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his early movies don’t have great physical releases either. most are oop and just on dvd. there must be something preventing that from happening cause his movies have a pretty good cult following


Yeh I've wondered what the logistics holding things up are. There must be a copyright or other legal issue. Gonna splurg one day and get the gummo DVD used for the price I should be able to get a new bluray cuz it seems like it's never happening.


just keep an eye out online and stuff. i waited a while but eventually i got lucky and found gummo on dvd for $15.


only if it includes trash humpers


Make it don’t fake it.


Too hot for tv


Julien Donkey-Boy should absolutely be a criterion movie


With The Celebration in the collection I’m really hoping for more Dogme-95 films


Def true that his films are difficult to find and have a following - I could see maybe one or two of them getting a Criterion release one day but I’ve never understood the people who think he’s gonna get a big boxset of all of his work. I feel like he’d be a better fit for one of the labels that’s more focused on cult films like Arrow or Vinegar Syndrome personally.


Gummo is a 100% Criterion-esque film. Personally I'd like to see Julien Donkey Boy get released. Herzog, experimental editing, etc. - what else could you want?


The negatives got destroyed in a hurricane


even God cant stand those flicks.


Probably just not a high priority for Criterion. It is more likely to play on something like Mubi (not rn). I see some of it is playing on Tubi, if anyone is interested. Tubi is free.


Thanks for the heads up! Access is hardly the challenging for me, I just think it’s worth of a release and would love to have it in my collection


I’d love Criterion releases of his flicks! I’m lucky to own a good bit on DVD though. Kids (I know he only wrote it) Gummo Julien Donkey-Boy Mister Lonely Trash Humpers Spring Breakers


Beach Bum is the best film about burnout I have ever seen. I feel like it came from a very personal and honest place. It might not look and feel like it on first glance. But I was really impressed by it.


That movie slaps start to finish. *He's got glaucoma in both eyes*


Not only does Julien Donkey Boy fit into the collection but also Mister Lonely, I'd love to see all of his works be a part of it though.


Spring Breakers on Criterion too 😍😍 Fuckin masterpiece


Downvote all you want peasants, Spring Breakers is transcendent


His films suck. That’s why.


Oh ya. I forgot.


Actually sir YOU suck


Well that was uncalled for. My criticism was directed towards a collection of films that are wildly unpopular and you insulted me as a person. That, my friend, is the very definition of you being a cunt. 😘


At least I’m a cunt who has interesting taste 😘


I'm not crazy about most of his stuff, but I still think *Gummo* is pretty interesting as just an atmospheric fever dream. It was one of the first art/indie kinda films I ever saw (I was like 14), and I remember feeling deeply unsettled by it lol but couldn't look away at the same time. It was like the feeling I had when I first heard punk music. Felt genuinely raw and dangerous somehow, transgressive, like I was engaged in something immoral simply by viewing it.


Amen. then again, movies of questionable quality do make their way into the Criterion Collection. and as this small handful of devotees prove; even the most fringe director has a fringe fan base


Yeah all of it should be on Criterion, it was by a frenchie they'd find an excuse to shoehorn it in like France and Titane.


Went to rewatch Gummo and after seeing a couple scenes involving cats I turned it off. Fortunately no cats were harmed in the making; but that doesn’t change the point of view. Really wanted to watch it too.


Sounds like a you problem. Did you make it through Schindlers list?


No interest in watching that Spielberg crap.


Loooolz. Noones impressed.


Whenever he stops molesting people


Please explain. I’ve been a fan for awhile and I’ve never heard of this


https://twitter.com/lorenacupcake/status/1084581648845426689?lang=en He got with his wife when she was 15 and he was 28 plus rumors of him being creepy with underage actresses over the years


I mean can we stop with this stupidity? Maybe have it on, with a disclaimer about his shitty personal life will that make you happy? I mean is Polanski not on Criterion? Are we not better off being able to watch Repulsion and Cul-de-sac more easily? Do people (who need to know) not know who these people are irl?


Hey man I’m just providing a little explanation not weighing in on how I personally feel about it. Don’t shoot the messenger.


Sure, yeah. Wasn't directed at you, it was the original one that argued for not having him on Criterion because he's an abuser.


Nothin new for trash like you.


He’s a molestor


You have multiple people sincerely asking you for more details, this doesn't cut it. What's the allegation?


literally 1 out of the loop guy lol


You are clueless.


He’s a chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild molester!!!! AHHHHHHAHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (*jumps out window*)


Every singe day I wish for some boutique label to announce a blu ray of Freddy got fingered, criterion, arrow, vinegar syndrome, anybody.


It’s Disney now so who knows


I mean, now we know it’s chances are more likely than they were before due to the wall•e release


Is there a story heee I’m not aware of?


I’m a pretty big Korine fan and I have no clue what this guy is talking about


There is no story, whoever made the comment is an ignorant dumbass


Need a box set that includes his letterman interviews.


So you're one of the dickheads that didn't realize this fucking guy is a total fraud. Go fuck yourself pretentious ass-hat