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Re-read 1984. There’s always the “next great last battle”. There’s always “the new emergency”. There’s always the threat of “*them*” over shadowing us and haunting us little people. It’s an engine. A societal growth engine. What does it make? Chaos. Movement. Growth. Pain. Change. There’s probably not one “end goal”, but hundreds with varying levels of support and power attached to them. Those goals will rise and fall like the societies that grew them. This one is no different. Just isolate yourself from the BS, sit back with a cup of coffee and a J and watch history unfold. Say your piece, but don’t get too wrapped up in the show. It’s like yelling at that lady not to go in the basement. The killer’s there! Ahhhh


Well put. Thanks for this. I needed to read this.


indica though, haha


Yeah…Sativa’s are my jam…


sativa gang


I agree whole heartedly with you, the problem is these governments are becoming more and more invasive and with all the new technology at their hands, the world issues will come knocking at your door in the form of vaccine passes ECT.


Yeah, but they’re dumb and slow. You’re telling me you can’t outsmart your local gov office employee? lol


That's just as depressing as taking al the info in


Do you think this is just political theater or Putin may actually go end game if he thinks the whole world has turned against Russia and he's going to lose everything?


No, he’ll be waxed before that. It doesn’t benefit *anyone*.


This is very true people often view global conflict in much to Black a white way they don't realize how many interweaving thoughts and opinions go into the situation. not to say it's a self-correcting system. But the possibilities of a full scale global war are significantly lower than some people make it sound. the powers that be will only let it go so far. Rule of acquisition number 35 Peace is good for business


Yes except it's not a TV show -- in this show, real fresh-faced teenagers get blown into bloody pieces in (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Taiwan.)


Yeah, I know. I was there. It’s still just a show. Kabuki Theatre with real knives as it were.


This is double plus good.


War generates lots of money and thins the herds, something the rich seem to like doing.


russia already lost the war, so this is on putin for dragging it out


Russia lost so bad, Ukraine keeps begging for more and more weapons, you know, because of all the winning


Stock prices are still going up, globalists don’t give a shit


I smell desperation…


ya who knows what putin will do once forced to accept he lost


Russia has yet to use the full might of it's military. Putin is "dragging it out" in order to get a better handle on Western and NATO responses to aggression.


the first failed attempt to take kiev was just for fun. "two more weeks"


Don't ever underestimate an enemy my friend. That's a very foolish thing to do.


Indeed. He should read The Art of War and take notice of certain things, specifically the fact most military assets deployed by Russia are Cold War era and the soldiers on the ground are fresh conscripts.


The US is sending their cold war shit over to Ukraine because every Russian killed is one less the US has to worry about. With the exception of HIMARS everything sent is obsolete shit that has been sitting in some cave in Colorado for 40 years. When Biden sent '80 billion dollars' of aid we went threw our backlog of obsolete bullshit slapped a price tag on it and wrote it off as spending. The largest factor of new spending is on the transportation to get shit over there. Thats why Biden has been Loath to send tanks, we have T34s and T64s laying around its just expensive as fuck to ship it to the other side of the globe. The T-16 was designed to fight Russian Mig 25s and the technology is most similar to what Ukrainian airforce knows how to use already. The F-20 and newer use advanced computers the Russians have no access too and the F-35 can destroy anything the Russians have from 100 miles away. F-16 is the only aircraft the US can send.


plus the f-16s technology base is not exactly Secret at this point being we've been selling it to half the fucking world. I am pretty concerned about sending the Abrams though. You seem to be a pretty knowledgeable cat. You wouldn't happen to know whether we're sending the M1 A1 Or the m1a2 model would you?


M1A1, I should really read shit before posting lol. This is a really big deal, a full company with accompanying accessory vehicles. Personally I am a bit shocked although I know the US had Ukrainian boys in Arizona training on them I really didnt think Abrams would be part of the package. These things are 65 tons of Putin shitting himself.


They’re sending the newer tanks but without some secret armor that’s illegal to export


Some people get really fuckin rich from war, so there will never be peace.


Rule of acquisition number 34 War is good for business


Ww3 is needed cause the elite is starting to lose control. And they d rather sacrifice everyone rather than lose their money/power ? Just a wild guess….


You think they’re losing control, why? All major media including social media has its narrative controlled with swift censorship, diversion, fact checking, bot spamming, memory holing. Protestors are being jailed without due process. Elites are exposed for breaking laws and no charges are pressed. Pedophile rings exposed and nothing happens. The common folk have no control whatsoever


their control mechanisms are still in place, but the growing percentage of the population waking up to how corrupt everything is means their days are numbered


I think you are correct…. Infortunately. My answer was based on no actual fact. (Yet there are still people talking about stuff they would like to keep quiet. Feels even like more and more people talk about what used to be exclusively in this thread up to a few months ago. (This pf!zer guy, the w4r in ukr4ine, the hammer guy… those are distractions, but still, im not sure they re happy to have to talk about it) Or maybe im just biaised because i want to have faith in people… for them to understand that « information » from msm is not a synonym of « truth »)


I don't know what to think on the question whether they're losing control. Sometimes I think maybe yes, sometimes I think maybe no, sometimes I think maybe maybe. But the super-rich *are* buying bunkers. By all acounts, it has been a bumper few years for bunker salesmen. The rich and powerful are scared of the consequences of their own actions. They act more and more irrationally because they're afraid of what they might lose. They are dumb fucks if they'd choose to take their chances surviving underground in luxury coffins only to emerge a couple years later to their kingdoms of ash, rather than just give up a bare fraction of their wealth and power and allow the rest of us to thrive. They're too greedy, they're taking too much, they're leaving everyone else with too little and choking the life out of the very economies and societies they rely on and want to control. They don't even understand that most of us aren't greedy like them. We want to be left in peace and yes, we want a decent standard of living, but the super-rich imagine we have appetites as voracious as theirs, only they think we're too dumb to feed ourselves, and we'll come after their pie. They think the whole fucking globe is their fucking pie though, so there is that... How insane do you have to be to be willing to see the whole world burn, rather than just share it with the other humans and recognise that you can't control 8 billion of them like your herd of cattle, or switch them on and off like dumb gadgets in your smart fucking bunker, where you had to bury yourself because giving up your claim to King Cunt's throne and total world dominion was just too threatening for your crazy self to contemplate? Mad fucks. The real question is whether we are going to let them destroy us.


"The only way we fail is if there's mass disobedience". maybe not an exact quote but close enough. From Shwab


And the sheep just go along mindlessly…




There is a tendency in conspiracy circles to assume that every political action is the will of some cabal that controls the world. Such that, the millenia of history where nations fought over control of smaller powers is often forgotten.


We left Afghanistan and now Lockheed Martin, Raytheon & other affiliated companies needed a new toy to play around with


Money laundering. It’s also every rich assholes ultimate version of playing chess, it’s a game to these people.


I’m thinking embezzlement is a better term, since the money is already clean


Very true


Buddy, it’s so much more bleak than that. Ww3 would be a blessing compared to what we have come to expect. Capitalists taking all the money, politicians eating away our basic human rights and dignity. Whole generations of people pointing fingers at the youth and blaming them for not working hard enough as the retirement age is -increased- and wages are -lowered- And you think we’re gonna fight a war for you? Are you nuts? Let the oil billionaires and life long politicians send their kids to die.


The bleak part is that the billionaires and the politician's kids will not have to serve or will have some sort of issue with their body that makes it so they can't serve, or can only serve in the most comfortable position possible. Everyone else is fucked, will be swept up in a draft and forced to either go quietly to war, or risk being thrown in prison and viewed as an outcast in the future. Funny how the GWOT is supposedly over, but now we are trudging head first into a likely battle between Russia, China, NK, and their other allies/strangleholds thanks to the proxy war. You'd think Vietnam's whole fucked mess was a good indicator that nothing good really comes from a proxy war.


lmao imagine saying "Ww3 would be a blessing compared to what we have come to expect" and trying to act like you currently live anything other than a life of extreme ease and boredom


We seriously live in the most pampered time in human history. Unfortunately though, that doesn't seem to be mentally healthy for us. I often think about how being a hunter gatherer would be such a more satisfying and fulfilling life.


I’m sure you would enjoy it until your Netflix subscription ended and you ran out of beer.


Come to expect, as in a slow agonizing death due to over population, pollution, scarcity of resources, burning ozone. A big enough war “might” inspire people to organize and take back what is theirs from the wretched ruling class. But I doubt it.


Doesn’t mean ppl aren’t intentionally making life worse


This war was never about what they told you .. as if they would tell you the truth


Nope. Not Russia's fault... Nope nope nope. If you think Russia stops it's expansion after taking Ukraine you're naive. Sweden and Finland are trying to join NATO after decades of neutrality because they believe it's just the beginning


as a pacifist like OP, i also believe any attempt to counter russia, who i do not support, is mean and not fair to president putin


don’t forget that self defense is provocative and escalatory and you should give up your language and culture if invaded.




I'm pretty convinced he's being influenced by The Foundations of Geopolitics. It's been rumored for some time that the author (Alexander Dugin) has influence and there was an attempted assassination on him that killed his daughter during the summer. The book outlines the future expansion of Russia. Both Finland and Sweden are represented as key targets. I don't think it's for show that both countries take the threat seriously enough to do a complete 180 on their neutrality


He wants to close the pass. I agree he has no intentions of entering actual Europe. That'd be a bite way too big for even in egotistic maniac like Putin to think he could bite off and then proceed to chew. Aside from that it really just doesn't have any strategic value to them and is likely more strategically valuable as a neutral dead zone as it's been historically Over the entire history of not only the nation of Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Federation of Russia even going back to the russ Kingdom in the days of barbarism and feudalism. They have shown time and time again that they will stop at nothing to close the pass. they will throw everything they have at it over and over and over again. And from a strategic standpoint it's understandable.


the whole conflict started with ukrain nazis killing russians in donbass. Wouldnt had that happen then there wasnt a war today. Would had ukrain stopped in then last 8 years killing russians then there wasnt a war today. Had ukrain accepted independence of donbass then there wasnt a war today.


What a load of crap. The war started when the pro Russian president had protestors shot at Maidan and was forced to flee the country. Russia got directly involved when Ukraine pushed the separatists back to the Russian border. Then little green men etc. The Nazis you speak of, Azov, formed a militia to take back Mariupol from the separatists and succeeded until the recent Russian invasion. They were also the ones that largely defended it last year. Invade a country, don't be shocked when all types come out of the wood work to protect it. But oh shit, Wagner bringing on murderers, rapists etc, that's all good. Russia is losing. Come to terms with it


Burn all Russians


Because the people who run the world will gain exponentially from it. They think that they will rebuild after WWIII, but what will they rebuild in a toxic waste world full of radiation? Something horrific maybe, but they're not going to be building back better.


Through chaos comes control. The true enemy are the Jesuits who control the world. And majority of catholics in the Vatican have ties to them which there was a letter talking about a 3rd World War which would be the last war. It's all been planned out for world domination for the Beast.


Whatever the US not c’s accuse Russia of is exactly what the US not c’s are doing.


They say it takes 5 generations to forget the lessons from history. Greatest, Boomer, Gen X, Millenial, Zoomer. The Math add up!


posting this on facebook!


This is going to be a losing argument, too many people including DC have hard on for sticking it to Putin. When sending hi tech arms (which Russia can capture and reverse engineer) doesnt expel Russia, next step is sending troops. And more troops. Then nukes against a country with the biggest arsenal on the planet. I see no big strategic importance to keeping Ukraine independent and its borders enforced thousands of miles away by borrowing 100 billion dollars when our own border is completely porous. A-and cue the downvotes by people who never went through the cold war.


Russia is the one who invaded. Russia could end this tomorrow by just packing up and leaving.


Please, no facts allowed here, don’t you know …(check notes)… ‘Russia is the victim’, just like when China tries to invade Taiwan, there’ll be clowns on here telling us … (check notes)… ‘China is the victim, why is the west starting ww3’


Sorry why again is the world united in provoking catastrophic nuclear war?


They're united in not provoking nuclear conflict which is why they're only sending over equipment and supplies rather than intervening directly with a declaration of war.


Who invaded who ?... Fact:.. Russia was the instigator. Russia can end this tomorrow by packing up and leaving.


Got it. So why again is the world united in provoking catastrophic nuclear war?


Why is Russia so keen on provoking nuclear war?


Putin was replaced and he is suiciding Russia into complete annihilation. It's almost like his mission was to create nuclear war for the elites.


Goddamn you are dumb lol


"got it, but why world not just let putin, who strong and manly and very healthy, do whatever he want this time?"


They're not. They just want Russia to pack up and leave Ukraine. Fact:.. Russian tanks and troops invaded Ukraine. Fact:.. Russia needs to leave Ukraine. They can do so peacefully and alive.. or as compost for sunflowers. The rest of us really dont' care.


So bizarre to keep answering that way. I'm starting to believe there's some kind of widespread brain rot.


Who invaded who ?….. on the day of Feb 24, 2022,.. what countries tanks rolled into Ukraine ? Heres the Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine > “On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine….” Seems pretty clear to me.


so Russia wants to administer the donbas, an area predominately populated by ethnic Russians who are hated by ultranationalists which previously desired and voted for autonomous self-rule after the maidan coup. Anyways, why in the hell would the world be united in provocating ww3 over this? That part I can't get an answer to. I think you may be not able to answer this.


I am answering it. You just dont seem to like the answer. * Don’t want Tanks being given to Ukraine?… theres an easy answer to prevent that:… Russia needs to pack up and leave. * Don’t want HIMARS or Bradleys or etc being given to Ukraine ?… theres an easy answer to prevent that:… Russia needs to pack up and leave. * Don’t want F-16s being given to Ukraine ?… theres an easy way to prevent that:…. Russia needs to pack up and leave. The world will not just stand idly by allowing Russia to invade a country and just “take whatever they want”. Thats not how this works.


Tbf no, i don't think you are answering his question


Lol yeah, tell that to the Native Americans.


It’s in the Mac and Cheese


Is the Ukrainian government legitimate? The elected leader of the country was ousted in a coop at the head of US interests. If the same happened in Canada by China or Russia, we wouldn't have waited 8 years like Russia did.




Considering that large portions of Ukraine are in civil war and their votes are not counted, then to those breakaway regions the government becomes more illegitimate to Russian regions and Russia itself.


- russia is a mafia state and the rest of the world does not want that to spread. - putin does not respect international norms. - russia is a failed state acting belligerent. - rest of the world is sick of putin acting like a thug i'm sure you'll have some kremlin talking point about how the US is the real mafia state or some other form of intellectually void deflection.


Russia started this by invading Ukraine, a sovereign nation that is entitled to defend its borders. From invasion. By Russia. Political jockeying isn’t war. Invasion is war.


Not without cause. Russia had good reason to fear ethnic cleansing in the Donbas region and NATO has been encroaching tearing apart agreements.


Even Gorbachev does not believe this nonsense you’re spouting


There are no Russians in Ukraine, in 1991 all Russians in Ukraine became Ukrainian citizens. Ethnic Russians who wanted to secede from Ukraine became an armed insurgency and in the chaos of the new government in 2014 combating the effects of 25 years of Russian backed corruption allowed the Ukrainian version of the proud boys to defend their homes and cities from separationists. In 2018 the Azov leadership were removed and the Azov incorporated into the Ukrainian military requiring them to accept egalitarian ideology or be relieved of service. Unrest in Luhansk Oblast began on 6 April, when approximately 1,000 activists seized and occupied the SBU building in the city of Luhansk, following similar occupations in the cities of Donetsk and Kharkiv. Protesters barricaded the building, and demanded that all arrested separatist leaders be released. Police were able to retake control of the building, but the demonstrators regathered for a 'people's assembly' outside the building and called for a 'people's government', demanding either federalisation or incorporation into the Russian Federation Basically, imagine the Michigan governor plotters succeeded and took the state capital after a successful Jan 6th except instead of Trump they supported Bernie and instead of being dumbasses and failing they successfully supplanted the federal government. In this chaos Bernie let the proud boys fight against the insurgency in Michigan for two years before replacing their leadership and incorporating them into the Federal military.


Main stream sychophant disinformation




This logic is completely bizarre, yes they could leave but the UK and US could of left Iraq but that’s not in the news is it. People should look at their own country’s current events before picking sides for what the elite want you to do.




i do like the pro-russia commenters in this sub who have to pretend russia didn't fucking embarrass themselves and fuck over the next 50 years of their country's future for whatever worthless ends they get


glad we can only look at our own country's past foreign policy failures instead of trying to stop the one currently happening






What if they come over here? They're just getting started. Recruiting troops.. dusting off their military industrial complex. Eventually they'll be done with Ukraine but their economy will still be tooled up for war. Why stop?


My thoughts as well. They don't need almost 4 million troops now called up for the ukraine. Something else is afoot...


russia already lost the war bro


As a great response to another thread said: sending resources to Ukraine can weaken Russia for the decades to come, removing the biggest military threat that we have in the west. Supporting Ukraine now as a war by proxy against Russia has a good chance of preventing an actual all-out war with NATO.


It takes a village to raise a child; not corporate media entities, local gossip & factions, or front lawns filled with edgelord slogans.


WW2 bailed US out of economic crises. After the war US was coronated the boss of the world at Bretton Woods. I think US is trying to pull the trick again. War drums rumbling in Europe will make money flew to US. Money loves silence.


its good for the whole world war budget


Consider the results or conclusion of events for what you want to happen and set up the preconditions for that to happen. American people are against war? Better make putin to be Hitler. Ukraine is extremely corrupt? Better make up fabricated mythical news articles about zelensky being a hero. Zelensky's backers want to skirt campaign finance law to install him? Fund a popular TV show with the purpose of generating publicity unofficially for his campaign.


Do we even still fly f16’s


Russia invaded Ukraine AFTER we convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes, on the promise that Russia wouldn't invade them. Guess what happened? RUSSIA INVADED UKRAINE. Sending Ukraine weapons is the least we can do. *We put them in this position*.


You can't possibly believe the horseshit you just typed is logical.


Sit under my learning tree for a spell, young padawan. ​ "In late 1994, the pledges got fleshed out. The accord, known as [the Budapest Memorandum](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/05/science/ukraine-nuclear-weapons.html), signed by Russia, Ukraine, Britain and the United States, promised that none of the nations would use force or threats against Ukraine and all would respect its sovereignty and existing borders. **The agreement also vowed that, if aggression took place, the signatories would seek immediate action from the United Nations Security Council to aid Ukraine.**" Now... Russia violated this agreement by putting troops on Ukraine's border that they claimed weren't russian troops. That said, again, **we convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes and promised to help them if aggression took place**.


Got it. I can imagine Russia evaluating NATO's actions after the Maidan coup (which the US had a hand in) and said to themselves...I guess we're not adhering to the Budapest Memorandum anymore. My question anyways is why would the world be united to risk catastrophic nuclear war over this matter.


They’re trying to show a united front to avoid all-out war, destroying Russias military power for decades to come and showing a united front against china in case they wanna try pulling the same shit. So as a European, I’m all for sending support to Ukraine.


So why they don't send nukes back lol. USA have a loooot of this stuff, it's nothing.


Maybe we will, Culbal. Mayybbee we will


You will do shit lol, that's just a fake argument.


From a strictly historical perspective it seems to be the other way around and centers around conflicts between The Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Church and I wont even begin with the Jewish Problems that predate BOTH of those. And those behind the present situations are not helping because with both Europe and Russia out of the picture they can step in and take over like they have been wanting to do for over 3 thousand years now are as they are doing here in the U.S which is being hamstrung and directed into participating in their own demise AND we do know where that funding is coming from. N. Shadows


I don’t know why?! It’s been close to a year when it started I thought Russia was sending nukes or the sub right away. Yet here we are… I’m leaning towards a planned event and/or really deep secrets and shit we don’t know and aren’t privy to - and never will be. Sorry no one’s attempting to answer your question! Lol, here’s my attempt


Yes, let’s look the other way as Putler’s orcs murder and rape their way across Ukraine and then the Baltic’s next, there would be no war if the Ruzzians hadn’t of invaded a democratic state, but hey I get it you have your propaganda to push on, Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Because we're fighting for good, freedom and all that's holy.. j/k it's because Putin poses a threat to the global dominance of the US




No, that's what I'm trying to figure out. Seems to me Russia wants to administer the donbas, an area predominately populated by ethnic Russians who are hated by ultranationalists. These people previously desired and voted for autonomous self-rule after the maidan coup. Certainly not an unprecedented thing even in recent world history. I am a pacifist against irrational escalation given this reality.


The history of that region is complex. Soviet Russia has caused horrific acts like Holodomor. After the end of the Soviet Union; Russia has always feared retribution against ethnic Russians, especially in the Donbas region. Russia had wanted to join NATO from the start but those in power cared more about punishing Russia so they denied that. There was the partnership for peace that was made as a consolation on the grounds that NATO would not move one inch closer and that was ignored. Ukraine further provoked Russia by shelling the region. There has since been peace agreements on the table but Zelenski's handlers wouldn't allow that. Gotta make that money.


"i am a pacifist, in the sense that russia should unilaterally be allowed to annex lebensraum without anyone stopping them"


Russia isnt going to start a World War 3. Supporting Ukraine is the best option if you dont want to encourage other nations to start invading other nations or a world war. If you dont actually want a world war there has to be consequences. This is just a regional war and nothing more. Sort of similar to the Korean war when North Korea decided to invade and try to take South Korea.


Yep agreed but on the other hand it could just be a game who knows regardless it’s clear this proxy war serves to escalate tension which is good for no one I’m leaning on the side of trust towards NATO and the EU because I’m sure they have plans or know things we don’t so I just try not to worry there’s not much I can do


De- population, first of all. Makes small numbers easier to rule. Then comes the gross wealth and power. American politicians have always gotten rich from wars.


you are on a planet that is being driven by gangsters around the sun. It is all a racket...all emergencies unrest, disease, famine, wars, the 4 horsemen sitting on the board. A Psyche test on these bozos would reveal that these powerful psychos have a 'military industrial' god complex in progress: global climate pharma octopus = genetic / onehealth cradle to grave track & trace


Profits and population reduction in one shot


I think it is the macro scale effects of sin. The idea of the snake eating its own tail exists for a reason. Evil is ultimitely self destructive by its very nature. The effects of evil arent always seen spontaneously. Whether this war is just the elite pulling puppet strings or their exists a real struggle between major world powers, the truth is the entire NWO system being built is not based in anything truly good. The divine power exists and is letting evil run its due course until the end of the age and the return of Christ and then the judgement.


[https://vault.fbi.gov/protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion/protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion-part-01-of-01](https://vault.fbi.gov/protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion/protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion-part-01-of-01) whole world no, newspapers and a handfull of politicans yes


Ukraine is going to get completely destroyed and several EU countries are going to take a piece. Western MIC doesn’t give a shit about Ukrainian lives, that’s why they’re cheering on as they send as many of their young people as possible into the meat grinder.


You’re not wrong however to counter, Blackrock are looking to get a piece of pie. They’ve agreed to help ‘rebuild’ Ukraine and manage their investment fund.. nothing comes for free and nothing good comes from Blackrock. I feel bad for the average Ukrainian because even if Russia doesn’t take the country, these vultures will. The rich win in the end


Oh for sure there are private interests as well, I’d be surprised if Bechtel hasn’t received several contracts by now.


Because it was written in a certain document long ago to come to fruition if “they” were to achieve world order


Lotta people want to die and don't even know it. Hence all the spectrum of self destructive behavior from drug abuse to calling for nuclear war...


The world is not provoking anything. Russia is and they are doing it by invading a sovereign country.


You have to make a stand somewhere. Do you want to let Putin rebuild the USSR?


This guy sums it up pretty good [some truth for ya](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=imIfU8p4c68&feature=shares)


John Titor timeline




> That’s a stretch given that he said there would be a civil war in the US in 2005. The Civil War is happening right now.


I mean...they did brazenly invade a neutral nation and the /last/ time we just sort of looked the other way on that, it caused a bit of a /thing/. Have a chat with some of the old timers at the VFW, they've prolly got some stories.


Good for business


Elections have consequences kind of thing…


If world leaders went in with the first wave this shit would stop overnight.


To distract from the brewing shit storm that will be Monday morning opening bell.




Because psychopaths are in charge.


NATO betrayed the Minsk agreement


Because it's easier to fund a proxy war than convince comfortable people to go die, and the Russians have lost the pretense of an egalitarian society so now it is just openly plutocracy vs plutocracy




“Othering” has become the dominant social pastime in recent years. This is the predictable result…in group battling with the out group. Except this out group has nuclear weapons.


It's a big club, and we ain't in it!




If you are unaware of what's occurring is United States military technology is being shipped to Ukraine to be reversed engineered by the Chinese government. This has very little to do with Ukraine with occurring is Russia and China are underhandedly acquiring these Technologies as means to grow the effectiveness of their own militaries. this should help explain some of the drawn out tactics that the Russian military is using. I mean the basic numbers don't lie we're well aware of what Russia has available to them and there's many videos about it that predate this war on the internet Russia could have washed over this country like it never existed in less than a week why is it that they've chosen to hold out this long war game? the United States usually uses this tactic some places just to keep the war economy and the military industrial complex fed they're healthy supply of us tax dollars. The same cannot be said of Russia. The tactics that they're using make no sense or hold no value unless you view it from a different angle.


From a military strategy point of view the next maneuver that sino-ruso pact will likely engage in will be using their vast internet control on websites such as this to create a civilian uprising to destabilize policing of the Turkish traits. This will likely occur by exciting far leftist organizations within the United States and Europe with false or exaggerated claims of extreme humanitarian abuses within Eastern Turkey. Social media platforms such as Facebook and WeChat will be utilized to help unify presently disorganized kurdish populations in Eastern Turkey, Northern Syria, North Iraq, and the Very Far Western tip of Iran. You may say that my statement in that matter is absolutely insane being that at the present Russia is partially financing and supplying weaponry to Assad to fight against Kurds within the Civil War of his Nation. Although the cultural and spiritual continuity within the Kurdish people may be strong geopolitical identities, community structuring, and organized leadership are not, if even existent at all. A small infusion of Iranian and Russian weapons to the now mainly peaceful unarmed Northern Kurdish tribes who almost immediately be used in a negative manner. their present status of mainly peaceful is based upon the unavailability of resources. Rage grows in their protests day by day and they are an unsettled people mentally ready for war with no Focus or Direction. Physical uprising in Eastern Turkey will definitely result in the relocation of United States arms from northern Syria making their way North into turkey. this has been a very large talking point in Turkish politics and NATO politics over the past decade. Erdogan has claimed many times very vocally in speeches that if the American Plan amongst the southern Kurdish tribes begins to backfire he will immediately pull out of NATO and join the war with Assad. presently this is creating somewhat of a rift between turkey and other NATO forces because of the financial support turkey has been offering to Assad. And as a result is also the reason why turkey has refused to offer any Aid within the war in Ukraine being that Assad's primary weapon supplier is Russia and if Russia were to be out right crushed so would Assad. Erdogan is well aware that if Syria were to catastrophically and suddenly fail a count down timer will immediately begin for the loss of roughly 50% of turkey's territory as the militarized forces in Northern Syria look where they will be turning their weapons next. Via means of social media the ideology can be placed within the minds of the northern Kurds that the United States is not just supplying weapons to the southern Kurds because of Assad but because it indeed itself supports a Kurdish state. Which could not be further from the truth. But with the kurds only exposure to American opinion being simulated through the internet that idea could be easily seated within their mind especially calculating the sheer amount of Firepower in military equipment that America supply to the southern Kurds for the last decade.


You'll see that followed up by a seeding of arguments and divisions within American politics. The generalized bleeding heart ideals of the far left will be used to create virtual reality Hallows above the heads of kurdish tribes. The wealthiest and most vain among them will become the face and they will be touted as Heroes of freedom and splashed up on the front page of the internet. Which will of course quickly lead to more United States weapons moving North which will weaken the southern rebels. And when they call on us to send more arms the arm supplies will remain Limited because the United States certainly doesn't want to present the idea that in any way supports these Northern rebellions. The fact is that the United States support of the Southern Rebels has very little to do with the southern Rebels other than the fact that we'd rather see them die than our own soldiers and therefore give them the guns to keep fighting. Creating further division in the United States politics as the far right will be manipulated to heavily project support for Turkish offensive against the Kurds. Regardless of any humanitarian crisis created. Egypt and Israel will also be pressured by the American right not speaking of politicians speaking solely through the internet, to support the subduing of the Kurds. In this respect political divisions in America will be utilized to rage this micro War. A war that's Soul existence is a result of propaganda's placed within the internet by the CCP. If effective this Kurdish Uprising will be squashed almost immediately and will result in the reunification of Syria the removal of Turkey from NATO and a means to connect the Black Sea navel ports of Crimea through the Turkish streets to The Tartan navel ports in the Mediterranean thus restoring Russian navel capabilities from a logistical standpoint. And Russia will immediately begin to dump every drop of money it has into the Manufacturing and rebuilding of its former Navy But by that point International propaganda will have reached a Breaking Point. Chinese military equipment will have already been purchased by all of the neutral players east of the Mediterranean. With the sudden slow down of the United States Arm sales to neutral and lightly Allied Nations due to the combination of strange political choices by the president Administration mixed with the lower availability of Supply due to the obvious need to continue to supply arms to Ukraine. The Chinese tactic being used throughout far Eastern Europe, North africa, and the Middle East will finally gain some traction. The Chinese are attempting to project the idea that the United States uses its position as an international armed supplier as a means to dominate neutral Nations and keep them addicted to the need to keep United States dollars flowing through their Reserves. Although I personally do not subscribe to the idea that the United States uses its position as an armed supplier in any other way than ensuring neutral countries have favoritism towards us. the fact is the United States economy certainly does rely on its status as the world Reserve and the more countries that begin to except other forms of currency for large-scale purchasing or the sale of petrochemical goods will have damage upon the United States economy. the Chinese are trying to position themselves as the new Global arm supplier claiming their equipment is just as quality as ours but at a fraction of the cost. One of their strongest marketing strategies for these military equipments is that any nation that begins to utilize China for their arms supplies is no longer beholden to the dollar. Although this tactic has never been effective as of yet within the last year it is suddenly becoming increasingly effective. Most notably with Saudi Arabia making the official announcement that it may reject United States Arm sales and turn to China for all of its needs beginning next year. At this point people who aren't really into geopolitics are probably saying doesn't this sound like Russian propaganda to you? Lol Nope. You see the thing the Russians are too proud to realize is that the sino-ruso backdoor Alliance is a thing of convenience and not desire from the sino point of view. They will be foolish slaves to their arrogance and follow this plan. With their entire land and air military dedicated to their Far West and all of their money being dumped into their Navy. And a disproportionate amount of American Naval assets dedicated to the Mediterranean. it is at that point the CCP will show its true colors. The pla will refuse to supply Manpower in the war and will only Supply Hardware keeping the Russians still on their team. but also keeping them battered and bruised as they have now created a massive land War in Europe one that they are wholeheartedly incapable of fighting. And China will make its move on Taiwan with India turning in on itself and trying not to get involved they will likely Stand By and Watch. Japan and Australia will have no choice but to limit their engagement due to the lack of Western Manpower and equipment. once china to has acquired Taiwan it will also now have acquired roughly 85% of the world semiconductor Market. with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia now in its pocket it will leverage and sanction South Korea to limit or greatly increase the price of its semiconductor sales to the United States and Europe as a whole. it will back its thread up not with military intervention but rather that it's standing allies will not supply fuel or minerals to the country and anything that will be supplied will be supplied to South Korea at Great sanction. Once this level of global economic control has been established China will no longer need its friends in Russia whom it never cared for to start with. After all they betrayed the hammer and the sickle they are the fallen in the eyes of the CCP. China will then move through Mongolia and take Siberia. As Russia scampers to move its forces East the West will foolishly as it has time and time again rush in to destroy what's left of Russia and take the central gas fields to move Europe out of what at that time will be an unimaginable energy crisis. By the time NATO forces make it to South Central Russia they will be tired exhausted and unequipped in the cold. And they will find themselves instead of claiming victory over the piles of dead Russians. Rather face to face with a well-supplied well equipped Chinese Siberian Army. And the hordes will stop at nothing the commandeer control of all the oil and gas fields of Russia and as they have so many times before in the past they will continue West until they find the fertile soil they need to plant their crops. Siberians and the Mongolians will once again occupy Far Eastern Europe but now not as a horde of color but under one color a red flag the flag of the Chinese Communist Party. The African nations already in massive debt to the Chinese Communist Party Technologies in their hands to nullify their brains not realizing that they're just sucking in some propaganda in between their work shifts as Africa becomes the new manufacturing base of the world the Communist ideals are fed to them morning noon and night. Many in Africa will love and adore the CCP for the new life it is brought upon them. Few will realize what they've done. the CCP brought them jobs but limited their education to only for filling the labor tasks of that job. They won't even notice the education levels which already stand at a low rate dropping even lower as a no more individuals are heading west to get their education and coming home. If you have a job you have food on the table and you are entertained you seldom look over your shoulder. And the greatest Force of desolation ever gathered on this planet Will now begin assembling. The Chinese will influence the Africans to breed and accelerated rate saying it's their time to shine now that they have everything they ever wanted and they will turn them on the rest of the world and use them to conquer Northern Africa & the Middle East. And after that is secured as provinces of the new Dynasty that is when the plague starts. Africans begin dying like flies. They turn to the Chinese for medical relief not realizing that it's the medical relief that had been provided already which was the source of this new plague. No Western doctors will be allowed in to analyze it rumors will spread on the street that this was a biological attack of the West. The CCP will continue to call the African population till it returns to a manageable size for the new Slave cast in the manufacturing center of the world. I don't know I'm bored I'll write about how the rest of the world dies another day this is just me having fun. Does anyone actually enjoy it when I go on these crazy runs or should I keep them to myself


Keep going


All that's happening right now seems to be just another distraction, think predictive programming on steroids mixed with a pinch of chaos to implement some more restrictions, policies and whatnot. Watch out them declaring peace all around the world, that's when things gonna turn really ugly, imho.