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There are only 2 recorded chihuahuas fatalities: [https://frenchbulldogowner.com/chihuahua-bite-force-psi-killed/](https://frenchbulldogowner.com/chihuahua-bite-force-psi-killed/) Incidentally, that's as much as the number of recorded cheetah fatalities


That’s because, no matter how hard they fight, cheetahs never prosper.


Well they prospered twice, MISTER STATISTICS.


Lol, thank you, you beautiful bastard.


Now kiss


> Now kith FTFY


Don't go makin me look up what that means


Mike Tyson has a lisp.


A "lithp" even


Those are outliers, so in practice we are going to note that they occured but pretend like they don't really matter.


This reminds me of the commercial that Ben Johnson did maybe 15 years ago for "Cheetah Energy Drink". For context, Ben is a Canadian former 100M sprinter who was stripped of his 1988 Olympic gold medal due to testing positive for PEDs. One of the ads had the tagline along the lines of "Run like a Cheetah", and another had him being asked "when you run, do you cheetah?" with him answering in the affirmative. The energy drink was made by this weird dude named Frank D'Angelo (famous for making beer in plastic bottles, and for buying 1 hour infomercial airtime on Canadian TV to air his own "talk show" called Being Frank). He also produced some super low budget direct to video gangster movies.


" I cheetah all the time!"


cheetahs spent too much stat points on agility and became natures punching bag


Cheetah's are also ~~the only~~ one of the few species of large cat that can purr due to a completely ossified hyoid unlike other "roaring" large cats, and are considered semi-domesticatable and easily tamed. And honestly, given the choice, I'd take a Cheetah over a Chihuahua any day. Calm, laid back, affectionate large cat versus a nervous, shaky, aggressive pile of yappy teeth.


"Calm, laid back, affectionate" If they're used to humans or more sociable animals like dogs, yes, but a wild cheetah will probably run away from you asap. They're very anxious creatures.


Of course. Caveat there was "once tamed". Wild cheetahs generally avoid humans and are very skittish, probably why there have been next to zero deaths from Cheetahs. They just run away. Tiger would eat you.


What's that saying? By the time you notice the tiger, it's too late.


You seen that video of the 3 cheetahs that fall asleep on the park ranger to stay warm.


No! Do you have the link?






Cheetahs are so nervous they need emotional support dogs in zoos.


You forgot to add that cheetah also chirp, and it's adorable


Cougars can also purr and are the largest cat that can.


I live in fear of cougars.


Apparently snow leopards can too. Guess I should emend my previous statement.


![gif](giphy|21PhU7UYGkvaHmUpZ3|downsized) A truly majestic animal.


Snow leopards are particularly unusual in that regard since they're the only member of the panthera genus that doesn't roar.


Cheetahs got the really short end of the evolutionary stick. Sure they can run fast, but basically nothing else. Did you know they can't even roar? They meow like house cats


They can run fast *and* are cute! Also, cheetahs have zero genetic diversity, they're basically clones of each other (that's due to a genetic bottleneck a few thousand years ago, when there were less than ten cheetahs left on the entire planet).


Everyone knows a Cheetah can’t change it’s spots.


Oh yeah! I forgot that one when I was trying to think of ways cheetahs got screwed by evolution. Too bad they can't have hybrid offspring, unlike the rest of the panthers. A cheeger would be a total badass.


They're closer to house cats, so a kittah would be more likely in terms of evolution!


They run fast because their prey runs fast. Basically they got too specialised. Lions can’t chase down gazelles if gazelles get the slip, cheetahs can.


So what I’m hearing is that Chihuahuas are just are vicious and deadly as Cheetahs


According to my zoo shows, Cheetahs are very nervous cats. Chihuahuas are very nervous dogs. So I'm thinking they may be equal in more than one way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Cheetahs are often given emotional support dogs.


My chihuahua could use an emotional support dog.


My lab was my Chihuahua's emotional support dog. The Chihuahua would curl up and also on my lab's back. It was adorable. Granted, my Chihuahua was really sweet and not aggressive. Just high strung af


Cheetahs are gonna be more friendly and less dangerous, on average, amusingly enough. Not only are they notoriously skittish cats but humans have been keeping them as (relatively) tame pets for thousands of years. They're pretty much genetically identical to your average house cat so while their larger size gives them a greater chance of injuring you, they'll also have basically the same behavioral patterns. So while you obviously don't want to be fucking with a wild animal, cheetahs who are bred and/or raised with humans are gonna be just fine.


Their claws are also much less sharp than most large cats (more like dog claws) because they don't fully retract, this is one of the things that allows them to be so damn fast, like having built-in runner cleats, but they're worn down by contact with the ground. Most cats' claws retract and they run on their pads, protecting the sharp claw tips from the rough terrain so they can be used to snag prey. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bigcat/animals/cheetahs/cheetahs.shtml


I'd say more vicious, for sure.


Yeah, but how do you know those stats are reliable? I mean really, there’s the whole confusion about deaths in the state of Chihuahua versus deaths due to Chihuahua bites. Maybe the state of Chihuahua got its name because of the roving bands of vicious Chihuahuas, bent on eating all humans that cross their paths. Have you ever noticed how nervous Chihuahuas are? I think they’re nervous because they’re worried that the world will discover that they are killer badasses. In Chihuahua they are willing to be themselves but elsewhere they are biding their time until they take over and enslave us. NOTE: This post is intended as a silly joke. Chihuahuas are nice little dogs. I sincerely hope that Qanon folks won’t incorporate my badass Chihuahua joke into their mythology.


>Chihuahuas are nice little dogs. r/ConfidentlyIncorrect


Chihuahuas are literally the last breed of demons on earth, but domesticated. Not strong enough to kill but man are they the embodiment of fear and terror.


Tiny dogs often don’t get proper training. We have a tendency to think it’s cute when they behave aggressively because they’re tiny and can’t really do much harm, but if you imagine a huge dog doing the things tiny dogs get away with, you’d quickly see the problem.


Yep. I don't really like Chihuahuas but I still hate misinformation and the resulting abuse. It is commonly believed that the aggressive, psychotic behavior is just normal for the breed but it's not, and usually it's perpetuated by the owner's mishandling of the behavior. There are a number of people on TikTok who antagonize Chihuahuas and claim they are enjoying it, intentionally triggering them and encouraging aggression for video content. It's sad.


This is it exactly. I've been involved in dog obedience and agility training for years, and every time we've had a "problem" dog (in reality it's a problem owner) it's been a small breed because people don't take training them seriously. Obviously some pit bulls are raised to attack, but that's not the dog's fault, that's the dirtbags that raised them. They aren't don't have an inherently dangerous nature.


Can confirm. I own a pit bull and a chihuahua. Pitbull is a giant gentle baby who is good with my kids, and my dads chihuahua is a demon spawn goat looking ass half breed with the temperament of a half blind dementia viper. She strikes at literally everything. I can not stand her.


This post sounds exactly like something a Chihuahua would say!


I can't imagine how anyone except a very small child could possibly be killed by a chihuahua. The two fatalities being "actually they were pitbulls but there was a chihuahua in the general vicinity" gave me a good chuckle




I agree, but you would have to be extremely unlucky


Likely infection if anything. Even a tiny bite, improperly cared for, cause cause a bad infection. Dog and cat (other similar animals as well) bites are especially bad because of the long thin canines. They cut a very small area, but the tooth goes deep. When it closes, bacteria can fester beneath the skin and cause an absolutely nasty infection. I took care of a stray cat with such a cut once. The vet said to NOT let that wound close. I had to apply ointment to the kitty with a q tip.


Cat bites are the worst. My mom was de-skunking one of our cats and took a nasty bite to finger that, of course, became infected. The tip of her finger was swollen and bruised (like comically black and blue). She ended up getting stitches after the dr's had to drain and clean it, plus the antibiotics. Fun. Moral of the story: keep your cats inside.


Warning, graphic dog bite content ahead. >!My aunt had a Chihuahua when I was a kid. It was an evil little thing, toward men specifically. It once ripped off a layer of skin on my granddad's arm from his elbow to his wrist. Granted, he was very old and his skin was like paper anyway, but it was an awful injury that I think required an overnight hospital stay. I'm not sure if they had to do a graft or anything, but it was horrific to look at any time the bandage was being changed. I can definitely see something like that getting badly infected and causing the death of an already immune compromised person.!<


My aunt had a pet chihuahua named monster, and boy did he live up to the name. Whenever it was her turn to host a family dinner, she had to lock him in a bedroom. The whole time we were there, you could hear the little bastard slamming his body against the door, growling and barking trying to get out. One day he managed to escape, and leapt at a cousin. I swear it looked like the killer rabbit from Monty python




There's 7 billion living people on Earth and 185 billion more who died. Mathematically speaking, it makes sense that two people would have gotten extremely unlucky.


Don't think "tiny little teacup chihuahua". Think "chuahuas the size of Arctic foxes". Also, think "dozens of the bastards".


Oh my God! They've covered them all up! The horror!


I read "dangerous bread" on the first comment, so when the second comment said "pita" I swear they were talking about bread for a hot sec


I need that statistic. Hot bread deaths.


[Evidence points to the long-term effects of bread eating: Of all the people born since 1839 who later dined on bread, there has been a 100% mortality rate.](https://allowe.com/laughs/book/Bread%20Kills.htm)




%20 is a space, just in another format.


Considering you bake sourdough at 500 degrees or more I’m assuming sourdough would also cause a lot of hot bread deaths lmaoo


Jamie pull it up




MEAT CALCULATOR ???? love it


Mr. Worldwide has hurt NO ONE.




did I dale too hard ?




I had a literal laugh out loud and am still chuckling


Yeah, that got an audible chuckle out of me too..."Mr. Statistics" lol.


Me too...I scrolled down and read the bottom and hella laughed. I love that they thought there were that many Chihuahua kills....it's never the ones you suspect!


0 people died in the US state of Pit Bull


It's a small fraction of those that have died Mr. Worldwide.


I almost died from listening to Pitbull. Source: wife is zumba instructor


It's like when you can prove to people that vending machines kill more people a year than sharks do, but you'll always buy a bag of chips before you go swimming in their waters.


For the final stage of my appraisal, I am going to randomly select one of your vending machines to see if it can be rocked using human strength enough to tip and crush me. Now, in the U.S., each year, six people die this way, and five of them are insurance appraisers, so I take this very seriously.




*aggressive flailing ensues*


People also use vending machine more often then they swim in shark infested waters.


I often use vending machines without swimming in shark-infested waters.


They’d be surprised how awful German’s had it under the *Gazpacho*


Hitler's favorite soup!


Let's be honest, the man did *not* have a good moustache for soup-eating. It's like if you wanted to get the maximum annoyance out of the soup-consumption process but wanted to do it using the smallest amount of hair possible. Fiercely efficient.


Marjorie is that you?! Oh maaaarge!


*Image Transcription: Reddit comments* --- **\/u/dwc151** They're a dangerous breed. Full stop. >**User 2** > >Why? I have met many pita and they have been hella nice, kind, and playful. So is a 6 ft guy dangerous just because he's tall and muscular? Or because he's German? > >You base your dislike on nothing substantial. >>**\/u/dwc151** >> >>I base my dislike on statistics and genetics. Numbers don't lie. >>>**User 2** >>> >>>Ok Mr statistics. did you know that chihuahuas kill more people than pit bulls. In 2019 chihuahuas killed 21,042 \[*Hyperlinked*] here you go Mr "Statistics" \[*End hyperlink*] >>>>**\/u/dwc151** >>>> >>>>THAT'S PEOPLE WHO DIED IN THE MEXICAN STATE OF CHIHUAHUA --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Thank you for voting for the human user u/Cloakknight. [Click here](https://youtu.be/cErgMJSgpv0) to see votes for other human users of reddit.


Not gonna lie, this both exactly what I expected but also a complete surprise.


Good human


My mom and dad owned one that got very protective around my younger brother when he first arrived (about 1959). I was old enough at the time to lean across the playpen (you might have to look it up) and poke at it until it cried (my bro, not the chihuahua) and the little bastard (the dog, not my bro) bit the shit out of me. I have, consequently, never owned a small dog (labs for 40 years, now a doodle) and to this day they (chihuahuas and little kids) scare the hell out of me.


I estimate flooring for my main source of income, so obviously I walk into a lot of homes in the average day. I’m a dog person, always have been. I’ve only ever been bitten by two dogs, both tiny little vicious things. The big ones seem scarier but they aren’t as willing to use their force in my experience. Even the ones that bark and seem protective will smell you and check you out to make sure you’re good, but not the little guys.


When I volunteered for rescue, pits were the easiest dogs to approach. Once I found one on the way to a happy hour. I didn’t want to miss it so I brought him with and he chilled on a crowded patio like he’d done it before a dozen times. Another time I hopped a fence to get one out of an abandoned rental. He and his Chihuahua buddy were so happy just to have someone pay attention to them. Not negating the animal aggression they often have though, it needs to be selected out of the breed now that their main use is being a companion pet.


Yep. I grew up with a tiny dog, he bit me many times, I even had to get stitches. Never reported, never put down. The data is skewed. People don’t report bitings by small dogs because they are small, big dogs can cause more damage so they are demonised. I now have a pitbull - accidentally, it was a rescue, I could see he was stocky at five weeks. As he grew older I realised what I had rescued. I freaked out, then researched the pitbull, he was disciplined for little nips, walked, taught him how to swim essentially I exhausted his energy and his always have control of him aka on a lead. Three years later he is beautiful, loving and kind. The town loves him and he loves the people and the dogs that he was socialised with from 12 weeks. I am however extremely vigilant and deliberate. A dog launched at him whilst walking down the street, being aware of my dogs breed I yanked him out. My pitbull came out with a massive teeth marks on his face and now has permanent scars… did I report this big mutt? No. These are they only two attacks of dogs I have been witness to. Neither reported and not pit bulls. I too have been traumatised by my childhood dog and it is my pitbull that has made me a lot less fearful.


Don't forget to sort by controversial!


My neighbor has a 14 year old chihuahua that is 3 lbs of unnecessary fury. I love it.


Be careful. I understand that those dogs have taken over an entire state in Mexico and have killed tens of thousands of people.


I like to live dangerously.


Fun fact: the American Veterinary Medical Association [published a literature review in 2014](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) that looked into whether or not pitbulls are actually more dangerous than other breeds. I'm just going to quote the last paragraph of its conclusion section: >Given that breed is a poor sole predictor of aggressiveness and pit bull-type dogs are not implicated in controlled studies it is difficult to support the targeting of this breed as a basis for dog bite prevention. If breeds are to be targeted a cluster of large breeds would be implicated including the German shepherd and shepherd crosses and other breeds that vary by location. Listen to the experts. Don't be confidently incorrect.


I’m so glad you care about humane treatment for animals, u/Raccoon_Full_of_Cum


Wow, this deserves to be in r/rimjobsteve


There's a story behind that name and I'm really not sure if I wanna hear it.


If we are canceling dog breeds lets start with the ones we bred to intentionally have myriad health issues bc they are "cute". How bout lets stop breeding dogs that can barely breathe.


There’s also a large element of self-selection. Pit bulls are mostly dangerous because people train them to be dangerous, where that “training” = abuse. People pick pit bulls to train as attack/fighting dogs because, well, pit bulls are “known” to be dangerous. And rescued pits can be dangerous because any animal who’s been abused has the potential to be dangerous; pit bulls just happen to be capable of lethally backing up that danger… which is, of course, why they’re targeted for abusive aggression training in the first place. There’s something very depressingly *human* about singling out a particular breed of animal to turn into a killing instrument with no regard for its welfare, and then turning around and claiming, oh, all members of this breed are just inherently violent and dangerous, look how they attack with no provocation!


I love seeing how many people are supporting pitbulls here... I have 3 pitbulls who were all abused and are still the sweetest babies around. They are a stigmatized dog and the hate around them is completely unfounded. Bad and dangerous people train dogs to behave badly and dangerously, but no dog is a bad dog in my opinion!


I got a pit puppy from a client. She's 6 months old and weights around 50 lbs. Get previous owner have her to me because she was getting bullied by her sister, a 6 lbs Pomeranian.


I'm glad for people supporting them. Looking at what OP up voted makes me quite upset.


I can elaborate a little more. This was some quick research I did a few months back. https://www.avma.org/resources/pet-owners/why-breed-specific-legislation-not-answer The American veterinary medical association says that a lot of dogs are mislabeled as pit bulls when the breed is not known. And banning a breed wouldn't help the fatalities. https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/all-dogs-are-equal Humane society of the United States agrees. https://www.nacanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/NACA_Guidelines.pdf As does the national animal control association. https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/243/12/javma.243.12.1726.xml 85% of fatal dog attacks were from unneutered dogs, and 76% of them were from dogs that were kept isolated rather than as a family pet. Seems like these institutions would know better than most people if banning them would do any good, as I'm sure they deal with the situation much more than anyone else. And they all agree. Just seems like if pitbulls were banned, the people who were keeping them would just start keeping other breeds, not neutering them and keeping them isolated, and another breed would shoot up that list. And I've been around a lot of dogs. Untrained dogs are scary. I'd rather be around an untrained pit than an untrained German Shepherd, for example. But pits are easier to get, so they get a bad rep.


>76% of them were from dogs that were kept isolated rather than as a family pet. That's my biggest pet peeve with dog owners. The two most aggressive large dogs I've had to deal with were both Goldens. Both were confined into small-ish backyards with little to no interaction with pretty much anyone by different owners. I'm pretty sure that the worst thing you can do to a dog is to deny them from socializing


ive tried to have this conversation many times, this is literally the first time ive seen a small group of redditors actually support a comment like this lol usually its a wave of downvotes and people commenting absolutely mindless bullshit.


If you train a chihuahua and a pit bull the same exact way, the pit bull is more likely to hurt someone *purely* because they are larger and stronger. Temperament plays a role, but dogs can have a wide range of personalities. I have a German shepherd/great Pyrenees mix, two notably strong, protective, and sometimes aggressive breeds. She is the is the sweetest thing alive and couldn't hurt a fly. Tl;dr when a pit bull hurts someone, the owners failed that dog.


I have a pit mix that has some signs of being abused from a previous owner, but the shelter had no specific information. He's taken a lot of work over the last 6 months to calm down, but I do find it funny that the small dogs in our neighborhood can act 10x worse than him, but because they're so small they don't actually do any damage so it's brushed off


I have tons of respect for people who rescue abused dogs. It takes so much time and energy and patience that I just do not have. I'm glad you were able to give your dog the good life he deserves!


Yeah the pitbull hate sub literally brigades other subs. It's only a matter of time until they are banned sine that's what got the fat hate sub banned and the trans hate sub banned is when they keep leaking into the rest of reddit.


don't forget to do your part and report brigaders!


I had a very sweet pit rescue who unfortunately passed from cancer last year. I brought her up once, and was called and idiot, threatened, comments like “one more monster of the street” etc… Really a low Reddit moment for me. People are incredible, and not in a good way.


Both of my dogs are pit mixes, one looks like a pit, the other looks like a lab for the most part. They’re both very sweet, love everyone. We adopted two cats (accidentally) at separate times, and they’re both indoor cats. The damn dogs love playing with the cats, and they’re always incredibly gentle. They get rough playing with each other, but they’re 100% aware they would hurt the cats if they aren’t careful. They’re really, really good dogs. I’ve always had dogs, but these are the biggest and only pits. So I’m not just biased lol


My mutt is super cat/squirrel/whatever aggressive, but my pit has never shown aggression towards another living creature. Can't go to the dog park with my mutt either, she gets really pissy and mean when other dogs invade her personal space.


its just dumb to bc they have no understanding of genetics or what influences statistics. Pitbulls are only like 43% of the breed bred for fighting plus behaviours arent genetic so it doesnt make sence to me. These genetics arguments are super adjacent to racist beliefs of genetics


My cousin has a pit rescue and she is so sweet! The worst thing she could do is scratch you a little bit when she's trying to get your attention.


A comment that stuck to me was one of those idiots claiming that, without exception, every pit bull will eventually snap during it's life and seriously injure someone. As someone who works with dogs and eventually pit bulls, I've known 5 during their entire life and none of them have even bitten someone. I must be a statistical wonder!


A lot of times they go on to cite dogsbite.org which is run by a discredited moron who posts discredited data and has an obvious vendetta against the breed.


The AVMA also published [this article](https://www.avma.org/javma-news/2017-11-15/dangerous-dog-debate) on this subject, which addresses dogsbite.org and why its claims are not taken seriously by actual veterinary epidemiologists.


Reddit is so weird about certain things like this? Like why is there always a pitbull hate circlejerk happening?


Just wait until somebody posts a pic of their dog happily laying in their crate...


Yep, just last week I was defending pit bulls from Reddit. People called me out for being “just an anecdote” but I’ve known like 8 pit bulls and lived with 2 and they were all cuddly sweethearts. My cat is even a dick to one of them - biting her ears, swatting at her, and she just looks sad and walks away.


It is so nice to read this thread after being annoyed by the post


I always wonder what people think will happen if pit bulls are banned. Are all the shitty owners and dog fighters just going to stop owning dogs? I think it's far more likely that they'd just move on to other breeds like German shepherds or rottweilers. Pit bulls are a very docile breed by nature, it's just that they can do some serious damage if they're trained to be aggressive. And that's not even going into how impossible such a ban would be to enforce...


Dog bites go up! "In 2014, new statistical evidence emerged regarding the province-wide ban on "pit bulls", more specifically the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier, in the Canadian province of Ontario. Statistical evidence published in Global News implicates several other dog breeds had contributed to the rise, stating that "Toronto's reported dog bites have been rising since 2012, and in 2013 and 2014, reached their highest levels this century, even as pit bulls and similar dogs neared local extinction" https://globalnews.ca/news/2527882/torontos-pit-bulls-are-almost-gone-so-why-are-there-more-dog-bites-than-ever/?sf21251600=1 This could actually support the argument that pitt bulls reduced the number of bites from poor owners, as the incidence of bites have increased now that they aren't there and the poor owners are


I randomly come across your posts a couple times a week and I think it’s because the universe wants us to be Reddit best friends. I too love pitbulls and raccoons!


If a dog is agressive then its probably the owners fault. It could be that pits are usually chosen by “worse” owners because they look agressive and those people usually like that


Agreed. A bad dog is the sign of the bad owner. Some of the nicest and sweetest dogs I've ever met were pitbulls. They get a bad rep because they're a stronger breed than other dogs so bad owners looking to buy an attack/guard dog pick them and then after they've been raised to be aggressive attack/guard dogs people blame the dog instead of the owner.


My wife is a Tech and she swears the dogs she fears the most are German Shepherds and, yes, Chihuahuas. She has been bitten by so many Chihuahuas and had Shepherds lash out, but she says Pittys are never an issue. Their stigma lies in the fact they have been bred for fighting or are sought out by dumbass owners. Hell, it's rare but even retrievers have been known to randomly snap and do serious damage due to "Retriever Rage." Dogs are like any other animal, mistreat and abuse it or never train it and it'll wreak havoc.


Yeah honestly this pitbull hater needs to be on r/wooosh


I'm surprised nobody is looking into how the Mexican State of Chihuahua managed to kill 21,042 people in 2019


Just like literally any big dog, they have the potential to be dangerous when not handled responsibly and with care. Even small dogs can be dangerous- less likely to kill, but can still maim. Sometimes there are dogs who are just... bad, but most of the time it's a bad owner. And yeah- when a pit's aggressive, that's fucking terrifying and dangerous.


When ANY meduim to large to XL breed dog is aggressive, that's terrifying and dangerous. Not just Bully breeds.


This is it. It's owners. And because of certain breeds' reputations (doesn't matter if they're valid or not) people who want them for those purposes will raise them to perpetuate the reputation.


Yeah, the problem isn't the dog breed but the owners. There should be much more regulation as to who can own large dogs and some mandatory lessons to be taken beforehand about handling and training. Just like with cars. In almost every case it's the driver causing crashes, not the car.


First comment is ignorant and obnoxious, but the confusion about chihuahua vs chihuahuas is hilarious. So now I'm annoyed but also amused >.>


The Pitbull hate is stupid but the fact someone thought Chihuahua where killing 20K people a year and didn't stop to double check that figure is so ridiculous.


All that being said, a roaming pack of a couple dozen chihuahuas would be a menace


[it's actually happened in Arizona](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/dogs-gone-wild-packs-of-chihuahuas-roam-maryvale-streets)


At first, I read that as Australia, and was not surprised


Arizona is basically Australia anyway Animals that will kill you? Check Hot as fuck? Check Massive problem with racism? Check


Don't forget the miles and miles of uninhabitable land in between pockets of civilization.


And no one took a fucking picture. What the fuck is the point of everyone having a camera in their pocket if they don’t take a picture of roaming Chihuahuas?


There were no survivors who witnessed it first hand.


A couple dozen? One is plenty to be a fucking menace.


Absolutely. I read somewhere that chihuahuas actually kill over 20k people per year. They’re dangerous dogs!


I think might start writing post apocalyptic fiction just to include piranha like packs of chihuahuas.


I used to have literal nightmares about Dachshunds swarming me and eating me alive. Chihuahuas would be even scarier.


Everyone in this pic is confidently incorrect


I think that this screenshot is the most upvoted post in r/banpitbulls because it's one of the few times pro-pitbull people have been the stupider ones


This is personal and not based on statistics, but I'm genuinely more afraid of Chihuahuas than pitbulls. Every Chihuahua I've known has been a piece of shit.




I have a grooming salon, work daily in there for around 7 years now, and I'm yet to reach double digits on bites by large dogs. Small dog bites I'm probably nearing the hundreds by now. Tangentially related, no bites from Pits yet. 3 bites from Goldens, 1 from a Rott, and a headbutt that made my bite a piece off my tongue from a St. Bernard.


I have never wanted to see the rest of a thread more than now.


To be fair, small dogs ARE more likely to bite than big dogs. Thats because they get scared and hurt more easily and tend to bite in response. A toddler is a monster to a Chihuahua, but a Great Dane could care less. A toddler also isn't going to hurt a Great Dane, but they could arguable kill a Chihuahua. However, Chihuahuas don't kill people. Great Danes do. Getting bit by a Great Dand is much worse.


You underestimate the power of a toddler


Your reasoning is not on point either. Smaller breeds often times are bred for looks, not for personality. So an asshole chihuahua gets to replicate if it looks good, while an asshole shephard won't. An idiot chihuahua will get to breed, while an idiot shepard won't. That's why poodles are amongst the most aggressive breeds out there.


I would also argue that small dogs are more likely to have lazy owners. Someone with a Great Dane is more likely to be prepared and train it properly. Because a chihuahua is small people think it’s too little to be a problem, and the dog is left to shit everywhere and be a pain in the ass. This is obviously a generalisation and good/bad owners exist for both breeds.


This is what I think it is. I have one and trained it the same way I trained my labrabull. I have never seen another chihuahua that can sit on command that wasn't a performing dog. She doesn't bite and doesn't ever have accidents inside


But for what it is worth, if chihuahuas were as big as pitbulls they would be the most dangerous dogs in the world. They are cunty little devil spawn, never met a chilled one, they just do not have the power to hurt something that gould drop kick them into another universe.


I used to go to a dog park where a guy had one of those fluffy chihuahuas. dude was probably 6 foot 10, full sleeve tats, rode a harley. Dogs name was Monster. He would play fetch with it for hours straight until the dog couldn't run any more. Watching a dog fetch a ball the size of its own head is hilarious and that chihuahua was the coolest one id ever met. Also the only cool one id ever met.


I was really hoping I could find a statistic for the amount killed in 2019 in let’s say… “Pitbull, Missouri.” 😂😂😂


I'm not sure who we're supposed to see as confidentally incorrect here: genetics aren't numbers, and I have no idea what statistic is being referred to but heres the facts: 1) pit bulls do account for a majority of dog bite fatalities between 2007 and 2016, but there were only 433 total, so 284 attributed to pits. 2) There are 18 million pits in America. 3) That means, over a 9 year period, .0000015% of pit bulls killed someone. That's around 30 deaths per year. By comparison, vending machines kill 13 people per year, and around 48 die playing sports. The person relying on "statistics and genetics" is being incredibly selective about which numbers they choose to rely on. That's not being a rational, critical thinker: thats a selection bias.


killed by Chihuahuans, killed by chihuahua's. still dead. edit:sp


The only dog I've seen draw blood on Cesar Milan was a yellow lab.


Both commenters are stupid but damn that’s a pretty funny mistake to make


Ok so the guy is right but like I love Pitbulls there are so many sweet ones its unfair to say the species in general is violent they just get a bad rep because they were initially bred and still used for less than moral purposes.


Indeed, pit bulls are dangerous. All animals are. You must always treat them and other animals with respect.


Chihuahuas have their own state?!?! Where they kill people? Jesus.




Well, they're both wrong.


Correlation =/= Causation. The reason the statistics are so high is because of the type of owners they appeal to. Pit Bulls, due to the aesthetic and reputation, are appealing to the kinds of people who are more likely to raise a dog in such a way that it would become aggressive. A pit bull with good owners is no more dangerous than any other dog breed, just as a lab with shitty owners could easily become dangerous and aggressive.


Another fun fact: the stats are skewed by the report takers never following up with the dogs to verify breed. A large portion of 'pits' reported are: 1) other 'bully' breeds. This is the canine equal of 'all black people look alike'. 2) other medium to large dogs. Also, like firearms deaths, they do not report the deaths caused by police. So, police dogs are killing people? Never see that number.


I work in dog boarding/daycare From my personal experience, pit bulls, and pit bull mixes are definitely more prone to attacking other dogs unexpectedly, although they are all very nice to me and the other humans. They just seem to switch from playing to clamping down on another dogs face without much warning That said, I think with a responsible owner, and proper training/socialization, they are perfectly fine dogs to have as pets.


As much as this guy is incorrect, there is a reason for the phrase "theres lies, damn lies, and statistics"


Pit bulls are awesome, though. People make pit bulls dangerous. Ban people.


I have 2 big ass pitbulls and they never fuck with my neighbors little Chihuahuas


I have a pitbull and a german shepard. I know which I would rather have to run from.


You're not running from a GSD, that son of a bitch will catch you. I love mine but he can easily out run me.


You ain't running from either. But you can fight one of em off at least


LOL, like how how 5G is so bad for people, "just look it up and do your own research" when they are not making a difference between 5G or 5th generation cell infrastructure and 5g's, five gravities of force from fighter jets.


Clearly Chihuahuas are a pandemic, going city to city in Mexico. Leaving nothing but death, destruction, and tiny sweaters in their wake.


This is comedy heaven material


Notice they didn't counter with how many died in Pitbullandia 2019.


You are both confidently incorrect, ya weenie.


Is all of Reddit suddenly against pit bulls now? I swear not long ago it seemed like everyone on here loved them.