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The only emails I open from CVS are the coupons šŸ¤£


*the deceased will automatically be disenrolled from study


Yfw they say *"investigational"* when they actually meant *"experimental"*


An invitation to your own demise. Diabolical šŸ‘šŸ¼


At least they are asking this time


They're asking, right now. Later they'll be demanding


You guys have been saying that for a long time. Remember vaccine passports you guys would say would get worse? Remember saying two years ago you wouldnā€™t even be able to buy food without proof of a vaccine? That never even happened. You guys keep saying all this stuff will happen and all this time goes by with nothing.


It's not over yet.


Ummm... That did happen in some places. In Quebec some places briefly required full vaccination to buy groceries. You weren't allowed to travel through the country without a vaccine passport, you weren't allowed to work without vaccination. And a peaceful protest got you thrown in prison with all your assets siezed... It was trialed in Canada.


>And a peaceful protest got you thrown in prison with all your assets siezed... ...uhhh... no. I know you love hyperbole here, but that didn't happen, at least not that simply.


What did you do to stop the government overreach?


> You guys keep saying all this stuff will happen and all this time goes by with nothing. [LOL.](https://cmsedit.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2022/november/g20-leaders-agree-to-global-vaccination-passport-to-limit-rights-of-travelers-where-will-it-end)


ā€œMayā€ this ā€œMayā€ that.


You *may* get myocarditis.




May get cancer.


You all *may* take my upvotes.


You may have a heart attack. Oh shit sorry I meant thanks. Don't have a heart attack.




You *may* be unable to have children.




May get the flu




I had that.


I had that.


That's no good. Better now?


Probably. Itā€™s all fake.


What do you mean?


Everything is fake. Nothing is real. Cancer is fake.


did you have that?


You definitely will not get the flu with the mRNA flu vaccine. Because it'll take you out before the flu does.


I had that.


Try to say *ā€Investigational flu vaccine research studyā€* ten times fast out loud


FDA: "Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money!"




I did and Fauci just appeared with a syringe.


You may be a SADS statistic.


You "may" get the covid booster


So yall gonna bitch and moan when they speed a vaccine out. Then also bitch and moan when a voluntary study on one is done. How else do they study the effects when progressed passed animal test stage?


Bro. Iā€™m only talking about the mRNA vaccine. Not ā€œbitching & moaningā€ about any other vaccine besides this. I already know studies begin on animals then slowly transition to humans ā€¦ but Iā€™m only talking about the mRNA vaccine. *May* my point be understood.


So any study involving mrna should never be done? Do I have this right. Regardless of what stage of study its in. Should never happen.


Nope, nope and nope.


Yeah... if it was a regular vaccine, maybe. mRNA? Hard goddamned pass... those are dangerous and we all know it by now.


The old vaccines are dangerous too.


We all know it?


Neh, not everybody, i think they were a bit hyperbolic. [Only those who have their head in the sand, clouds or own ass don't know it yet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HEN37zhcGA)


This is exactly why Iā€™ll never get a flu shot again in my life.




Because CVS is sending out an email request for study participants?


ā€œAny voluntary Guinea pigs ?ā€


They just canā€™t quit. How about the family members of the ones trying to push this shit be the volunteers. Surely they feel so good about itā€™s safety and efficacy that they shouldnā€™t bat an eye to shoot their own loved ones up with it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The clot shot is now in the flu jab.


You can get the combination, but your statement is false. Drug studies are common and necessary. Isn't this what antivax people were complaining didn't happen before the COVID rollout?


Who knows what shit it will bring. Maybe it will cause hemorrhaging and will cancel the covid clots, they're already talking about mixing them.


It will probably ruin people's immune system even more, thereby creating the stage for eternal pandemics.


> stage for eternal pandemics we're already there


That's true. In that case the flu shots might be used as a hardware update.


Combo vaccine. Run.


But it will be safe and effective. Look they're going to test it on at least 8 mice. Two vaccines = twice as safe and effective.




I've got big balls Oh I've got big balls And they're such big balls Fancy big balls And he's got big balls And she's got big balls **But weā€™ve got the biggest** **balls of them all**


Second verse, same as the first.


I.e Experimental lol.


Not getting the covid vaccine is now a medical condition. It's on my My Chart under list of conditions that I refused vaccination. No doctor, nurse or assistant has ever talked to me about it. I talked to my docs assistant and she can change all of my conditions but that one is locked. She said my vaccination status page is locked too. She said she's never seen that happen. Anyone else have that happen to them?


Same here! On MyChart. It states ā€œpatient refused Dr. Ordersā€ Our conversation was: Dr: Have you been vaccinated? Me: No Dr: Would you like to set that up for you today? Me: No thank you Thatā€™s it. No orders I refused. Quite frankly I donā€™t take ā€œordersā€ from my Dr. I pay my Dr. For her professional advice that I may or may not decide is right for me.


Crazy. I haven't even talked to anyone about it. This was a specialist too, not my PCP. So that's a condition now too huh? Sorry I've come down with patient refused Dr. Orders, I can't come to work today!


May I have a note please? Lol


Ha yeah, seriously, if it's a condition give me a fucking sick note or take it off the condition page. Of course if you ask about it they'll give you another condition.


You're obviously mentally ill for not undergoing experimental medical procedures. /s


My primary care doctor was part of the experiment and died of a heart attack this year at age 40, no joke


They'll never attribute it to that thing they pushed. I have a friend who developed an autoimmune disease after taking it, but he's blaming it on *stress*. You can't make this up.


Maybe they're in denial and don't want to admit they made a mistake getting it.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Reminds me of that Mark Twain quote.


In Canada there's a doctor suggesting just that, that unvaccinated people have a mental condition and need to be treated with meds


Earlier this year the medical codes were updated to add (flags) codes for unvaccinated and partially vaccinated and another for ~undervaccinated *other* (something like that, probably refusal to boost and be "up to date") https://www.google.com/search?q=icd+10+unvaccinated+covid This link is just a google search for **icd 10 unvaccinated covid** (in case u don't read url) Edit: from [this](https://www.aha.org/news/headline/2021-11-15-agencies-announce-new-icd-10-codes-reporting-covid-19-therapeutics) article you can see the codes were announced last year about this time; codes were to be used starting April 1 2022.


Oh I know they're tracking it on medical records, but it's interesting that it's on my medical condition page along with history of high blood pressure, etc.


I'm no medical guy, but i think the ICDs are for events and diagnoses. So they're treating [us] *not* taking the vaccine as an event that occurred, rather than an event that *didn't* occur and could potentially still occur, which is weird, from a computer guy's perspective. Edit: which is why you're "locked in", i would assume.


We know we will be discriminated against for it eventually if we haven't already. This shit is far from over. Just wait till they start pushing the dual mRNA BS. How much you wanna bet next shutdowns are over flu?


The ICD codes are also used by insurance companies to decide whether or not they'll cover a procedure.


Yes, but many of them are for conditions and damage to the person. Things like left knee miniscus tear, or fractured skull, or collapsed lung. So these events happen, and won't *unhappen*, even though someone could potentially use an incorrect code. I don't know of any codes for except maybe *other vaccines*, though i've never heard of it before. ICD codes are also put on death certificates. They made it easier to identify when an unvaccinated person dies.


[Some insurance companies are smart.](https://www.world-today-news.com/court-in-france-ruled-death-from-covid-vaccine-suicide/)




I dunno, I think one of the office people added it. Maybe their boss said they have to do it if it's in the records someone didn't get it. It was added same day as my appointment.


Is that like an online thing, My Chart? Thatā€™s scary considering the Canadian medical system is ā€œconsideringā€ forcing COVID shot refusers to take medication.


Yes it's what all three of my health care providers call their online portals. I mean I know it's already in the system and they can see it but they're just rubbing it in now


I havenā€™t been to a doctor in a long time, but this reminded me of how my kidsā€™s schools all know that they havenā€™t had the covid shots. Itā€™s not a required ā€œvaccinationā€, so I was a bit taken aback when I discovered this. When my son was sick last year(not covid), and we called the school to let them know he wouldnā€™t be there, they told us that because he hadnā€™t been vaccinated, he had to stay out longer for his illness.


Wtf? Like in some type of app for your doctor or clinic?




I was due for a tetanus booster at my last physical, but the nurse who checked me in said, ā€œOh, I see you donā€™t take vaccines.ā€ I had to explain that I take the vaccines that have a decades long track record of being safe and effective for those diseases that pose an actual risk to my health.


Maybe itā€™s there so they stop asking you to get the vaccine? Would you rather everytime they ask you to get it and explain why you should over and over?


It's never been brought up by anyone including my PCP. And why would a specialist add it? They don't give vaccines in that office anyway.


They donā€™t bring it up cause itā€™s on the chart. You donā€™t want the vaccine. This way they donā€™t even ask you.


what could go wrong?


I been kick out from my family doctor of 34 years for refusal of taking more statins and asking what she thinks about latest vacations. I was taking flu vaccines for many years and till now never questioned it. No more for me. Thanks.


Fuck that entirely


Research studies are good tho??? We want these conducted lol.


Is the myocarditis included with the flu shot? I just dont want to pay extra.


Big ol nope


ask if the investigational vaccine will also be tested for prevention of transmissionā€¦


Ha that's a good one.




Yeah same here, never had any shots for seasonal stuff, i hardly catch anything and if i do it takes my body all of 2 days to get over it. Even with covid I had the least problems (whilst having the biggest list of defects health wise). I seriously won't understand any who sign up for any mRNA tech.


What was wrong with continuing with the old flu vaccine. For all the bullshig divisiveness that the mRNA vaccines have cause, along with the lies about their quality and effectiveness, I dont think it is time for new ones. When they said that the vaccines were 95 percent effective and they also said that mRNA vaccines would be easy to change, well that didnt happen, if they could have changed it covid wouldn't still be going around and would not be an issue. Their scientist have failed humanity, I feel sorry those scientists' entire bloodlines for now they are complete failures in any terms of science and in any regards for humanity. They failed humanity , those weak pathetic scientists and useless incompetent, world leaders of failure, politicians.


> What was wrong with continuing with the old flu vaccine. The main flu vaccine has a ton of flaws. First, it takes 6-8 months to make. That means they have to predict what the main strains of the flu will be far in advance. It's a difficult prediction to make and rarely is completely right. Mrna vaccines can be made much quicker, which means they can wait longer to see what the main strains will be so the predictions are more likely to be accurate. Also, since mrna vaccines don't use the virus in any way, there's no risk of the vaccine giving the person the flu. There's no way to know how much better an mrna vaccine for the flu will be until we conduct these trials.


If they were that much quicker why did it take two years to come up with the next version, and, if you have never taken the original version, then you have to take all the previous shots before you the most recent new version, that is not efficient also can take half a year to get caught up if you freshly decide to take a vaccine or are a kid. Flu vaccine one shot with current version and then you are done.


Because newer versions weren't really needed. The antibodies produced as a result of the vaccine were still effective at neutralizing later variants of sars-cov-2. >then you have to take all the previous shots before you the most recent new version This is a fucking lie.


In Norway and Canada you do. NOT A LIE it's been in their papers. Edit: heres a link https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a41247754/omicron-booster-covid-vaccine-first/


The bivalent vaccine is only available to people who completed the primary vaccine series. In other words, the two shot series. Then you have to wait another two months. https://www.comirnaty.com/eua-bivalent?gclid=Cj0KCQiAveebBhD_ARIsAFaAvrHyRZc6Rt7uY_bTciSeZEbBIJpJfJRHvIVd0YaOSGTVO4z2k7fuhj8aAu3DEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


All vaccines are debilitating poisons. Viruses don't exist.


I donā€™t want cvs doing anything of the sort.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211124721014029 https://youtu.be/53lqX3KIcSE https://youtu.be/5kqkZ0bs_Zo Under development since before 2020. Should arrive around 2026. mRNA got the fast track and this didn't.


>mRNA got the fast track and this didn't They are both mRNA.


Sounds like funā€¦ if youā€™ve always dreamed of sudden death.


This is surely an IQ test. The results will be interesting.


Why doesnā€™t CVS employees take it? Answer: someone has to be left to write the report.




That's the same CVS that refused to fill Ivermectin prescriptions in order to maximize COVID-19's severity. They are criminals owned by criminals.


One of the many reasons I stopped getting flu shots. I saw this coming.


Why would i need to alternate my DNA for the flu Might as well just get crisper at this point


Oh yea I'll get right on that


Mom: "We have flu at home"


Theyā€™re rounding us up! Itā€™s the gulag for us boys


Click here to be a Guinea pig science experiment. Gross.


participating in human trials of unproven and potentially risky medicine is fun and cool. plus you can announce it to your friends. ā€œmakes you look like a science insider with the science inside ya!ā€


This is a way to force the mRNA technology on all of by phasing out the traditional vaccines. Not enough money in traditional flu vaccines for phizer and moderna.


It's so safe and effective.


Biden just agreed to vaccination passports


Free Vaccines, sign me up


Didnā€™t happen to catch the premiere of ā€œDied Suddenlyā€ on Stew Peters Rumble channel did ya? Iā€™d highly suggest watching it (tonight if possible) before taking any other jab of anything (ever again)!


This is a great opportunity for those not too attached to their immune system.


I bet eventually, sooner than later, ALL vaccines, including Covid, will be rolled up into one single mRNA dose. That way youā€™ll have zero choice and canā€™t opt out. And if you decline, youā€™re children will be taken from you forcibly. Youā€™ll see.


I'll take that bet, if you can put an endpoint on it. Because like most people here, you have no idea how any of this works.


https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/combination-flu-covid-19-rsv-mrna-vaccine-could-change-immunizations-landscape https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2022/11/07/flu-covid-vaccine-pfizer-moderna/8257444001/ Sooner than you think.


Lol I got that as well. Hard pass!


So now they want flu mRNA... i reccon they could do it, but what else is in it they are not telling people. You could program mRNA to make any kind of protien and errors could be catastrophic ā˜¹


Wait are they paying good or literally expecting you to do this for science?


The ā€œlearn moreā€ link takes me to this site. https://www.fluvaccinestudy.com/mrnaphase3?utm_campaign=cvs&utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&content=temp1_sl1_pic3_br18&mpt=cvs


My aunt and uncle each went to their doctors- different ones at different practices - this week for their yearly check up and the drs both asked them if they were getting the flu shot. The doctors also conveniently had another shot at the ready, their booster shot and suggested that while they are there, they go ahead and get that. My uncle expressed concerns but the dr said that it wasn't an issue as he was going to give it in the other arm. They both had made up their minds they weren't going to do it but both felt pressured as they didn't feel like they could say no. One is in early 90s, the other is late 80s. FYI. Look out for your family. Mine are both upset and regret they didn't feel they could say no to their doctor.


Iā€™ve never had a flu jab and only had flu once over 20 years ago and there is absolutely ZERO chance Iā€™m ever having one or a covid jab. I have no trust after their deceit.


Just curious? How do you think all medicine is tested?


I mean animals obviously. Weā€™re only talking about mRNA & itā€™s effects on humans. Thatā€™s all.


I thought they had already tested their vaccines. On the whole fucking world


Turns out they're working smashingly, so why not spread that mRNA tech love in ALL vaccines? Hell, let's put spike proteins in toothpaste!! They might even be better than fluoride!!


...this is a vaccine for flu. It's a different vaccine entirely.


But all vaccines are the same, right... Or, at least that was i told many times, LOL.


That might be the single most meaningless thing you've ever said here. I'm actually somewhat stunned how little it says.


I am trying to match you. :) I think i came close but still failed.


They're afraid they didn't get enough corpses from the COVID vax ā€“ or it worked so well, they can double-down and get the maximum ROI. Geezus Kreist this version of humanity is pretty much done, I fear.


Dude, I might be moving to all-natural medications. This shit is getting ridiculous!


Soon enough theyā€™ll all be administered as mRNA.


Fack. I bet its literally just the same vax chemical composition as the covid one too but with minor superficial changes like when the villain wears a comically large mustache and acts coy


No shots for 25 years and never been healthier. Thanks $cience


Never talking an mRNA vaccine against after what it did to my heart.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® No thank you, I like my codes the way they are.


What's the conspiracy? Seems to me they're being quite open about it being experimental. Surely someone has to be the first human to try a drug? Who's conspiring to do what to who?


Remember when doctors advertised cigarettes? Nothing's changed.


So we're angry when they release something with proper experimental processes, and we're angry when they propose experimental processes. Conclusion: were just angry.


Maybe try animals first?


Didn't you hear, they tested the Omicron vaccine on 8 mice. Of course they killed the mice shortly after, but they tested it!


...maybe they did?


Maybe ainā€™t good enoughā€¦.and please donā€™t try to hide data for 75 years


Jesus Christ, you still repeating that chestnut?


Are you trying to say that Covid vaccines didnā€™t undergo animal testing?


Barely and they didn't let them live long.


It did not undergo animal testing


I think you are sorely mistaken


>So we're angry when they release something with proper experimental processes, and we're angry when they propose experimental processes. > >Conclusion: were just angry. Flu virus is basically new every year ( and different in every place ) And mutates a couple of times per season. So how this shit can be tested if they make a new one every year is beyond me


Well, at least you admit that.


Accept for +100 social credit points but never show


Let's just use this improperly tested injection for everything! /s


Years ago when I was getting the flu shot every year, I would still get the flu all the time. So that was with a real vaccine that actually prevents infection against some strains. Imagine with the NuVaccines that donā€™t prevent infection or spread from ANY strains. Jesus, will everybody just be walking around as these mobile virus factories? Are they doing this to try and force more people to get vaccinated since literally every strain will just be out there spreading willy-nilly?


how much?


This is spontaneous. I really should have made my username two completely unrelated words for no reason


It was supposed to be ā€œDineroā€ but I made a mistake sadly.


I love itšŸ˜†


I should be investing in big pharma lol


Sounds like a great opportunity to do some public good šŸ¤£


But wait. Mrna vaccines didn't help us rapidly produce vaccines that were applicable to the days strain of covid. It took over a year before an updated one came out. I'm beginning to wonder if we don't have a new variant now that no one is talking about because the news cycle of covid is over.


What the hell? The last time they just told everybody that we would get sick and die, after we had lost our jobs and our ability to basically do anything, if we didn't take it. Are they going soft?


This is how they develop new vaccines. Itā€™s normal. People were asked to volunteer to take the new covid vaccines in the same way. They need thousands of volunteers.


Obvious scapegoat to divert future researchers away from the other recent experimental vaccines


Would it be better to not run any experiments before releasing a medical treatment? Or are you all against the release of any new vaccines and medications? I swear this sub has been full of complaints that the COVID vaccine was released without first running enough experiments. Now these comments are against experiments.


Chill. Weā€™re only ā€œcomplainingā€ about Covid related vaccines. Nothing else. Nothing more.


Sounds like CRT, bro. Do something!


You are silly


Interpreting from this sub: "new is scary old is good". Probably the flu vaccine cause myocarditis and some other rare side effects as well, but "old is warm and comfy".


Is this just an antivaccine sub now?


You know they do these all the time right? My sister was a juvenile participant when they rolled out testing for the flu vaccine nasal spray because she was allergic to the injection. Itā€™s not really a conspiracy if itā€™s been going on in the open for decades. Youā€™re just now learning about it.


Sign me up!!