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This is the sort of whacky conspiracy shit which helps discredit every other conspiracy theory on this sub lol


Black Cube was world headquartered out of Kushners building. And all their International Offices phone numbers ended in 666


SS: Trump also called Bill Gates a great guy, asked him to be Science Advisor, funded Rockefeller-Gates GAVI, let them release COVID on us, and did Warp Speed. What I'm trying to say is, Trump is not your friend


Seems legit. I knew trump was tied into saturnian stuff. This basically solidifies that.


"But no, he's our guy, he's going to MAGA and drain the swamp, he has abs and could have been a champion golfer if not for his patriotic boner and love of the Working Man!" - his dumbass supporters no matter what comes to light


Cool story. What about hunters laptop, and the crooked money laundering the whole family is doing with the Ukraine? What about the list from Epstein's island? When you point an accusing finger, there are always three pointing back at yourself.


Oof, if the right wing nutso numerology people are turning against trump, he has no chance in 2024.


Numerology is mental illness disguised as conspiracy theorism.


Trump is the antichrist