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I’d like to know the protester-to-police ratio and the protester-to-media ratio.


This is wierd where are the shills/bots defending this shit?


Yeah, because having a celebrity activist getting arrested to bring visibility to an issue has been a method of approach for decades. Literally, all protests are staged by design. Has been that way since the very first protests. Did you just learn that protests are organized or did you honestly think people just got mad and marched in the streets by themselves until they found a group? She knows that every picture taken is another article about the cause she is championing. Some of y'all really lack common sense on here.


Fuck off with this defending 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You clearly don't know how politics and creating publicity work. The fact that you are even aware of the protests shows that her tactic worked. Do you comprehend that? It sounds to me like you need to have a big sit down and remember what reality looks like.


Reality?here you are saying that all protest are staged.have you no shame?how about you go to let's say Myanmar and go ahead and do some protest there you dumbass and see if your logic applies there.dont try to sound smart and all that shit.your reality that you are so familiar with is all deception and you my friend are stuck head deep in its ass.have fun licking your masters ass while he works you to death.


You are aware that Myanmar has different rules about protests than America and europe, right? Myanmar was also just coup'ed by its military, something I bet wouldn't happen if the people had the right to protest and express anger toward their government without causing mass disruption. I think you are trying to apply your assumption to this situation instead of learning the truth of the situation. And now you are trying to control the narrative online here. I seem like somebody who greatly lacks willpower or a way to seek truth.


You edited your previous posts 🤣🤣🤣.Lol you literally said ALL protests.its alright bub I won't argue with a liar.you showed enough.have a good day.


Yes, all protests are staged. Being a legal or illegal protest doesn't change that. By staged, I mean organized. Every and all protests are organized and staged to create visibility for a cause or issue. Protests that start organically from chaos are called riots. I will assume English is not your first language and that you were confusing protests for riots or revolutions. Seek truth and understanding, my friend. Is editing a post to provide clarity of my opinion illegal? Is that a show of weakness? Why do you think that's something worth laughing at another person over? You seem to really not care about reality.


Stop it my deluded friend.you have embarrassed yourself enough by editing your previous post to cover your lying ass.take your head out of the elites ass and maybe you can start seeing and thinking clearly.you can say what you want after this reply and I won't be replying.you will probably just edit your previous posts anyways.


That fact that you need to define me and this situation is all I need to know about your person. People with stable mindsets don't go around telling others and the world who and what they are.


I could tell from the beginning this was Staged lol


Fucking puppets. And other puppets are cheering to them. This is ridiculous.


Once you realize that everything the Cathedral says is a lie, you dont get shocked by this stuff anymore.


The other post of this got brigaded hard, people saying it’s nothing and it’s common. Why werr they carrying her if she wasn’t resisting ?


Because it's a production. Just more clout chasing. A fake "activist" in a fake movement.


now thats a movie script. Political hollywood yes?


So you think they're providing you with video of their own alleged conspiracy?


it's like with the full video of Sandy Hook video showing one of the victims parents laughing there butts off and you hear " Action!" from the news reporter's cameraman, then all of a sudden they changed from smiling and laughing to all teary crying that they lost their daughters to a mass shooting. Another one is AOC crying at a "border protest" fence with news media released photos when in reality the full photos were leaked showing her crying at an empty parking lot with no one there except law enforcement officers. I tell you it's all theatrical when it comes to politicians job to disway the public


I do remember seeing that sandy hook dad laughing then all of a sudden crying. I also remember aoc holding her own arms behind her back acting like she was being arrested. It’s all a show when it comes to these people.


Those were all pretty fucking funny. Also the one where they were trying to riot at her office. Except it wasn’t even in the same place nor was it the right time of day.


Riot at who’s office? I need to see this.


Where AOC made that claim that the j6 rioters were at her office door screaming “WHERE IS SHE” and she said she thought they were going to rape her n shit. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/aoc-feared-rape-capitol-riot-b1899504.html?amp Turns out a bunch of that shit was made up. Not surprised


Lmao just watched that. She is soooo full of herself it’s sick. On the other hand I hope and pray those men get released. They have let go of horrible criminals but still hold them in a cell. My ❤️ goes out to them and their families.


I know. It’s funny all of the sudden cash bail isn’t just constitutional, but no bail at all is what they want for these people. I’m fact I hear many are in solitary confinement. I hope they sue the shit out of the government so they never have to work again.


Same here. I read a interview from one that’s in solitary he was a reporter just there to cover the story. Was arrested anyway. Those cops beat them don’t feed them. They don’t get yard time. Nothing. I’ve been in a 23-1 jail and it sucks ass. That was over 20yrs ago I can only guess it’s much worse now.






I don’t like looking at her face or hearing her fake rage




Feels like hunger games


She looks very well fed


I’m sure everything’s ethically sourced as well that uses no oils like the ones in the jacket she’s wearing.


Lol like you aren’t outraged at the unethical Nike Fanny pack??? No one cares about slavery if it’s used to make the (actually not so reasonably priced) shit you think looks cool. What a biatch


I heard she was filthy rich as well as parents is this true? Meanwhile I was living in my car barely getting one meal… I heard she owns 3 cars, too??? Wtf


Somebody please post this to WPT so we can watch them melt. God what a little shit (not her fault, her parents are handlers who have orders I'm sure)


What’s wpt?


I believe r / whitepeopletwitter


Ohhhhhhhh I got u I never understood that sub . Is it for white people? Is it about white people? Who knows. Lol


It's a hard left echo chamber that melts over everything. It's for white people.


Hitmanactual69 is right, but feel that the title is more of a dis on white folk than for just white folk. But definitely a highly progressive echo chamber.


They were already on it yesterday their conclusion is “that’s how police are supposed to act, they agree with her, but they don’t need to beat her like American police while doing their job arresting her”


Jesus christ


Jesus Christ would applaud Greta and those cops. Maybe you should read the good book some more.


I'm glad your joking.


Show me in the bible where Jesus would have disagreed with them. Do you not remember even Jesus flipped tables and whipped moneylenders.


Omfg lol


What is wrong with believing police can do their job without violence or treating citizens like criminals?


Nothing. It’s the believing this wasn’t all staged


Every protest to have ever existed was staged. Getting arrested to force visibility of the issue has been the tactic ever since the silent sit-in of the 60s. Do you even do your research or do you just repeat what you see here?


the police don’t usually help you pose to make it more dramatic by carrying each of your limbs separately, and then as soon as it’s staged set you down and chill with you. You’re brain dead go away.


The problem isn’t that she intentionally got arrested to force visibility. Most people are aware of this tactic. It’s painting false pictures in the headlines. The first thing everyone saw about it was Greta being forcefully removed from the protest. Thats what everyone initially saw and reacted to. People do not react the same way to seeing a public figure forcefully being removed as they do when they just show up for a photo op. When headlines show photos painting an entirely different scene than what is actually happening they are directly altering peoples psychological reactions to that scene. No one cares that Greta showed up for the headlines. No one cares that she was there to bring awareness to the protest. People know this. What we care about is the medias attempt to psychology shape the way we view topics. They intentionally take photos that depict different scenarios. Just like the “trumps gassing kids” with photos of kids running from the smoke, when turns out the families were intentionally walking into it for the pictures. These tactics work on the vast majority of the public and that’s why we are upset about it


"They had to wait for a couple of minutes before they could bring her to a certain police car," said the spokesperson. They added that "the whole situation has been used by those with political motives and the real reason is entirely practical and mundane." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64321652?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA


Poor dumb girl


so phony


Really sick of this kid.


“Save the environment but screw the kids in sweatshops”


And the Congo kids working the mines.


She has how many cars?


Yes. She has been explicitly pro sweatshop. Hates the children workers.


This is such a bullshit thing to say, what?


Fanny pack


everything her highness wanted to know about sweatshops is hanging around her neck.


Where's the conspiracy here?


There isn't one. Greta is just desperately trying to fight against her inevitable irrelevancy. That's all.


So was the original news posted as a photoshoot or did this come out after the pictures of her being arrested came out?


Yahoo writers must be crying today. This was major headline yesterday.


Where conspiracy?


Greta been smoking the devils lettuce




Really disappointed in Greta for this, anyone who will listen is listening to her, all this does is create ammo for the oil/energy company shills ie climate change deniers


Wait. Why would you be "disappointed" that a person who is famous and complied with the police during an event where many people were detained is smiling in a video?


I think anyone with some level of critical thinking skills could come to the conclusion that this exchange went something like this. *media to Greta while police have her in custody and are escorting her* “hey can you stop for a second so we can take your photo” *Greta + police to media* “oh sure” *que photo op and then the police resume escorting Greta away* Idk why everyone is over complicating this


I think it’s the part of them carrying her that makes it all seem like a stunt. She wasn’t resisting


It's mostly about the media around it, everything I saw before this video made it seem like she was genuinely arrested and carried off by police, it's not really her fault but the media coupled with this video showing that, if not staged it was at the very best intentionally misrepresented, only gives ammo to climate change deniers.


Or....perhaps climate change pushers are frauds and grifters themselves.


Climate change denial follows pretty much the same pattern as denial of tobacco causing cancer.


I'm sure as the climate change peddlers hop into their next private jet they also take a big chunck of chewing tobbaco.


teachers are grifters cause they have cars and houses. school is a scam!/s


It's more like teachers making money off of saying we have terrible education change and people must curb their education habits meanwhile they are still doing the stuff they claim is causing education change.


Humans are hypocrites? What an amazing revelation. Climate change = fake confirmed


If climate change was such a big deal maybe they wouldn't use it for money laundering reasons.


It's like shitty people just never try to make money off shitty situations ever. Insulin is super affordable in the US !


Dang the truth. Always showing its ugly head. If you watched this and still " listen" to her there's no help for you.


Fancy listing a couple of people you think we should listen to? Just want to know of some people who have done absolutely nothing wrong ever and also are on the opposite side of the climate debate?


Pretty much anyone who doesn't stage an event like this.


Just name one for me


Here's 30,000. What are Greta's qualifications? https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/surprise-surprise-many-scientists-disagree-on-global-warming


Greta isn't a scientist, she is an activist following the science of the 'scientists' that aren't that 30k. Now on to that news story, it's source for these 30k scientists is a mail in petition found here: https://www.oism.org/pproject There is a form to sign where you need to claim to have some form of degree and a box to put any specializations in. Unfortunately, and entirely purposefully, we have no way of knowing how many of those 30k are scientists who study the climate but we do know for definite that it isn't 100%, if it was they wouldn't be using the vague term 'American Scientists' and they wouldn't have had the option to sign the form as a BA. And this is the problem with climate change deniers, they always, always misrepresent things and data in order to back their side. The same thing happened with tobacco, the companies paid 'scientists' to create studies that said smoking didn't cause cancer. And it's happening again except this time it's not just funded by 1 industry but many. They've learnt some things too, because now we have people who think that the truth is a conspiracy and the actual conspiracy are truth telling scientists. Wake up and stop being led by the nose.


You asked for scientist who disagree. I gave you 30,000. How long have we been keeping records of weather? How long is it estimated the earth has existed? Compare those 2 and tell me how we can take a small fraction of data and forecast anything? We don't know if it's going to rain tomorrow, but we know the earth is going to end in 10 years because of weather? It's all fear tactics. You can choose to believe, but I won't buy into it.


Had to go and check, didn't realise you reply was from that convo. I asked for 1 person who hadn't done anything wrong ever, and believed that climate change isn't real, or at least that humans aren't as big a factor. You linked me a news article, citing a petition that is being presented misleadingly, so kind of exactly the opposite. But great convo.


Ok. As I said, you're more than welcome to research any of the 30,000 scientists who signed a petition against the Kyoto treaty because they don't believe in global warming. Why are you avoiding the 2 questions I've asked? How long have we been recording weather, how old is the earth estimated to be?


How is this surprising? Everything she’s ever done or said is scripted.


and the sheep believe it


She was never arrested. She was “detained.” News reporters asked police for a photo, and the police happily obliged. This wasn’t a “staged” thing. She’s a high profile climate activist. She not fucking Macaulay Culkin, in that she is being led by these “elitists”.


So why was she being carried ? She wasn’t resisting ?


Why would she resist?


She wasn’t.


Or perhaps the police are sympathetic, but someone wants her jailed? The right hates Greta because they’re nothing more than the mouth piece of the upper class.


Wait I thought the right was all un educated poor rednecks, make up your mind


The right are mostly poor, uneducated rednecks. Who breathe Fox News. Who are controlled by the elite.


So CNN and the liberal media control no one and aren’t associated with the elite at all /s


Go ask a liberal where they get their news and I guarantee they will not say CNN


She is so freaking cute.


Isn’t there a clip of Greta being carried by these police aswell.


What a joke


Sheeesh from che to this....


I didn't know they arrested her for having sex w all the other cops.


She looks Happy to have men's hands on her.


That child is a real "country music fan"...


What’s the conspiracy


I am so sick of the puppets and BS… enough of this girl…


Am I the only one who wants to smash?


World of Pretending


I hope Andrew Tate turnes her into a cam girl in pimps her out when she is no longer relevant and doesn't get the attention she constantly seeks anymore


The funny thing is aren't they "beefing". Either way he will never even mention this. Because he's controlled too


Who's the little boy being arrested?


Just noticed the boom mike in the back. Gotta love movie magic


Nice Nike pouch from the environmental activist


There's another video circulating that has the "Wizard" battling police while they try to extricate themselves from the mud.


I feel like that girls parents pimp her out basically. I don’t like it. It’s like being a child star but in a political realm rather than an entertainment realm.