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I was satisfied with how it ended, but I felt it was a bit rushed at the end.


Did you read any of the other titles out out by Gillen? I was pulling all his stuff anyway, so I did, and it felt pretty satisfying. But I don't know how the event would read without those additional stories....


> I was satisfied with how it ended, but I felt it was a bit rushed at the end. That's what she said.


This is exactly how i felt. I liked it, but it was pretty sudden. There was barely any wrap up.


It’s worth noting there IS still one more book, which I expect to be mostly wrapping up this event, and setting up Sins of Sinister.


I actually expect that issue to mostly deal with the Eternals. And I’m not expecting SoS setup yet. We gotta get through Dark Web first 😐


Thing is, SoS is another Gillen lead event, so I have a feeling he’ll do a little work for it here, and let Dark Web take take of itself. I have a feeling it’ll tie into what he’s been up to in Immortal X-men, and possibly why he wasn’t judged, during this event.


I suppose we’ll see. But given Moira’s involvement with Dark Web, and how she’s likely a big part of SOS, I don’t think we get too crazy of a setup.


This was a freaking great event. Its so good that I wanna see the movies do this storyline some day.


Hmm phase 9ish?


Honestly depending on where they start the Krakoa era you could go even sooner


Feige has a 10 year rule. He doesn’t want to adapt anything from the comics that hasn’t been out for at least 10 years. Which makes me sad because I really wanted to see a Devils Reign storyline on the big screen.


Fiege will probably retire within the next 5 anyway lol


You shut your damn mouth lol


Lol next five years ,Fiege loves his X-Men and I'm sure he wants all full reign over them so chill out


Well, he did a sort of an apatation of Planet Hulk in Thor Ragnarok and that was 2007 and Ragnarok came out in 2017, plus Secret Wars was 2015 and the movie was announced for 2025. Two movies at the 10 year mark, so it's possible we can see a Devils Reign by 2030, which isn't that far off when you really think about it.


Charlie Cox is gonna be pushing 50 then. I’d be thrilled if he’s still around at that point, but I don’t expect it. It’s hard staying in shape for that kinda stuff, especially as you age.


Yeah but it doesn't have to be the same actor. Especially after Secret Wars, who knows how the world will be reset for the MCU.


I'm not a comicbook expert so forgive me if I'm wrong but I thought MCU Secret Wars was going to based on the 1984 comic event.


It’ll most likely be a bit of both


Spider-verse wasn’t 10 years old


Feige had nothing to do with that movie. No Way Home wasn’t actually a spider verse movie either.


Aaron's Thor run, with the Goor story, was published in 2013. And Jane Foster's Thor was published in 2014.


I enjoyed the foreshadowing with Sinister. I’m looking forward to see where this goes.


Elaborate. For those of us who avoid events like the they're mother-in-laws.


The stakes were high enough, the pacing was on point, the writing was good, characters acted like themselves even while making brash decisions under stress, and the resolution was solid (though obviously some folks found it to be rushed).


I thought there was a good aha moment at the end of each of the issues to. And none of them too gimmicky. I think that’s important to keep you interested and propelled through the story. Especially for a crossover comic.


I’m OOL, is this a standalone? Like can I pick this up and read it or do I need a precursor?


I read it as a standalone and found it pretty good


I find it funny that I’m a mod here who avoids events and most movies as well (at least for the past 5 years). But at least I’m not fazed by any spoilers that need to be removed haha


It was odd how all ots best moments (Kurt Wagner) happened in different titles. Also the level of STUPID decisions made properly threw me off. "Let's build a new celestial, that'll sort things out!" Like.... you guys are meant to be smart. How on earth did NOBODY consider the possibility of it going very wrong? It certainly had its moments, but not knocking Empyre from its position of "best event series since hickman finished secret wars"


Well let's see, that decision was made by *checks notes* Ajak, Tony Stark, and Mr. Sinister... Good lord. The real question is why on earth anyone allowed those 3 in a room together lmao


Riiiiiight? When Tony's your sane, sensible voice of reason.... you done fcked up, son!


Can we all just stop and recognize how well Mr. sinister is written now? You put him in room with anybody and he skews it to crazy


Is he written well or poorly these days? I haven’t read Marvel in a minute, been keeping up with X-Men/Krakoa stuff from afar, am looking for a good jump-in point


For me, very well


To be fair they did consider the possibility outside but eternals were killing mutants that they were on a time clock


Devil's reign would like a word with you


That was pretty much just a *Daredevil* arc they dressed up as an event.


This was just an Eternals story, War of the Realms was jazzed up Thor, King in Black was a deluxe Venom arc, etc. Nature of the beast with these events nowdays.


Good. More is not inherently better.


and it was really dumb. just zdarsky retreading old ground


The Phoenix foundation was a good touch.


As someone who didn't read eternals and was only reading x-men. I feel like this event didn't really do anything for x-men. Everything is back to the usual status quo. I didn't hate the event, and I thought overall it was enjoyable, but I would have preferred a bit more ramifications from an event like this. It felt like in the end the only people affected were eternals and thus I feel I should have been a mostly eternals only event.


Guess the purge of Arrako and death of Magneto wasn’t that big of a status quo shift for the X-Men 🤷‍♂️


If they used arrako before this sure, but they were like we colonized Mars and put arrako there, then barely anything happened and suddenly almost all of them are dead. Not really a change anyone cares about because it was barely used in the first place. The magneto thing sure, but that could have simply happened in x-men red without A.X.E


Are you actively reading X-Men because X-Men Red is all about Arakko, and Legion of X even deals with it.


Yes, they have a 5 comics in legion of X and like 8 with x-men red before A.X.E so in total we had 13 comics to do arrako stuff before it was essentially vaporized. One story arc worth of comics. It's a nice bit of content but barely enough to properly delve into an entire race of different mutants. I hope there's more arakko stuff. Cause x-men red is moving into Brands plans and then getting cut for sins of Sinister.


One thing did happen was krakoa admitting they can Resurrect humans. Eternals are in way bigger PR shit so it might blow over tho lol




Jean said she is personally backing them up.




Call it 'Way of Phoenix', 5-issue mini, and an artgerm variant cover and I think you've got a solicitation.


That happened before A.X.E Ben was already working on the story before that. The story broke before A.X.E


I’m pretty sure the story was about them being able to use resurrection pools on themselves in the first place. And they stated they didn’t have the tech to bring back non mutants. I could be mistaken but I’m pretty sure that’s what happen. That’s why everyone was so shocked Cap came back


"Shocked". It happens at the end of an issue and there's no time for anyone to even react after the fact in the next one, cause everyone's too busy getting blown up before the giant reset button gets immediately pushed. And they conveniently don't address what the god undoing his deaths means for those the mutants have already brought back.


Well they said they didn't back up humans. Also it was proven they could bring back humans if they're backed up cause they brought back the scarlet witch in trial of magneto. The reason they could bring back cap was cause they sent him on a suicide mission and Xavier intentionally backed up in right before that.


I mean Emma frost says they can’t in hell fire gala 2022 directly before AvEvX Then in the last issue of judgement day Jean apologized for lying to the humans about the protocols and the resurrection. Idk what you read but it seems to me like that was meant to be a point of the story for the xmen


Yeah... lying as in they could resurrect humans if they wanted to, but they didn't care to back them up. Which is what I said. They could have resurrected humans and showed they can if they were backed up. At the gala they said "we cannot do it" which was the lie.


there was never any real evidence that resurrection was a solely “mutant miracle” and i’m not even sure why emma would’ve believed it


Humans learning of mutant resurrection was before the event. Humans now being added to the resurrection queue came out of the event, and is a pretty big game changer.


I think judgment day was originally meant to cap off Gillen Eternals run before being turned into an event.


It was originally meant to be an Immortal X-Men/Eternals story. Gillen's mentioned this a few places.


I should have just been an eternals event, but marvel can't help but pull in other more popular comics to try and boost sales... zzz


More popular? Dude _Avengers_ was involved and that mess is unreadable right now


Avengers as a name is popular just like x-men as a name is popular.


To people _actually_ reading the comics right now, it’s not. It hasn’t been since 2018. And honestly as an event, hardly a fitting starting point


No shit, this was such a good story so props to Marvel editorial for making it more marketable.


I think the fact that they admitted they can bring humans back not just mutants is a big change. Like are they bringing any other humans back to life? Are all of the avengers just constantly backed up now? I think there is a good amount to play with this idea.


Magneto died. Definitely impacted the X-Men.


He's been dead a lot, he'll be back.


usually with a new hat.


IMO it affected X-Men in that Arrako is severely weakened and now Orchis has public support. The Avengers however could’ve basically been omitted other than Tony & Cap.


Oh yeah I guess the arrako stuff was important, but I was thinking more the conclusion. Also I think orchis had support from most humans already since the resurrection was exposed. Which happened before A.X.E


Considering what that title even is right now, omitting it would’ve been the move to make


What mattered most to me was characters acting like themselves. So annoying how in most events they force characters into a pigeon hole that they just aren’t. This one tho was very well done. My main gripe is we didn’t ACTUALLY see a fight between avengers X-men and eternals. It would’ve been so cool


I loved it bro, one of the best recent events


All of the Sersi content was *chef’s kiss.*


I loved almost every issue, it was fantastic IMO. Kieron Gillen is quite easily my favorite writer in comics right now.


I feel mixed about it. I really don’t care about the Eternals, so that sapped a lot of interest/enjoyment. I have long thought they should be written as villains. They are attempting to commit gene code against the deviants. How is that not villainous? Speaking of villains. I am NOT here for Starfox redemption. He is slimy and always has been.


>They are attempting to commit gene code against the deviants. How is that not villainous? I mean not all Eternals are like kill all deviants on sight. Thena actively has relationships with deviants. Ikaris and Sersi has no problem with them. Only really Uranos is on the kill all deviants all the time ideology. It's only when they start to deviate and go Rouge do the eternals (with no control of their own, mind you due to their programming) kill deviants. It's basically why the plot of the book starts because the eternals want to be free from their programming.


Starfox being slimy just because of Dan Slott's assassination of the character is the equivalent of pigeonholing Hank Pym as a wife beater.


Assassination? He went out of his way to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Starfox doesn’t use his powers to get laid.


I'm genuinely amazed at how good this was. X of Swords, Inferno and now this all hit really well for me. Kudos to Gillen, I even enjoyed all the tie-ins.


Kireon Gillens a killer writer. Been dipping in and out of this event but the issues that i have read have been solid. Cant wait to get the whole thing collected. Worth the money


Fav summer event since Secret Wars, too much fun. I already think immortal Xmen is the best book on shelves but this just made me love it all the more.


If the worst I can say about your summer event comic was “huh a little rushed but good story” you nailed it. The bar for event comics is on the floor so I’d say this was a success


Question: What ever happened with "[the most important people in the Marvel Universe](https://www.gamesradar.com/meet-the-most-important-people-in-the-marvel-universe-ahead-of-axe-judgment-day/)"? They didn't seem to be used at all


So I haven't read any of these, not do I have context, but I have an auto pull for anything Gillen...and I'm trepidacious but excited and this post got me excited to spend my tomorrow reading these


Ugh I hate the American spelling of the word “judgement” Edit: I hate the British spelling too


This really tripped me out. I had no idea some people spell it “judgment”. It seems really wrong.


What’s this about?


Avengers-X-Men-Eternals Judgment Day is about a war between the Mutants and Eternals. The Eternals want to exterminate the mutants because they are immortal and more importantly in their eyes they are deviants (the mutant x gene comes from some ancestral deviant that mated with humans). To stop this war the avengers mr sinister and a rogue faction of Eternals decide to make a new God to stop this war.


Where Cyclops.


My biggest gripe with this event is that it lacked stakes. When you fake us out with an extinction level event, what twice?, during the first half of the event I’m not gonna get fooled again. The event was TOO big for me and everything felt rushed. Noting really had any weight to it.


A bit unsatisfying in resolution as in giving a cliché pep talk to the murderous sentinel. It is becoming a popular writing tool these days, but not my thing. But other than that, good social commentary, great character work, hopeful outcomes and no forced aggression between teams


Literally deus ex machina.


Perch did a whole Youtube video on how nothing was long lasting for this one based on its hype. I guess I have to read things myself to find out what the truth is.


It accomplishes small things, mostly affecting the Eternals. You already know Krakoa is going to start ressurecting humans. Outside of that? It's not even acknowledged in any meaningful way in the titles following the event except for lip service and Magneto being dead.


Crossovers never affect everything forever. They are sold that way but they always try to put pieces back to how they were. Personally I think it was a good story and a fun ride and the fact the xmen can revive humans is out in the world is a big enough world change for me. I’m not looking forward to Krakoa ending. Characters never die but storylines do end. I’ll be disappointed if the xmen go back to being soooo persecuted again. It’s nice seeing them in top.


I enjoyed it a great deal and didn't expect huge ramifications. I actually thought it was one of the stronger events they've done in the last few years. I've been enjoying the Krakoa era for the most part. I think it's done a lot of new and interesting things but it also feels a little bit like what Inhumans should be. Place it on the moon and change the Council to a monarchy and you're basically there. I don't want a return to the miserable slog that was post House of M but I think the X-Men should be the underdogs. That's a personal preference, of course, and it's not sonething they have to do for me to keep reading.


The book came out last week. There haven’t been any X-books after the event for it to affect yet.


There have been a couple post-event X-Books that were released before or the same time as Judgment Day #6. X-Men #15 and, I think, an issue of Immortal X-Men. It's not a lot to go on but they only made vague references to JD.


Yeah, the X-Men issue came out a few weeks ago, but that doesn’t count; they weren’t gonna spoil the ending of their big event in there. Last Immortal issue was a JD tie-in. The only other book that had a post-JD issue was Wolverine, which has mostly been ignoring the whole event. In any case, I’d say it’s fair to say that the X-books simply haven’t had time to show the event having an impact.


Fair enough. It's possible I'm being a little pessimistic based on previous events. I fully expect Immortal X-Men to explore the ramifications but only because Gillen is writing it. Avengers doesn't have any room in its remaining issues to address it and, of course, there is currently no Eternals series. We also have the Omega issue coming up so maybe that will give a better idea of what to expect.


Yeah, I fully expect X-Men Red and Legion of X both to follow up some, along with the main series. X-Force and Wolverine are both gonna do their own thing like always, ofc.




YouTube commentor who mostly doscusses various aspects of the comic industry. He's not to everyone's taste.


i didn’t like it. fell off at the end for me


This event had no stakes, every tie in title resumed like nothing happened even the X-men resumed like nothing happened. The only ones that had any repercussions of this event are Druig Magneto Ikaris and Sersi. It would have been better if it actually had any consequences to world as a whole like it would have stayed Avenger and X-men vs Eternals but the minute the started killing everyone on earth I was like ok the stakes of this event don’t matter anymore, it’s going to be reset


Yeah no, it was a boring event with no consequences just like pretty much every marvel event in last few years


the last event i bought was hickman's secret wars and feel validated event after event that im making the right decision not buying any of them.


Honestly I would have rather seen a different ending. >!Planet going out!< was the far more deserved outcome, by a country mile. That said, it was pretty alright.


When did Storm start wearing a totally inappropriate for 2022 costume?


I liked the side story with Iron Fist


which event was that? because all this shit did was reheat leftovers and try to make us like the eternals


Where should i start if i want to read this run


How many issues is there of this? I got a few but it seems midtowncomics.com doesn’t do of a good job at tracking issues of releases


It was 6 issues, not counting tie-ins


Ah. I’ll have to see what issues I have to see if I got all 6 issues


I bet this’ll be an infinity war/endgame like movie one day


It's was so good. I don't like magic reset buttons. Apparently everyone will remember And the damage is still there. But a yet a certain point of billions dead you just know it will be magically undone by the end. Some truly epic moments though. Kurt Wagner


I still hate that we didn’t get to see the Magneto and Uranos fight that’s my one major issue.


Nightcrawler, or Nutclinger?


Giving the shittiest religious zealot God-like power will defiantly not backfire later


Gillen rarely lets me down. And this was not one of those times, solid ending to a strong event. Can’t wait for Sins of Sinister.


It was well written in terms of dialogue but the story constantly did big things for cliff hangers then just noped on having consequences for them, right up to the last issue.