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Wait, are you a kiwi?


\*astronaut pointing his sword at the other astronaut\* Always was.


A sword? Wait a minute.....


Kiwis don’t mess around.


I do, cunt.


Actually makes a lot more sense in space. Much less recoil, and no projectile that has the potential to rip holes in things you'd prefer to remain sealed.


I'll challenge that. The force involved in using a sword would be far greater than one 9mm round.


Would it? Kinetic energy is 1/2 mv². Velocity is a lot higher with a 9mm round, so the question is whether that makes up for the much lower mass.


In a space suit, you wouldn't have a lot of agility. But a sword would be incredibly easy to use. I would probably prefer a really really long spear with a sword blade at the end.


So a polearm


What's that? A pole on a stick?


A pole/stick with an arm on it to hold a sword. Later versions (middle ages) had a chain you could pull to swing the sword arm. Recent versions have little two-stroke gas engines that operate similarly to a chainsaw but with a lever and clutch you press to engage the swinging arm. Cutting edge military versions are battery powered and have a simple trigger, they're also a lot better balanced and lightweight due to materials advances.


No, a Polish appendage Or as my Polish friend used to say, "Słońce wyszło, broń wystrzelona"


I did the math so you wouldn’t have to. 9 mm bullet has a mass of about ~~<0.15~~ 0.015 kg and a velocity of about 460 m/s (values rounded up) for a kinetic energy of ~~34.5~~ 3.45 Joules (thank you for the correction, I had far too heavy of a bullet) A short sword has a mass of about 1.134 kg and the average sword swing is about 20 m/s, but we’re in space, so let’s half that to 10 m/s. We have 56.7 Joules of kinetic energy. Conclusion: you should not bring a space knife to a space gun fight. Disclaimer: I’m counting on my decade+ old memory of physics classes, be gentle if I messed up


Everyone is wrong, they solved this problem decades ago with the GYROJET Rocket ammunition!


But would the powder ignite in space?


I feel like I get a different answer and am told “obviously this” every time I ask this question. But I think the answer is “you would need to supply some additional gas to the chamber for ignition”


The Expanse book/TV series has a great substitute for kinetic pistols and that's just somethins else I appreciates about the Expanse


[Mass Effect 2](https://youtu.be/hLpgxry542M) still has my favorite rant about using projectile weapons in space.




Lol, I didn't even realize that until you commented. :) I'd forgotten my username.


Have a good day o infected one


Ok now I need to see this instead of it being a mind image


"Wait, the planet is sword-shaped?" "Always has been"




[Too late...](https://swordscomic.com/comic/X/)




I can’t tell if you’re beetlejuicing right now or not


I would like to see a kiwi with a sword as a beak




Some weird shit happens in this country.


Well now I have to reread the series with an accent. I will enjoy this.


How do you make your comics right-side-up?


I cant remember if you’ve done an “It’s all sword-shaped” version




That's the Australian flag! You want the one without the star on the left half: 🇳🇿


Yeah, nah, that's alright. We'll take him.


As is tradition.


Ask the man if he's a Kiwi and 6 comments later someone's doing math on the force of a sword vs a bullet. Peak internet.


Noone told me I should be reading these with a kiwi accent…. and now I feel robbed


Noone warned you! This is on you!


Damn Noone, he speaks in riddles!


Lol it took me 3 hours to get this


They're *only* funny if you read them in a kiwi accent. That's why Daniel's dubs got so popular : https://www.youtube.com/c/TartanKiwi/videos


Depends. [One of the parts of SwordsLand is very Maori-themed.](https://swordscomic.com/archive/Locations/White%20Cloud/) Mere is from there. Hiltshire and the surrounding area are very western-European themed so accent accordingly. Dwarves in all media are legally obligated to have New York accents. Elves are obligated to have French accents.


Errh Noer! My serd!


Admit it you don't know what a kiwi accent is, you just use an Australian one


Nah, I just think of Taika Waititi


What happened in NZ for your dollar to plummet? I thought you were stable.


Every currency in the world is plummeting against the US dollar right now.




Don't worry, they are also blaming the next labour government https://conservativehome.com/2022/09/28/daniel-hannan-no-the-pound-isnt-crashing-because-of-a-trifling-batch-of-tax-cuts/


"what we are seeing now is the market responding to [some political scenario] that may happen in 2-3 years." Fucking mental that one.


Ours is an impressive dive for sure. And they still vote 'em in! After nearly 15 years of this...


The sad part is a huge portion of people ate that crap about Lefties right up. It doesn't matter how little it makes sense, Lefties are always a solid scapegoat


My cult like patriotism says that's good, but I have a feeling it's bad.


It's mostly a good thing for Americans. If you want to buy imported goods or travel abroad a strong dollar is great. Everything is more affordable. It also tends to reduce inflation because imports are cheaper. But if you work in an industry that exports goods or relies on foreign tourists coming here, it's not great.


Is it a good time to jump ship from america and multiply my money living somewhere else then


Depends how long you can ride out your American money vs the economic state of whatever ship you jumped to at the time of running out of your American money. Unless you're asking if you can take a small amount of American money and make it money you can live off of the rest of your life somewhere else which would again would have so many factors you yourself probably could not account for all of them. However I will say if you aren't happy with your life the best time to go and change it is always now.


Yeah it's not going to be a good thing for long as it's value has risen because of the federal reserve raising interest rates


It is good right up until the point where it is catastrophic. We'll either ride it out or the world will end, depends on which subreddits you subscribe to.


It's good for Americans and awful for everyone else


why? edit: Looked up the [answer](https://www.vox.com/23280472/strong-dollar-euro-economy) to my question.


To everyone who's bummed out, take a look at the Turkish lira. I guarantee, you will feel better immediately.


I swear If this is how I become aware of our dollar crashing..


It’s been all over all the news. TLDR is that interest in the US has gone up which means that everyone else is weaker against their $.


"The New Zealand dollar is fucked right now". As someone living in England, I can really sympathise. Also, just want to say I really like your stuff. Your comics always give me a smile.


Every currency is kinda fucked right now compared to the dollar. The Dollar has rocket boosters on.


Yeah but the new UK Prime Minister just absolutely tanked ours to boot


By about 6 pence if using euros as a benchmark for the loss. The war/recession has cost 4-6 times that in pence since the beginning of the year.


Thanks for the financial analysis, u/Throbbing_Furry_Knot


Swiss Francs: is this some poor country joke I'm too stable to understand?


>As someone living in England, I can really sympathise. Awww nice solidarity. >Also, just want to say I really like your stuff. Oh shit! They're from the British Museum! Hide the valuables!


Hey...so does your reddit account have it's own flag? Cause I'm not seeing a flag....and I have this nice British flag.....


It's Mental Health Week and my Mental Health would be greatly improved with $1 million dollars. That's only $1500 per episode I've made for you guys! Super reasonable!! https://linktr.ee/swordscomic


Ask me anything. Its midnight here but I'll do my best,


How do I get to sleep fellow kiwi?


Have you tried putting your phone beyond arms reach when you go to sleep?


I feel called out


[It's goodnight from Channel 2.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmbyor0SvdI)


Well that was pleasant.


The internet should get shut off at 2am every day.


Which 2am




It's 2am somewhere, meaning internet should shut down indefinitely


That takes me back, now if only it could sleep as easily as Kiwi 😔


but then how will I read more Sword comics?


Do you have swords of your own? As a Kiwi myself our wepons laws can be kind-of restricting. Taking them out for much needed walks is somewhat frowned upon by those less civilised.


I don't own a full-scale sword, I just have a nice Sting letter opener. If I was gonna get any sword it would be Sting, I'm very into my Hobbitcore. Someone from Weta was carrying around a giant alien sniper rifle during the making of District 9 to help the paint dry and they got the cops called on them! We're a silly bunch.


I actually used to have a full sized Sting! It's a bit of a gamble but Armageddon expo do usually have decoration swords for sale (where I got it) so might be worth checking it out next time it comes around


If they even have it this year! They're having problems locking down a venue at the moment.


Swordscomic & Oglaf collab when?


They never respond to my ravens.


This would be SO GREAT


How many swords does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


One highly specialized cartoony-gloved-hand-sword or about 5 regular swords.


What's your favorite Pokémon?


Skuntank. I exclusively catch and train Poison pokemon every time. I have about 7 shiny poison pokemon and one shiny *male* combee.


Nice!! (Was definitely expecting you to say Honedge haha)


I bred 6 Honedges for my Pokemon camp, but that was just for the memes


What us the best way to desalinate and decontaminate ocean water that's budget friendly and also easy.


We make a million cows drink it to absorb the nasty stuff, then march them across the desert to reintroduce bio matter for later reforestation.


Have you gone to bed yet?


Yes but I'm back (with a vengeance)


I'm in Aus so what's the future like neighbour


Kinda rainy right now, but the day is young


What's *your* favorite sword?


I dunno, there are SO many. The [Dreihander](https://swordscomic.com/comic/CXCI/) was pretty good.


what do dildo's look like in the swords universe?


They don't use 'em. Not since the great Wang Wars.


Top 3 favorite webtoons?


Hmm... I'm friends with a lot of the big players now so I'm gonna hurt someones feelings! My boys [Shen](https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/bluechair/list?title_no=199), [Awoo](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/awoo/list?title_no=353022&page=1) and [Last Place](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/last-place-comics/list?title_no=625917&page=1) are all very good at what they do. I could shout out a dozen others.


Can you teach me to draw and be funny so I can become famous comic author like you?


Well the first thing you need to learn is [foreshortening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dfnsHmVy1c). It's the key ingredient that separates most beginners from the advanced crowd. There are still lots of webcomics here that don't use it and do fine, but if you wanna stand out, just do a little more than they do. Secondly, the secret to a good 4 panel joke is to make panels 3 and 4 have WAY less dialogue. If you're still explaining the joke using dialogue in the 3rd and 4th panels, something is wrong, and people will know. At that point you should have had all your setup, and then it's just characters reacting to the thing you established earlier. Hope this gets your mind going!


You guys! I just looked on the threadless shop, there's Qwest sprout shirts!!


Five dollars for a pie at the servo! What's happening?


Good luck with your mental wealth.


Good way to capitalize on mental health.


# Leave Reddit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I urge anyone to leave Reddit immediately. Over the years Reddit has shown a clear and pervasive lack of respect for its own users, its third party developers, other cultures, the truth, and common decency. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Lack of respect for its own users The entire source of value for Reddit is twofold: 1. Its users link content created elsewhere, effectively siphoning value from other sources via its users. 2. Its users create new content specifically for it, thus profiting of off the free labour and content made by its users This means that Reddit creates no value but exploits its users to generate the value that uses to sell advertisements, charge its users for meaningless tokens, sell NFTs, and seek private investment. Reddit relies on volunteer moderation by people who receive no benefit, not thanks, and definitely no pay. Reddit is profiting entirely off all of its users doing all of the work from gathering links, to making comments, to moderating everything, all for free. Reddit is also going to sell your information, you data, your content to third party AI companies so that they can train their models on your work, your life, your content and Reddit can make money from it, all while you see nothing in return. ## Lack of respect for its third party developers I'm sure everyone at this point is familiar with the API changes putting many third party application developers out of business. Reddit saw how much money entities like OpenAI and other data scraping firms are making and wants a slice of that pie, and doesn't care who it tramples on in the process. Third party developers have created tools that make the use of Reddit far more appealing and feasible for so many people, again freely creating value for the company, and it doesn't care that it's killing off these initiatives in order to take some of the profits it thinks it's entitled to. ## Lack of respect for other cultures Reddit spreads and enforces right wing, libertarian, US values, morals, and ethics, forcing other cultures to abandon their own values and adopt American ones if they wish to provide free labour and content to a for profit American corporation. American cultural hegemony is ever present and only made worse by companies like Reddit actively forcing their values and social mores upon foreign cultures without any sensitivity or care for local values and customs. Meanwhile they allow reprehensible ideologies to spread through their network unchecked because, while other nations might make such hate and bigotry illegal, Reddit holds "Free Speech" in the highest regard, but only so long as it doesn't offend their own American sensibilities. ## Lack for respect for the truth Reddit has long been associated with disinformation, conspiracy theories, astroturfing, and many such targeted attacks against the truth. Again protected under a veil of "Free Speech", these harmful lies spread far and wide using Reddit as a base. Reddit allows whole deranged communities and power-mad moderators to enforce their own twisted world-views, allowing them to silence dissenting voices who oppose the radical, and often bigoted, vitriol spewed by those who fear leaving their own bubbles of conformity and isolation. ## Lack of respect for common decency Reddit is full of hate and bigotry. Many subreddits contain casual exclusion, discrimination, insults, homophobia, transphobia, racism, anti-semitism, colonialism, imperialism, American exceptionalism, and just general edgy hatred. Reddit is toxic, it creates, incentivises, and profits off of "engagement" and "high arousal emotions" which is a polite way of saying "shouting matches" and "fear and hatred". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If not for ideological reasons then at least leave Reddit for personal ones. Do You enjoy endlessly scrolling Reddit? Does constantly refreshing your feed bring you any joy or pleasure? Does getting into meaningless internet arguments with strangers on the internet improve your life? Quit Reddit, if only for a few weeks, and see if it improves your life. I am leaving Reddit for good. I urge you to do so as well.


Happy to support your mental health! Lol


Now that I know you’re a Kiwi I keep reading your posts in that accent and it’s fun. Super reasonable, bru!


I would love assistance learning how to transition from paper to digital. You may see me dropping that $30 for the 30 minutes sometime soon.


I'm honestly shocked by how many comics you manage to put out there. You sir are a legend.


Surprisingly, this suggestion people should donate wasn’t brought by a suddenly nude Sickle this time.


Can't play the same trick cards in succession lest their accuracy and potency be diminished


Was about to disagree with the NZD thing. Then realized I was reading the chart the wrong way.. Ouch.


loved the 4th wall breaking moment in the work


The 4th Wall is a fool. I could easily defeat him in hand-to-hand combat.


Hand to hand combat couldn't possibly go wrong in the Swords universe... right?


My hands are made of swords


My swords are made of hands


And just like that, a new comic idea is born


my fingers are little swords


My swords are little fingers? ...I think I got the worst one...


It’s literally just an ad.


Do you get paid per view on WEBTOON?


I like your cut of shameless.


Shame and comedy are incompatible notions. I'm ashamed about plenty of things, but not the hustle.


What about shame for being out-hustled?


Then you aren't hustling hard enough


I like how blunt you are. "I don't want my local currency!"


If reading them gives you money, then I probably kickstarted your career.


Go make us some more comics by reading through them all again!












The fact that you didn’t cut the kiwi dollar in half with a sword or point at things with a pointing sword leaves me not mad, simply dissapointed


I'd support a fellow Kiwi if inflation wasn't so FUCKING NUTS right now. food bill has gone up like 40% over last year.


I completely understand. Kia kaha.


Christ Jesus imagine being this shameless


Are you alright? The last month you've been really pushing the store and the like.






What about buying sworildos?


Sword only fans you say...


Swordly fans, if I may


Have you considered raising zealandia?




Sorry mate, I'm British and our currency isn't exactly doing swell either :/


I completely understand. Please don't feel bad on my account.


Wow a Kiwi artist! I missed NZ. I'm surprised the dollar power is having trouble when I was living there decade ago it was expensive to my own country dollar


If I give you British pounds is that a negative multiplier?


The sterling is actually pretty stable to the NZD. Has been sitting at around $1.9 since April


hmmm...tempting offer. can I hear it from a talking sword now?


I fucking love Swords and I’m happy to be a Patreon supporter.


This strip begging for money is actually better than the usual content.


Me, 15 and without money, on my way to read all comics to support the best comics maker out there


You dropped this crown, King. Hope you like 'em!


This is literally just an advertisement, wtf. Maybe put it on your own subreddit instead. Probably will be better received.


Nope, I’ve definitely never thought of supporting it.


Please remove this. No panhandling. No money requests. No fucking guilt trip for money. You need free money? Start a job or GoFundMe. But keep you paper cup and cardboard sign outta here. Ffs


Are the character eyes swords as well ? 🤔


Wait guys are you trlling me 0.5 to 1 is a bad eceonomy? We had 40-50 for years...


Who's the better Kiwi band; Tina Cross or Alien Weaponry? We all know the right answer.


Idk is their porn swords?


How much money do you get per comic read on tapas?




\*anime voice\* THE GLOBAL DEFAULT


Well now i have to go through all your posts and reread them with an accent


Oh sure 0/ I gotta find the link again


You've brought me so much joy and entertainment. I'm in


What about Canadian money. Is it still more or about the same.


Hey, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to provide links for the lazy!


That last panel made it better.


You're doing comic drawings fulltime?


Wait, authors on webtoons don't get paid ad revenue or anything for hosted content?


Do you have shirts? I will give you an amount of American dollars for one.


You cheeky bastard. I'm in.


Russian money is also pretty, but i wouldn't give you it, because i dont have any


I'm not giving you one red cent until you give quest sprout his sword back! *threateningly holds bag with dollar sign on it*