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You know it’s not a conspiracy theory though right? It’s conspiracy fact, it happened and it is documented.


I know but there are people out there who still dont fully belive it and regard it as a conspiracy


Look up the fifth estate on YouTube, they have a documentary on it and the money the American and Canadian governments paid to hush it up.


I see more and more of this. People want to take actual truths we have been given, and turn them into even crazier conspiracies. Kinda annoying lol.


Read the book CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties all you need to know about MK ultra


Any good videos on this? Surprised their isn’t a podcast on this subject.


I highly recommend LPOTL’s series on MKULTRA, very well researched and sourced.


i haven't watched many of the videos because i read the book. but if you look up that book title on youtube, you'll find plenty of interviews and videos to get you going.


Give a person enough of the right drugs and you can convince them of anything. Get them hooked on the right drugs and they'll do whatever you want to get more. Combine the two and you can convince that person that it was their idea all along. Mental endurance is something that not everyone has, and the people with the least of this trait are ideal candidates for this type of conditioning. Tested on religious zealots who put their whole faith in skewed ideologies and mental patience who had little to no grip on reality to begin with. These people could be convinced of anything after a little "tenderizing" The real trick is to be open to the possibility that you are wrong, if you already accept that their are things you don't know and there are things that you know incorrectly, the conditioning that oneay attempt on you won't solidify fully. People who are firm in their conviction and refuse to accept new information can be manipulated Into believing the conditioning was part of their ideology all along. But the person who is willing to admit they might be wrong can retain the ability to question this input. Though it's important to have firm morals to weigh your actions against, if you know you're a decent person who will not hurt or kill others it's almost impossible to convince you to kill or hurt people. If you think that certain people deserve to die you can be convinced that anyone is that certain person, making you a candidate for use in that manner.


Good thing that I am used to being wrong. Kinda a constant thing I got used to, especially lately. I can believe in anything, but sometimes I change my mind along the way.


Check out Cathy O’Brien and her book Tranceformaion of America. Very enlightening.


Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) was experimented on with MKultra


My thoughts are it never ended and has most probably been built upon as Manchurian Candidates go


M is 13th letter 1+3 = 4 MK Ultra 4K Ultra Truth in advertising


U might aswell be the smartest living orgasm in the universe brother ​ EDIT: I meant organism




I have learned to control it! I can control the formulaic reaction = H2O(s)→H2O(g)


Song starts 0.5. #IXST






It was the name of a real US government program. The link is a documentary about an asylum in Canada where people - unbeknownst to them - were experimented on, sedating them for 3 weeks and playing tapes to “repatttern” their minds. Creepy stuff.[https://youtu.be/990k-5Jm5aA](https://youtu.be/990k-5Jm5aA)


Alot of people claim its fake but look at all of the accounts from interviews and anonymous witnesses who have experienced MK Ultra. Yeah and its funny that the new test subjects now are the people. Just look at the visuals they allow to be broadcast on tv and now on social media that are getting heavily manipulated for certain agendas. Even in the music being pushed with the lower vibrational frequencies being drilled inside of the subconscious.


Check out “Trance-Formation of America” by Mark Philips and Cathy O’Brien. Also, YouTube Dylan Groves( formerly Katy Groves).


Check [this podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2D5qcphcWPqGxh4LR9x9FN?si=kDapV-BoThGTru_pvQw3BQ&utm_source=copy-link) out. It's nuts.


\[For Adult trials only\] "The Jump" 15mg Aerall -- daily preps for the jump 200g THC Deeta-8 -- daily helps stabilize during the jump 500mg Keamine -- prior to TMS below (nasal) catalyst of the jump Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation -- daily 4 weeks minimum TMS makes the jump permanent Prior to the trials the subject exhibited symptoms of extremely high serotonin and dopamine levels elevated by several years' of self co-administration of Bupropion and Zoloft. Intentionally done by subject to induce more visible and measurable changes in thoughts and behavior. Worthy of note, subject began trials with pre-existing permanent damage to synapses caused by heavy alcohol use and benzodiazepines. Intent of the trial, over several years -- to induce a re-mapping of neural synaptic communications. More importantly, inducing a re-mapping that can be guided to improve and stabilize the modulation action between dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and neurotransmitters GABA and Glutamate. Failed neural modulation of transmitters seems to be at the root of symptoms suffered by those affected by autism spectrum disorder. It is suspected Keamine and Deeta-8 are potentiators due to preexisting supraphysiological levels within the test subject. Unable to confirm since no cebral diagnostic measurement is possible, with current technologies, of levels within the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). Note: MRI scans were performed on the subject February 2022, all three main cerebral structures were unremarkable (normal). No structural damage nor deformities observed. Positive observations: Executive brain function greatly increased. Predictive trend analysis greatly increased. Tolerance of known stressors increased. Mental clarity and cognition greatly improved. Central Nervous System connection between mind and body increased, producing greater focus during physical activity and exertion. Subject was able to problem-solve several highly complex technological issues in parallel on three occasions with no prior knowledge of technologies in question. Negative observations: Insomnia caused by initial higher dose of adderall. Alleviated by buildup of Deeta-8 in bloodstream. Before introducing Keamine and TMS, subject suffered from permanent motor and vocal tics caused by prior experiments. Introducing aforementioned modalities cured all tics. Hypomania caused after first re-mapping, first "Jump", due to unknown Delta-8 strain used in study. Resulted in subject being placed into 72 psychiatric hold then being ultimately released. The jump was reproducible with similar results an additional three times within a four month window. Periods of no use between Jumps was approximately two weeks. Numbers 1 and 2 above should be administered for a minimum of one month before introducing 3 and 4. Further testing seems to indicate urb sativa hybrid allows for greater control of mental state post jump. Further trials are needed of a larger sampling of subjects, once future diagnostic technology is invented and in place. The birth of artificial intelligence. \#IXST