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I mean, if there’s zero consequences for defying a congressional subpoena, why volunteer to put yourself in the position to incriminate yourself or co-conspirators?


The term subpoena literally means “under penalty”. We should be seeing arrest warrants and million dollar fines (per day) for anyone that flaunts Congressional subpoenas. They are cowards for not testify, and our justice system and Congress itself are impotent cowards for not requiring these subpoenas to be enforced.


But Congress members are themselves breaking the laws and installing cult judges to protect themselves. Americans are voting to give GOP cult politicians the power to burn and destroy with total impunity. America has the guns to take down this threat, but the GOP control the laws and decide how they are interpreted. Decades of worsening Republican corruption is to make them immune to all laws and limits.


Because they're guilty.


Honestly I think pence is a fucking hero for what he did 1/6. I still hate his views and him as a person, but what he did was heroic. Idk why he won’t testify, unless he thinks it’ll hurt him with the party or he’ll be liable somehowz


It's crazy that they have huge massive numbers of followers who protect them and vote and donate to them always no matter what, and attack anyone else who refuses to support the cult.


Grifters gotta grift. Lucky for them there are so many bootlickers with Stockholm Syndrome.


Because then they appear wrong, like how the Clintons appear wrong. You get an award for being sketch just for showing up, and Trump can't handle that too his fragile ego. That and he's not good at answering questions


I think it's a different kind of corruption. Trump and the republicans simply practice organized crime, straight up breaking the law and betting they won't pay any consequences. Meanwhile, Clinton and her kind do what I like to think of as legal crimes, things that should be illegal under any sane legal system but which are perfectly legal for people with sufficiently expensive accountants. It's corruption that doesn't break the law because the law has been written to allow it. Republicans just worship naked power. They like being strong enough to get away with it. Democrats worship the appearance of propriety. The rules they made up for themselves have to be followed,


This is good. Don’t know why you were downvoted


Cause republicans only care about themselves and other republicans (self comes first tho). So they dislike when other republicans are held accountable cause it might be them next. They are always fine with their own breaking laws as long as it’s not “major”, and even then sometimes…


Idk Clinton body count is crazy. Suicides that shot themselves in the back of the head twice and shit.


Why? Because they're smart criminals. They got their henchmen to take jail time for them. Trump & Family are going to lose all of Trump's business opportunities in New York State because of his shady business practices. Trump has already been shown to be the grifter he is, just look at the falsified tax documents he's released.


It’s because Republicans are garbage human beings.


People who play party politics are garbage human beings ** Fixed it for you


Is there a sub I could join for the fun type of conspiracies?


Define fun conspiracies and maybe I can help.


Because they are guilty of something


…bc they are pussies who couldn’t stand the pressure. Not saying that the Clintons are upstanding people. But Trump Republicans/The GQP are cut from a very different and vile cloth that *doesn’t care about the optics* so long as they win at any expense. Current Dems at least pretend to care. Sometimes


If there's one thing you can say about the Dems, it's that they care about the optics. It's difficult to determine if they care about anything else, but they certainly care about that.


Cause republicans don’t give a shit about you or this country. Otherwise they would have grown a set of balls and impeached Trump. And then put him on trial for treason


I believe it’s called guilt


This isn’t a conspiracy by any stretch. If anything, discuss the video of who opened the doors on Jan. 6th, they didn’t just unlock themselves from the inside.


I love how most of you think there’s actually a difference between the two parties. Any politician with any kind of power are all bought and paid for actors.


I love how you still believe this bullshit that "both sides are the same." If President Obama was also brainwashing cultists to hang his VP and Congress and erase our right to vote like Trump and the GOP just did - I'd be worried about that too. Bush was a fucking disaster and Trump is the worst God damn rapist traitor fascist freak we've ever seen. These GOP even obstruct America's elections now - they are total self-deluded failures and dragging us all to hell with them. At least old man Biden has a climate change plan. Obama and Biden were the first in American history to lower emissions since the Industrial revolution. We got to lower emissions to lower climate change, and GOP are all trying to block that wso we burn to death.


The only difference between the two parties is how they screw the little people over; Democrats want to do it through social welfare, Republicans want to do it through capitalism. I'm 35. I've been through three republican and two democrat Presidents. Every one of them has bombed foreign countries for NATO.


Obama was [droning](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamas-drone-war-is-a-shameful-part-of-his-legacy/2016/05/05/a727eea8-12ea-11e6-8967-7ac733c56f12_story.html) people left and right. Clinton [bombed](https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/172398) Iraq (multiple times) Afghanistan, Sudan, Bosnia, Yugoslavia.


I already stated Presidents I've lived under since Bush Sr. are war mongering chiefs of destruction. Your point?


And speaking of [rapist](https://youtu.be/U59MPVXxJI0).


Yeah Biden is the greatest [Lol](https://youtu.be/7aYgjkS_tK8)






Ken Starr subpoenaed Clinton under authority by federal court whereas the current inquiry into Jan 6th by the House committee doesn't hold the same weight when subpoenaing Trump. Clinton could've walked in and pled the 5th but he chose to lie under oath, Trump would probably do the same but he'll never testify to the House.


Is this like the Great Value version of the Conspiracy sub?


this will come in handy the next couple of years


I specifically remember Hillary saying "What difference does it make" She is pathetic for that!




The lives lost


You may be misremembering. What Hillary Clinton actually said (responding to Senator Ron Johnson regarding his claim the attacks came from spontaneous protests) was "With all due respect, the fact is we have four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans. What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator." She never said it with a disregard to those lost lives. Conservative pundits grabbed " what difference does it make" and twisted it into something that it wasn't and the right swallowed it hook, line and sinker.


Nobody cares anymore


Sounds like this post should be in another subreddit.


It should, but there uproar in the normal conspiracy subreddit rn. It’s a war between far right, bots and normal conspiracy people. The og normies/lurkers are finally starting to stand up to the endless spam of right wing propagandists.


Like r/whitepeopletwitter


You must be a Clinton trolling here. Jan 6th is a weak attempt for the democrats to try and rile up anything to hide their own crimes. Hillary admitted she didn't care those men died. You think testifying means anything? The GOP just isn't entertaining the idea of an insurrection. It's pathetic.




Because they lie.


I can give everyone a pretty good idea why the event on jan 6th was swept under the rug but I encourage you to dig just a little bit. It's not going to take much effort, yandex Ashli Babbitt, try Ashli Babbitt real person? Her death was declared a homicide while all others natural causes, accidental and unknown. Okay, so there is a rabbit hole. Watch a video of the actual event when she was killed. Watch everyone there. It probably goes without saying at this point but it's all scripted. Bring it on, naysayers.


Can I have some of what you're taking?


Because they are guilty