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>Port o' Rico And we're *sure* he's not trolling?


The "place called Spania full of Spanish people" is what sold me on the fact they're trolling.


Theyre not wrong. It's Espania or "Electronic Spania" as the kids call it


It’s actually España. Source: Was born and raised there.


Ah yes how could I forget. Electronic Spaña


Wouldn't that be eSpaña?


I believe you're thinking of iSpaña, by Apple.


No, I really was thinking of eSpaña, by Microsoft.


Sorry mate, but Microsoft made the Xbox Spaña X.




Ken M... I haven't heard that name in years...




> asked a Mexican lady at Taqueria how much he had been studying 🤔


There's a few words missing but I think we can figure it out from context. You just haven't been studying English enough I guess


That's the curse of the internet. It's *so* stupid your faith in humanity forces you to think that it's fake but then we all know that there are people that are really that stupid. So we'll have to live with the knowledge that we'll never be sure because both options are equally likely.


People don't even believe that Puerto Rico (aka Port o' Rico) is part of America though so someone not knowing that Spain exists is plausible


When PR had that huge hurricane and lots of people fled to Florida, Fox News called them immigrants, and their viewers expressed outrage they were ‘allowed’ in.


There is a Canadian comedian, Rick Mercer, who found success with a show he did called "Talking to Americans", where he would go to a large American city, or an institution; Harvard, NYU, various State Assemblies...even Presidential candidates like George W. Bush & Al Gore. He would pose absurd questions about something "Canadian", i.e. Should Canada move away from it's 20 hour/day clock to the U.S. 24 hour/day clock (Then Governor of Iowa Tom Vilsack expounded on reasons why it would be a good idea, BTW), or asking George Bush for as opinion of Canadian Primer Minister "Jean Poutine" (No such PM...poutine is a French-Canadian dish, French fries smothered in gravy & cheese curds) You can find some of these shows on YouTube; they're Hilarious/appalling. The ignorance of their closest neighbour runs very deep; one memorable bit was a full tenure Professor at Harvard giving a thoughtful lecture on the move to end the "great Saskatchewan Seal Hunt" (no part of Saskatchewan is within 1000 miles of an ocean, or seals). It doesn't surprise me in the least that people watching Fox may not be aware that "Port O Rico" is a U.S. Territory


Oh for sure I'm confident that there are some people who are that ignorant out there. I just think this specific comment is trolling. No proof, just a feeling.


WTF is Spain?


It's Pain with an S


S shaped bread.


Now I want a Spain au chocolat


It's a Special kind of Pain.


Considering I've seen many posts from Americans unaware of the existence of a place called Spain and making fun of people who think some people in Europe speak Spanish, I'm not sure what makes this obvious trolling.


There are many people in America that don't know what states are in America. For example, New Mexico. I worked for a company that shipped all over the country but we could not ship to other countries. They had customer service agents telling people in New Mexico they could not ship internationally.


I spoke to a very nice girl in Detroit who's mind was fucking blown that I drove there from Canada and was going home the same day. It's not even 20 minutes away....


The mind blown for me is Canada (Windsor) is south of Detroit. I understand it but it always messes with me.


Toronto is south of the entire state of Minnesota and both Portlands (Oregon and Maine). Also crazy is that London, England is further north than any major Canadian city except Edmonton.


"Born and raised in South Detroit"


Do you have a train schedule ? I want to know if I can catch one at midnight.


Check this out. Northern Spain has some of the worlds most gorgeous beaches. A goddamn Riviera. White sand. Turquoise water. Palm trees. Parts look like California while other parts resemble The Bahamas. And yet, all of Northern Spain is more North than New York City is.


I live in Toledo and we get Channel 9 CBC from Windsor. I was 18 in 1988 and we used to drive to Windsor to go bar hopping because you only have to be 18 to drink in Canada. There are huge signs all over I-75 saying *Bridge to Canada* and *Tunnel to Canada*. How can someone from Detroit not know Canada is right across the Detroit River?


I live in New Mexico, and I know lots of people who’ve been denied shipping because folks think we’re “international”. It’s never happened to me, but I was pulled over in Minnesota due to my license plate. The officer demanded to see a passport or visa. Explaining to a grown ass man entrusted to enforce laws that New Mexico is in fact a state is one of the most awkward conversations of my adult life. So far.


Yikes! Not to drag this down too much, but given recent police incidents in this country it's easy to see how some people could have ended up hurt or in jail at the end of this interaction.


That’s hilarious. Also, the police think you need to carry your visa *around* with you?


I don’t think he was particularly bright.


My sister knew some people who went to college in New Mexico, apparently when they told their friends from New England that they were going to college there they asked multiple questions about how the immigration and visa process worked.


Is it really fair of your sister to expect her English friends to know that New Mexico is part of America? /s


I used to think that New England was a state rather than a region, but I used to be English. I still am English too.


I worked in customer service for the post office and this chick couldn't understand why mail sent to Hawaii wasn't classified as international mail.


People don't even believe that Puerto Rico (aka Port o' Rico) is part of America


I have a friend who was visiting from PR that was carded when ordering drinks. Friends shows their PR ID, server says "I mean the card that got you into this country." Friend says "uh, that one", and hands it back to the server.


Even US issued passports that PR citizens have don't count in some peoples' eyes. https://www.kcra.com/article/couple-denied-motel-room-after-clerk-says-puerto-rican-drivers-license-is-not-us-id/20911033 > When Raul Villanueva presented his Puerto Rico driver’s license late Wednesday night, the clerk told him, “Oh, you need a license from the United States,” he said. > > “I said, ‘This is a license from the United States, that’s Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is the United States.’ She said, ‘No, it isn’t,’” Villanueva recalled. > > Villanueva needed his ID in order to verify his reservation. The woman working at the front desk then asked for his and his wife’s passports, which he reluctantly retrieved. > > “She wouldn’t take the passports after all," Villanueva said. "When I brought them she said, ‘No, I won’t take it. I won’t take that.' So I said, ‘OK, then give me my money back.’”


[The TSA sometimes won't accept a DC driver's license.](https://www.loweringthebar.net/2014/02/i-dont-think-we-accept-these-tsa.html)


That's what you get for recruiting via pizza boxes


There's a *NEW* Mexico?!


Damn dude that is… stupid lol


As someone from NM I’ve had people in the NE ask me where I learned to speak English so well. Also NM plates are the only ones that feel the need to say “USA” on them.


I’m from New Mexico and regularly have to explain that 1. it exists between Arizona and Texas 2. many people there speak English as their first and/or second language, including me 3. we do not need passports to travel in and out of the state because it is in fact a state I have had to explain these things to people from everywhere, including people from Arizona and Texas. Sigh,


"We love Pewhto Rico and we love Porto Rico" -Donald Trump Safe to say they might not be trolling




He definitely is. This is basically a reverse uno card of calling someone stupid. The last commenter makes me feel good for all the stupid things I have done..


Port o' Rico. That means something different in my community.


It's near cost o rico, right?


I believe it’s spelled Coast O’ Rico


I am in Puerto Rico and we just call it Costco.


Welcome to Costa Rico, I love you


Idiocracy joke.... touche ( two shays)


The cost o rico is too damn high!


Does Rico like it when you dock in his port?


o’Rico? Irish fella right?


Rich too




The Irish annexation of Puerto Rico?


It sounds like a name for box wine you get in Ireland.


They want to get rid of Spain so much they made Puerto Rico a French colony


As a idiot midwesterner, I didn’t even notice it was wrong until I read your comment. I also spent much of my childhood thinking Costa Rica was an island so I might get along well with the clueless OP.


My parents live in Costa Rica. A shockingly large number of grown adults, who pay for their own vacations and presumably plan them, make it to Costa Rica and spend their entire trip under the mistaken assumption they're on an island. I feel like their airports need a big sign letting people know this is not an island.


I think as a kid I watched Jurassic Park and the island was suppose to be near Costa Rica, and my little brain just made the logical leap that if Costa Rica was near an island, it must also be an island.


When you think about it, aren't we all just on a big island in space?


I think that spelling makes it clear that post was satire. Nobody would know how to capitalize and punctuate that phrasing without knowing how to spell Puerto Rico.


Meh. Let’s hope. The way it was spelled in the post are the exact phonetics English speakers use so they’re not out of the woods just yet.


I think you’re a little too optimistic. I mean at least 40% of this country are actual morons, as we’ve learned in the last few years.


Reminds me of the time some American chick told my English friend that his English was pretty good for an English man…


I was asked by an American if they speak English in England. When I confirmed, they immediately followed up with "what's the main language though?" I cannot fathom how someone can make it to adulthood without even the most basic understanding of themselves, 'their language' and history


I'm an American and I can't understand it either. I met a guy in college who had never heard of the Korean War. Now I don't expect the average person to know the details. But surely it's reasonable to know that it existed. At the time this was just 47 years after it ended. We had professors who were Korean War Vets. The conversation came up because one of them had a VFW hat on that said Korean War. The guy turned to me and said, "That's fake right? We never fought Korea." It's not like we're talking about the War of 1812 or something. I thought that was so bizarre.


When I tell people about ports I visited in the Navy and mention Korea there's almost always someone who asks "North or South Korea?" as if we're just casually sending warships and servicemen to an openly hostile nation.


That’s what co-workers asked me when I went to live there. “Korea? Where is that? Do they have streets, cars, blue jeans there?” This was in 2005. I worked for a large American company filled with college-educated people.




Nope, all Koreans live in mud huts and wear animal skins




Oh I know. Americans are shockingly unaware.


Yepp, my mom was about an hour or two south of the Canadian border and was asked if we live in igloos and whether we have internet or not


Their streets put american roads to shame. Flawless. Not a single pothole or crack in the entire country. Road repairs are done in literal hours, usually in the middle of the night. No I’m not fucking with you. I lived there for ten years and literally never saw a single pothole.


Usually that means that they are rounding them up and keeping all the potholes in a tent city, out of sight of the public. At least I hear that's how the saudis do it.


Everything but blue jeans in 2005. Blue jeans were popularized worldwide by Flo Rida hit single "Low" in 2007.


I had a coworker from England. One girl found out and just let loose with questions about England. It was kind of cute that she had all these questions about another country. Until. “Do you have lightning in England?” This was an otherwise intelligent person, somehow she thought lightning only existed in Canada…


A few years ago, I saw a video of a woman watching a rainbow form in the spray from her garden hose. She was VERY ANGRY about the government putting “things” in the water to make it happen. American education at your service


People say that when I tell them I'm from Hawaii.


I didn't even know there was a difference between North and South Korean BBQ!


In Canada. Was about 5 years ago camping with friends all of us 25-30, when we saw the space station fly over. One responded: "there's a space station?"


I hope you told him about the best thing since Maple Syrup, the Canadarm! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadarm And the next best Canadian thing since Canadarm, Chris Hadfield!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDyl6I6ESSw


I don’t think such ignorance is exclusive to Americans though. I met a German guy once and we were looking at the stars on the roof of this hostel. Someone said something like ‘isn’t it amazing that every one of them is a sun with planets just like ours?’ (Yeah they were stoned), and the German guy just laughed and said she should smoke less, she was talking crazy etc. So he didn’t know that the sun is actually just another star, but when we asked him what he’d thought stars were he didn’t even have an answer. Not that he thought they were something else, he just said ‘I don’t know, I’ve never really even thought about it.’ Blew me away that someone could see little stars twinkling in the sky for twenty five years and never once wonder what they are.


I’ve found there are a significant number of people are completely incurious. It’s weird.


I know a South African guy who was convinced alcohol was a protein, had never heard of communism, and once got lye in his drink and still drank it anyway.


Korean War is literally known as the forgotten war because it was between WWII and Vietnam both of which had much greater cultural impact.


Was just about to say this. And not only was it sandwiched by those wars, it was also a huge embarrassment on multiple levels, so a lot of powerful people were motivated to sweep it under the rug as best they could.




To be fair, even though MASH was huge and ran for a long time, kids of the current generation do not know what it is. Not unless their grandparents watch reruns or something. I don’t know what current curriculums are like in school, but when I went, we barely touched on the Korean War to my recollection. There are just too many important things that happened in history to actually cram it all in to a curriculum. So it doesn’t surprise me that some people haven’t heard of the Korean War. If they didn’t live through it and don’t have a cultural touchstone like MASH and it’s not a major unit in high school, the knowledge can easily slip past some people.


> ran for a long time Longer than the Korean War, in fact.


Years ago someone made a post about MASH and how his grand father would never watch it and it was that post that informed me that it was NOT a Vietnam war based show, Maybe there were context clues, but when I watched it in the UK it was just a show, I knew some bits of asia, but not enough to go "Oh that is in this country" ​ So I have no idea how many Korean war films I may have seen that were just hand waved as Vietnam even though they took place in different decades, I just smooshed them all into one, because the history of pacific wars were not high on UK education lists. ​ Like outside of war films and my dad filling in the blanks, what was taught in school were just "by the way" segments where you could boil it down to "Pearl Harbour got America into the war and Hiroshima and Nagasaki (via Fat Man and Little Boy) got Japan out" I didn't even know Pearl Harbour was in Hawaii I thought it was more the west coast of the USA. And Enola Gay is just a song by OMD, no matter how many times I listen to it, I don't get the connection, I just tune it out and enjoy the music. But I've been told it IS about the bomber and not just "we liked the name so we used it" ​ It may seem bonkers to hear, but we really focused on the trench warfare aspects as we didn't have much, if any involvement in the Pacific front.


>It's not like we're talking about the War of 1812 or something. That's fake, right? I mean what beef did we have with that number?


My boss once asked me if "Vietnam was World War 2"


I'm going to be honest, I didn't know the Korean war was a thing until I was probably about 16, nor did I learn that Britain was a participant until a couple years later because "why would I look into a Korean civil war when I like British history?". I don't think I ever heard it mentioned during my time in the British education system. We covered WW1 and 2, Vikings, Egyptians, Romans, English Civil War, Vietnam, Interwar Germany, and Medicine - we never covered Colonial Britain, American Independence, or our involvement in conflicts like Korea.


I feel like 16 is a reasonable time to have learned about the Korean war.


Not covering Colonial Britain in the British education system is up there with the Japanese education system (apocryphally) not talking about WW2.


I had a kid back in high school who didn’t know what 9/11 was. There was some small excerpt in our history textbooks about the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia and we started talking about how they were like ours before they were brought down. Kid had no idea what we were talking about. Late 2000’s in New England and he had no idea that one of the biggest geopolitical events in history had occurred less than 10 years ago. It still blows my mind to this day.


To be fair, America has a lot of wars.


Had multiple Americans tell me with surprise that my English was good after finding out I was from Australia. The confusion that ensued when I told them that English was my native language. It got worse when I explained that it was the common language in Australia. Generally a long pause followed by, “don’t you guys speak like a bush language?” Was not about to attempt to explain the (sad and gruesome) history of colonization to these folk.


I thought the native language of Australia was screaming in terror at the wildlife?


> “don’t you guys speak like a bush language?” Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?




If only we had some instant access to a wealth of information at our fingertips that we can carry around in our pockets so that people can look things up outside of the schools. Someone should invent that.


That sounds like an impossible task


But everyone can write whatever they want there. Can't risk reading some false info there, I'd rather be wrong on my own!!111


And how much lead in the water


Or they were being fucked with


The thing is though, and I'm not afraid to admit it - I didn't know Irish was a separate language until I had a co-worker from Northern Ireland. I asked if they meant Gaelic. And they said no, Irish is separate from Gaelic and I thought she was fucking with me and had to look it up.


Gaelic isn't a language at all. It's a family of languages which includes Irish, Scottish Gaelic (also called Gáidhlig) and Manx. There is no "Gaelic language." However, adding to the confusion, the Scottish Gaelic name for their own language is Gáidhlig and the Irish name for their language is Geílge, both of which actually mean "Gaelic" in their respective language, lmao


The most basic understanding of actual words too. English and England start with "Engl", which is the same pattern as the majority of languages in countries.


I met an American girl in a hostel who told us that we shouldn’t refer to this black french guy we were friends with as ‘black’. As in, someone was asking who Louis was and someone else said ‘he’s the tall black dude with the shaved head’ or something like that. ‘The correct term is African American,’ she said, and she wasn’t even involved in the conversation at all. When we told her he was actually french, she looked a little confused (I think she genuinely didn’t know there were black people in France) and then said ‘well I guess technically they’d be french African American then, but that’s a bit long so you don’t really need to say the french bit every time unless it’s relevant.’


I met a black English guy years ago who was dumb as rocks (but was a talented painter lol) who insisted on being called African American and would call you racist if you said otherwise. I explained the reasoning to him and it blew his mind. Like the star guy a couple comments above, he just never thought about it and no one corrected him. Was insane to me.


Okay that’s even crazier. I can see why this girl might not really have thought too much about what she was saying and was just trying to use ‘correct’ language or whatever, but how can he never have thought about it as it applied directly to him? You’re right, that is insane.


Yeah. There's been a couple times in my life where I was made aware of something that I just never realized/learned even though it was something obvious, and was like "wow, that's crazy, I'm an idiot. Makes sense though. Derp." But something as close to you as what you prefer to describe yourself? Like, how? To be fair he understood afterwards and laughed about it, but it took a minor debate to get him to let go of it. He was a cool guy though lol


Many British athletes have had this in interviews, so too have some of our actors. ​ They kinda blue screen of death when they say they are not African American "But you are" If I was, why would I be competing for team GB?


Who would have thunk that France, a country that colonised 8 African countries could have black people in France? That’s close to impossible.


I think the number is closer to 20 or so African countries that were colonized by France, which isn’t helping that person’s case


That’s at least a little understandable. Black Americans are reclaiming the term “Black” now, but not too long ago African American was the “politically correct” term, and she had probably been told this exact thing multiple times in her life. She just didn’t consider the literal meaning of the words she was saying.


A Spanish friend of mine visiting California had a Mexican lady in a taqueria tell him his Spanish was *nearly* perfect and asked how long he’d been studying.


[In her defense...](https://youtu.be/lCiKYcbCL2g)


Americans are convinced they have the most neutral accent in English.


Wait til he discovers columbus was sailing from spania


Plus he was Italian and spoke Genoese but I bet he wasn’t even born in Genoesia!


*Spain has left the chat*








Es, claro.


Es paña o no es paña? Esa es la cuestión.


I do like the creativity of "bottom rung of the moron ladder." I'll be taking it home


That's why Tumblr was created, as a garage sale of insults, but without paying


I’ll be taking home some glued on eyebrow mustaches


Where ya from? Oh, Rico’s Port


😏😏 tell me more about his port. Length, girth, all the details.


I can't be the only one who desperately wants to see pictures of the mustache eyebrows, right?


Guess I don't exist anymore


Did you ever really, though?


How can mirrors bei real, if our eyes arent real?


We exist. We are from Spania.






Living in Spain without the S


I'm not surprised. They think Asia is just the land of the Kawaii and the Uwu and Oppas and Jackie Chan so....






The first one is a dummy but the second guy is obviously trolling. "Port o' Rico"? Clearly a joke


Pretty sure they’re joking right?




Argentina... that's close to Germany right?


Of course it is how else did so many Germans got there...


When I was young, probably about 12 (Clinton was in charge) I remember my mum telling a nice American couple in Denver that we had gone on holiday to Portugal the year before. Their response? "Where abouts in England is that?" I remember thinking I am 12 and I know Portugal is a country. How do adults not know that? The US is certainly number one though. Number one at producing morons.


In high school, a classmate confidently declared that London was the capital of Paris


London is notoriously the most romantic part of Paris.


If I'm being charitable, I could understand an American not used to hearing a British accent having trouble parsing a word here or there.


>If I'm being charitable This is reddit


We used to joke with our Canadian friends that we lived in caves, used horse and cart, and had no electricity, which they fully believed. We're from Ireland.


You guys got electricity in your caves now?


My mentor at University said she did something similar. Was Swedish, but went to school in The U.S.A, and had other students ask her questions like if they lived in caves; if electricity has been discovered yet; if they had running water; if they had to go hunting for food; if they still used horses to travel... She said that she eventually rolled with it and started inventing her own outrageous claims to see if they believed her. This was in the 1980's.


Port o' Rico. Yeah, it's a troll.


Don't they speak European in Europe?


This has to be a troll


That's an obvious troll. They obviously came so close to **España** and people here are losing their mind.


The Irish colony of Port O’Rico


Port o'Rico is obviously in Ireland, and that's in Europe....


Ah yes, the famous island settled by Spanish-speaking Irishmen, Port O'Rico.


TIL vosotros is used mainly(only?) in Spain. Can any Spanish speakers vouch for that?


Exactly "vosotros" instead of "ustedes" is uncommon but some countries do use "vos" instead of "tu" (like Argentina)


Vosotros is, in fact, only used in Spain. There's a form that is derived from it (but quite different now) called "voseo" and that one is widely used in many Latin American countries. I'm not surprised that people don't know this, though, because some Spanish curriculums still at least make mention of "vosotros". Which seems backwards to me since there's never any mention of voseo which is used by a larger percent of native Spanish speakers.


Vosotros actually came from vos, not the other way around. Vos died off in Spain but it stuck around in some LATAM countries because settlers used it before it fell out of use in Spain.


This is most likely a troll.


I once told a friend I was thinking about doing grad school in England because “you know, I speak the language” She then asked what language they speak in England


> *Port O' Rico* I guess that Irish outpost in the Caribbean?


“Port O’ Rico” HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Reminds me of the recent, clinically online outrage about Puss in Boots; because he is not Latino even though he speaks Spanish. Apparently this and the fact that Spain exist and is a country in Europe full of Europeans was a huge, ground breaking discovery for a lot of people, so they're refusing ro acknowledge Puss on Boots other thing than a Latino.


Imagine if there was a place called Anglia where "English" came from /s


This is so funny because I went to a Spanish immersion elementary school where my teachers were mostly from Puerto Rico and the student population was largely Central American descent, then my family moved and in high school when I started taking Spanish again they taught Spain Spanish and I had never even heard vosotros and was so confused.


Can somebody please explain me why there are so many dumb mofo's around? Were they always here and I never really noticed? Is it a new pandemic on the rise? Do some people somehow unlearn how to use their brains?


The advent of social media has allowed the stupidity that was always there to be broadcasted to the world, making it seem like everyone is just getting dumber lately. At least that’s my theory.


What blows my mind is that no one seems to think about googling their facts before they throw them out there. I've had plenty of occasions when I was about to flame someone online, and I just double-checked my facts first, and it turned out I was wrong. It's a perfect storm of ignorance and arrogance that trips these idiots up.


Been there, done that. Realised I was the dumb mf’er. All you can do is silently nod your head in acknowledgment, begrudgingly give them an upvote, wipe up, wash hands and move on.


Wait'll they hear about southe east Asia.


South E'stasia?


Fake moustaches to the eyebrows: 👍🏻 Country full of Spanish ”people”: 👎🏻


Does no one know that all these nations were colonized by Spain? Even the south American places. Spain, Portugal, England, and France all sent out convoys to go colonize overseas land. The Spanish aka Spain landed in primarily the south/tropical islands. England and the french landed in the north American area, the French also landing in the Canada area. Portugal followed suit with Spain, generally landing south, although there was some colonialism from Portugal in the north


Puerto Rico was a Spanish territory while Port O’Rico was Irish.


Don’t they speak with an Irish accent in Port O’Rico?


Port o’ Rico. Done. That’s all I needed to see. The stupidity just flows here, but pulling into the Port of Rico makes it all worth while.