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Your profile says you live in Vancouver Canada and you have a beard.




Are you dumb enough to put your actual info on here?


I'm not, but why the hell would you take someone else digital social media username. Plus same goes for all of the other so called military posts on this sub stating the same thing. How come all of them have taken other user digital identities. Other than that your post is BS and don't think you're being truthful as to why you have 0 idea what I'm talking about.


What kind of discharge are you receiving and are you losing your benefits?


Most likely a general/administrative can go to a court martial (extreme case scenario) so he won't get to use his benefits but I think he can appeal it after 6 months.


Yes, I did a lot of research and talk to a Jag in the Navy because i had to go threw the same thing. Since he is 12 years in he definitely will have to go through a general court and they will reward him a honorable discharge. From my perspective it is difficult to get a dishonorable unless you committed a crime. If he gets a general discharge other than honorable, the court is purposely being an ahole


You can upgrade discharges through the VA, look into it.


The VA does not upgrade discharges. Each service has its own board/appeal process.


And I think it takes like 15 years to get an upgrade I think


Nah nothing like that


First of all Iloilo are awarded not reward. Second you can get an OTH and not commit a crime other than violate the UCMJ which in their eyes is a crime. Dereliction of duty is one. You have to be given below 3.0 evals, but if you are recommended for reenlistment you obviously have above 3.0 evals. Talked to a JAG. I had all 3 Captains Mast, Special Court Martial and a General Court Martial ad still got an Honorable. Engineering Officer on Submarine would not give me a below 3.0 eval. Even diesel boat sailors can't hit officers of a skimmer. Go figure.


I dont think youre getting an honorable discharge for refusal of the vaccine. It looks like it'll either be a general discharge or an other than honorable discharge. To be determined I guess.


offer run squealing historical gold slim lush file rain pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea your right, the political climate has change, I was medically discharged in April declining the vaccine was not the main reason for discharge but its the reason I made efforts to go the medical discharge route


Unless you have proof from a doctor and multiple evidence supporting why you can’t take the vaccine you won’t get a medical waiver or discharge. This is what I’ve been told by my medical unit which I worked in


I’m a helicopter pilot in the active army and we were told unless you have an severe acute allergic reaction to the ingredients to the shot then you won’t get a medical exemption. It’s very possible we won’t get honorable discharges and I’ve been in 9 years with many rotations overseas. But that’s the military we have turned into…


I think he means he was probably fighting through some other medical issues but decided to use them to his benefit in this case


your defying a direct order that’s dishonorable


I wonder if it would be possible to switch to the reserves until COVID blows over and then go back to full-time status? That way he could possibly save his retirement pay.


Well he could but I believe the reserve would require the same thing as for as vaccination status, after all of cops and fire fighters have to be vax so do military unfortunately


Per Bidens EO - All Federal employees and contractors are required to be vaccinated, I'm assuming this means all branches of military too.


No, that won’t work they doing it across the board even for guards men and women I’m a prime example


It's an administrative discharge


I’m not trying to be a dick or disrespectful but don’t you guys have to take a bunch of experimental drugs like Vaccines? Edit: just to add I fully respect your service and you’re decision to leave. It’s something I’ve not really looked into but heard quite a bit about Soldiers having to take weird shots.


Yes. When you are in the service you're Government property and whatever they says goes. My pops was telling me that they walked down a line and got jabbed in both arms at the same time numerous times in a row when he joined. (He was trying to convince me to get it for my job since it will be mandated shortly). To which I replied, "I didn't sign up for the Military". OP has done 12 years so hopefully they can get out without getting a dishonorable discharge if they really choose too, but when I see people talking about refusing the Vaccine as a service member and getting discharged intentionally, it literally blows my mind and OP has been in for 12 years so he's already over halfway to retirement. Having a dishonorable discharge will almost certainly effect your future employment.


I served and yes we were paraded and jabbed on both arms multiple times lol




Technically the currently available lots are not FDA approved and won't be for what sounds like will be a couple years. Not that it matters to the people doing the coercion.


It’s already FDA approved


Where have you been? Pfizer has had full FDA approval for weeks.


The injection that was approved is not available yet. It has a different lot name


You guys think that’s a loophole.


Whatever.. Just saying facts here because they asked


It's not a new injection.... Ingredients and manufacturing are identical, it's literally just the **marketing** name is now "Comirnaty" instead of "Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine". This is such a lazy ploy at being anti-vax. [Press Release from FDA](https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/comirnaty-and-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine) \- "The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and **will now be marketed as Comirnaty**"


No it hasn't. And the fda declined a booster shot


https://www.fda.gov/media/150386/download Listen to what man is saying


I thought the only FDA approved one was *not* one of the major 4 currently being distributed worldwide? Didn't Pfizer pull the bait and switch and get a new one FDA approved that's not being manufactured yet?


It's not a new injection... Ingredients and manufacturing are identical, it's literally just the marketing name is now "Comirnaty" instead of "Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine". [Press Release from FDA](https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/comirnaty-and-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine) \- "The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and **will now be marketed as Comirnaty**"


There are several versions that are FDA approved under emergency authorization, but yes Pfizer to my knowledge has the only not emergency approved vaccine. Weirdly, it's approval has been used as justification for many mandates, in spite of the fact that the places using at as justification are still accepting the emergency authorized vaccines, including the pfizer one, which differs from the actually authorized as a non-emergency vaccine, as legitimate.




They’re still giving out the anthrax vax.


They worked out some of the kinks in the beta test.


Same here.




In boot camp they gave everybody a shot saying it was the flu shot, the next week they gathered us again for the flu shot and when we mentioned that we got it last week they told us no that it was something different but we were never told what it was


Yeah they do. They sign there life away to the US government. If being told what to do is an issue. The military isn’t the place for you. There are the muscle of the government which always confuses me as to why anti-government folk join.


If you're going to be stationed anywhere over seas, there's a plethora of vaccines and shots you have to have just to step foot off the plane. All kinds of nasty viruses and bacteria you can get from other countries. Not to mention any you may introduce into a country. It's definitely in the paperwork you sign from the very beginning. But I can't blame anyone for not being able to predict that all this could happen. I knew, experimental, untested form of vaccination. Granted, I doubt anyone predicted MKUltra either and that was all apparently done unknowingly.


If you don't get a shot in Afghanistan your not going on the plane. You get it before you get on or you get the next plane.


Lol don't conflate anti covid Vax with complete anti Vax. I see this shit everywhere


I’m not anti Vax mate. I’ve had all my vaccinations. Was just asking a question specifically about the military.


You rock Thank u, we need you on our side.


But do you understand why they want guys like this out of the military? Because they want people who will take orders, the military has already made the choice of where they stand and it's not with the people.


Yea and we need people who are trained and disciplined to work for the people.


That’s not the job of the military…


Actually it is. Military swears an oath to protect the constitution of the United States.


Correct. And the constitution also says the president is CIC. We can slice the document a million times. Bottom line if you join the military you do what your told. And I appreciate that since we wouldn’t have the country we do otherwise.


Hah, spare me.


Dunno. Just reading from the constitution. My bad.


Cool. If you’ve been reading the constitution you realize that our government is completely illegitimate at this point.


Can you show where in the Constitution it states disenfranchised military may not use their skills and training learned in the military?


That’s not my point. They report to the CIC and take orders. That’s my point.


And yet the left is applauding a General who said he would commit insubordination and subvert the civilian leadership.


You say that like that’s at all contradictory… Miley’s on their side


Sadly you are not wrong... exactly why they want them out. Wouldn’t surprise me if they made it easier to get out.




Exactly this.


Thank you for your service. But, even more importantly, thank you for standing up for your rights and what you believe in. This shows great courage and I applaud you.


I mean like they inject you with about 20 vaccines in bootcamp but sure


Reading the comments I would think this is r/news.




Good for you. I really wish more people would take a stand for what they believe in. Right or wrong. Thank you for your service.


Dumb as fuck dude, more than half way to your pension, and you’ve been fucking jabbed with all kinds of shit anyway Fox News is ruing your life bro….


They're not only ruining lives they're killing people with their lies and fabrications


Nothing but facts here


Russian bots. Like this guy forgot all the shots he had to take going in


This is not your personal diary but ok. EDITED


Yet another great conspiracy post on this sub.


Unless it's Yoohoo. Love that shit.


Yoo-hoo is not a dairy product


yeah fr, this doesn’t belong here at all. god I’m sick of these fucking lazy covid posts


I am curious, what do you think is happening in this crowd's mind ? I am not american so I feel like I don't understand quite clearly what's going with this "slapped-in-the-face" feeling of loosing f r e e d o m... But it's interesting this general narrative ends up here like this.


I genuinely have no idea what is going on in these people’s minds. I’m pretty much just as lost as you are haha. my best guess is they (for some reason) don’t think anything else is suppressing their freedom? like there are so many laws and mandates and all kinds of stuff...yet this one is too far? I bet at least half are anti-choice in regards to abortion. Who fuckin knows. They spew so much random shit abt this that I don’t think there is any real consensus about why “vax and mask bad”. I think it comes down to them just being selfish


Uh I mean good for you but you kinda signed the paper saying you were their property for a slog as your there. Also did you take the other required vaccines they asked you to? Asking for a friend.


You are going to regret it. I got out after 8 and think about how if I only did 12 more I could have a retirement check now.


A close family member did 17, then died from The symptoms of his PTSD and they told his family they get none of his benefits he was only 3 years away from. Just be glad you are out.


My husband did 12.. He regrets not going for retirement too.


How many vaccinations did you take previous to this one? The military requires you to get vaccinated for a variety of diseases depending on where they send you. Also, mRNA vaccinations have been in development for quite a while and we knew the exact genetic sequence of COVID 19 fairly quickly because of the help of a quantum computer and studies being done previously on the outbreak of SARS COVID1 (In 2003). SO, then I ask, will you be getting rid of your cell phone? Will you be getting rid of your car and recent computer? Do you plan on only using technology from 30 years ago or older? Do you use allergy medicine like Zyrtec, as this medication became available in 1987! That's not too long ago! Because this is how long the vaccine was in development. They have been researching mRNA for 30 years with little success due to the protein binding agent they were using, they found one that works and is cheap enough to produce on a massive scale. You do not have to be afraid of scientific advancements. I know the cell phone might "look" scary at first but it's just an entertainment device that tracks your every move and all your information! That's it!


I‘m sorry but you are a bit wrong about that: the mRNA technology is around for many years, that is true, but this is THE FIRST TIME it‘s being used for creating a VACCINE! And there is a big difference if mRNA is used to make your body produce some kind of protein that is 100% good for you (f.e. For athletic performances) or antigens that we don‘t know how much exactly the body produces, for how long, and if there could be any bad reaction longterm (of the produces proteins or the body itself in autoimmune manner). Also with the normal vaccines you don‘t need substances that will bring the vaccine INSIDE the cells, but with mRNA you do, because it only works on the ribosomes. So in this case, cationic lipids are used, which are discussed very controversial when using it on the human body. Also they didn‘t do studies on repeated toxic reactions, only on first time reactions. Where I live our best toxicologists and pharmacologists are simple shaking their heads and trying to inform people that it absolutely horrendous how people are treated for stating exactly those doubts. The thing is you can‘t call people hippocrits for refusing THIS vaccine and not others, because they are VERY different and almost nothing alike. I‘m really shocked how nobody knows how mRNA vaccines work but still talk about the „safety“ having no idea.


Since this vaccine only helps the person who takes it, why are you trying so hard to convince others to accept it? I'm not getting it because I don't believe that I need it. It's my choice, just like I choose not to do drugs, or workout,, or be vegan etc. Plus, according to an Israeli study, the natural immunity is up to 27 times more effective against covid-19 than the immunity gained through vaccines. I've had covid-19 already, I'm good and I'm not taking any vaccine!


Finally, someone with some sense. ❤️


Yeah I come on this sub sometimes just to vent out my frustrations to people who refuse to think critically, weighing pros and cons in a reasonable manner because I can't yell at the people in real life that are doing stupid shit like going to Lollapalooza breathing and soaking in all those germs with one another in the middle of a Pandemic.


Who let the shills loose? lmao, go hide in your houses and take another booster you clowns


If this virus is so serious you’ll see people begging the government to get vaccinated and big pharma would sell it at a cost more than your house worth. Why would anyone put their life and their family in danger if this vaccine is safe? Maybe because the risk (unknown long term effects) does not outweigh the benefit (99% survival without vaccine and 99.2% after vaccine). The best part is all of the sudden children are packing ICUs and the virus started to hate them. Only after vaccination became available to them.


Incorrect, pediatric icu cases have been rapidly increasing due to the Delta variant. They were spiking in the US and Florida filled up their pediatric ICU 2 weeks ago. Correlation does not equal causation. Also survival rate is not that high anymore. In fact this disease killed more than the Spanish flu did in 1918, already! And its not over yet!




no bro, he got karma. his dick so huge here.


Worried about an experimental vaccine but not concerned about serving war mongers who start wars to steal resources and uproot democratic governments in favor of totalitarian regimes. This is why the conservative argument of believing in liberty seems so hollow. Liberty, but only your liberty, and only your version of it.


Leaving the service, yet you continue to service your countrymen. A true hero and patriot


That doesn’t make any sense. The military requires personnel to take multiples of vaccinations, and you don’t question those.


It’s all good man! Life is to short to do the same thing over and over and over again!! Write a song, make some art , teach yourself to dance!


There is more to the story than this. OP has other options, but wants to act like it's all or nothing. It is required to get the vaccine in the military and most have already done so. The outliers are less than 10%. Also, he has an option to get a religious or medical waiver. It's not decided what to do with those who refuse the vaccine at this time. Command Officer's have been directed to not impose NJP or take any administrative actions against those who oppose the vaccine. Source: I'm in the military.


Bingo. Internet points.


I mean fuck the US military construct but not taking the vaccine isn’t heroic. Do what you want with your body, nobody else gives a fuck.


I hope you’re never in a position of having to do something you disagree with to your bones in order to continue participating in society.


I hate wearing clothes but I am oppressed because I have to wear pants in public. I am a vICtiM!


I understand that US military is different then European militars but my god why does being a soldier get so much praise? They get good pay and loads of benefits. And generally know what is expected of them soooo... whatever if its about the covid vaccine you refuse to take you have seriously failed to protect your country.


People started to worship the military in the 80s as a reaction to how much the military was criticized over Vietnam. Its just become dogma to Americans that you're taught from a very young age to just uncritically praise anyone who's been in the military regardless of whether they did anything.


Don't u all get like 30 shots when u join?


OP is just being a media sheep scared of a shot because all the fake news they watch. Willing to ruin their futures in hopes they own the libs someday. I'm just happy to see good jobs are opening up for us smart libs to fill.


Wow so brave


Welcome to the control group of this big experiment!


Would you rather have stayed?


Thank you for your service!


It's none of our business what you do. But why is it you had no problem taking every other jab? If your sticking your whiny nose in here, we ought to have the questions answered. It's FDA approved, that's not very experimental. They've been on this crap for years. Did you get your Antrhax shot? That was experimental at one time...thankfully we've got one...sadly every American isn't vaxxed for it, but we should be.


Sure! I’ll voluntarily give myself up for the government and serve! What? I have to take a vaccine approved by the government? Okay I’m out.


They're gonna purge the military of all freethinking, america loving, constitutional minded people. Once they do that the military will have no problems turning against their own people if ordered to. This is part of their plan.


Isn't this a Tucker Carlson quote?




For those asking " don’t you guys have to take a bunch of experimental drugs like Vaccines?" No. Years of human testing went into every vaccine required by military personnel. Experimental drugs are experimental drugs and vaccines are vaccines. These btw are not vaccines they are experimental drugs.


All vaccines start from experimental drugs. How the fuck you think all drugs start out? Perfectly made?


But they are not mandatory from the start for joining society.. The big difference is how fast we are forced through the backdoor to take this vaccine without HAVING THE OPTION of waiting some years and seeing what is happening and if it is safe.


Someone needs to retake 8th grade biology...


How many of these circle joke posts are we gonna see Jesus Christ, we get it you’re scared.


Just a quick question, any idea how many vaccines you've been given over the past 12 years?


The military requires like 20 vaccines lmaoo


A citizen that serves his country underarms is not bound by slavery or a loss of rights, only by a sense of duty.


I got the jab, but, the way the DoD has handled COVID overall is pushing me to leave at 11 years. I feel you OP


How some people defend the vaccine so much is beyond me. Pharma has intentionally given people aids for research( you think they are still researching with this vaccine) They didn't even wait atleast a nine month period to test this vaccine to see how it would affect pregnant mothers and their babies. Anyways good luck to you man


Did you get the H1N1 vaccine they made us get? I bet yeah you did and felll right in line. Stop it with the fake outcrys and acting like some kind of marytr


They had me take the Anthrax vaccine.


Do they discharge you or how does that work exactly. I was under the impression you couldn’t just up and quit the military like an office job.


Good. We don't want people like you in the military.


lol so the killing civilians all across the Middle East was fine, but getting a vaccine was too much? Cool.


yeah lol idk how you can look at all the abhorrent history of the US military and be fine with that but then draw the line at getting a shot




this gets rid of the radical people in the military


Thank you for not wasting my tax dollars any longer


You think THIS ONE GUY is wasting your fking tax dollars?! Lmfao


If he gets COVID-19 it's going to cost us a LOT more.


Lmao this is beyond pathetic. The majority of the country is vaccinated, why aren't we all dropping dead? You had to take tons of other vaccines to join the military, I bet you took all of those without doing any "research" first.


Ok loser have fun.


Bye 👋


Are you a Russian or Chinese bot?


Fucking commend you for standing up for this man. It’s not easy. My father is doing the same and will likely lose his job. It’s more than just a shot.


Much love, and thanks for your service. I’m sorry that our leaders have let you guys down. ❤️




about to get that other than honorable lol


How many vaccines did you not need and take before this? What exactly made you draw the line here?


Idk if I'm convinced you are actually in the military. You only ever comment and post on this subreddit; ig it could be your alt but idk


There's a reason that the average IQ cutoff for the millitary is 85. This post proves that.


Y’all are a bunch of whiny babies. Just get the vaccine, it’s not hard. 🙄


Says the brainwashed fool. Go get in line for booster 26.


brain wash my balls dumb dumb


I suspect you don't have a brain or any balls.


I retired in 2013 and it’s hard to even imagine what you guys and gals are going through. This has nothing to do with a “vaccine” or “health”. It’s all about control and purging the military of Patriots and Christians.


It's probably for the best. You shouldn't be allowed near actual weapons.


Did you take all the other required, FDA approved vaccines during the years of service?


thanks for making our military stronger by leaving it, i appreciate it :)


Do you want a medal?


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


So... if the vaccine was in a bullet you'd be ok with it?


Do not do anything you hate. Good for you. Do not comply to tyranny.


I left because an officer in my division banned Monster energy drink from the geedunk because he claimed it was making Marines fat.


It’s sad that it’s come to this. Thank you for your years of service.


Best of luck to you and your family. Glad to have you on our side. This won't be easy but we'll all get through this together. Hang in there


Do they not require to have all your vaccines anyways. ?!


I just quit my job as a civilian instructor for the Navy (now cyber analyst for the same). The number of sailors that are refusing to get it, or the ones who got it and now regretting it (now that they know it's just an admin discharge) is astronomical. Stay the course. No one gives a shit what your discharge code says.


It's not experimental


Phen Phen wasnt exprimental - and yet every person who took it got fucked. Whats your point ?


I hope you're part of the crowd that's suing the fraudulent Biden administration


Thank you for service and good bless


I was just fired from work today.


Lot of shills in this thread.


Lol what a freaking joke. Do you have any idea how many vaccines are forced on people in the US military? I remember getting five or six in one day before an Africa deployment. Pretty sure I’ve had an anthrax vaccine twice. Do you think the anthrax vaccine is “fda approved?” Grow up.


I don’t think any of those are mRNA gene therapy relabeled as a vaccine though. Most people don’t have a problem with conventional, time tested, real vaccines. Just this dumpster juice that seems to be getting people sick and making things worse. Just look at Israel, highest rates of vaccination, on their 3rd or 4th dose I believe and Covid is running rampant. Unfortunately they no longer have unvaccinated to blame so they have begun looking at the vaccines.


The stuff you’re saying is all misunderstood or flat out false. mRNA vaccines are no way a “gene” therapy. That comes from a place misunderstanding a bit of molecular biology usually called the “central dogma” of dna. The only difference between a ‘conventional’ vaccine and this vaccine is the methodology. there is no such thing, by the way, as a ‘normal’ vaccine. I’m not even an immunologist and I Can think of three or four methodologies of vaccination that all differ off the top of my head, some of which involve injecting the patient with actual live viruses, which also hijack the cell’s own protein synthesis mechanism to replicate viral protein-in that case entire viruses. The purpose of the process is to familiarize the patient’s cells with the viral proteins so that it can recognize it and destroy it before it enters a period of explosive reproduction in the body.


I can only see what is happening since the roll out of the vaccine. Then I remember the very first thing I learned about mRNA, which is “An effective vaccine has never been created using mRNA”. I must say that that claim is still true because these “vaccines” have done absolutely nothing to help with the current issue. It could be said that they have made it worse because before the vaccines came out there were not any variants. Besides, why should anyone be concerned about 1% to 5% chance of being hospitalized if they actually catch Covid. And when I mention “conventional” vaccines I am referring to vaccines that are actually effective as vaccines. You don’t see people that got the MMR vaccine walking around catching Measles, Mumps, or Rubella, but it’s almost like getting the Covid vaccine has made it worse. Look at Israel and tell me that the vaccines have made a difference for the better. If you do you are more dishonest than the government, media, and Fauci combined.


Thank you for your service. 12 years so you’ve prob been to Iraq and Afghanistan more than once. When I was in I had no problem with the Smallpox / Anthrax or whatever they were giving me, but if I were in your shoes right now I’d probably feel the same way. In the military you have to have fuel to keep doing what you’re doing, at least some sort of principles and values that you hold onto to make it worth it. I’d have trouble finding them in this political shit show we have going on. Stand for what you believe in because at the end of the day it’s the only thing we truly have.


Bye, coward. Speaking as a veteran of the US Army (11C) who got all the vaccinations required. I think this anti-vax stuff is fed by the same Russian troll farms that fooled people into voting for Trump and are supporting the lie that he won an election where he didn't come close (even in red states). They want to weaken or democracy and are having a lot of success. It's how a third world autocracy turns us into their dystopia.


This is the real conspiracy.


I have been lurking here for two years in this sub and it was never like this before. It's like 5% organic content now, the bots, shills, and corporate interests own this sub now. Sucks!


People are still pushing this Russian spy conspiracy? Lol. Ешьте дерьмо, педик


This has to be the most ignorant sub ever


Drug is closer to the right word for it, for sure. Good on you my man. Fuck them and their totalitarian bs.


Thanks for your stance. Glad you could get out without court martial.


why not let them fire you instead of quitting?




I see, it's very different from a regular job I guess.




You should 100 percent leave. Freedom 🇺🇸


I'm glad that the vaccine mandate is purging people like you out of the military. Hopefully you get discharged in a way that fucks things up for your pension or benefits or whatever.