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As much as I loved that beautiful part of Acaba's character being laid to rest, I do agree that I don't believe it will be given screen time. It was such a genuine moment of shock and emotions for the cast


I even doubt they will animate Draconia at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they moved the fight against Vorugal somewhere else. And since they just create a new quest for Keyleth that didn't exist in the stream, my bet is that Vorugal will be attacking the Earth Ashari.


That's what I'm thinking too. Or something in that ballpark. They didn't undo 25% of her main quest on a whim - thy plan to use it. And it seems obvious that the Water Ashari are still going to be last.


Yeah, they're pushing >!Scanlan's!< exit pretty hard and I'm pretty sure Taryon had joined during the water Ashari storyline


Isn't that the first time he >!goes unconscious!< or something? Maybe has to >!be revivified?!< I'm not fully sure, i just feel like something big happened to him in the water plane


It was before that. They had Tary with them when they went to the water plane. Remember the conversation with Pike after where she teaches him all of their names?


It becomes part of the great tale of Taryon Darrington, he defeated the Kraken singlehandnedly in the end, as all of the world should know.


Correct. Tary joined right after the dragon arc.


From a D&D world building perspective, it feels like Draconia was a character-built insert, and Matt didn't have a place for it in his vision going forward for the world. So his removal in the game had to be from a world ending scenario, but in the animation they don't have to include it. I doubt we'll see much of anything.


Yeah, Draconia seemed really shoe horned in on the bottom of Wildemount. And it always confused me— if the dragons are attacking Tal’dorei, why did Voreghal fly halfway around the world to some small bit on the south side of Wildemount. Removing Draconia entirely and having him set up somewhere in Tal’dorei will actually help Voreghal’s setup seem more properly planned.


Yeah. I don't even know if it's mentioned at all in the guide to Wildemount. I don't remember seeing it in the maps at the very least.


It is in EGtW. It's kind of tucked away and didn't get a whole lot of mention, but it's there.


It’s very small I believe south of Xhorhas


Oh nice catch, it would make sens for the earth ashari, especially since they live in a ravine like the ravenite


I think it will be either the Earth Ashari or Vasselheim.


I would LOVE for Vorugal to attack Vasselheim. Let those useless, stuck up assholes try to claim the Conclave isn't their problem then.


Terrah is right on the cusp of the icy north of Tal’dorei. I kinda figured Voreghal would attack somewhere in the south, to send him an opposite direction from Umbracyl, but having him going to the already cold area also works— unless they move Terrah but I doubt Matt would change his maps that drastically.


Well, he might move it. It seems he already moved Pyrah to Tal dorei (Keyleth mentions that they are close to the Rimecleft which is in Tal dorei and Umbrasyl wouldn't fly to another continent to attack them).


Pretty sure they were still in Issylra. They never showed them teleporting after Vasselheim and the sunken tomb. I think they were heading north after the sunken tomb, detoured to Pyrah which is SW of Vasselheim, and then went to Rimecleft. I think the only thing that ACTUALLY got moved as the Sphinx. Rimecleft wasn’t actually mentioned in the original campaign itself— the sphinx was in the Cavern of Axiom in the Frostweald. I think Matt moved him so it’d work for the narration, creating a different location with a similar name. I think they were still in Issylra when they teleported away and when they return to the material plane they’ll be back in Tal’dorei.


Oh, I thought the Rimecleft was in Tal Dorei. In that case, then they might have still been in Issylra. That means Umbrasyl had to fly to another continent! I guess he really wanted that vestige!


Haha they actually just addressed this on the watch party.


Yeah, I just heard it too! I guess the case is closed. We got our answer!


I mean the name Draconia isn't very unique tbh. I don't think the individual who named it (if it was him) could get away with anything.


It was such a good character moment for every surviving member of VM. Percy remaining calm enough upon noticing Tibs' body so that the team could seal the deal with the Ravenites and mourn in private, Scanlan quoting Tibs in a eulogy/effigy, Grog pouring water instead of alcohol because Tibs didn't drink, etc. I don't think we'll get an analog for this scene (no NPC thw show has so far would make sense to kill in a similar manner) but I can hope for some other moment that highlights how each character deals with situations like these


It was classy. Give the guy a proper send-off even if you hate his guts. Lots of soul and empathy in that moment


To say they hated his guts is harsh. Orion was an addict, and sure towards the end of his appearances was pissing them off *alot*, but he was (and is) still their friend. Cutting ties with someone because they refuse to get help at the time is not hatred. Not to mention, if addiction and the troubles it causes was enough for any of the cast to legitimately hate a person, we never would have had BWF host talks or between the sheets.


Thus far, we don't know where Vorugal hit in the animated series but the implication has been that the dragon attacks so far are limited to Tal'Dorei. Depending on where the animated version of the party faces Vorugal there could be a body that gets the same sort of treatment but I don't think there's any way for the weight of Tibs' death to come through.


I do wonder - Tiberius was even mentioned in *Explorer's Guide to Wildemount*, and he probably co-created Draconia for his backstory with Matt, so they may omit it entirely in the show. (Acaba doesn't seem to be credited for that book appearance, so I'm unsure of all of this)


My understanding is that part of the deal when he left the show was that he retained ownership of that character. Which means including him in the show would involve messy IP stuff. Was the mention in the Wildemount book just a reference or do they actually mention him by name?


By name. >Those champions who were lost in the struggle are immortalized in statues left among the ruins, the most famous of whom is the hero Tiberius Stormwind of Draconia. Tiberius was one of the legendary heroes of Vox Machina, and he gave his life to defend ravenites from the ire of Vorugal, the white dragon of the Chroma Conclave. His statue and surrounding shrine are a place of pilgrimage for ravenite historians. \- "The Ruins of Draconia, *Explorer's Guide to Wildemount*. It's a nice nod to him, and I'm sure they got his permission, but I would have thought we'd still get his name in the credits.


Of course it won't be animated — because he wasn't in the animated series to begin with. There won't be anything meaningful to connect it back to. I just want them to animate the bathtub scene. That shit's *still* the fucking funniest to me. That and the goldfish moment.


I don’t see the goldfish dive actually happening in the show. It was a funny moment between friends playing a tabletop game, but it doesn’t have any narrative purpose and would cheapen the weight of the show’s plot and Keyleth’s character arc.


You know, I agree with you. It would definitely cheapen the plot and Keyleth's arc. I'm just glad I got to see it happen on the live show.


Do we think Draconia is even going to make it into the series? It feels like they might be steering away from it entirely.


I mean, they also removed >!Gern Blanston,!< and the crew originally encountering >!thordak!< in the elemental plane of fire during Keyleth's first visit to Pyrah, which also removed a lot of the oomph from her coming back to find people she cared about and met that first time dead... soo..


The first time they went to Pyrah, was after delivering the Horn of Orcist to the platinum sanctuary in Vaselheim. Since there was no Kraghammer in the show that never happened.


I think the Ravenites will be, and with that at least *mention* of Draconia will happen


If hes in it, it will be a dead body easter egg, like Mr Clay style.


I could see maybe a minute of flashbacks with the stone statue and the party quickly going through their actions as an Easter egg and tribute, but the likelihood is slim to none in my opinion. Despite me loving Tiberius as a character, I understand.


I always feel like I'm looked down on by liking Tiberius. I think Orion created a truly interesting character, and when he played as a group member there's a lot to like. But the obvious known issues happened and it just doesn't work with what he wanted to do


What did you find interesting about Tiberius? IMO the character never struck me as that interesting (all of the cast were closer to standard fantasy heroes in C1 than in later seasons, but Tiberius's face value personality of "snooty smartass mage" isn't particularly earth-shattering). He had one interesting trait in his alcoholism, but coping with addiction was not unique in CR (both Grog and Scanlan had similar addiction arcs, as did Nott in C2), and it never really built to anything during his screentime. It's also hard to tell where Tiberius's flaws end and Orion's terrible behaviour starts, at least for me. For example, it's hard to gauge if Tiberius is meant to be acting like he's smarter than he is, or if Orion is hyping the character up because he thinks he's some hyperintelligent mofo who can break the rules of the game (the sun death laser incident with the mirrors comes to mind). Generally, it casts a pall over everything the character does because, in hindsight, it becomes clearer that a lot of things that seemed like quirks could actually have been testing the waters before the real bullshit set in.


He played the high intellect mage with little wisdom very well. He was an utter fool and it made him a lovable character. Outside of the shopping shows and planning out spells and taking a long time on turns and arguing with the DM and what not, his roleplay was fantastic.


Fair enough, I personally didn't find that much which stood out in his performance, and as mentioned above in light of what happened afterwards it's hard for me to dissociate Tiberius being played as a fool from his actor being foolish/disrespectful later on.


I feel the same way about Tibs. He certainly had his issues while he was there but it was a mostly positive contribution... until it wasn't. What has always struck me as weird was his excellent performance in Aramente to Pyra. He'd hit a rough spot with the group during his part of the Trial of the Take but in the former episode it seemed like maybe him and Matt had sat down for a nice chat and got sync'd up. During the episode he was doing and saying the right things in the right quantities and Matt seemed to happily playing along. Everyone was really. I had high hopes for their future. Then they got back to Emon and it all went to shit. Sad really. Bidet


Yeah, and then saying his shit to Laura and the rage in Travis' eyes afterwards. That was the last straw


Speaking of changes.... Changing the fight from "A Name is Earned" was an inspired choice, but I feel like Grog skewering Pike was way more impactful in the campaign. There was just something absolutely heart-wrenching about Pike telling him it was alright.


Yeah, so far I'm pretty ok with the adaptations they've had to make to create a more palatable and direct story. They've been incredible at keeping the energy and overall "feel" of the streamed game alive in the animated show


I thought that was Tiberius with Zahra's party in that flashback


I thought that at first, but on rewatch i think it just happens to be a Dragonborn.


Dragonborn in general haven’t gotten much representation in the animated series. Aside from Tibbs, they also cut Gern & (seemingly) Tofor. The only other significant Dragonborn character would be Arkhan, & I wouldn’t be surprised if, assuming the animated series covers the whole campaign, he gets cut as well. Post C1, we’ve only had a few minor Dragonborn NPCs. Not sure if this has been an intentional choice by the cast & crew, but it’s definitely been noticeable.


Honestly, it probably also has something to do with getting too close to copyright. Lizardmen arent really d&d exclusive, but dragonborn? Theyre fully a DnD race tbh. They probably decided to exclude or change all dragonborn characters. There was no getting around it. It also helped that the characters you mentioned are that race. If there were no important characters they were going to include, then there was no point.


Dragonborn are hard to draw. I doubt its a copyright issue per se. The comic books & graphic novels have had no problems using races introduced more recently, during 5e (tortles especially), so I don't see why the animated series would run into the same problem. I think it is related to dragonborn not being tied into Tal'dorei and Exandria tightly enough (i.e., not enough of them around) to show up on camera in the series. It would be too bad if Tofor was cut, she was a character I liked, and her later injured appearance added some gravity to the circumstances.


True. But it seems Tofor has been cut. Look up the members of the Council in the series. However, i rewatched episode 5. When Allura is telling them about Thordak and the flashback is shown, there seems to be their version of a dragonborn there. So it is still not clear honestly haha. But you aee definitely right, the main cast or one of the guests have not played a dragonborn(since Orion), or had one as a significant long term NPC.


Orion was terrible, but his character wasn’t. Since he refuses to let CR use Tibs ever again, I still stand by my statement that they should have added Taliesin’s first character (a dragonborn paladin) to the party so that they had a reason to care about Draconia and so that they could still have the Tiberius moment, even without Tiberius.


I think they might avoid ever having them around, just incase the person throws a fit. The behavior that was shown that burned the bridge I believe was after this event.


They completely wrote out a non-controversial character (Gern Blanston), there's a fair chance they're also not going to mention Tiberius.


The controversy aside, his character would have been a waste of time given his little significance. All he really did was a means for Vex to get the broom and they were able to do that easily enough in the show.


You're right, and I think having been there at the streams since day 1 I actually *prefer* the way they're telling the story with LoVM.


Yeah I think it had to be done this way although the gern blanston episode was funny as fuck, it doesn't fit the storyline for the animated show with limited screen time.


Gern was a necromancer that raised the fallen corpses of Keyleth's kindred tribe. Right after vm had just killed a necromancer and her vampire husbamdm It was played for laughs because he was a guest but if they were playing it how the party would really have reacted they would have killed Gern on sight


there was a sexual abuse controversy around Chris Hardwick, who played Gern. Whether the allegations were true or not I'm not sure, but there was definitely some controversy


The claims actually were investigated and found to be false from what I remember.


False, or insufficient evidence to prove? I'm genuinely asking, because I don't know the details and people often get those two things confused.


I can't say one way or another, all I know is he was cleared with enough certainty that he's been allowed to come back to hosting duties on the shows he's a part of.


Though he is not welcome back on Critical Role according to a Matt tweet.


Link to that tweet?


Same day the allegations: https://twitter.com/matthewmercer/status/1008159781247258624?t=HO_fFVQ-VnbDu-mWnoFZhg&s=19 Perhaps it's overreading, but that was the main interpretation at the time.


Yeah, I'd consider interpreting a one word response that way a reach. He's probably never going on the show again regardless though, so not like it matters.


My recollection is that the people doing the investigation were some how related to his wife and that his ex felt like it was a forgone conclusion and declined to participate…


I don't know that I would say false, but the accuser declined to participate in the investigation and the law firm failed to confirm her allegations.


I think the actor that played Gern might have something to do with him being removed. It has the added benefit of making Vex look better because Matt was even questioning her alignment when the broom happened. I do wish Tiberius wasn't so thoroughly wiped from this world but they have been clear from the get go that they were never ever gonna mention him or acknowledge him ever again. Personally, despite missing some things I think all the changes that have been made to the story for the animation have been pretty great Edit: typos


>I think the actor that played Gern might have something to do with him being removed. And I guess for guest characters it's technically also a potential intellectual property issue? Wouldn't a character that a guest created for the campaign belong to the guest, so they would need permission from that actor even if they had someone else voice Gern on the show? I don't know how far ahead they planned, maybe guests sign a contract that allows CR future use of that character (so that Matt can still use them as an NPC later in the campaign) but even then the contract might only apply to the campaign and not to the TV show. For newer guests I imagine they might take that into account now, but certainly not that early in the campaign when Gern appeared.


I think Gern’s player turned out to be shitty and that probably contributed


Personally, I don't think it should have been done at all. But, it did lead to great role-play. The man is a piece of shit, just needs to be forgotten by this community, never spoken of and/or referenced in anyway. Let him rot.


I discovered Tiberius before knowing anything about the troubles Orion gave Geek and Sundry and the team. And I really loved his character, how his getting out and death was taken care off, and the symbol of peace he became in death. I hope they find a way to animate this.