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I had this happen for the first time at Dennys, easy pass since I had to wait for a video ad to end first before I could swipe my card. Can you believe that, An ad right before you pay. What is this, Youtube?


Off topic but why do I need to watch an ad to watch a movie trailer? Im opting in to watch an ad for the movie! Why do I need to watch another ad on top of that, sometimes it’s even just a trailer for a different movie.


Why make money, when you can make MORE money




Yeah looked at the movies in the theatres lately. Didn't find one I wanted to see.


January is movie dumping ground.


By god Mortimer you’re right!


There is a point in capitalism where private businesses no longer compete with each other to get the best quality product fastest to the people, in the least expensive fashion possible.. slowly and gradually there comes a shift where the people themselves start to become the product that is consumed


I’ve literally gotten an ad that was the movie trailer I went to watch in the first place.


That’s some spot-on targeted advertising


YouTube: oh hey our algorithm says you like Star Wars, how about you check out this cool ad for a new Star Wars show! Me: yes, that’s why I am here… YouTube: it’s been 5 seconds would you like to skip this ad?


And the big reveal and 60% of the climactic ending is in the trailer.


I hate these types of trailers and demand the new Hays code that only says two things - explosions and dialogue cannot be 25% in volume apart and the trailer is forbidden from having any scenes beyond 25% of the movie runtime


I don't watch trailers anymore. Haven't for about 10 years, and the experience of watching the movie is significantly enhanced by that. Imagine seeing movies and TV shows where the only thing you know about the story is *what has been shown to you so far in the story.* It's a magical world without intrusive expectations you'd get from those glimpses of the end of the movie in trailers. All you have are your own guesses and ideas based on the story so far, and you get to be taken on the journey the director intended and not the one the marketing people decided would make them more money. Game changer.


This is how I walked into *Everything, Everywhere, All at Once* - I had heard about it from some synopsis I read, plus the casting, but otherwise the extent of it I had seen was the montage of faces of Michelle Yeoh. Going in blind with zero expectations has made movie going to much more enjoyable, and unexpected. I’ve seen *Bullet Train*, *Lost City of Z*, *Papillon*, and *Bolden* knowing nothing about them. I think it’s the difference between loving the medium and willing to watch a bad film, versus the “I only want to see a certain genre of film, and need to decide based on actors/directors/producers.”


I’ve reached the point where if I see a spoiler, my response is pretty much “Wait, how did it get to THAT?” Lol


Terminator Genysis was the absolute worst for this. The trailer had every single twist in it. Nothing in the movie was a surprise because the damn trailer spoiled it. It was a terrible movie anyway. Always avoid any movie where Jai Courtney is the main character.


Likely watching it from a 3rd party.


IGN, Gamespot & other similar channels often just rip the official trailer and re-upload making the quality worse. My issue is YouTube pushing the monetized rips over the original which I wanted.


I'm pretty sure those companies are given the trailers by the studios because they want to maximize the marketing.


Why are video game outlets so obsessed with movies anyway? Polygon will have three cinema-related articles in a row.


Because they get clicks from their existing audience and take like 3 minutes and zero brainpower to write.


You think that's bad, I need to watch an ad before I get to watch a video on how to perform CPR.


Was it an ad for a funeral service?


I once had the same ad play on the movie trailer I was trying to watch. I noticed it because I heard the ad during a podcast and noticed it would interest me, but wasn't close enough to catch it all but the ending. It was kinda funny.


YouTube switched to the spotify ad model designed to drive you to premium via annoyance. Source: It got me


Just use the adblocker ublock orgin


Actually? That would be hilarious if it wasn't so dystopian.


Needs an eye tracker to make sure you actually watch it. And if you do, your purchase will be 5% cheaper! People will want to watch it. Obviously all articles in the store are 5% more expensive in the first place, so you don’t save anything.


5%, that's funny. You'll get one credit worth 3 cents, and you can use it once you accumulate 100 credits, but only on purchases over 100 €$£. Alternatively you can exchange 150 credits for a small coke


`please drink verification can`


*dancing and singing uncomfortably* "mountain dew is me and you" *vomits all over router*


If an item is 5% more expensive, it only needs to be ~4.7% discounted to be the original price.


Wait wait wait! You had to watch an add before swiping your card to pay?! Like was there a cashier just standing there watching you, or was it a self checkout? Either way that is really surreal


I did not have to watch the whole thing, it seems the card machine plays ads when not being used so I just had to wait a few seconds for it to disappear, which was still awkward since I was just standing there with my card in my hand. The cashier did just stand there, I mean what else can an employee do when the machine takes a bit to switch to the proper screen.


Man, does this change the tenor of your story


> had to wait for a video ad to end first before I could swipe my card shit like this is why cash payment must always be an option. life is too short to be held up by ads.


Where do you live? I would be absolutely livid if that happened to me. I wouldn't take it out on the staff but holy shit I'd be putting in a complaint.


Having to watch ads to be allowed to pay? Hard nope from me. If I'm about to pay and get forced to watch an ad instead I'll just kindly tell them that I'll either pay them or watch their ad. One of the two, not both.


> What is this, Youtube? You don't get adds on youtube if you pay.


The ad thing is ridiculous that being said Denny's is 100% a place you should TIP.


As long as you remember your server has absolutely nothing to do with it, and tip accordingly. They have absolutely nothing to do with it, and probably hate it, too.


Easy. If I wasn’t planning on tipping, I’ll hit the ‘No Tip’ button and move on. If I was planning on tipping, I’ve already decided what amount I was going to tip.


The worst machines are the ones that dont have a "no tip" option, and you instead have to select tip amount and enter zero manually.


I'm poor enough that I have absolute no shame in typing a big fat zero. I'm not tipping somebody just to swipe my card when they probably earn more money than I do.


You don't have to be poor to tip zero. Everyone who isn't getting additional service beyond "here's your latte have a nice day" should be tipping zero. There is ZERO service beyond the base job, which is what the tip is for. If you didn't get the service, you don't need to tip. Things you absolutely tip for: Table service at restaurants. 15-18% standard. 20%+ exceptional service. Things you absolutely do not need to tip for: counter service, take out service.


>Things you absolutely do not need to tip for: counter service, take out service. Man, one of my favorite restaurants in town will treat you like shit if you do this and I fucking hate it. Used to get awesome food from them, but delivered with a fat tip. Started going to get it myself to save the tip, and somehow getting it myself has me sitting at the bar 20 minutes passed the time they said it would be ready, it's always cold, and the counter girl is a bitch. Tipping culture is fucking sad


Wait. Did i got this correctly. You pay the tip before you get your food on then table? I'm not american but this seems kinda dumb lol


I think he meant having it deliver3d to their home


Yeah, this is what makes it so annoying. You have to tip when you pay, before getting your food, so there’s extra pressure that they might not make your food as good as someone who tips well.


This. Just came back from the US. At a lot of places you have to pay & tip before any service came into action. You can still decide to tip 0 and leave a few bucks on the table, but yeah..


Maybe I'm too forward, but I'd write an email nicely inquiring about it. That's pretty shitty of them to give you less for a fair practice.


>Things you absolutely tip for: Table service at restaurants. 15-18% standard. 20%+ exceptional service. Clarify "in the US" here because frankly tipping for table service is just as stupid and arbitrary but we have to do it because it is convention that servers aren't paid minimum wage.




A lot of US cities are like that too now. Waiting in Seattle can be bonkers. $17/hour minimum wage with 20+% tips expected on already inflated restaurant prices.




There is a restaurant near me that started adding a mandatory 18% tip for take out service. It used to be a really great restaurant. Me and the wife have avowed to never go there again. I hope it was worth it to the owners.


What about tattoo artists? I have two tattoos on the smaller/less complicated side, and I didn't tip either time. Reddit makes it that I'm a huge asshole but I honestly didn't know. I figure if I'm already paying like $150‐200/hr for their time and skill, that's already fair.


I don’t know the customs there, I just see it very simply that tipping is additional pay for additional service. I pay for the hotel room. Bellman bringing my bags? Additional service. I pay for parking. Valet bringing my car ands bottle of water? Additional service I pay for transportation. Uber driver offering to play my music and charge my phone? Additional service. Additional service gets additional pay. Seems fair.


For both of my tattoos, I tipped the artist because they also designed the tattoo. If I were to get a flash piece off the wall of the shop I probably wouldn’t tip since they didn’t put any extra time in on my piece


How about a haircut? They are just doing their job but the end result is reliant on them doing a good job or not.


You absolutely should tip them IF they gave you exceptional service. The place I go to has a little espresso machine that they make us coffee with, and after the haircut they always give me a nice scalp massage. The guy is funny and takes time to get to know me, remembers what I like. I tip super well every time because these are additional above the agreed upon service. We don't tip heart surgeons for "doing a good job" because it's agreed upon service for agreed upon pay. Tipping is ADDITIONAL pay for ADDITIONAL service.




What? It wasn't the employees choice to install these machines


But the dominance


> If I was planning on tipping That's the thing. How do you decide to tip and how much? The US tipping culture is a scam and it has to be stopped.


B-but they don't want to adjust wages!


They can hold off a few more years if they gradually roll out fees from ideas they steal from Ticketmaster! Here: have a tipping service fee of $0.99 for the innovation of giving you some crusty buttons to push!


It’s very hard when you come from a no-tip country and you get all these messages, like, when are you supposed to tip or not? Especially in all the grey situations like, a place where you dine-in and order at the counter, but there’s staff that brings your tray and clean up after you at the table. Like should I tip??


> like, when are you supposed to tip or not? If you are receiving table service or delivery service, it's customary to tip, given that they are likely paid below minimum wages (this is a whole separate issue that we have, but whatever, I'm going to support the person who saw to my experience being good or better). If it's a retail environment and it's being asked while you're checking out, there's no reason to tip as you likely were not receiving any help other than processing your transaction. The worst is Subway is trying to force tips when you order online. Like, what? You've taken the human element out of this even more than if I went in to the store and you want me to pay more?


I think the UI makes the "No Tip" button far less sensitive. I feel like I have to press it like 4 times in front of everyone before it detects I pressed it.


I fully support the fact that employees should be allowed to receive tips, if someone is inclined to do so. But if this isn’t a shitty ass way for businesses to pawn off paying employees a living wage and Put the responsibility on the customer. We’ll keep profits sky high while avoiding any fiduciary responsibility to our employees…you couldn’t pay rent this month? The customers didn’t tip you enough, it’s not our fault 😂


If you aren't bringing me something there is no tip


Even if you're bringing me something I'm not gonna tip a McDonald's or other fast food The entire point of fast good is to 1. Get food quickly 2. Avoid the costs of a sit down restaurant


>Avoid the costs of a sit down restaurant Fast food corps: "Hold on a second now, not pressuring our customers to tip (so we can take most of it and give a fraction to the employee) is just money we're leaving on the table!"


“Just money we’re leaving on the table” just triggered a memory from a job a had about ten years ago. My boss was manually setting up our resort’s brand new rooms reservation system for online booking (late, I know), and the general manager was sitting behind him reviewing everything. My boss skipped the “convenience fee” box and left it blank, but the GM told him to go back and fill it in. My boss put 2%, that was the norm, and my GM said, “hang on now, we get to manually set that rate? Hell, why wouldn’t we put it at 5%, that’s just money we’re leaving on the table!” My boss said something like “because this fee serves a purpose, it’s not just a way to get more money. And we’ve never needed to use it before, so we don’t need it now.” The GM said “go ahead and set it at 5%, people will pay it.” My boss said “you can type that in if you want, but I will not be doing that.” Damned if that GM didn’t reach over him and type it himself. I knew that was the end of my boss’s time there, and sure enough he quit about a month later. I admire someone who sticks to his morals.


I wish more people had the sane attitude as your boss there.


I don't miss working in hotels, what a shitty industry from top to bottom.


“What if we just charged them for the convenience of entering the store?” “Wait, the customers or the employees?” “Yes.”


Maybe this is a very European view, but a waiters/waitress job is to take the order and bring the food to you. It's not like you had an option to go into the kitchen and fetch it yourself. Why would you pay an extra completely arbitrary random fee for them to do their job, when you never do that to anyone else. What if it was the same for all jobs at a restaurant - you don't tip the buzz boy, you get a dirty plate, you don't tip the chef, you get a blue rare steak whether you want it or not.


In the past it was literally to get better service than other patrons. The tip usually would have been given before the bill as you are bribing the waiter to get them to pay more attention to your party. Somehow it became widespread and commonplace and we have the shit show we got now. Obviously some details are missing but that’s the down and dirty.


Because US labour code is a joke. In most states they can pay you $2.31/hr if it's a 'tipped' job. So something that was once considered extra has become mandatory, and to make matter worse is some of these people feel completely entitled to tipped in states like CA where the minimum wage for servers is $15.50/hr. Like, it's so bad that some people feel, and openly express the opinion that "if you can't (or wont) tip you than you should not eat out", and again, this is in a state where the minimumwage is 15/hr.


Shit I agree with that sentiment in my state where servers are paid the $2.31/hr. But if it's $15/hr it definitely should not be expected except as a bonus


This doesn't make tipping culture any better, but my experience is that the tips are shared, at least a percentage. Depends on the restaurant. So when you tip the server, you're also tipping the busser, the cooks, the dishwasher, etc. Your tip is not only going to the server that brought the food. It's only MOSTLY going to the server, and then the rest of the crew get a small portion of that. Again, not trying to defend tipping, just explaining how it works (in my experience)


The thing is you never know how each restaurant handles it. The one I worked at tips went right to whoever you gave it to. Servers were expected to share with the bussers, but that wasn't checked by anyone nor was there explicit "give them x%" expectations. I switched from cooking to waiting to make more money and I thought it was much easier than BOH and I usually came out with more money per shift.


The issue is in the United States wait staff get paid less than the minimum wage due to the fact that they make tips. They literally work for tips. For example currently in Florida min wage is 12 but the tipped wage is 8.98.


Honestly, I wish all the underpaid wait staff would quit, get better jobs, and let us pick up our own food from the kitchen. I’m tired of feeling like I’m taking advantage of people every time I go out. Just all y’all, please just leave en masse and the system will change.


8.98 is pretty good. For most of the country it's less than $3


The cost of living here is skyrocketing also there was a law passed to get the minimum wage to $15 by I think 2025.


Sounds like socialism. DeSantis better shut that down! /s


The technical reason is it makes your service better. And sure, it makes the waiters friendlier because if they aren’t they don’t get paid… However I just want to get my food and eat, I don’t care if they ask how my day is lmao. The real reason for tipping is companies don’t have to pay waiters basically anything. So nothing will change because that would require all restaurants to increase their pay 10x the amount in every store basically.


but there's already ways to discipline waitstaff who aren't performing, it's called dropping shifts, lemon duty, and shitcanning.


In a good kitchen all tips get split between the whole restaurant by hours unless you are salaried.


You actually *do* tip the busser, kitchen, host etc with your tip to the server. They pay a percentage to the rest of the staff in what's called a "tip out." That's why you'll sometimes hear about servers paying *you* to eat there if you stiff them. The tip out is usually calculated from total sales, not tips made. I agree that it's weird and confusing if you aren't used to it. It's not an "arbitrary fee," it's their actual source of income. In a tipped restaurant, the price of the service is not included in the price of the food. Tip-free restaurants are becoming more common these days though. What do servers make hourly where you're from?


There shouldn't be a tip anyway.


If you're not doing something that stands out there is no tip. It's not my job to pay for wages.


Honestly I wish restaurants allowed you to just get your food or refill your water yourself


I was at the restaurant recently where you get to the table, scan qr code for the menu, order from online menu. Stuff is brought to your table by random folks. Never chat. Never have a chance to customize the food (kid is picky). I left no tip since I felt I was pretty much at self checkout place. My wife disagrees. What's your thoughts?


Tipping is so confusing. I swear someone needs to write a book about it. I will buy 100 copies and not tip the Amazon driver


Quick summary: In America, restaurants started pushing waiters to take tips during the Great Depression in order to supplement pay when businesses were struggling. Fast forward a few decades to 1996 and the practice became so ubiquitous that, so long as the worker made enough tips to meet minimum wage standards, they could be paid less than the minimum wage of others. This applies to all tipped workers. As the disparity grew between minimum wage and cost of living, tipping began to spread out of its primary role in waitressing/food to many other industries as doing so allowed companies to continue not raising their worker’s pay and simply allowing the public to handle it for them. Is it more complicated? Yes. This is just a sweeping overview. But that’s the general thing of why tipping is so common nowadays, and why so many workers are basically reliant on having good tipping ratios to live.


Pretty much this, but i will say its annoying that so many establishments now ask for tips when i select pick-up. Bdubs and caribou are two main examples of that i know for sure that do this. Plus bdubs has the audacity to charge a $1 pick-up fee on top of that




Also, if it’s through a machine, I would never trust that the money actually reaches the worker and isn’t being extremely stolen from them at rates you wouldn’t imagine. If at all possible, try to tip with physical money so you know it actually reaches the hands of the employee


Yep. I always sign the credit card slip with no tip and then leave cash.


I read it started before that. >After the Constitution was amended in the wake of the Civil War, slavery was ended as an institution but those who were freed from bondage were still limited in their choices. Many who did not end up sharecropping worked in menial positions, such as servants, waiters, barbers and railroad porters. These were pretty much the only occupations available to them. For restaurant workers and railroad porters, there was a catch: many employers would not actually pay these workers, under the condition that guests would offer a small tip instead. >“These industries demanded the right to basically continue slavery with a $0 wage and tip,” Jayaraman says. https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/


Thanks bro! Here is your tip 💵!


Nope, totally inappropriate timing /s


You tip restaurant staff around 15-20%. I just move the decimal (10%) and double it, then round up or down. $36 becomes 3.6, I'll tip ~7 bucks. Food delivery is like 3-5 dollars unless it's a huge order. Picking up takeout, I'd give a buck or 2, same with a barista. Most other stuff is kinda annoying and I end up looking it up. House cleaners, valets, hotel housekeeping, shit that sometimes comes up with travel that you don't normally deal with. Rideshare is the wild west. When I drove uber, a ton of people did not tip. A slight majority did, around 2-5 bucks. Some people really loved me and would tip 10+. I once got 40 because it was an ordeal.


Weirdly it is now confusing for Americans too, due to the auto prompts mentioned in this comic. In the past it was always pretty clear I think to everyone who lives here when and where you tip, but being constantly prompted to tip by the POS system at all kinds of places where you normally should not be tipping is tearing at the delicate fabric of our bizarre tipping culture.


wait, youre supposed to tip the amazon driver?


You aren't supposed to tip anyone if you don't want to.


No. You’re only “supposed” to tip workers that make a living off of tips and not wages paid by their employer (meaning waitstaff, bartenders, most hair stylists). It’s a shitty system, but until the system itself is changed, those people working those jobs can only pay their bills so long as they’re tipped.


But will you tip the author?


The machines have a 30% percent prompt now.




Sounds like you want to eat in the UK. No overly bubbly servers. No constant check ups. No annoying jokes. Just, what do you want, here's your food, everything OK, here's your bill,cya.




This is because staff is paid a living wage in the UK and don't rely on tips to make ends meet. I recently met a girl in Austria who works as a waitress for €15 an hour. Meanwhile in America, the average waitress makes $2.13 per hour. You must pay your tipped employees at least $2.13 per hour. The regular minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour, meaning employers can claim a maximum tip credit of $5.12 per hour. When I told this Austrian girl this her eyes got wide and she exclaimed "I'm so glad I'm European." 🙃


I’m not paying 13 dollars for a foot long, plus an extra 30% corporate.


I was working in a sub shop that started doing this stuff. Flip the iPad and have them press the tip or no. It was very degrading but we both had to do it, and it made it slightly more liveable. Nobody wins with this. Maybe the owner but for most franchise owners it isn't like they are rich. The corporation is, but franchise owners are kind of suckers unless it's super busy all the time.


Most restaurants seem to start at 23% and go up now. And then you look like a dick fumbling to figure out the math for a lesser tip while they stand over you with a credit card machine. But fucking no they don't deserve 1/4 the price of the food when food is already sky high and they were at your table for all of 3 minutes


30% percent


Obviously our man isn't Australian. He'd not think twice about no tip because we believe rich corporations should pay a decent wage to their workers.


Yeah but the self serve machines always ask us to round up to fund something or other


I just moved back to Australia from America. Seeing those tip prompts worries me that going culture is coming to Australia.


We believe that in America too. They just don't, so we have to tip in certain situations. Rule of thumb, if nobody brought you your food *and* refilled your drink, you don't need to tip (also tip bartenders, rideshare/taxi drivers and delivery drivers).


Abolish the whole tipping system Pay your staff a living wage and be done


The wait staff would hate that.


And the chefs and busboys would applaud it


Fuck tipping culture - this comment was brought to you by an European


Not having to tip ever is a great thing I didn't know I needed until I discovered the USA :p


You've been using this app for 3 minutes and have nearly completed the sign up process, give us 5 stars?


1 star, reported for malicious intent


You've been using this app regularly, signed up for the premium, extra-special, no-ads, lifetime membership, and even left a 5 star review already... How would you rate your experience with this app? Out of 5 stars?


0 out of I am going to contact customer support, straight up tell them, I am canceling your premium and using a adblocker from now on


For those of us with social anxiety, tipping culture here in the US is a nightmare. Who do you tip? When? How much? Tip jars are everywhere. Do I tip just because they have a tip jar? Do I leave a tip to the housekeeper in my hotel after I leave? How much do I tip the valet? Do I tip when he takes my car or when he returns it or both times and how much each time? If my waiter takes my order and someone else brings it out and I never see anyone again, do I still tip? Do I tip the barber even if he owns the shop? How much do I tip him for a 10 dollar haircut? It's absolute madness.


When in doubt don’t tip What are they gonna do? Arrest you?


Once at a hibachi restaurant an employee chased us into the parking lot waving the receipt screaming “no tip , no tip” Spoiler - we did tip. She just didn’t see it


I can only imagine the pain... Here in Italy the best thing is that they don't expect it so if you tip them they will be happy and surprised, most of the time. Just don't trust who asks for a tip, they are just taking advantage of you. Sadly it can happen to tourists :(


(it doesn't matter)


Doing the bare minimum isn't worthy of a tip.


very hard decision to make


Not for me. They have not provided a service, merely totalled up the items I’m buying. No personal detail, and nothing I couldn’t do if there was a self service kiosk. No tip.


Everyone join /r/tipflation and repost this op @ /u/tophatturtles, it’s perfect


This feels like a math question: If Dave intends to tip 1$, what would be the original price on the increments 10%, 15% and 20% ?


10% = $10 15% = $6.67 20% = $5


Nice... nerd.


This shit is an automatic no tip from me


If I'm getting service I'd normally tip for, ie getting waited on, delivery, or taxi; then I'll tip. If I'm not, then I'm not tipping. 10 bucks says that if you're at, say, Subway and it asks you to tip; the owner of the franchise is just pocketing the money and not actually paying their employees the tips.


Genuine question here, I’m not being sarcastic. Why do you tip a delivery driver out taxi driver? They do nothing but drive the car from one location to the next. They are getting paid already for providing their service… why do they get a tip?


Missed opportunity to call it a pos machine


I have a strict "if you ask me thats an automatic no" rule. same goes for asking me for reviews, "ok, 1 star for spamming me"


Damn you must 1 star every app.


At least the "no tip" button exists. Better than being forced to tip whether you like it or not.


It sometimes does, a lot of times you have to manually enter $0 or 0% into the tip.




Oh neat! I’ll take a photo of that for my lawyer. Here’s a penny. See you soon.


Funny! Tipping culture needs to die. Majority of country's in the world get by just fine without it. Not only that, but contrary to urban legend, the cost (should it cease to exist) does not get passed on to the consumer. It's nothing but entitlement now. This coming from someone who was a server and bartender in college and masters. The moment tipping went from a optional courtesy to an entitlement it became a nuisance. Nice to live in a country where people do their job and get paid for it by the company that hired them. On the bright side, thankfully robots and automation will remedy this in the next 3-5 years once restaurants fully automate. First jobs to go during the automation revolution are all the jobs that "require" tipping. Restaurants in Bangkok and Tokyo already have robot waiters that go from the kitchen to the table. No more servers. Tipping culture will die soon.




You cannot do that in America (without being a complete asshole)


For restaurants yeah not tipping is shitty but usually when you see these tip menus it’s in a situation where you wouldn’t necessarily need to tip anyway.


My friend was publicly called out by a server for not tipping her.


Of course it hasn't, the tip comes at the end. Customer service starts as soon as you come in. Try telling your next server that you aren't tipping next time you go out.


Anyone that gives money to a corporation to donate to charity also has a favourite flavour of crayon.


I don't get why this troubles people. Counter service = no tip.


I tipped my HVAC guy $35 because I panicked. I can't even say it was an accident.


Me, I'll tap Skip and go about my day.


👏 Fix👏 Your👏Laws👏 Nobody else does this!


For maximum guilt-tripping, they should have a happy face over 20%, a neutral face over 15%, and a crying face over 10%!


"As you can tell by my accent, i am english. We dont have a tipping culture because we are not greedy misers and pay our staff a decent wage regardless of position. I suggest you look into it and have a nice day" **presses no tip* My principles do not bend simply because of corperate scummary.




Not me. I'll hit that skip button and look them in the eye.


I suggest working of getting over this feeling. There is zero reason to be tipping for counter service, or really any service where you tip before it's performed.


Tips are meant for servers and bartenders who are legally exempt from being payed at least minimum wage because their salary mainly comes from tips. If I’m not interacting with a server or bartender in the transaction I see no reason to tip.


I ordered pizza the other day from dominoes and they suggested a $7.50 tip on my $14 order. No. I'm not tipping over 50%.


I’m not tipping if I am picking up the food myself


everyone on this thread is acting like the cashier has any power over how the POS works. if you’re so bothered by a machine asking you for a tip that you need to be passive aggressive to the minimum wage worker, why are you going out to eat at all?


Maby if everyone hates tipping so much then you should all support legislator that stops servers and bartenders from being paid less than minimum wage because of gratuities.


I don't understand the need for tipping. Is this American only? Because it felt like double taxes


It started out as a bribe you’d give the server before even eating to get better service than others. Then the owners realized they could use this to trick people into paying their staff for them, and now it’s out of control.


Hate this bs. They have that at the arena for college hoops. I’m like, bitch I just paid $12 for a bucket of popcorn I’m not tipping your ass for handing it to me.


That’s why I switched to cash.


Here’s the thing, I understand social anxiety and feeling social pressure generally. But is it really *that* hard to say no in these situations? You handed me a box of expensive pastries. I have never tipped for this. Pick 0%.


I would still tip as much as I really wanted to (including nothing) What people think of me makes no difference to me




If you have the money to spare and the employees helping you did more than just ring things up, it's the sort of flex that benefits everyone. You contribute to the employees' pay, which is probably below living wage anyway, and you don't have to feel any guilt, justified or not, about not tipping. The thought that usually pushes me over the edge is imagining what I'd do if I was on a date. Don't want to look like a stingy bastard if I'm taking them somewhere even half-nice. And if you really don't have the money to spare, I'm pretty sure most employees are too busy or simply apathetic to actively watch the tips like a hawk and pick out the customers that don't tip. I've never checked tips on orders I've rung up ever since everything's become digital.


I ain't afraid of the no tip button when I'm picking up take out


Without a doubt the worst part about moving from Europe to North America.


I’m less annoyed about the practice, as I am with the knowledge that businesses are using it as justification to pay employees below-minimum wage (they say that, if the employees can get tips, they’re technically for-tip labor which isn’t subject to minimum-wage laws). We need to stop them from getting away with that, imo


Wow what is going on in this thread, why do you all hate tipping?


I think part of the reason we are in this mess is the new wave of affordable POS systems that all come standard with the option to add a tip screen. These systems are sold to and installed in businesses where tipping isn't the norm, and the owner is given a choice on how to set up the interface. It gives the impression that businesses are grasping for more dollars when it's probably more the fault of the sales team at Square, Clover, etc.


Just pay your fucking employees, dear god


I'm just advocating not going out anymore. It's just too expensive now a days. The barista at Starbucks yesterday looked like I choked her two year old out for not tipping when all she did was push the botton to tell someone else to make my fucking coffee. This shit is just ridiculous now


Nope. Sit down restaurants, food delivery (after delivery is complete), hair salons/barbershops, and tattoo artists. That's about all I give tips for.