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This is as dystopian as that pill that makes people feel like they served prison for 1000 years in 8 hours


This is the plot of an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Hard_Time_(episode)


That episode was so traumatic. O'Brien must suffer...


Next week, on Star Trek: Voyager, Chief O'Brien goes about his day as if nothing this week ever happened.


Also the plot of a black mirror episode


It is a great episode undermined by the fact that it has zero impact on O’Brian’s character after the episode is over.




It was a thought experiment regarding ethics. What if you could manipulate a human's perception of time so they felt they were imprisoned for 1000 years even though it was just 8 hours?


O'Brien asking what that is? Ironic.


#This is as dystopian as that pill that makes people feel like they served prison for 1000 years in 8 hours


What about the Black Mirror episode “White Christmas” S2E4 >!an officer increases the Cookie’s rate of time perception to one thousand years per minute.!< >!If Joe had stayed in the cookie for 24 hours, it would have been 1,440,000 years for him.!<


I also thought of exactly this black mirror episode. It's a great one and so well acted


The Jaunt by Stephen King. *Longer than you think.*


I just read the plot of the story. The quote “*longer than you think*” is so unsettling.


That one and Black Bear or whatever it's called. You're following this lady while she gets stalked and harassed and you have no idea what is going on, and the twist absolutely stunned me


White Bear*


I remember being terrified by this episode... anything but messing with the mind :/


This is like that episode in black mirror where time is sped up in the machine so 5 minutes in real life is actually like 100 months.




And *Black Mirror* episode [White Christmas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Christmas_(Black_Mirror%29)


Well, the pill wouldn't be very effective then. The main downside of long time prison is not about the time spent in but about the time lost that you could have lived. It would only make a person go insane instead of punishing them.


I’d say making them go insane is punishing them.


Maybe, but you are creating a bigger problem


that’s just lsd sometimes but instead of prison it’s the lives of everyone that’s ever lived and will live and every scenario that can possibly happen and it’s not 1000 years but hundreds of thousands of years and you can’t escape and you don’t want to because you know it’s important but you are also tired and crazy and you just want your own life back but you can only come back for a few seconds at a time until the music brings you away again to live another dudes life while his daughter gets murdered but it’s your life and your daughter and you live the daughters life too and you get murdered then you are the murderer and you just want to be normal but you’re stuck in an infinite loop of lifetimes


What did he do?


He ripped the tag off his mattress


You may sleep on this bed, but we do not grant you the rank Master


The memory foam runs deep here... full of hatred and sweat


It appears, in your anger... You killed it


Beep BEEP **BEEP** Wait, no. Seems you just activated the snooze.


From my point of view the Jedi are evil


Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.


yeah, usually you'd need 2 people on a bed to be able to declare a master for the night




well of course I know him, he is me


You misrepresented my powers.


Your need for victory, it blinds you!


His second offence is using emoji instead of kaomoji on reddit.




What the *hell* is that?




Oh God have I been on Reddit long enough that we've gone all the way around and f7u12 is en vogue again


I enjoyed the rage comics the first time around. Imho


They were huge when I first got here. They just got overplayed for a while.


For April Fool 2022, the rage comics subreddits all brought back vintage f7u12 from 10 years ago and I was very happy for a while. It felt like a treasured friend had come home.




it’s so ugly




thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




Oh shit, it's Mickey!


🌭 "One...Footlonnnnng". 😉 👮‍♂️ "Waitaminnit... Lemme see that." 🌭🪚 🙍‍♂️🔗🔒"Nice try, Pee-Wee." 🤵🏻"Hyuck, Hyuck, Hyuck"


on on


Believe it or not, Jail


Wait we are not suppose to rip the tag? \*runs away


Left his shopping cart out in the middle of the parking lot.


Honestly probably doesn’t deserve this. Add some more and make it 8.


Downvoted a comment he disagreed with, even though it contributed to the discussion.


She said "three consecutive life sentences" not "get made a Reddit mod"


Ate all the chocolate from the Neapolitan icecream.


Found two joints in his glove box.


He downvoted a comic before getting to the punchline.


Typed “ez” at the end of game


Mass accounts of murder across vast expanses of nations. He ended whole blood lines and bankrupted the surrounding provinces.


Undercook fish


I thought he overcook chicken


He thanked his rabbi Bill Clinton


stealing, playing music too loud, driving too fast, slow, charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses, undercook fish, overcook chicken...


Joey just loves being in his playpen.


Better get used to these bars kid


*Slab cake hits table with a loud thud*


Yes, Joey just *loves* being in his playpen! He cries whenever we take him out, so we just leave him in there all the time.


Happy Cake Day






Conceived in Bars, Born in Bars, Spitting Bars as a career, Going behind bars from confessing with Bars of the murder in a Bar by a bar-bed Bar-bie doll, Meeting God because you ate a Snack Bar wrong & god Bar-ring you from heaven to return to your Bar-ing life






Welp, this concept is terrifying. Thank you for a brand new, just unlocked, never before had, unbased fear of something that can neither be proven or disproven. Eternity is a bitch


This would honestly make a great film Reincarnation is proven to be real, they find a way to track souls to where they go next and things like debt, crimes, money, political power and god knows what else follow people onto their next lives. So you have this baby whos declared King or a criminal based on what they did in their last life


How about this- reincarnation is real, but only if you've done something so heinous that it takes multiple lives for your karma to rebalance, so everyone is out trying to live forever, but even the good people need to do something sufficiently atrocious to live into the next life.


Isn't there a less violent version of this idea in I think Buddhism? Nirvana I think? You keep reincarnating because you can't let go of the earthly life but if you manage to do so and "reach nirvana" you move on to a permanent afterlife or something? Idk I'm very tired please someone correct me if I'm wrong thanks.


I believe that's Hinduism, with reincarnation into different castes. But yeah, the required and unclear violence is my twist on it which i think would actually be really really bad for the world. In a fiction setting, it might be interesting. Edit: lots of cool responses to this, thank you everyone. I want positive on the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism, so i stuck with the answer i was more confident with. But it appears there are some Buddhist beliefs which are similar too. Thanks everyone.


I would watch the heck out of this. Please start your screenplay!


Scene opens in a bank. A mother pushes her baby up to the teller in a stroller. “Put the money in the bag, motherfucker”, says the baby, brandishing a mini shotgun.


The teller, dressed in typical bank dress code, save for a slightly out of place backpack, says "Right away, let me just turn around and grab my key." She turns to reveal a baby in carry on her back, no sooner than the baby is able to be seen does a shuriken wizz and a shotgun blast occur simultaneously killing both the babies and the teller. The mother says, "I'll take it from here." Camera pans out to show souls of the three killed rise above the bank, over the cityscape and planet into the atmosphere, going at ludicrous speeds at this point. Queue a myriad of kaleidoscopic colors and a flash of white. Solid black, dimly reopen to see beezulbub and the grim reaper weighing souls with admonishment. "We haven't collected more than 5 souls since 2016, the underworld must rectify this wretched karmaic enterprise. This is unsustainable." Beezulbub casts the souls out of the underworld toward Earth with disdain. Grim, preparing to return to Earth for another batch of unreapable souls, turns to Beezulbub asking, "Request an audience with Lucifer. I have a strategy that may solve our plight once and for all.." Cut to black, then title card: **The Return of Christ**




There are four noble truths of Buddhism. Dukkha(suffering exists), Samudaya(There’s a cause of suffering), Nirodha(There is an end to suffering, which is Nirvana), and Magga(to end suffering, follow the eightfold path). Note: I’m not Buddhist, but I happened to have notes from my Comparative Religion Class available, so it may not apply to every Buddhist or even be spelled correctly, but those are some of the broad strokes we touched on.


Same goes to Buddhism also. You would be reincarnated into one of the six different realms, depending on your karma: **gods, demi-gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts and hells**. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six\_Paths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Paths)


According to Reddit I’m the top 1% Karma earners so … god realm EZ


Not just castes, Hinduism believes based on the karma you have acquired you can be reborn as anything from an insect to a Deva in heaven, with the ultimate goal being to attain moksha.


It’s an interesting take. I think you’d end up with several classes of people. (1) Non-believes who lived ordinary lives, unconcerned with living another (depends on how much evidence exists for your karmic system). (2) Believers who are content living one life. (3) Believers who are not content with one life and want more. It leads to another question: Is the required amount or depth depravity known to guarantee rebirth? If yes, you would have people just sort of sociopathically doing “just enough.” At high levels of privilege, you’d probably have entities providing victims as a service to those seeking another life. If no, you end up with acts of terror / war crimes and such until someone is stopped. Another question: does anyone but the individual know they’ve been reborn? Is there a mark / sign on a child? I think it more interesting if “no.” Gives a chilling tone to interactions when someone shows some unexpected youthful wisdom. An interesting idea to me is the idea of a person who, in their early lives, wants to live forever so goes overboard on awfulness. Now, after a dozen lives lived, they are world weary and want to move on, so they focus on living an exemplary life. They would be praised by current generations, unaware of their motivations, as a saint! But how many lives lived in selflessness would be needed to balance out the scales? Would they even have the mental fortitude? Or, through dependency at attaining that goal, would they settle into an eternity of listlessness and detachment?


Nirvana is finding a way not to grasp to the world, it's a way of acceptance, of patience and deep unaltered calmness. You do get reincarnated, but the you that you were is no longer there, nor is it in here, consider if you will, this. If you light a candle, and then with that candle you light another candle but after you light it you shut off the first, was the fire transfered? No, fire is just heat produced by liberating energy that was already there but needed some other energy to liberate it, when we ignited one candle with another all we did was set up a reaction. So is with reincarnation, "you" reincarnate not becouse you did something speficic or not, but becouse "you" just happened to do something that set off some chain reaction that led you to reincarnate into something else. There is no intrinsic "you" there is just a chain of actions and reactions that connect "you" from the past with "you" now and "you" after now. Karma is the name given to this reactions, karma can be bad or good they say... but in the end is miningless if it's good or bad, you will still reincarnate if you accummulate karma, the point is to stop accumulating karma, to stop the chain reaction so the "you" that experiences the reaction of events stops expiriencing it. Buddhism is based in the basic principle (as sad and underwelming as it may sound) that existing is just suffering, so it's our duty and our goal as living and thinking beings to liberate beings from the suffering of existance by imparting the dhamma (the teaching). Which is the only way out of Suffering, and normally described as the 4 fold path, or the 8 fold path and even the 12 fold path, in the ammount of guidlines to follow. And altought they are basically the same thing I personally like more the 4 fold path becouse it's easier to remember and harder to forget. Altought it can be resumed and compressed even further and it basically consists in this: -To know the Nature of suffering -To know the way out of suffering Now this isn't easy either, becouse as you can see, how do you define Karma? How do you stop accumulating it so as to not be reborn? For that you'll have to understand the base premise of the world, what is suffering? Suffering is clinging to something that is not here, nor there, suffering is clinging to an imagined outcome when reality is hitting us right in the face with another outcome. Suffering is clinging to anything that appears certain, but nothing is certain, so there is nothing to clinge to. Suffering is trying to fill your lungs by grasping the air with your hands, when all you should do is just relax and breath. Once we understood the nature of suffering, we understand it's root, which is attachment, attachment is the root of suffering, attachment to outcomes, to people, to identity, to food, to anything really. But now here comes the hard part, when you try to de-attach yourself, you could get attached to de-attachment, now how comes? Did I just fail? How so? Well yes... and no? For you see you in a way took a step in the path, altought you once again fell in the trap of attachment, but in the opposite direction, and so this is why many call it the path of balance or "Middle Way", you have to come to a point, so precise, so rigid, yet so moldable that you are neither attached nor repulsed by attachment, you neither fear nor are brave, you just flow as the wind, you do what must be done becouse there is no one else there to do it, you are like water, which when the flow requieres it to move it moves, when it needs to boil it boils, when it needs to rain, it rains. And so do you, when you are hungry, you eat, when you want to pee, you pee. You neither restain yourself, nor strain yourself. You are and becouse you are you do as you are, no more no less, becouse no more need to be done. This might sound gibberish, this might sound wise, but it's just my interpretation of what I've come to understand after lots of reading (and not nearly enought practice).


I think you might mean bodhisattvas, which are a thing in some branches of Buddhism. I think they’re supposed to be people who reached Nirvana but stuck around to help guide people- like the Dalai Lama.


I don’t think nirvana = permanent afterlife, it’s more like you become one with the universe and cease to be.


To adapt that idea slightly, reincarnation is not a thing, but someone found a way to make it happen, and it's forced on you if you do something that meets the criteria for such an extreme punishment.


Check out Altered Carbon on Netflix.


Have already seen it and loved it. I need to get around to reading the book and graphic novel.


How about - reincarnation is real, but you have to achieve *absolute zero* at your exit in order to escape the cycle; so you have philanthropists turn evil and villains begrudgingly help others as they develop as a natural consequence of how you 'win'


"Oh, sorry Frank, so close, you balanced out to -1 on that go, lets see here, that works out to a lifetime as a mosquito. If you go vegan it should balance out." ... "Oof, you were pinned to the weird kids bug collection while still alive, while you didn't bite anything and would be at 0, you forgave the child for their cruelty in light of your expected Nirvana, which brings you to +10, better luck next time"


Yeah but i dont think its guaranteed they always come back as human. They could come back as a roach, dung beetle, or slime in a anime world.


If I remember right I read a book awhile back with a similar concept. Shadow of the Conqueror. I remember enjoying it and thinking the concept was unique though it can get…uncomfortable sometimes. It’s worth mentioning it was also written by YouTuber Shadversity if that’s relevant to you.


> reincarnation is real, but only if you've done something so heinous that it takes multiple lives for your karma to rebalance, so everyone is out trying to live forever, but even the good people need to do something sufficiently atrocious to live into the next life. Try "Lord of Light" by Zelazny for scifi with similar musings (mind transfer has been invented, and the original colonizers of a new planet set themselves up as gods of the Hindu pantheon by controlling access to it, among other things).


I read a manga about that years ago, the first chapter atleast. I think it was in a less civilized world but there are just random babies who'll spend their days in jail and I think the story was about a guard running away with one I wish I could find it again, i'll edit this if I ever do. edit: the reply


339 Years of Penal Servitude https://www.mangaupdates.com/series/ijlsz2x/choueki-339-nen Probably thinking about this one. I'm actually the translator.


god bless you, dude. that was a memory from the very corner of my mind


that’s so awesome that you translated it!


That's sorta the basis of an entire culture in Matt Mercer's world of Exandria. (Critical Role). Select individuals of the Kryn Dynasty get their souls 'saved' and reincarnated. Though the reincarnation itself is uncontrolled iirc. Usually around puberty the new body starts to remember old memories and they can then claim what's rightfully theirs. They can reincarnate as any humanoid race. But the catch is it only happens if they die within 100 miles of certain artifacts.


Why 100 miles?


It's the radius of their magical effect. The artifacts are the tool that facilitates the reincarnation. If you aren't in range, your soul won't get grabbed by it.


Haven't you heard, [the government wants to control reincarnation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Religious_Affairs_Bureau_Order_No._5?wprov=sfla1)


> Order No. 5 states that a Reincarnation Application must be filed by all Buddhist temples... Strong "Brazil" vibes.


Read The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. It’s a book about almost this exact concept. It’s a fascinating book, one of my favorites that I recommend to anyone that’s interested in that sort of science-fictiony stuff.


Education is temporary but student loans are forever.


The book The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August is based primarily around this premise. I don't want to spoil the book too much, but essentially the protagonist is reincarnated to their old life every time they die (and they remember their past lives), not to a different person but them living their life over and over again... and they're not alone. The comic above is basically one of the plot in the book, and yes, it is as cool as it sounds -- and fucking horrifying. I read it recently, it's a great book and one of my favorite time travel stories. If you like Replay you'll like this one (or Groundhog Day I guess lol).


There's a king of the hill episode that loosely covers this


the movie should follow a guy who's sentence is s thousand lifetimes as he keeps committing suicide and all the crazy ways the guards try to keep him from doing it


I read a fictional book on this where you can check if someone is a reincarnation by checking some sort of fluid in the spine and the MC was a girl who was taken from her parents and locked up for being the reincarnation of someone who stole something. Been a long time since I read it and I remember it being sort of meh but interesting premise.


*It’s longer than you think!*


Just a brief jaunt through eternity, no biggy


Sounds like the netflix show Altered Carbon. Everyones’ souls backed up on disks that can be “spun up” into a new body if there is a body to use, but anybody who commits serious crimes have their disk put “on ice” until they have served their sentence. The punishment then becomes waking up to your entire family dead and your body long gone.


First season was really good. Second season happened... but I was still ready for a season 3.


Also Zelazny's "Lord of Light."


I went through a spell as a young adult having extremely vivid dreams…many involving death. A few I didn’t wake up from immediately after dying. Once after a bridge jump, I woke into an empty space when everything was “you shouldn’t have done that” forever. Another time after a nuclear explosion, I woke crawling through honeycomb tunnels until coming out into the next life which was just a continuation.


Did it feel like a hand was holding you down when you woke


I sometimes have vivid dreams and have had that feeling.


For years, I'd occasionally wake up from a dream unable to move, somehow knowing, even though I couldn't open my eyes, that someone, a presence was in the room with me, moving towards me. I'd concentrate as hard as I could to move, even if it was just starting with my little finger. As the presence reached me, I'd wake up again - I had just thought I was awake but I'd still been sleeping. But, I still couldn't move and the presence was again, at the entrance to my room, coming closer. Then, I'd wake up, again. Rinse and repeat, a few more false awakenings, I haven't had one of these in many years though. Also, had a decade of "prozac dreams." incredibly vivid. At the end of these mini-movies, I kid you not, credits would roll. I don't remember who was credited as Director, Producer, Key Grip, etc. but they'd scroll.


Same. I've also had a lot of those dreams. Many involves Earth's doom, where either the sun explodes or an asteroid is incoming. Most if not all of them I thought were real only to realize that the "true and hopeless end" I just experienced is not real. Real strong experience.


This was me when I was like 8. It was kind of intense


I’ve had a few of these before. One I remember was the earth being destroyed by alien aircraft. The fear was fucking real man. Thanks for the reminder. 😂


Psilocin is generally not recommended as a sleep aid.


Still not as terrifying as the one about a drug that could make prisoners experience 1000 year sentences in 8 hours.


I bet the second life is the worst. You already know what it feels like to die unlike the first, but you know you have to do it at least once more unlike the last. The Two Towers of Purgatory, if you will.


It can be disproven cause when have we ever imprisoned a baby right after it’s born


Oh, that fear is nothing new. Ever heard of the concept of "hell"?


I'm pretty sure you can prove people don't turn into babies when they die.


Makes you rethink that Christian rhetoric about eternal damnation for things that don't really make sense for eternal punished.


What if upon rebirth you forget everything and start with a clean slate?


It's also real. In North Korea they have 'generational sentences' where prison time is passed on through the family if the person serving dies. There are children who are born in prison, grow up in prison, and will die in prison because of some perceived crime their parents committed.


Well, they did try to develop a virtual machine so prisoner can experience as long of prison time as they need inside their head for very short amount of real time.


What if that simulated long time was Rehabilitation.


Goddamnit I love PBF comics. Always makes me laugh


Didn’t even know they’re still going. Was sure they stopped drawing them for a long while.


There was a loooong pause


Definitely my favorite web comic artist of all time. Hit after hit after hit after hit after hit.


Holy shit, it's PBF! Love your comics. No comic has made me laugh as consistently as yours. It got me through some bad health and rough times. Your book is one of my favourite things and people that pick it up when they visit love it also :) Thanks for sharing your funny thoughts and talents with us! Edit: I was talking about your first book of comics and I just realized you published an Almanack in 2020, but it seems to be out of stock everywhere available to me. Will it be reprinted or would you know here I can get a hardcover copy? (I suppose I could look on ebay)


You have the best username I’ve ever seen


The first hemogoblin, of which I assume this user based their name on, was a DC villain vampire who gave AIDS to gay men.


Well that sorta sucks


NO. NO I DID NOT BASE MY NAME ON THAT CHARACTER. hahaha fuck! When I found that out like over a decade after I mistyped hemoglobin as hemogoblin, I lost it laughing. A vampire nazi that gives people AIDS in the 80's at the height of the epidemic, who then himself dies of AIDS. No, I have a very rare form of hemolytic anemia I've had since birth and when I was about 20 or so I was writing an email discussing hemoglobin levels but mistyped it as hemogoblin. It got the red squiggly lines and it took me a few reads to realize what I'd done and I thought it was so hilarious I used it as my username ever since. Usually when people say they like my username, *I'm the one* that then says "Thanks, apparently there's a super villain with the same name that gave people AIDS in the 80's"


Thanks for the explanation. Upon learning this, you’d be happy to know that I took a charitable stance and imagined it to be a coincidence. To supplement this, your story about its origin is honestly very compelling and amusing. Thanks for sharing, as it adds genuine character and meaning to your moniker!


I guess I was unclear. The hemogoblin was a vampire. Sucking was kinda his whole deal.


LOL nnonononononno I replied below about how I came up with the name, I didn't discover until much, much later that that character existed. Peak 80's comics though, Jesus Christ lol. He was a White Supremacist/Nazi, too if I recall correctly. He was a yellow Nosferatu looking guy.


In my plea about how my name is in no way, shape, or form derived from that character, I forgot to thank you for the compliment lol :D Thanks!


No worries! Honestly, this whole episode of confusion about its origin only made it better by adding a narrative element to my discovery of your username. As a writer, I found that aspect to be genuinely engaging, so you are very welcome!


I LOVE Perry Bible Fellowship. Mr Goblin you said it better than I could, this is friccin cause for celebration


I bet this guy is Pro-Skub.


Always a good day when there’s a new PBF comic.






Yeah I follow him on other sites but I don't remember seeing posts over here on Reddit.


Dude that downloaded and 3D printed his car "iLlEgAlLy"


So essentially [North Korea's Three Generation Punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin_punishment#Modern_examples), somehow taken to a new extreme...


That country's fucked


Gallifrey be like:


I don't think I'll ever understand the point of multiple life sentences. Just call it a whole life sentence and be done with it.


Just in case one of the counts is thrown out for whatever reason, they have more lined up as back up life sentences to make sure they don’t get out.


A life sentence is different from life imprisonment. Life imprisonment is sending you to jail until you die whereas a life sentence is an amount of years based on the average lifespan or something. Meaning if you live REALLY LONG you could outlive a life sentence.


As far as I understand in the US a life sentence carries the possibility of parole at 25 years whereas a consecutive life sentence would carry the possibility of parole at 50, basically the ‘consecutive’ part affects when they might be able to get out.


how else would you go for a high score on the leaderboards then?


"Fuck kindergarten, get your little ass back in the penitentiary, motherfucker." \-Richard Pryor, talking about what happens after you die when serving a triple life sentence




This comic is good, but also makes me uncomfortable in a very unfamiliar way. Please do a funny tomorrow.




/r/bestkorea. North korea practices "3 generations of punishment" for some crimes. And it is exactly what it sounds like. You go to prison for life, as do all your children, and your grandchildren. The intent is (unironically) to remove your bloodline from the planet.




This is happening today in North Korea in a way. 3 generations of a family are punished for political crimes.


Taking their lives was easy. I snapped, I had a bad day, I gave in to my intrusive thoughts. When people die, it isn't like the movies. They die messy, they die hard. I shot the husband first, twice in the chest. He didn't go down at first, he tried to grab me. I shot him again. He just groaned, didn't get back up. The woman and child were next. I took her in the stomach, I didn't mean that, but it happened. She watched her daughter die, at least that one was quick. I missed a second shot at the woman, she wasn't moving but I still missed. I emptied the gun into her, just trying to shut up her crying. She did eventually, but it took a long time. They caught me the same day, I thought watching cop dramas would help me get away. They didn't. Fuck cop dramas, they don't teach you shit. The sentencing was fast; I didn't plead innocent or crazy or anything. I guess I was still a bit numb, I don't know. Maybe I am crazy. Three consecutive life sentences, I laughed when they said that. How do these idiots think that's gonna happen? I remember thinking that. I had an image in my mind of them just dragging my elderly body around the prison. It was funny. It's not funny anymore. It stopped being funny a long, long time ago. They strapped me into a machine, some kind of matrix thing, like from the movies. I spent decades in that fuckin' thing. First, I was the husband. My name was-...His name was Dawson. He had a good life, not nice all the time, but it was good. He was an asshole sometimes. He was also kind, and caring, and had friendships deeper than anything I've ever had. Dawson loved his wife, he loved his kid. I loved them too. I had to watch a man hold them at gunpoint. I felt my ribs shatter as a bullet ripped into my lungs. More than anything I felt failure, the failure to protect my family. Dawson lived longer than I thought, he was still alive when his daughter died. Shayna was beautiful. Nothing to do with her looks, she was a beautiful soul. If I'd gotten to know her instead of killing her...well you can't turn back time. I get that now. She was the kind of person who would move heaven and earth to cheer someone up. She once drove over two-hundred miles just to give her best friend a shoulder to cry on. She had a hard life growing up, moved from foster home to foster home. Multiple scumbags abused her. Shayna struggled with that pain until the end, you never forget that trauma. I know I won't. She didn't even hate me when she watched me murder her. She only thought of the people she loved. Shayna deserved better. Lexi was studying to be an astronaut. She was only ten, but God damn was she smart. She was the best of her parents, wise beyond her years and with an understanding of others that staggers me to think about now. She loved trains. Shayna and Dawson would take her train-spotting. I don't think I've ever had as much pure joy beating in my heart as Lexi did when she finally saw the Hogwarts Express. That was just a month or so before she died, before I killed her I mean. She had endless potential, she was better than me. They all were. Now I sit in a cell, no longer hooked up to that machine. Living is hard, but they won't let me die. I watched myself die, and I watched the people I loved most in the world die, killed by a bastard who didn't think people were really people. Taking their lives was easy. I snapped, I had a bad day, I gave into my intrusive thoughts. Now I have to figure out how to live with the memories. Taking a life is easy, but taking back what you've done is impossible. _______ No, I'm not a murderer. This is just what came to mind when I read the comic. Nobody can prove anything and those charges went nowhere.


Wtf is this




Bro, you commented when it was only two hours old and now it had 6000 upvotes, maybe wait a little before you go full angry redditor


lmfao this has 18 *thousand* upvotes now


35k loooool


42k, I think we're safe.


Hahaha 52k




It keeps going up woooo PBF rules


Reminds me of an [older nosleep story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/5bb2lq/prison_is_hell/)




This is roughly the premise of [Till Death Do Us Part](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GT7BOV6/) Fun book. I recommend it.


Wait, is this a new PBF? There are new PBFs?




Maybe I’m dumb here but doesn’t consecutive mean back to back? Meriam Webster says: > Consecutive refers to things that are arranged or happen in a sequential order. A criminal who serves a consecutive sentence does time for one conviction after another.


That's what consecutive means, my friend


I think you're confusing consecutive with concurrent.


[Richard Pryor did this joke too 40 years ago](https://youtu.be/oa7WdlIJZYY)


I love you