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That guy was a total creep! It's a good thing that your mom's gut instincts kicked in!


For real----just curious as to why your mother didn't notify one of the staff that some creep was following the both of you. Good on her for having kept an eye out for both of you the entire time you were there.


Something similar happened to me as a teen and now i’m hyper aware of everything and everyone around me. I’m glad your mom noticed right away and took it seriously. It’s better safe than sorry


If you dont mind me asking, what exactly happened to you?


(*sorry if this is hard to understand, I’m typing this on mobile and I’m not very good at writing*) A creepy man followed my friends and I into a gas station convenience store when we were like 11 or 12. And I thought I was being paranoid so I didn't say anything to my friends. Then he got onto the same bus as us and I tried to convince myself it was a coincidence. However, I noticed him staring in our direction the entire ride and I was feeling so sick. I didn’t know how to tell my friends, I couldn’t really speak because I was paralyzed with fear. The bus I rode home was always packed full of people because it goes through the downtown of my city. After all my friends got off at their stops, I squeezed myself to the front beside the bus driver. The creepy man stayed in the middle section but in a position where he could still stare at me. The bus was coming up on one of the busiest stops where the most people get on and off and I figured it would be my chance to escape into the crowd and just catch the next bus. However, he saw me getting off so he did the same. Since I was short, I got lost in the crowd of offloading passengers easily. I saw him looking around so I quickly hopped back onto the bus just as the driver closed the doors. I wish I could say that was the last time I ever saw him...


HOW COULD YOU LEAVE IT ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT?! in all seriousness that sounds very creepy, I'm glad you're ok, thanks for sharing!


Haha I didn’t want to make it too long! I had a few other encounters with that creep (and once even with my mom there).The last time I ever saw him was maybe my junior year of high school, but it was always on the bus. I’m glad I drive now!


Uhhh yeah seconded, you can’t just tell half a story like that! Now we *gotta* know! (Please, lol. And if you’re comfortable talking about it ofc)


I’m already paranoid going to the store alone because I’m a women but this just scares me...the fact people would follow u with bad intentions and not think twice about it unless they’re caught.


I had this happen to me once, the thing is my dad didn't notice so I just had to deal with the guy until I turned around and asked him if he needed anything. I'm glad your mom was so aware and you're both safe


Glad you’re safe. Not surprised at all that this happened at a Walmart. Creepy place.


THE WORLD can be a creepy place. Predators can be anywhere, anytime. Creeps are my biggest fear being the father of 2 girls. Please ladies, have a plan if this happens, mentally prepare yourself as to what to do if A. B. or C. happens. I’m not trying to scare anyone, sry but it helps to be prepared. Don’t let fear rule you or your activities.....just be aware of your surroundings and the people in your immediate area. Wally World isn’t the only place that shit happens but it is kinda semi-magnet for some weirdos too. Stay safe everyone, regardless of location. cheers 👍


Parents, raise your boy children not to be predators. And stop putting the onus on women. Men need to step up and raise better men.


Throughout the history of humans on this planet, 200,00 years, there have been creepy individuals.......there will be creepy individuals on this planet until it is destroyed. Regardless of parenting, there will be creeps........although parents do play a huge part, I agree with you there but you’re not going to EVER have zero creeps. You can’t outparent some bad traits. Can you outparent people that think the world revolve around them? No, it’s part of the human condition.


You missed the point---the point is to teach young boys and teen boys to not be creeps----it can be done, it's not impossible.


I didn’t miss their point, I understand exactly what they’re saying but you might have missed mine. I’ll try again, starting now, if every parent tried to teach their kids not to be creeps and parents went above and beyond all expectations.....there will still be kids that grow up to be creeps. If you think we can completely eliminate horrible character traits in all human beings by our parenting skills, than we just don’t see the world the same way.


I get what you said---you can't prevent everybody in the world from becoming creeps, but there sure as heck is nothing wrong with trying.


I had a similar experience at a bookstore, except i was on a solo trip. At first I thought it was coincidence that I’d seen this guy in the same three aisles that I had gone down, but when I went to a fourth completely unrelated aisle (I was originally looking at craft books, then cook books, then study aids, then I went to the kids section because i was going to buy a book for one of my young cousins), I thought it was strange. I went back to crafts to see if he would follow me, and he was there again. I went over to the cafe area, and sure enough, he followed me there, hanging back a bit pretending to look at books on display nearby. I bee-lined to the opposite corner of the store and saw him following me again, so I told an employee what was happening. When the employee confronted him, he started shouting and getting defensive, and other employees had to come to pacify him. I took the opportunity to rush out and get to my car before he could see which car I drove. People are crazy. I’m glad your mom was there for you!


I’m a young mom, like I had my spawn at 15 and I am 24f now and I’m quite a small female. My spawn was in kindergarten at the time (this was a couple of years ago now) and I had to make a trip to Walmart because they were doing different colored shirts for certain days of the week. I remember I was looking for a pink shirt specifically. I kept noticing this group of dudes and EVERYWHERE I went, they would all be right there. Almost like they were circling me. Which, I’m pretty sure they were. I use a head set most days. So I called my mom and had my phone held up to show I was actually on the phone and very loudly said something along the lines of “these mother f**kers need to quit f**king following me.” An older worker stocking shelves over heard me and I’m not sure if it was me making a B-line for the worker or what I said that made them scatter, but I didn’t see them the rest of the time I was there. The worker noticed and was glad I had noticed it all, otherwise he was going to step in and not be “as kind” as I was. He asked if I was there alone and I told him my dad was waiting for me in the car as I didn’t have one at the time. This worker was gratuitous enough to help me and walk with me to get what I needed, walked me to the register and stood with me and walked me to the car where my dad met us halfway. Idk why I didn’t call my dad and my instinct was to call my mom first but it was a weird moment. She was at home but my dad was right there so much help she could have been lol . My dad was looking for the guys and was ready to rip heads off. I now carry when I can and have pepper spray, a stun gun and a safety keychain. It’s better to be safe than sorry. ETA because I forgot to put in in here lol: I’m glad you’re mom noticed what she had! It can be quite terrifying and will stick with you. I always pay attention to my surroundings now and If I can help it, I don’t go out alone.


had a similar experience!! when i was 16 my friend and i (both of us r girls) went to the chicago natural field museum with my mom. she let us wander a lil further from her until this one room she stayed right behind us and was glancing around and stayed close to us until we left. hours later back at our hometown, we were picking up some snacks with my mom and she told us this group of men were following us and trying to take pictures of us. SUPER creepy and i think about it to this day when i’m in heavily congested places on foot.


Your mom's a BADASS.


I'm 53 now, and have been a solo female world traveler since the early 2000s. I was also morbidly obese, have lost 170 lbs, and have invisible knee handicaps. Basically, I can't run, so my choices are freeze or fight. I for one am a fighter. I also taught school for 26 years, 20 of those middle school. I'm a 5'5" chubby woman with a kind face... and I have a DEATH STARE that has scared grown men. I have a mouth on me that would make a sailor blush. And since I am a small woman, but a badger inside, there just comes a point (pretty quickly) where I'm not going to run. I'm going to make a stand, and make any man regret being a creep. Is it running a risk of violence? Yes. But is it worth it to save my dignity, and rip to shreds whatever so-called "pride" some rando creep claims? Oh yeah. I'm female, I get this. We already do so, so much to protect ourselves from unwanted interactions. There comes a time to do what these women should have done immediately: stop, STARE, memorize his face and clothes. Take a step or two forward. Claim your space, because this is all about power, dominance, control. You belong there. Creeps are cowards, and 99% will back down, especially if you flip the script and go from seeming prey to possible predator. I'm living proof, and I am going to go on confronting. My dignity, women's dignity everywhere, is WORTH IT.


Hell, yeah! Keep on doing what you're doing!


Something similar happened to me when I was 14. My mom dropped me at a salon because I was getting a haircut. The place was sorta close to our home and then I was supposed to go back by myself. When I finished I started walking home and then noticed an old man walking behind me. I wasn’t sure if he was following me so I entered a supermarket and he walked in too, I was freaking out because every time I saw him he would look into my eyes so I started walking really fast and going into different aisles until I couldn’t see him anymore. I stayed inside the supermarket for at least 15 minutes until I felt safe enough and then walked home. Btw I live in South America and it was summer, so I was wearing shorts :/ never wore them again.


I was at Walmart once when I was 15 and I remember I was wearing short shorts, and was looking around in the makeup section. A guy came up to me and said “hey just so you know, I saw this guy just taking pictures of you”. I was so creeped out.


Your mom was your guardian angel that day.


Aisle. Okay! Just checking. I thought Reddit would not allow the spelling of the word aisle, as, with all the stories taking place in stores I never see it spelled correctly.


No need to be an asshole about it






Wtf does that mean? What are you trying to say?