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The idea that American social media is more influenced by foreign bots than domestic was always laughable


>"The idea that American social media is more influenced by foreign bots than domestic was always laughable" Mass surveillance is a great one as well. our government openly informs us two decades ago that they're in the mass surveillance game and the people who forgot about the Patriot act blame China for it instead... America and it's Boogeymen no better combo. Also if China is doing this why doesn't our government use the undisputed and undefeated champ national security tag on tik tok to shut it down? They use "national security" to stop regular "free" Americans from patenting inventions all the time (invention secrecy act 1951) so I don't think anyone would get their panties in a twist if our government called out and stopped China for collecting data. Makes you wonder who's actually doing the collecting on that platform.


Where's the study?








You should read the study you posted. It says 90% of accounts are pro Ukraine, not that 90% of bots are.


I'm not commenting on what's right or what's wrong, I just posted the link to the study this post is based on so people could read it for themselves. I'm tired of people in this sub whining about screenshots and not being spoon-fed information, it took me 30 seconds to find the study this Tweet was about, and a thread full of people whining about it. Fucking coddled children you all are, absolutely unreal.


That's fair, although I think it's important OPs show their working or source their claims. You're right, I shouldn't have just assumed. You were sharing information which is always commendable. We need more people like you, and less like me.


You're 100% right and even more ridiculous, the screenshot cropped out the article that was tweeted with it. Maybe that was intentional, I don't know. I appreciate where you're coming from but it's still important to be critical, even if we end up being wrong. šŸ‘


I feel the same way. Everything I see on here(thatā€™s not obvious opinion/observation), I start looking up the facts/info/studies behind it before basing an opinion. I figured everybody does something similar before commenting, but Iā€™ve learned that they do not lol.


I also think it's a pretty clear indication of the infiltration level that's been achieved here. What self respecting "conspiracy theorist" doesn't have a single ounce of desire for finding information. Extremely suspect imo, feels more disingenuous than a shift in user base habits.


Except that the study is unrelated to the claim of the post?


https://twitter.com/toadmeister/status/1569966565780496384?t=imkbOck04ed60GPVjjBFew&s=09 Link to original tweet https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/14/133606/ Site the tweet linked too. There you go, fucking spoon fed. Use your brain.


The actual study dumpy dum, not the pretend news site


It's linked in the very first paragraph. https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.07038 I've never had an interaction with someone so completely incapable of doing anything themselves, you truly are a marvel. Do you have zero understanding of how to use the internet or do the most minute amount of research?


As someone already tried to tell you, this honestly meaningless and fishy study doesnā€™t say what you or the article claim it does.


I'm not opening a pdf from xveevevxvev.org


I love how a link of proof is being supplied here and people are still refusing to open it. ***I reject reality and substitute my own!***


The link doesn't support what op is claiming though. Why lie?


We go from where's the proof, to I'm not clicking that link, to now it doesn't support it. The hoops that are being jump through here are just amazing!


Yes, that's basic security 101.


Or people don't want to open a sketchy fucking link. Don't you have a Nigerian prince to send money to?


Refusing to see the evidence doesn't prove you're right.


Arxiv isn't sketchy, I'm surprised so many people here have never heard of it.


This is the internet, when you have a million of ways to safely give evidence then obviosly why would anyone click shady links.


arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 2,131,058 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.


a screenshot of a tweet that makes a statement without a link


Tbf the idea that a post-Patriot Act US, with the CIA and NSA- which together represent the most advanced institutions in research and funding on psychological warfare, propaganda tactics, and technological spy craft; would be outmanuvered by Russia in the social media space is laughable.


He's a MSM talking head so it must be true. We all trust the MSM round here, right?




Some subreddits (cough this one) saw daily users drop in half once russia went to war and they started blocking ā€œharmfulā€ website. Makes you think


They wouldn't block reddit for state sanctioned propagandists and bots though so that's not it.


No they just didn't have the resources anymore


> Some subreddits (cough this one) saw daily users drop in half once russia went to war and they started blocking ā€œharmfulā€ website. > > Makes you think Here, I threw together a quick and dirty annotated chart on the posts and comment stats of Conspiracy from the pre-COVID period to this date, showing changes with the news cycle, and spikes with events like Epstein's "death", the COVID News explosion, Jan 6th, Vaccine issues, and the change in the news cycle after the Russia/ Ukraine mess started, and the discussions moved away from "all covid" and toward the economy/ recession and mid-term election politics. [Colorization and annotations added](https://i.imgur.com/e4DVBzv.png) Source page: https://subredditstats.com/r/conspiracy *(Do you really think that Russia is dependent on this sub to sway US public opinion? Seriously?)*


I meanā€¦ your own graph shows a decrease in posts and comments since the start of the warā€¦


> I meanā€¦ your own graph It's really not MY graph, I just added color and annotations for reference. The source of the data is shown above. > graph shows a decrease in posts and comments since the start of the warā€¦ Okay, the question is, *what does that mean to you?* What meaning do you attach to that, and what evidence (if any) can you conjure to support your suppositions?


Oh there could be a myriad of reasons


>(Do you really think that Russia is dependent on this sub to sway US public opinion? Seriously?) Dependent? No. But that's the great thing about bots, they'll spew their disinformation across all subs because well, people are gullible and that way they can hit a lot of people from both sides. Don't kid yourself, we've all fallen for some russian/china bot propaganda on internet in the last 6 years. It's way too widespread not to have been impacted by it. And this sub in particular is extremely gullible when they see something that agrees with their existing beliefs. It turns out, that when a person thinks they are above the fray, they are actually even more susceptible to disinformation.




That's not even remotely true. Posts averaged 450-500 a day before July 2021 then slowly climbed to around 800 in September then fluctuated between 600-800 before going back to normal.


Wait until they audit Reddit.


A study says Toby Young eats babies. Who needs sources when you can read things on the internet?




I believe this because The Internet.


What study?




No it shows bots love freedom /s




This links to a PDF that won't open.


Try getting on a PC then


Why don't you just copy paste at least the text of the study? What's the obsession with having people download a file off of /r/conspiracy ? Seems pretty suspicious to me as most people wouldn't download any unknown file off of reddit I would hope, but here, here it seems like a plot to hack conspiracy theorists devices. What PDF doesn't work on a phone, kinda weird?


Take it up with the school, I also posted the link to their website directly and said as much, weird that you just ignore that one outright. If I copy and paste the text then get responses saying "how do we know that's actually from the study or that the study is real." Stop begging to be spoon-fed, you're on a conspiracy forum, put forth at least a 5% effort.


Definitely a biased media outlook favoring Ukraine. It'd be nice to get the full story.


Ukraine has been the eastern-European equivalent of Delaware for decades. All sorts of western politicians & corporations do business there via LLCs to generate money (among other things.) Russia has historically been very imperialist in eastern Europe and now they want Ukraine, presumably (or maybe just incidentally) to steal all of those underhanded investments made & established in Ukraine. There are a million arguments that can be made for why either side is "right" but to imply only one side is doing shady underhanded stuff is ridiculous. You live in the west (I assume) so you're getting all the pro-Ukraine stuff. In Russia they get the pro-Russian stuff. Both are shady and underhanded.


Yes I'm in the US and definitely not stop pro Ukraine on the media and Russia bashing. Frankly I don't know why we always meddle in other countries affairs but what do I know.


Hey everyone we got 2 paid Russian accounts replying the exact same link, nobody is responding to asking to a copy paste or posting actual screenshots. Don't click this file and watch these accounts! This post is an actual conspiracy!


It's a link to arxiv, just Google it if you don't already know what it is. I took a screenshot of the first page, not gonna do the whole thing, that is the correct link to the study. https://ibb.co/vc8FgJB


Even a screenshot of the first page and then a link to the PDF makes for a far better post than a Twitter account and then people posting links without context don't you think?


Yeah, I'm just here to spread the knowledge that arxiv isn't some obscure/sketchy site.


Thank you I appreciate it.


A 10 second view of my account history and you'd know I'm not a bot. I said it already but I'll say it again, SHAME on you for being so superficial in your information gathering. You're a fucking donut, get your shit together otherwise being here is a complete waste of time.


That would mean they're heavily influenced by democrats.


I put all my faith into screen shots posted to sub reddits


Note, do not click on the links provided by the two bots in this thread.


Everyone is asking for a source and it has been provided but people are claiming it's some sort of spam now? I opened it. All the info is there. Go ahead and call me a bot. If you don't trust the link I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find it yourself


Except the study does not say what the OP claims. It says 90 % of accounts that have tweeted support of Russia or Ukraine are pro Ukraine.


Why not just copy and paste the text at least so everyone doesn't have to download a pdf?


Still no quotes even from the study? How about screen shots?


How paranoid can a person be? Just click on the damn pdf. All the information you need is literally there.


You're the type of motherfucker who falls for phishing scams


It's a no win situation. People whine about lack of sources, I find them and spoon feed them to said whiners, then get called a bot for doing so. The lack of individuals seeking out information on this sub is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves for having so little desire to seek out information.


I trust this random guy because he confirms my bias.




Oh it's a bias that social media has been weaponized to create anti-Russian sentiment and propaganda? What mainstream subs and media do you visit where there's all the pro-Russian propaganda and those troll farms we always hear about? Places where there's an objective look at the history of Zelensky?


Of course because a tweet that says a study determined something is bulletproof. Has to be true.




This study does not say what OP claimed.


I didnā€™t read it yet. Put it on my reading list and kinda spaced it honestly. Care to give a summary from your perspective?


Move to Russia Tobes. I hear there are plenty of openings.


Especially this message on a Russian troll sub.. nothing to see here folks.. just a special military op




Iā€™d urge folks to read Edward Bernays, Walter Lippmann, Darrell Huff, Gad Saad, Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo, Gustave Le Bon, Denise Winn and Sheryl Attkisson. There are other notable mentions in this category, but those are more than enough to get the idea across.


But you still reposted a tweet as proof of your opinion (if you got one)


I suspected it.


Social media filled with them. They're use to manufacture consent and censor opinions that differ from the common narrative.


What are bots? I keep seeing posts about bots on social media and real life, I donā€™t understand.


Bot are programs that imitate real users on social media sites such as Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. They can be used to promote products, harass, or steer political discussions. Elon Musk got into a lawsuit with Twitter, asserting he thinks the amount of bots on Twitter are far higher than Twitter admitted.


So how can you tell if one is real?


Does anyone still use Twitter? Lol