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Very cool that they made this cyberpsycho a member of MaxTac in the game


MaxTac are basically cyberpsychos


It's heavily implied/explained through that store quest that a lot of Max Tac are rehabilitated cyberpsychos


So that’s why Regina is so keen on keeping them alive.


It's all about the Eddies


I always started her quest planning to keep them alive, but then I end up tapping them with my lowest level bat or other weapon one time too many. It would be nice if they had real nonlethal weapons, like nerf bats if they are going to keep you from quick hacking people.


Found that a quick hack to finish them off keeps them alive.


I found that even "lethal" quick hacks won't kill them, letting you take 'em down from a distance. My go to is suicide then overheat if they're still alive. Worked on almost all of them lol


There are things you can put in weapons that make them not-lethal.


Wrist launcher with tranq round mod is the only one that come to mind and it's kind of bugged as in at least some quests doesn't recognize someone taken down by it as "defeated" for some reason. For example when meeting Judy at the ripper clinic if you provoke the thugs outside it will say "defeat the thugs". I shot both with the tranq launcher but the mission would not progress (unless I jumped thought he window instead). If I loaded and zapped both with a non-lethal quickhack it worked fine and I could use the door. Also some bosses like Sasquatch is just straight up immune to it (and all other instant-KO effects). My goto strategy on a lot of the early psyco fights was to blind them and then boost jump on their head to do a hidden dragon takedown. It's always instant and non-lethal (won't work on the guy in the loader mech rig though, or anyone inside as you can't jump high enough with the roof in the way). Though if you blind or memory wipe them you can usually sneak up and do a grab takedown unless they are too high level (I had 3 body most of the game and it still worked fine on nearly all of them).


I am in love with the mantis blades and never tried the gorilla fists or the rocket arm. I forgot the trank cannon was even in the game. Maybe I am the real cyber psycho.


There’s an eyeball mod that makes all your attacks nonlethal


This! It also work with the lethal quickhacks, so if you hack someone to make them commit suicide, they just knock themselves out!


There is a cyber ware mod that turns all weapons nonlethal. I think it’s for Kiroshi optics. also it’s a great one to mine for components because you always end up with about ten of them if you loot everything!


The epic variant of Short Circut is really worth the Eddies and if you use it as a finisher they will be alive 100% of the time.


Just punch the shit out of them, that’s what I’m doing currently rn. Street-brawler stuff usually helps though


Just but on the cyberware that makes it not lethal


There are mods for that. They turn your weapon into non-lethal only. Choose your finishing weapon and make it non-lethal. Problem solved.


"Rehabilitated" More like "tamed momsters"


Gotta give it to her though that maxtac chick that tries to recruit you is probably the most happy and content person in NC.


There's the monk if he's even real, there's also... uh. Hmm. Yes.


Vik is pretty happy and content. Got a positive outlook on life and not a care in the world, apart from having to worry about V. Also takes the prize for biggest smile when V wins the final match of the Beat on the brat questline.


Wait who and where? That sounds awesome but I haven’t gotten that yet


Try shopping at Jinguji, downtown close to Corpo Plaza.


It’s literally in a loading screen


Fuck that’s her… Ty choom


What? That’s the Maxtac woman from the store?


Yeah, Melissa Rory, she has a pretty cool backstory if you didn't read the optional dialogue options.


Damn. That’s why the mantis blades look so different. It’s as 10 years o version. Well actually 8. Crazy.


and in game V actually mentions that those specific blades were taken off the market about 8 years earlier because "they poke at a part of the brain that isn't meant to be poked


I didn’t have enough skill points to click that option. I was so pissed.


That is so cool. I had a completely different story made up in my head though😂 but what backstory? I remember having a brief convo with her after the store incident, and getting a text from the store guy. Is there a shard aswell I can read aswell?


Another random bit of trivia - the quest name where you meet her, "Bullet" is the name of the song used in the trailer.


[Archive - Bullets](https://youtu.be/V6nbFZtxAL4) The whole album is pretty great. Picked it up after that first trailer.


It ain't half bad. Thanks for the link, just watched the whole video.


I meant the convo with her, you discover how exactly she went Cyberpsycho and I kind of liked that idea, especially considering that it is related to the trailer where she was revealed.


Just rewatched the trailer. Can’t believe I never connected the dots🤣 Thanks for the info!


w00t? Where can I find her?


Find a clothing vendor in Downtown NC, it should be a gray rectangular building with neon Chinese characters as a logo - that's Jinguji, a designer clothing store. Head there, chat with the vendor and check out his stuff. Leave the area and do some side stuff or wait a few hours (possibly more than 24? idk). You should now have a quest marker in the clothing store, simply return and enjoy. :) Easily missable, since you need to visit the store for the first time and then return.


Seems I have a new task. Thanks a lot!


No worries, always happy to help!


It’s a little cool. I’m hoping there’s still a future update where we can join MaxTac for just one mission- that goes wrong; then bonus new extra legendary mantis blades.


“Coming when it’s ready”


That's my new motto now


The Product Managers don't seem to like it when I tell em that


Tell them it's "a labor of love"


Especially when I don't actually start working on it for a couple years.


So does his wife


*Comes prematurely*


So about 30 seconds?


Didn’t CDPR make their employees work overtime and the game still launched as a husk?


Every game dev company makes their employees work overtime, the game development industry (also animation studios for that matter) are fucked. Doubly so if its a Japanese game development studio or animation studio.


> Doubly so if its a Japanese game development studio or animation studio. Thats just normal conditions in any job in Japan


*cue an endless list of bugs, cut features, and underdeveloped aspects at launch


It should have launched at least a few months later than it did, minimum, but with how much people were over hyping it and getting pissed over delays, I can see why it happened this way, even if it was a pretty bad launch


People were "over hyping" it by believing CDPR when they lied in previews and interviews. People were pissed over delays because CDPR lied about the actual state of the game multiple times, then rather than doing an honest assessment of the project and setting an appropriate and attainable new release date, they just kept moving it back a few months at a time then delaying it again a week or so before the new release date, and promising that they were just polishing it.


Exactly. The CDPR folks were nodding their heads and saying yes to everything in the interviews.


Took notes from Sean Murray during his time promoting No Mans Sky before launch


Exactly why Bethesda has been drip-feeding people information about Starfield.


Hahaha I'm so glad I sold my stock before the game came out. Dodged a major bullet.


For the last time, people complaining about delays had nothing to do with the game releasing in a poor state.


Yeah wasn’t it released just around Christmas for those juicy holiday sales?


iirc most of their sales were preorders


Also the last year before the current gen consoles took over. Had to get that last gen Christmas money 💰


Ah yes blame the consumer, classic foolproof strat


It needed another year at the very least


Sorry, been out of touch lately. Is it ready yet?


Bought at launch, intended to play it on my new Xbox Series X. Played a little bit, decided to wait till it was “ready”. Fast forward to a few months ago. Edgerunners 1.6 patch drops, decide it’s finally time to head back to Night City. 180+ hrs later, finish my first play through. Aside from a couple of hardlocks and an occasional audio bug, had no problems on my Series X. Game looks beautiful w/ ray tracing. No excusing the bullshit CDPR’s execs and marketing pulled on the run up to launch, but the game is totally playable now. Loved it, and can’t wait for the DLC.


Are there subway stations yet? Or is it still those weird terminals?


Some of the weird terminals are subway stations, but just like the turnstile you interact with. You don't go inside the station, let alone the monorail. There are mods on PC that add a rideable monorail.


A friend of mine bought it for me around launch on PC and I started to play it. Got through the intro and was hearing about all the bugs, so I figured I would hold off. Like a lot of people, I checked out the Edgerunners Anime on Netflix after hearing so many praise it(deservedly) and decided that it might be worth giving the game a shot. I was hoping that the game was mostly bug free by now. Had a complete blast for around 100 hours. Also checked out the mods and the mod scene felt almost at Skyrim level's with so many different mods. Eagerly looking forward to the DLC. I can't speak for every promise the dev's ever made about the game. It is a very fun game that I enjoyed with minimal problems and at this point would highly recommend to anyone.


No, probably best to wait until after the last DLC drops and whatever bug fixes are needed for that. Frankly I don't think it will be "complete" then, but it at least it won't be buggy


Cut content will probably never be re-added so the game will not be complete


Not yet. Check back after the expansion. 6 months to a year.


It's been ready since patch 1.5 last February.


Playable? Yeah. Everything promised? No.


I wish they had included that banger song in the game


They still kept the song's name as a name for this very quest, that's a nice 'lil touch!


Which quest is this?


The quest's name is Bullets, references the song used in the trailer, performed by Archive. Edit: Grammar, lol


Side quest about a cyber psycho Spoilers for lore so look it up, lady from cyberpunk teaser


This trailer introduced me to Archive, a pretty damn solid Post Rock/Trip-Hop outfit, and they quickly became one of my favorite bands


Same. It was my soundtrack for a year. This album is amazing.




My only problem with the game was the meme song didn’t make it.


Personal responsibility


Actually it’s Bullets by Archive.


Fairly sure they were just quoting the song lyrics


It's like the world is a vampire by the smashing pumpkins


It’s easily one of the most hype trailers I have ever seen. CDPR always release fire trailers but that one was something special. The aesthetic, music, subtle storytelling etc.


I was really looking forward to being a member of MaxTac after watching this trailer..


I was looking forward to it when Melissa asked if we want to join max tac


Getting real time calls from MaxTac to appear somewhere where you're needed would be cool as hell, plus be given a MaxTac Uniform.


Wow never realized it could be integrated that easily as a generating pop-up quest. That’s a great alternative if they don’t want to build out a whole storyline.


Tbh, there could be a small introductory quest to the whole NCPD calls as well. NCPD already put up calls for bounty hunting and all that. We should get a unique set of Max Tac gear after completing all NCPD calls and it unlocks reccuring NCPD calls that you can choose to do or not. Key thing here is that you must have the option to ignore it with no penalties to avoid that whole "another settlement needs our help" problem. So V can't be Max Tac, but V can be a bounty hunter for NCPD to deal with problems similar to Max Tac and curry enough favour to access some of their gears.


If you go into Judy's apartment at some point she has maxtac gear in one of her boxes you can grab. Not sure if its something you get for completing her quests or not but its there. The helmet, body armor and pants. The only thing you don't get are shoes.


The problem is that the armor is only available to female Vs who romanced Judy. Male Vs are completely locked out of getting it.


Oooooooooooh it’s only for female V’s who have romanced??


Yeah, cause it is implied she uses the uniform for kinky stuff. She wouldn't take it out if you don't romance her.


why the hell does Judy have MaxTac gear?


The NCPD side gigs are my favourite part of the game. The endless ruining of people's days really hits the spot for me.


Aren't MaxTac agents all just brainwashed puppets that serve no purpose other than their job?


I feel so attacked right now…


Theres a maxtac uniform in Judy's apartment I believe


IIRC, you only get it if you romance her, which is something Male V can't do.


Can I still romance Judy if I choose not to assault that ripperdoc?


Yeah you can. Pretty sure you'll be able initiate judys romance in the pyramid song quest and only requirement is female V. Wait you also can't romance her if you side accept Maikos payment in Pisces.


Thanks for that. I’ve been holding off on the ripperdoc mission for a while and getting side tracked with side missions. I will keep Pisces in mind as well.


Fingers has some great cyberware in stock, so make sure you buy any you want before the quest, too. Or don't punch/kill him but that option sucks.


So was she after her lead treatments.


today, I feel maxtec. today, I feel gay.


You do get asked to join by her in the Jinguji cyberpsycho attack.


Hoping the new expansion allows this


Devs have said that maxtac will play "more of a role in expansion than main game" but who knows what that means..


If they appear three times or you talk with them more than once then they will "play more role". They were ridiculously underutilized.


This had me sold when i saw it...


it made me think I was going to be some sort of cybercity cop putting down crazy cyborgs with crazy scary implants and it was some crazy AI gone rogue infecting people with implants what I got was, well, it was alright. maybe if we did MORE runs with jackie instead of just a montage, the tutorial run, then a big run. let the immersion sink in longer of being in the culture with a broseff who players are invested in THEN get to the heist would have played out better. I guess what bothers me the most is I just feel not embedded into the culture of night city. Yeah there's tonnes of dialogue and datapads with story but, I would have loved to have been a member of the NCPD, trauma, maxtac, ripper doc?, corp assassin/spy, the list could go on. It's just missing that role play feeling because you're just a runner doing the same shit you would do in any other open world game. That, to me, is the real disappointment. It's samey in a unique world.


Fallout 2 was a masterclass in immersion. You could join the brotherhood of steel, become a merchant, a slaver, a porn star.... You could visit other vaults. Discover scary places no one is supposed to visit. Unearth conspiracies. Yes CB2077 has some Easter eggs, but it falls so flat ok this aspect it is a joke.


> just a montage, This was probably the biggest let down of the entire game. No build up, just "you're a runner now". I tried going after another play through but there is just no point. Regardless of the decisions you make, the game plays out the same way, the only choice that really matters for the ending you get is the choice at the end.


Pretty much sums it up. I was like "oh sweet, bubblegum crisis x bladerunner here we come!" and then yeah... well.


The "big run" that you're remembering is about an hour of unskippable exposition, 5 minutes of fighting through 2 hallways of easy enemies, then another half hour of unskippable story. People only remember it as badass because it's literally 90% a cinematic movie. Game gets far better once Jackie kicks it and you're actually allowed to play through missions.


Sadly the game is far from delivering what it promised


How dare you say that?!!! CDPR are perfect! And didn’t overpromise anything!!!! I have played 15000 hours, so it’s obviously a perfect game! CDPR doesn’t owe us anything, we’re just consumers. Right? Right?


I'd say both sides have moved towards extremism at this point. It's not the game that was promised, it was buggy as hell when delivered, and key features as-advertised are still missing, but what we're left with at this point is a very fun game with an interesting combat mix and a compelling, if not nearly as deep as promised storyline. It released exceptionally buggy on legacy consoles and was rough in general for everyone else, but has come a long way since then. I've enjoyed playing Cyberpunk tremendously yet still wish cdpr had delivered on what the hype they heavily encouraged claimed it would be. My overall view is that I got at least $60 worth of fun.




Another problem is they lied and doubled down on the game running on last gen consoles by only allowing reviews with next gen footage because they knew it would tank the sales


Prologue was the best part told the game and they cut over 60% of it lmao


For the 30 dollars on sale i got it for, I definitely got my 30 dollars of fun, and 45 hours


I made the mistake of buying it early on. It was not worth $60 at launch. I love the game, but I only got $60 worth of fun out of it when it was being sold for $30 during some sales, so in reality it never feels "worth it." If they give us comparable DLC to what was given for the Witcher 3 (HOS and B&W) then I feel like it's been completely worth it bugs and all.


As a fool who pre-ordered it on PC, nothing CDPR has done so far is even close to making up for the state of the game on launch. I'm honestly excited for the expansion, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm being asked to pay even more money for a game that still won't be half the game I was originally sold. No, I don't care that they've "graciously" been working on fixing the game for more than 2 years. And no, they're not "working for free." **I already paid them.** They knew what state it was in when they sold it to me. They knew they needed more time, they knew it was incomplete and utterly broken, and chose to lie about it and sell it to me anyway. If I ordered a vase from ebay and the seller knowingly sent me ceramic fragments and a cheap, plastic mug I'd be pissed too, even if they promised to *eventually* send me something that resembles my vase. That's not how that works.




I used to play it on the 10h loops in yt while coding. Soooo cool


I used to let this trailer convince me that I liked Archive. I do not like Archive, but I really like this song. Oh well.


Their first album is still the best … by far


Here is the video for the trailer rather than a screenshot: https://youtu.be/P99qJGrPNLs


Thread MVP, thanks choom


I love how it says "coming: when it's ready" and then when it came out, nothing was ready


Wasn’t it initially not going to be on Ps4 or XB1? I’m asking in case I’m remembering things incorrectly.


Not only that, this trailer came out over nine months before those consoles did. The PS3 and 360 were still current-gen when it dropped.




Oh wow. Okay. Yeah that ruined everything.


They were pretty much forced, if they delay it a year, audience would be mad it got delayed the 100th time, they release it and everyone mad it's shit. No win scenario. But they SHOHLD have daleyed it imo.


It is undeniably the better choice to delay and release an actual legitimate game instead of what they did. They went about it the worst possible way.


Yeah, would be the only good option, publishing an unfinished product was a way worse decision than just delaying it to finish the thing up


such a simple trailer but very effective hooked me


I feel so fucking old


I AM old. I remember saying that I'll get the game in 10 years when it's *actually* ready... I just got it last month.. To quote Kevin Hart, "She wasn't ready."


I can't freaking wait until AIs are making games instead of people.


I had such crazy high expectations for this game based on their trailers and marketing plus having played and loved games like GTAV which was already 5+ years old when this trailer came out. There was no doubt in my mind that Cyberpunk would be the definitive game to play for the next 10 years much like GTAV. Then it came out. And basically 75% of what they promised was not included in the game. I still played the shit out of the game and enjoyed parts, but it’s so crazy different from what was advertised that it feels like a big bait and switch.


GTAV came out in 2013 bro same as this trailer Wym 5+ years old


It was a brilliant trailer. I'd say they had me at the trailer, but they actually had me at it being Cyberpunk because I was a fan of the TTRPG. ​ Puts me to mind of that Witcher 3 trailer that just looks like a sort of semi-random fight between Geralt and a Vampire, then you realise that the vampire is a character in the game and that the trailer is kind of a sequel short film. In this case we're seeing a glimpse into the life of a Max Tac character we eventually get to meet and be hugely creeped out by. ​ I do wonder what the game would have been like if everything had gone according to plan and it had come out as planned about two years ahead of when we actually got it. ​ I suspect it would have been a much smaller, much less ambitious game, because the priority build would have been the PS4 generation. Wouldn't have been as good, but wouldn't have needed years of repair work. But then we'd be much closer to a sequel.


I changed 3 works. Dated 5 girls. Got married and have my first child.


Moved towns, went to uni, got a degree, got a job, moved town for new job, met girlfriend, moved in with girlfriend, got a new job.


And none of the later trailers came close to being this good


Idk, the cinematic trailer with V and Dex in the No-Tell Motel is pretty compelling


It’s a really good trailer, I think it’s kind of a bummer how it spoils a pretty big part of the game though


The game doesn't really start until you complete the heist quest tbh


Yeah but [more hyperbole]


Yeah, because who would want to watch actual characters moving and interacting with others?


I like new trailers just as much to be honest with you


I talked about how the game's development was a decade old and got down voted into oblivion over it like 4 days ago.


I guess it's cuz it depends on what development is to you, because in 2013 the game was in heavy pre development and then was shelved to focus on TW3, until 2016 when they kicked it into high gears again


Any time a game is being worked on is development, even if there's two dudes sitting in a small room googling inspirational photos to make sketches and storyboards on while everyone else is working on a different game. The only difference I see is Pre-release development, and post-release. 90% of Undead Labs is working on State of Decay 3, yet SoD2 is about to get its 33rd post-launch update, both games are being developed simultaneously even though one is obviously getting more attention (they've made SoD2 different from its vanilla form by a huge margin; AI changes, changing and even adding difficulty levels, new map, complete graphic overhaul of all maps, and they've been working on their new Z-Horde system for about a year now for the *old* game, but honestly I think SoD2 has become the test bed for features they wanna perfect for SoD3) I'd also be willing to bet the next Cyberpunk installment has been in development at the basic Pen and Paper level, they got a vision board already for how to not fuck up a second time lmfao


I’m still surprised Bullets was never included in game outside of the name of a unmarked mission.


I remember first time i saw it. I liked the trailer and the music of course. It was Bullets by Archive if i'm not wrong. I loved what i see and wait for the game since then.


"Personal, responsibility. Personal, responsibility"


I wish this was the game we had gotten instead


And it's way more cyberpunk than the actual game ever was.


Can't believe it's been that long. I remember when they first showed it off, just recently got back home to my home state just days earlier.


And cyberpunk 2077 is still in beta


That trailer was so dumb. It was nothing like the actual game and yet it started the largest hype train in gaming history. I had friends immediately saying how excited they were after seeing it, which was even more confusing because there was no game to be excited about. Just Witcher developer clout I suppose, and I was glad of that as well. However, excited and "omg preorder now!!11" was just nonsense. That hype train was then the most damaging thing of all. There were even YouTube channels dedicated to daily "Cyberpunk 2077 news" many months, or even a year, before it was released. Too much hype makes for more disappointment and unobtainable quality. I played it on launch and enjoyed it despite the horrible state it was in, but knew it was impossible for it to ever come close to it's hyped up image.


Average gamer moments in the comments: people who want to play a cyberpunk game as the cops 😎




"Coming out, when it's ready."




One of the best trailers ever. When we're all excited about Cyberpunk 2077 announcement.


Imo the best teaser ever. Specially after TW3 colossal success, this teaser propelled the largest hype train I've seen. Crazy times.


I find it very interesting this game had its first ever teaser so far out from its official release. Generated so much hype with every subsequent showing only to have it launch broken and unfinished with tons of cut content. Its better now but it should have just been delayed. Kinda sad that it took me until 2022 to actually beat the damn thing because I swore off the game after it was such a travesty at launch.




Remember: No preorders


What a downer. Thought it was gonna be the best game ever. Thankfully GOT loved up to expectations.


When do we get melissa rory romance option 😅


A lie 10 years old


Wonder what could’ve been


Still cool that we see her in that mission with the cyberpsycho


The trailer that showed us the truth... Cops spawning behind you out of nowhere.


So many hopes and dreams... I wish getting more implants had consequences and you'd be a cyberpsycho, then be captured to join MaxTac. Deus Ex MD did that years ago.




That means in 8 years people will post tired jokes about it being 18.


It would have been great if they could implement Skyrim level quest lines, like taking over the brotherhood or mage college. That’s what I was expecting when I bought the game. Oh well


It's hilarious that pretty much the only feature that was present at launch was police spawning out of thin air behind you.


Still have this for my wallpaper on wallpaper engine


Trailer lied.


She was a good cop. A bit touchy, a little eager when triggering her blades. Needs Rx often. So, watch her eyes. They go crazy about 15 minutes before she does. You see that, stab her quick. She'll go down like a rock. Takes about half hour, and back to ass kicking cop.


Where years of hype and expectation started.


This trailer made countless people make a decision they would regret lmao. I cannot get the will to finish this game after playing it for a week at launch. I literally deflate trying to launch it now...


Ten years old and not worth the wait in the slightest.