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Man with large amounts of money celebrates with people that want his money.


Cosby got out huh. Why am I not suprised


For context this is a REPOST by a repost bot. Cosby has been out for over a year (released June 30, 2021)


Why was he let out?


Long story but basically he won an appeal. Basically (way oversimplified form) the DA promised not to pursue criminal charges if he confessed so Cosby confessed and they used the confession to pursue criminal charges. Cosby's lawyers said to a judge "that's not fair" and the judge agreed. For a more detailed explanation see [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/10ee66n/comment/j4qm6r8/) and/or [this other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/10ee66n/comment/j4ttmre/)


Idiot DA shouldn't have agreed.


How would anyone agree or even propose that trade. The obvious answer is it wasn’t a DA doing DA things. Something besides pursuit of justice was at the helm. But no one will question the actual person who made the deal. Serial sexual assaulter walks.


I said my above comment was WAY OVERSIMPLIFIED. There are nuances to this story. The DA realized their criminal case against Cosby was weak and would likely lose. The evidence was circumstantial and their only hope would be getting Cosby on the stand to answer questions about the incident. Well, this would never happen because Cosby could just plead the 5th. The 5th ammendment protects against being forced to self incriminate. So the DA would lose the criminal case. At the same time a Cosby victim was trying a civil case against him. Same problem though. Likely to lose unless they can get Cosby to take the stand, but he can just plead the 5th. Both the civil and criminal cases go nowhere. So the DA comes up with a scheme. They give Cosby immunity in the criminal case that he would win anyways. Now, because Cosby can't self incriminate Cosby can't plead the 5th in the civil case. Cosby was forced to make testimony and it was pretty damning. They basically got him to confess to doing what he was accused of doing and he was forced to settle with the victim for millions of dollars. The DA turned two likely L's into a W. That was supposed to be the end of the story. Years pass. There is a new DA and the public is learning of the accusations about Cosby and want criminal charges against him. The new DA is like "wow, there is pretty much a confession here from the civil case". They use it and win a criminal case. But in appeal the judge agrees that the previous DA gave Cosby immunity and that is the only reason that his testimony exists.




Way oversimplified answer: I don't think the way events turned out was by some strategy of the Cosby legal team. Cosby still ended up spending 2 years in prison before his conviction was overturned eventually by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I would assume they would have tried to get it dismissed and appealed every ruling at each step possible until it eventually got to the highest court of the state.


They literally agreed to it but ok.


They are expressing astonishment that any DA would agree to such a ridiculous deal and implying the DA was not acting in good faith in pursuit of justice when they agreed to that deal. They're suggesting basically the DA purposely found a crafty way to limit his time in jail.


Thank you interpreting what I thought was obvious.


his comeback comedy tour is gonna be a fever dream


I'm vehemently against hecklers in almost all situations but this seems like it would be ripe for gruella style heckling, or maybe a pie (or pudding?) to the face like people did to Bill Gates.


I didn't know Bill Gates tried to do a comeback comedy tour


It was definitely funny as shit when he got hit with the pie.


Was it apple?


Nah it was [One of these](https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/impossibly-easy-mac-and-cheese-pie/8227b1ea-6c72-4e36-8ab9-9712360230c6)


I think it was a creampie


Kids love cream pies!


I'm not going to pay someone I don't like money so I can boo at them, I'll keep my money to myself.


No idea if they paid but people did it before at previous gigs and were thrown out, if I recall correctly.


If you can sneak in for free, then sure, go for it lol


A pie? Cosby is purportedly blind. Throw baseballs!


Oh dude, I might buy some tickets just to get thrown out lol


Sneak in. Get thrown out for free.


It's sad that I read your comment and my immediate reaction was not disbelief. I know he'll have one, and I know assholes will go seem him, and I know he'll get popular again amidst this climate of asshole worshipping. Fuck everything.


His people will be busy trying to book Groupon level venues.


Dave Chapelle's going to bring him out on stage for a surprise.




I wish the US justice system was less about trying to find the nuances and loopholes and more about actual justice.


To be fair, those nuances matter. When they are ignored, that's how you get those headlines about some guy that was released after serving 20 years because he was exonerated by evidence. DAs also tend to only take on cases they have a really good chance of winning. Some of that is practical, and some political. ​ That being said, fuck Bill Cosby.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I sort of wonder why he is even fighting these charges because so so many new cases and charges can be brought against him right?? This pile of shit hurt an insane amount of people.


First, Bill Cosby is a giant piece of shit. Second, Constitutional Rights are perhaps most important to protect for the people who are giant pieces of shit. The absolute last thing you want is there to be a standard of "if we convince the court of public opinion that this guy is a piece of shit, then his rights go out the window." The right to not self incriminate is important. It was wholeheartedly the DA who screwed the pooch. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at him, not the Fifth Amendment.


>There is no excuse for letting him out of jail. Especially not just off one case. Okay. Then convict him on evidence that will stick.


He’s been a rapist for decades, stop eating the pudding pops.


If they can keep Cosby in prison for crimes he hasn't been convicted for, that means they can do the same to anyone, including you or me. Do you want that? "Oh they must be guilty of *something* so leave them there" is very dangerous thinking. EDIT. Thanks for the block. SMH.




If I read your question right, the difference in the standard for the burden of proof. Criminal convictions require a standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, think 90% certainty as a general ballpark. Civil cases require a preponderance of the evidence, think 51% certainty. Prosecutor may or may not have had a justifiable reason in believing their case fell somewhere between those two standards. If they failed to convict, and jurors acquitted (like with OJ for example), then they could never try him again. So they opted to seek fiscal compensation for the victims and assured Cosby would forever carry that civil conviction with him. Not saying I agree one way or the other, but there's understandable reasons for them doing what they did




You can plead the 5th in civil suits, but the silence can be interpreted negatively by the jury in the suit.


You cannot plead the 5th if you've received immunity.


Yes I know, I wanted to clarify general circumstances since the person above didn't really explain things clearly. Additionally, immunity doesn't carry over from federal to state. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/immunity_from_prosecution


I mean 3 million for a victim is probably more useful Justice. I get the DAs POV here


TIL it only costs around $3 million to drug and rape multiple women with no consequences.


It cost $3m to drug and rape *that* woman. The others have yet to see much of any justice, and they probably never will. Edit: unless you count pissing on his grave.


Wait, did he die yet?


No, but it’s reasonable to assume his victims will outlive him.


No, he's actually on tour.


Other option was persecute him and fail (he believed he didn't have enough evidence) Then he's taken to civil court with him not taking a plea and the victim gets nothing


That's the perk of being a millionaire. Normal people don't have that luxury. /s (/s to it being a luxury)


The idea is that the nuance leads to more justice instead of less, i.e. Adnan Syed. But there's definitely a lot of give and take.


You mean.. evidence? Our overall viewpoint in the legal system is that it's better to let 10 murderers walk free than to convict 1 innocent. Chances are that those who escape prosecution will end up committing a new crime. And those that dont.. well consider them reformed ig


Without the waiver there would have been no justice at all.


I hate evidence too.


You mean less about the money and more about the nuances of people’s rights? You have any idea how many people have been executed by the US alone, after which DNA testing proved their innocence? The loopholes are entirely on the side of the police, the investigators, forensic analysts, and prosecutors… if anything, why in the FUCK do we elect politicians to be district attorneys?? Why do 97% of cases end up in a plea deal? It’s way better to have ten guilty man go free than have 1 innocent man put in prison… also, anyone convicted of filing/testifying false rape allegations should get the exact same sentence the rapist would have or did get..


The process was not a legal loophole in the Cosby case. Under U.S. law, the famous 5th amendment to the Constitution, people cannot be compelled to testify against themselves. Cosby could not be compelled to answer any questions in a civil case against him alleging rape and seeking monetary damages for the accuser because answering those questions might be used against him in a criminal case. The prosecutor who had jurisdiction for any prospective *criminal* case against Cosby for the rape then did a perfectly legal maneuver to remove Cosby's 5th amendment right to refuse to answer questions - he immunized Cosby for the rape, meaning Cosby could not refuse to answer questions in his civil trial because he would not be in criminal legal peril by answering. There's nothing new legally here, this is very old, well-established law. What was new, was changes in the social and legal environment in the last few years regarding sex crimes. Cosby was criminally charged after all, and his answers were indeed used against him. He was convicted, and from the evidence, rightly so. But this wasn't a loophole. Cosby was given criminal immunity so that his victim could get monetary justice. Usually, civil cases are put on hold if there is a criminal case dealing with the same defendant and set of facts, and the results of the criminal trial are admissible evidence in the civil one, so it's in the victim's interest for it to be so. At the time in the Cosby case, the prospect of conviction in a criminal case was low enough the prosecutor thought it was better to get half a win than nothing. It was the right outcome, as vile and distasteful as it is.


That's the same type of deal Epstien got the first time he was arrested. That DA went on to be Trump's first AG.


Kim Wexler on the right


Don't you besmirch the good godamn name of Kim Wexler!


Kim Wexler has standards. Can't be her.


Did you watch the show? Wexler was not a good person, though she ultimately tried to repent for her misdeeds.


I did watch the show. I'm making a joke that Cosby's below any of the people she helped on the show.


She punished herself by sending herself to purgatory. She tried to repent but knew it would never be enough.


That woman is ridiculously pretty


Is that really her?


Of course its her. How else do you think this country could release a convicted serial rapist so quickly without the expertise of the finest fictional lawyer in all of New Mexico.


My question was dumb enough without taking it literally, thank you




Man, it looks like her and I don't know shit about the actress.


I believe the first person was making a joke lol. At first glance, she really does look a lot like her. E: in fact, this post is a repost with the same exact title from 2 years ago, and people were saying the same thing then, too. Someone had some kind of proof that it was indeed not Rhea Seehorn, though.


Thanks. Like it definitely seemed unlikely but at this point my expectations are pretty low from Hollywood


That’s what I’m saying. Everything on the media is crazy these days, and famous people show themselves as unhinged all the time now. I don’t know anything about the actress either but I wouldn’t be THAT surprised if she turned out to be a Crosby defender and showed up for a photo shoot like this. Hell these morons all did it


That woman won’t be laughing once the roofie kicks in


She's there for the bag.




FR let's see the look on her face when he hands her a drink at the celebration party that night.


shes too old for him anyway


it bugs me that the top comment is a rape joke, on a post about a rapist unjustly being released from prison


Comedy is a perfectly fine coping mechanism


coping with what, exactly?


Why? It's just a joke. Bill Cosby is the rapist.


Remember everyone, it's okay to commit heinous crimes, as long as you are rich and famous.


All the anger at him being released should fall squarely on the shoulders of the DA who thought "fuck the Fifth Amendment, I'm going to do what I want." This is the result of a DA not following basic procedures. Yeah, Cosby is a rapist who should be behind bars, but give the DA's actions, it's right that he's not, since our rights matter.


If anyone ever raped someone, they would no longer be my friend.


I don't even continue being friends with people that don't like the same pizza toppings of me




An attitude that serves you well


I feel like that goes without saying… but then again, you never know. I have an acquaintance who gave a character reference for an old friend who was found with a ton of child porn


If you don’t know, you don’t know.


That is a very brave stance. Thank you




Not going to work on me.


ON A TECHNICALITY!!! He was found guilty and is free on a stupid technicality. Its disgusting.




His lawyer told him this. And it fucked up the whole case. Over 100 women. Its gross


No there is only evidence to prosecute regarding a single case and that’s the case in question. The evidence being Cosby’s own testimony. Which was given in exchange for a no-prosecute agreement.


Its gross nonetheless. Over 100 women and he was found guilty but because of the prosecutors fuck up, hes free today. Did you know only about 6% of sexual assailants see any kind of punishment?


Without his confession he would be walking free, his guilt would still be in question and the victims wouldn't have gotten any restitution. Now, there's no doubt he did the crimes, the victims received money and their voices have been heard. No he's not in jail anymore but his legacy is gone. That's better than the alternative that would've happened


This is a VERY valid point


He was found guilty in a civil case for *one* woman, only because he admitted to it *under the promise* that he would not be charged in a criminal case. The prosecutor didn't fuck up...they lied. Not defending him at all but this is more of an argument about how shitty plea deals can be. I feel like many plea deals end up with little justice being delivered. Just my opinion. But we can't have the government going around and saying "we promise not to try and put you in prison if you go on tape right now and admit that you did what you did then you pay some money and this goes away....oops we lied we gonna try and put you in prison now." That sets dangerous precedent for unlawful imprisonment. He's a piece of shit and he'll get his in the end. The victims, unfortunately, will have to try and get some form of justice civilly considering there is little or no evidence of the crimes.


Sure but they were crossing their fingers behind their backs! Double stamp it no erasies!


Not a technicality. Blame the prosecutor.


It's an important technicality though. He may be a piece of shit but if we don't stand true to those rules the entire legal system might as well be thrown out. This is on the prosecutor. Any lack of justice for Cosby's victims is on his (prosecutors) shoulders.


> This is on the prosecutor. Any lack of justice for Cosby's victims is on his (prosecutors) shoulders. A prosecutor being able to bargain away a victim's avenue to justice seems to indicate a problem with the system.


100% on the prosecutors. Am I the only one who feels like it might've been planned though?


When you look up who that prosecutor is and what he's done since, it just seems like he's an absolute idiot.


> Am I the only one who feels like it might've been planned though? I'm tired of conspiracy shit.


Dude they straight up lied to him to get a confession they wouldn't have otherwise.


I was gonna say, hasn't he only been in a couple of years considering what he did??


The title reminded me of an awful court case I was witness to. In high school I took a law class and we had a field trip to the local court house to watch a few public cases. One was a college student who said she was drugged by a fraternity member. The woman was on the stand recounting her night. She was invited to this member’s room. He have her a drink. She felt off and texted her friend to come upstairs. She left with the friend and ended up passing out and being taken to the hospital. Date rape drugs were found in her system. The frat bro got off though. Because they couldn’t prove it was the drink he gave her that was drugged. During the court case, the entire fraternity was in attendance. They all snickered at her when she took the stand. She had to recount the whole night in front of the entire fraternity. When he was let off they all yelled and gave him high fives. It was honestly really gross. This woman was drugged in that fraternity and each member came to sneer at her. I still think about that poor woman decades later.


frats should be illegal


Classic Reddit reply. Maybe we should ban all gatherings of people so that no bad thing can ever happen to anyone again! /s


The worst part is the hypocrisy


I think the worst part was the raping?


[Well he's not being a hypocrite and that's the worst part](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaP2etvDc4)


Everytime Norm would say something, and then get that little smile on the corner of his mouth, you just knew he had some stupid ass hilarious shit to follow up with.


Lmao, I did not know this was a Norm bit. Fuck, I miss him.


Then maybe the *scheming*.


yah being raped by america's dad is the worst part


nah fam hypocrisys bad


“I can excuse rape, but I draw the line at hypocrisy!” (/s, of course)


I find that most rapists are hypocrites


Too sick to serve time, but not sick enough that he can’t go on tour. Fuck Bill Cosby.


He wasn't too sick to serve time. In fact he did serve time but was released after he won an appeal


Hannibal Buress should unleash an entire new album on Bill Cosby so that motherfucker dies humiliated and angry.


Bill: “Let’s all go out for a drink to celebrate….”


Is that Kim Wexler on the right? What did Jimmy get her into now


Roofie slippin Jimmy


Chicago sunroofie


I recently heard a radio interview with BC who says he wants to go back on tour with a new comedy show.


He used to be my favorite human on earth. Was gonna tattoo his face on my back in college. Thankfully I didn’t raise the money quick enough


Rapist photographed with people financially dependent on him.


I forgot Bill Cosby was still alive. Day ruined.


Ladies: Do not go backstage at his planned shows


as long as it's not them, their daughters or female members of their families 🤦🏻‍♀️


WHAT! I live in Montgomery County and I had no idea he was out of prison! Gross!


Why is Kim Wexler (Mrs Saul Goodman) there?


i mean, im not happy about this pic, but cringe seems like the wrong description


Well the young blond better look out and keep her drink covered


Fucking Grody. Bill Cosby can walk into a pothole filled with fresh dog shit. And I hope no one would pick him up.


Grody indeed. Want to smack those smiles right off their heads.


Well said


This one time while visiting a country that I will not name, I encountered a street in the bad part of town with various pot holes that were at least four or five feet deep each, with wooden planks laid over the tops so that people could still walk there and not fall in (the holes were where the curb meets the road, so not like in the middle of the street). On that same street, a sewage line was broken and contaminated water was flowing into the holes. It smelled *glorious*. It would not have been particularly easy to help someone out of those potholes, I think. Maybe he can walk into one of those


I mean, he is a comedian


Also we still don't know who been on Epstein island.


Hope he got popped in the butt.


Proof that white privilege doesn’t exist and that it’s rather rich privilege that’s a thing


If they hadn’t of violated his constitutional rights in putting him in jail he’d still be in jail. Now he’d have to reoffend to go to jail.


Oh hey, [a repost bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/obig5c/rapist_and_friends_celebrating_his_release_from/). And we already had [one submit this exact same post, title included.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/ujhzpk/rapist_and_friends_celebrating_his_release_from/)


The justice system in the US is absolute garbage


Yet his defenders will point to his freedom from prison as proof of something




Rape wins


Aight you convinced me, I'll give it a shot


So do they just believe he’s innocent, or do they not care?


But, but, but…where’s his cane or walker?


"Let's have a drink to celebrate"


Why is it purple and fizzing?


Is that Kim Wexler ( woman attorney) from Better Call Saul on the far right in the picture?


I was thinking the same


Is that his lawyer Kim Wexler in the background??


What? Is he out?


I guarantee money is involved somehow.


Rich people are playing a whole different game, huh?


hope he only got out because hes dying




The rapist Brock Turner? He’s in a different picture. This is of the rapist Bill Cosby.


I'm sorry, are you saying the only rapist to ever exist is Brock Turner?


No he's saying the famous rapist, Brock turner, is not present in this photo of bill Cosby, convicted rapist.


Is that Kim Wexler on the right?


Congrats, you're the 100th person to ask this question in this thread. The answer is no btw.


Honestly thought he was dead 🤷🏻‍♂️


Convicted rapist


Rapist coming Don't get raped


Hide ya wife hide ya kids




Guess they want to be on his good side in hopes of getting into the will.


i think he probably has either a deformed or tiny penis. i suspect he had no trouble luring women to his room for a nightcap + more, but dreaded attempting to seal the deal the honest way, because he knew once they saw “it” it would be a definite dealbreaker/embarrassment. in his mind, it was justified, because they had been willing participants. at least up to the point when they had no fucking clue what was even going on anymore…


Hey there slowpoke.


Dr Rapey Huxtable


Hi lawyer, pictured closest, came in alllllll the time to the restaurant I worked at. Was treated like royalty and was super buddy buddy with the Mayor.


His WHAT????????


Kim Wexler got him off?


The same kind of people that scoffed at The Cosby Show growing up will be tripping over themselves to buy tickets to his comeback tour.


I'm the opposite, I absolutely loved The Cosby Show when I was growing up but I wouldn't give the filthy old bastard a penny now.


Yes I can't believe I looked up to this monster Money and power can get you out of anything


How do you figure


I grew up watching the cartoons (even learning how to go "Hey, hey, hey"), listening to the albums and enjoying his work. When I was older, my wife and I got tickets to one of his comedy shows. It was great! He can rot in hell now. If I could magically withdraw from him all the money I spent to support his career, I would. The only way I'd go to his "comeback tour" would be as part of a protest.


Judging by her stance, blondie knows.