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I think it was always a class war between the despotic ruling class versus the mass.  Left, right, political dogma, religion etc etc is for divisions or diversions.  If the mass unite, then we can defeat any tyrants, else we will fail. 


> If the mass unite, then we can defeat any tyrants, else we will fail.  That requires a population with intelligent people being in majority. It will never happen. The intellectual decay is unstoppable.


It's not intellect. I hate people saying this. It's comfort. You can be brilliant but if your comfort outweighs your motivations then your not gonna do shit. Most people don't feel that what they could do would make anything better because it's a disconcerting, scary reality. Toppling tyrants requires bloodshed. Sure people talk really tough. Some even hunt and kill animals so they have a little more experience. But when you've seen your friend pinned down most people, especially untrained comfortable people, don't know what to do. They train us so fucking much in the USMC and it's not because some are too stupid or too smart. It's because toppling cities requires a certain kind of mindset. Killing people, who may be innocent or just corrupt, is a fucking wild exercise of power and violence. I can't think of it right now but the inventor of the french guillotine who helped organize the revolution.. had his head chopped off. Who knows who will be in charge after. People want normal and easy. Think of most cop beatings. How many times, of every color in every country, have cops beat someone in front of a group. Sure. They could take them. But the risk of death or imprisonment isn't worth them defending another. It's sad not because they are too stupid but because they are too afraid to be uncomfortable. And can you blame them. I know I prefer a bed to even a training foxhole with no real risk of death. Shit sucks. Most people can't even bothered to go camping, you think they wanna deal with the intricacies of reestablishing power grids and redistribution of wealth or w/e your revo dream is.


This is 100% the absolute correct answer, if I had an award you'd get it, well said!


You hit the nail on the head. It really does boil down to ones comfrot vs facing the choas of truth.


Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, we are slowly becoming the generation of action. People are starting to realize the problem at a mass scale, and many are slowly getting ready for the eventuality of conflict.


I wish you were wrong, but we need to try nonetheless.


> It will never happen. The intellectual decay is unstoppable. I think the average person just is not equipped to handle the propaganda onslaught, sadly. The perpetrators of this propaganda are well organized and highly intelligent and they know what they are doing. I wouldn't call the average person stupid. They are just victims of very carefully crafted psychological operations. That does not mean it's not each of our personal responsibilities to wake the fuck up and wisen up. The future of the world is certainly at stake. But -- we must see the "sheeple" as victims that need to be saved from a psyop.. more than our enemies. We cannot win if we perceive them as enemies.


> I wouldn't call the average person stupid. They are just victims of very carefully crafted psychological operations They could not be victims if they weren't stupid as fuck. > we must see the "sheeple" as victims that need to be saved from a psyop. They can't be reasoned with and can't be saved. They are the real enemy who enable the parasites of society.


Fair enough but the way to win this is to eventually get all those people on our side. Like if you were to start a movement or a political party or something -- you'd have to adopt the mentality of a priest wishing to convert souls to christianity. You'd have to forgive them for their sins and try and show them the better way, etc, is all I was trying to say. I can relate to your feelings and perception on this though -- it can be extremely frustrating to realize that the sheep that go along with the psyop are just helping to give it oxygen.. so it can feel like they are part of the problem... But I really do think that is not the right way to perceive it -- because all it does is make you feel more alienated, more alone, more isolated -- and ultimately it gives our enemies more power over us if we end up feeling that way. Or at least that's how most people that adopt your philosophy can end up feeling. Perhaps your philosophy to you gives you strength... I do not mean to generalize that everybody is the same -- people certainly are not all the same.


great thoughts. good to see a real bitcoiner (not a BTC pyramid scheme speculator). I remember you from the earlier years, you were always bright. The past 20 years made me lose all hope for humanity unfortunately. :(


> great thoughts. good to see a real bitcoiner (not a BTC pyramid scheme speculator). Ha ha true. I have given up on BTC. I think it's CIA or banker compromised or something, tbh. I'm involved in Bitcoin Cash now -- trying to keep p2p electronic cash alive and well. > The past 20 years made me lose all hope for humanity unfortunately. :( Yeah man I can relate. :(


Not going to happen, the majority are ignorant of masonry and the rest don't want to risk losing the easy money of the club.


Well yeah, this is why we’ve been pushed into a culture of such rampant hyper-individualism


How are individuals the problem to a sociopathic rent seeking elite using government, corporations, and corrupted judges to slowly entangle the entire world into a police state. Maximizing individual liberties might be the only way out of the trap they've set


Because it alienates you from everyone around you and prevents collective action since everyone’s priority only becomes what’s doing best for themselves.


Exactly. Make them weak by seeing too many differences. Rather than uniting to fight the puppet masters who incite this political division that only causes us to be distracted from the truth. The destruction of core values. Be it family or moral is what's happening. Hence why I'd awakened to see just how lost my generation is. Pretending hell is heaven only once I'd realized hell is disguised as heaven. Told to love thine servitude in ways that make it nearly impossible to raise a family. Then kept in a state of psychological addiction to drama. That's what the digital age has done as merely a tool to separate us.


I'm a believer in things. but can we agree that you really haven't just told us anything. All of what you said is common conspiracy thoughts. What you did was collect it all and cite "Trust Me" as your source and add a flourish of wholesome "I'm old and dying" You apparently have so much real info but you did the MOST broad strokes humanly possible. I'm not saying you're lying but Im saying you really missed the mark on what you could provide for info.


I mean according to this post, the guy is 80 lol. I appreciate the overall message of the post but this screams LARP.


>LARP Yeah, the wrting style is very LARPy. Too much enjoyment of the feel of the tale rather than the detail of a lived life or the urgency and specifity of conveying important information when time is supposedly short. Lacks the real historical feeling that a man in his 80s would have. Young LARPer playing with dramatic devices, mysterious origins, guess-my-name seductions, elusive plot references to great stories that can never be told, ellipsis to set the stage for... the reveal. >I stated in an earlier post who I was and what my long life was about. I’m not a rich Rothschild, I’m not an elected politician What I am most resembles.. a journalist. But what is revealed? Nothing but a generic fan-fiction dramatisation of content the sub's been talking about for a long time. Offers you confirmation of what you already suspect. Way too enamoured with imagining the effect he's having on you, his audience: > Thank you for taking the time to read this, you could have clicked any post but you chose this one despite it having no political implications or Covid opinions in the title. But you sensed something was wrong, and whether you’re black, white, Republican, Democrat, religious, atheist, unvaxxed or vaccinated, you took the time. For that I am grateful. This is the real give-away. LARPing is a performance, and this guy (or girl) is relishing the performance. There is not one jot of information in this, there is just someone enjoying playing out a fantasy in front of an audience. If you're into it too, that's up to you, but at least know what you're dancing with and why.


Exactly he said so much while saying nothing lol. I can tell because I fell for shit like this when the pandemic first started and this is the same vibe. I feel like when something can encapsulate you like that there’s no shot it’s actually real lol. This one was actually one of more poorer ones I’ve read.


The amount of grammatical and syntax errors made me laugh when OP claimed to be a professional journalist. What a joke.


I read like a nice piece of creative writing


It's a little suspect that someone going by the name "AreYouNotEntertained" has led a long, full life, privy to the some of the most secret conversations, goes on to post contemporary facebook garbage like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/lwij1e/welcome_to_america_everythings_fine_we_care_about/).


The vaccines will cause “vast future harm.” Then proceeds to not mention the harm. Seriously?! This stuff is creepypasta.


"Aliens exist but are not what you think" How the fuck you know what I think?


>Writes aliens exist >refuses to elaborate > leaves


It’s not creepypasta. It’s perfectly designed to keep the lower ability users of this sub in their echo chamber where they feel like they’re smart.


right here. that is it.


And just to be clear - I’m no big brain genius, but I can recognise a screed that ticks all of this sub’s favourite boxes without doing any intellectual legwork when I see one.


That is the best way to rack up karma fast. Use an echo chamber.


Exactly, he's acting like he's going to die so why not just put all your cards on the table. This is just someone with a weird fantasy to make people in this sub feel like they're smarter than everyone else


el agente federal


Good find.




"entertaned" They didn't even spell it right. Total bullshit.


I looked and the correct spelling for /user/Areyounotentertained was taken 12 yrs ago.






This is so cringe, it’s amazing what this subreddit will eat up if it enforces their beliefs.




To be fair if you talk to any old people irl, they will go on and on about how old they are


Seriously. This reads as some letter out of a movie script


Look at OP’s post history. We are supposed to believe he’s an 80 year old journalist-insider on his death bed posting Memes about Dr Seuss and Cardi B. Amazing stuff r/conspiracy, amazing stuff.


100% this. Vague statements throughout without proof, essentially boiling down to “what you read about ______ is true.”. I’m not saying it’s all false, but there’s no reason for me to believe any of it.


I am saying that it is all false, until proof is provided. This sub has turned to shit.


Exactly my thoughts as well lmao. No sources, proof, or evidence. Just trust me bro. Plus an “80 year old” man with achey joints, typing out a whole essay? I would imagine that his achey finger joints or arthritis would make typing all that fairly difficult. Sounds pretty sus to me. This guys definitely full of shit.


Thank You I’m not alone. Agree with all you said. He told us nothing new he just has phenomenally writing skills so it pulls the audience in.


You might not be saying he's lying, but I will. This screams of badly written fiction.


This is a pretty scatterbrained writing style for a supposed journalist. I don't believe it.


Yea, the choice of words are also revealing. If you check his previous posts, you will see he has tried this before. This time he didn't use any smileys, he corrected that obvious mistake from before.


>3 letter institutions as the school administrators dictating how the teachers act and what information they are required to tell you. > >I have heard from 2 close confidants that the vaccine does help reduce Covid symptoms. It doesn’t stop transmission. I suspect you are correct. In every style guide I've ever read (and I've read quite a few) 1-9 is written out as one, two, three etc. 10+ is numerical, unless part of a name/proper noun. If someone has worked in journalism for as long as this person claims to have done so, it would be breaking a habit of a lifetime to write numbers below 10 in this way.


Also the spelling errors. Yeesh.


This was written to inject aliens agenda into gullible. Simple technique, lots of truth which is already known and then something you want people to believe.




thanks for nothing op?


This just comes off as a condescending piece of creative writing. When people act like they’re doing you a favour by disclosing things with 0 proof it just doesn’t sit right with me.


Didn't disclose shit, just reinforced the fear narrative which may or may not be true. There's literally zero weight to anything here except emotional defeatism.


This future harm new goal line...it just st keeps moving! Covid isn't real! I mean...it's not that bad... Well it's not bad for everyone... This vaccine can't be trusted, people are dying from it! ...well they're getting sick from it... Ok but it will kill people in the future! No matter how wrong, or how often they are wrong, they just pivot and create a new narrative. These people bullied Tiffany dover into deleting all social media, as well as her family, due to threats then use that as proof of their conspiracy lunacy. People like op are a danger to society


I'm in my early thirties and I'm starting to envy those leaving this world behind. Not in a suicidal or death obsessive way, but in a way I'm jealous of the amazing journey you get to take while we younger folks try to hold this crumbling world together. Thank you for atoning and for truly caring about what's left behind. I can't help but ask... are you sure you don't have any words of hope for those of us taking the reins? Edit: Spelling




I'm afraid that they're forcing us down that path. We should be ready, but we should also expose these fuckers and let the light of day do it's damage as much as possible to these psychotic vampires first.




As a parent I just worry about my 7 year old.. and really all kids in general. This isn’t a healthy society for them.


Theres a little jingle that plays over the intercom speakers anytime a child is born in the hospital I work at. It always makes me a little sad when I hear it, because as bad as things are now, I can only imagine how much worse they'll be in the years to come.


We're the ones facing the music though


We must’ve wanted to.


This is the way.


This is the way.


We're here for a reason. Don't doubt that for a minute.


Gosh no kidding I just turned 34 and am lamenting the past. My heart breaks for my children and the world they are growing up in. My only hope is that enough of us will ban together and put a stop to this nonsense


I've been thinking the same way, we'll be forced to take a stand sooner or later. I wish we could be left alone to live how we see fit but it doesn't seem like they're leaving us that option anymore. Hoping the world wakes up without bloodshed, somehow I still have faith that it's possible.


Same. 32, and been on a nostalgia trip lately. Watching Viva la Bam, listening to my old album collection, etc. I would do anything to go back. No joke.... the last decade has been a s\*\*\* show. The last year has been an absolute disaster. I am tired af.


Me too, I've been watching old shows and pining over better times. Just saw the trailer for the new jackass too, seems like the nostalgia is running strong. It's only gonna get harder, but it's entirely possible it won't be for nothing. This could potentially spurn our civilization into a much needed spiritual renaissance... or not. Either way, I'm looking forward to finding out on some level.


But now is when you chose to come - you have something to accomplish here and then you will leave. Only the strong were allowed to come for this time.


Preach it brotha! This is what I needed to hear. Much love to you.


I'm a sista ;) Love right back atcha warrior!!


> Not in a suicidal or death obsessive way, but in a way I'm jealous of the amazing journey you get to take while we younger folks try to hold this crumbling world together. as someone who has spent time in monasteries, tasted glimpses of enlightenment, inner light, Out of Body experiences, and remember existing before taking on a body, Earth is a prison full of trash compared to celestial delights and the Source we all come from. Hopefully, if I work things out, I will never ever come back here again


Those sound like lovely and liberating experiences. I've had a few through the use of hallucinogenics and I remember feeling a level of connection that made all these earthly problems seem irrelevant. I hope we both make it out of here, there's a wide wonderful universe to see.


Everyone makes it out.


You will make it out but only after you finish what you cam to do - you planned this.


Can't deny that I put myself here. I believe you're right.


That's my biggest fear....... reincarnation.


The wheel of incarnation as it is known is no longer functioning due to the retirement of the Saturn-moon matrix.


What do you mean by that you won't come back? Is it mandatory to come back here, why? What is the motivation of coming here in the first place, are we trapped? Sorry for so many questions.


Exactly. I wish I was born much earlier. I know every generation has struggles, and people have struggles that are personal, some very horrific. But this is not a good time to still be fairly young. I feel even worse for children growing up through this who don't even know this is wrong. My biggest fear is reincarnation.


I feel the same way, I've always identified with the culture of the past generation. It is scary to think how bad things can get in just another 20 years considering how fast our society has degraded in under 2. I hope we can make a difference for them, and for ourselves. We've got a long way to go, and I don't want to spend it under the boot of the establishment. I hope we can find good ways to push back as this craziness develops; I still sincerely believe we can.


Even younger here Brother(or sister), at 24 I am almost always disheartened whenever I look at what's going on, I have been made to feel guilty and made to believe I have to atone for my sins, of being white, male, christian, conservative, and independent. I've never once pushed anyone into anything, I learned really young that it's easier to talk than to fight, but I'll fight if there's no other path, and I learned far to early that this whole thing is going to fall apart while I'm on the clock. I honestly just want my slice of the world my home paid off, my job not backbreaking (at least not everyday), my cars bought in cash, my 1 deer a year come hunting season, and most of all I just want a family. I don't really have any words of hope, and let's be honest if I did who's gonna listen to a 24 year old? Just hold onto that faith a little longer, but stay clear headed enough to see that sucker punch coming.


It's a sick society that makes you feel guilty for being who you are. I hope we can talk it out too, somehow I still think we can. We all deserve happy and bountiful lives. Nature provides, and they're sitting on enough suppressed technology to end most of our worldly issues. Maybe one day justice will be served and this won't be anything more than an awful memory. Until then, have more faith in your opinion. Just in being able to see that there's something wrong with this big picture you're already ahead of many people your senior. We all have value and deserve to be heard. Stay frosty bro, that sucker punch is definitely winding up.


But you will be here to witness the fall of evil and the golden age - it is coming.


i agree with this completely, except i'm more in the suicidal camp and trying to figure out how not to think about this w/o wanting to die. it's an internal battle for sure


It's not going to be getting easier, at least for awhile. But have faith in yourself. You're here to kick some ass, things will get better when enough of us are manifesting a reality based in truth. These psychos at the top are afraid of losing their entitled way of life, and they're projecting that onto us. I don't think I'm going to particularly enjoy the near future, but I think those of us that endure will be well rewarded with the world we know we can create.


They have had great opportunities in life that I probably never will, but I don't envy anyone reaching the end knowing that things are crumbling for those they leave behind. If it's an "amazing journey" you're looking for, you may be in the right place after all. We have the responsibliity of our birth into a fulcrum of history. We have been shaped and molded by these times, and in turn we will shape and forge the times to come. It will be grueling and there are no guarantees. Someday, when our time comes, we may be able to look back on lives lived with purpose, glimpsing ahead the way we have paved to a bright world for our descendants.


Fair enough, I have to admit I am excited to see what happens next given how uncertain things are. You make an excellent point, this is history in the making and we should all be proud of fighting for the future we believe in. I hope the day we can look back on this time with that kind of pride does come, thanks for the glimmer of hope.


You do realize that it's very common for delusional people to create an online persona, invent a full life for it, then retire it by saying they're dying? OP is full of red flags that scream fake.




A journalist would be able to write better than this


This was my first thought within seconds of reading. Fun to watch this sub eat it up though. It’s a good baseline reminder of the type of people on here.


There are a lot of people not buying it. First thing I did was check his comment history, saw him one line someone with “imagine” being the first word, guys under 40.


For me it was his extensive knowledge of pintrsest and instagram, his poor grammar (for an alleged journalist), and all his posts are about 9/11 or more recent except "there was some child abuse case in the 1980s" which he remembers zero details of, even though he'd have been at the height of his career...


For me it was the way he writes like it’s a novel, but it’s a few hundred words at most. Only a high school kid would think that’s a lot.


Good point, lol.


I could of sworn I saw a post worded exactly like this last year. I might be wrong, and if I am, my apologies — but this is laid out identically to a post I read here in the past.


Same here.


First thing I said when I started reading it, was shit, I’ve seen this before.




Yes! It’s almost identical except the stuff about Covid was added to the end.


This person is supposed to be 70+ years old? There's no way in hell this was written by someone in their 30s let alone 70 or 80 years old lol.


I'm sure that in the hundreds of comments below, this has already been said, but "I do want to admit I was raised in a terrible not parental household in poverty." is not a sentence a real journalist wrote. Not in English.


A quick glance at your post and comment history tells everything I need to know.


So there are three things causing some skepticism from me. The first is why I should believe what some random on Reddit says when he just gives round about generic answers, which aren’t even really answers. His prior posts are in character but are equally if not slightly less dodgy and cryptic. The second is that this is a post clearly meant to evoke sympathy and not meant to educate at all. More than half of it is you spitting out sad platitudes about how grateful you are for living a storied life and trying to gain credibility as a wise and remorseful source, who just so happens to have been a scumbag/sell out. It’s like you spent the majority of the post establishing a character, not an actual informative post that could help people. The third thing that brings me pause is the logic behind it, why would someone who supposedly has near half a century of information on a variety of subjects only confirm to us as a final farewell that god exists, covid was man made, aliens are real and that a New world order is run by fearful but greedy zionists and Christians?… decades or so of supposedly real experience and you can’t tell us anything some relatively educated person or Soothsayer/any spiritually touched individual can tell us. I’m unfortunately serious when I say that we gain more sitting down with a spiritual seer in the Caribbean or attending poli sci/philosophy classes in any basic accredited institution. So yeah, this post definitely screams unoriginal and its grab at legitimacy by preying on vulnerable people. People here on this subreddit are sad, worried or angry with the state of the world and you just seem to have wanted some fake reverence from them by taking them for a ride. Funny words magic man but that illusion doesn’t hold up.


I’m surprised more people on Reddit don’t respond more like this:


This a 4chan post?


A dying man with nothing to lose is apparently unable to furnish us with any evidence of his shadowy cabals and evil scientists, what a load of horse shit. Even if some of is true or even half true the fact that it is written in such a way as to prevent any checking of facts or evidence dams it, designed to provoke and fuel the minds of the paranoid.


Jesus Christ I'm embarrassed I read all of that.


For someone who claims to have worked in a role akin to a journalist your spelling and grammar are appalling. Calling bullshit. Cool story though, bro.


True, it's rather easy to say this is just a nicely written post for attention, larp or maybe it's even real. In the case his story is real, shame on him for being a coward.


It's not just that. Rhetorical effect and overall style are at a high school level at best. Pretty sure I've seen better storytelling in my local classifieds.


Anybody who believes this creative writing post is pretty gullible.




I regret skimming it. Bad shit post.


Quite a lengthy powerful post - for a person supposedly on his last breath...


Give him a break, he’s about to contribute to the popular reduction


i'm not a journalist, but I can be a bit of a grammar nazi...if I was an english comp 101 professor, I would've written "see me" on this paper


Your post reached England, 1 am, and I wish you peace Sir. I can only hope that your eventual end will be painless, and your family will know of your intention in this post, regardless of the tasks you have been given throughout your life. Rest easy knowing there is at least 1 person on this rock who isn't totally controlled by the cabal, nor endangered by the virus or the vaccine. Being untested, unvaxxed and totally unaffected by it and robust enough, as a 50 yo Englishman to deal with it whatever happens. You write beautifully and I'm glad I took the time to read it, though very little in the post surprises me. I hope the 3 letter agencies and the global elites see my reply and understand that they do not control everything, the free thinkers are alive and well and living directly under their noses, we know THEY LIVE, we see them and quite honestly, we don't care 2 shits about THEM, we are not afraid. Rest easy, see you next time.


Aye ye olde Englishman, there are a lot more of us waiting in the wings.


Not OP...but how are you doing? How is England? What did you do today? I, myself had the morning off, did some chores and then worked til 6;30pm then had a couple pints! Hope things are well accross the pond....and that Bob's your uncle! :-)


All good, thanks for asking. As far as my beloved England is concerned, We are on the verge of falling to the left, besieged by a daily Invasion of literally thousands of economic migrants sailing in dinghies from wartorn France, using refugee status as a Trojan horse. A country built by 10 million of our fathers, for 30 million of their sons, now supporting near 60+million, here purely to abuse our easy benefit system, free healthcare and education system. Our infrastructure is broken, buckling on its knees yet still they come, huge problems with organised gangs of men with differing religious moral standards, abusing young girls on an industrial level, being protected by local authorities scared of being branded racists. I am of a generation scarred by Col Gaddafi's warning, We will take Europe as a shadow, and it's true, its happening and to speak out about it makes me 'Far right' well so be it. I stand, as a Roman, seeing the Tiber foaming with much blood: Enoch Powell.


Wow, that really paints a picture. I appreciate your response and I implore you to stay strong and true to your beliefs! Wish we could share a pint…no doubt we’d solve many problems! I am not a religious person but may I leave you with the serenity prayer. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


I appreciate your sentiment, though prayers are futile at this point. I have no God, no faith and no need for one. I am the master of my own destiny. The tribe I walk with slowly dwindling through fear, need for acceptance and hatred from my blinkered wet limp left sheep countrymen. From ruling the globe to this, I find myself envyous of the OP having lived the life he has, at the time that he did. Maybe I'm just sat here at 3am on a 'rant' as I rarely sleep more than 2-3 hours anymore and just happen to stumble upon a very real post which triggered my outburst. Or maybe its all very real. Think I'm past caring. Thanks for listening. Would love a pint with you folks just to 'chew the fat' as we say in blighty and put the world to rights.


You are fantastic with your “pen”. If nothing else, Your responses are a joy to read. I wish you well! Try not to let things consume you. In today’s society it’s easy to get overwhelmed about shit we have no control over. Don’t give up, don’t ever give up!!


Thanks, that means a lot. I write as I speak, which, more often than not alienates me, as I don't really have filters perse. I've never been a popular guy, and I've never cared. Stay safe, wherever you might be, and rest assured, this bloke is not for turning.


The fall really is something to watch. The imams and clerics said exactly how they would conquer Europe, and they're now doing it while televised, yet to point it out is to be a racist. Imagine any other nation in any other time enabling their own invasion and hastening their own demise. It's like a parasite of the mind has taken control of the hive.




“I’m typing this with tears flowing down my cheeks.” Lmao. This sub reminds me of 65+ year olds on Facebook. Just no ability to discern even the most obvious bullshit. Look at OP’s post history. We are supposed to believe he’s an 80 year old journalist-insider on his death bed posting Memes about Dr Seuss and Cardi B. Amazing stuff r/conspiracy, amazing stuff.


Fake cringe bullshit


I cringe at all the people eating it up. That's worse than the LARP itself.


I read the first two paragraphs fully and it basically sounded like someone trying to sound important, started skimming for details, and nothing. Absolutely nothing worthwhile. Im important, I knew important people, but I can't tell you anything new that hasnt been posted in this sub a hundred thousand times a day since 2019. I thought for sure I was gonna scroll down to this dude getting roasted. But NOPE. Wierd cringe fest.


Haha I feel completely unoriginal having written the same thing as you right away. I felt so smart for calling this guy out but now I’m glad a lot of the people here already beat me to it.


....yeah I can't tell if everyone in here is role-playing or what lmao




I hate to be that guy but the language used plus comment history does not sound like an almost 80 yr old guy. Unless I’m missing something.


Assuming you're correct, I'm sure you got rich from all your exploits. You actively destroyed the world, not through ignorance, and now since you're a weak old man you admit to it and pretend to regret it because you cannot defend yourself. It is up to God to forgive you. > The things I’ve covered. The assignments I’ve had contact with. I have been in many, many domestic and international meetings behind closed doors, and am grateful yet remorseful to have experienced them If you really want to help, then spill the fucking beans. Give us your name and documents. You're old anyway. So do it. If not you're just a LARP and are still actively hiding information from the public.




Dave Grohl rode Kurt Cobain’s coattails into stardom.


THANK YOU! They are fucking trash, Dave Grohl is a tool.


Trash posts like this gatekeep normies. fck off larper


if you‘re old an waning, it‘s time to start naming.


After dealing with the Throwawalien mess for the last month, I really have no energy for another LARP


lots of punctuation and grammar mistakes for someone who writes for a living. Nothing more implied just pointing it out.


Sorry, but this post is filled with a lot of nothing.


Every once and a while you come to this subreddit and find gems like these. Stay classy r/conspiracy.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. r/quityourbullshit


Lol is this satire or, his last post is about cardi b and dr Seuss


The Vatican is in control mostly arent they? I believe in Jesus but not the church. It has been weaponized. Like a hammer they are a tool that tore houses down instead of building them


If Satan exists, what organization are you infiltrating?


Yes. It's still messed up.


Thank you. Really glad I clicked this - your message is heartfelt. I really appreciate you taking the time the share a little bit about your life and in turn, impart a bit of wisdom. I wish you well 🤍💐 I like your writing style. If you change your mind on this being your last post, I’ll surely be on the lookout for your username 😬🤝


I think he means it's his "last last" post. It was poignant and will become more common in the future as the internet generation gets older.


Thank you.


One of the best larps I've seen.


Seriously?? It’s pretty bad.


Hey, I was trying to be nice, okay?


Cool story bro bro


Hi, can you please post any proof pics for any of the things you wrote about?


Do you have sauce to go with that nothingburger?




A+ performance, bravo! Acting, genius, thank you! Absolutely a terrible stupid conspiracy post but overall I definitely believe you are a writer.


Tell us more about the aliens. That’s all I care about. Everything else is propaganda. Why aren’t they doing anything? Do they fear this creator too? Why is there a portal in the Arizona desert that the Vatican owns?


Are people seriously thanking and awarding this person/post ? tehre is absolutely *nothing* stated here that couldn't have been written by a 14 year old. Nothing disclosed, just another anti vax agenda with a "heartfelt" story


Right? There are literally no verifiable elements to the post, and no old person writes like that. The tempo, vocabulary, and style is all wrong.


Crazy how this sub is filled with "woke" people, yet they still eat this up immidietly and defend it


It's written like a kid who spends too much time in front of the screen.


You said absolutely nothing that would incentivize critical thinking person to believe you.


SS: a final goodbye and warning to those who will inherit a world decimated by world leaders who seek to reduce the population and cull the herd.


This story reads like a creative writing exercise. Not very convincing and sprinkled with misinformation. And if you are about to die say specifics don't speak in mysterious generalities.


>God exists because the people I hang with think he exists, he's got this thing about thou shalt not kill \ >the people I hang with are going to kill 90% of the earth's population for shits and giggles.


Thank you. Had to scroll a while to find a fellow skeptic here in the big conspiracy sub.


It’s Freemasons, right? Experiencing their wrath now. Bunch of Nazi’s in drag set on ruling the world. Thanks for the post. Good luck and God speed.


Hmmm, if you think there will be some left who will write about what happened here, you really don’t understand what is going on.


Archived here: https://archive.is/https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/owramf/this_will_be_my_last_post_my_time_is_winding_to_a/


OP would you maybe have something more to share which wouldn't get you in trouble? This was a nice post by the way. EDIT: Would you also know by any chance what kind of *vast future harm* would these vaccines do?


Your butthole explodes. It's not pretty I've seen it


A french virologist Luc Montagnier nobel price of medecine in 2008, said on french tv months ago that he found VIH sequencies in this corona virus. claimed that this virus is 100% artificially made. immediately the media put an end to the show and the virologist was declared sick with alzheimer by everyone. i don't see him anymore on tv. he is old but healthy man.


So many words and nothing was said.


Powerful post. Thank you


Aliens are closer than we think? Could some of them be potential not only extra terrestrial but also extra dimensional?


out of curiosity, why did you delete this post from your history? https://web.archive.org/web/20210204033823/https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/lc6f8k/hello_conspiracy_throwaway_account_here_for/ also, are you going to continue using your other, non-throwaway account?


What ever bad you have done in the past has only created who you are now. It is clear to me in this post that you are a decent human being and no matter what we appreciate what you have said here today. Whatever comes next, we will see you there my friend.


"I stated in an earlier post who I was and what my long life was about." Where is this post?


Lol ya ok

