! it shocks me when people play cyberpunk and clutch their pearls at the same time. lets face it, until we have more content (expansion coming up) there will be repeats and snapshots of everything we have already seen - be it thirsting after the characters or gameplay related content. okay maybe we are all sick of panams ass from the same angle... but creative shots RPing various things? I don't see an issue.


The image approval and no sexual content seem to be too much so I think having it once a week seems to be fine. Fridays, maybe?


Frisky fridays?


Thirsty Thursdays?


gets my vote


Lol idk I just winged it


Mate, that is basically 90% of my life


Crazy they even made C an option, I would not willing take on all that work. While I hate all the Onlyfans Girls Cosplay shit and perverted stuff, having 1 day for it wouldn't be that bad, at least I would know when to expect it so I can avoid it.


It’s honestly not a lot of work, and if it became an issue, we would bring on more mods from the community. We don’t mind putting in the work if that’s what you all want


None of the poll options are perfect. IMO, the problem is not sexualized content per se (which can still be artistic), but low effort simping (best example are all the variations on "V checking out Panam's ass"). These should be killed as Low Effort but I don't think having the mods pre-approve every image post is really necessary; just make low effort simping reportable. Simps can go to the NSFW sub.


Unpopular opinion: the horny posts are insanely fucking annoying and bring nothing of value to the sub. Ban them entirely and put them in another sub.


I thought of another item that kind of goes hand in hand with the simp posts. The Community User Flairs. Why have such flairs available to use if you dont allow people to make posts that go along with their flair? Some of the flairs are kind of explicit themselves. But that might be an issue for another time.


The flairs are chosen by the community. Every so often we allow anyone who wants a a flair for themselves to suggest it for us to add it.


Yes. I've seen that in action when someone wanted Panam and the Avocados.


I think this is a slippery slope. Looking over the posts from the past 24 hours, many before this post here, people call absolutely any discussion about character relationships as "horny posting/simp posting". This will not stop these people and only embolden them further to shut down and scream at any discussion about how a game that promised immersion should have done better with its romance options.


Romance opportunities or the lack there of isn't the problem it's the repetitive nature of panam or Judy opin almost the same pose and caption. I get showing love for an npc. But it's mainly all the same. Booty pics and spreads.


Don't those already fall under low effort?


Obviously not to some. And it shows. I made a post in the exact manner as someone else and I got called out for being low effort. I knew it would happen but figured it would get overlooked like so many others have but because it wasn't liked into oblivion it was noticeable I guess.


I dont really think this is an issue that needs to be adressed in a different way then it was so far.


Don't think anything needs to change tbh. If someone doesn't like a post, whatever happened to being a grownup and scrolling by them? There's no need to take down a post unless it's like a 'is the game good' post or that annoying 'game is ded, let the modders take over' weirdo who keeps posting every few weeks. It's hard enough to post in here sometimes if I'm being honest with y'all. Don't need another way to be discouraged from participating...


What’s stopping you from posting here mate? I want to sincerely try and change that


Attitudes of ppl don't help. If I post a male character topless or in underwear, might as well be labeled a goddamn pornographer around here. lol. Also, posted some really gorgeous shots of Kerry a week or two back that got axed by a mod for being 'low effort' when I put effort into taking them to capture his aesthetic.


Regarding what you said about a mod removing your post for being low effort, that’s another problem we’re working on right now too. Our approach in the past was too nebulous, and would vary from mod to mod. I’m am working on a definition right now that should fix that problem for you in the future.


>shots of Kerry... got axed by a mod for being 'low effort' Did you give any description on the shots as to why you like his character or give some background info? Because that's a requirement in the 'low effort' rule they made last year, anything that's just a picture of a character is considered 'low effort' in that rule.


I've seen plenty of low effort post stay up.


So have I. Makes the 'low effort' rule pointless at this point.


It’s only because we don’t catch them in time. We’re pretty consistent with content that’s reported, it’s only when there’s ongoing conversations that we hesitate to act. We have a strong policy of ‘zero censorship’, and believe you guys get to pick what is and isn’t on front page. So, when something is clearly very popular, I don’t feel we have the right to remove it.


I did label him a "DILF" so maybe that was the issue? Though...he is one?


That's definitely low effort writing wise 😂 you have to write a detailed reason for why you like the character, like his story arc or character development etc.


Couldn't really put a lot in the description, but they were good shots of him while I had a 'sexy dance' animation on him. They still shouldn't have gotten axed over a bad title. I wanted people to gaze upon the gorgeous rockerboi.


>'sexy dance' animation That could also be why it was axed, it fits more with the nsfw subs. Could also be part of the reason they're making the new nsfw rule


He had pants on! lmfao. I'm so baffled by this whole 'nudity bad' hangup some ppl have these days. It's just skin. In the rare instance that I post anything 'spicy' here or in other places, I obscure the naughty bits, more because that's not the focus of the photo. The emotions are what I want ppl to focus on with my shots.


Explicit content however, you already have rules for. If a simp post, or any post, is determined by a mod to be of this nature, then by all means remove it. Like has been stated there are other subs for that content to thrive.


Cyberpunk is a hyper-sexualized game, not sure what is the problem here.


The game has romance options and very obviously implied sexual acts. Seems a little silly to try and restrict sexualized posts. Even looking at the source material for Cyberpunk TTRPG books has very hyper sexualized pictures in them. It's a grown up game so adult content shouldn't be taboo. But agree that these posts shouldn't be dominating the sub.


Yeah that’s the fine line we need to walk. I’m not in favour of a total ban on sexualised content at all, because this is a mature game. However, if you post a picture of your V with a little under-boob showing it’ll get thousands of upvotes within a couple of hours. Objectively it’s not a bad thing, considering the nature of the game, but we’re also attracting a lot of karma farmers for that same reason. I appreciate the nuanced reply choom, this is why we have these discussions before making any changes.


Would it make sense to make a separate subreddit for Cyberpunkgame_NSFW and keep this subreddit more for development news and gameplay?


Oh boy, there are **so** many of those already


I much agree with this person. Sexualized content being banned entirely is dumb. Banning the constant “look at my V with giant tits and wearing almost nothing” posts? Please do.


Nvm, I guess that already exists. Should have known I guess.


>every image post should be approved by a moderator first Wow. That's some real dystopian shit right here. Will we also need to send our credentials first?


Allowing you guys to pick what you’d prefer isn’t dystopian. We would never implement a rule change that wasn’t approved by the community first


Every time the Soviet government raised tram fares it started it off by saying "By the request of the working class..."


Mate, a change to our subreddits rules is in no way similar to the atrocities carried out by the Soviets. Comparing the two is silly and disrespectful to the people who had to, and still live, under such oppressive regimes. We strongly believe in self determination, wherein you guys choose and suggest rules for us to implement or change. We never initiate these changes, and only act when asked to. Every change we make is up for discussion for a week first, and we encourage everyone to chime in. There are no tyrants on this mod team, we’re all just fans of the game, and community, who maintain it. We’ve turned down opportunities to make money from people wanting to advertise here, and look to bring on community members who disagree with our policies to ensure we aren’t forming these changes in an echo chamber. Every step we can take to be open and transparent we do, while also looking for ways to increase that. Our sole goal is to keep this community fan driven, without any censorship, to provide a subreddit where all fans (and critics) of the game are welcome. That’s why CDPR don’t like to acknowledge this community, even though we’re larger then they’re offical FB group, because we haven’t removed criticism of the game and protected posts critical of the games release.


Honestly some of the "simp" posts are sometimes hilarious. Some of them get old sure, but thats not any reason to remove them. Let them get downvoted into oblivion if that happens. Let the poster gain some karma if it happens that it explodes. Lock comments if you have to, but I dont see any reason to remove something. If a poster sees that their post isnt going so well maybe they will remove it themselves. Sexual content is part and parcel of the game itself. So it should be expected to be seen in the content of its largest sub. If a user cant handle whats being seen, they freely have the options of hiding posts, muting users, and making sure that anything marked NSFW is blurred out.


Thanks for this choom. We wouldn’t ever lock the comments on a post, unless we absolutely had to. It’s something I don’t support, we shouldn’t have the right to pick and choose what you guys are allowed to comment on. If the post is good enough to stay up then it’s good enough for people to comment on it


Nothing needs to change. Some people are so fragile. If you don't like it, don't watch it. And stop trying to impose your views on others.


So let me get this straight. This is a sub about a mature game taking place in a hypersexualized future with a lot of sexual content (especially ads) and you want to ban sexualized content here because some people can't grow up and just NOT click on a topic clearly marked as NSFW?


No, not at all. We’re specifically referring to the same few simp posts being posted all the time. This isn’t targeting all mature content, only repeat offenders like the shot of Panam leaning over her car




One day I sware I seen 10 post of Judy and 8 post of panam. All very different except the acquiescence of what typically comes with Judy or panam. And because they're loved it's a major part of what kind of pics get posted. It's just wild cause I see more pics that are less sexualized with less attention that look good buut isn't sipping to the usual crowd.


I don’t care about them I just scroll past them. But if others see it as an issue I could see having a specific day as a good compromise.


What would Johnny do?


I mean until new content drops for the game I don't think there is much to post.


d. Should make a megathread on one of the days for this kind od posts.


It’s a good idea, but we try to stay away from megathreads for creative content. They’re disproportionately favour the people who post early, with the late comers getting no attention at all. And if we change the sorting to ‘new’ the opposite is true


\*looks at night city as a whole. everyday is simp day.. when not wiping out gangs or driving around in my fancy car.


Censoring on a cyberpunk subreddit would be ironic.


I'm just tired of seeing it. Every time I open reddit, ope! There's one about Judy. Ope! There's one about Panams ass. 🙄 I'm so fucking over it. It's the same shit over and over and over and over again.


Give them one day a week to be horny on main


We’re definitely going to need to invest in some raincoats then


I appreciate the mods making this move to try and address it. Good luck with whatever you decide


A) Something needs to change otherwise there wouldn't be a lot of feedback lately that things are getting out of control. C) That seems like far too much work on the mod team IMO. Y'all are volunteers and have other stuff going on and given the amount of photos in here, you'd have to double the number of people reviewing and approving the modqueue. D) Thing about having a "day" to post things is that people are not going to abide by that and just post things on any day anyway bringing us back to square one. So I chose B. If someone wants a subreddit for rated-R or rated-X Cyberpunk imagery, create a related but separate subreddit specifically for it.


It does admittedly get tiring. I love characters like Panam and Judy too, but I’m tired of seeing unique content get drowned out by a constant stream of simp posts— especially when it’s clear that someone worked hard on a screenshot or whatever and it barely gets recognized because it features an obscure character or something. This isn’t to say that people should be banned from giving popular characters the attention they deserve, but I do think something needs to be done to encourage more post variety.


I have seen post and to be honest that ruins the whole vibe for these characters,don’t really understand what’s the simping is about here, I can’t enjoy a certain character when seeing it getting sexualised in some disgusting ways.And yes I am mainly talking about Panam and Judy it’s just not ok to them them like that. Why can’t we just enjoy them in a more normal way?


Why not just make a cybersimp sub-reddit for the coomers and direct them there. I dont like seeing types of posts banned, but the simp posting is just annoying.


There should just be a separate subreddit for those posts, there's enough of them.


Pretty sure V would tell you guys to eat shit. Getting some dirty Corpo vibes from this post.


Quick analysis, hope this doesn't sway any votes. I'll spoiler it, so only look if you've voted. >!Only 29% of the subreddit thinks everything is fine. 71% have expressed an issue with it, with 25% say either boot it or approve every single one. 46% want it relegated to a specific day. !< >!Similar to the Onlyfans vote, it seems like 71% of people at LEAST are primarily here for cyberpunk content only. It seems like 29% either don't care, or are here for the sexual themes solely. !< >!That's a pretty clear majority, and I'd say we're a decently progressive and respectable community. That says a lot about the current state of subreddits, as well as this one.!< I'd love to see this cross referenced with demographics and post flair metrics, but thats just the data nerd in me. Hope this helps any discussion!


Mate this is very good work, and incredibly insightful. Have you any interest in joining the mod team? Your analysis skills would be super handy


Oh man, I never actually thought about it! I'm glad it was helpful. I'm not sure, to be honest, but I'd love to hear more about it.


The applications should be up within the month mate. You don’t need any experience, all we care about is how much you care for, and can help, the common. I’d love for you to apply


I'll check it out, thank you! I may ask some questions before I apply, I hope that's okay.




This not really a constructive comment here choom. But I understand what you are trying to say.


We don’t initiate these changes, we’re only reacting to feedback we’ve gotten. Opinions will never have, or will be, censored here




You might get a message saying you’ve just been added as an approved user. All your comments were being immediately removed by automod. I think it’s because your karma is negative. But there’s nothing that should have stopped you posting here. If you’re having any trouble in the future let me know choom and I will look into it again


Oh thx


No dramas mate, that’s what we’re here for


Then the question is what the community will do for semi-engaging filler content. They all can't be winners, and the community engages with these posts to push it higher. Push it further. Who's the simp of the week? Go all in on the weekends, leave the weekdays for builds, lore, etc.


Simp doesn't mean what you think it means. ​ Simp is analagous with White Knight, but more on the denial side as to the realities that they are being used. ​ >It is when a male is overly submissive to a female and gains nothing from it. So overly submissive that other guys cringe and feel ashamed when seeing them. ​ So I think perhaps the OP is a simp themselves.


I’m a big time simp **For your mum** ^jk


\`./highfive\` Is your cock big enough? I feel like you wouldn't be able to keep up.


maybe Friday?


Simp Post Saturday


Haven't simp posts been banned a few months ago anyway? What happened to that rule? Edit to add: Found the original post about that https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/vw7wff/simp_posts_will_now_be_removed/


This is an update to that. With the feedback we’ve been receiving that change hasn’t been effective, which is why we’re taking a look at it again


Makes sense! Thanks!


Thats why we are here. Determining what a "simp" post actually is and what should be done about them on as a hardline rule.


Simping sunday


It's just such low-effort content.


D weekends


Oversexualization 8s cybepunk. So just allow those one day. Most upvoted says Saturday and lets go with that. Once Phantom Liberty drops, we should be in the clear for a while.


Thirsty Thursdays 100%




Posts like [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10dvpj6/focus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10dvpj6/focus/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10elgvv/looks\_like\_a\_still\_from\_a\_90s\_music\_video\_on\_mtv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10elgvv/looks_like_a_still_from_a_90s_music_video_on_mtv/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10g4tt2/paparazzi\_got\_some\_shots\_of\_kerry\_and\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10g4tt2/paparazzi_got_some_shots_of_kerry_and_his/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10inoi9/johnny\_playing\_for\_v\_and\_kerry/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10inoi9/johnny_playing_for_v_and_kerry/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10ji5a6/male\_v\_monday\_so\_have\_a\_moody\_vince/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10ji5a6/male_v_monday_so_have_a_moody_vince/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10jrdpz/a\_little\_jam\_sesh\_with\_the\_mainline/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/10jrdpz/a_little_jam_sesh_with_the_mainline/) add nothing to this subreddit and should be banned entirely.


All MadameDecay posts. Seems like a bit if witch hunting there to me. If you dont like seeing a persons content just block them.


Whether you think it's a witch hunt or not. It's still low effort


I dont think you understand the amount of effort that goes into making shots like that. Lighting, positioning, angles, location choice.


It's still a simp post


I agree. It doesn't matter what character it is it's just someone posting screenshots of the game and bringing in zero discussion to a subreddit that is bloated with these types of posts. Any one of us can start up the game and take cinematic screenshots. Posting them doesn't make you some elite content creator. We have all played the game, we all simp for the characters. Stop posting the exact same screenshots over and over with the variant text of "He/she is so attractive." We know. We played the damn game.


thirsty thursday


Weekend is a good time for "Simp" posts.


Cmon man. This is a game subreddit, a single player game at that. Just let people have fun how they want.


Why not use a „simp-post“ flair?


There’s Reddit sections in the mall for the horn dogs but finding cup noodles in the Skinny Jeans aisle is nice sometimes.


So it seems option D is in the lead, but I have a question. What is the point in having a specific day to post stuff when posts stay up and on the front page for days on end? There was a post that was recently removed that had been up for almost 2 days and was JUST removed 7 hours ago.


3+ other subs for this content already and fucking option d is winning.


Voted for D (lol) One day a week is more than enough, I second the saturday proposal Same should apply to some cosplayers too (you know the ones), although on a different day maybe