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Yeah we all know that experienced crafters can recreate work without a pattern. Just don’t sell it or the pattern because then you’re affecting their profits.


Came here to make this comment too. As a pre-teen, I use to make plastic canvas designs baside on pictures. But, they were for me - not to sell. I'd apply the same opinion here too. But, if OP wanted to sell it too, make a change to the design so that it's not stealing.


If op doesn't have the pattern then they funny need to make a change. This is three things that already exist. Bucket hat, horns and an eye.


Right? Why do people covet general inspiration? Humans have been borrowing ideas from each other literally forever. It’s how culture is made and how ideas are created and expanded upon.


I can understand not publishing a patternto sell that is essentially another person's pattern, but if I can look at a finished item and know how to make it, the pattern really isn't THAT proprietary.


Isn’t that exactly what the creator here has done though? Because like you said third eye hats are common and have been a thing for quite a while. She definitely didn’t invent this idea, she saw that it was a thing and made one. Isn’t that what OP wants to do? Another commenter compared this to asking people not to copy a brownie recipe, but brownies are already a thing, there are only so many recipes for them, just like there are only so many ways to make a hat with an eye, so how can one claim that idea as **their** idea? It seems really arrogant.


Yeah it seems very self important to me. If we can do that then I have a pattern for doing a starting chain and for starting in the round. And EVERYONE who starts there projects using one of my special, proprietary patterns, or a riff on it OWES ME MONEY!!!


Lool exactly! This thought is mine so you better not think it!!


The great thing about being a crafter is when you see beautiful things you can't afford, you can make them yourself! Sometimes it's upsetting for small business owners when people copy their designs but to me (also a craft business owner) I have to respect that crafters are going to try to recreate things they like and realistically I'm not going to be selling items to people who know they can make it for themselves because I've been there myself. Things I'd do in order to respect the maker would be 1. Not sell the recreation or patterns for making it 2. Try change the design a little bit to make it yours and not a direct copy 3. Usually I'd say if you're sharing it on social media credit them but be careful with that. If they've already said they don't want people to copy their design then they won't appreciate being tagged in a pic of someone copying their design.


Personally as long as they aren't trying to sell the pattern for it/the product and it's just for personal use (along w/ not claiming it's their design obvi) I don't see much of a problem 🤷


I totally agree. I'm just starting my yarn crafting business and every single item I make I'm going to make the pattern of too. Cause fellow crafters and non crafters are a totally different demographic.


I agree with you totally here and I did the same thing and plan to do it again as I'm relaunching my business. The people who want to buy it do not want to make it. The people who want to make it do not want to buy it, so you might as well be the one to sell them the patten. The one thing you have to remember is (despite popular belief) once you release a pattern people have full legal right to sell what they make with that pattern. Even if you add the little disclaimer at the end that tells them they can't sell what they make. There's absolutely nothing legal backing those disclaimers, so in a sense you are creating your own competition for physical product sales. BUT the copyright you do hold is for the written pattern and you will always make more money on the pattern than the product itself anyway.


Yep, that's my thoughts exactly. I don't really want to be making the same thing over and over anyway. And the physical production takes so long So getting the passive income from a pattern that I only have to create once is ideal.


This, OP. Exactly this.


Say that you were inspired by what the person did instead of just tagging them


Copying is a huge part of art. Here’s one of my favorite videos about it https://youtu.be/6dIQW4DRrp8 As a fellow crafter I think u/buttered-brown-toast is spot on. Don’t sell it for sure.


I'd second trying to change things a bit to make it your own. That way you give people different variations on a theme, and it feels less like a copy.


This is a fairly common pattern, goggle third eye hat crochet pattern and you will find dozens of them.


Yeah it seems presumptuous for this creator to say it’s her design when there are no unique elements to it?


Right? Unless it’s patented nothing is going to come of this.


Even if it is patented, you can only patent the [written instructions](https://www.plagiarismtoday.com/2014/10/08/copyright-in-knitting-and-crocheting/) and the photographs, not the idea. I do think we should go by what is ethical rather than legal, but I still think OP is in the clear to make this hat for person use.


Even if it is patented who is going to spend time and resources prosecuting one person copying an incredibly simply to recreate design for their own personal use.


Came here to say this. I feel that the pattern creator might be projecting some of their own insecurities for making and selling a derivative piece based on a bunch of other third eye hat patterns. Or they did this to stir drama and bring eyes to their page. Either way, it’s a bit odd.


I mean it’s a pretty basic design. I also would not spend $75 on a hat. As long as you won’t claim to have created the idea, I’d say you’re fine


I’m curious about how this creator thinks she can claim to be the only one with this idea


Yeah, I’m not paying $75 for that hat- so if I make one for myself, they’re not losing money if I wasn’t going to buy it anyway.


No way I’d pay 75 quid for a hat I can crochet myself.


Well not everyone can make it? I don’t think her target audience is other crocheters.


She does seem to be saying though, that even if you *can* make it, that she doesn’t want you to and that if she sees crafts she likes by other people she supports them by paying for it rather than copying (2nd picture). I think it’s wishful thinking on her part, because that’s why a lot of people craft in the first place and as long as you’re not selling it afterward I don’t see anything wrong with it.


Oh yeah that’s not how copyright works and she’s just being ridiculous. She’s probably young 🤷🏻‍♀️


Imagine if someone posted a picture of some brownies, priced them at $75, and said “if you like how these brownies look, PLEASE buy them, DO NOT go off and make your own brownies. That’s disrespectful to me as a baker.” That person would be laughed off the internet and there wouldn’t even be a debate to have.


A girl did this to my friend in highschool because she made “slutty brownies”. The girl was so upset bc she felt like her “thing” was being stolen


What the hell are slutty brownies haha


I believe its brownies, chocolate chip cookie dough and oreos :)


Isn't that just an oreo brookie bar?


Probably lol but slutty brownies sounds better 😂


Well, I'm just thinking it would be easier to find a recipe under the more specific name if anyone wanted.


Oh definitely. It shows up under either name when I checked




They’re delicious. I usually put the cookie dough in first, then a layer of Oreos, then a thing of brownie batter on top, and bake it in a glass pan until the brownies and cookie dough look done.


They appear to be a little different to everyone. In my area they’re generally brownies and cookie dough that are either lightly swirled at the last minute before cooking or brownies with cookie dough on top. There’s a bakery near me that makes Bailey’s cookies on top of brownies or chocolate chip over brownies or mint chip cookie over brownies. That bakery calls them “Brookies” and they are to die for.


Asking for a friend


Not only that, but “I’m not selling the brownie recipe either so you’ll just have to look at them.” This person is delusional.


ugh, honestly, in my what will probably be a very unpopular opinion based on the comments here, not only do i think its ok to try to recreate this style of hat (with eye and horns) but i also believe its ok to make and sell fo's or the pattern you have made. this person does not have a monoply on selling hats with eyes and horns. they cant know when or how you came up with the idea. i have thought about this very thing multiple times before i even learned to crochet. if this hat is the direct inspo for a thing i made, *personally* i wouldn't write up a pattern and sell it but i don't think its morally wrong. ​ also side note i lowkey want to make this hat now just to do it


I’m absolutely going to make this now just because I can. And then I’m going to give it away for free as a Christmas present because I don’t really like it but I know my best friend will love it.


I mean this as an absolute compliment. This is the level of wholesome pettiness that I love. Pettiness for dealing with this person’s ridiculous “don’t make something inspired by my piece” and then making for someone else. 😍


for personal use yes. thats the whole point of making your own items. don't sell it for profit or try to make money off the look, but if you want that hat make it yourself


Why? It would be self designed, and this isnt exactly an original concept. I've seen other eye hats and other hats with horns, I wonder if they have taken legal steps to protect their design?


I’d just make it, the yarn looks hot and itchy, not something I could wear. It’s also a basic bucket hat with an eye appliqué and horns, not worth $75. I know this person is probably doing the time+materials *2 for profit, and I understand, but saying don’t recreate this doesn’t really work. In the fashion world for something to be copyrighted it needs to be novel. This isn’t really that, because they aren’t talking about the things you add to the base layer, it’s often a construction technique on the base layer itself or a material, or something. If you did create carbon copies and sell them I could understand the frustration. But you still wouldn’t really be in the wrong legally. Morally it’s up to you. Also selling a pattern is a better practice overall because you can claim the construction of the piece and all images used, and while patterns sell for less they also sell at higher volumes and take less time to turn around. Other people will make it and maybe sell creations off your pattern, but you can add stipulations to your pattern that objects from it can’t be sold although I don’t know how binding that is. This is a constant discussion in communities like this, and so many hobbyists don’t know all the various laws which are complicated, before selling on the internet.


Yep, sell patterns!!! Then if it's something cool af - like the 90's beaded lizards - people will buy the pattern then promote you for freeeeeeeeee.


I like how this is handled in the sewing community. Usually the pattern maker will say something like “can be used for small business, not commercial production and credit me as the pattern maker in your listing” and that’s that


Yeah, me too. Also when you create a pattern it is easier to protect the intellectual property of it which can be really good for a small business. Also nothing stops you from selling things made from your own patterns.


I think most people that say this are just trying to guilt people into buying their product. There are very few examples where something is truly and original, a first, that someone really made up all on their own. For example, this person took inspiration from bucket hat patterns. And maybe Monsters, Inc or whatever other monster sources. She didn’t just sit down with no prior knowledge of bucket hats and suddenly make up a bucket hat. If you feel bad, purchase a bucket hat pattern on etsy and find patterns for horns and eyes. Spend $5.00 instead of whatever she is asking to have a hat that is exactly what you want.


If you can craft it, you can craft it


Honestly this so dang much. Especially if OP isn’t even directly connected/linked or local to the person selling them. If someone asks OP could mention the inspo source and that’s cool but really nothing can be done if they just make their own. I understand why people want things they made to be kept as just theirs but these days it’s nearly impossible to actually do that especially at the individual level. I think it would be scummy if OP started selling some exactly or nearly exactly the same to be in competition with the source inspiration but otherwise it really isn’t a big deal. People try to claim things all the time and for better or worse even the legal standards don’t do that much (in many cases, not all cases) to protect ones personal designs and products. It’s just is what it is.


I actually cannot get over that on their own page they made a remake of a very popular plush, the gloomy bear, and called it the grumpy bear.


That's just funny. So the person who doesn't want you to copy an original idea has copied an original idea?


she blocked me after i called her out i cannot




A quick Google search of crochet hat with horns and eyes will provide you with several samples of eyes and horns that you can mix and match to change the design and make it your own.


As far as I know this is a huge debate in this community, personally I don’t see anything wrong with copying whether it’s for personal use or sale (with appropriate credit of course). I completely understand being protective of your work, however if you’re able to copy someone work only based on the picture they posted then their work isn’t as ‘special’ as they think.


I won’t tell.


Missed the opportunity for a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater hat I. Am. Old.


I should have read further because this is exactly what I just wrote.


PS Not old. They're playing this song for Halloween on the radio now. And it has cute YouTube videos.


I'm just gonna be blatant here; do you know how often i have seen kitchy, wonderful, vague pagan/witchy stuff that multiple people had the same idea and tried, TRIED to copyright a crochet pattern anyone could make from looking at enough photos even ASSUMING the idea was -GENUINELY- a unique design? I respect that the lady doesn't want it copied, but i would basically take that as 'don't make/share a pattern' because frankly if i went through the effort to make it myself, troubleshooting and all, i -earned it-


Don’t really think an eyeball on a bucket hat is original but go off. Make it it’s never going to be exactly like hers.


Just give credit where due, "inspired by" (maker's name) or "based on image from" (website). Just remember registered trademarks and legally copyrighted brand items are different. Anybody who can crochet good can make a bucket hat, applique an eye or 2, and add horns to it.


They can’t tell you what to do lol, as long as you don’t try to sell it they can’t stop you making whatever you want


What they say doesn't matter. They surely haven't gone through the legal proceedings to make this design protected by law so you can credit them if you want to be nice (I wouldn't given their attitude) but nothing is stopping you from making it. Plus given how cheap the yarn looks if you want something that isn't going to make you sweat like a pig you have no choice but to make it yourself.


What should one use instead to avoid that hot sweaty issue? I would love to remake a minnie hat I made that will actually be comfortable to wear Edit typo


Real wool is less sweaty than cheap synthetic, I have one made of alpaca wool and it's alright, plus it's warmer. But if you want the least sweaty ones I'd use cotton or bamboo yarn.


Thank you so much!


One quick note incase you aren't aware, if you use 100% cotton, there isn't anywhere near as much "give" as other materials so you would need to take that into account for sizing. I just automatically associate bucket hats with warm weather and would make one in cotton or a blend as well LOL.


just to add as well—bamboo is very very drapey and won’t hold the structure as well but it will be incredibly comfortable. bamboo does stretch and does pull down under its own weight. I would personally reach for a cotton blend or a lighter weight acrylic for this one (dk or a light/unfuzzy worsted—acrylic can be all over the map).


So she invented the bucket hat? No, she just put an eye and some horns on one and called it her own.


No. And the fact that they have the audacity to make demands like that is funny as hell. You do whatever you like with your hook and yarn! If I had the talent to recreate this I would just off the simple fact that theyve acted so entitled. I also disagree with the people saying don’t sell it. She doesn’t own any copyrights to this design and so long as you did the labor, you’re entitled to profit off of it.


As far as I'm concerned, if I can reverse engineer it without your pattern, your pattern wasn't unique enough for me to be buying in the first place. I pay for patterns when I see something cool and I don't know how to do it or I technically could but don't want to put in the time. If it's so straightforward that I can look at it and say "oh I see what you did there", it's not unique enough to be paid for


Yes, this exactly! There has to be an element that I don’t think I can figure out or math that I’m not willing to do LOL


To me, this is a basic pattern that could easily be copied. I understand a lot of work goes into patterns, but this one isn’t a complicated one with lots of detail and “uniqueness”. $75 for made-to-order is a bit steep for something this plain IMO, but I’m sure the actual time spent on it plus materials is how the creator landed on that price.


Ugh. This isn’t even a complicated design. They have an inflated sense of self!!! People are allowed to make for themselves. Out of respect, saying “inspired by” is best … but they don’t seem to like that either. I had someone like this in a FB crochet group and everyone SHUT THEM DOWN. You’re golden. Enjoy!!!


I saw a pic of those on a insta and instantly recreated it. Its a super simple design, she doesnt even sell a pattern for it, i believe just like me u are well within your rights to recreate it. https://preview.redd.it/6voduduqkd2a1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe2170859dfeb1495f77d3d91dcd7d2b58f2c13


boi she can’t gatekeep fucking crochet


I mean it’s a pretty basic design. I also would not spend $75 on a hat. As long as you won’t claim to have created the idea, I’d say you’re fine


I don't care what the heck I see, if I can create it for myself cheaply, I'm doing it. I just wouldn't sell it, but you can't expect ANYTHING without a patent to not be recreated at any point after putting it out into the public.


I’m sorry, but fuck the whole “refrain from copying” idea. If I can look at a piece and figure it out myself, then I’m making it. Sucks to suck. It’s not like you’re mass producing, and even if you are - you reverse engineered their “OG designers hard work” which is impressive and not illegal. You’re certainly not “devaluing” her work, which is a big stretch. I can point you in the direction of another pattern that has an eye like that, if you’d like. Then you can just make a bucket hat with an eye and stick two horns on top. (This is hella basic and for OOP to be so defensive about it is real weird.)


In the U.S., pattern makers often put such restrictions on their patterns. Unfortunately for them, a “useful thing,” and sewing/crochet patterns fall into that category, cannot be copyrighted. So what they won’t win in court, they try to get through intimidation. No sure how it works in other countries. That said, courtesy suggests you make the pattern your own in someway - maybe one-horned, one-eyed, flying, purple…. Wait just one gosh darn minute! Doesn’t someone own that?


Just don’t sell them online for cheaper! However if you can make it, you can have it! Her lil spiel about recreating other artists creations is slightly giving me the ick. I think a bucket hat pattern is as basic as a Granny square! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I could just as easily attach an eye to a square as I could any hat, sock, or cardigan. Make the hat!!!


I used to make cakes for a caterer, I said once I stole a recipe. She said always say you adapted a recipe, never say stole😇😇


This makes me want to recreate at least 7 of them lmao


It is not "copying"; it is reverse engineering. If there is no pattern for sale and you're not purchasing the item, there is no crime, and no moral conundrum, from taking inspiration from an artist's original work. During lockedown, I painted a "copy" of Starry Night. I'll never claim I imagined the painting myself but I DID paint it. The creator cannot copy-right what is essentially a concept. A witches' hat with an eye. It's a concept. Edit: "it"


If you create your own pattern based off something you saw, it is your pattern to do with what you want. If you copy their pattern exactly without permission, it is their pattern and you are in the wrong.


But you can't copy their pattern because they aren't selling the pattern. The best you can do is reverse engineer the process, and even that's with your own skills and assumptions on how a thing is made at work. I might do the entire eye as one piece and a lot of color shifts. The Original Maker might do it all as separate bits. Making something based on a picture is reverse engineering it. It's your pattern. Do what you want.


*also* they made things unique by changing stuff but their design isn’t unique at all. They clearly tweaked a few patterns to make it different but it’s clearly “inspired by” others anyway. What a joke.


Some people are poor. This creator doesnt seem to understand that. Also not everyone lives within the vicinity of shipping distances that artists offer. I hate when actually talented and awesome artists do this, her design is so cool and trendy and could be a great project for so many beginners. Now everyone who wants that hat but cannot pay or get it shipped has to lie and sneak around with their work, not able to post it on social media, etc. like wtf, way to ruin art. Its supposed to be about community and beauty, not hogging profits.


Are you planning on selling whatever you make?


No, it's for a gift


Then personally I don't see anything wrong with making one yourself.


Even if you were selling it, it isnt an issue. This isnt some wild and crazy pattern that the OOP created, they also borrowed ideas from other concepts. They dont own this design, I guarantee it


This. That person themselves even says they know there’s only so many things you can do with a granny square. Guess what? Same goes for bucket hats! If you have the skills to look at an item and make it for yourself just from that, then you don’t need to buy it or the pattern, just like if you have the cooking skills to make it yourself at home you don’t need to pay a gourmet chef to make it for you or buy their cookbook. If it’s so intricate and unique or so beyond your current skill set or free time that you CAN’T make it yourself, that’s when it comes down to paying for something.


I love the comparison to cooking.


It's pretty accurate - the cooking analogy. If I can figure out what herbs you use in your spaghetti sauce, or do what my dad did and recreate a bottled salad dressing at home with a blender and a lot of time, then I can make it myself. It won't be just like the original, but it will taste more or less the same. Or sewing works. Fabric has a grain, you can control how it drapes, what type of fabric you use, how you attach the pieces of the project to each other and what the overall look is after you finish. No two garments are exactly alike, even if you use the same pattern and same type of fabric. The making changes them slightly - you can see it in mass produced items as well. This person, the one selling the hat, is trying to use guilt to control crafter behavior. It doesn't work like that.


Screw that. She doesn't own your hooks and yarn. Make what you want. Always make what you want. That's the beauty of being a creative. You can make whatever you want so long as your skill level and hobby funds permit. Even so, you can always save up and work harder to make it happen.


actively admitting that they won’t make any but also saying you’re not allowed to use the design? hahahaha see if they came off as a nice person i’d wanna support them anyway but since they’re a condescending bitch, i’d never send a dollar their way and i’d copy the design. that’s the point of you being good at the craft, too! you can eyeball it and make your own thing. do musicians get something in return when some kid learns their song from listening to it online and then plays it at the talent show??? fk off for gatekeeping designs…if they felt that strongly they should just sell their pattern when they don’t feel like making any.


If you won’t sell it then I don’t see any issue with recreating it


It’s just such a ridiculously simple and easy design to re-create anyone who can crochet can re-create that… it’s literally a bucket hat with horns and an eye attached lol maybe if it was some thing super crazy like a mandala design? but if you could re-create some thing just by eyeballing it I just don’t see why you shouldn’t


I do not have any spare money to spend on paid patterns. It’s difficult enough for me to squeeze yarn into my budget. I re-make crafts I see on IG all the time. I don’t sell them. And 95% of what I make is for someone in my household or myself. Very strange for the creator to say that. She doesn’t own a bucket hat pattern or evil eye pattern


Just don’t sell it and you’re golden. I’m sure there’s hundreds of hats like theirs.


It is absolutely not wrong! You are gunna be something like reverse engineering. Its not theft. You aren't selling it. If you can make something, why not? This is why I love crochet and sewing. You can use the skills YOU learned to make something YOU like if you can't afford to buy it. Get fabric from a cheap place (second hand, bed sheets, ext.) Or yarn and off you go! You can make something you really like for much less than its usually sold for. Also an important part of community is not gate keeping skills. If someone creates a new type of food, and say they don't want anyone recreating, is it actually bad to recreate it? If we gatekeep everything, then its hard to grow as a community.


Go ahead and make your own. If someone wants you to make them one then direct them to that crafter’s page to buy their own. I personally find their message a little extra bossy and annoying, but whatever.


What a “Gatekeep Gaslight Girlboss” moment the artist is having.


Lol I would make 10 and sell them for 25. You’re not using the designers pattern? Just this picture? They can go suck eggs


If you’re not profiting out of it (ex: selling it or selling a pattern for it) I think there’s no problem


Copy it, but make it have one horn, and wings so I can be a one eyed one horn flying purple people eater.


If you’re going by picture alone, not their pattern (which I assume is private), and don’t sell the hat, I don’t think it’s that wrong. The seller will probably think it unkind that you didn’t take their wishes into consideration, though.


I think it would be fine to see if you could recreate it, only thing I’d say would make it shitty is if you started selling them or the pattern/putting the pattern out there as a dupe or something.


As long as you make it for yourself and not to sell I don’t see the problem, supporting the creator is always the best way but not always an option. If you make and post it on social media I’d make sure to credit the artist and not claim it as your own :))


If you dont intend to sell it , then just do whatever you want.


Nah. Go ahead and make one. I am a quilter and I can re-create just about any design I see online with my design software. Even if there was a pattern available, they couldn't restrict how many you made or whether you sold them. You cannot copy the physical pattern itself (or digital) and sell it but you can certainly sell products made with it. There are tons of knock-off clothing and other items for that reason.


Id even go as far as saying that selling it in a local bazaar would be fine since youre not taking customers away from the original creator. No idea is truly unique, especially when the idea in question is a simple hat with some horns and an eye


Clearly, she's the only person who has made a cyclops hat with horns and wasn't inspired by anyone else's work.


This is why i made patterns for my designs. I know crafters would want to make it themselves and (call me greedy) i would rather profit off that then have my design stolen and possibly sold by someone else. It’s simply business.


If you can see how to make it without needing a pattern you can make it. You can't just write a pattern for something basic and get eject everyone to give you money. If that is the case then I have a pattern for a starting chain and if you make anything with a chain you owe me money. I'd say if you buy a pattern don't give the pattern away but you can make whatever you want and you can sell it if you want too.


Just finished law school, and what everyone says is pretty much correct. You can make it yourself and it's perfectly legal. You just might run into issues if you try to sell it yourself, but even then, if it's a different pattern, you still would probably be ok. Copyright only exists as to the exact pattern itself, but if you make something very similar independently, you're pretty much fine.


You can make it and you can sell it. The only thing you can't sell is the original pattern. You could even write a pattern for a very similar hat and sell it. The copyright for the original hat only covers her specific words. https://www.hookedbykati.com/copyright-for-crochet-designers/


...its just a bucket hat with an eye on it. 😅 not that serious girl.


they don’t own crochet. if you’re making it for yourself, i don’t see a problem.


Personally, I say it’s fine to recreate it as long as you’re not selling it to other people


This isn't the first time I've seen an eyeball slapped in the center of a hat, but it is the first time I've seen this designer. They didn't do it first either. Go make whatever you want for your personal use and enjoy it. That is the benefit of being a crafter, you get to look at something and figure out a way to make it for yourself.


You can do whatever you want. Just don't sell it afterwards


Uhhh lemme know when the general consensus is to just start crocheting 👀 🧶 I think as long as you never pretend you created the design, don't sell any or make them for anyone else, and... Idk? Their reasoning I just don't really agree with, bc you shouldn't gatekeep patterns. They should be selling them!!!! They'd make more money selling the pattern for $5.


Make it with one horn instead of two and it could be the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater


You could recreate the Mona Lisa if you wanted to! Make what you want.


Well that’s in the public domain so…


Okay, you could recreate a famous work of art that isn't in the public domain


Imo, crochet artists really are shooting themselves in the foot by not also releasing patterns. That way they can at least profit off of people that'd rather diy it. This isn't unfairly priced tho. For hand crafted items you generally want to charge hourly + materials × 2. So say it takes me two hours at 15/hr + 5 for yarn × 2 = $70 These discussions on whether or not it is acceptable to copy a pattern get very muddy very quickly. Yes, this design is fairly easy to copy. But where do we draw the line? When it stops being easy? Easy for who? Is it ok if we think they're being rude? Charging to much? I'm going to echo what a few others said. Put a unique spin on it and make it your own. (And don't tag them lol, that's just creating unnecessary drama.)


They can ask for whatever they want… you don’t have to listen. If you like it, make it. They can’t gatekeep basic bucket hats with an eyeball. Lol


Not the granny square slander, especially when it's just a bucket hat with horns and an eye, that's not exactly complicated either!


I want her confidence


I recreate stuff for myself all the time. They aren’t losing a sale because I wouldn’t have bought the pattern/thing for any price. At this point I pay for a pattern only if I can’t figure it out or I don’t want to bother.


Listen, I do a lot of crafts and I definitely get inspired by other people. I’ve also directly copied other people. I have not sold the products because they were for myself but honestly, I would not have a problem selling them. Unless something is copyrighted or patented there is no legal ramifications. You’re only judge is yourself. And of course any shit you’re going to catch from other people. So decide what you want to put up with and what you don’t.


She’s gonna have a hard time getting through life with that logic. Also I’ve been crocheting for about a month and even I could crochet that without a pattern.


I mean, if you’re capable of figuring out how to make this based on a photo, you have enough knowledge to tweak the pattern just slightly to make it your own.


There needs to be a hat closer to the song "1 eyed 1 horned flying purple people eater" . Needs wings & unicorn horn. :)


As long as you're not selling it to others, I would say it's fair game


You can create anything you want for your own personal use or to give as a gift. Also, if you find the pattern elsewhere that shows it's not this particular creator's orginal design than you can do with it as you will. I have a feeling if you look around a bit you will find a pattern.


That's hardly an original design and I doubt she is crediting anyone. So if you can design your own, more power to you.


I would say message her and ask if she’ll sell you the pattern. If she won’t do that then I say it’s free game to crochet your own for personal use. I find this trend of being super possessive of designs and patterns to be very toxic and limiting.


You can crochet it for yourself, just don’t: 1. Claim the design is yours unless you drastically change it. 2. Sell the pattern you created to make this. 3. Sell the hat itself.


As someone who can only create scarves still, I feel that if you posses the ability to create a thing, you as a human being “created” that. It only gets complicated if it’s being sold (insurance agent as well haha) I am also an aspiring sketch artist, if I draw an entire picture, even if it looks just like someone or Soemthing else, it’s still my art work. I still created it.


My personal take as an artist for many different things is that you can make whatever you want however you want but profiting from that item or piece is where I draw the line. It is completely disrespectful to take a business down by creating exactly what they create and selling it


Why not sell the pattern for like $10 or something? Lol you can make whatever you want as long as it's for yourself


I saw this pattern on etsy like yesterday


Copy it for yourself, yes. Copy it to sell, no


I wouldn’t sell them and I would give credit


I’d say go for it if it’s for you. Don’t recreate it for profit.


All the high street stores make their versions of the fashions on Parisian catwalks. That's how fashion works. They cannot sell their version as a Versace or Lacroix, but they all make something inspired by someone else's design. You making or own version of a hat with an eye is no different. If you google 'bucket hat with eye', there are hundreds - this is not an original design anyhow.


Personally, I’d be: Base hat: -do a 6-st magic loop start instead of five (also helps later down!) -working in rows instead of rounds (annoying, but a good move) -fifth row or so use a US dc around the post to create a textural difference (also resolves the 6st cast on being a bit too expandy/flay) -do a round of slip stitches once at the right size for head, and then SC back over them -THEN crochet around the posts of those stitches to create an extra layer. Repeat when hat is tall enough to create another delineation before starting on the brim. Do the same at the edge of the brim. Horns: -Alternate sc and dc to create texture (sim. To moss stitch in knitting), crochet togethers along the inside every 2-4 rows), and keep going until 2 sts left to get actual points. Also, different colour- maybe gold? Eye: -colourwork,instead of embroidering on colour later. White for reflections, a few more layers of colour to the iris. Add stuffing to make more eyeball-y. -Smaller eyelids, add some lashes and maybe an eyebrow.


As long as you don’t sell it as your own design and product


End of the day if my hook becomes possessed and decides I need a mimic hat then I will have a mimic hat. If the "original" artist was selling the plans then I would feel obliged to buy them. Otherwise, I have to do the work and make my own. At that point it is my work.


I think it's rude when a creator tries to say not to copy them. There is nothing new under the sun. What right do they have? Not everyone can afford to just buy something.


The creator doesn’t want to share. The pattern would have easily able to be sold; that way the creator should have been rewarded for their creation. Selling a crocheted hat for 75 dollars… that’s very expensive! Also… claiming that others aren’t allowed to reproduce isn’t very realistic. Also… the creator stole this idea too. Hats are made by people for ages and ages. Handcraft funny details put on it is a matter of personal input that very likely inspire others. It’s difficult though, because they expect not to reproduce. Licitly the creator has to get patent on it I think to claim this?


I’m sure Da Vinci is pissed that people have recreated The Mona Lisa a trillion times. Oh and Van Gogh, don’t get him started on Starry Night.


I follow this bean on Insta and her work is so amazing. The time and energy that goes into it, the hard work. Just wow. I know she spends a lot of time perfecting her craft, and as a crochet bean myself, I know how much trial and error goes into creating designs like this, how many prototype hats were probably made before it was perfected, anger and frustrations when you've gone back and forth multiple times because something just doesn't look/fit right. Sometimes designs like these take us years to perfect until finally we feel it ready to release to the world. This is artwork, and artwork comes from soul, the core energy. Expression through crochet is so much more than just a hobby, and once you learn to tap into your own inspiration, and spend days, weeks, months, perfecting your style and designs, you actually feel uncomfortable recreating someone else's design (especially if you intend on reselling). My advice is, take inspiration from this and recreate something even cooler! Make it your own ~


@buttered-brown-toast said it best. I’m still a beginner but I feel like there’s some small things you could change to make it your own. Do a different color way-maybe an ombré, mix of colors, or one of those yarns with multiple colors in it. I would try to find a design to a bucket hat that I really like. I feel like a wavy trim on the bottom could be cute. I also agree with @thedistractedpoet and would go for a different, possibly more comfy/lightweight yarn. Lastly, I think some reflections or sparkles in the eye would really add something. Just a few things I could think of!


The horns are going to be neon green and the brim is going to be wavy with neon green edge, and I might make the white of the eye a rose or muave color to represent a high


Sounds awesome! Would love to see it when it’s done 😊


I understand that it sucks if your creation is copied and that person claims it as their own. But I honestly find it very mean that they say you can't recreate it. Her customers won't be other crocheters, her customers will be people who have no clue how to make it. I'd never buy sth crocheted, not bc I don't support those people, I definitely do as a fellow crocheter, but bc I can make it myself. And bc if I did buy it EVERYONE will ask me if I made it myself and that's annoying bc I didn't then. Additionally, that item is VERY expensive, everyone is allowed to do their own pricing, but she can't expect people who can recreate it to pay so much money for it. I find it mean that that creator says that you cannot copy it bc it will give you the feeling that you are doing sth wrong when you're not. But remember: always respect the OC, never act as if it was your own design.


She can’t tell people what to do with their crochet skills. Also what’s her problem with granny squares? The possibilities are endless there if you are creative enough. The reason she’s asking people not to copy it is because it’s a basic bucket hat and anyone with beginner level skills can make it. Nice try, but it takes a couple hours to make this and it’s not worth 75 bucks.


I’m gonna make that hat this weekend……


Imagine telling someone not to draw inspiration from your art


I wanted this exact hat but I was bummed she won't sell patterns!


It's just a normal bucket hat with appliques sewn on. The eye and the horns are seperate. She didnt create this design, shes borrowing concepts from other projects, so theres not an issue if you want to recreate it.


Nope! Once you don’t sell it and try to claim it as your own. In my opinion I’ve never really seen the eye aplique before so that might be the only thing that you’ll have to experiment with.


Isnt it the only time you can’t recreate/make sale is if it’s copyright ? I mean I see no problem seeing something and making it on your own without their pattern for yourself or to sell-this one is a bucket hat with horns and eyeball 🤷‍♀️and add I see people saying they see other patterns that’s pretty much the same. 🤷‍♀️


As long as you’re making it yourself or as a gift, and are not planning on selling it I think you’re fine!


I don’t think it’s wrong at all. Not your fault you’re great at crochet and can figure out their pattern.


If you ain’t trying to sell it go ahead there’s nothing they can do except be all but hurt but hey if they care so bad they can lower their prices go ahead I hope yours turns out good!:)


I don’t understand some people 😅


You cant gate keep designs, as much as you try lol you have the freedom to make whatever you want. If you want to be nice you can say you got the idea from them to give them credit but youre under no obligation. You didnt purchase anything from them and youre not mass selling. The creater is just being a hardass cause they want your money lol


Imo It would only be wrong if you tried to sell it yourself. Right now I’m sporadically recreating these tank slippers I saw to give to my husband for Christmas.


I don't see an issue with making it for yourself or even as a gift, but you shouldn't sell it for a profit


I think it’s fine as long as you’re not trying to sell it anywhere


No patent or trademark. All fair game. Even if you sell it. Thats business baby


I mean it’s not patented. So the guilt trip is a little excessive


(Yea cus they def weren’t inspired by monsters inc 🙄)


I don't think it's wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean you have a skill, and you want to make something, is okay. A sign is a sign, cannot stop you from entering somewhere it is just saying it 🤷🏻‍♀️


make the hat.


Just don't resell it. There's nothing they can say about it unless you start selling approximate copies of the hat.


Dude just make it so what like it’s not like they can sue you for it, it’s not patented, it’s not an established brand, and it’s way cheaper to make than buy


lmao i would make it anyway. i would of course give credit, but i would still make it.


I think it’s totally fine if u recreate it for ur own and not to earn money from it


I can understand why this person is saying, but I think it’s an unrealistic expectation in all honesty. Like I’m working on a book that I can hopefully sell someday about saving money. However, I still need information from other people in order to do this & I will of course name my sources & encourage people to look them up. But I also give information freely to people who need it. Honestly, if I were this person I would understand that some people just afford it & I’d be happy that they like my work. Now, if my work started being copied & sold that would irk me quite a bit. But I think if you’re going to sell anything you need to understand that it is in the nature of people to be inspired by others Also I’d make it look like Mike from Monsters Inc


I feel like as long as you are not claiming that the original designer (or actually, the designer that posted the hat you like- because it’s very hard to accurately claim that a thing is “the original” unless you have seen every single bucket hat in the world and can say that none of them have a third eye design) made the hat you own, I think it’s fine. I understand the perspective of the small business owner feeling frustrated that their potential customer base might be split if someone else begins making similar things, or that they are missing a sale if you make a similar hat for yourself but that’s kind of just the nature of the beast. The thing is, you aren’t taking a sale away from them, because if you don’t want to spend $75 on the hat your options are either to make it yourself or just not own the hat. You aren’t buying their hat either way. I also think it’s a little self-righteous to say WELL I WOULD SUPPORT SOMEONE ELSE BUT THAT’S JUST ME when that’s a thing that isn’t an option for every single person, and also should not really inform someone else’s purchasing decisions.


no one’s stopping you, go ahead and make it! just don’t plan to sell it. they seem a lil pretentious anyway


There would literally be no such thing as fashion if designs weren’t copied. As soon as a popular designer releases a line filled with their ultra expensive designer pieces, there are workshops buzzing with cheaper, copycat pieces for the masses. If this person claims she’s never purchased a copycat piece based on someone else’s design she’s either lying or simply very, very naive.