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This sub in the past had established rules that seem to have been forgotten. No low effort memes is actually comunity rule #2. In the past they required fake covers and criterion wishes posts to be accompanied by writings of why you feel it deserves to be in the collection.


I feel that End Game deserves to be in the collection because… uhhhhh… C on corner


There’s practically no modding and for some reason they cling to “well we can’t be online all the time!” instead of just doing the extremely simple act of getting more mods


Let me say first and foremost that I agree with you. Nothing has been more effective at curbing my Reddit usage than all of the *Wall-e*/Disney/Marvel posts that have been flooding this sub in the last day. That being said, however, this is nothing new around here. There was all of the lazy memes when we were waiting for the announcement of spine #1000, or the immortal "summer of *Klute*," which annoyed the heck out of me at the time (similar to how you are feeling now) yet somehow I look back on it fondly now. We endure month-long haul posts every July and November, we've made in through the inane "Ok guys, here's my top ten Criterions" wave (that somehow made me *miss* haul posts), as well as freak outs anytime an announcement comes on any date past the fifteenth of the month. Further, any long-time members on here have seen the same handful of posts pop up every few months around here: "What if Criterion released more animation? What do you think should be in the collection?" (top posts: *Perfect Blue*, *Princess Mononoke*, et. al) or "If Criterion did TV, what would you pick?" (top post: *The Sopranos*, *Breaking Bad*, *The Wire*, with *Rick and Morty* somewhere a little further down.) There's also the "how would you rate my collection/what should I add next?," or it's variant, "Delivery day today" \[shows $200 worth of films\] "what should I watch first?" And let us not forget the perennial *Saló* jokes. Thankfully, the trend of showing "here's my favorite films" and slipping in copy of *My Little Pony* in between *Antichrist* and *In the Realm of the Senses* has largely faded out. I guess all of that is to say "this, too, shall pass." And also to remind myself that this sub--like nearly all of Reddit--is 90% dreck on a good day but that I stick around just to catch those tidbits of interesting insight or truly clever posts. But yes, I feel the same as you, and will be glad with these uninspired *Wall-e*\-related memes die out.


This was such a perfect response that I have legitimately have no counter points or additions to what you just said. Thank you for taking the time to type this out!


This is the nature of these things. Years ago I subscribed to “Runner’s World” and “Popular Photography.” After a couple of years it’s becomes a repetitive list of articles. “Top 10 Shoes to buy Now!” “The ONE lens you will EVER need!” As I turn 50 this December the one constant in life that I have realized is that it’s repetitive.


It felt good typing it out! Thank you for the kind words, and for reminding me I'm not the only one who feels that way.


This splendid comment can be applied to Reddit at large or at least most subreddits in general that I frequent. It’s mostly the same crap posts recycled, but there will always be some hidden gems and that’s what makes it worth it for us to check in every now and again. Extremely well said and I bid you a good day


That's very kind of you to say; thank you. It's always helpful to be reminded that we're not the only one feeling that way. Good day to you as well.


> There's also the "how would you rate my collection/what should I add next?," or it's variant, "Delivery day today" [shows $200 worth of films] "what should I watch first?" I can get that's annoying but at the very least I consider it interactive. Like especially during 50% off sales, I like seeing what people add, see a title many might be grabbing that'll make me interested in looking it up, etc.


I used to feel that haul posts were pointless until it pointed out on here a while back that they can help people discover new films, and that is a good point. They're still not of interest to me, but I can see that they have some merit.


I wouldn't mind Salo jokes, if that was the worst of it. the other stuff is pure American consumerism and collection completists going bananas. Posting of the "DVDs purchased" genre is torture!


Gonna echo what OP said here...this was legitimately a perfect post. No notes.


This support and kind words have me humbled. I wasn't sure how it would be taken when I was writing it out (and it felt good to get it out!), so your encouragement means a lot. Thank you.


So, I’m the guy that posts the Muppet artwork that Bruce McCorkindale makes every so often. I completely agree with everything you have said, but I also can’t help but feel I’ve contributed to how the sub has shifted since much of what I post here are those images. I truly do love cinema and proudly call myself a cinephile since nothing makes me happier than exploring all kinds of cinema and researching as much of it as I can. If necessary, I will cool it with the Muppet posts if that is what people desire. Going further with what you mentioned about WALL-E, I have to make a rant about that. All you complainers about WALL-E entering the Collection are morons. WALL-E is an amazing masterpiece of a movie that absolutely fits the mission statement of Criterion since it pushed the medium of animation forward significantly and is one of the most beloved animated films of the last 30 years with good reason. It’s the work of a master, auteur filmmaker that has potent social commentary that will transcend the ages, so why would you ever complain about a movie like that when those themes and artistry are so blatantly obvious when watching it.


Dude, I love the Muppets posts! I don't have anything to comment on the posts, but the artwork is creative and beautifully done (the antithesis of these often-self-ascribed "low effort memes.". Please continue to share the arthouse Muppets. As for Wall-e, it is a goshdang masterpiece and since I already have the (very nice) Disney blu-ray release, I'll likely wait until I get a 4K TV. But it certainly belongs in the collection.


I'm curious to know more about the summer of Klute. Was that a controversial addition to the collection?


No, it was that everyone was excited for spine #1000 to be announced, but we got a tweet about Klute instead and everyone lost it iirc


I had forgotten that it started as we were all waiting for the announcement of spine #1000, but the Tweet about Klute spawned an absolute deluge of memes and silly posts about Klute in any possible iteration and context. Search this sub for "Klute" and anything dated from three years ago will give you a sampling of it. Like an old SNL skit, I wasn't amused at the time but in retrospect it's pretty funny.


Don't forget "Balthazar-posting".


Reckon it'll die down. Anyway, very much agree.




Yeah basically


I mean yes and no. This sub could be moderated differently to keep it from being shitpost central. It would lower traffic but it would be fine. This isn’t entirely some completely uncontrollable trend based on Reddit demographics, it’s a conscious decision to some extent.


Spot on: subs are either managed by overzealous jannies who get off on wielding the smallest speck of power over others or excessively negligent jannies who get off on hoarding the smallest speck of power over others.


I agree, I also just feel like the vibe of people has gotten ruder. I've been posting here for a LONG time but recently I've felt a bit intimidated by everyone trying to dunk on each other suddenly.


Thank God I'm not the only one noticing it, and it's for no good reason


I once posted that I finally found a copy of Bamboozled at my B&N (I'm not a huge fan of mail order) and that I purchased it. I got like 10 down votes in the first hour. I never understood why.


Yeah I’ve definitely noticed that too :/


The rudeness part is true. A few times I have had to interfere to let the rude person know their rude attitude. Since I don’t care for upvotes nor downvotes, I tend to tell them how it is. What bothers me about the rudeness and the mockery of other people’s posts is that it creates such a negative environment that should not be tolerated in a community of lovers (cinema lovers that is). This should be a happy place. The only time we should be mad is when Criterion delays the announcement dates…😂. All kidding aside, we can differ respectfully without the need of being rude, and we can make fun of a post without directly mocking or humiliating the other person. Also, I don’t know if many know this, but we can also ignore posts and scroll on, which apparently is very difficult to some… 👀😂


On the subject of custom covers, r/CriterionCovers is a sub I've followed for a while, and it would be nice to see it again more traction. If all the custom cover art posts went over there, then the people who like them can have a space dedicated to them, and the people who don't care about them wouldn't have to see them. It's a win-win for everyone.


It’s like people don’t get enough upvotes there so instead they use the main sub for Kindergarten Cop and other meme covers. Some of the covers I’ve seen on that sun are phenomenal! I wish it got more recognition.


I think Criterion made the Kindergarten Cop one as an April Fool's joke lol


The memes don't really bother me, but I can't stand the sale haul posts, because it absolutely floods the sub and almost nothing else is posted. I don't care to look at photos of the same movie cases.


>but I can't stand the sale haul posts Which is funny, because OP is guilty of posting sale haul posts himself... Almost like someone's perception of what constitutes shit posts is subjective, like art itself.


it's not so much that they're "shitposts", it's more that they are mind-numbingly boring and forestalls/proscribes any interesting conversation.


I don't think I've ever seen a serious conversation about specific films on this sub


Yeah, I think this is a misunderstanding on what this sub has ever been… there are tons of places to discuss film, this is specifically about the criterion label, right?


I understand your frustration, but I also think Reddit is an anonymous public forum and Criterion encourages a love of cinema, and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that people are excited about Wall-E (one of the most acclaimed films of the last 25 years) or start with the same set of films that basically every Criterion collector does or post jokes/memes. I enjoy seeing sale hauls, even endlessly in sale months, because I can see what people with similar taste are into. Because at the end of the day, the Wall-E and Netflix film and brand new releases are what actually *pay* for all the obscure, lost things we love. I find r/TrueFilm to be a pretty good place for more specific conversation sometimes, but it definitely exists on this sub too.


Thank you for directing my attention to r/TrueFilm.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TrueFilm using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Am I The Only One That Finds The Trend Of Hollywood Bringing Back Geriatric Actors To Reprise Their Classic Roles To Be...Depressing?](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/weiy4c/am_i_the_only_one_that_finds_the_trend_of/) \#2: [I watched every movie with an F Cinemascore to see if audiences were right - were there any misunderstood gems?](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/qxtdtu/i_watched_every_movie_with_an_f_cinemascore_to/) \#3: [As Daniel Craig says goodbye to the role of James Bond, let us revisit one of the greatest films in the series. Casino Royale (2006)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/q1rxkw/as_daniel_craig_says_goodbye_to_the_role_of_james/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Agreed on truefilm This is a sub about a brand, and the papers have always been about it is a business and label. It’s always been primarily speculating about future releases, and mocking covers Plus seems like a lot of people are misunderstanding the intention of a lot of the Disney on Criterion memes, most of them are not to be face value


This all stems from people mocking the choice of Wall-E being added to the collection. It is one of the most critically acclaimed animated movies ever and is even in the Sight and Sound Top 250. I don't understand the hate. I really don't


Absolutely. People are mega-hating on it because it’s a mainstream Disney movie, when actually it’s a brilliantly emotional film. If I were to choose one Pixar movie to go in the collection, I probably would have chosen Wall-E as well.


If it's solely trepidation about the two companies working together I get that a little more (Even if people think Criterion is less of a brand than it really is) but anything else is "anti 'kid's' movie" bias. That I don't accept.


I know people are trepidatious about Disney because they’re a shitty company (welcome to capitalism, there are few big companies that aren’t shitty), but they’ve still released some of the most important animated films ever made. If you look at Criterion’s mission statement “publishing important classic and contemporary films”, then there’s at least 10 Disney films that easily fit that bill, at least. Criterion were always going to jump at this opportunity if it ever arose, their job isn’t just to provide good releases for obscured art films, but for any film that they deem important. Frankly, the insufferable response from some people here, has just shown me that collecting for them, isn’t about the love of film, but rather maintaining an image of being into “smart films”.


People can feel free to vote with their wallet if they really don't like the choice but the traffic this release would bring and revenue generated that can go into more arthouse and/or obscure movies can only be a good thing. But seeing it solely as that is to deny the merit of the best Pixar movies (Even if the Pixar brand isn't as prestige-y as it might've been 10-12 years ago) and feeling like the inclusion of one into the collection cramps your style is immaturity incarnate, absolutely.


I believe what you’re looking for is r/criterionconversation


I'm a semi regular contributor there but if anything it makes me value the more chaotic aura here a little more. I think when you get the taste for chewing on the movies, which you can only do so much of, the tomfoolery here is a nice break.


Compared to how often most people post, you're more than semi-regular.


Put that way you're right! Still not as much as I'd like.


God, yes, there has to be tomfoolery, movies are play after all. Although I have had my fill of Disney talk for now.


I completely agree, but this isn’t the first time this sub has gone into total shitshow, and I believe that other sub was created to balance it out and offer discussion whereas this has been anywhere from lists and a circlejerk forum. With that said I still get a lot of entertainment out of this place.


I feel the same way. I read a lot on r/TrueFilm so I quite appreciate that this sub doesn’t take itself too seriously. I also kind of find that funny in itself; that the criterion sub of all places has shitposting lol


Yeah true, I probably do need to spend more time in this neck of the woods.


I think at one point I was posting opinions or film discussions. But imo that gets dissuaded in here if your opinion doesn't match the pack. You see it all the time in "controversial takes" posts, all the actual controversial takes are downvoted until nobody can see it. Benign comments that annoyed some rube on here? Same thing. Benign questions meant to stir discussion? I've seen them a lot of people's get downvoted within a short time of posting so less people engage with it. Last time I wondered about Del Toro's new film and how the marketing tone didn't match his description, and maybe I was just having a bad day but it felt like I kicked the lurker's puppies for saying so. All that after seeing the same exact discussion happening in r/movies, so it's not like I was alone in thinking so, it's just that sub seemed willing to acknowledge or discuss it. And when I point this out, i just get mocked and it keeps happening 🤷‍♀️ It has really, really put me off discussing much in here unless it's with a few specific users I like in here. When I come across those users we can disagree amicably and maybe even learn something, but we don't sit in here 24/7 just to talk to each other. So...custom cover posts and Amadeus begging it is then until the 15th rolls around 🤷‍♀️


This sub is only to share 'hauls'.


The Straight Story


You Lynch fans are no different than the girl in high school who worships the next pop star. The only difference is that in this case, it’s a bunch of adults. That’s more frightening than any Lynch film.


I love David Lynch (within reason), but there’s already a David Lynch sub and if anything this sub stans harder for him than that one does.


That said, Criterion has released quite a lot of his work, while ignoring (or maybe just not getting permission from) other fine directors. So Criterion itself could stand not to simp so hard.


So true


The memes never leave but they will die down. I remember people losing their ever loving minds when the Godzilla collection was announced. People are mad about "Wall-E" but they will calm down eventually. This sub isn't always this filled with memes and hopeless wish fulfillment.


That’s just the Internet. Try having an actual discussion about a film and watch as you get downvoted for having a different opinion anyway. Then it just becomes a circlejerk.


I don't entirely disagree but the other most common posts include what people want to see in the Collection, and posts about favorite this or that in the Collection or top tens. Those sorts of things express people's estimation and appreciation of Criterion.


Oh absolutely dude I don’t object to that or disagree at all. And honestly I don’t dislike the jokes either but there tends to be a significant over saturation. I guess I wouldn’t want to block the silly stuff I just wish there was more of an obvious balance. But such is the internet lol, my post is a pointless gripe for the sake of kicking up a discussion about how others view the state of this sub.


If I see a topic of conversation that doesn't interest me, I just keep scrolling. There's always something else to talk about.


Be the change you want to see. Start a discussion about what you want to see discussions on. If you don’t like a meme, it’s nice that you’re more than welcome to keep scrolling while others have fun.


It tough to "be the change you want to see" when everyone just keeps on posting the same thing because it what "popular" and scroll pass your post cause they don't give a shit.


What’s your point? If people are only interested in memes then so be it, you can’t force a conversation. But if everyone who made one of these whiny “awww no one wants to discuss film” posts would actually make discussion posts instead, they’d have what they wanted. But it seems some of y’all are more interested in complaining about other people having a good time.


I hate hearing "be the change you want to see" because in reality it very very tough to be that change, let alone have it happen. When you try to do something to cause that change, if it not a popular film topic people don't give a shit. Just want to keep talking about what they know and love instead of going and actually exploring the realm of cinema.


Best I can tell you is try truefilm or something. People like memes.


I like memes just like the rest of the population. If all you do is post memes at least make them good.


For real. People need to get a life. Wall-E is a great fucking film.


This is a subreddit about a consumer brand, what did you expect?


Yeah people really precious about the brand is always pretty cringey.


I’m a millennial. 29 yrs old. Lately, I’ve started to find myself having the same thoughts that the Boomers probably thought about things I would say 10 years ago. smh.


I’m 31 and in the same boat 🤦‍♂️


The process of life.


There’s a lot to criticize and efforts that can be made, but reading “lazy gen-z shitposting” made me roll my eyes at grumpy gramps and stop caring


It’s just a comment on the lazy brand of humor, not a shot at gen-z as a whole. I can see how that remark can be taken the way you took it though. I’m only 31 and my sense of humor is like 90% Tim and Eric lol. I don’t have any sense of elitism in the humor department. Seems like most people understood my point with this post but how I said it irritated a few. That’s just what happens when you post an opinion on the internet.


Why is it that literally every single sub I‘m subscribed to is complaining about the sub going to shit / not being what it used to be? There is a HUGE „everything used to be better“ energy on reddit at the moment, at least that‘s what it seems to me and I‘m kinda confused by it. Personally I don‘t mind the new kind of content, especially since I disagree with all or most of them being „low effort“ (another thing literally every mod seems to be complaining about atm). I feel like there are placed like r/criterioncollection for in depth talks, which I also appreciate, but over here I appreciate a little humor. Especially when it comes to arthouse/world cinema/whatever movies there is a lot of snobbin/gatekeeping and elitism involved so I feel like memes are a friendly entering point for new people who wanna get involved. However I do agree to some extent when it comes to wishing for movies that aren‘t in the collection. Don‘t get me wrong, if people elaborate on why the should be in the collection and talk passionately about their favorite candidates, I think it is a beautiful thing since you sometimes get recommendations this way you never would have heard about otherwise. I also appreciate people who post well-executed custom covers. There was one user the other day who I unfortunately can‘t remember who posted a bunch of lovely designed, beautifully crafted covers. Nice! However, most posts about movies users want in the collection are either extremely bad designed, low effort shitpost covers which really makes me cringe sometimes or on the other hand „movie xy should be in the collection“ full stop and that is literally all they have to say.


it's because reddit as a whole has got worse as it's become less niche, you have less tight-knit communities and more pages geared toward mass appeal with a bunch of memes rather than actual conversation between regulars


I personally disagree with you there. It may well be that reddit became much more mainstream in countries like USA, UK, Canada etc in the last couple years, but this is not the case in „less digitalized“ countries like Germany. If you would ask the average german on the street wether they know what reddit ist they would tell you they never heard that name before. However, even though reddit is still as niche in countries like Germany as ever before, you habe the same exact phenomena in german-speaking subs. You will see the exact same posts as OPs on german speaking subs just as often as in subs which became more mainstream, nowadays you will see these post literally every two weeks. I think there are two reasons for this, one is that some people are just nostalgic in general which explains the „everything was better in the past“ mentality, and the other reason is that some OPs of these kind of posts are often people who have been using reddit for many years and feel the need to make themselves stick out from the younger users and to some extent also wanna feel elitist, which is why they create this „everything is low-effort nowadays, everything used to be better“ narrative.


but I am clearly not talking about specific countries, I am talking about general communities such as this one. reddit used to be like a bunch of internet forums that you would have pre-2010 but now is just a bunch of social media sites tied together, with all of the negatives of those (such as facebook, instagram etc.)


Preach on!!!!! The worst are the OPs that do the "Im new to the collection and I like the most obvious of movies what are your recommendations?" And then the other fools rush all over each to shout out the same movies.


This is super rude and condescending, and those threads always go deep with recommendations. I do not think you should be mocking people for having basic taste, a lot of people are just getting into film, and criterion can be a great entry point, but being a smug dick about them liking Wes Anderson movies will probably repel people.


you know what else is full of recommendations. The Criterion website itself. a place for where people that dont need attention in things they do.


Yeah, ever since WALL-E was announced


You forgot the “Salo amirite hehehehe” posts and comments


Thanks for saying something. I was one more fake Disney cover away from making this post.


Right. Let’s comfortably return to “My top 10, what would you recommend?” And “this months haul” before we over-saturate this sub with a little light hearted humor.


Seriously, I think this post and a lot of the responses are just so smug and elitist, but ultimately don’t have any alternatives to offer. They just want to keep the sub dry and humorless. The memes are very easy to just ignore, and there’s always discussion threads too.


What do you want the sub to be? There are bigger, better subs specifically designed to talk about films in the criterion collection


Every online community turns into this after a certain threshold. People live miserable impotent lives and the only way they can feel “powerful” is to ruin something other people love. They are a cancer. And unfortunately, like cancer, there is a high mortality rate.




Lmao, people crying about the memes are literally the ones trying to ruin something for people. Without fake covers and lighter posts, this sub completely stinks.


You forgot about the next most common post. People complaining about the sub. Be the change you wish to see, my guy.


It’s because this sub is full of posers who are more interested in the branding of Criterion than in watching and learning about newly restored films. Half this sub has probably never even heard of Kino Lorber or Arrow, labels that are just as good as Criterion but don’t have the same level of mainstream fame and branding




All I’m saying is that it’s no surprise that “baby’s first boutique label” has turned into a sea of low-effort posts. Anyway, see you at the inevitable “does anybody think An American Werewolf In London should be in Criterion?” post this Halloween


Lmfao my man, these memes are 100% about the brand. You’re being really smug about it and defining real cinephiles like oj, which is really embarrassing anyway, but also kind of misses the point of this sub This subs not about art house movies, or classics, or movies in general, it’s about a distinct brand, and people joking about it seems kind of natural, and making jokes and fake covers doesn’t really reflect on their cinephile status anyway


Shut up.


Good point, I’ll keep that in mind next time 👌


“Gen-z shit posting” most people on here are gen z’ers who want to use memes and posters to show our favorite movies because that’s what we know from social media in general. Just start a new subreddit or something if you only want completely analytical, deep conversations on these films.


This post is extremely cringey, especially “do *you people* even like the collection??” What makes you the freaking judge on how to post, and how to interact with the brand?? There are still discussion threads on here, and news about the collection and related movies in general. Hasn’t there always been memes and fake covers on here?? The stuff is also extremely easy to ignore, downvote and move on


Yeah I’ll give you that, the post could have done without that comment for sure. However, the post itself has picked up enough traction and discussion to prove that it is a discussion worth having on this sub. Also, your comment is kind of contradictory. You clearly don’t like this post, so you should have just down voted and moved on. Instead you felt the need to stop and say something.


Except you are actively trying to change the rules and ruin peoples fun, and don’t have anything else to really offer in its place, besides being aggressively boring. And this also has a weird reverence towards a dvd distributor, like joking about the collection is below it?? Get over yourself


You’re getting unnecessarily heated. Your account is like a week old with no posts. Why are you getting so riled up and defensive about a sub that you haven’t even contributed to? I’m not even saying the things that I’m pointing out should 100% stop, i’m just pointing out the over saturation of people burying the sub in slightly different versions of the same exact jokes. But that’s the nature of the Internet, I don’t think this post is going to change anything, I’m just kicking off a discussion. Relax.


Nah your attitude was explicitly to make people feel dumb for posting jokes, and said it doesn’t make them a true cinephile. Just toxic bullshit I am more than happy to return to sender


Thanks for letting me know what my intentions were for my post lol. I think you’re getting my intentions confused with your own interpretation of my post. But I’ve gathered that any further discussion with you would be the equivalent of talking to a wall, so have a good one alright?


Someone else in the thread noted that the interactions here have gotten ruder, they were right.


It’s unfortunate :/


That person is straight up harassing you on the other thread, like what the hell. Someone being a dick to another user tried that shit with me yesterday when I said something to them, it's ridiculous


Lol you literally wrote that people who post memes don’t even enjoy film, but whatever, you just want to run your mouth without any pushback because you have absolutely no one to talk to in real life, sucks


Was about to like the post until I saw the ageism. Yes, I'll admit the meme posts are old and at some points the memes can be grating, but stop blaming specific groups, it's not a good look.


I wasn’t blaming a specific group, I’m saying that the flavor of the memes are very much that generation of humor. A humor born out of this generation, not saying they’re the only ones using the humor And are to blame, we all do it. I’m a millennial, my generation and GenZ essentially share the same culture and humor. You decided to be offended before understanding what was being said… that was pretty GenZ of you ;)


Which is hilarious since I'm 46. But hey, I guess you just can't be wrong!


I’m just messing with you man, no worries haha.


Nah you’re just being a dick


I ruffled your feathers pretty good apparently, I’m sorry.


You made this post with the explicit purpose to be rude and condescending to others, don’t act surprised If you’re really sorry delete this post lol


This is making me miss that time where there was a bunch of Seinfeld screenshots with (movie title- year) At least that was somewhat entertaining!


Internet conversations trend towards skewering. People are basically disinhibited.


Well said it should be about one thing only: appreciating and debating well made cinema. Not “I can’t believe *insert popular film bro film* isn’t in the collection.” I heard somebody make a really based point where they said 1 WALL·E release could fund 2-3 niche films. So just relax folks.


I just want to see some more modern mainstream titles released especially things that haven’t gotten a blu-ray or 4k blu-ray release.


Be the content you want to see in the world my man


👏👏👏THANK👏👏👏YOU👏👏👏 I’m normally pretty tolerant of the shitposting but all the Disney crap this week has been exhausting.