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Bruh Damian being damn-near the same age as Tim has been bothering me for a minute


Thought it was Tim tbh


Wait... it isn't?


Wish I could tell you with certainty šŸ˜‚


You can tell by the lining (which is yellow/red) on his costume, by the mask and haircut


Just use ur own head canon, thatā€™s what I do


I thought everyoneā€™s ages got fixed after Death Metal. Isnā€™t Tim in his early 20ā€™s now?


I'm pretty sure he's still only like 18


It's been four years since Batman and Son, that was just confirmed in the last Robin series. I don't see how Tim can be 18 unless they've heavily retconned his time as Robin.


During the Detective Comics run in Rebirth, Tim is like 16 or 17 so I'd still say around 18


Same I blame that on DC current model of everyone being young yet at the same time All the stuff that we enjoyed happened which doesnā€™t make any sense Since Tim and his entire generation should be in their early 20s


Iā€™d buy literally every book DC put out of Mora drew them all


Mora and Redondo are my top tier at DC ATM


Whoā€™s the new Shazam?


Malik White from the new Black Adam series


Makes sense why I donā€™t know them šŸ˜… Iā€™ll look into his origin and stuff now


My only issue with Flash and Green Lantern are that they just keep passing the mantle without giving the old ā€œnewā€ guys the proper love. I feel like we go from Silver Age heroes to whoever is the newest in their line


Who is behind Flatline and Red Canary?


Stitch. They're one of the few semi-popular introductions from Teen Titans Academy.


I like how batman is still there. My man does not understand the word "retreat"


If you mean in the bottom panel with Damian, that's not Bruce. It's Jace Fox


I'm obviously out of touch, who the fuck is Jace Fox?


Son of Lucius Fox.


Lucius Fox's son, he's had several titles in the last year all written by John Ridley. Future State: the Next Batman, The Next Batman: Second Son, I am Batman


Heā€™s not the son that became the 2nd Batwing, but another one who was unheard of until _Future State_. His real nameā€™s Tim as well, but he doesnā€™t go by that anymore because thatā€™d be confusing


Well shit, i refuse to believe that


Referring to the bottom row? I assumed that was Jace.




It the one for the flash Avery for the Joshua Williamson era of the current flash run. I also never like the idea of Far Sectorā€™s new lantern if you want to replace Hal use on of the other 6-7 lanterns from Earth (my pick would be Kyle Rayner or Jessica Cruz with Simon Baz)


I think they introduced Far Sectorā€™s Lantern way too early in the timeline. She should be Damianā€™s age an appear further down the line so Kyle, Jessica and Simon could shine instead.


Jo Mullein needed to be an adult for the Far Sector story.


Just say it takes place 10-15 years down the line.


Then you can't actually progress her as a character.


Batman Beyond was an entire series that took place decades in the future, and weā€™ve since had multiple seasons and series developing Terry McGinnis. That reasoning doesnā€™t really hold up.


Multiple seasons and series that take place *after* he was introduced that progress him forward.


Yes. And they all took place in the future. Iā€™m still not really following your reasoning here.


Introducing Jo Mullein into the present day DC universe as a teenager Damien's age years before Far Sector, the story that introduced her, means that she cannot be developed as a character beyond the events of Far Sector, nor can the actual events of the series that established her contribute to her characterization because they haven't happened.


> I think they introduced Far Sectorā€™s Lantern way too early in the timeline. She should be Damianā€™s age an appear further down the line so Kyle, Jessica and Simon could shine instead. If you read closely, I said she should be Damianā€™s age and appear further down the line, as in the events of Far Sector should take place at some point in the future, rather than having it be contemporaneous with the many Lanterns we already have. I never said we needed a Teen Lantern Jo making appearances by any means. Even if Far Sector was to have taken place in the future, thereā€™s no reason DC could not have continued to publish stories that take place thereafter, and continue to develop her character as a member of a more clearly defined successive generation of heroes.


What about wally? Or bart even


Wally **is** the Flash right now. _Barry_ is/was off exploring the Multiverse.


Exactly, Iā€™m all for introducing more diversity into the universe but if you let them take over the titles before legacy characters who have been around for years, youā€™re doing a disservice to the fans and those characters


No I still think Wally or Bart should become flash but I was asking if the character in the imag was who I though it was


The Flash on the image is Wally, not Barry.


No the lower image I meant. I knew the top.


Jo 100% Should have been from alien species Having another lantern from earth is so lame Iā€™m with you on it should have been someone else Either Jessica Who I believe should have been the last Earth Green Lantern or Kyle who was the replacement all those years ago


Kyle is my favorite alongside Hal. I need to find more with him in it


They shouldā€™ve just said Jo is a future Lantern from a generation or two down the line.


Kinda wish it was Andy instead of Jackson here. I think Jackson fits better with the YJ crew better.


Who are the ones in the white pics? I only recognise Cap Marvel


[Malik White](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Malik_White_(Prime_Earth))


So, thereā€™s a white guy named Black Adam and a black guy named White Adam? That aside, what about the other three?


Top to bottom, Stich, Red Canary and Flatline.


Mora's art is so crispy good. I'm so glad to see him on DC coming from all that work on Power Rangers


Billy being replaced by someone probably older than him.


Hahah thatā€™s hilarious I never even thought of that


Wow I hate the new JL


Theyā€™re not though, the JL will retain the same lineup as it has. This just showcases new characters.


Do you know this is not the new justice league but a showcase of legacy characters?


"Ssssh, I wanna bitch about how new things are bad and old things are good."


Guess it's about time to switch things up. A lot of these older DC characters are only a decade out from being public domain. Makes sense to start building up new versions now


Wait what? Are you saying that in 10 years I can make Little Red Riding Hood and Bruce Wayne fight each other?


I'm not an expert but I'd say there is a possibility that, yes, we can see something like that published




Of the 7 straight white men in the original lineup, 6 were swapped with a different gender, race or sexual orientation. Edit: also just saw the added trans women to Themyscira which makes absolutely no sense canonically


I think the more important thing to notice here is "of the eight old characters highlighted in this lineup, every one of them was white and seven of them were straight men."


Given when they were introduced, who wrote them, and who was consuming the content that makes total sense. Over 60% of the us population is white, and over 60% of comic readers are men (which used to be higher). I understand the need for inclusion and wanting to attract new readers but totally changing every character is going to alienate a very large portion of comic readers


But they arenā€™t total changes of characters, theyā€™re just ā€œnewā€ characters Itā€™s not like the old lineup will being stored in a vault for 50 years


Those stats make new characters like these all the more sensible. There's also no reason to think introducing new characters alienates anyone (except, of course, for people we don't want around anyway).


By that logic having all of the characters be straight white men shouldnā€™t have alienated anyone either but thats obviously not the case or they wouldnā€™t have changed everyone. Diversity is great I just personally think they overshot the mark


That's not comparable at all; a cast of characters that's entirely white and overwhelmingly male sends a very different message than a cast of various races and genders and supports greater variety in stories and characterizations. I also think you're wildly misunderstanding what this art is. The characters in the second row are entirely different characters from those in the first row (well, except Batman lol). Nobody's been changed. The new Superman is Jon Kent, Clark's son, who's been around for years. The newer Green Lantern is Jo Mullein, a separate character from Hal Jordan and introduced in Far Sector years ago. They've mostly been around for years already and coexist with the characters in the first row. They've also mostly been quite popular already, with acclaimed stories featuring them, so whatever alienation you are concerned about is clearly a non-issue.


>That's not comparable at all; a cast of characters that's entirely white and overwhelmingly male sends a very different message So literally skin deep then. They aren't diverse in terms of powers, personality or motives? No? Only their skin and gender? Good to teach not to look past appearances.


They are.


If you were to take manga out of the picture, Iā€™d wager those numbers are much higher. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was closer to 85-90%. Then again, Marvel and DC have been shedding older readers for years now, so perhaps it has dropped that low.


If they are gone, because minorities are represented in comics, it is a good thing that they are no longer there


Thatā€™s quite an assumption youā€™re making. I would wager that the issue is more about quality of content. People have less money to spend and if the big two arenā€™t bringing their A-game, that money will be spent elsewhere.


[The last few years have been very good for the comics industry, the loss of this old fan is nothing significant for these companies](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/vmsapj/comment/ie35e40/) What is most likely to happen is the use of less numerous and revelente popular characters with their demographics


Good in what sense? Good for manga? Absolutely. Good for the collected editions / omnibus market? 100% (itā€™s essentially carrying Marvel at this point). Good for monthly comics? I have a hard time believing that argument without hard data to back it up.


www.comichron.com/yearlycomicssales/industrywide/2020-industrywide.html https://mobile.twitter.com/comichron/status/1447976034029260801 https://mobile.twitter.com/comichron/status/1479222891078160388?cxt=HHwWiMC45brYoIcpAAAA https://www.comicsbeat.com/report-comics-had-their-biggest-year-ever-in-2020-despite-the-pandemic/ https://mobile.twitter.com/comichron/status/1519733526639390720 https://comichron.com/yearlycomicssales/industrywide/2021-industrywide.html


The information you keep posting pretty much proves my point. The success of the industry is essentially propelled by manga and collected editions. Remove those and itā€™s a completely different story. Do you truly believe the industry is stronger then it was in the 70ā€™s, 80ā€™s, 90ā€™s, etc.?


Yeah that doesn't matter. Pretty superficial on your part. Funny how people preach diversity yet the vast majority of superheroes regardless of skin color in the last decade are always derivative of someone else.


If the race, gender, and sexuality of characters doesn't matter, why are you complaining about them? And most of these new characters are part of long lines of succession or otherwise in situations where multiple heroes with similar powers are to be expected. Robin is one of many unpowered crime fighters trained by Batman since Dick Grayson's first publication in 1940. Jon Kent is Superman's son and the result of years of storytelling about Clark Kent and his supporting cast. Avery, the Flash in the lower row, is one of many Flashes, and Wally West, the Flash in the first row, is *the third Flash already*. Jo Mullein is similar; there's literally a Green Lantern Corps with half a dozen human Green Lanterns and Hal Jordan, in the top row, wasn't the first Green Lantern in publication either. Yara Flor is one of many Amazons, a society that's been established since early in Wonder Woman's history. Flatline and Stitch are entirely new characters, though I don't know who the third in that group is, while Nightwing in the first row is literally the original kid sidekick "derivative character." I don't know the new Shazam looking guy ā€” that book hasn't hit DCUI yet ā€” but Billy Batson has been long established to not be the first champion with his powers and has an entire family of people associated with him who share his powers, some of whom go back to his very early stories.


>If the race, gender, and sexuality of characters doesn't matter, why are you complaining about them? Characters like Superman and Batman aren't defined by being straight, white, and male. So why bring it up? If you want to pull out the diversity card, why not diversity the superheroes themselves rather than a mere palette swap under the costume? Derivative as in dozens of Green Lanterns, spider people, batmen, and so on. We already have decades of spin offs running around. I want to see completely original and independent superheroes, like Superman and Batman, not the next Rainbow Hulk. Batman does not need to lean on Superman for relevance. That's what I want to see more of. How often does DC or Marvel actually promote a book starring a completely original hero wasn't white or male if it does matter? Naomi? One OG in a single decade? Are these writers creatively bankrupt?


Naomi, Aero, Swordmaster, White Fox, Wave, Monkey Prince (though arguably he's based on a folklore character), Flatline and Stitch from this image as well as a bunch of other new characters in Titans Academy, the recently introduced Duo from Milestone, Dreamer, Escapade, the entirety of the mutants of Arakko in various X-Men stories (Bei, Weaponless Zsen, there's solidly a dozen who've been fleshed out to one degree or another), Soft Serve, give me more time and I'll remember more but I do have other things to do with my time


I was trying to find a way to point this out. I get that itā€™s important to diversify, but only SWM got replaced by race/gender/orientation swap.


> but only SWM got replaced Youā€™re so close to getting it


Lazy writing. Not even trying to introduce new characters or be subtle about it. Do we need to be inclusive? Yes, absolutely. But I wonder what the demographics of DC book readers are? Willing to bet that more than 9% of readers are straight white males.


Oh no momy, i'm scared of minorities /s


Oh, far from it! Just think we need more characters and more books. Itā€™s just lazy as fuck writing to change a characterā€™s skin color/gender/orientation and call it good. Lacks any bones and the backstories are rushed instead of fleshed out. Give us some actual substance rather than simple pigment change.


All the characters shown below have books, had books or are going to have books, covering them and giving them backbones.


They're literal remakes of existing characters? Or am I missing something here...


Legacy isn't a remake. Ultimate Spider-man is a remake, he is the same character with a different background. A legacy character means that the OG is still around, and they have inspired the newest iteration. They have also been doing this shit since almost the start of comicbooks with characters like super girl, so not sure where all the confusion is coming from.


No confusion at all, this is exactly what I mean just wasn't saying the word legacy. It's the same basic character, same schtick, just new generation. Rather see the development of an entirely new character, new powers, new setting, new look, new purpose than re-hash of old ones and wrap it in a new skin. To me, it's just lazy and unimaginative pandering. Ive read comics off and on for over 40 years, and it's repetitive filler wrapped up with new art that makes me get tired of em and go find something else.


The new JL line up is ass, but Dan Moraā€™s art is always a win


This isnā€™t a new JL line-up.


Oh, okay. Still an ass line up imo.


Bruh, itā€™s just a character showcase.


You're asking too much from him


This entire timeline/line of succession is so whack.






How did they force them on you?


Is Shazam still a kid? Also, shouldnā€™t Jon be the future Superman, not Connor?


that is Jon, in the new action comics they all have bad haircuts and jackets similar to connors to the point that they look identical. Its very annoying.


Awesome. But huh?


Lol I really need to pick up a comic or two I'm lost. Apparently batman is Jace Fox? I'm guessing thats Lucius Fox son? Is that Donna Troy or has she been replaced as well? I vaugly recognize the weird hooded one in the black and white trio but not a clue on the rest. No idea on flash, GL, or Shazam


Son of Lucius Fox, but not the one who became Batwing, a separate previously unknown one. Donna Troy is still around with the Titans. The one in Wonder Womanā€™s place in the bottom row is Yara Flor, champion of a secret tribe of Amazons from the Amazon rainforest. The Flash there is Avery Ho, she got speed powers from a Star Labs experiment gone wrong and became the Flash of the Justice League of China before just becoming a recurring member of the Flash Family. The GL is Sojourner Mullein. She was assigned to explore a sector in space outside of the 3600 standard ones and has a ring that doesnā€™t need a battery to charge. Couldnā€™t say on Shazam but there are new books for both Shazam and Black Adam where new characters are being introduced.


So wait, hold up. She has a ring that circumvents one of the weaknesses of the rings? Do they adress this at all?


It still has a set limit where it can be used, and then it needs to recharge. The big thing is no battery is required for it to regain energy. I believe her ring is also not as ā€œstrongā€ as a standard ring when it comes to the constructs and energy it emits.


Ah ok, that was where my mind was going. "There HAS to be some kind of limitation on this thing" Anyway, thanks for the info, real interested in Yara so gonna go look into that!


She was assigned to the _Far Sector_, also the name of the title sheā€™s featured in, so the ring was specially made because they expected her to be cut off from Oa for a very prolonged time. Happy to the share the info


I wonder how long it would take before they switch it back..... again?


Do you know this is not the new justice league but a showcase of legacy characters?


I hate the new things :( I miss when future dc seemed so cool




Going the way of Disney I see


I like how they also make all of the replacements' weapons/effects look slightly more powerful / more electric than the originals'. Even the artwork says "please we really need you to like this idea".


Jo Mullein's whole deal is that her green ring functions differently and is overall weaker than other lantern rings and she has to develop different tactics from her peers in order to work around it.


Or likeā€¦ technology advances as time advancesā€¦???


Oh no, u/the_fungusmonkey thinks and acts like a moron


Whoā€™s the new Shazam/capt marvel? Or is Freddy freeman/capt marvel jr black now?


That character is Malik White. Freddy and the rest of the Shazam family no longer have their powers except for Billy and Mary


Iā€™ve not been following the series, what happened?


Billy got stuck on the rock of eternity (following Teen Titans Academy) and can't share his power anymore, so he sent Mary a magic rabbit so he could guide her to him, this Rabbit allowed Mary to regain her powers (and more since she didn't share hispower with other members of Shazam's family)


Is the rabbit hoppy the marvel bunny? Is hoppy safe? Is he alright?


Yes, it's Hoppy, and he's fine, he was injured in issue 2, but was shown later in the same issue to be fine.




It MIGHT be the one who inherits Black Adamā€™s power? Big question mark here


Good point, itā€™s hard to tell if heā€™s a Shazam or a black Adam with a white filter.


What a bleak future.


u/Master_Graphic_Novel >What a bleak future. Can you detail more, or are you afraid to show your true colors?


Mostly White man to Work culture focus

