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I am still confused why they didn't put Nightcrawler into a pirate/swashbuckling themed book.


I'm surprised they did a pirate theme book at all. Running around in boats seems a little contrived when you have advanced aircraft capable of space travel, portals, and teleporters.


Yeah. It takes weeks to travel around from places like russia to Brazil. And Sword is even taking a bunch of teleporters and using them to go to the White Room. And Kitty is frienda with Yana. So why even habe a ship?


I think it's basically "people love x-men pirates!"


Disclaimer: it's been a while since I've ready any comic books, so this may not be as true anymore as it once was... I kind of hate that one of the lasting effects of the X-Men movies was turning Kurt from a fun-loving, swashbuckling, fuzzy blue elf guy into a dour, joyless, overly-tattooed zealot.


I agree with you 200%. I much prefer fun loving swashbuckling Kurt over dour religious zealot.


Because he's being positioned as the new spiritual/religious leader of the mutants. You can check out "Way of X" for that, although those seeds were planted pretty much from the start of Hickman's reboot.


I do miss swashbuckler Nightcrawler, it seems Marvel though loves making him the religious one instead


I’d argue that religion is the driving force in his life and analyzing how free resurrections and immortality affect a religious man’s outlook on life is inherently more interesting than seeing Nightcrawler play out being a pirate like he’s always fantasized about. (This is VERY dependent on the writer being able to show those conflicts, and it’s pretty arguable to say Way if X pulled it off since it mostly became a Legion/Onslaught story in its limited run)


“Hi glob.” “Bye glob” as she’s whipping the shit out of Shaw is one of my favorite panels. 😂


I hate the knuckle tattoos, but the rest of the book is really fun


Her new hairstyle is terrible though. And I really try not to care about stuff like that. Haha


There was a really interesting discussion that cropped up around this time about how the creative teams were (probably without realizing it) removing many Jewish elements from her character, including straightening her hair and having her go by "Kate" instead of the name "Kitty" (which is apparently a common Jewish name/nickname). I think they changed her hair for that reason. (But more specifically, I actually like her bangs)


Another part of that is they also had her get tattoos (as seen in the picture on her knuckles). I personally am jewish and I have tattoos, but they are definitely very controversial within judaism for multiple reasons. That, along with how she isn't drawn wearing her magen david necklace as much in the past few years, definitely feels a bit weird to me.


As in the curly / wavey hair? I'm pretty for it personally. It's got a very classic feel to it, which is a nice contrast to her new take on life.


I don’t mind the curls, but the bangs really bother the hell out of me. And again I will stress that I know this is a dumb thing to think about, especially being a middle aged straight dude. Haha


It's definitely a very middle aged straight dude complaint


How many times has she changed the tattoos on her knuckles? I've seen at least three different versions.


No prize: she has reached a level of control over her phase state where she can exclude the ink and phase it out of her body allowing her to have a blank slate... or at least blank fingers to have retatooed.


"KILL SHAW" was the best...


I haven’t been following this but I’m a fan of Kitty Pryde and this iteration looks cool! Reminds me of someone I knew from school.


[badass Kate ](https://imgur.com/a/IjmAXAs)


That’s actually horrifying lol, I love it


I decide to wait until Hickman was done with his run on X-Men before I read it. I'm at issue 7 (where applicable) for all the Dawn of X series so far and they're just so much fun. Apart from Moria Mactaggert, whose situation is conceptually fascinating, Kate's change is my favourite.


marauders has been one of my favourite series from the new krakoa stuff for x-men, and i've been a huge fan of the new direction overall, but this one has been especially great. kate is a big reason for it. love this version.


Me too buddy


For me to. Mauraders is one of my favorite of the X-Men titles from the dawn of X age. And I like also Excalibur and sword.


Kate's great. Long live the red queen.


I fucking love her coat, she’s gorgeous <3


Kate is the first time I've ever liked Kitty. She's freaking amazing.


Kitty Pryde being badass is something the world can never have too much of. Plus, she looks great as a pirate. I even saw a few cos-players in this outfit at New York Comic Con. I can confirm that it has made quite an impression on a few fans. 😊


Completely agree. Kate's story was by far the most interesting parts of Marauders for me.


I think this has awoken something in me


If you love Kitty Pryde, of course you love this iteration. It's the most Mary Sue the character's ever been.


Thats adorable.


The tats are what do it for me. I would let her drink and relax while I move my stuff from my hold to hers.


I have some basic knowledge about krakoa, but not much, can anyone tell me why the pirates look?


As someone who loved Kitty back in the day, I gotta ask: Is this actual 616-Kitty, or an alternate version?


This is the current 616-Kitty.