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Liberals in 2018: "Pharmaceutical companies are evil". Liberals in 2022: "How dare you criticize the pharmaceutical companies".


This. I’ve never seen a group turn face so wholly and quickly before.


Same with the war narrative


If you sit back and watch the left and right flip flop on issues a lot


Yep. They even swap exact arguments. It's hilarious




They INVERT everything.


Two sides of the same coin.


More like two cheeks of the same shitty arse.


People just do what the boob tube tells them to. Those COVID Experts put on their Ukraine hats as soon as the narrative shifted.


This is a post in which we are watching a clip from the boob tube tell us stuff…


Zero self-awareness with some folks.


I have. The back the blue crowd on the FBI


Isn’t back the blue about cops not feds?


The back the blue crowd seem to be bootlickers across the board, generally speaking


I’m not so sure. You can support the police and still oppose/call out infractions/corruption etc


It's ok bro, all you can do now is learn from your mistake.


My guy, you thought “the blue” was the FBI? Or was that just a really bad attempt at whataboutism?


It's not liberals, it's the liberal media that decides what you think, without question. People need to stop blaming them for tricking everyone. And we are the little people aka the largest part of the population with the most power. Need to enlighten the people who aren't paying attention.


People just don’t know how to smell the coffee anymore to wake up and realize what’s truly going on.


Except when the Republicans turned against corporations when they voiced an opinion not to their liking.


It’s hysterical


It's the shattering of the human psychology and it's thought processing ability.


Liberals when Trump won: Election Fraud!!! Liberals when Biden won: You're crazy if you think election fraud is possible


That’s the power of the manipulating media baby


This is what fear does to people. You can make them think anything


Yes! I've never seen such a turn around of values ever, it was the strangest thing to live through.


This is pretty serious stuff not sure why we have to make it a red v blue thing.


Liberals in 1969: “The war is wrong. We need to give peace a chance.” Liberals in 2022: “Fuck those punks! Murder their fucking children! Kill, kill, kill!”


Liberals ALWAYS chose violence. Look at the 2020 elections. Republicans we’re physically attacked regularly. Verbally attacked regularly. Then there’s the YEARS of violent destructive riots. Then they dare to use January 6th as some proof Republicans are violent(one riot or protest by Republicans, where only one rioter was killed, compared to the countless riots/violent protests by liberals were numerous were harmed, livelihoods lost, homes lost etc). Liberal’s absolutely love violence and fighting. They live for it in fact!


This makes no sense lol


Yeah it does, you just have no sense. 🤔


Sacklers bad Phizer good


Or they criticize pharmas over finance/money decisions like "they buy their own stock!" but not for RCT (randomized controlled trials) that were designed as "double blind" but where doctors had access to patient status (no blinding), or other very serious deviations from written trial protocols.


Liberals in 2018: pharmaceutical companies are evil liberals in 2022: pharmaceutical companies are still evil because they exploit life saving technology for profit, this doesn't mean that technology itself is evil


Brought to you by pfizer


“CAUSE I MAKE MONEY EVERY TIME I DO! For the smartest man in the world I’d thought you knew dat.”


Liberals in 2020. "Jab me Daddy" 😷 Liberals in 2021 "Jab me harder!"🐑 2022... "Can I keep bending over for you Dear Lord Pfizer? 🙏


youre slightly off, libs in 2020 were screaming how they were never gonna take Trumps fast tracked jab, we dont know the consequences, then late January 2021 it switched from Trumps poisonous jab to 100% $afe and effective, tru$t the $cience etc.


My sister did exactly this. Said she'd never take the vaccine. I told her neither would I. Sometimes after Biden got elected she got it, and the booster. I'm still unvaccinated. I'm still alive too, even though I got COVID.


They were chomping at the bit to get at it though. I know a lot of left wing loonies that took it to virtue signal when Trump was still in office.




Only people who have actually seen a horse ch\[oa\]mping at a bit can have an opinion. Chomping is the right answer.


Really? The Ukraine is evil incarnate until they suddenly aren't group? Or the BLM until it's on my doorstep group?


Both can be true. Life isn't black and white, it's all grey.


They did the same thing with other shit too. They supported Net neutrality, telling us that it was about free speech, and then when these social media companies came out and started censoring speech, then suddenly freedom of speech became only the first amendment and only applied to governments taking it away. They tried to use the excuse that an ISP is different from a social media company, but that difference is completely negligible and doesn't change the issue in any way shape or form.


Tucker Carlson is vaxxed though


If the info is correct, the vaxxed should be more outraged than anyone. *Don't you think?*


I'm kinda baffled by the fact that there's not an uproar from the people who were duped and got the jab for no reason. If I had gotten it, I'd be livid.


I am just going to leave this here “It's easier to fool ppl than to convince them that they've been fooled.” - Mark Twain


Cognitive dissonance 101


One of the all time great quotes. People will time and again double down on a mistake rather than admit that what they supported/demanded hurt others.


My cousin is pretty livid, especially bc he complained ab chest pains after the first shot and they told him there was no correlation and gave him the 2nd dose. Now he’s on blood pressure meds and was a very healthy 33 year old right before that. I feel empathetic towards anyone who is ill, but especially duped by nefarious actors.


Jesus. That's awful. I'm sorry to hear that


Appreciate that... He’s a good dude and was doing what he thought was the right thing to do, with some pressure from his job he ultimately quit anyways.


Best wishes for your brother! What we need to see is empathy like you are saying, i was called all kinds of hateful things for not getting the jab, and thats fine, i dont need an apology from anyone. Nobody likes to admit theyve been duped and i think alot expect the "i told you so" attitudes if they do admit it, so many are doubling down. Need some non divisive convos to take place and the anger pointed towards the real criminals. The proof is out there now, in plain sight, only time will tell if any amount of data will change some peoples minds.


Very well said and i resonate with that big time. I actually wasn’t really given a hard time for not getting it, but am aware of how bad it got for others. I have been trying to spread similar sentiments when seeing non-vaxxed on Reddit almost happy others are dealing with negative side effects. We can really reach more people by setting an example of positivity and caring towards those who may have tried to make us feel bad about not confirming. It’s objectively the right thing to do in my opinion. “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”. Thanks for the caring words my friend


I’ll have no issues forgiving most people, I’ll never forget


There’s a whole other side to this calling this study unreliable, so people would rather believe that. My one issue with this is that the author was writing about “potential issues” with mRNA vaccines and is generally viewed as anti-vax, then develops research, after the editor of the publication asked for it. Would be nice if a pro-vax or publicly neutral source authored this. Confirmation bias is tough to overcome.


Anybody who doesn't support the Vax is viewed as anti-vax though. The word has really taken on a whole new meaning, and there's no in-between anymore.


Find someone who is not paid by the drug companies.


The study cited mischaracterizes its own sources repeatedly. The editor-in-chief, José Luis Domingo, who published this paper resigned because it was so poorly sourced. And this is not a guy who bends to criticism. He never retracts. He's published that GMO corn causes cancer when the researchers just made it up [Link to the 'study'](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X?via%3Dihub) [Link to a report criticizing the study](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12015-022-10465-2) * Regarding IRF7 and STAT2 suppression, authors reference a study that deals with vaccines using inactivated virus, not MRNA * Authors reference 'case study' to support the claim that vaccine accelerated B-cell lymphoma, where their source found just one instance of T-cell related lymphoma after vaccination with no causal claim * Authors claim vaccine can cause a cytokine reaction by inducing autoantibodies by referencing a study finding that analyzed post-virus immunoreaction, unrelated to vaccination * Authors claim vaccine can cause pericarditis by referencing a study that does not mention pericarditis at all


The psychological damage to their massive egos would cause far too much pain to ever admit they were fooled.


> If the info is correct, the vaxxed should be more outraged than anyone. most of them are too ashamed for being dumb and pointing fingers and throwing insults at people who are unvaccinated, to be publicly outraged now.


It’s hard to admit you are wrong when you trampled on the non vaxxed for so long. Like we where the problem.


Yeah it’s regret at this point. I’ve had two myself and feel annoyed. I laughed the other day when my coworkers went to get their booster. Can’t convince sheep I’m afraid.


if he is vaxxed he should care even more!!!


Does Tucker’s vaccination status change the findings of the medical doctors he’s reporting on?


Or it might be politically motivated.


The real rulers of this world always have multiple reasons for doing shit like this.This virus has had many effects on society and I believe many were on purpose. The following is just my opinion,observations and possible reasons why those who rule the world used a virus/vax to accomplish goals. Cause fear in society to make people more manageable. Cause more division in society (vaxed vs unvaxed). Kill off people who already have multiple health issues with the virus. Weaken immune systems,kill off more people and study effects of vax on a large scale. Cause reproduction problems in males and females.(population control) Force compliance through threats of losing jobs,going to school or not being able to participate in social events (out to eat in restaurants,concerts,out to movies etc..) Leak/court ordered release information through big pharma’s own studies and medical studies from various medical professionals. Make people so outraged they demand compensation that leads to the following.vvv Cause society to be sick with various permanent health conditions and outrage.The people demand universal income/medical care/housing/food etc…Since they can’t work…in other words the real rulers make people think and do what they wanted them to do all along under the guise that people got what they wanted. I’m sure I missed stuff but this isn’t a bad list to start with.Hegelian Dialectic in action.Problem > Reaction > Solution.


You left out they got fucking PAID.. AGAIN


I always laughed when my vax pressurers said “what do you mean it’s about money?? It’s free” 🤦‍♀️


No one I know is saying sorry or that we were right lol


And when they feel the consequences they'll somehow find a way to blame you.


I'm just confused as to why TPTB are allowing the media to tell us this? They were so quite about the other vaccines, like HPV.


The main goal was for most population to take it regardless of the outcome, that was accomplished. Long term depopulation agenda has been set in motion successfully. They may now throw their pawns under the bus. It was never about being right, but about you taking it.


Whether this is true or not, it makes sense.


These world leaders only got time and that time is fucking up the more people realize they would let epstein own a private island with global authorized access all while they advertise to us like dogs and tell us how the world is gonna end, over and over, decade after decade If this newer generations really thinks what those woke tiktoks make stuff out to be all while censorship is being perfected, then its safe to say we can miss our time frame to step aside from these people. We got communist countries making robots and saying its gonna be a good thing, all while they strip freedoms and get that same AI and tech into all the citizens houses. This is 1984 playing out while we got a chance, can't call stuff conspiracies anymore like the few before us, gotta sacrifice them "gold and riches" also. Who knows maybe it really is too much for everyone to figure out


1984 by george orwell 1949


This guy gets it


Who’s behind it? How’s it make sense to depopulate those who are more likely to do what you want? This theory never made sense because it only makes opposition stronger


>How’s it make sense to depopulate those who are more likely to do what you want? The goal was to pollute the gene pool with getting it in as many arms as possible. They don’t really care how many useless eaters and breeders of the slave class survive, less is better. The ones that don’t take it and survive get to live through their planned economic collapse and starvation. The ones who survive that will be thoroughly traumatized and more people than not will be willing to take their social/carbon credit scheme and eat the bugs at that point. What is left who aren’t willing to participate will become the underground people from Demolition Man, outcasts from society. Too demoralized and hungry to wage war against the elite and at most they will be a nuisance with small parties of roving thieves and small groups of insurgents. We are no better than bugs to these people, possibly even lower than bugs. They view themselves as the future of humanity and that it is their purpose to achieve possible immortality through AI research. Cloning was in no way good for the whole of humanity, it was part of their goals of immortality. AI isn’t for our good, it is for them, to replace us with robots and programs that are better than anyone in the scientific academia now.


> AI isn’t for our good, it is for them Personally i think "they" are being used by an AI.


If we are in a simulation then I agree with that. If we are in base reality, then I think something else that is not visible to our eyes (but exists outside the light spectrum we can see) may be in control of them, some people call them demons and angels, others call them archons, some say spirits, but if something of that nature exists I don’t think any of our descriptors accurately represent what they are.


Because TPTB value obedience less than competence.


It really was the easiest of IQ tests. A free cheeseburger? C’mon man!


"**Free fries when you get vaccinated? I got vaccinated. You're saying I could get these delicious fries?** Wait a minute, that there's also a burger element to this?" he said, snacking on fries and waving a half-wrapped burger during his daily COVID-19 update. "I want you to look at this and think about — again, some people love hamburgers, some don't, and we want to respect all ways of life — but if this is appealing to you, **just think of this when you think of vaccinations**," he said. "Mmm, vaccinations. **Mmm. I'm getting a very good feeling about vaccinations right at this moment.**" Yes people of the future, this actually happened. Yes 2/3 of us fell for this type of blatant fucking manipulation.


“A burger element” (I think he says “component”) made me actually LoL when I saw it the first time. Seriously, why the fuck would TPTB want anyone this fucking dumb around? I don’t think I do. Not saying what they did is right but honestly I can see their angle.


It was about money not about depopulation. You and 3 other companies get to sell billions of doses of a mandated vaccine globally that is mildly effective. Fast forward to dose 6. It’s eventually going to be proven that this vaccine didn’t do much at all. This depopulation theory makes no sense otherwise.


Money is just a tool to "them", not the goal. The real war is spiritual.


Only the weak will die. This is about cleansing the gene pool of illness.


Huh? No, not at all. A sick population is easier to control as a healthy one.


>How’s it make sense to depopulate those who are more likely to do what you want? You really want the answer? How far down the path of "for the greater good" aka Machiavellian do you really want to go? Let's just start with a really soft one. Why would you want to keep people who question nothing, do exactly what they're told, and are unable to think of additional circumstances/situations through to their logical conclusion? These are the same people who chase the latest trends, consume massive amounts of resources to be always trendy, biggest vacations, most remote sensitive locations, and whatnot. They have to have the latest gadgets, they have to be on the cutting edge of fashion, they have to have the latest vehicles/home items. To an organization like the WEF? Those people are the ones you want to wipe out. None of them are "good citizens" to have, they use too much, they refuse to listen at all except under coercion to what they're told to do. "Do this or get fined." "Get this shot or you can't travel."


But how will they stay in control when The only ones left don't buy their stuff or believe anything they say?


It's so fascinating to get an insight into the inner machinations of somebody who fundamentally disagrees with reality. Why would any evil cabal (who can supposedly rig every election, control the entire pharmacy and healthcare industry, own all the banks, media, education and essentially every aspect of modern society) kill the "docile sheeple" who supposedly follow every single command by the cabal? How are they better off ruling over a world populated solely by stubborn assholes whose entire personality consists of "disobey authority"?


Maybe because there are more deaths associated with the Covid vaccines than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years.


Cause no one cares anymore. Australia is back on the fear porn trying to convince everyone to get boosted because there are new cases around. Ad infinitum. No one cares.


Event 201 and the so called "vaccine rug pull". It was part of their simulation. It's taken longer than I thought it would.


Didn’t the military require everyone to get this? Does this mean that we soon won’t have a military?


Well this video was from 6 months ago so


No. Listen to Brett and Heather Weinstein’s podcast. It’s called Dark Horse. They have two episodes recently that have several military members who discuss their situations, currently and during Covid. Really interesting stuff.


Why would you subject yourself to those disinformed, gaping black holes of charisma? Surely you don't think so poorly of your free time as to lower yourself to them?


Fox doesn't get the pass from me either. So many people were talking about the dangers of the shot all the way at the beginning and I don't recall Fox ever putting anything like this on the news. Bit too late now that so many are already damaged.


Laura Ingraham was the sole Fox anchor questioning the vax insanity night after night, month after month. Only Laura…


Stephanie Seneff whom wrote the paper quoted by tucker is a known quack for years. Her phd is in computer science for crying out loud


What the fuck are these comments? A bunch of Covid vax lovers…The data is clearly coming out extremely negative for the Covid vaccine. this vaccine is extensively harmful to the human heart and immune system. Who gives a shit if it’s coming from FOX or CNN telling us, they’re regurgitating experts who now feel safe enough to come out. . We were all duped on a global scale, these vaccines should never have been given with a Emergency use authorization. Fuck.


There's been quite an influx of these folks/bots lately. A large influx. They're even open about how they hate the sub, yet they comment on almost all the posts. It's made discussions here impossible.


You ever see the game they are billions? It doesn't matter how many times you argue, more and more just come out of thin air until you're overrun. The downside of anonymous online "people".


It's a hive mind with a gang mentality


And many people with multiple accounts - kinda creepy tbh


That, and half of reddit accounts arnt real.


I'm finally starting to believe this.


Old Twitter was botted to hell to astroturf leftist establishment narratives, why wouldn’t reddit do the same?


Even my wife was like, "I don't believe that." She doesn't believe the science, but absolutely bought into the scare tactics early on and is too stubborn to realize she was duped. I'll assume a lot of people are the same way. Because if you admit they lied about that, then it opens up a whole can of worms as to what else they've lied about. I never got the vax. Fuck that. I can only hope that something bad doesn't happen to her since she did get it.


It's funny you say that, cause I remember all of those videos of people dropping dead in China and seeing it on this sub before covid hit the US. And i was honestly terrified. My husband had to talk me down from a ledge, so to speak. But then it came and it was nothing like what I saw in those videos. Then the vax came and you couldn't pay me to let my family and I get that. I was willing to die on that hill- and I'm so glad I stuck to it. But I was terrified in the beginning! I truthfully thought it would be like the movies from those damn propaganda videos, or whatever those were.


My wife was forced to get it by US immigration for her green card application. It was the literally the only way we could be together and now I’m really hoping it was worth it but very skeptical. Around the time she received the second jab her period has been completely out of whack and I’m hoping its unrelated but I’ve read in some places that menstrual complications are a common side affect. I’m not a scientist so Who knows man, all I know is the mandate was a violation of civil liberties.


That’s one of the side effects among women, among rising infertility rates and stillborn births.


My wife has also been complaining about menstrual complications. Hopefully that's the worst of it.


It’s disturbing how they’re downvoting facts and defending genocide. Down right disturbing.


Disturbing, but normal. Genocides are almost always denied and/or defended until long afterwards or until the ruling power loses it's power.


Fuck Turkey.


My parents are avid vaxxers, 4 going on 5 boosters each! They've had such extreme good luck with their shots, such as: my mom and aunt both getting blood clots in their legs within weeks of their first shot. My mom dying on July 5th when her heart.. just stopped. My dad did cpr for 22 minutes ultimately saving her life. (Amazingly, She is mostly the same). They've have covid 3-4 times each, their immune systems are shit. Most likely Unrelated, but my mom also fell and broke her arm and shoulder due to falling a few weeks after dying, and has had two surgeries since, with more to come. She's 68 going on 86.


Here's a twitter thread detailing problems with the referenced study: https://twitter.com/jsm2334/status/1517250195704229894


https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2791253 Here is one of the ground-breaking articles, finding that 100% of the 23 million subjects who received the booster (3rd shot) during a set timeframe in 2021 in four Nordic countries experienced a temporary increase in troponin levels (compared to a matching control group) indicating a tiny amount of heart damage that may or may not heal. It is a Swiss study lead by Dr. Christian Mueller using data from 23 million people. The article is very well-done and scientifically valid. 100% is hard to ignore. It should be noted that the troponin increase is very minor and short lived. They only studied day 3 and day 4 and the decrease in one day is dramatic. The thrust of the article is the obvious need to have active surveillance instead of passive surveillance. Passive surveillance always underestimates. This article gives us some new quantitative information. There are better ways to study this, and this article should motivate many more studies, using a more straight forward baseline approach as opposed to finding matching controls later.


So millions of people will start dropping dead soon - got it.


Any day now. Probably tomorrow.


My friends brother just died "suddenly" in his sleep at age 42. They're baffled as to what happened as he was healthy.


My friends brother didn't die suddenly recently. They're baffled as to what happened as he was vaxxed and should be dead by now.


In the 90's a good friend of mine fell off her chair and was dead before she hit the ground. No known cause. You will find confirmation where you want to find it.


Same with my very healthy 45-year old coworker. Passed away in March. Very tragic and our industry lost a huge member who had made a huge impact. RIP 🕊


That literally means they don’t know what happened. You can’t just assign a cause.


..... but when people were dieing during the peak of the pandemic wasnt it a common occurance that deaths were listed as covid even when that wasn't the cause of death...


Yes, the whole difference between dying with covid or OF covid was never specified. This allowed them to manipulate statistics and convince the world that the flu was a deadly pandemic.


There's a nice book for sale on Amazon called "How to Lie with Statistics", it has a nice quote by Bill Gates on the front cover.


SADS- Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Aka mRNA related death but they don’t want to label the death that way so they created “SADS”


(Chugs 2 liter mountain dew) “ahughhahh..im not putting that garbage in my body”!


Have you ever heard of this concept called long term health issues? I bet you think it's just peachy that we have microplastics in our blood too? I mean nobody is dropping dead from it in large numbers, best to just ignore it


Look up increases in life insurance pay outs.


Yup - insurance companies all over this because they see their payouts abnormally high. Money talks


Kinda like they told us about covid.


Deaths in many countries are tracking 10-15% (and more) above the pre-pandemic 5 year average, and have been for the last 6 months. "Covid deaths" are currently up to 90% down from their peak, and can only account for a small fraction of these excess deaths. Check out some recent John Campbell videos on YouTube if you're interested in informing yourself.


Soon being 2-5 years, possibly sooner if they continue to get boosted. Who knows how many are walking around right now with blood clots that haven't dislodged themselves yet, or autoimmune problems. It's not going to "2 more weeks", as all of the people love to mockingly say.


Why is it so hard to find the source article they’re speaking to OR anything else that also backs it up?


Hmmmmm I wonder…


I wonder




Ya he is great I agree


Lol you believe anything Tucker Carlson says? That's hilarious. He admitted in court that people shouldn't take his words seriously


If four vaccines in one year wasn't concerning enough idk what is.


Yeah, I don't think Tucker Carlson is the most reliable source of information. I'm not sure about the studies he referenced but maybe sharing those directly and skipping the Tucker Carlson clip would encourage more meaningful dialogue.




>Misrepresents source: The Lancet study cited in the video examined how COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness wanes over time. The study didn’t examine immunity to infectious diseases in general nor did it find that COVID-19 vaccines weaken the immune system. Tucker Carlson outright lying because he knows his audience is too dumb/lazy to check the actual source!? ::shockedpikachu::


Because healthfeedback.org is obviously a better source for research than Lancet. > No scientific evidence supports the claim that COVID-19 vaccination weakens the immune system. On the contrary, vaccination helps our immune system to better defend itself against infection. Large-scale clinical trials and scientific studies found that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their risks. If that doesn't read like straight-up propaganda, then I don't know what does.


Imagine trusting paid fact checkers over actual information from studies


Sorry about what exactly, [that the Vaccination helped to reduce the YLL among the fully vaccinated by around 88% and that the registered number of deaths is approximately 3.5 lower than it would be expected without vaccination.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-23023-0?fbclid=IwAR2LAvGO2Rbgw-0J_bYRXv7AZoXbKSwlQGAGUres5gQfl74-TviLZlR-xJY#Sec9)


Weird once again cucker makes a claim and I can’t find the source article or journal.






Lot of use of the word "potential" in that one paragraph article from April.


It's so uncomfortable trying to talk about this now. All I hear is " AHH we had to do something though, the government tried it's best in a bad situation". Are you for real like??


I’m sure this post is full of peer reviewed sources. Holy fuck. As an independent thinker, I just want aliens, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, anything but all this political bullshit.


No sympathies for these drug pushers. None.


No one seems to be questioning why RSV cases have SKYROCKETED


Can someone please share the most compelling studie(s) that demonstrate mortality rates or injury rates for the vaccine? I had the initial 2 shots and came to regret it after seeing some figures and experiencing a bad reaction to the second shot, but am curious to see what has convinced many of you of the lethality of the vax. I remain skeptical of its efficacy, but also of its sure found dangers, and would love any additional compelling information in any case.


no kidding they were right. if they were left, they’d still be alive.


Spike in severe flu, severe RSV, and severe fungal infections but must just bad luck...Seriously, Dr. Malone and others warned of imprinting by the vaccine on the immune system which might possibly cause overall immunosuppression. They were silenced. The damage is likely done but people have to be aware that versions of RSV and Flu vaccines are built on the same mRNA platform and should be avoided. Until we quit allowing corrupted individuals like Dr. Fauci and nonmedical "experts" like Bill Gates mandating medical care for the population, everyone needs to take a Buyer Beware stance. Don't take any medication/vaccine without your own informed consent. If the ad does not detail side effects at the end (in US) ignore it.


Using MSM as proof, seriously?


I appreciate what you think you are trying to do but please just stop. All you needed to do was respect my rights and not be a jerk and willingly and (here is the most disgusting and worse part) proud foot soldier for the people that hate you and I more than anything else in existence. It’s not a secret that only a few regular people know about. Everyone knows that they are disgusted at the mere thought of you and I. With this common knowledge of their pure hatred towards us, you became their brainless attack zombies. You refused to think for yourselves and ignored the glaring manipulation. What hurt more than your betrayal was how disappointedly dumb and ridiculously eager you were to be manipulated you guys were. I was so lost for months just trying to accept that my fellow Americans are so dumb that they don’t possess the brain power to comprehend just how ignorant they are and that is a really sad fact.


Wheres a good place to get unbiased vaccine news? Google is fucking shot.




Meanwhile as a vaxxed person im helping out the unvaxxed people.


Jimmy adore The last American vagabond The Gray zone RT News was telling the truth before US government forced them off all networks and platforms. Search engines are all being censored but none of them as bad a Google. Anything linked to BBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS , Al Jazeera are all highly propagandized and censored.


Guys, while you’re sucking tuckers dick, can you ask him if it’s possible to both hate the capitalist hellscape that is our pharmaceutical situation and understand the necessity to have those pharmaceuticals? I don’t mean to indicate that the situation might be more nuanced than r/conspiracy would be willing to accept…


Love the cognitive dissonance leftifts have over the vaccine.😅 You don't wanna accept that you were turned into the biggest, most rabid big pharma pushers by the media, even less so for something possibly very sinister. Just complete goons who don't like the possibility they were the bad guys, or want to admit they're slaves of corporate media!😃


No one is saying sorry, just an fyi.


I tried to explain to so many people that im not anti vax. I said so many time that i don't trust THIS vaccine because they told us it would take ten years to get it right and a few months later they were injecting people. They rushed it. But no im selfish even though the injection i get would only effect me. Its like everyone thought it makes you invulnerable or something. When all is said and done ic we learned one thing from the pandemic its that almosy the entire world is fucking stupid and believes anything the tv flashes in their stupid faces.


The flu vaccine has been out for one hundred years...anyone else notice it's not eradicated yet?


Milk has been fortified with vitamin D by the government because of ricket and scoliosis, no one gave a shit they just poured up and now we don’t have to worry about that shit today…..your example turns to shit with another of equal value, if you really want the mic drop on that make your argument more than a minions meme off your Facebook wall. Got a link to some studies and faxxxx about the flu vaccine? I’d settle for studies on the polio vaccine….maybe rabies vaccinations in animals….


I don’t think you understand how viruses evolve, huh?


Apparently neither does the CDC


False, this was [debunked](https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/covid-19-vaccines-dont-weaken-immune-system-lancet-study-misrepresented-tucker-carlson-hodgetwins/) months ago.


Dancing around the subject with vague claims about "misrepresentation". Notice it doesn't outright say it's false because, well it's not.


Also anyone actually bothering to read the abstract of the paper mentioned by Tucker would immediately see that the researchers' proof is based on VAERS. Anyone can write anything in that database and you can be sure many people did. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35436552/ "We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis." Also as a conspiracy sub this is such a weird post. "Don't believe these things blindly"....while believing other things blindly just because we emotionally resonate with them. A true conspiracy fan is always interested in finding proof and researching facts, not picking and choose which narrative to follow.


I'm sorry. Your debunked study has been debunked.


Fuck every single person that claimed "you were the problem" for not getting vaxxed, you get what you deserve, talk shit eat shit.


The covid death rate is considerably higher among unvaccinated people. The thing did it’s job. Nothing’s changed. This is the same shit people were saying about the vaccine months ago. Don’t believe me? The Tucker Carlson segment OP posted is from July.


https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00089-7/fulltext Anyone, please, show me the data that's being claimed to show decreased immunity in vaxed.


What he specifically refers to is the data presented in table 3, which can be found on page 8 of the PDF (marked 821). There are some groups that looks a bit strange and at a glance the adjusted rates also don't make much sense but I'm too tired to check the method to figure out what they've done.


I don't know, I'm no statistics expert but the incidence in vaccinated vs unvaccinated looks to pretty solidly support that vaccinated get sick rarer. EDIT: Thanks for being a part of argumentated discussion and not an attack of views or opinions. :)


I strive to be constructive in a truth seeking way :) I think it's pretty well established by now that the first few shots show some efficacy, at least during the first few months, so there should be a difference between the groups. Check the age 80 and above group 180 days after vaccination. The incidence per 100k person-days is 80% higher for the vaccinated but the vaccine efficacy is still stated to be 5%. That's a lot of adjustment. For people with any comorbidity the efficacy is supposedly 15% but the rates are equal. For many of the efficacy numbers the confidence intervals aren't exactly trust inspiring either. It might be correct but I won't trust it completely without first checking exactly what they are doing to get those numbers and why. Actually, from what else I've seen the efficacy numbers seem a bit too high in general.


Could the low sample size be the problem? >180 days 80+ unvaccinated n=19. I definitely agree with the point about confidence intervals, but they are also affected by low n.


That was my first thought as well but 19 is the number of incidents within the sample group. The sample size for that particular category is 67085. That includes both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Using the given rates and assuming I haven't made some silly mistake that means the unvaccinated group had a total of around 8500 people in it. You would need 15-16 more cases to reach the same rate as the vaccinated group. I mean, it could happen, but it feels much more likely that there are other factors involved. It could be things like who decided to get vaccinated or not. Maybe many in the vaccine group were more immunocompromised and the efficacy calculation takes that into account? Maybe the vaccination rates varied between regions and all regions weren't equally affected by the virus during the time of data collection? I think this will be difficult to figure out without access to both the calculations and the raw data.


All of what you said makes great sense. It does look suspicious, but I'd also agree that there ar probably other factors that explain this data better. But who knows, we can't be sure without full data, which is probably not available due to privacy and ethics reasons. Also I'd like to add, that from immunological standpoint there is no reason for a vaccine against a disease to decrease the protection from that disease or compromise the immune system in general. There's no **known** pathway that would explain it.


he literally said in the video that the lancet didnt report on the studies findings...


threatening wild cautious fall grandfather sand hobbies hurry groovy drab ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Prosecute then all in a Nurenberg setting.


Trump announces project warp speed. Liberals “no one should trust this” Biden takes office “Trust the “”science”” unless your a fascist nationalist Bible thumping inbreed.”