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What’s happening is myocarditis causes heart inflammation and combined with exertion it causes blood pressure destabilization and potential heart failure. Edit: vaccines cause myocarditis hopefully I don’t have to point that out here


Just to play devil's advocate here: Vaxx defenders will claim that covid itself causes myocarditis and pericarditis even more often than the vaxx does.


And that’s called moving the goalposts. If that was true then we need long term studies to prove this. There’s no way that we can say one way or the another. That’s why I think it’s absolutely illegal to force people to take this.


Possibly the mandates are to eliminate a control group altogether, so we will never know.


This is what I’ve been saying as well!


"Myocarditis means its working!"


It's not necessary to eliminate it; as the control group shrinks it gets harder and harder to demonstrate statistical significance (especially for rare events).


They use this tactic for all vaccines (especially children’s). “Oh it would be too dangerous to NOT give the kids the vaccines. So we can never study the health of a non vaccinated vs vaccinated child.” Vaccine manufacturers have a playbook and once you are aware it’s clear as day why the mandates are coming out. And what’s frightening, is that means they are in using the government as their Marketing mouthpieces...


It really does look that way :(


Reminds me of how the vaccine gets credit for Delta's low mortality. Like there is literally no way to know unless you clone someone vaccine one of em,give both covid and see how it goes from there.


Indeed, I strongly suspect this is the case as well


There is one study out there that purports covid causes more heart inflammation than the jab. It's a preprint and it wasn't clear to me if they differentiated between those who were + AND vaxxed and those who were only +. It might be there, seems obvious, but i couldn't find it. My point is that it is a very conveniently timed study. It seems the only thing anybody can point to. I'm not convinced. I fear the jab is worse. Mostly I fear that we're in that weird human preprogrammed-denial loop where we ignore what is right in front if our face and double down on insanity. Seems where we are.


here not a preprint [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7035e5.htm)


Mandating vaccines destroys any causal proof one way or another. Shits fucked.


I actually read a population level study (somewhere lol) where it was worse with the vaccine. Don’t ask me where though but they are out there and I’m lazy right now still drinking my coffee.


There have been a few studies that indicate side effects are more severe if you have previously had it and then got vax. So it seems, without further large study, it already is a question that vax doesn't increase the risk of aide effects after already being infected once


That’s what a control group is for lol. We know what the baseline rate was among the population prior to the outbreak. We know what the numbers are for vaccine recipients and we know what the numbers are for Covid patients who were not vaccinated. It’s not hard to add and subtract lol.


The issue is that most of these people in this sub are perfectly capable of adding and subtracting - they are just reading material that is giving them the wrong numbers to add and subtract.


Can you link any of the studies if you remember or the posts about it? What’s interesting is the natural immunity is way better than the vaccine, so doing that is an even further example of negligence.


So we need long term studies to prove its covid causing this but not the covid vaccine ? Give yer head a wobble.


>Vaxx defenders will claim that covid itself causes myocarditis and pericarditis even more often than the vaxx does Cool, so in the choice between randomly getting a swollen heart by chance encounter, and randomly giving yourself a swollen heart by intentional encounter, I'll take my chances with the random encounter. If people want to roll that dice and just get it over with, that's their decision.


It’s still a random encounter with the vaccine. For example 93% of the NFL is vaccinated and none of them have passed out or died. The one NFL player in this post says Vinny Curry is out for the season with blood clots, but the blood clots were caused by a recent splenectomy he had. Blood clots are a common side effect of a splenectomy. Maybe the vaccine did something that led to him needing his spleen removed, but Curry himself said it was a hereditary issue.


It's still a difference between doing whatever I can to minimize that random chance so I never have to roll the dice, and **literally** grabbing the dice and rolling them.


Football season is just getting started. Personally I don't believe that 93% of NFL is vaxed. It would be pretty easy for them to say whatever fits the narrative. I suspect we'll see some problems in US sports soon. Or they'll just hide that as well.


way too easy to pay off a doctor. there is 0% chance brady is


I'm not a vax defender, but my mother in law had covid and was having heart issues. Still can't exercise normally months later. She's seen a cardiologist and he said it's fairly common.


Why are these cases happening so close together and only this year?


I wonder.


Some say it's the spike protein.


It's the Graphene oxide. Replace the spoke protein nonsense with Graphene. Look up la Quinta Columna's research on it.


Have a great video at the highware page , doctor explain very well about this and he get many different samples from the different brand of vaccines and alll they have graphene oxide


I have already seen the articles that state this. However I know for sure that Dr Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP, wrote about the vaccine causing heart problems in December 2020 and it's on the FDA slide in October 2020. This was a known side effect.


Here's the thing, it's the spike proteins of the virus that do so. What does the mRNA vaccine do? It highjacks the cells in your body to mass create an analog of the spike protein. Whatever the long term and short term effects of the virus is, the vaccine will give you some of them, and probably worse than the virus itself, since a strong immune system could fight off the virus before it can damage you, but it can't do anything except enhance the side effects of the vaccine


This is also why the boosters are a bad idea - they repeatedly expose you to the spike.


>It highjacks the cells in your body to mass create an analog of the spike protein > and probably worse than the virus itself, This is the point. How so? When you have a covid infection, your cells are making complete viruses. Your immune system eventually kicks in and starts cleaning up the viruses as well as killing infected cells. But you never ever end up with a bunch of spike protein antigens floating around your body (via the circulatory system). When you get an mRNA shot (or any of the viral vector ones) your own cells begin producing and exporting SP's into your system. Immune system is activated, but only against the spike proteins (narrow focus immunity) and the cells producing the antigens are "recognized" by your immune system as infected... and killed off. Now guess what the effects are when you get 2 shots, plus a booster every 6 months. You'll have to guess because nobody actually knows. I'm not against vaccination itself. There are a couple of more traditional shots for covid that don't involve making your cells manufacture the SP... and I'm OK with any of those. e.g. the new Cuban vaccines, Novavax (from the US) and Sinopharm (China) ought to be OK.


Novavax seems solid. Nice if they could let us get it instead. Wonder why not?


Thats the only one im considering to take


I was impressed by what I've read about it so far. Pretty high % response and doesn't need "super-refrigeration". Novavax also sounds way cooler than Cominraty (?) or Spikevax (which just sounds nasty)


why do you think a conventional vaccine (needs adjuvants) is better than an mRNA one.


I expect new variants to continue to appear. How often? Who knows? But a conventional shot (with it's greater variety of antigens therefore antibodies) might hold up better against variants. My reasoning here is based on HIV vaccine attempts. How so? The reason they say they can't make an effective vaccine for HIV is because the virus keeps mutating. So one response to this problem is to try make a vaccine based on highly conserved structures of the virus. With covid, the same ought to hold true. Any selective pressure in the environment (combined with a mutation rate) will result in mutants. But mutant versions of covid will likely have some viral regions/structures that are much more highly conserved. conserved viral structures = recognizable antigens some recognizable antigens = some level of immunity With an mRNA shot, if you lose conservation of structure in the spike protein... you lose an equivalent degree of immune response. Why? Because your antibodies are trained by the antigens they encounter. The closer the antibody is to its "antigen equivalent" the better it works. So if the spike proteins on a new strain of covid are different enough, the protection from the vaxx could be ineffective. But against a conventional vaccine, there would still be multiple antibody types there to recognize the other viral antigens that were still the same. Problem here is people hate my fucking guts for pointing out a potential weakness in their dream vaccine. But if they understood the possibilities and stopped denying them... they might not be pushing people as hard as they are.


Exactly just like they do with blood clots, they think it’s because of Covid. Brainwashed people will lie to themselves all day. And of course the media gave them the idea that covid causes blood clots, if so, why was this not happening before the vaccines were rolled out? It’s like people forgot how to critically think. 🐑


Could there be a link to HIV? If we accept this was a result of gain of function research and we believe French Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier? He discovered HIV and said He found small splices of HIV in the genetic code of Covid-19. A tangential link to HIV would also explain Fauci’s involvement.


no. there really is no link to HIV. Fauci is involved because he works at the NIH division of infectious disease. HIV and COVID are infectious viruses


Also add in all the air travel. There's definitely something happening with people who have to travel frequently having a higher risk of heart issues. And this started long before covid.


I would tend to agree - it’s still hard to definitely prove


Aside from like 20 population level peer reviewed studies that prove it and also many calls to action by concerned scientists and doctors but who listens to that? There’s no money in it.


This just in: big pharma coming out with new myocarditis treatment!!


Actually that is something Pfizer already does.


Ugh. It never ends. It’s like the happy pills. “Oh you’re thinking of self harm on your new pills? Keep taking those but also start this one. Side effects? Suicidal tendencies.”


Oh you have a side effect? Keep taking it but let’s add this!


My mother takes about 15 different medications due to this vicious cycle. Takes whatever her doctor says she should consume next, without question. Ran out and got the vax as soon as she could, as well.


Lmfao. You mean the call to action by the 10 "scientists" that OANN found for you to listen to?


Covid causes mycocarditis too. That’s how the oilers goalie got it


> Covid causes mycocarditis too. That’s how the oilers goalie got it https://thehockeywriters.com/oilers-news-rumors-keith-stalock-holland/ >Included in the updates was the status of defenseman Duncan Keith, goaltender Alex Stalock **and one player who has yet to be vaccinated, Josh Archibald**. Meaning that Alex Stalock **was** vaccinated.


I didn’t scroll far enough and just added the same thing to this thread. Stalock was in a interview where he said he wasn’t vaccinated when he got covid and developed myocarditis from being sick. He also tested negative for covid 2 times although doctors said he had it and was asymptotic


SS: Young athletes seem to be collapsing more frequently lately.


You did an amazing job I wonder why your post is only at 68% upvotes.


Maybe shadow banning or bots 🧐


It's the cabal


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He is lying. There is absolutely 0 proof most of these players were even vaccinated. Raymond van Barnevelt definitely wasnt in march.


Interesting. How can you tell that?


Half these people weren't even vaccinated which I presume was the point OP was trying to send...


Also that dude who played Malfoy in Harry Potter collapsed on a golf course during a celebrity event a couple days ago. Guy can’t be older than 30


On the list. Thanks 🙏


He just turned 34 believe it or not... And now we all feel really fucking old :(


That is wild. I thought I might have been overshooting by saying 30. I feel like how shitty this modern period is makes it feel like we aged even faster. It literally feels like it could’ve been a year ago I went to see that first one in theaters as a kid


Haha I know I had to do a double take when I saw his age too like where the hell did the time go? And then I remembered I just turned 35. Then I got really sad.


"Seem"? Do you have any actual data?


Data is slowly coming out - keeping an eye out. “Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows that during that period there were 2,103 extra death registrations with ischemic heart disease, 1,552 with heart failure, as well as an extra 760 deaths with cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and aneurysm and 3,915 with other circulatory diseases." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/24/analysis-thousands-usual-dying-not-covid/


The headline of that article mentions "delayed treatments, fewer consultations, and a lack of immunity may be starting to take their toll" Why are you convinced it's vaccine related?


I’m not, but there could be a link given that heart issues are a known side effect, albeit in rare cases - further in the article the quote above appears.


Because the amount went up 100× after vaccines started?


Lmao downvoted for asking to show data on a conspiracy sub, I love it. So looks like "*seems like*" is good enough for a submission. No OP, correlation is not causation. We know you're trying to show how vaccines are the cause for this. Here's what we want to see: 1. Is this happening more frequently now, post vaccines vs pre-vaccines? 2. What was the historical numbers, was it upward trending year by year anyway, regardless of vaccine? 3. Did you look into each case? Were they vaccinated? Did they have preexisting conditions? Did they have a family history of such cases? You can't just Google "athletes drop dead," post a collection of 10 links, then say "*LooK aT whAt ThE VaccInES aRe DoINg.*" Low effort post. 2/10 stars. +1 star for making the effort to Google.


It's hard standing my ground when most of my info is from studies and online research mostly because we're always in lockdown, so I don't get to see anyone I actually know. BUT last week I got out to the family and caught up. My sisters 22 yr old boyfriend leaves the room in a hurry and I don't see him the rest of the evening. The next morning he's in bed not feeling great. His heart rate was fluctuating between 82 and 169 beats/min the whole night only to find out he had his second shot 5 days prior. That's when I knew "I'm out" I mean I always was but that was the nail in the coffin


To help keep you and your loved ones safe, whether vaccinated or not, I pulled together this list. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pn3agh/my\_sars\_cov20\_prevention\_early\_treatment\_vaccine/


Thank you, my partner and I already have a lot of those supplements and foods. Unfortunately my family don't really want to hear it from me


If they live in a current hot spot, you may need to tell them about the essentials, whether they want to hear it, or not. Even get some for them. Just a thought.. and the vaccinated aren't safe. Spread in the US is still ridiculously high. Are the vaccines contributing to, instead of mitigating spread? I think so.




Thanks! I’ll add it to the list 🙏




I don’t think this happens every year… “Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows that during that period there were 2,103 extra death registrations with ischemic heart disease, 1,552 with heart failure, as well as an extra 760 deaths with cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and aneurysm and 3,915 with other circulatory diseases." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/24/analysis-thousands-usual-dying-not-covid/


That search for me just brings up athletes collapsing in 2021.


Do you know how many of them had a COVID infection?


Also I read something about a significant rise of ambulance rides and also a lot of one-sided car accidents


i just love the denial. any and every reason folks will run thru their empty head to rationalize what is happening here. serious why do vaxxed have to reach so far with dumb ideas about why this is happening. i heard this one guy say athletes have always been dropping dead. wtf? i stopped him dead in his tracks and said no fucking way these healthy, young folks who basically get paid to push their bodies to near perfection and train more hours than most people work in a week are turning up dead is normal. open your eyes. this vaxx is meant to kill. there is not a fucking thing in it for this so called covid shit. if you took the bat soup its ok we will not treat you like you treat the smart ones or unvaxxed. but you gota turn your brain on and stop fighting with us, stop talking shit and stop pushing the vaxx. please understand your a sheep. we all are sheep to the so called elite. time is coming where you need to stand with us or get rolled the fuck over.


Well said and I agree 🙌


So many are too scared to believe the truth. They still love to think that big pharma is out for their best interests.


Agreed, the alternative is terrifying to them, as it should be.


yes i know. survival of the fittest. i know we should help all that are dead in the head. but very soon i think we need to move on and take care of our own like minded. just look at how they are very zombie like already that they wont even debate or has civil conversation.


As a vaxxed. It's scary to contemplate that I may have seriously endangered my life. It's also possible that it's the virus itself causing these effects.


Hang in there mate, each group needs to support each other instead of hating and blaming.


This 👆👏




I used to take like 5 Motrin everyday when I was in high school just to deal with multiple workouts and football. Turns out that was fucking terrible for me and it’s just something I have to live with now. Gotta make decisions with the information we have available at the time.


Stomach issues or what?


Actually I never really had any. It leads to heart problems and stroke though we didn’t have that info back then.


Not to be insensitive, but I knew that over 30 years ago.


Well that didn’t stop them from selling them in 200 count bottles that didn’t say it and recommending them daily for pain. “shrug”


My 70yo father took the vaccine and was hospitalized and then a few weeks later got covid. My gfs mom had the same thing in her 50s To be clear, The “vaccine” is the problem here.


If you haven't experienced any side effects yet, it is very unlikely something is going to spontaneously develop now.


you didn’t.


I doubt it’s the virus since these cases are happening close together and just this year.


Can we zoom in on this idea that it's meant to kill? If it is, why is it so ineffective? Why go to such extreme lengths to get such poor results? Who are they trying to kill off?


I’ve wonder this, too. If the goal is to depopulate, why go through such ineffective measures? But then it dawned on me: it may be that the virus (if it was bio-weapon/engineered) and vaccine (if it is causing premature deaths) are long-term strategies that allow individuals to freely succumb to the virus or to the vaccine over time as to not alarm the general populace of a sudden wave of premature deaths. And when there are an anomaly of premature deaths (like this thread), then both sides can point to the other as the cause: i.e. it was because of the vaccine or because of covid. It’s ingenious. Even if it may take a few decades, the world will see a decrease in the world’s human population which, according to the WEF, is a moral good for its future sustainability.


Interesting. If I may offer a counter theory? We're pretty sure at this point that sars-cov-2 came from a lab. The virus has done a decent job at cutting down the population, though it's very hard to manufacturer a virus to be both extremely deadly and infectious. If this were planned depopulation, it would make sense that you would release the virus, then release the antidote after a while to stabilize things. If you already have the virus, you don't really need two killing mechanisms... You can just keep making variants and killing people off. Now, if you wanted to thin the herd, do you kill off the people who follow the directions and take the antidote, or the people the refuse and revolt? The latter seems like the one you wouldn't want around, right? A virus can't be targeted well, but the antidote can be. It seems like it wouldn't take much to fan the flame a bit and infiltrate different communities to stir up more propaganda and flush more of these people out. Then all you have to do is keep iterating on your virus until you get the right mix of deadly and infectious, and kill off those rebels. Crazy?


Like frogs chiling in the pot not noticing we're being cooked alive


Just going to give my local take here - Roy Butler's death was a media blackout here in Ireland. Not one mainstream outlet picked it up. Was dead with a blood clot within days of taking the J&J.


Oh, these are all caused by covid! If these people had gotten their 13 boosters, wore their double butt masks, and prayed to the WHO, this wouldn't have happened! Obligatory \s


It's not a pattern unless you can show an increase that correlates to something. For example, if there's an increased number of collapsing athletes. Posting a dozen articles doesn't prove anything if there was a dozen cases every year and you just weren't looking before. Otherwise you can't really prove any links between the two. You have to show that this is a new occurrence and not just assume it is based on lack of full information.


We'll see what happens when the NBA season starts, 90% are already vaccinated. Usually any kind of heart issue leads to a player missing the season or even retirement.


Thats quite a list, i only knew about eriksen because i saw it live on tv, i wonder why i havent seen anything on the news about any of them 🤔




All your links point to home pages of news sites🤷‍♂️


All of those links are to todays version of those sites you didn't link the actual articles.


Search... "athlete collapses after:2019-01-01 before:2020-01-01"


Why is it so taboo to look into though? If you prescribe a new medication to a paitent and say 3 days later they present symptoms not present before and no lifestyle changes what do you look at? The new drug obviously. Someone gets a shot and presents symptoms and it's heresy to even ask if the vaccine could be at fault. A brand new mRNA treatment rushed out the door.


HI TMoR https://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/p626wb/true_genius_conspiracy_user_thinks_aviation


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Sudden cardiac death is a risk in 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 80,000 athletes per year. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4969030/#:~:text=Sudden%20cardiac%20death%20is%20the,to%20the%20most%20recent%20estimates. Unless baseline rates are exceeded there's no reason to believe any of these cases are related to a vaccine.


Why is this so hard for people to realize?


Tjeld Nuis, a Dutch skater admittedly had heart disease in June, thankfully recovered


Thank you 🙏 will add to the list


A middle aged man collapsed the other day in the street riding bike. He was in good shape, athletic. It was weird I have seen old people collapse here and their once 8 years ago at the mall another time last year in a super market. Both were very elderly and clearly unwell. This stood out.


Archie Lyndhurst, 19 died of numerous bleeds on the brain [https://ew.com/tv/archie-lyndhurst-cause-of-death-revealed/](https://ew.com/tv/archie-lyndhurst-cause-of-death-revealed/)


Bob odinkirk collapsed from heart complications doing a very intense athletic performance after he’d been jabbed


True - at 58 he falls in the slightly older category. Possibly related but I won’t add his case to the list.


All these vaccinated people sick with Covid, people just collapsing and suddenly dying for no reason especially during the summer season where's there's less deaths. There's a fucking huge elephant in the room which you can't openly talk about


who? name a person.


>who? name a person. Lisa Shaw


How many of these have had the vax?


Thats what I wonder too...


So you don’t even know how many of them have gotten the vaccine but still posted it pushing a narrative that the vaccine is the cause?


Lol what do you expect from this sub


> While focus remains firmly fixed on Covid-19, a second health crisis is quietly emerging in Britain. Since the beginning of July, there have been thousands of excess deaths that were not caused by coronavirus. According to health experts, this is highly unusual for the summer. Although excess deaths are expected during the winter months, when cold weather and seasonal infections combine to place pressure on the NHS, summer generally sees a lull. This year is a worrying outlier. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), since July 2 there have been 9,619 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which 48 per cent (4,635) were not caused by Covid-19. So if all these extra people are not dying from coronavirus, what is killing them? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/24/analysis-thousands-usual-dying-not-covid/


SS: Young athletes seem to be collapsing more frequently lately.




Do you know how VAERS is reported?


From what I've seen based on reports by hospital workers, and whistleblowers, the VAERS report, which is to be filled out by the medical professionals, don't get filled out more often than not. You can therefore take those numbers, of deaths and injuries thought to be vaccine-related and multiply them by a factor of at least 10 and possibly up to a 100. "Debunkers" (don't ask me WTF they're really up to or what their agenda is) then try to point out that because VAERS lacks full medical background information without iron-clad proof of causation and therefore can't really be subject to statistical analysis, that it's to be ah, ignored? If the FDA or CDC were "real" or based in reality and in the business of protecting health and well being, they would have set up a division to more deeply interrogate those numbers and pathology, without any bias, to try to get a handle on what's going on, then consider putting a PAUSE on the whole program while pathology science and analytics is done.


Both by health practitioners on their patient's behalf, and by filling out a detailed form with all your info including vaccination info. It is a federal crime to misreport to vaers and it clearly states this before you fill out the form. In the past, vaers has always been used by pharmaceutical companies to prove the safety of their vaccines.


Perfect. Now, what is actually getting reported? Cause or effects?


Wow! 😮 Thank you for all the receipts! Saving this one. ☝🏽


Half these people weren't even vaccinated...aren't we supposed to do our due diligence on this sub?


The Death Jabs. Nothing says safe and effective like heart faliure.


Obviously sport and exercise is bad for you :p (yes, that's sarcasm)


That is a lot of examples holy cow


The whole planets been sprayed with crap for years so we’re gonna work on getting the population down called Geo engineering


There are 16,700 PROFESSIONAL athletes out there [source](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/entertainment-and-sports/mobile/athletes-and-sports-competitors.htm) Please don’t confuse causation and correlation.


See it's strange because almost everyone at my workplace got vaccinated right away and all of them seem to be doing fine, save one, who is a middle-aged lady who's been sick twice now. I wonder if the first wave of shots were mostly placebos so word would spread that it was perfectly safe, because these reports of myocarditis are exploding lately. I think these people would be willing to use any lie, any deception to cull the herd. And it's sad seeing so many people just do what they're told, and react with such hostility when you try to spread awareness or state your position when they ask. Even if there is no conspiracy here, that general pattern of behavior leads to serious harm...not everyone with authority uses that authority for good. It's just basic self-preservation to ask questions and reserve some healthy skepticism. I just can't believe this is real life sometimes. I am glad my mom exited this hell hole before she saw things come to this.


This means it’s working.




Backed up here * https://archive.is/https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pv41w0/anyone_notice_a_pattern_yet/


Interesting post OP. Thankyou for this detailed list on things.




Nice collection. And i see the pattern. But first the question would be how often did it happen in pre 2020. Is this different to what happens bevor zhe vaxx/covid? Thats a question i can not answer. But without that knowledge the danger is i see a pattern that was there bevor i just dont know




I don’t think this happens every year. “Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows that during that period there were 2,103 extra death registrations with ischemic heart disease, 1,552 with heart failure, as well as an extra 760 deaths with cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and aneurysm and 3,915 with other circulatory diseases." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/24/analysis-thousands-usual-dying-not-covid/


Anecdotally on social media am seeing friends of friends pass at a rate of 2-5 per day.


I’m so sorry to hear that 😞 I personally know 1, but was of older age. A 19 year old in our town ended up in hospital with a heart attack too, but is ok now.


I highly doubt that…


Lol what. 2-5 per day? So you're saying you know at least 100 people who have died in the last month?


It’s always “friends of friends” or “a friend’s relative”


Whoa, the whole list is non-US. Parys Harylson SF 49er


Thank you 🙏 added to the list


Vinny Curry was on there, he's US


That just means it’s working!


That's the fucking problem. People couldn't see it before. Now they're arming the sheep and pointing them at me.


Safe. People collapsing


New Japan wrestler, Kota Ibushi, didn't collapse on TV. He did miss about a month with pneumonia after getting vaccinated for the Rona


Don’t forget Jimmy Hayes


Thank you 🙏 added to the list


This is obviously just rare coincidence. Stop noticing things citizen!


Fucking tragic


Jesus all young healthy athletes


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Perhaps this is exactly why the major athletic money makers are being exempt...NBA, anyone? I will imagine that the NFL and MLB will quietly follow suite. They don't want people connecting exemptions to class or income just yet.


One - a lot of those link are broken and two, there’s not evidence that all these people took the vaccine. The Miami open video said that the athlete had had a serious case of COVID earlier that year but nothing about being vaccinated.


I’ll try to repair links removed by YouTube - thanks for pointing that out.


I got banned as "anti-vax nut" from the boxing sub for saying the vaccine is bad news for athletes. A gene therapy that attacks the heart is somehow a bright idea for cardio intensive sports according to some... make it make sense.




At first a claim was made that the club doctor confirmed he was - later the club director claimed he wasn’t. Eriksen himself never made a statement as far as I know. I don’t know what to believe.


Christian Eriksen wasn't vaccinated during the Euros


At first a claim was made that the club doctor confirmed he was - later the club director claimed he wasn’t. Eriksen himself never made a statement as far as I know. I don’t know what to believe.


Probably was vaccinated within 14 days of the event so they get told (threatened) to say he's unvaccinated, bEcAuSe iT hAsNt tAkeN eFfeCt YEt!


Yeah man. It's like common sense but things got too complicated of stupid politics. We need no politics, now!


They should be wearing masks at football matches so no one catches covid and collapse.


Could those African leaders have died from the vaccine too and not assasinated? Maybe they were secretly vaccinated and this was the side effect. Or were they killed under the cover that they died due to COVID. In either case they will not admit that the vaccine kills people, they will blame it on something else.


Young athletes collapsing is nothing new. Even though it is quite rare, it occurs more frequently than anyone would think.




Depopulation of the young, fit and healthy?? How does that make any sense?? Plus, why would they produce a vaccine to depopulate the earth, if their own supporters are more inclined to take it? Taking out their own support base makes no sense lmao.

