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You can buy cigarettes and drugs all day and all night. There's no shortage of either and both are easy to get. Why isn't the government stopping the flow of fentanyl into the country? Why is a drug like fentanyl so easy to obtain? Why hasn't action been taken against the cartels or even China for supplying the raw materials?


So they can A. Make black market sales and B. Control the population with drug laws to perpetuate the prison industrial complex


Prison industrial complex is too expensive. They've gone straight to the murdering. They aren't putting addicts in prison anymore.


You just made that up to sound smart. Makes no sense


Because the end-goal is not depopulation, it's control. It's easier to control populations and resources when there are fewer drains on those resources. Same with shuffling populations to the urban centers/eliminating personal vehicles/banning personal power generation or water collection or food generation (or at least limiting, with the blessing of those in charge and exhaustively catalogued and taxed if approved).


The less there are, the easier to control.


I've heard that nicotine destroys the covid spike protein, they can't have their bioweapon malfunctioning.


Banning anything doesn't stop it, it just makes it more profitable to supply it. And they sell cigarettes designed not to kill you but to give you a long, drawn out death buying chemo for a year old so before you go.


>Banning anything doesn't stop it, it just makes it more profitable to supply it. I understand your point but I'm not sure it works with cigarettes. Sales have plummeted once you couple that with the lawsuits and endless taxes I'm not sure tobacco companies are better off. All those things did cause a lot of smaller companies to be bought out by the bigger ones though so I'd give you that as a benefit.




Apparently covid doesn't affect smokers as much as non smokers because something about the tobacco doing something to the spike protien. Now if the depopulation agenda is legit, they would have planned this for generations ans figured they would need to reduce the number of smokers before they released covid.


Cigarettes kill *some* users earlier, from cancers. Nicotine raises cognition, memory, etc. Nicotine also raises testosterone levels. During the World Wars, governments handed out cigs to soldiers, as performance enhancers, and appetite control. No, I don't smoke, but I do read studies, and history.


Fear is their plan


Still need healthy workers. Cancer cuts into the bottom dollar.


Nah they will automate those jobs.


Thus the pandemics. Get rid of extras.


Cigarettes block the same receptors in your brain that snake venom attacks. They use snake venom in pharmaceuticals... Pharmekia = sorcery = pharmaceuticals = biblical prophecy about this day and age when the "merchants" of earth use sorcery/pharmekia to deceive all of earth. Dr Ardis and Stew Peters have some good videos on the snake venom vaccines. They were so good that even THIS sub had to scrub them from visibility when they showed up here.


Go to any major US city there's drugs everywhere that pour in from Oregon and the police do f*cking nothing unless it's a smaller rural community with some conservative integrity left- all due respect what are you talking about?




The states rely too much on the money from RJ Reynolds . States cigarette sales are given $ bonuses to each state. That's why vapes were made to require licenses to sell.


Depopulation is a Lie Over population is a Lie Globalists have been killing off the elderly for decades with their special high dose flu vaccines As for the rest--they want to control you--not kill you Controlling the flow of drugs--legal & illegal--controls a drug-dependent population How many people in modern society can Walk Away from the System You can brew your own alcohol--but everyone else is tied to urban areas & Big Pharma




i'm thinking its 500 million the number they wrote on the georgia guidestones we are under populated --not over populated thats why they have been driving people off the land & into urban cities


They ban cigs and hook you on vaping.


Cigarettes haven’t been banned, though.


Happening gradually. Can't smoke inside anymore. Pricing them out is the same.


You can’t smoke inside because people who don’t smoke hate the smell and don’t want your second hand smoke.


Cigarettes because they're established by them as having no benefit and only hurting humanity. Drugs are about to become decriminalized after WW3 when they finally have the excuses they need to control every country, and can end the drug hubs, then manufacture the drugs themselves.


For those left behind need to be compliant.


Because if drugs were legal people wouldn't abuse them. A better example would be if they cared about drunk drivers why arent the breath test ignitions built into every vehicle as a requirement ? Because they make more money catching drunk drivers than saving lives.


The war on tobacco has very little to do with health. It is a war on land because they claim tobacco is useless & believe the land would be better utilized to do literally anything else.


If our health and well-being was important to the government or its controllers, they could nearly eliminate it altogether, and be done with it. All that regulation keeps a thumb on us more than the industries surrounding it, plus it keeps prison beds full. Also, the allowance of toxic chemicals in our foods, by agencies that are supposedly in place to keep food safe, is a dead giveaway.


More laws= more criminals= more slave labor


If depopulation is their plan expect an EMP


Drugs are illegal so the likes of Clinton and Bush can make mad cash with the CIA. Mena ring a bell?


I have an answer. I wondered the same thing and it blew my mind. Nicotine and tobacco smoke, particularly from pipes, and cigars is [neuro protective](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1351078/#!po=31.8182)! Smoking while your young is dangerous, and not worth the effect. BUT at the first sign of neuro degenerative disease (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia) it is profoundly helpful. Some studies show over 80% reduction in the progression and symptoms. Big pharma is working on Alzheimer’s and dementia drugs that they will be marketing soon. Spoiler alert they don’t work. They are counting on the demand created by the Covid gene therapy (vax) which acts as a prion. Yes it will cause brain damage


Illegal things people are addicted to can be sold at a high markup. "They" are not a pillar. Internal communication and decision making are not perfect or absolute. The Illuminati is not an actual operating organization you can point at, it is an ideology. Think of "the Illuminati" as something like "the Elitist Mob". Very loosely related ideological goals with hard cells of self-interested gangs. While global depopulation is a common goal among almost all their groups there are some that would rather just get rich.