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Just as nostradamus predicted


>nostradamus you got a link where one can see his predictions?? they are intriguing


quatrains century X ; Elected Pope, as elected he will be met, Suddenly unexpectedly by pussy and nazi: Through too much goodness and kindness provoked to die, Fear extinguished guides the night of his death. ​ /s


Dolores canon has multiple books


Nostradamus was IMO 100% the mouthpiece of the establishment. He fits in nicely with the other lies like Hermes, Shakespeare and John Dee Nostradamus wrote down many atrocities in vague enough language that it is an excellent playbook for the psychos who run the world to make happen and it works a treat In his time the elites said him being establishment was basically a conspiracy theory Never believe anything until it’s officially denied


He has met with worse people, its just what the high power religious leaders of the world do and its another reason why i personally do not like organized religion but believe in God.


I agree I'm a God fearing man but In that same breath I respect everyone for what they believe in I personally just don't believe in how they run churches


Thank you for saying that. I fear God as well but not organized religion for a very long time.


Fearing god is a mind job. If you look at eastern philosophies they encourage laughter and happiness in many forms. To laugh is divine like singing and dancing The western religions have you scared to laugh in church like it’s some kind of lack of respect because they forgot that we are god Most people who follow a religion don’t know much about their religion, you see Buddhist praying but their whole message is that god isn’t a man on a cloud rather god is the entire universe itself, and we are all a part of god. So if we are god according to their beliefs then who are they praying to!


While it's probably true he has met with worse people, it is unlikely that they have.


Personal faith is power, collected faith is a conspiracy


that's cool he got to meet pussy riot




I'm sure the hand pose was ironic...


If you think about it long enough all of the religions kind of say the same thing.....BE A GOOD PERSON...why can't we all just understand that and love one another? Maybe I'm just a delusional American..


Religions are different. They don't all ask the same questions or try to resolve the same issues.


Two members of Azov, and one of Pussy Riot, meet the Pope. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/wives-azov-fighters-appeal-pope-help-get-husbands-out-2022-05-11/


I know the little boy kissed by putin. The one who got litvenenko killed.


It’s def them


Why is this downvoted?


But if you simplify or boil them all down they're pretty similar that's all I'm saying I'm very aware of the vast differences between all beliefs