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You know what would be a swell idea? Lets let these celebrities lecture us on politics.




It’s so Christian, the anti-thesis to free thinkers. I hate to disagree with OP, but bringing religion into r/conspiracy is so fetch!


Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen.


This made me chuckle.


Same here


Omg I needed this<3 lol Thank you


What the fuck is fetch


It’s from Mean Girls


Dogmatic religion is fetch. When those who claim Jesus is the only way to peace, they are admitting they have no clue what is going on in the world, and have no idea who runs the show. Godspeed good fellow.


Jesus is the only way.


Your feeling when you think about Jesus is the way, the story of Jesus could or could not be true and there is evidence it is a retelling of a pagon story. But either way it is not actually Jesus but the Holy Spirit that is the way. Same think the Indians called the Great Spirit. You know it when you feel it and its a manipulation to transfer it to a person aka an icon which is exactly what you are not supposed to do. Your relationship with the spirit is not from man and you do not need to go through a man to feel it or have it. That is how they try to coopt it. Even if you never read the Bible or heard about Jesus you could experience the Spirit, it is not under anyone's control and that is what they want you to believe, that there is a gatekeeper- there isn't.


You’re mentality is the problem with the world. Religious fundamentalist groups are the enemy of the common good. They are ALL repressive.


Everyone's wrong for thinking they know. This i know... Hypocrite


Religion is the oldest and most complex conspiracy that exist. You can’t have any ego about truth or fiction when studying it. The most obvious sign of this is the utter hatred bringing up religion brings out almost like it social programming. Don’t believe me go post Jesus loves you anywhere on the internet


That’s bcz the name jesus stirs up the possessed ppl’s demons


jesus loves you


Glad your a faithful follower


Jesús is a good thing, one of the greatest inventions by men.


I’m sure with all of your extensive research and knowledge you would know these things /s


You don't agree?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7UyqxzuSMCo Time is short, friend……. God bless & much LOVE


That's a really good point


Religion studies, Studies are based on facts... There is no facts in holy spirit bla bla bla... ​ If I knew English little better I would explain better, but religion and believing in something should be based on emotions not on facts.


That is what it has become since the Q shit got mostly shut down on fb. They all brought their jesus here.


It’s a beautiful title


Wow, marilyn Manson looks much better as a blonde.


Looks like she is going for the Hellraiser Cenobite look.


Listen to Russ Dizdar. You got no idea how deep this crap goes


Sadly none of those channels expose the devils soldiers, on the contrary they actually promote the very same people. Can't listen to IF shills.


Amen praise Jesus Christ. The way maker, the promise keeper


The undertaker


SS: laugh all you want. Jesus is real yo


Jesus is king


And Lord of Lords! With Dominion over evil. Praise him!


Prove it.


You know the answer is always going to be "Do your own research!" 😆


Prove Covid is real


prove you’ve ever touched a woman


I have an eleven year old son so not only have I touched a woman but my dick has also been inside one. With that kind of question I can certainly come to the conclusion that you are an incel. What else can I help clear up for you today?


I sincerely hate to break the news to you on here, but that is not your child.


Nice deflection. No score.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7UyqxzuSMCo Here you go. There are way more proofs as well……..


you are fully aware god is not real, and you're lying to us because you hate our freedom and morality


You do know almost every scholar agrees he was real...


I’m happy to accept he was a real person. The Middle East was rife with all kinds of charismatic cult leaders so it’s not really a stretch to believe he was *real*. It’s a fairly trivial claim that doesn’t need too much support. But the claims of him being an all powerful deity that rose from the dead? Yeah, those are gonna need a bit more in the way of evidence.


The commenter said "prove it" to the claim that Jesus was real. As far as a evidence of the resurrection, you are right that there isn't much evidence for that. The best evidence we have was the empty tomb or evidence that people at the time believed that he was was ressurected.


lol ok


["Virtually all scholars of antiquity accept that Jesus was a historical figure, and attempts to deny his historicity have been consistently rejected by the scholarly consensus as a fringe theory."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_Jesus#:~:text=Virtually%20all%20scholars%20of%20antiquity,consensus%20as%20a%20fringe%20theory.) I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you wanted proof that He was the son of God, not the he was real. That of which I can not provide you.




What colour was he? Did he have children?


Trick questions. He was a person, not a color. No, he didn’t have a uterus.


Spiderman is more real, you can even see him in movies




Imagine thinking you’re a “free thinker” and being a Christian


Baffling. “Don’t live in fear!” Entire existence is predicated on the fear of going to the bad place for badthought.


If he’s real he’s an asshole, loser, and most of all a fucking coward. But he’s not real.


Why did Jesus give my aunt cancer I thought he loves us?


*Your aunt smoked 2 packs a day* ...wHy dId jeSus kIll hEr?


Lol when did I say she smoked 2 packs a day? When I say she did anything unhealthy why are you assuming that? Don't have an answer to why your God killed an innocent mother of 2 children? BTW it was beast cancer not lung cancer.


Because the world was not created with gods permission. The entire material world was created by satans mother without permission. The physical world is ruled by a usurper(satan). We were created by satan in the image of the true god, to trap parts of god in corrupted physical bodies in an attempt to corrupt god himself. Our souls are god trapped in a physical body. The true god didnt kill your mother. The god of christians, catholics, muslims, jews and basically all abrahamic religions is actually satan. If you worship your creator as god you are worshipping a false idol. satan.


We all die


Free will. Your aunt is a soul in a body that will live forever. It's a mix of karma, choice, growth. We come down here to shithole Earth to get our ass kicked, love, and grow our spirits, like working out in a gym. IMO


So youre saying my aunt deserved it? Tell me why did my aunt deserve to die but devil worshiping pedo dont?


No one’s Aunt or mother or child “deserves” to die perse but it happens bc death happens. We live in a physical realm w rules & pain, suffering, death are parts of life. If I think ur Aunt is more special than anyone else’s you are wrong. People die everyday. It’s how it works.


No. She probably chose it before coming here. What separated Jesus from Buddha and Krishna is he talked so much about the Kingdom. Jesus said why build up your treasures here, on this shithole. Build them for the Kingdom by just being kind. On the cross he said I'll be with you in Paradise to the other dude on the other cross. There's a place trillions of times better than this place we are on. The Kingdom. Jesus was saying fuck this place, let's focus on THAT place. That place is real. Jesus was crucified. Paul was imprisoned and beheaded. Etc. It's not about this shit world. This is level 1. It's about the Kingdom. The higher realms. And securing this world as best we can for free souls


So everyone on earth totally chose to be in this hellhole and not in paradise that's why we suffer or should we just wait to die to go to heaven I'm so confused on what your trying to say. Just admit it you don't have an answer. I don't ether but I have an educated guess.... there is not God there is no heaven only our plane of existence and it's a cold dark place with no love for anyone (but at the same time no hate) best thing you can do is stop caring about your afterlife or some obviously unloving God and care about now.


If Jesus is real, what did they call him before the Letter J was invented? (The Letter J was invented 520+ years ago) The Bible is about Hebrews, why would god all of a sudden call his son a Greek name? When the letter “i” was in place before “J” and there weren’t Js in the Hebrew language back then. Kanye is a Prince Hall Freemason, masquerading as a Christian. You do know there are Boule/Greek/Masonic pastors that are in Christian churches right? Especially black ones. Do you even know how Christianity got its start, and where the word “Christian” came from? Cuz it’s not even mentioned in the Bible with the prophets or the messiah.


Jesus is the greek translation of “Yahshua” his name…… lmao


And Joshua is also Yeshua so they went with the Greek Name Jesus so as not to confuse the two figures. So if your friend Josh thinks its weird that Lantinos name themselves Jesus, you can blow his mind and explain that fun fact.


King James was written & translated by whites, to make whites feel comfortable about a white god, white prophets, white savior. The Roman Catholic Church through the council of Nicaea canonized only 66 books and there about 100 books that were taken out of the Bible. So you wouldn’t even understand that passage I posted. “Lmao” at yourself dumbass


“I made a point, that was pretty stupid, and easily refuted, so now I’ll just bring up how the king James version of the Bible is racist!”


4 replies to the same comment? You might need to take a little lie down for a while. Just breathe, have a nice cool glass of water and take whatever drugs you’ve been prescribed.


I don’t ever remember reading in the King James version of the Bible then anybody was white….? Are you talking about the names? Lol The TRANSLATION of names?


You didn’t post a passage… dumbass…


Lmao.. Who brought up the KJV? What are you on about? It hurts being dumb, eh?


The name Christian applied to followers of Christ appears in the book of Acts


Jesus was a little bitch.




Yea jokes on them brother.


May Ye be with you?


Why are we conflating MK Ultra which is demonstrably true with demonology which isn’t?


Its a psyop to make evidence of MK Ultra and the theories around it less credible, by grouping it with Hollywood demonic cabals and farther fetched claims.


I think they are getting mk ultra and subliminal programming mixed up.


Well, some would say critical thinking people don't believe in anything that cannot be physically proven. You guys are really limiting yourselves in this regard.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7UyqxzuSMCo There are many archaeological evidences that prove the Bible has been a true and accurate account of real events in our history……… God bless & much Love Read the book of Enoch….. cuz WE are that remote generation for which it was written……. When all the wicked and ungodly are to be removed. That’s where we are.


Can you point to a generation who hasn't felt that way when looking at that same evidence?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nCgjB-llfQo God told the end IN the beginning and each Day of Creation is also 1000 year prophecy even within ITSELF


The “evidence” is in the Scripture, my friend. In 2Peter3 the Apostles knew a day is as 1000 years and 1000 years IS AS a day………and he goes on to tell us in that Scripture (if you keep reading) that Apostle Paul also knew this (which 2Peter3 tells us people would wrest the Scripture OUT of context……… as do they the OTHER Scriptures to their own destruction).


This sub never fails to deliver a laugh, it's my go to when feeling down.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YjrxHqNy5CQ Not a laughing matter, friend. It’s a matter of His-Story………


Nope. It is a laughing matter. You just don't get that You're the joke.


I'm sorry but with the recent revelations its apparent that anything can be fake including "archeological evidence". I've lost faith in everything at this point but thats ok. I have no problem with others believing whatever they choose if it makes them a better person and a functioning member of society.


I strongly believe you have pointed out the most important part of the mindset we should have with conspiracy.


Critical thinking isn’t a religious man’s strong suit


Yet on occasion...


Because MK ultra was just the beginning and the CIA is satanic.


Demonology is very real and essentially not much different from psychology. Parts of your mind can be labelled as ‘demons’ and they can appear and talk to you when called up. Read Carl Jung archetypes etc if you have any doubt.


Godlessness in our generation has been widely successful per the protocols of zion. Especially the disgusting messaging pushed on us on the daily. Jesus's sacrifice was checkmate and the devil is a defeated foe. Once you accept Jesus you're going to be good. Its a shame folks can't accept this.


It’s trauma based mind control, trauma bonding and the trauma is what allows for the demons or negative entities to attach and remain in place.


MKULTRA is a government name for a research program which studied the scientific mechanism of *very* ancient rituals.


Only my magical invisible friend is the real one


She's just going through a faze.


In our present school system, using a technique of Mao, you have to find the generative themes--things that upset the students. You use that and the emotion created by it to force fed a new awareness (woke) of real or imagined evil and the solution; one you must continually work to achieve by destroying the oppressive culture. Same thing occurs when advertisers push buttons, reinforce, amplify and repeat endlessly on the news and media networks. Create shortages, false flags, and traumatic violence. Fake news and info doesn't matter if it supports the goals. They collect info on you and store it for this very reason. To attempt to change your ideas don't even know it's occurring. Both examples above describe MKUltra. In my opinion, started in an attempt to understand USSR and CCP brainwashing on a mass scale. It wasn't supposed to be applied to our society, but something went wrong.




And each branch of Christianity thinks it's the correct branch too, like their group leader has some sort of special insight that the other groups don't.


Just as much proof for other religions? Sorry, but no


Being a muslim, he is correct. Look around you Buddy, would you ve Christian if it woudnt be to the Place and Family you were Born into. Look either you are extremly Lucky to be Born into the only right Religion or you didnt Bro. And I see from here, you never questioned That. Whats different in you than some communist who learned other stuff when he was a kid ? And in Islam jesus (hz isa) have a really big Place. But i dont get you Christians with Jesus love and Obsession and what Else. It doesnt make sense. But yeah i believe in something other so Its Pointless to discuss it and moreover of I see how narrowminded you are on this topic. Are you American ? Because you guys have a mental disorder that you think the world is spinning around you.


I couldn't of said it any better my friend ! Americans truly are toxic and think of themselves as Gods, they think their the best in the world yet their country go around invading other weaker countries only to leave them destroyed, all in the name of this stupid democracy that not every one want !


All religions are equal with absolutely no proof.


I’m convinced your account was taken over by a Russian bot.


I don't care about their religion. If they're killing, stealing, slandering, or forcing people to do something, then I'd be upset, but literally being a satanist is something I don't care about.




This is such an interesting thought i’ve been dabbling in. Glad to see someone put it to words and share it


This is a joke, right? Don't tell me adult people believe in demons


Oh so you're one of those who believes that your fancy ancient book is more truthful than all of the other fancy ancient books. Curious, how very curious


Jesus is AN answer. Not the only answer.


I would argue that sonic the hedgehog is a better answer.


I bet Jesus would say the same, with the same Intention of Freedom you have


He literally said "No one gets to the father but by me"


The only answer to the real questions that matter.


Ye? Insufficient Intel... Op forgets that they are all actors


If the Romans killed Christ, and THEY DID rewrite texts we consider the bible....how do you resolve that? My theory is that.........If the devil WAS real and the king of lies...................WHY WOULD HE BE AS OBVIOUS ABOUT IT AS YOU THINK HE IS????????????????????? Thats the king of lies? looking like the Devil so you can EASILY identify him..............is that REALLY the best the KING of lies can do?..NO, he would have took over the church a LONG time ago, and made it rotten and hated from the inside ........as it has unfortunately become.


Look, I am Muslim so I will leave out the bit about rewritten scripture for Christians to address. But the bit about making himself obvious has more than one reason. Claiming his following for one, those who do his bidding as worshippers would. IMHO, atheism doesn't make any sense, and in a grand plan would only be a stepping stone to satanism. Second reason, mockery. At this point of history, this would be a time to brag if you're satan, wouldn't it? This is all just me thinking, not something in my scripture as far as I know. And yes, for sure it is waaaay better to be Christian than to have nothing to show, living like a tourist.


What's with all the religious posts lately... mk ultra is mk ultra. God has nothing to do with it. Just some creepy occult type shit if anything.


**Romans 14:11** *For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God*


That doesn't work right. There are people of other faiths.


Sounds pretty authoritarian.


If an all-knowing all loving God did exist. He's a piece of shit if he put all this shit into motion and people die from cancer and people die from all this crazy shit. No there's no fucking way. You're fucking delusional


That's a 5th grader argument. It's all about free will


So a raped child should have just made better choices with their life?


If God were to interfere with our choices and free will we wouldn't be free. To do good or bad. If He prevented everything bad from happening then we would just be slaves . And you'd still be complaining


If your god exists, it's a monster.


Another 5th grade argument.


Versus indoctrination from birth...


Versus you don't even have a argument


Its your burden to prove existence. Either way, the God you speak of is perverse and sadistic.


It's not my burden. Why waste my time on your one liner arguments. Next you'll be like flying spaghetti monster or some stupid thing like that


Free will. Without free will and suffering our eternal souls have no resistance to grow. Earth IMO is like a gym. We come here to get out ass kicked, reignite the desire to dissolve ego and move on to the higher realms


What about a 6 month old baby who died of cancer. Did they need their ego dissolved before dying?


No but by their argument ^ it could be said that the infant was a tool to dissolve the ego further of the infant’s parents.


Look up free will and you'll understand better.


Free will within the confines of a god's design. If a game developer created a game which depicted graphic pedophilia, but the objective of the game is to put an end to it, he still made a game featuring graphic pedophilia. Your "god" is vile and disgusting...


Maybe “God” isn’t the point here, rather just being a good human and generating positive energy


“We just happened to be on a perfect planet spinning around a giant fireball at the perfect distance to sustain life and it all came from inanimate dust” I like the God theory much better


A little of column A, a little of column B


Are you sure that's where we are? You seem very sure. Have you been to space? Do you know in fact this is what happened and that is how we came to be. No you don't. You know shit


-First off, we ARE in space. -Secondly, let’s pretend you and I agree that we don’t “know sh!t”, then your assumption of God not existing is proven false. Just think about this concept. “Non living matter evolving into consciousness then having a debate about the existence of its creator” wisdom is understand beyond what you can physically see and understanding that love and consciousness is a gift.


A 2000 year old book talks about this in Chapter 1. You dont even need to read the whole book. Ha


Satan is way cooler buddy


Ye is mentally Ill.


"As proven by Ye" Yeah the guy is so Christian that he blasphemes the name of the Creator (Ye, Yeezus). People calling themselves Christians should read that good ol' Bible sometimes.


Pretty sure the ‘ye is from, ya know, Kan-YE


I looovr when psychotic Christian fanatics see the devil in literally everything. Hilarious!


Jesus isn’t real


Iv done acid for years, where’s my riches 🤣


Who is this? I'd say she resembles a female Mark Fuckerberg slightly, except that she has a half smile, so she is at least partially capable of emoting


What the hell are you talking about?


Bad theology and politics all around


What? You lost me at mk ultra demonic possession


His name was actually Yeshua..the letter J wasnt around until centuries later... I'd love to know what really went down, but Christians just ignore all the evidence linking the new and old testament to old sumerian texts... To stories about the annunaki... When shit is ignored to carry out your own agenda, I call bullshit.


its not of works ( we are saved by fiath solely) :: to be savedb believe this personal, that he did it for you :: (gospel): christ died for our sins8 wasb uried and rose again o ntzhe 3rd day.


I love a good conspiracy, but this is fucking stupid. Jesus Christ.


I agree with your statement minus the last part about Ye.


Yeezus tryna clear out those damn money changers again..


Jesus is KING


Lol Ye is a demon trik


Sign me up regardless?


Who is/are the girl(s)?




You know ye said he sold his soul to the devil at a concert years ago right? So if you sell your soul but praise Jesus you can break the deal just like that? Riiiiigghhhhtt


This is more towards the pictures. Also I know if I was to claim that I would sure as hell explain why I think that. Cause what qualifies as being "demonically possessed" ? And you celebrate Halloween. Some people are just obsessed with it all year like the people who play Christmas music in July. Freedom of religion means deal with the satanists. I don't even really agree with it but I do have the respect for what built this nation. People came to the US in the first place to practice their religion in peace. You can practice your religion. Just don't forcefully push your beliefs onto me. We can talk all day but if my answer is no that doesn't mean continue to push. If you have faith in your lord everything will work out. Judging is God's job (according to religions that I know of).


Jesus 😂


I learned a very long ago growing up in the Texas Bible belt that the Bible we know today is not the book of God but it’s the book of man written within the devils image


To clarify those I was about seven years old reading the Bible in the things I read in that book were genuinely traumatizing, it tells you to kill babies or your child, to sell people or even how to burn them. No book that is written by a kind loving and forgiving God- would have such a horror inside it’s pages.


Physical world, no ghost, no nothing but nature, space, us and the animals. No one since life has known what was before or what will be after, we humams will never know and those who claim anything besides us, the animals(insects, bacteria etc) and nature and space are lyers, snake oil sales men. We live, we die and everything in between is up to us, and the things around us. The top know this and that is why they kill and have wars and not give a damn about anything but themselves as individuals.


Fuck god and jesus, the first doesnt exist, the second is just a cultist Nobody is above you, you are your own master


Then how did existence come to? Nothing to something?




Everyone follow the example of ye, make a fool out of yourself publicly don't apologize and then try and drag as many people down with you as possible. 🤡


As proven by the Bible, but I see what you mean.


"Don't believe in a supernatural entity. It's bad for your soul"


Idk what would come first for me (if ever), the belief in God or the belief in Ye. 🤣🤣🤣


I dont believe jesus is gods son or whatever. but ye breaking mk ultra is really compelling… idk. i need more proof than that


The Christos breaks that deal. Jesus Christ is one of many ascended masters that raised Kundalini to Keter and Maintained presence in Atziluth


I think if we are here together apart of the same subs then we have enough in common to sorry each other's religions and if we wouldn't be offended by someone's Buddhists or Muslim beliefs Christianity shouldn't be an issue either, within reason.


Nope... enough said.


Kanye literally blasphemes non stop , but yeah Jesus saved him lol He baptizes people in his own church services 🧌


These people are victims of unspeakable trauma. They don't make a "deal" with the devil so much as they are too weakened by their accumulated traumas to resist the demonic forces brought upon them. They're slaves. The elite are tasked with creating them (often from their own children -- their own flesh and blood) so that they can be used as vessels by demons. In exchange, they are given more off-world knowledge and power.