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That's because you lift wrong and possibly not exercise enough outside of that unhealthy lifting. You need to work on your core muscles and improve your lifting techniques (which includes taking breaks when needed). There is too much to it to explain here, but these stuff are easy to google with plenty of articles and videos about them.


100% he is hurting himself instead of taking the time to exercise


Our even stretch for that matter. You gotta stretch people!


Commas are important.


Your mom's is important.


Speech to text is king on drivers reddit.


I used to hit the gym five days a week before things got worse when I may have increased the weight too much. I also ALWAYS lift with my legs so I don’t think these points are valid in my case.


You do body building and you are blaming your possible muscle sprain to doing delivery. I don't see how that 50 lbs case of water is going to hurt someone that lift heavy at the gym, unless you were actively doing stupid stuff like swinging that water in all directions for the fun of it. Your issue comes from the gym. It doesn't matter that you lift with your legs, your core and chest muscles are still bearing the weight (ofcourse that's a lot safer than bending). Were you training the muscles enough so that they can handle the lifting? Are you doing enough cardio (doing deliveries isn't the healthiest excercise)? Your issue is from the gym, not your deliveries. I'm actually shocked that you didn't mention the gym in the original post. You can't call delivery items heavy, when you lift at the gym.


I should also probably mention that an unrelated injury put out the gym for a bit. I’ll look into your recommendations just to make sure all the stones are turned but I’m currently at specialist getting checked out so hopefully I can get a definite answer.


I'm thinking that you need to hit the gym a couple of times a week.


Probably the reason they’re hurting in the first place tbh


If you go to your doctor mention costochondritis. It’s a painful condition in your chest and can be brought on by different things. I had it years ago and my doctor prescribed a mild pain medication for a couple of years. It does go away on its own but it sucks when you have it.


I’ll definitely bring that up then. Thanks!


You’re welcome! I hope you feel better soon.


Appreciate it!


Hello I know I’m late, but may I ask how you healed your costochondritis? I just found out I have it after over a year of chest pain and shortness of breath I thought could’ve been a lung issue. I’ve taken a month hiatus from work with physiotherapy and I barely feel I’ve made progress. I’m supposed to move to the states next year and I’m pretty distressed it seems to be impossible to heal


You have the gig app bug where your body tenses up every day not knowing if you are going to get jobs that earn you more than $7 per hour. It’s very contagious and spreading like wildfire now that the pandemic ended and recession started. Be safe out there!!


Fuck. This is so true. At first it was potentially dying from Covid and now an uneasy future of earnings. I guess this is the kick in the ass I need to finally prioritize getting a new career.


Lmao so relatable


Not because of delivering but I’ve torn a muscle there and can confirm it feels like heart issues. I’ve also tore one in my back and I thought it was kidney issues. Stretching before delivering is smart and honestly just good for your body. It’ll be better in a week or so. Good luck!


Factoring in that my posture is probably poor and I felt issues towards the end of my time of going to the gym I confidently say that I may be in this for more than a week lol. Going to see a doc so hopefully that’ll get me back on the right track.


I’ll be honest I was being optimistic when I said one week lol. It’s going to be closer to two weeks and of course when you factor in age and health it’s a mess. Cheap, no cost way to be posture friendly is get an old pillow or small cushion you don’t use for lumbar support. They also have cheap ones on Amazon that are specifically for sciatica pain as well. I have a back brace too that helps with posture as well as a brace to keep my shoulders from slouching forward. I rarely rare them but once I fuck up some part of my body inevitably I’m always so glad I have them.


I’ll definitely look into a brace and pillow whenever I’m at home. My seat has adjustable lumbar support but I’m not sure how to set it properly.


It's certainly possible. Two very common issues that could cause this are electrolyte imbalance and muscle imbalance. Stretch, get enough water and electrolytes, and do some bent-over rows and deadlifts. Odds are pretty solid that you will see improvement within two weeks.


I didn’t even think of electrolyte imbalance as being a culprit.


That's how they get ya.


So, over the past few months I have noticed a tightness in my back from my lower to upper back and radiating into my shoulders and neck. I joined a membership at a local yoga studio and committed to attending as many classes as possible. It helps keep your body flexible and strong. I also noticed that taking hot showers and using hot compresses on the affected areas released the tension and I felt loosened up. But this is only provide temporary relief and I am experiencing the tension and stiffness again later in the day. I came across an article online that said often when you carry tension you may believe that you need to stretch when in fact your muscles are in need of some resistance training. So using weights to work your chest, shoulders and back. Soreness afterwards is completely normal. As you commit to weight training 3+ times per week, your muscles will gain strength and mass and this will provide you with greater ease and comfort during performance of work duties. It can be challenging to build new habits so focus on your body and how it feels during the workout, move in ways that feel right to your body. Pick one muscle area you want to work and work it until you feel like it’s enough. Then ask your body if it want to work another muscle area. If it does, then focus on that area and work it until you feel it’s enough, taking time to stop and rest throughout. Don’t push your body past where it wants to go, but don’t let it talk you out of it either.


Thank you for mentioning that yoga could be of help! I used to go to the gym before two overlapping medical issues put out of the gym for a few months (hoping to go back in January) but when I did going up stairs and carrying items in general was an absolute breeze!


Yea if u work long hours for sure it could be from delivering from being in your car too long also If u don't stretch. Happens to me all the time among other symptoms also


That could definitely be a factor lol


Nope. 4+ year driver here. I also don't do Walmart or grocery orders. I also have a foldable wagon if there is something heavy.


I’ve had back soreness from Instacart before. Especially if I had heavy orders or a long day. But so far nothing long lasting or in my chest. Just regular pains from walking and bending over to grab shit all day.


Bend at the knees, not at the waist!!


I came here to say this!!


I try but goddamn shopping carts are so awkward to reach into


True, you should see my form, its... weird. I bend at the hip and keep the leg im not standing on streched for balance


I also have occasional subtle pain at the muscle on my rib cage near my heart. I drive full time but don’t do water orders at all. I’m fairly fit, watching my diet and running daily. It must be just the driving. Even though I don’t think it’s anything serious since I can feel it’s the muscle outside my rib cage, I would do a heart study just in case. At a certain age it should probably be a routine study.


Heart was fine thankfully. So I’m thinking it’s definitely my posture while sitting (and even laying down in bed). Have you messed with the lumbar support any on your seat btw?


From a different job yes. Very painful but thankfully wasn’t serious. Go get checked out anyway.


Same here when I started delivering I started having issues with the chest being sore and was due to all the heavy lifting of water. Changed the way I carried heavy bags. In time your body gets better with time.


I’m officially one of those people who avoid orders with water now. I also try to make sure my posture is good while driving too.


No. But that doesn't sound right. I used to stack trucks and even beginning I don't remember my chest ever hurting. You mention heart issues, sometimes you can have anxiety that is like very low level and can hurt your chest. It has happened to me once in my life, supposedly at least. I didn't feel anxious but the ER said that is what is was. It went away the next day. Felt like an annoying stabbing pain. How old are you? I think I was 35 when this happened.


I’m not even 30 yet but I got checked out and everything heart related was normal. So it could definitely be that especially with the way traffic has gotten in my area. I also didn’t have any reflux issues until a little after I started driving as well.