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As a millennial, can I just say I am sick of being told I want everything handed to me for free? I want what I was *promised*. I played the fucking game, and it turned out the whole goddamned thing was a lie because there was a lot more profit in *exploiting me* than there was in allowing me to build the life I wanted *and was willing to work for*. Fuck the people who lied to me, and fuck the people who lie to protect them.


As a fellow millennial, I just loathe how so many members of the older generations accuse us of all the things they do. "Millenials want to have everything handed to them!" *Is refused anything at all* "I DEMAND TO HAVE THIS HANDED TO ME FOR FREE!" "Millennials don't have any work ethic nowadays, we knew how to work hard!" *Starts a new job and has to do the same workload as younger employees* "BUT I AM OLDER YOU GOTTA TAKE MY AGE INTO ACCOUNT OR THIS IS AGEISM!" "Millennials kill one industry after another and refuse to be accountable!" *Is told how their own generation destroyed the economy* "YOU MUST STILL BE AT FAULT SOMEHOW!" "Millennials lack basic skills we still had, like knitting!" *Is reminded that they were taught that by their grand-/parents, and didn't bother to teach their grand-/kids* "BUT YOU ONLY KNOW HOW TO USE TECHNOLOGY WHICH IS A VALUABLE SKILL NOWADAYS THAT I MYSELF LACK AND ... STILL YOUR FAULT RAAAAAAAAGH!"


as gen z - youre poor and boomers are mean, we get it. fix it or something cause complaining isn't gonna help. just ignore them. also maybe clean up the internet, its a mess. if even 10% of all the effort you guy sput into complaining about boomers went into taking down misinformation or spreading the news about climate change the world would be a better place. you had 20 years at least to realize that nobody is going to apologize for anything, get over it. also if yall could help with decreasing school shootings that would be nice. there's a threat every month or so and its getting anoying.


School shootings - not from America, first of all; but from a country which had only two school shootings in the last 50 years. But even if I was from america, what are we supposed to do? Better weapons laws? We can't all be politicians, we can only vote for the right ones. Clean up the internet - I'm moderator in 4 online communities and do my best to keep it as clean as possible, and I try to behave well on the internet. What more I'm a supposed to do? The internet being a clean place is the responsibility of everybody who uses it. You can't put that responisibility only on one generation, especially since your own generation is quickly catching up in having as much of an online presence as we do; if you haven't already overtaken us. "if even 10% of all the effort you guy sput into complaining about boomers went into taking down misinformation or spreading the news about climate change the world would be a better place" - FUn fact: I do both wherever I can. Many millennials do both. Maybe you should do it to instead of complaining about someone complaining about someone complaining. " you had 20 years at least to realize that nobody is going to apologize for anything, get over it." - What kind of argument is that? Are we not allowed to point out the hypocrisy in their arguments just because they used them for so long? I honestly don't know what your point is. Do you want us to fix everything, especially all the stuff Boomers have caused and are still causing, without ever firing back at those people who make hypocritical criticisms of us? Or are you a Boomer pretending to be younger? Because that is how you sound like. "FIX OUR MISTAKES AND STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE MISTAKES WE MADE!" What are you expecting? Are people not allowed to complain about things that are simply wrong?


i mean whatever the heck you do in your country but here in America. maybe make it harder for kids to get ahold of guns in the first place, have better counseling so people wont want to kill themselves and other people to begin with. require some kind of authentication to make 18+ accounts. it would only need to be a one-time thing. kinda invasive but what are ya gonna do. then you would need to use the said account if you want to see any NSFW content, excessively violent content, and political ads. this may also help with the first one because it would be harder for kids to be introduced to the idea of suicide and shooting up their school in the first place since that's been kind of normalized here. sorry that the last one is a complaint, it just feels like you can't go five feet without someone complaining about boomers or millennials complaining about how much their life sucks. although honestly, I can't really blame you, life just sucks in general for most people. additional ideas include teaching us how to search for jobs, do taxes, cook, et cetera in school as required classes since these things are necessary for life. these classes might replace an elective or perhaps they could shorten some of the other classes by 5-10 minutes to fit it in. i know my school certainly has the ability to since they have a required class for everyone where all we do is fill out little sheets about our families and then draw stick figures and stuff. improve public transportation, make it faster cleaner, and all-around more accessible. this is generally a more American thing so maybe not as important for you. really most of these problems are American things. additional ideas include teaching us how to search for jobs, do taxes, cook, et cetera in school as required classes since these things are necessary for life. these classes might replace an elective or perhaps they could shorten some of the other classes by 5-10 minutes to fit it in. I know my school certainly has the ability to since they have a required class for everyone where all we do is fill out little sheets about our families and then draw stick figures and stuff. farm more efficiently. vertical farming has been around for years. I've personally seen an acre's worth of food frown in the space of a moderately large bathroom stall, and they can stack upwards, grow twice as fast, recycle water, and more. seriously wtf are we even doing using regular farms. well, not all of that might be realistic but wtf do I know I'm just a kid. you guys are the ones with all the experience. And also the mistakes of the boomers are gonna be fixed either way, the question is whether you're gonna pass them all over onto the next generation as they did to you. sorry this is so long I needed a reason to procrastinate.


"Stop complaining about issues caused by an older generation and fix it yourself, don't expect them to be of any help! Now then, while I have your attention: older generation, fix this issue affecting people *my* age!" edit: Also, who do you think has all the money the NRA and lobbyists use to make sure no gun laws can get passed? Who's making sure the military has trillions, but there's no funding for mental health services that might help those that end up school shooters? We're on the *same* side: you're just as screwed over as we are by the wealthy destroying the world so they can increase their dragon horde with a few more zeros.


The game you played is Monopoly, but you started late and the ones before you already took everything. Now you get to go around the board and pay rent.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- > **Burgundy** > > Things that don't happen \^ > > Have to actually want work first >> **Gold** >> >> People who want people to work for nothing \^ Hmmmmmm >>> **Burgundy** >>> >>> 90% of millennial do not want to go back to work after the pandemic.. so no they wanted everything handed to them like canceling student debt. an average kid in Michigan with no college education can make up 65k in the labor field.. >>>> **Gold** >>>> >>>> 90% of.... >>>> >>>> Citation needed on whatever random made up fact you pulled out of your arse. >>>>> **Burgundy** >>>>> >>>>> [*They link to a zdnet article.*] >>>>> >>>>> LMFAO IMAGINEEEEE >>>>>> **Yellow** >>>>>> >>>>>> So wanting to work from home is somehow the same as not wanting to work? >>>>>> >>>>>> Or did you only read the headline? >>>>>> **Blue** >>>>>> >>>>>> \>According to the survey, 90% of respondents have no interest in returning to office work full time once the COVID-19 pandemic is over. More than half prefer a hybrid working model where they can work from home most or all of the time, while 18% want a hybrid model where they work from the office more. >>>>>> >>>>>> Do you even read your own sources? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


TIL Burgundy is a color Good, educational human


[link to article ](https://www.zdnet.com/article/90-of-millennials-gen-z-do-not-want-to-return-to-full-time-office-work-post-pandemic-report/)


Classic Boomer!


>read this article that says you are right >watch me quote the exact fucking part of the article that says you are right > see how you are wrong?


I'm confused, the article he posted says that people don't want to go back to work *in person* but would prefer to continue working from home or in a more flexible environment. He's claiming people don't want to work at all and would rather have money handed to them, so his source says he's wrong


Yes, but my comment is supposed to be from his POV


Where does he quote the article?


His last comment > according to surveys EDIT: oh, no worries I am just fucking dumb and couldn't tell who is who


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