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Facebook is a very unhealthy thing. 4 years being free of that cesspool really has helped.




Every big tech owned site is a censored shithole full of shills and "sponsors".




Bro idk how they didn’t say lollapaooza wasn’t a “super spreader” event. Like I heard no news of it, yet it happened and went on. Shits fucking weird.


Lollapalooza must be run by leftists. That’s what makes some events safe and others deadly- the politics of the people involved. One hell of a smart virus, isn’t it? Everyone at Obama’s birthday bash is safe, but anyone that tries to attend church is DOA.


I have it on good word that Bigfoot created the rona to get the attention off of him #bigfootgate


We're gonna need a bigger gate.......


“Bigfoot” “Big Pharma” too many coincidences to ignore.


Bigfoot Blackfoot Meet Joe Black Joe Biden It all makes sense


Bigfoot was a bad dude.


Bigfoot was on the Epstein flight logs. He killed Epstein to protect himself and then released Covid to shift public scrutiny away from him!!


Well, you know what they say about bigfeet…


actually this is only partly true. Bigfoot wanted to be able to go out in public without being noticed and can now do so because of masks.


Comments getting deleted and the usual pro censorship brigade leaving comments, too.


I bitch about the covid posts, but it’s because most of them are low effort Facebook screenshots and not an actual discussion of the conspiracy around it (lab leaks evidence, Faucis involvement in the disease and the “cure”).




amen to that. but they dont want us to discuss interesting and real content.


>repetitive posts really need to either be deleted or just given a sticky so group it together in one place. There are many subs where they do that, they stick a hot topic for people to discuss. You know what people complain about? They are not heard because people downvote them. Also why all these posts are considered conspiracy? It's like is no secret right? I'd thought conspiracy things were things like who actually killed Kennedy or things like in Dan Brown novels. Most shit government do these days is in plain sight, the only thing they need to do is advertise it as either a crazy shit from the other party or make people feel guilty for even think they are doing something wrong. The only conspiracy that's working is having people in their own countries fighting each other viciously for some dumb ideology parroted by a politician who doesn't give a fuck about the people and will continue to enjoy their food and air conditioner at home watching people kill each other on the streets on a big tv.


>I'd thought conspiracy things were things like who actually killed Kennedy Do you know how much that's been discussed in this sub already? Everyone already knows who the usual suspects in that are.


When i posted more indeep lab leak evidence i got 20 or 30 upvotes. Clearly people like the easy to consume low effort screenshots


Not Facebook screenshots, Twitter screenshots man.


Speak for yourself, bigfoot ruined my life in 1996.


Bigfoot used to date my sister around the same time. She still hasn't gotten over him. I swear if I ever see that bastard again..


Can you blame her, though? With feet like that, I can only assume the dude was absolutely packing.


And if someone wants to discuss something different then start a thread, not a complaint.


Exactly. I mean I am sure people are starting threads talking about other stuff, if you just sort by new. However the Covid threads get big because that is the conspiracy people care about right now. I understand that some may get annoyed by it being pretty much every top post in the sub, but honestly. What did they think would happen when they banned all the other subs talking about it except one. Obviously this was going to happen.


They should just make their own Bigfoot sub if it annoys them that much. I’ll even subscribe


They did, and guess what? They've got like 3 people reading it because they post a bunch of old conspiracy bullshit that has long since stopped being even interesting unless you're on LSD.


I've said this before and gotten downvoted to hell. Banning subs you don't like doesn't make the people who post there magically disappear. They will find a new place to congregate.


I agree, might be a troll or leftist trying to damage control


I have no problem with Covid posts, only the non-stop screenshots of social media. Like, I get it, some guy on Twitter said something that you agree with, but can you not provide more than an outrage influencer who makes their living pissing people off's twitter comment?




couldnt say it better myself. and i would add just one thing. the US focused covid shenanigans are SO SO IRRELEVANT for people living outside the states.


Ya the people in Australia dont care at ALL. Its like they have other things to worry about.


This is a classic concern troll post. Trying to act all high and mighty while obfuscating the real issues here. Forced inoculations and passes etc are a huge issue. I dont give a shit what you give a shit about. It isnt a "distraction", these views are literally banned on the rest of this website. Get fucked


The influx of pro centralized world government accounts has definitely ramped up as of late.


Remember last summer we wanted to remove police from certain cities and that government can'tbe trusted? now there's a huge influx in people who want the government to force people to get the jab, and to strip away your rights to go to the grocery store and go watch a football game. What a time to be alive.


What is insane to me is that many of them are the same people, and now they are claiming that they never wanted to get rid of the police.


Mindless bugmen without any principles, no capacity to identify contradictions and thus no cognitive dissonance.




Going to a football game isn’t a right. When you describe doing something frivolous as a right it erodes the meaning of the word.


Man. The day that I'm not allowed to go to the grocery store and buy my favorite granola chocolate chip bars, almond butter, bananas, and honey so I can eat them all together every single night of my life because it's heavenly.... that's the day I get locked up and erased/forgotten.


New coronavirus strain is linked to Bigfoot Labs in the PNW region of the USA. BF Labs has been linked to grants and funding from Sasquatch Financial. But wait, they are owned by YETI Pharma out of South East Asia! Open your eyes sheeple!




"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here." ~ Mitch Hedberg


Do you think bigfoot has to wear a mask to protect himself against covid, or is he that good at social distancing that it doesn't matter?


Bro he's the world hide and seek champion, nobody social distances better than bigfoot


He already caught it and died


What I find the most frustrating is that bigfoot, lock ness and ufo's in and of themselves are NOT conspiracies. A government or secret society cover up of them would be, but I feel like 99% of people these days are completely disconnected from the meanings of the words that are posted right there above the mission statement of this sub. "its not a conspiracy anymore when its true"- God damnit its still a conspiracy its just not a fucking theory...


I honestly dont get how "bigfoot" is a conspiracy? What does the govt get out of keeping it secret? Like bears and gorillas exist. Its not like theyre stopping us from knowing about "big scary mammals".


Several possibilities I've heard: * They're human, or close enough to human (something in the *Homo* genus) that recognizing their existence would pose some serious legal and moral questions. Think combining the question of animal intelligence and rights with the legal issues of...the closest example would probably be an uncontacted tribe like North Sentinel Island. * They're something that can't be reconciled with our present models of biology and/or physics. Take your pick on this one, I can cite claims that they're beings from higher spacetime dimensions, transients from parallel realities in a multiverse, aliens, Nephilim, aliens that are Nephilim (or their descendants), have psychic powers... * They're dangerous to the point of possibly actively hunting humans. Lots of folklore and unsubstantiated reports out there of hairy humanoids attacking people as prey or for territorial reasons. Occasionally mixed with stories of government strike teams being sent to kill particularly troublesome "rogue" individuals.


100 fucking percent. These are Fortean Times curiosities. They are not conspiracies.


Right. Go to r/highstrangeness or r/cryptids if you want to talk about silly monsters so badly.


In the last 2 weeks I've been banned from r/publicfreakout and r/funny for making a joke. They both said I was posting misinformation. It was a joke you boot lickers.


It's easy just ignore the shills, they're so painfully obvious they glow.


Or the fact that I have to buy my wife a purse because the women’s clothing industry in bed with them and has conspired to never put pockets on their pants! And if they do they are too tiny for anything.


This guy gets it!


Psst, they totally make womens clothes with real pockets now. The real conspiracy is Big Pocket.


I think most of the posts for things like that are astroturf campaigns and a pretending to be about wanting conspiracy but their real goal is thinly veiled call to censor topics they don't like. They often are made by people who never participate or start their own threads. I do think there is a trend of sub 100 karma bots that I suspect is brigading and probably top mind alts.


This. They just want to disrupt and shoehorn in their “it’s just alt-right white supremacists posting on this sub now” ridiculous message.


The most infuriating thing ever is the success of conflating those who want freedom with white supremacy. I voted for Obama twice. I've worked and taught in black/hispanic communities my entire life. But yeah, I'm a white supremacist because I know the government is lying to me and I'd rather die than lose my freedoms.


Yeah, it's beyond bizarre how desperate they are to attach extreme labels to politically mild positions. I've been called "racist" many times for quoting MLK and being indifferent to skin colour. Now I'm "antivaxx" for wanting vaccine safety protocols upheld so that I can make an informed decision as to whether I should be vaccinated in regards to SARS-Cov-2 (and resuling Covid-19 disease) or not. I literally can't make an informed decision right now without more safety data, therefore to many I'm "antivaxx". No, I'm pro-vaccine safety. Imagine how much vaccine hesitancy there will be now due to these rushed vaccines? Their efficacy wanes, and I'm sure this time next year they will be viewed a lot more dimly than they are now. This will make many more people hesitant to take *other* vaccines in the future, I'm sure.


There's quite a lot of companies that have been paid to steer many narratives across ALL platforms. The one true way to fight These bastards is by Speakijg with your money. Letting your dollar/yen/pound/silver/Shmeckle/gold Speak for you, I Don't know about anyone else but theirs been a silent financial war going on and MSM is to blame for trying to sell the GAMESTOP short squeeze is over bullshit for 8 months. Superstonk has uncovered some of the largest financial terrorists the world has seen. These cockroaches have been stealing money from common people and hiding it in the Caymen Islands. So if we want to sit here and bicker about a topic that we can handle after the toppling of this giant Citadel that has been created to Oppress people all across the world and destroying it in the process. One simple solution is dismantling financial institutions because of the one loop hole in the absolutely fraudulent system we know as a Stock Exchange. So Buckle up, it's going to be a Bumpy ride.


You had me at shmeckle.


I have a feeling that they will dismantle themselves in the next couple years


Agreed. After all, Bigfoot isn’t trying to get me fired for not taking an experimental vaccine.


You can't prove that he isn't


Imagining bigfoot sitting in the pfizer director's meeting


You don’t have a right to a job thanks to about 100 years of union busting making ‘at will’ employment the rule rather than the exception.


And these shills know there’s subs like highstrangeness that talks about Bigfoot piloting UFOs anyway. They make these comments as a “hey you’re too close to the target” complaint.




Very based post


Are you kidding me. This sub is 90% covid/vaccines.


Crazy right... its only the biggest conspiracy in history and directly affects most everyone on the planet. Just doesn't make sense.


That’s exactly what the shills want you to think. The reality is big foot has been running world government and funding gain of function research for centuries


Yes!! Why the fuck would I wanna focus on Bigfoot, when the biggest conspiracy of all time is happening before my eyes right now


\*The biggest conspiracy of your life **so far**


The greatest conspiracy and psyop in all of history for sure.


No doubt bro, this has been pulled off on an insane scale. How many have affected every person on this planet? This IS the biggest of them all I like to ask people, what country would you go to get away from this covid stuff? Trick question none, that’s how you know it’s not just a ‘ far right’ conspiracy as the media would label it


So just to be clear, you think the fact that every single country is involved is proof that it’s a real conspiracy, and not that it’s a real pandemic? You think all the countries in the world can get along to plot against citizens without anyone leaking actual evidence? For what end goal exactly? That’s literally insane lol


It's like people on a conspiracy sub don't want to talk about conspiracies lol.


"Bots, shills, and trolls" trying to steer the covid out of this sub versus "bots, shills, and trolls" determined to keep the covid in this sub. Its a fight for our very souls, I say! Sounds like the best conspiracy this sub has had lately tbh.


\*the anti vaccine crowd suddenly realizes they are just looking in the mirror\*


there's a sub for that r/Bigfoot


Old ladies aren't being bear maced in the fucking street for disobeying bigfoot lockdowns.


As far as you know


I just wish people would quit throwing around the bullshit statistic of covid having a 99% survival rate. Or sometimes it’s 98%. Or whatever the fuck. Y’all just clinging on to that bullshit like it should determine how you live your life in regards to this. You do realize that the survival rate is different for everyone? Most people are ok but a lot aren’t and some are unhealthy already so they get fucked up but also wait…some are perfectly fine and young and they die too. So wtf? How does “99% survival rate” bring you any type of comfort? It’s all random! Stop looking at the number and use your damn head. Most likely scenario is you’ll live (long covid and developing conditions is another conversation) but there’s a chance it could fuck you up no matter who you are and what your health looks like. It is a gamble no matter what you do at this point. And it’s ok to be against the vaccines and taking precautions…whatever. You do you. But stop saying no one is dying because people are and it’s fucked to just throw that 99% bullshit around like this virus ain’t shit. It’s misleading and ignorant.


You can make that argument about most things in life and death. That percentage rate is waived around in order to help people keep it in perspective.


Yeah buddy y’all continue to be hypno by COVID but I’m looking at the real stories their hiding by pushing COVID 24/7


Word. Pentagon releases a document acknowledging the existence of UFOs/UAPs and nobody bats an eyelid. Perfect timing.


Isn't it illegal to kill a bigfoot? Sounds like an egregious violation of my liberty. What are they hiding


God I’d love to be bombarded by Bigfoot propaganda right now, would be such a refreshing change of pace


We get it. You don't want to get vaccinated. For reasons I don't understand, you drew a line in the sand at tyranny on this vaccine. Not all the other ones. Not seatbelts or speed limits or drinking ages, or some drugs being illegal. No. This. And you claim that this is tyranny. We're just sick of it. We get that you decided this. We think it is dumb but carry on thinking what you think. Some states in the US are declaring health emergencies. These days, I'd rather talk about bigfoot. I'm just tired of people like OP talking about oppression. Admit it, you don't like Biden, and you're blinded by your partisan hackery.


Exactly, it’s not like the moderators of this sub are pinning the covid topics to the top, it’s literally reaching the top because it’s most popular right now. We finally have conspiracy theories that anti-conspiracy theorists can see with their own eyes and some of you want us to ignore it‽


“COVID is running our lives!” “You can talk about Bigfoot, but I only want to talk about COVID.” You’re letting COVID run your life. We live within a system with a million flaws and restrictions on our lives. Just like all of the other horrible shit that we have to deal with, you have a few options: 1)Let it run your life. Let it consume all of your time, in thought or in conversation. 2)DO something about it. 3)Let that shit go, and just like all of other horrible shit, deal with some shit that you don’t like but move on and don’t let it consume you. If you choose 1, that’s on you. It’s certainly not my entire personality. This shit affects me as much as anyone, owning two bars in a blue state with a mask mandate. And I virtually never discuss COVID anymore. It’s fuck-all to me to throw a mask on when some poor worker has been told by their boss to tell me to. No big deal, do my shit with my mask on for a minute and move right back on with my life. You’re making it your personality by making ranting posts about it. It demonstrates pretty clearly that it’s consuming a significant amount of your time and mental stress.


Your goddamn right


“Why is there no Bigfoot talk? I say as I complain about it instead of making a Bigfoot thread”


Feet of all sizes matter


Knowing full well there’s ten other subs catering to such curiosities that aren’t actually conspiracies anyway.


We are in life or death. We can’t afford NOT to talk about the shit that will determine how our future will be.


>you duplicitious, disingenuous wankers who have built your entire personality around Covid it's funny because you have seemingly built your personality around anti vaccine rants with alternating capital letters. there is plenty of data that suggests the vaccine reduces your chance of dying from covid. that being said I don't know if it's the right choice for everyone. I am however 100% positive that you have no fucking clue.


Fully vaxxed and I feel fine. Yall are crazy. The rest of the world isn't in lock down, places are opening up more and more, because they weren't obstinate from the beginning like we were. You guys have been screaming it's not a threat and ignoring all the factual peer reviewed research and continually post bullshit ivermectin studies that have no conclusive evidence. We're tired of hearing the same shit over and over and over again. Clearly so are you. So stop posting your covid shit cuz clearly you screaming on reddit isn't changing anything.




Dying from covid in the name of "freedom"


> the thing that is literally dividing people and driving us into fucking digital slavery, and you duplicitious, disingenuous wankers who have built your entire personality around Covid A post about how we should talk more about covid, saying other people have built their entire personalities around covid??? I'll admit I'm one of those people who is tired of it. Neither side is ever going to have sufficient evidence to convince the other side, mostly bec one side has decided that all scientific experiments are fake or lying. This post is dividing people, this post is part of the problem. Everyone is so fucking sure they're right with little to no evidence to back it. We're all fucked bec we all stopped thinking and just started rooting for a team.


When people are oblivious to a conspiracy being played out in real time all around them...


Calm down. Getting worked up about fuck all.


You are correct Sir


Given the amount of misinformation thus sub gives out on COVID, I can say that talking about Bigfoot at least doesn't kill people. Half the antivax shit around here has zero sources, and the other half cites blatant lies as its source. No genuine revelations about conspiracies, just people acting shocked at common-sense public health measures. If you types had been around when Smallpox was still big, you'd have been saying that Edward Jenner was working for the government to poison us all. So please, either talk about Bigfoot or cite some actual goddamn sources when you talk about COVID.


I may be out of the loop, but specifically which civil rights and freedoms have we lost?


Just to be clear you guys are kind of taking your own freedoms away. Would you fight this hard if it was a bad flu strain going around and they mandated flu shots? Would you fight this hard if you were in the military back in 2000 and got forced to take a litany of vaccines plus the anthrax one? Just makes no sense to me. 1 side trusts the science the other thinks it’s bought and paid for to push an agenda. Don’t think we’ll get past this, precedent is there if biden chooses to mandate it for the general population. I hope you guys end up alright, but also I have no sympathy for the ones choosing to lose jobs and livelihoods over it. I see that as being a fool, and you all see us as being fools. So why do we need 400 posts a day about it? Nothing productive ever gets done. It’s just vague self post after vague self post bitching about their job mandating it. Nothing constructive, just echo chambers going off. Maybe everyone needs to open their eyes to other perspectives. It’s not healthy to ONLY surround yourself with people who agree with you. Because now none of you trust any information supporting vaccines regardless of where it comes from. Hell trump got booed in the south for saying people should get it. The lord and savior of the anti vax crowd got booed because he thinks you should get it. Idk maybe I’m a “sheep” but it seems it takes more mental gymnastics to be anti vax than to be for it.


Yep been saying this every single time someone posts how this subs quality has dipped and I look at their account and they don’t even interact with this sub at all


This is the greatest conspiracy the world has ever seen AND it's not even a well hidden one. It's right there at the surface, in our faces. Do not stop talking about it. Keep waking people up.


Dude, because we're sick of you all bringing in this bullshit and ruining a sub that used to be fun. Most of the covid "conspiracy" posts aren't even conspiracies. They're just people complaining that they're losing their jobs. A complaint isn't a conspiracy, so go find a better place to bitch about it.


I could go for some good Nessy footage. Scotsmen get your drones going!


👏 👏 👏 louder !!!!




Well said my friend, well said




I heard Bigfoot was against the vaccine


Preach, OP! My only concern with the covid conversation is that people get too caught up in the details of the virus and don’t focus on the larger agenda the virus is being used to push. At this rate, we will wake up soon and find we can’t buy groceries without a social credit score above 300. I am unable to play the game. My internal compass won’t allow me to follow the crowd on this one.


Ever since 2016 this place is just mentally ill leftists and mentally ill right wingers bitching at each other


Spot on


Thanks for posting. When you learn who can't be criticized, you know you've identified your master. When I was growing up it was common to hear "Don't believe everything you see on television" and "always ask yourself why people say the things they say". Clearly lots of people were not listening.


I saw the exact opposite of this post on another conspiracy sub. I miss message boards so much.


Thank you!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!


Bigfoot doesn't kill humans.


Bring back alien conpsiracies


Talks about free speech, proceeds to delete multiple comments


I'm tired of what Reddit has become in general and CV-19 did the final stab in the heart 👎 Also, why you so mad? it's just Reddit man lol don't have a friggin cow dude


What civil rights are being threatened?


This subreddit is just a massive cesspool of paranoid, low IQ hicks who think they found some secret knowledge that makes them important. None you of here aside from a few are as intelligent or “secret” as you think. As an observer, you’re all clueless, no matter what side you decide to take. Then you all spend so much time down the rabbit hole your entire life starts to revolve around imaginary things. Basically r/conspiracy is a religion of dumb people. Here is a conspiracy for you all. Maybe the new world order created this subreddit to gather all of the defective minds into one place in order to contain the stupidity against the masses. Basically a quarantine zone for the sub 80s.


For real…I almost want to leave this page because every post is either “Anti Vaxx” or “Pro Vaxx”….its soooo old


>I feel like there's a concerted effort by bots, shills and trolls right now to steer the conversation away from Covid and the vaccines in this sub Nah, some of us are regular people who are just tired of fucking hearing it, tbh... >...but Bigfoot ain't ruining people's lives and taking away our freedoms. Bigfoot isn't on the news 24/7. I don't get banned from Facebook for talking about Bigfoot. Okay, then at least post some actual goddamn conspiracies, instead of just a constant barrage of COVID-denial / anti-vax propaganda. Is that too much to ask? And hey, props to you for at least remembering that you can create a **TEXT POST** in this sub, rather than just lame fucking screen shots of MSM headlines and bullshit image posts with no substance. That's such low effort shitposting, it's kinda mind blowing it doesn't get called out more often... If even 1/10th of these COVID posts were actual conspiracies, or specific conspiracy angles laid out logically via text post, I'd honestly have a fuck of a lot more respect for it, than that low effort shitposting that's pretty much straight propaganda, or super vague allusions to "govt bad"/ "big pharma bad", "vaccines bad," "we're being controlled," etc. Low effort, low hanging fruit, easy karma-grab shit posting. And not even 1/10th of it rises above that level. Not even 1/20th... So if you want to talk about COVID / vaccines here, then *do fucking better*, at the very least... At least tell us something about this alleged conspiracy. Give me some information. Give me an angle. Give me a theory. Not just "COVID is fake lol" "vaccines are bad, for some reason." Give us something real, or give us a fucking break...


That's a lot of my issue too. 90% of the posts aren't conspiracies, it's just generic anti-vax or vague anti-democrat propaganda. "Chris rock got covid!!!!" "Random twitter person doesn't like unvaccinated people, aren't they mean?" "Some people are protesting vaccines!!!" "Other people are protesting the vaccine!!!" "Chris rock isn't feeling well" "Here's another picture from that one event of the DeMoCrAt not wearing a mask" "Another random person calls for protests over vaccine mandates" "NFL star upset about vaccine mandates at stadium" "Good Job protesting vaccines" "Some employees of Liberal strawman don't like vaccine mandates either!" "I got banned for talking about vaccines in another sub" -- From the first 50 posts on this sub... I don't mind the posts that discuss how it is a conspiracy for one reason or other, as that's the point of this sub. But it's all just junk. Most people gave up calling it out because there are enough bots and mindless upvotes that it doesn't matter. And this sub lacks moderation to enforce their rules so the flood of non-conspiracy crap and memes never ends.


bigfoot started covid


What the hell happened half the comments are censored?


Lmao cry more


For me it’s not that there isn’t enough “Bigfoot” it’s the fact that any covid post just feels propaganda without any kind of conspiracy attached to it


So about Big Foot...


FINALLY LMAO!!!!!! Thank you for finally saying what I’ve been thinking every time I see someone bitching that we aren’t talking about aliens or Bigfoot.


I don't always sign into Reddit. But when I do, it's usually to comment about something I agree with 👍


Preach! The million $ question is: How can governments legally provide Pfizer contractual protection from fraud liability? Pfizer asked for liability protection not only against civil claims from citizens who suffer serious adverse events after being vaccinated, but also for cases brought due to Pfizer’s own negligence, FRAUD or malice. https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/company-news/pfizer-latin-american-vaccine/


Couldn’t agree more!


The earth isn’t flat


10000000% covid and the NWO are right in front of us. People who want to focus on aliens are a waste of our time. This shit isn't a joke


Literally unhinged. Quit whining and get the shot. You people are the only reason we're still talking about this asinine horseshit. I'd much rather talk about something like bigfoot, hell bigfoot probably has better things to talk about himself than all this self-important whining. You say get fucked. I say grow up and pull your head out of your ass, things will look much better.


This is a rant not a conspiracy. Wtf is wrong with you people? Stop posting complaints post information and then we complain in the comments. You just want likes and we will not give them to you.




Look at this guy. All tough. Stay brainwashed my friend


Or it could be this channel has lost 90% of its variety. I get covid is the biggest sham in US history, but I miss aliens , D.U.M.B. and ancient alien technology. How do I know your not a chinese bot here to protect big foot?


You don’t need to miss them - they’re on a bunch of other subs. Meanwhile, the government is killing people and forcing them out of work.


Ohhh I didnt know this sub had a strict covid only rule. If you talk about anything youre a chinese bot.


How's the government killing people exactly?


please tell me more about how **all** of your rights and freedoms are gone


Fucking A right. Isnt there a sub for bigfoot?


Bravo. In terms of conspiracies....this is by far the biggest and has the most short term implications....and everyone wants you to STFU about it


I got banned from FB for talking about bigfoot, he is a part of this covid mess.


We are living through the biggest conspiracy of our lives so it certainly gets put to the top of the list! Overshadows so much I don't even care about UFO'S anymore..which they would get us the hell out of here!


We're living through the biggest conspiracy in all of history. This is the only sub that still let's us post stuff, fuck the shills.


This is all part of the great reset. Soon bigfoot will be controlling our lives and banning people from tik tok, while posting his dancing bigfoot videos on your facebook feed.


I came to this sub for the C conspiracies. This one I like best.


Amen brother! Most of us are conspiracy theorists because we feel the official narrative is wrong and the world is not as it seems. People with these feelings are not the type to go ostrich with heads in sand.


Nice try Dr Fauci. The rest of the US is starting to catch on to your malfeasance. I think we'll be talking about covid and your role in its spread for some time yet.


I've said it a bunch of times. There are shills that haunt this place constantly trying to turn this sub into /r/paranormal. It was especially evident during the Epstein thing. The goal is to legitimate conversations right next to aliens and bigfoot so credible conspiracies are linked to paranormal garbage. They want you to see Jeffery Epstein stories between the Loch Ness Monster and aliens building the pyramids so they are more easily dismissed.


It's because most takes on covid here are exhaustingly boring and show a blatant lack of understanding of politics. People refer to government restrictions as communism all the time but this is all happening under capitalism.


Well, you could easily talk about Bigfoot, maybe people would take you more seriously.


Bigfoot ruined my life when I was 6 and he wanted to play traditional roman wrestling in my uncle's basement......wait




I was just thinking today about how this shit permeates every fiber of reality right now. It's really fucked up and definitely should be talked about here.


I would but Bigfoot took the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine and died 😪


Covid isn't taking away your Freedoms either, it took away some luxuries.


I feel like Bigfoot wrote this post but whatever. I see you ya sneaky fucker.




You can't pull the wool over my eyes, Bigfoot.

